tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 17, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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has given them something positive to focus on. we're waiting for word about whether they did set a new global mark. if they don't take part they go to solitary. i'm kidding. i made that up. that'll do it for me. thanks for watching. >> great to have you. >> we'll do it again tomorrow. the search for former teamster boss jimmy hoffa continues. they went missing in 1975 and police are look for his body. an amazing story of forgiveness. a bible study teacher brutally murdered and her grandson is forgiving her )r&ler even helping to return her life after prison. his story straight ahead.
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we begin with the secret surveillance program. the irs controversy. all this seeming to take a toll on president obama's approval d8rating. in the new cnn orc poll his approval rating at 45%. it's the lowest at more than a year and a half. do we think it's going to have much of an impact in terms of what can he do? what can he accomplish in the remaining years? >> these things always do. he didn't expect to have these problems on his hands. who would have thought that the constitutional scholar, the man who came in against the war would have to be dealing with the question of arming the rebels in syria, drones, nsa, surveillance, leaks. all these kinds of issues. they have had a cumulative
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impact on his popularity. i think if you're of the other party you think, i'm only going to do what's good for me right now which may means ghets immigration reform because it's good for republicans. it doesn't make him any stronger in leading his own democratic it makes him weaker with his base. he's down an astonishing 17 points with younger voters, the under 30 set. those are the people who always propel him, right? if you're sitting in the white house right now and looking at these numbers i wonder if you're thinking thanksgiving is a president that needs to speak about theeds issues to the american people and explain why he's done what he's done. >> up with of the things that hit him hard in this poll is asked when how is the president handling the surveillance of
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u.s. citizens only 35% approve of the way he's handling it and 61% say they disapprove. how do they turn that around? >> what's interejting about this is when you ask people specific questions about do you understand why the government might have to assemble this kind of data as we call it to stop terrorism and do you think it's okay in terms of stopping terroristák a majority of people will say yes. people haven't heard enough from the president about why he is doing what he's doing. a couple of weeks ago he said we need to have a debate in the country about the need for privacy versus the need for security. what you're seeing is people are saying you have to have that
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debate with us. in fact, maybe you ought to leave it. that's why we're hearing a lot more talks about declassify iina lot of information. let them know how this surveillance has stopped terror attacks. before they make an informed decision they have to be informed. >> maybe we'll see more of the president on the issue. >> reporter: i think we would. the supreme court just struck down the citizenship provision in arizona's voter registration law. in a 7-2 decision the court said federal law trumps arizona's proposition 200. that measure passed in 2004 required anyone registering to vote to show proof of identity. 31,000 potential voters were rejected in the past two years because of that law. now thousands will have the
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opportunity to vote. today's ruling could impact other states as well. we're talking about alabama, georgia, kansas, tennessee all requiring proof of citizenship before residents can register to vote. very big decision. the man who leaked some big d8u.s. intelligence secrets has lot more to say. $e's speaking out today. this was an online chat. he was the source behind the leaks about the government surveillance. i want to bring in barbara starr and dan rivers. >> reporter: they had this online chat with edward snowden. he pretty much stuck to what he's said in the ppáu internet data, all sorts of things. he offered a lot more detail
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about how this technology works in his view. pretty interesting. you have to wonder how he was dodging nsa or the u.s. government as they might have searched for his location in cyber space while all of this was going on. he was asked whether or not he wpj in touch with chinese authorities. one of the questions saying there's rampant spegslation you have or will provide classifies information to the chinese or other governments in exchange for asylum. he answer is this is a predictable smear that i a'ticipated going public as the u.s. media has a knee-jerk rechina reaction to anything
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involving hk or the prc. ask yourself if i were a chinese spy why wouldn't i have flown directly to beijing. i could be living in a palace sp petting a phoenixly now. he did go on to say he had no contact with the chinese. not sure that brings much comfort to the u.s. they want this guy and they u(u to ask him a lot of questions. >> shehe seems to be talking to everybody else but u.s. officials. thank you. britain spied on delegates. that's fueling a lot of controversy. let's bring in dan rivers to talk about that aspect of it. are you surprised? >> reporter: i'm not surprised. that's the thing you would expect. this coming from documents.
