tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 8, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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tomorrow night, our special report, "gone to pot, america's marijuana obsession." dr. sanjay gupta on whether medical marijuana works and a group of women who swear pot makes them better parents. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper's "360" starts right now. tonight, breaking news in the search for an alleged killer and the young woman he's believed to be holding. also tonight, dr. sanjay gupta's bold claim that we've been systematically misled for 70 years about the medical value of marijuana. why he abandoned everything he thought he knew about it. later, anderson hears one man's account of capture and captivity in one of the deadliest war zones on earth, held in syria for 81 days. we begin with breaking news in the search for james dimaggio and the stakes that keep rising.
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not only is he expected of kidnapping 16-year-old hannah anderson and her 8-year-old brother, not only is he wanted for the murder of their mother and he's hiding out in some of the most remote parts of the west and north west, but they're now preceding on the real possibility, they say he might be armed with explosives. this is a fast-moving story. what is the latest, paul? >> reporter: well, authorities telling me, wolf, just a short time ago they have strong reason to believe that dimaggio may be armed with homemade bombs. and along those lines, they are cautioning citizens and law enforcement officers to make sure they stay away from the suspect's vehicle. they say it's a very real possibility that he has now booby trapped that vehicle with an improvised explosive device. so that's the latest on that front, wolf.
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>> i know officials are saying the suspect could be hunkered down in a really rural area somewhere. what makes them believe that? >> reporter: well, strong fear here that he does have camping skills, if you will, that he is an outdoorsman. there were those two sightings yesterday, allegedly in a part of california. that's in extreme northeast part of the state. and across the border in oregon. the sheriff in that county telling me today that it was an 18-year-old maid who spotted what she believes was the suspect's vehicle, and he was saying one difficult thing about his county, there's been no sign of that vehicle since. there are many, many rural roads which he could hide. and i just need to add it was a short time ago that we under mexico is complying, going to issue that amber alert for all bordering mexican states and to interior states. >> i understand he also has had another run-in -- previous
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run-ins with the law. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: we started digging and we found that in montgomery county, texas, near houston 1 years ago, we have a booking photo of him when he was 22 years old. he was basically charged with, and then convicted of fleeing from a police officer. what's interesting about this, at one point they said he was going down a rural or dirt road somewhere around 60 or 70 miles per hour. this lends credence to the fear that he's using rural roads to get him in and around northern california or nevada or washington. there's an amber alert issued for all four of those states. >> thank you. of all the things that makes this story so troubling is the notion that the fugitive was once a friend and someone so close, someone so trusted could become the kind of monster that james dimaggio allegedly has
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become. brett anderson spoke about it earlier today with chris cuomo. >> explain the relationship between your family, your kids, their mother and mr. dimaggio. >> mr. dimaggio came into our lives about six months before hannah was born. he and i had a very close relationship over the years, and we've done many, many things throughout the years together, and he's basically became like part of our family. he was always around, and we always did stuff together as a family. sometimes we took the kids camping. but we were just very good friends. >> this is your buddy. you know him. was there ever anything about him that found suspicious. i know the easy answer is no because you wouldn't have had him around the family. but is anything there?
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>> i have come up blank. i have been through every scenario in my brain. there was nothing ever to show any indication of this. everybody loved him. he would give you the shirt off his back, and he was there to help any time you called. and nothing like this ever indicated anything. >> we've heard these rumors, as have you, your 16-year-old daughter had become uncomfortable around him. he expressed he had a crush. we don't know what really happened, but had you heard anything about that until now? >> i had not heard anything about that. if i had heard something about that, or my wife had heard something about that, it would have been cut off. >> please, if you can, tell us what made these kids so special to you. >> ethan wore his heart on his sleeve. he would do anything for anybody. loved everybody. he was just my buddy.
