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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 7, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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forgotten cats. they are thinking right now about what they call cat tv but decided they were going to start with dogs. remember you can always follow us on twitter. tweet the show. love to hear from you. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. outfront next an al qaeda conference call. that crucial terrorist intercept that prompted the united states to close 22 embassies and have terror alerts around the world was a conference call. the man making that claim out front tonight. cleveland's house of horrors comes down. one of ariel castro's victims at the demolition. and never before heard tapes. you will hear them here for the first time tonight.
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let's go outfront. good evening i'm erin burnett. house of horrors gone. a demolition crew today levelled the cleveland home where three young women were held captive for a decade. michele knight who has become the most vocal of castro's three victims was there. she took a final look. martin, what was the seen like today? >> reporter: it was incredible. i think in a lot of ways i anticipated some of it but definitely not all of it. there was cheering, crying, church bells ringing, bull dozerers, demolishing and then michele knight in front of it all. take a look at what happened. 32-year-old michele knight showed up exactly where no one thought she would be, outside the home in which she was a
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prisoner for 11 years. with the beaming smile and bright yellow balloons she used the demolition to bring attention to the plight of missing children. >> nobody was there for me when i was missing. and i want the people out there to know including the mothers that they can have strength. they can have hope. and their child will come back. they will. just have the love in god and you'll see they'll come back. >> reporter: knight has become the most outspoken. the only one to appear in person at ariel castro's sentencing delivering a powerful unforgettable verbal blow. >> i spent 11 years in hell. now your hell is just beginning. >> reporter: knight seems to embrace her new role hoping to become a motivational speaker. >> i feel very liberated that people think of me as a hero and
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a role model and i would love to continue being that. >> reporter: then came the moment the entire street had waited for as the aunt of one of the girls kidnapped was given the seat of honor behind the controls of the giant excavater and given the first destructive blow. for watching neighbors the nightmare on their street is finally over. >> i'm glad they're doing what they are doing. >> reporter: google maps actually beat cleveland to the punch by removing the image of the home from the satellite view literally wiping it from the face of the earth. a few hours later wrecking finished doing the very same thing for real. and the so-called house of horror is no more. >> satisfying just to watch that. do you know what is going to go there once the last debris is
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cleared? what replaces it? >> there is a lot of debate as to what will happen. right now there are a couple of ideas. keep in mind there are two other abandoned homes next door that will be knocked down. others suggest maybe a playground for the children. either way michele knight would like to see an angel, a way to symbolize hope. >> just kept such great faith. that you can, martin. now our second story out front, an al qaeda conference call, when i say the words conference call we are talking about 20 al qaeda operatives. according to a report in the daily beast, quote, the usual intercept that prompted the closure of embassies in 22 countries was a conference call between al qaeda senior leaders and representatives of several
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affiliates throughout the region. there is the claim. if this is true it will be a major change in how the terror network communicates. not everyone thinks this report adds up. i want to bring up eli who wrote the article. cnn hasn't confirmed the story. the information runs counter to what many believe is how al qaeda has communicated. bin laden shunning using a phone. how did the conference call work from your reporting? was it a traditional call? >> i should classify we left some details out of that piece at the request of our sources. i would say it is not a telephone conference call in that sense. it was a kind of remote conference where people are in. it is something like a teleconference. there are some details i want to leave at that point at the request of our sources. what really prompted this was the reports of the intercept
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between the head of the al qaeda branch in yemen. it turns out that intercept was actually a board meeting for al qaeda and representatives or leaders of its vast affiliates from north africa to southwest asia. and this is actually something that al qaeda has done from time to time for a few years now. it is true that al qaeda prefers carriers and bin laden famously had carriers using with thumb drives. this is also another kind of capability. it is very important for how the senior leadership now in pakistan can exercise control of the larger organization. >> an organization that has totally changed that used to be a core group in pakistan, afghanistan and is now a lot of other places. i know there is only so specific you can get. just to make sure i understand characterizing. this is some sort of a
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skype-like technology or a technology, perhaps, eli that is only available now that people have and al qaeda operatives assumebly have, smart phones that work in the middle of the desert? that kind of thing? >> yeah, without going into detail i would stress that al qaeda is very aware of american intercept capabilities and aware of the fact that they are watched very closely. i would just say that there are ways that you can have people meet virtually, so to speak, that you can in some cases cover your tracks and i would leave it there. >> let me ask you about that, then. cover your tracks and the issue of whether the u.s. government can pick it up goes right to the heart of what the u.s. government is trying to justify. if we are monitoring calls that that is okay with the nsa. you say three unnamed u.s. officials. as you know you come under criticism today.
