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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 8, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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tweet at wolf blitzer. tweet the show. at cnn sitroom. thank you for joining us. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." and erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> up next, breaking news, the judge in the george zimmerman murder trial says testimony of alleged marijuana use by trayvon martin can be heard by the jury. a significant development just tonight. and trayvon martin's father takes the stand making a strong denial about something he has allegedly said about his son any voice. >> later we have exclusive video of the plane crash in san francisco with the latest on the investigation and what the pilots might have done wrong in the final second. we have a pilot who has flown the plane with us. and did an emergency vehicle responding to the crash trying to save lives end up killing one of the victims? one of the big questions and some answers tonight. let's go "outfront."
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good monday evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. out front two bombshell moments in the george zimmerman trial today. it was an incredible day to watch this. and the judge ruled that the jury, can hear evidence that trayvon martin may have had marijuana in his system when he was killed. that was a significant ruling. it had been under intense dispute. also trayvon martin's father tracy took the stand. a surprise to many. now, two police detectives had testified that tracy martin, trayvon martin's father, said to them that the voice that was crying for help on that 911 call, the night that trayvon was shot was actually not trayvon's voice. not his son any voice. so, zimmerman's attorneys called tracy martin off to the stand. and martin didn't support the officer's account. but he didn't totally hurt zimmerman's defense either. >> as best as i recall, after he
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played the tape, he basic low just said, "do you recognize the voice?" >> what was your response? >> my response -- i told hem that i didn't know, i didn't tell him, no that wasn't trayvon. i kind of, i think, chairs had wheels on them. i kind of pushed away from the table. just shook my head. and said i can't tell. >> out front tonight. natalie jackson, attorney for trayvon martin stanley. good to talk to you. everyone heard of the 911 tapes. i want to play the crucial exchange, seems to be center of the case, who was yelling for help. here is the moment on the call. >> so you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> all right, what is your -- >> then you hear the gunshot at the end. the police officers testified again to they tracy martin,
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trayvon any father said directly the voice on the call was not his son's trayvon's. today tracy said it didn't happen that way. how did you interpret him taking the stand. help or hurt george zimmerman? >> we thought it helped. we think anyone tells the truth. that is helpful to the case. this case is about transparency getting to the bottom. >> you mean, help, helped trayvon martin's side of the story not george zimmerman? >> yes. helped the prosecution. you have a father who told you the truth. told you exact plea whly happen. he did exactly what all witnesses should do and that's tell the truth. >> the truth as the he said it today. he said look i didn't say it wasn't him. i said i couldn't tell. obviously couldn't tell isn't the same thing as saying it was my son trayvon martin? does that worry you? >> it doesn't. i think under the circumstance stances the way he ex-mraeplain
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what happened. it is understandable. he fond out his son was killed. he heard the tape. a bullet goes off. and kill his son. i think under the circumstances his grief, and, even -- even the -- the emotions that went along with that. it was perfectly understandable. that's what he did. he told the truth what happened. >> interesting that he said that, you know there were other mements moments today. going to go into. multiple friends. the voice on the 911 call, calling for help. his friend. his mother and uncle said this is george zimmerman. on trayvon martin's side. his mother and brother said it was trayvon martin screaming. no friend or any one else said it was him. are you worried about the number of witnesses sheer number of witnesses who say the person yelling for help was george zimmerman. that it does dwarf those who are saying it was trayvon martin. >> i think that's what the
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defense is trying to do. trying to put on a cumulative case. on this issue. any one can listen to them. these are inhumane screams. agonizing screams of some one being caged. and when the gunshot goes off. common sense will tell you these are not screams that a normal person would hear any bodien their family or friends make. >> but that's an interesting point. do you think all in having tracy martin taking the stand was the smart thing? >> obviously. the state had not, prosecution has not put him on the stand. and had been left hanging there by inspectors he had said it was not his son's voice on the call. tonight, today he tried to dispute that. do you think it was a smart thing that he was put on the stand, obviously ernical lly ir the defense. >> very smart the prosecution allowed the defense to make that choice. the prosecution did a smart thing. the defense made the choice. and a risky move.