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the guardian says were provided to them by edward snowden saying during the g8, the g20 summit in 2009 which involved a whole lot of other countries, british spies were involved in a number of operations to spy on not only their enemies but their friends. countries like turkey and countries like south africa setting up fake internet caves to try and lure delegates in who might want to log into their e-mail run by mi6 and hacking into their blackberries to get realtime information. a lot of information here. i don't find it that surprising this kind of thing is going on. the timing is acutely embarrassing for the british government hosting the g8 this
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time. i would think evervjáráh @&hc% checking their blackberries very carefully. >> maybe not saying add much as they would. thank you. we're also covering wildfires in krocolorado. it's now a crime scene. two people died in the fire near colorado springs. almost 500 homes and other structures burned to the ground. 16,000 acres scorched. crews say they have 65% of that fire under control. federal and state authorities are helping with the inv investigation into what caused that fire. now to one of the great american mysteries. what happened to jimmy hoffa. the fbi is acting on a new tip. this is from a former detroit mafia under boss. they are digging up a field just outside the city. @&hc%
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fbi agents past and present have told cnn affiliate wdiv that this is the best hoffa tip they have received. tell us about this search. >> reporter: this latest tip has taken federal agents to a field north of detroit in a place called oakland township. it's about 20 miles away from where jimmy hoffa was last seen in 1975. the fbi got a search warrant to examine the field. the fbi has spent look months looking into the claims made by a man alleged to have been a mobster. he said the size of that field is small.
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he said a mafia enforcer told him that hoffa was !uried in the field in 1975 after he dispy disappeared but the plan was to move his body to another spot after the intensity of a place search died down. >> you've had all these tips throughout the years. no body has been found. what makes them think this time is any different? do they? >> reporter: the fbi isn't saying much but we know they have been looking at this for months and felt strongly enough to get the search warrant. affiliate that spoke to the mobster said when they asked him about why is he coming forward now, he said he is broke and coming out with a book. whether this will be any different remains unseen.
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there's been so many tips in the past. thanks. we appreciate that. coming up, she was sentenced to death row at 16 years old. now she is out and the grandson of her victim is waiting to greet her with open arms. why he is forgiven. we'll talk with him, next. criminal living in minnesota. what his son is saying about the accusation. he is accused of killing 19 people decades ago. now he hep)s from a key witness against him. that's coming up. declare that thou have broughth overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom.
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more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive. i tthan probablycare moreanyone else.and we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. in indiana today, this is amazing. it's are an unbelievable story. this is about the power of forgiveness. a woman who spent 27 years in prison for a brutal murder she committed when she was 15 years hold is now free. one of her biggest advocates is the victim's grandson. paula cooper was stabbed to death. the 78-year-old grandmother.
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she was a bible teacher who welcomed several teenage)s into her home. this was back in 1986. they planned to rob her and police say that cooper stabbed her 333 times. all the teens got $10 out of this. cooper was sentenced to death row but more than two million people, including the pope, signed a petition asking that her sentence be overturned. the most surprising advocate was the woman's grandson. he joins us now. bill, it really is something that all of us have been talking about. how do you do that? how do you forgive this woman who brutally killed your grandmother and is now free? >> i became convinced that my grandmother would have had love and compassion for paula cooper
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and her family. i felt she wanted someone in my family to have that love and compassion. i begged god to give me love and compassion for paula cooper and her family. it's a short prayer. i began to think i could share my grandmother's faith an write this girl letter. i realize" that prayer had been answered because i no longer wanted her to die. >> i understand the two of you have been correspondsing while she's in prison. you've been sending e-mails. what have you been talking about? >> we've talked about a number of things. the travels that i do, speaking about love and compassion and forgiveness. she's talked about things she does in prison as far as taking cooking classes and teaching classes. how she cooks for the prison staff and hoping she'll be able
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to get a job doing cooking. >> has she talked about that day, the killing of your grandmother. is he remorshe remorseful? have you had áhose conversations? >> yes. i've never asked her why she did what she did. there's not an answer for that. she is remorseful. she knows she has to live with it for the rest of her life. she wants to help work with other young people to avoid the pitfalls that she fell into. >> i understand you have plans to meet with her. you'll get together. what are you doing to do? >> well, i hope that we're able to go out and have a meal. i've told her when she got out of prison i'd like to buy her a computer and a friend that would like to buy her some clothes. hopefully we'll get together
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many next few days and go shopping. >> help us understand because people hold onto grujs for years. vu# been able to find it in yourself to forgive her. how did you get there? >> the forgiveness is automatic. when i prayed for love and compassion, god touched my $eart an forgiveness waáhpuáomatic. brought such a beautiful healing to me. for a year and a half when i thought about my grandfather i always pictured how she did. i knew from that moment on when i think about her, i would no longer pictured how she died, what she stood for. thaá was a tremendous healing. it wasn't somethinged that was to be shared with other people. i made a promise anv door that opened up as a result of f
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forgiving her, i would go d8through that door. it's been amazing the doors that have opened up. >> it's part of a movement to allow people that hurt their relatives. thank you so much for doing this. if you'd like to learn more go to it's really an extraordinary journey that he has been on. after violence went down in chicago, dozens of people were shot in the city over the weekend. we'll try to find out what is causing áhis trouble. george zimmerman back in court. seating the jury has not been easy. what this could mean for his trial, up next. [ stewart ] we've never cooked anything like this before.