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intelligence and national security reporter for the "l.a. times" say those officials want to help the nsa. since when have they started disclosi disclosing intercepts. >> first of all, i like him very much. he is a great reporter. i these were not authorized disclosures. they were following the report that reported the intercept. when you are dealing with intelligence bureaucracies there are these leaks and the press you know we all sort of cover things. and this, i think, our story was really prompted more by the initial disclosure and trying to get more resolution ont that. i would also add another important point here. the nsa programs that have become so controversial have nothing to do with any kind of
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intercepts and capabilities that would be in this particular case. i think they are two very distinct things. it is a testament i think to the capabilities of the u.s. intelligence community but i don't think this is any bearing on the particular controversial programs. >> thank you very much. pretty incredible reporting there. and obviously eli lake has been proven right many, many times. still to come the man who shot and killed 13 people wants the death penalty. he is representing himself but he still has lawyers around him. you heard of snakes on a plane. now sharks on a subway. it happened today. a massive man hunt underway in california. a murder suspect on the run with a 16-year-old girl as his hostage. and a shocking crash video, we are going to show it to you. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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our third story outfront. major nidal hasan, the shooter in the fort hood massacre wants the death penalty according to his stand boy attorneys. they are up in arms because they refuse to help their client die. >> reporter: defense attorneys appointed to assist majorer nidal hasan say the army psychiatrist seems to be on a suicide is mission after declaring i am the shooter in his opening statement. his stand by attorneys told the
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judge that hasan is working in concert with the prosecution to achieve a death sentence. hasan started to object but after hearing that the judge brought the court martial to a stand still. >> there is no telling what he is going to do when he gets on the stand if he testifies which i suspect he will to tell his story. >> reporter: from the start of the trial nidal hasan has shown no interest in defending himself. hasan says he switched sides in a war against islam before killing 13 people and wounding more than 30 others. hasan only asked a few questions of witnesses. he is a quiet by stander. the attorneys assigned to help say they can't let it happen. >> defense lawyers are in a terrible predicament because they have to stand by and watch the person they are charged with assisting to represent himself
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essentially but the noose around his own neck. they view this as fundamentally inconsistent with their ethical obligation as lawyers. >> reporter: where nidal hasan would end up if he is convicted and sentenced to death. there hasn't been a military execution since 1961. the legal road to the death chamber is full of detours. based on recent pasts even if hasan gets the death penalty it is possible he may never be executed. military law expert says the legal drama we saw unfold on this day will not derail hasan's murder trial. >> i suspect she is going to make major hasan acknowledge on the record that he understands the immense risk he is assuming. >> reporter: so the question is what will the judge do. what will happen next?
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several military legal experts that we spoke with today anticipate what the judge is going to tell these three stand by attorneys is they have to continue moving forward. the prosecution has its case to put forward. what they are really concerned about here is how this case will look on appeal. so many potential pit falls for military trials especially death penalty cases. they are worried about how this will play out in the appeals process. we'll find out tomorrow morning in what the judge said and hopefully get a clear answer when everyone reconvenes 10:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow morning. >> covering that trial for us outfront. is al qaeda really on the run? today president obama seemed a little unsure. >> al qaeda's top ranks have been hammered. but core of al qaeda in afghanistan and pakistan is on the way to defeat.
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al qaeda affiliates and like minded extremists still threaten our homeland, still threaten our diplomatic facilities. >> so does it really lessen the threat if the core has been hammered but affiliates have spread and actively plot against the united states? it is hard to know. one thing we know is the obama administration just stepped up the use of drones to kill terrorists. just how effective are they? barbara starr with an investigation. >> reporter: within hours of learning al qaeda in yemen was planning a major attack president obama increased drone operations in a frantic effort to find the terrorists. operations have been cut back but now the gloves were off as senior administration official tells cnn. national security trumped everything else. in the last week and a half five drone attacks over yemen. about one-third of all attacks so far all this year.