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it backfired on them. >> and judge debra nelson ruled that it will be allowed, admissible. martin had marijuana in his system. zimmerman's defense could use this to say this is why trayvon martin was acting strange, aggressive. are you worried about this? is this a loss for trayvon martin martin's side of the story. that the marijuana use its allowed. >> know,no, a risky ill-advised. there is victim blaming going on. i think it is a risky, risky move on the defense's part.mari everyone knows marijuana does not make you aggressive. >> thank you. good to talk to you. i want to bring in the legal analyst, and mark, you heard, natalie jackson saying with a smile and laugh she is glad the marijuana use will be in troep deuced. she thinks it will backfire on george zimmerman. what do you think? >> i think that the prosecutor disagrees with natalie. you can see the look on his
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face. he was very -- unhappy with the judge's ruling. however, i agree with natalie that this is risky. it could backfire on the defense. reality is in our society. many people are not bothered by marijuana use. if you try how to do character assassination on somebody because of the use of marijuana it can truly backfire on you. the challenge the state has. very difficult situation. that their own medical examiner, ended up saying, on the stand that he changed his mind recently. in fact, marijuana can impact, cause a change in affect of an individual. we know that this -- the defense is trying to bring this in. in part by claiming that george zimmerman when he made his call, said that -- the person he was looking, we know to be trayvon martin, looked lake eed like h drugs. plays into it. an interesting jury panel here. could bother some. either way. i do think it is a dangerous risky move for the defense to make too much of a beg deal oig
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of it. >> the female jury. fascinating how that will play out. what about the issue of tracy martin. trayvon martin's father. testifying. saying, lack i know the detectives said that i said it was not my son's voice calling for help. i recall it differently. i recall saying i couldn't tell if it was his voice. natalie spinning that as a win for trayvon martin's family and the state. do you thing it was for a win for george zimmerman? >> i like an admire natalie a great deal. no. as the hashed as they want to spin that to use your term. that, no. you cannot ever have ambiguity helping the state in any case. whenever there is question mark. when there is a lack of clarity. a lack of specificity. that always in this case and all others in a criminal case, side with the defense. when you hatch tve the defense putting on significant witnesses. at the least neutralizing.
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goats getz goes to the defense. the defense will believe the position. there is no way that can help the prosecution. it just can't. you have one's father saying he wasn't quite sure. >> thank you, mark. in the case today, very emotional day. the friend of george zimmerman took the stand one after another. what they heard on the 911 recordings the night of the shooting. later was george zimmerman a bad fighter. mixed martial arts was on center stage. an expert called to the witness stan. we'll tell you why, and the re-enactment he did. and later our exclusive video. what is vertical guidance? what could it have to do with that plane crash in san francisco? it's a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner,
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cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice! ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ who yelled for help on the
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911 call is truly at the center of the trial, center of guilty or innocent or guilt yef verdict. a parade of witnesses, friend of george zimmerman's testified it was george zimmerman not trayvon martin yelling for help on the tape. >> do you know whose voice that is in the background screaming? >> yes, definitely. georgie. >> i thought it was george. >> george zimmerman's voice. >> can you identify whose voice that was yelling in the background? >> george's. >> how do you know that? >> i recognize this voice. i have heard him speak many times. i have no doubten ein my mind that's his voice. >> one witness may have been more significant than any other. our david mattingly reports. >> reporter: after two weeks on trial for second degree murder, george zimmerman found a friendly ear in more ways than one. >> the voice screaming on the tape is absolutely george zimmerman, sir.