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[ male announcer ] introducing red lobster's seaside mix & match. combine any 2 from a wide variety of 7 exciting choices on one plate. all for just $12.99! but only for a limited time. i'm stewart harrington, and i sea food differently. but only for a limited time. in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together.
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police say a quick thinking texas mos went head to head with carjacker and won. n the hospital and her two young sons are at home. à>> reporter: meet a mom with nerves of steal. she was leaving this drugstore when she says a knife wielding robber popped out from the backseat of her van. >> threatening my kid, threatening to hurt them. >> reporter: he's been identified as a 54-year-old. he demanded money and tried to
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force her to drive to an atm. >> i asked him how much. he said about $200. i said i didn't have that kind of cash. i had about $20 in my account. he said e better figure out how to get it or my kids would get hurt. she ignored his demand to make a turn. >> he'll go through the wind shield. >> reporter: this mother of six managed to knock the knife out of his hand while keeping one hand on the wheel. she said she pushed him to the passenger seat and punched him and made some demands of her own. >> i told him to get out of my car. he got out and started running. the next thing i thought was if he gets away he can do this to somebody else. he kind of zagged and i turned intended to clip him in the side or something to get him to stop. i ended up actually running completely over him. >> reporter: martinez was air lifted to the hospital for treatment.
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she said she's no hero. she did what she needed to do to protect her family. she's got the scars to prove it. >> that's all i was thinking of was to get him away from my kids. s george zimmerman back in court today accused of murder for killing 17-year-old trayvon martin and seating the jury has not been easy. the latest, up next. nt. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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a florida couple accused of kidnapping their own kids arnds ing them on sailboat to cuba was in a courtroom today. they kidnapped their two young sons from the grandparents house. the couple had lost custody of the boys. the boys were found days later in cuba and brought back to the united states. they have pled noá guilty to charges of kidnapping, burglary, battery and false imprisonment. it's week two of the george zimmerman trial under way. jean casarez joining us from outside the courthouse. tell us, first of all, where are we in this process, jury selection? how's itrj going? >> reporter: it's going slow but it's going. i definitely think they will get
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a jury. they are doing individual questioning right now because there's been so much pretrial publicity and people know so much. if they do that in the midst of general questioning then you could taint a perspective juror. one individual that was just questioned and this is what happens. he fr&led out do you have an opinion on this case? no. then he comes in and he's talking and says he has an opinion on the case because he said i believe he was trying to do what was right and something happened and he had to shoot him. he said i'm part of a homeowner's community and we've had the same issue and there's been rash of burglaries and if i was having my head banged, i would have done the same thing. you can't go by the questionnaires. you have to have the individual question. >> definitely has an opinion there. how soon before we actually get this jury and thrj gets under way and we hear arguments from both sides?
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>> reporter: they are estimating later in the week they'll have the jury. should there be expert testimony. is it based on a significant d8scientific principle acceptedn the industry to be able to have analysis on who was screaming. the defense says no. the prosecution says yes. >> i u'derstand that they are going to be dealing with that 911 tape. what are they looking for? >> reporter: here's the thing. the defense has brought this motion to not allow expert testimony. they believe as uncertain as they are that they believe it's trayvon martin that was crying out for help but the defense put on as a witness the senior audio said you need 16 seconds of a good scream of sound to be able
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to analyze it and with the voices overlapping and over the screams it's just too speculative and anyone serious in the audio engineering industry saying you cannot have testimony on this. >> that will be interesting to see if it gets in at all. thank you so much. you can watch more of her report on our sister network hln. in chicago they have now had another horrific weekend of violence. chicago police say seven people were shot to death and there were 26 shooting incidents. 30 people wound ewounded. d8police says last year was wor and things are getting better. i want to bring in pastor cory brooks. yoif been trying to figure out what's going on. can you explain to us what happened this past weekend? how did things break down the
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way they did? >> well, we're still experiencing a lot of crime and violence in the city of chicago. i know the numbers are down and the police are doing everything they can, but when you live in chicago and any time in these areas where there's a lot of young people who have a lot of guns and a lot of anger and hostility, at any time gun violence can jump off. this weekend it was a tough weekend and i hate to say it but these are the type of weekends we're going to be experiencing if we don't get our hands on the problem. >> what is the problem? is this matter of people who are going after each other to try to settle old scores? is it gang related? explain how so many people went after each other? >> there's a lot of issuqáy you have educational issues and social and spiritual. at the end of the day you have a