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hannah was just a beautiful, beautiful girl. very good student. hundreds and hundreds of friends, and there was nothing bad to say about my kids. >> if anyone knows what brett anderson is going through is john walsh. on july 27, 1981, his only child adam was abduct edabducted. two wheeks weeks later his body was found. john, thank you very much for coming in, as you always do for us. this father, we just heard, he's obviously trying to get the word out, at times speaking directly to the suspect, other times to his daughter. is that exactly what he should be doing at this point? >> exactly, wolf. i've tried to reach out to brett today, left my unlisted number with his advisers and if he would call me, i would welcome talking to him. he's doing exactly the right thing. pretty soon, if his daughter is not found alive, and we're all
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praying this creep will let her go, she'll just become another poster of a missing child when she drops off the news cycle. she's got to stay up and do every media interview he can. hopefully somebody will see that girl. we've gotten back lots of missing children because the public can make such a difference. >> clearly the suspect, john, this man dimaggio is very close to the family. the kids called him uncle. should it be a surprise that someone so close to this family could possibly have done these things? >> i don't think anybody should be surprised. and it's another horrible lesson. look at ariel castro. his daughter's best friend was gina dejesus, who he kidnapped at 14 years old. this is a guy who knew his 14-year-old victim and his daughter was her best friend. i've done hundreds of cases of live-in boyfriends, stepdadies,
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you name it that have pretended they were friends of the family, pretended they were interested in the mother and hurt or took the children. so i don't think people should be surprised. i think people should realize that if this guy could kill an 8-year-old boy and kill an unarmed woman that he was friends with for ten plus years, he's dangerous and that he has to be caught before he hurts hannah. >> if dimaggio developed an actual crush on this 16-year-old girl, as a friend says he did, what does that tell you, if anything, about her chances for survival? >> well, that's hopeful. if he's obsessed, if he's so obsessed he kills an 8-year-old boy, and hannah's mother to get at her, i hope he's still got her and he's treating her right and doesn't decide like so many nutcases, i'll kill her, i'll
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kill myself and be in paradise together or kill her and leave her in the woods somewhere. i hope none of those things are going through his mind. i hope he realizes he should do the right thing. if he loves her, give her back. bring her back. turn yourself in. i think it's very hopeful that he was very -- that he is obsessed with this girl. >> is there a window of time, and you know this subject very, very well, john, when the chances are better that a child has been abducted might be found? >> absolutely, wolf. the first four hours are crucial. that's why the amber alerts are so great. it took six years to get the emergency broadcasting system and congress to vote the amber alert as a nationwide program. in those years, 550 kids plus have been found within the first six or seven hours. four hours are crucial. so that window is getting smaller, but now that they have issued an amber alert in mexico,
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i've caught over the last 25 years about 50 guys in mexico who have easily crossed that border. he may have tried to make everybody think he's in that desert in the northeast because he's a survivalist, but he may have gone south thinking that no one is looking for him. but thank god the federalis are issuing that amber alert. because we've caught guys in mexico spotted by tourists. >> excellent advice from john walsh. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. just ahead, dr. sanjay gupta's stunning conclusion after nearly a year of reporting, he now says americans have been misled for decades about medical marijuana. sanjay will join us to talk about his provocative new documentary entitled "weed." also, a photo journalist's nightmare in syria, held for 81 days. anderson spoke to him about what he endured and how he escaped.
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♪ >> people are lighting up all over the country. they call it the green rush. marijuana has moved out of the back alleys and into the open. >> happy cannabis, y'all. >> reporter: in some states it's legal to grow, to sell, to smoke and marijuana could be legalized in a city near you. so easy to get and many think so harmless, but when the smoke clears, is marijuana bad for you or could pot actually be good for you? >> the answer to that question, wasn't it all what sanjay expected. he says he was not only stunned by what he discovered, he now admits he was flat-out wrong about weed in the past. for 45 years it's been classified as a schedule one substance. in a article today, sanjay wrote this -- we have been terribly misled for nearly
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70 years in the united states, and i apologize for my own role in that. dr. gupta is joining us now. sanjay, you were very critical of medical marijuana for a long time. you changed your mind. tell us why. >> there is a few different reasons but i'll preface by saying i didn't dig deep enough. i didn't look far enough. i didn't look at other countries, smaller labs. i didn't listen to the legitimate patients getting relief from this, from marijuana when nothing else worked for them. but let me say, wolf, if you looked through the medical journals right now about articles regarding medical marijuana, you would find up to 20,000 articles. the vast majority, 90% are designed to look at harms and problems with medicinal marijuana. less than 10%, around 6% to look at the benefits. and i think it paints a very distorted picture. it's part of the systematic misleading.