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>> reporter: john donly, a long time close zimmerman friend and also a former vietnam vet, a combat medding with experience identifying screaming voices. >> you know the men you are with. you know the men that you eat, sleep with, you know who it is going to be before you get there. >> you can tell that from hearing their voice screaming for help and comparing that to what you heard in your everyday life with them? >> yes. >> reporter: when he turned his ear to the screaming on the 911 tapes. donley testified he heard a familiar voice. >> that is george zimmerman. and i wish to god i did not have that ability to understand that. >> reporter: who would begin to question his credibility with screaming men and how they may scream at different pitches. even the heough he has no sigh tiffing training i can't imagine
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a jury our that will not take into consideration his service, respect, familiarity and expertise in the area. >> his testimony was compelling but may fall short of what zimmerman need to counter the emotional testimony of trayvon martin's mother. >> the truth, so help you god? >> yes. >> you heard screaming or yelling, do you recognize that? ? >> yes. >> who do you recognize that to be, ma'am? >> trayvon martin. >> he considers george zimmerman his son. unlike trayvon martin's mother, he is not family. >> very close friend. >> he was able to tie didn't tie the voice on the call and screams on the call, i am not sure if the jury is really going to believe 100% that he can actually identify george zimmerman's voice screaming. >> reporter: the court has heard from zimmerman's mother and uncle. and john don leap was not the only zimmerman friend testifying he could hear his voice. a body of opinion for the jury to kid, capped by a good friend
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who says he has no doubts in what he heard. >> that was absolutely george zimmerman. i knew that that was george zimmerman. it was easy for me just based on my past experiences, very easy. that was george zimmerman. >> don leap aly's performance i of the jury was strong. paying close attention. laughing when he made hey joke. looking close and serious when he was upset. meantime, the prosecutors say they didn't know he was going to be able to testify with this kind of expertise. afterward they asked the judge to throw his testimony out. but the judge refused. it is going to stay in. erin. >> david mattingly, the testimony could be crucial. out front, sunny hostin, and paul, tracy martin takes the stand. calling into question, you had the friend. and that. david mattingly, an emotional friend, so certain. vietnam vet.
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how successful was the defense >> they started building the rock pile of doubt. if you look at the way things stack up. they call the mother and brother of trayvon martin. now the brother had some problem. he said at first he couldn't recognize the voice. raefl the only unequivocal identification is the mother. how does the defense counter. they call zimmerman's mother. father, parade of friends, medding from vietnam and trump it by calling trayvon martin's father to demonstrate he couldn't recognize trayvon's voice. if you are talking reasonable doubt. remember the prs cosecutor has disprove beef yoit beyond a rea doubt. they showed, zimmerman is kind of a nice guy. he has all the friend. that plays to the subconscious attitude of jurors. they've don't want to reap lease some body who is dangerous. look at the parade of people that like zimmerman.
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they turned the case in that subtle way. >> sunny, let me ask you bout a tape played in court. the call zornlg zimmerman made off to police the night he shot trayvon martin. on the tape zimmerman said things, f punks, these a -- they always get away. one of the friend of zimmerman, about zimmerman's voice on the tape. >> can you tell me, anywhere in that tape where -- where you heard george zimmerman speaking in an angry way? >> no. >> in a way, evidence to you he had ill will or spite? >> no. >> that he was -- acting with hatred for who ever may have been the subject of his conversation? >> no. >> obvious to the line of question. may sound strange to viewers.
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may be important. ill will, spite, anger matters. how come? >> it matters because it is part of the elements of the crime. they charged george zimmerman with second degree murder. they have to prove what was in his head. they have to prove he had ill will, spite, hate red toward trayvon martin. when he killed him. got to tell you i was in the courtroom for her testimony. when she said to o'mara, yeah, i don't know all the expletives. he was just giving a description. that dennis evidence any ill will. many jurors looked at her incredulously. a very important part of the case for the prosecution. they have got to get what was going on in his head. they have got to change the narrative. got to show he was the first aggressor. that's what is important as opposed to, sort of honing in on the screams, on the 911 call, which really is the benefit of the defense. all about self defense. >> interesting, sunny points out. the jurors look incredulously. let me play how the witness
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responded to the question whether you would use the word casually. here she is. >> but i have encountered people who use language like that in the -- in conversation. it doesn't necessarily come across to me as angry or excited. just -- just con ver saversatio. >> especially with my kids. >> with your kids. >> uh-huh. >> are you talking about -- >> i don't mean to get personal. >> cussing. >> okay. profanity. >> it does not always -- indicate that there's, you know, an alarming situation. >> that's what sunny referred to. jurors looked incredulously at. he said f punks, these a they always get away. no big deal? >> sunny's description its quite accurate. both side have abandoned common sense. in dealing with this count and the indictment. first of all -- having ill-will
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or hatred against somebody you thin tubing be a cremmal who is trying to break into your house and hurt somebody. most people aren't going to have a big problem secondly with respect to the self defensor to. as long as he is acting in self defense. that stuff is not going to matter. that count is going to drop out. you are going to look at a manslaughter count. i don't think it will amount to too much. ill will, spite count. >> we shall see. thank you to both of you. we'll look forward to having paul and sunny back tomorrow. a crucial day in the case. we have more on the zimmerman case next. another thing that happened today that really amazed me. a mixed martial arts expert called to the witness stand. why? later she sued to get an adult lung transplant to cut a whole lot of other people waiting for one. now suffered a major health set back. >> our exclusive video of the plane crash in san francisco. plus what officials say about one of the victims in the crash whether she was run over by a
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first responder. we have got a pilot. let's get t. in miami, coca-cola is coming together with latino leaders to support hispanicize, and the adelante movement. teaching tools for success, and fostering creativity. these programs are empowering people to lead positive change, and helping them discover how great a little balance can feel. through initiatives like these, our goal is to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make, together. the last thing i want is to feel like someone is giving me a sales pitch, especially when it comes to my investments. you want a broker you can trust. a lot of guys at the other firms seemed more focused on selling than their clients. that's why i stopped working at my old brokerage and became a financial consultant with charles schwab.