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lot of angry young men. there's a lot of retaliation. a lot of going back and forth. a lot of people don't understand the trauma and drama that's going on in our community. when you have a young man like i've experience ed working with young man getti'g shot and his 6-month-old getting shot and killed and then having to deal with that type of trauma of him going to court to see the young man that potentially did this to him, that retaliation sets in a person's mind and then you have the other person that committed the crime, his family, his friends who are amped up. it's always a tough situation to deal with. >> pastor, we got statement from t$e police superintendent, i want to read this for our +iewers. while we've had fewer murders to date this year than since any % year since the mid-1960s there's more work to be done whether
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it's police, sclergy, parents o residents, we have to play a role in reducing violence and no one will rest until everyone enjoys the same sense of safety. what can be done? what is the most important thing to be done right now? >> the most important thing is there has to be collaboration. the police are doing everything that they can. they have the areas. they have neighborhoods. targeted. specific areas they're doing a lot of good work. there's going to have to be a lot of outcries from pastors to parents. we have to get on the same page and tackle this problem. we have to gang up on the problem and stop ganging up on each other. what duo in chicago is we gang up on each other. if we're going to solve this
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. he's the government star witness in the case against mob boss james whitey bulger and he's also his former best friend. he's on the stand today. bulger is accused of killing 19 people in the almost two decades he was the head of the irish mob. tell me what it's like to see these two men in the same courtroom. >> reporter: it's fascinating. they were best friends and partners in crime. they even were god parents to each other's children. the star witness for the government put whitey bulger at%
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the scene of several of the murders. he described a number of them saying how they would go in different cars and focus on the targets. in one case john opening fire with a machine gun. because of his position whitey could feel sol of those bullets flying over his head. he describes another murder where they got the wrong guy. they put his body in the trunk of the car and dumpbed the car in the projects fully knowing the car would be stolen which ultimately it was. what was interesting is the dynamic between whitey bulger and the rogue fbi agent. it allows many to become so powerful and be so ruthless during his time period. . what he described is when john connelly got back from his fbi training he went to a prominent
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pl politician in boston who said i want to thank you for keeping me mo honest and bill said watch out for my brother which he did. he was paid off by whitey. he said what he didn't know is they were being protect bid the fbi, what he didn't know is that whitey bulger was providing information on other gang members. >> what's been the reaction or the response of people in courtroom when they listen to these stories? >> reporter: it's so fascinating. for people who live in boston they know a lot of history but those on the outside, whitey is the character with jack nicholson. he's that character. to see the killings, the murder
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and the role that whitey has played is an interesting dynamic. you have those gangsters taking the stand. it adds a whole different level but it is fascinating to watch. he's accused of being a nazi war criminal. hear what are his son iáhápvr'g about those accusations. oing tom about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. on any new volkswagen. and you wouldn't have it any other way.e. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use
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i' minneapolis a 94-year-old d8man is accused of being part a nazi led military unit that was responsible for many deaths. his son says he is not a nazi. >> reporter: is he or isn't he? the allegation that 94-year-old d8minneapolis suburb. >> this nazi thing was big. i would feel differently. >> reporter: the allegation began with his own memoir published in 1995. his son insists his father is innocent. >> the associated press intentionally and maliciously defamed our father. >> reporter: the associated press alleged he lied about his military service when he entered the u.s. in 1949 waj in charge
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of the nazi directed division when it nearly wiped out the population of a polish town. even the associated press admits there's no evidence he was directly involved in any of it. >> to quote ap, records the not show he had a direct hand in war crimes, end quoáe. my father was never a nazi. >> reporter: the ap says it sticks by its reporting and the u.s. department of justice says it looks into all credible allegations. if this one is found to be credible, trying him in court could be a long process. >> very long if the charges mover in. he would have to the denaturalized and tried in germy or poland.
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ameriprise financial. more within reach. it's like this duality. >> his next album doesn't come out until july. it's already gone platinum. how did that happen? michelle turner has the news. how did that happen? >> reporter: good question. basically he's preselling a million copies of his upcoming album to samsu'g at $5 a pop. it's not going to be leased until july 7. this is part of a move by
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samsung to change the game in its battle from apple iphone. you can download 72 hours before the general july fourth. 72 hours before the general public can get it. there's a few quick shots of the song writers also going to be on the album using the samsung tablet to do their work. more cross-promotion going on there. we don't initially know if this is going to be a platinum album. nielsen scales haven't decided if sales will count for its official count. every album jay-z has done has got platinum. it's likely this one will, too. >> has anyone done this for an album release? >> the scope and scale is unique. the last artist we heard of lately to do it, his wife, beyonce. she signed that deal with pepsi.