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when you look at the schedule one classification of marijuana, if that's all you know, what you hear it's one of the most dangerous substances out there and a drug of high abuse and has no medical applications. what i learned after you did -- after you do some digging is that none of that is true. it is not a -- it is not a higher drug of abuse as compared to drugs scheduled lower. it does have medical applications and i think that was part of what made me turn around. but a lot of this was about the patients, again, who were using this as a legitimate medicine, legitimate patients and getting really, really objective relief. >> you say, sanjay there is hypocrisy when it comes to marijuana. what do you mean by that? >> part of it is, look, we say this has no medical applications whatsoever and yet, there are lots of studies out there that are now showing the medical benefit even if some are done outside this country. we classify it as a schedule
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one substance, to give you context, cocaine is a schedule two substance. let me tell you something else i find interesting. we haven't talked about this much but the united states through its own department of health and human services actually has a patent on marijuana as an antioxidant and neuro pro-techtant in the brain. so on one hand they say it has no medical application. on the other hand, they say we have a patent on it as a medical application. look, i think journalist are trained to hate it, olf, no matter what side you're on this is hypocrisy. >> is there concrete evidence, though, concrete scientific evidence that medical marijuana works better at treating certain medical conditions than pharmaceutical drugs? >> i believe so. i've seen the studies, so this
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isn't anecdotal information or knowledge anymore. there are studies to back this up. a couple quick examples. with regard to something known neuropathic pain, the burning feeling in your limbs can be hard to treat. the way that we often treat it now in this country is to use medications like narcotics, morphine, die laud id, o oxycontin. marijuana can have a benefit to treat the pain and sometimes it can work, not only work but work when other medications didn't work and there is something else that makes it very, very relevant when you talk about the narcotic pills, someone dies of an accidental overdose in this country every 19 minutes from taking these prescription-type pills. when we did research we can't find evidence of a death marijuana overdose. you have a drug that works and may work better than anything
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else out there and you have a drug from a critical safety profile, appears to be safer. >> amazing information. sanjay, a lot of the documentary that will air this weekend focussed in on medical marijuana to be sure. but what about when it comes to recreational use of marijuana? just for the fun of it or the pleasure of it, what did you find out about that? >> well, look, i think for my purposes and this documentary, we draw a distinction. we're looking at medicinal marijuana. recreation marijuana is in a different bucket. but let me say a couple things. first of all, no way do i think recreational use for kids or even for people whose brain is still developing, probably up to age 25. it could be more detrimental in those people. i have kids. i think about this. i know they're going to watch this. so i think that's important to state. but if you're going to ask about the moral equivalency, marijuana versus alcohol, which always
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comes up, marijuana is less addictive. 9% or so addiction that. is an agreed upon number. alcohol closer to 15%. but the withdrawal from marijuana, insomnia, nausea, with alcohol, withdrawal can be life threatening. and i don't know of anyone dying from an overdose on marijuana, yet it does happen with alcohol. so i hate to draw the moral equivalence, because it's not that relevant, the argument. the argument about medicinal marijuana should stand on its own. but this always comes up, and that's what i would say about it. >> powerful information from dr. sanjay gupta, as usual. sanjay, you've done a great job. thank you very much for joining us. weed is a fascinating documentary that airs on cnn sunday at 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. eastern. up next, anderson talks to a man who knows what it's like to face danger in war zones but never faced anything like this before. >> it was a checkpoint, they
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elise, what's the latest and crucially, where is this happening? >> reporter: the state department has evacuated most of its diplomats from pakistan. this is in direct response to a terrorist threat against the u.s. consulate there. only a few critical personnel remain. the rest travel this evening to islamabad. >> let's be very specific. do we know whether u.s. authorities are responding to a specific targeted threat? >> reporter: isha, it's unclear whether the latest threat to the consulate was related to this current threat stream against u.s. facilities and personnel across the middle east. no posts in pakistan were part of those closings. officials can't say a linkage but can't rule it out, but there was a specific threat to the u.s. consulate. now, most of al qaeda's core leadership is believed to reside in pakistan, home to other extremists. but it's also a well known base
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for terrorists and has had many threats in the past. >> let me ask you this, do we know how the u.s. came by this information regarding the consulate there in lahor? >> we don't know specifically how that information came about. there has been a lot of talk about how the u.s. is upping its intelligence collection and heard about the intercepts of al qaeda leaders. we don't know whether that's the case right now. but certainly the u.s. has been kind of really looking very closely at intelligence in recent weeks and months because of this recent threat. >> is the state department giving any guidance with regards to u.s. citizens who may be considering travel to pakistan right now? >> the travel warning from the state department is about to be issued, warning u.s. citizens against travel to pakistan because of all the activity against these groups saying that there are threats against