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athletic watchman or total wimp. today the defense called zimmerman's trainer to the stand. as you will see, he want to great lengths to demonstrate some of the training he does. there was a whole, whole re-enactment here. he also went on to say that the team of boxing and mixed martial arts he teaches was too advanced for george zimmerman. he is just fiphysically soft. he is not a -- he was a -- he
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was an overweight large man when he came to us. predominantly fat. not a lot of muscle. not a lot of strength. still learning how to punch. he didn't effectively know how to punch. >> martin savage is out front. why was the defense bring attention to the fact that zimmerman was out of shape and couldn't punch. i guess i can see why. ironic that this would be something that, george zimmerman would want to hear about himself? >> exactly. i had to chuckle about the same exact thing. because you know how often would a person, especially a guy, want to hear hem seim described justt a pathetic excuse for any kind of witness. that tea what the man, at the gym where george zimmerman trained said. and the defense was very glad to hear that. because one of the things that had been brought up last week by testimony was that a witness said they saw someone using mma style, mixed martial arts. well it was actually clarified that -- john good was the one who saw, he said, trayvon martin
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atop george zimmerman. that's why you had the fight literally break out in the courtroom today. a demonstration. there was mma practicinged by the expert on o'mara the defense attorney. i got to say i was in the courtroom. the jury was fascinated with that. their eyes were literally glued. they were craning their necks to see the two men sort of grappling on the floor to understand what his mma. the other thing we pointed out. that this particular witness brought was the fact that -- george zimmerman when he saw him two days after the altercation had every look of a loser to a fight he was demoralized. black eyed. >> every look of a lose ears you say. the worst thing you ever want to hear about yourself. obviously music to george zimmerman's lawyers' ears. thank you to martin savage in the courtroom covering the case. next, leaker edward snowden says the government does more than spying on foreign nationals. new transcripts released to day
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you. well hear him. plus a major develop. in the health of little girl who sued to move on to the adult lung transplant list and get to the top of it. >> can you survive a plane crash by changing wait you fly? we'll show you the exclusive video of the crash. talk to aviation expert and talk to a pilot of a triple 7. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories we care about where we focus on reporting from the front lines. in excerpts of an interview with the guardian newspaper released
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for the first time day, revelations from nsa leaker depending on the word you want to use, edward snowden. >> i have watched, waited tried to do my job in the most -- policy driven way. i could. >> but snowden did not keep quiet. he went on to say the nsa collects all communications in the united states from phone calls to internet traffic. a significant statement. well know the nsa targets foreigners. if you call a foreigner they could monitor that phone number. but apparently, supposedly u.s. citizens under investigation are tracked if the government has a warrant. so, whether snowden's revelation goes beyond what the government admitted what he know is unclear. the 30-year-old remains stuck in moscow though three countries offered him asylum. the foreign policy says russia will be glad to get rid of him. >> sarah murnaghan, you may remember the 10-year-old we reported on received a set of
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lungs less than a month ago has come down with pneumonia. her family fought national rules that disqualify children younger than 12 from getting lung transplants. that bumped her up on the waiting list ahead of others. sarah's mother writes the infection in her daughter's right lung is a large set back. even with of a set back like that, 85% people survive one year after a lung transplant. teresa heinz kerry wife of secretary of state john kerry upgraded from critical condition to fair condition. hospitalized yesterday. the couple had been vacationing in nantucket where they have a home. heinz-kerry became ill. a source close to the family tells us the 74-year-old's symptoms were consistent with a seizure. >> it has been 702 days since the united states lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? stocks rose. third day. wasn't a big rise. it was up ahead of what was expected to be a pretty pa thetic earning season.