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drones remain controversial. president obama insists only al qaeda is targeted. >> even then the use of drones is heavily constrained. america does not take strikes when we have the ability to capture individual terrorists. >> reporter: but there is a cost. one is civilian deaths. >> the civilian casualties has a very, very negative impact both in terms of our ability to protect our security interests and in terms of the long-term relationship that we have with the yemen people and government. >> reporter: another cost congressional concerns the president can order to kill americans overseas. >> having the executive being the prosecutor, the judge, the jury and the executioner all in
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one is very contrary to the traditions and the laws of this country. >> reporter: are drones really effective? the latest strikes have killed 20. the major players behind the current threat, the al qaeda leader in yemen and a master bomb maker remain at large. >> the whack a mole approach of going after one leader and another leader really doesn't systematically get at the root of the problem. >> reporter: with drones flying overhead the u.s. quietly right now does have a number of special forces on the ground part of the overall effort to use all they can to find out who is behind the current threat in yemen. still to come disturbing new information about the san diego mayor accused of harassment. was he targeting victims of rape? we have never before heard audio. we are going to have that for you coming outfront. one of the largest powerball
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prizes of all time and a man films a woman stealing his package from amazon. what is he doing to get her back. hero: if you had a chance to go anywhere in the world, but you had to leave right now, would you go? man: 'oh i can't go tonight' woman: 'i can't.' hero : that's what expedia asked me. host: book the flight but you have to go right now. hero: (laughs) and i just go? this is for real right? this is for real? i always said one day i'd go to china, just never thought it'd be today. anncr: we're giving away a trip every day. download the expedia app and your next trip could be on us. expedia, find yours.
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our fifth story out front, jackpot. people are lining up across the country for a shot at a powerball prize. a winning number will be announced in just a few hours. it is the third largest powerball jackpot ever at $425 million. the thing is there might be a way to predict the winner.
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tom foreman is out front with the answer. this pretty amazing claim. you are looking at trends. >> reporter: if i could predict the winner i wouldn't be at work right now. there have been states that produce more winners than others, indiana, missouri, kathleen kennedy. they produce a lot of winners. chance, number of people playing. those aren't the states that are the lucky states. there have been lucky numbers that have won or shown up in winning sequences. 23, 8, 26, 36, 56 and 29 as the powerball. those have been the luckiest numbers so far. >> that is kind of amazing to me. i am no probability expert. statistically you go one to 20 and they each have an equal chance. that in and of itself is fascinating. let's say you are the winner of this prize. you get the lump sum.
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what do you get? >> you get a lot of money. if you got $245 million as a lump sum you could buy the fastest production car in the world which can go about 250 miles per hour. look at it go. you don't have to buy just one of them. you can buy 98 of them. or you can get the elizabeth taylor diamond. don't settle for one. you can get 27 of them. that is more value than those thefts we have been talking about lately. or if you want to celebrate somewhere you can rent the country of liechtenstein for about a month. i'm sure if you do pay per view movies or mini bar you have to pay more for that. >> thank you very much. and, of course, as tom will tell you odds of winning are one in
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175 million. day two of a massive man hunt in this country. a murder suspect is on the run and has a 16-year-old girl with him. why? a late night host has compared russia and its leader to nazi germany. is that fair. we are going to play the most shocking crash video we have seen. and our shout out seeking justice. this is home surveillance video. she goes to an arizona man's home and steals his amazon delivery. tim lake is not taking this lightly. he put up signs asking for information on who the woman is who stole his stuff. he created an e-mail address asking for tips to get back his delivery which was ice cream strays and keurig k-cups. a man of principle. we support that.
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he also has a great sense of humor. jackie: there are plenty of things i prefer to do on my own. but when it comes to investing, i just think it's better to work with someone. someone you feel you can really partner with. unfortunately, i've found that some brokerage firms don't always encourage that kind of relationship.
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that's why i stopped working at the old brokerage, and started working for charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for? talk to us today. "stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park.