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jay-z worked with mobile phone companies before. in 2003 he teamed up with nokia when we released the black album. d8the mobile users. this is an art form. if you talk to peo(le in the music game, suzanne, they will tell you it's a dying industry. they're trying to find a way to jump start it once again. this could be it. >> pretty smart move on his part. initi nischelle, thanks. a double whammy for home buyers. not only are prices starting to rise. mortgage rates creeping up. if you're looking to buy, christine roman has three little words for you. lock it in. >> reporter: to buy this house just a few weeks ago you might have locked in a mortgage at 3.5%. rates may never be that low again. >> if you are either in the market to buy a house or you've been on the fence about refinancing i would say do not wait. >> reporter: mortgage ratqj are still historically low. but now a sudden move higher. up more than half a percentage
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point in six weeks. >> the rates went up very dramatically. they went up very quickly. >> reporter: ironically an improving economy is to blame. >> unemployment is down. the stock market is doing really well. median home prices are up. people are feeling better. they're out there buying again. so the economy does well, you will see a rising rate environment. at 3.5% on a $250,000 home with 20% down, you pay about $898. the same 30-year fixed mortgage will coáu you 954 bucks at 4%. that's $56 more a month or $672 a year. down payment, credit score and d8income determine the rate youl pay. >> borrowers that are getting the best rate are putting 20% to 25% down. they have income that is documentable. so they're providing w-2s and federal tax returns. and they have an excellent r credit score. something over 700 or 720. >> reporter: a quick closing at a time also helps. >> you get your best rate from a
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lender if you lock in for 30 days. standard to lock in for 60 days. the longer you go out, the more expensive it will be. >> reporter: ask your lender about a float down provision so your rate could be adjusted lower if rates do slip again. if you're still looking for the right house, make sure you're preapproved for a mortgage. and pay down your debt while interest rates on auto loans and credit cards are still low. >> this is a time to take advantage of those rates. it means be as aggressive as you because once they start to rise, there won't be a stop. >> reporter: no stop. and the lowest mortgage rates in history may be gone for good. christine romans, cnn, new york. just one day after being hit in the head with a line drive, tampa bay rays pitcher alex cobb out of the hospital. the latest on his condition, next. copd maintenance treatment
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that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva.
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you probably remember this moment. former nfl star chad johnson in court for a probation violation, slapping his attorney on the butt for a job well done. right? the judge thought this was disrespectful. tossed out his plea deal. sent him to jail for 30 days. here's what happened in court today. >> now that johnson has apologized to the judge, he is being -- he's been released from that sentence. before the butt slap, johnson had been in jail on a probation violence charge from a domestic violence arrest last summer. after crushing the heat last night, the spurs now one win away from winning their fifth nba title. andy schulz, he's got more in
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"the bleacher report." >> hey, suzanne. just when it looked like the heat were going to take control of this series after winning game four in blowout fashion the spurs changed things up last night and answered back with a blowout of their own. gregg popovich put ginobili going. seaso' high 24 points and 10 assists. it was just a one-point game in the third quarter. that's when t$e spurs went on a 19-1 run. danny green on fire once again. smashed the nba finals record for three-pointers, hitting six more while scoring 24 points. the spurs cruise to a 114-104 win. the series shifts back to miami for game six tomorrow night. san antonio one win away from the fifth nba title. yesterday's final round of % the u.s. open turned out to be another heartbreaker for phil mickelson. had the lead heading into the final round. that was an eagle. he was in the lead at that point. but mickelson would bogey three
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of his final six holes. he finished in second place for a record sixth time at the u.s. open. while mickelson struggled through his final round, englishman justin rose had a solid day. roáq shot even par. that was good enough to win his first major of his career. it's been quite the journey #or rose after turning pro in 1998. he missed his first 21 cuts. now he's expected to rise to number three in the world right behind tiger words and rory mcilroy. just one day after getting hit by a line drive in the head, rays pitcher alex cobb is out of the hospital. cobb was struck in the head by his right ear on a comebacker by hosmer. he tweeted from the hospital he was okay. all tests were normal. he was diagnosed with a concussion. the rays have placed him on the seven-day concussion list. there is not a timetable for him to return to the rotation. that'll do it for "the bleacher report." suzanne, back to you. that's it for me. that's it for me. don lemon takes it from here. -- captions by vitp(d-
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