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>> now the asiana plane crash. was it pilot error? mechanical failure? what was it? federal investigators are trying to quickly determine why the south korean airliner hit a sea wall as the it approached the sea wall in san francisco sunday. i want to emphasize for those who have not heard of this airline, it won award for service and quality. not a run of the -- brand of airline, fly by night, serious, respected airline. the tail was represented off the jet. skidding across the runway before the burst into flames. the ntsb the plane was flying 30 miles an hour shorter than it should have been as it approached landing. >> about three seconds prior to impact the flight data recorder recorded its lowest speed of 103 knots. at this time, the engines were aat 50% power. and engine power was increasing.
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at impact, airspeed was approximately 106 knots. >> all right. that is 121 miles an hour at impact. we also know the pie llot was making a first landing in the 777 at the san francisco airport. did that lead to the crash? in which so many were injured and two died. captain mark weiss, flew a triple 7. captain weiss, the pilot of the plane had more than 10 hours flying airplanes, clearly an experienced pilot. 3 4 3 hours of flying a triple 7. it is an 11, 11 and a half hour flight from seoul to san francisco. so he had neverlanded a 777 at this airport. how significant is his limited flight time in control of the triple 7 to this case. >> well certainly the ntsb is going to look at that as a
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factor, contrib out offi ioffin contributing factor. changing air craft is something you doen aviation, your pay is based on. seniority will give you, chances to fly bigger air craft over longer routes. it is not as significant a factor as i think you might believe it to be. >> that's interesting. a lot of people have honed in on that. maybe he didn't hatch the feel of the plane. didn't know certain things. to that end, captain weiss, let me ask you about this. federal investigators have honed in on one thing specifically that is how slow the plane approached. way too slowly. recommended speed at landing, 157 miles an hour. at point of impact this asiana plane was 121 mile an hour. i would imagine. tell me if i am wrong. that every pilot would know the speed when you are landing that would cause a stall. is there any way they wouldn't have known and been in head before a warning signal. this is way too sloeshgs what are we doing? >> you touched on a perfect point. everybody should have been
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aware. it is a very critical time. and everybody has a very high concentration. make sure everything is -- going right according to -- a sa theiry ththei -- scenario, trained for hundreds of times and done a thousand different landings. there was a loss of situational awareness on the part of it seems like the entire crew to allow that aircraft off to get into a position where it was stalling. that's something that you learn from day one. not to allow to happen. >> and you know we understand. again i know this situation is fluch fluid. they tried to abort the landing a second and a half before landing when they learned they might stall. is there any way to abort a landing when you are 1:30 away from impact. it would seem the die is cast isn't it? >> maybe the way to really couch that would be -- you can make that aborted landing and
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continue on missed approach if you touchdown on a run way. we do train for that. but they did not have the airspeed or the altitude to permit that to happen. and a chain of event lead to an accident. no one incident. it takes between 7 and 9 second for an engine to go from idle to -- to power that you need. if they called for go-around thrust, more power to be added they added that 7 second or so before the impact. had they added that maybe doubling that amount of time, or, 15 o. 20 seconds earlier, they may have been able to do a go-around or at least not bring the airplane to a pin tpoint wh stalled and nose-high attitude where the tail hit the sea wall. >> captain weiss. thank you very much. appreciate your perspective. captain weiss, flew a 777 for a year for american airlines.
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one of the questions here was how people landed. how they were sitting in their seats. you heard about so many injuries being back injuries, spinal injuries of compression. do you know how to survive a crash at landing? 305 people made it out alive saturday. a miraculous turn. six people in critical condition. there are those still fighting for their lives. investigators say survival is not as uncommon as most think. brian todd is out front with that part of the story. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: it looks unsurvivable. yet almost everyone did survive. >> i feel very lucky and blessed that -- that we were able to get those people out in that time. >> reporter: the lesson according to experts. you can make it out of even a horrific crash alive. part of the ntsb, elite go team of investigators sent to san francisco is a group looking at how people survive plane crashes. >> this is all impact. blunt force, g force. >> reporter: we got exclusive access to their training center
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in 2009 and spoke to nora marshal who led the human performance and factors di vgs of the ntsb. >> tell me about it and how you want you -- tell me about the myth and how you will disspell it. >> these days one key roone you can make it out. equipment enhancements. >> we have improved the chance of survival by improving seat strength. by building airplanes that can with stand crash forces. >> reporter: fake a look at the inside of the asiana plane. damaged seats could protect passengers. another example. little rock, june 1999. landing in a thunderstorm, american airlines flight, 1420 slide off the run way. if pacts a light structure. splits open. fire breaks out. with the fuselage breached. much of the cabin destroyed. many seats remain in tavenlgt even some ripped out by impact.