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i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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welcome back to the second half where we start with with stories from the front lines. today according to benjamin netanyahu iran is operating
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7,000 nuclear centrifuges. netanyahu believes it can enrich uranium faster. believes he is sincere but says iran will require sanctions to do a deal. many fear iran will plow ahead with an ledged effort. in china a closed circuitt camera captured a horrifying crash. this bus driver missed his exit apparently. instead of going around he started backing up down the highway. then a truck plowed into the back of the bus sending him through the window. we can report to you he is alive. he doesn't appear to be wearing a seat belt and passengers don't seem to have them at all. chinese media is unclear on the
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passenger's condition. here in the united states 86% of people wear seat belts and still nearly 4 died in 2011 because they weren't wearing one. a story out of new york city getting national attention. around mid way someone got off the subway and forgot something. it wasn't a wallet. this person forgot a dead shark p. the woman responded you mean a fish tail. no one claimed the shark but this is what it is like here in new york. it has been 732 days since the united states lost its top credit rating. stocks fell for the third day running. tesla motors shocked everybody. had had a big profit. analysts on wall street thought they would lose money. demand is strong. the car is motor trends car of the year. our sixth story outfront.
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international man hunt. mexico helping american authorities search for hannah. their mother was found dead inside the burning home of a family friend. since that time the children have not been seen. sources tell cnn they found remains of the child in the home that are consistent with an 8-year-old boy but we cannot confirm. the children's father is still holding out hope. >> i can't fathom what you were thinking. the damage is done. i'm begging you to let my daughter go. you have taken everything else. hannah, we all love you very much. if you have a chance you take it. you run. you'll be found. >> paul, police -- we are hearing from the father. police heard from friends of
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hannah. what are they saying about dimaggio's relationship with her or the family. >> if these charges are true this is shocking betrayal among best friends. by all accounts dimaggio and the father knew each other for more than 20 years. he became so close of a friend to the family that dimaggio was considered an uncle to the children. he knew them since birth. you heard him make the appeal. a source close to the family said at one point they believe dimaggio lived with the children's grandmother. very close linkage. >> people are speculating about what the relationship might have been between dimaggio and the 16-year-old hannah that he is allegedly is with now. a lot of it is speculation. >> detectives say they certainly
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are chasing down the rumors that there might have been some sort of romantic relationship. a neighbor says he knows of a recent instance where dimaggio took the 16-year-old girl on a trip to hollywood. detectives are going to talk to her friends in her high school and find out if there was something on social media that could provide clues to their relationship and their whereabouts because right now there has not been a single report of the sighting in sight today. >> thank you. now our seventh story outfront. never before heard tapes. we have obtained exclusive voice mails from san diego mayor bob filner. at least 13 people accused filner of unwanted sexual advances. these women say they were targeted because they were rape
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victims. >> your newly favorite congressman. >> reporter: the voice mail caught fernandez offguard. too friendly message from a man of power she just met. >> the one who fell in love with you during your last speech. are you going to be in town for a couple of days or are you going back? i don't want to wait until you come back to have dinner with with you. >> creeps me out. creeps me out. the guy has problems. >> reporter: she is a retired u.s. air force master sergeant. she says she was raped three times. she had just met the then-ten term congressman at an event a year ago to help her fellow military sexual assault survivors. >> he looks at my card and says are you married. do you have a husband? very quick and direct.
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i said no i'm divorced. well, you're beautiful and i can't take my eyes off you and i want to take you to dinner. i was kind of shocked like really. >> then came the call which went to voice mail. >> i do believe that he used his position in order to forcefully -- you want to go out with me because i'm a congressman. >> reporter: at the same event in august he met jerry tinnily, an army veteran who says she was raped while in the military and bore a son from the sexual assault. >> you were there talking about your sexual assault. >> reporter: filner was in the green room also preparing to speak. >> he got as close as he could to me. his jacket was touching my jacket. i was bent down and he was bent down with me. like he came like he was consoling me. >> reporter: you felt weird? >> i felt very weird.