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here is one survivor's account. >> there was a gap in the side of the fuselage. outside of that i found two people still strapped in their chair that had been thrown through that. they were both alive and doing okay. >> reporter: hard landings such as the 2002, iberia, emergency touchdown at jfk are survivable, marshal says. crucial to survival, human behavior. flight crews are better trained than ever to get people out. marshal pointed to the overrun of an air france jet in toronto. and hudson river landing. number of people killed. zero. she says passengers need to be sharper in the cabin. ment former flight attendant took me through evacuation drill. >> seatbelts. release seatbelts. get out. why are you blocking the aisle to get your carry-on. leave it behind. okay. closest exit right here. >> two things. went the wrong way. >> how do you open that? okay, did you look at your
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briefing card? do you know how the exit opens? >> i don't know. >> did you know there was an exit behind you? >> no. >> reporter: in 20 second i made three common mistakes that could me and others killed. in little rock, 134 out of 135 people surp vifd. including one man who scrambled out with the seat still on his back. >> he crawled away from the airplane. it wasn't up tintil he got to t area he realized he hadn't unfastened his seatbelt. >> when it is taking off and landed. if you do that, and there is an if pact on takeoff or landing. having it belted tightly will keep you from being thrown around. the seat absorbs much of thenner jeep of the impact. >> minutes after the asiana flight 214 crashed, first responders rushed to help. they saved a lot of lives. it was a chaotic scene that nay have led to a tragic accident.
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ken law is "outfront." >> oh, my god. >> moments after asiana flight 214 crashed. hundreds of emergency rescuers rushed to the scene. more than 300 passengers and crew running. some pulled from the wreckage. many severely injured. some how in that chaos, a terrible collision. one of the two 16-year-old girls, struck by the very rescuers trying to save her. >> became aware to one of our fire battalion chiefs there was a possibility that one of the two fatalities might have been contacted by one of our apparatus. at an unknown point during the incident. >> i will say this. it was very, very hectic, very emergency mode at the crash site minutes after the airplane came to rest there was smoke inhalation. people were coming out of the
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fuselage as fast as they could. and i think people had to literally jump out of the other side of the airplane. there is just a lot of confusion. >> one of the girls appears to have been killed during the crash. but the coroner says what's not clear, whether the emergency vehicle caused the death of the other girl or it struck her after she had already died. the coroner's autopsy results have not yet been made public. the news adds to the heartbreak of the children of the middle school in china, mourning the deaths of their classmates. she loved music, and the other always had hey smile on her face. parents say the elite school has been sending students to the u.s. for years. >> as a father i feel very sad. i saw the girls when we were sag good-bye. >> ntsb says the girls' cause of death is a a depart of their investigation. awe off it is a very serious
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issue. we want to understand it. we are reviewing, video, airplane surveillance video to also understand what happened. i will tell you the initial read of the video by our investigators they shared with me that it wasn't conclusive. >> the girls were on a school trip. what about their fellow students. what about the girls. i had seen speculation that because of one-child policy they would have been their parents' only children. >> we don't know itch thf they their only children. that's jen really the policy in china. you can't apt this point, assume that these parents did probably use their only child because of china's approximately see. as the far as other students. there are 25u6 th of them here, consul jen ram. telling us, they're emotional and having a hard time. they thachl goment to get passports. clothing and shoes. erin.
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>> thank you very much. >> out front next, the runaway train that exploded 13 people are dead. confirmed. there could be dozens more. this tragedy is enormous. did someone cut the power to the air brakes. and, eliot spitzer, the comeback, that's what he thinks. should voters forgive him. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain.
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i. we're back with tonight's outer circle, where we reach out to our sources around the world. more than 50 people died today in cairo in clashes with police. ben wedeman is there. i know you've been there amidst the crowds, the riots and the protests, what happened today?