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>> reporter: did you say anything? >> no. you are a congressman. what am i going to say to you? >> reporter: how many women within your organization. those women told terry jones that filner made unwanted advances from groping in some cases to verbal passes in others. >> he went to dinners, asked women out to dinners. he has groped, grabbed breasts. >> reporter: one of the primary missions of the organization is to help military rape and sexual assault victims. jones saw filner as a champion for the cause. the chairman of the house veterans affairs committee who spoke openly about sexual abuse and marching with them at awarenesss campaigns and often the key note speaker at female veteran events. >> two-thirds of women in the military have been sexually
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harassed. >> reporter: jones publicly threw her support behind congressman filner in his race for mayor last fall. >> thank you for so much you have done. >> he preyed upon people who were vulnerable who he knew probably nine times out of ten would not speak up. >> how can you be a representative and be a predator? >> reporter: you use the word predator several times. you feel he was a predator within your organization? >> yes. >> he knew all the women and what we have been through. whether he had a conscious thought or not it is an easy pay rr. >> reporter: mayor filner checked himself into a therapy monday to help deal with the behavior. we called his spokesperson. we went to the mayor's office and ran into his chief of staff. >> hi. >> do you have two seconds?
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>> speaks to filner daily for briefings while the mayor is in therapy. she says she is busy. >> i'll let you know. thank you. >> did the chief of staff ever come out? did you get a chance to talk to her? >> reporter: when the door closed that was the last i saw of her. she had no comment. >> you talk about filner. the reporting there was unbelievable and so moving. i know he is still mayorer and how he went into the therapy program for two weeks at the beginning of this week. but he hasn't resigned from office. is anything being done to officially investigate the charges? you have found out more information than anyone else has. >> we know there are multiple investigations underway. a lot of that is not being talked about publicly. we know there are also multiple recall efforts underway. and there have been numerous calls for the mayor to step
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down. but, erin, as we saw, when you go to his office he is still the mayor. he remains the mayor of san diego despite the charges and the growing drum beat of women who keep coming forward and saying bob filner, alleging that he did this to them. >> thank you very much. of course, these aren't just women alleging. these are women who were victims of rape and the mayor was aware of that. the guardians of knowledge have assembled people talking about the future of wickapedia. of course, you probably heard of it and probably used it today. wikimania brings together information junkies for a series of meetings that will determine how information is gathered, posted and put on the hundreds of millions of users. it currently offers 30 million articles. there has been nothing like this
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in the history of human kind. that brings me to tonight's number. 7,000 pounds. that's how much wickapedia weighs by estimating the encyclopedia made of 2.4 billion words so if you published it would be 1,800 volumes. the edition which used to be the standard had 30 volumes. that is not just when you print off wikipedia. i was curious what it really weighs. two years ago calculated the electronics signal of the internet weighs about 50 grams. so the online version of wikipedia must be a little piece of a strawberry seed? still to come, men sneaking up on women and stealing their hair, cutting it off and taking it. we'll tell you why and where.
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during his interview with the president jay leno compares russia to nazi germany. and two of the nfl's biggest stars launch a rap career. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think.
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back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to sources around the world. tonight we go to venezuela where thieves have been making serious money off of women's hair. they sneak behind women and cut off a chunk of their hair and sell it. it is bizarre and disturbing. >> reporter: it is hard to believe but something as simple as letting your hair down in venezuela can make you a target for criminals. recently noticed an increase on the number of attacks against women with long hair. the thieves pull out scissors and cut a chunk and flee.
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they call these thieves piranas because they are fast, ferocious and have very little compassion for the unsuspecting long hair victims. stylists say it is quick and relatively easy money for thieves because they can sell natural hair for more than $500. >> thank you. bizarre. in russia -- is rausharussi germany? here is jay leno speaking to the president last night. >> suddenly home sexuality is against the law. this sounds like germany. it starts with that. you round up people who you don't like. why is no one in the world outraged at this?