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>> well, really this was the most serious violence in cairo since 2011, and the riot that unseated hosni mubarak. a group of terrorists tried to attack the headquarters of the republican guard. among the 51 people they say were killed in this attack were two policemen and one soldier. the supporters of the deposed president, mohammed morsi insists that they did not try to attack the headquarters of the republican guard. that they were fired upon randomly during early morning prayers. they're calling it a massacre, and calling for massive demonstrations to protest what they call a massacre tomorrow. erin? >> thanks to ben. i want to go to canada, where 13 people have been confirmed dead and an estimated seven are missing after a 73 car train
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derailed and exploded. anna, i know officials held a press briefing late today. did they say anything about what could have caused this unbelievably horrible accidents? >> unfortunately, no, we don't know what caused this hideous accident as we say. we do know, however, that 13 people are dead. 37 are still missing. there is a wide scale investigation underway. was it operator error? the engineer of this train had left it unmanned and checked into a hotel. was it faulty old commitment or was it foul play? police have not ruled out a criminal act. what we do know is that on saturday night at 1:00 a.m., this train somehow became disengaged from its brakes, it was parked on a slope, it rolled down, gained momentum and it then derailed and exploded several times, literally wiping out the historic town center, at
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least 30 buildings destroyed many of those homes, businesses and a bar that was really packed with people. so this is why we are expecting the death toll to dramatically rise over the coming days. the problem, however, is officials have described the scene behind me as a crematorium, that gives you an idea as to the power of the explosion. and authorities having a really difficult time identifying the bodies. they have appealed to family members to bring in items that perhaps have dna samples, whether it be a toothbrush, hair brush, a hat, so they can bring some relief and closure to the people of the missing. >> anna, thank you very much. now to eliot spitzer who is apparently -- believes he can stage a comeback. disgraced governor of new york resigned five years ago after the feds caught him soliciting prostitutes. he's announced he's running for the comptroller of new york
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city. it's a powerful job, he will control about $140 billion. that announcement turns his first campaign event into a mob scene earlier today. look at that, this campaign is about returning to a life of public service, that he hopes voters will forgive him, not his predilection for prostitutes. >> i owned up to it, i held myself accountable. i think that was the right thing to do. >> joining me now, $140 billion is a lot of money to oversee. there's some great irony to this. he's starting low. as comptroller. >> he is. we have weiner, if we could get silvio berlusconi to move to new
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york we would have three of them. he spent $45,000 on one prostitute. i thought weiner had a chance for redemption, add spitzer, turns this whole thing into a comedy central special. >> it's tough to take from a comedic point of view. spitzer does have credentials, he's incredibly bright about does that mean he will be forgiven? >> i do not like eliot spitzer, i think many of people cross paths with ellioiot spitzer fee the same way. new york city is facing a major budget crisis. he has many flaws as a human being. he kept an eye on overspending at the world trade center site -- >> well, i think it's really appalling, but i also think that what's really appalling is the physical state of new york city. this is a city where spending has increased by more than 50% under bloomberg, you have
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pension and benefit costs ballooning. that's something that he's very well suited to do. i don't love the guy, but he should be in the mix, he should be in the race. >> stephanie ratner, friend of eliot spitzer was on tv this morning. i have no problem watching sanford and weiner, why not me? i mean, do you think there was a little bit of that? why not john edwards? >> well, exactly. you know, there's been a -- the bar has been lowered on sex scandals, i have to admit to being a fan of weiner and spitzer, i think i would like to run to new york and run both of those campaigns, so i can say hi, it's stephanie calling from weiner-spitzer. i think you raise a good point that honestly, you know, is falling in love with a mistress or impregnating the nanny in your bed worse than this?
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probably. certainly other people have been forgiven. and i happen to think he's a smart guy, and he's been great on financial stuff, including wall street and he's well suited for this job. >> the problem is, this is a crime he prosecuted, he declared a war on johns and turns around and does this. >> the hypocrisy. >> at least we have one bipartisan thing, sex scandals, the one thing they're doing is bipartisan. >> that's good to know, men will be men as some would say. >> these happen to be all men. i'm not saying women don't do it. thanks very much to all three of you. for those who are watching this, if spitszer gets on the ballot, he will be running against kristen davis, the former madame who claims to have set up his terrorists. they'll be going head to head. we'll be right back. instead, man raised a sail. and made "farther" his battle cry. the new ram 1500 -- motor trend's 2013 truck of the year --
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