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>> does that comparison really fit? what do you think, stephanie? you make any kind of allegation that somebody is doing something like hitler you need to be really, really sure about it. it isn't something to be done lightly or in a trite manner. is jay right? >> i think so. i'm worried for you and i in certain countries because we have long hair. the comparison is valid in that hitler started with the gays and gypsies. there was talk about us boycotting the 1936 olympics. when you have 84% of russians against gays because they are afraid of arrest the world has to seriously question what is happening in russia regarding gays. i really do. >> she raises the fair point. it started with hitler with laws. first you have to do this with people and then that and then
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you wear a star and then we round you up. it starts with something that people can look the other way on. and then it can become something else. is it fair? >> it can escalate. when you are getting history lessons from jay leno you are getting away from thousands died in concentration camps. this is not that situation. it's alarming. the law is despicable. >> the law bans the propaganda of non-traditional relationships around minors. >> it's a disservice of those who died and suffered in the holocaust. i think let's use the specific instance of what is going on with the people, the young teenagers that are gay and getting beat up that's more moving and compelling than calling them nazis. >> is it fair? >> you know, i think that this is a very antiinflammatory way to talk about what is a serious
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issue going on for a long time. erosion of civil liberties, property rights protections and everything else in russia. mitt romney in 2012 called it a political foe and was mocked for it. issue after issue, syria, they barred adoptions of russian children. okay. fair enough. maybe they can do that. they have also barred u.s. ngos from operating in russia and jailing political fparticipants. it's actually gotten a lot of americans what weren't engaged with this very serious -- >> to think about it. that's a fair point. let me play what the president, because when you hear me show the question do you want to ask what the president said because obviously, he's going to russia, as we know, despite the edward snowden massive snub and despite this this is how he answered jay's question. >> i have no patience for
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countries that try to treat gays or lesbians or chance gendered person in ways that intimidate them and harmful them. >> and he's skipping a one on one meeting with putin that's planned and going for the g 20 meeting. haez a problem how they are treating homosexuals and edward snowden but he's going. >> here is the problem and stephanie hit on it -- >> so to go -- >> 76% of russians agree with this law. it's not just changing putin but the minds of the average russian. i think boycotting won't do it. we have to somehow engage them. >> stephanie, what do you think because you brought up the analogy of the 1930s, the possible boycott of the olympics. we're looking at a similar situation here, with the olympics coming up -- >> there is shades in this as
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well erin. i got to say, you know, i think the president did take a stand by, you know, cancelling this meeting with putin and i think you have to look the president has done more for gay rights in this country than all the other presidents combined but i think it's time to put that forward and take a stand around the world with what is happening in russia. >> all right. thanks to all of you. interesting food for thought d. you think the president went far enough, he won't tolerate it but going to the g 20 anyway. every night we take a look outside the day's top stories for what we call "the out front out take." sports and singing is up tonight. for decades you watched professional athletes break into the music business, tried rap, country, jazz, no genre is safe and it usually ends with something frankly, horrific there is a new contender. the manning brothers. not a bad name but the new commercial, eli manning show up
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hip-hop skills. to be fair, they look like they knew they were bad. i don't know. i think they actually might think that they look like they think they are bad but they actually think they are good. a lot of athletes lack self-awareness. here are some favorites. [ music playing ] ♪ you want to fight, fight me, i hit you with the whop ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when i sleep i feel tears trickle down my cheek ♪ ♪ things change for the better and worse so i called my mom and she said ♪ ♪ and the rockets red glare -- ut oh -- i'll make up for it now -- for the land of the free ♪
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>> we had to let you out of your mystery there are so many more. find any, please send them our way and next, really hot new tablet that we have found that i guarantee you actually have not seen demoed or tested. it's full of incredible features and guess what, you cannot get it. it grabbed the s record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and stadiums. but, of course, it's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before.
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should have disrupted man. instead, man raised a sail. and made "farther" his battle cry. the new ram 1500 -- motor trend's 2013 truck of the year -- the most fuel-efficient half-ton truck on the road -- achieving best-in-class 25 highway miles per gallon. guts. glory. ram.
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now a new tablet that you can't get your paws on. so a visitor to north korea happened upon this tablet available only in north korea. that's why we're saying you can't get it but retails for about $200 and has a 2 mega pixel camera, 1 big bite of ram and 16 gigabytes of internal storage. some of those specs aren't great, some are shocking, angry birds preloaded. there are no enter tate capabilities but has a tv tune tore get state-run television. north corkorea. most people don't think of the desperately poor isolated block dictatorship is invasion. a friend of mine spent some time in north korea and visit add cement factory. even though it was outdated and machinery broken, it the working. the workers built parts


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