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american and u.s. interests and facilities in the region. >> and a timeline, do we have one for how long the consulate will effectively remain shuttered? >> well, there are a couple of personnel that remain in case they need to do anything, especially working with the local authorities to make sure that facilities are protected. it's a very unusual step to order departure of diplomats out of a specific post. the fact that they moved them to the capital islamabad shows they want to keep them in the region if they need to send them back. the u.s. says that they prefer to keep posts open. they want to continue to do the business of the american people. so they're just a couple of hours away in islamabad, but not going back any time soon. >> one last question, do we know how many people we're talking about in terms of this evacuation? do we have a rough estimate? >> we don't have a rough estimate and the u.s. doesn't like to give those numbers
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because of security reasons. but it's a decent sized consulate in the area, so it's not just a handful of people. they took out a great deal of people out of the consulate and basically there are no services being provided. >> all right. thank you so much for the update. now more "360," the latest on syria. here's wolf. claims today from a pair of syrian rebel groups. they say they attacked assad's motorcade. the government denies it but if the claims are true, it would be a rare close call for assad who made an appearance at a mosque this morning. his forces reportedly killed 62 rebel fighters yesterday. in fact, no end to the killing which according to the unite the nations and red cross has now taken more than 100,000 lives.
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the regime has done most of the large-scale killing but syria is full of lots of shadow killing hostile to more than just the regime. reporters without borders, 15 journalists disappeared in syria. for 81 days one of those was a photographer jonathan elpery. he was freed just two weeks ago. this week he spoke to anderson about his ordeal and escape from death. >> how did this ordeal begin? when did you first realize, okay, i'm in trouble here? >> well, i mean, very quickly as soon as the trap was set up. so they set up a checkpoint. i was in the car with two of my fixers and two rebel soldiers in on it. >> a fixer is somebody you hire locally to help you translate and get around? >> yeah, he does everything. he gets me around. he translates and supposed to have very good contacts to get you through places and get the pictures you need. >> so there was a roadblock. what happened? >> we're driving with these other guys in the car and pickup
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truck and there was a check point. they were all wearing ski masks, machine guns. they stopped the car, dragged me out, handcuffed me and blind folded me and pretended to execute me. so they put me on my knees like this and shoot their guns. >> what's going through your mind then? >> it's almost unreal. you don't think it's happening to you. it's very quick. when they do that, it's to break your will. you don't believe that's happening to you. >> was this a setup? do you think you were set up to be apprehended? >> yeah. a lot of my sources and some of the secret service, american and french, have led to this conclusion that i was set up by one of my two fixers. they knew i was coming to the southern part of the front line. so they set it up and they captured me. everybody else that was with me was released very quickly afterwards. so it was just me at the end held captive. not anybody else. >> so they pretended to execute you. then what happened?
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>> they put me in the car and had their machine guns to the back of my neck and we drove for a couple of minutes to a house. they dragged me out and they basically emptied my pockets, they took everything i had, put me back in the car, drove to another location. took 5, 10 minutes. and then i was in the house and they put me in a small room. i was on my belly handcuffed in the back, blind folded. that's how my first three weeks of captivity started. >> always in that room? >> always in that room except when i need to go to the bathroom, which was once a day. the rest of the time i was blind folded attached to a dead. under heavy shelling at some point, shelling us with helicopters and artillery fire. after three weeks i was moved about 500 yards away, another house and i had more freedom in there. >> were they friendly to you? >> the first couple of weeks no.
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they would kick me, laugh and make one at me. once i was interrogated by a couple of people. they came with knives, put a heel on my throat. i was part of the cia or fbi, and i think that was meant to break and make me admit to it. but i never did. i said no, i'm a journalist. >> so they didn't know who you were in advance? >> no, i don't think it really mattered. all they knew is i was a western journalist and it was a good opportunity for them for financial returns. >> that's what this was about, money? >> yeah. >> you were moved to a second house? >> the first week i was chained to a window and after a week, for some reason that completely disappeared and i was allowed to go outside the house in a backyard, surrounded by walls and i could walk around. >> this went on for 81 days? >> yes. >> how do you get through that? how do you mentally do it? >> one of the ways i made things
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better for myself is forget everything from back home, my family, my friends, my life. that was very difficult. i was usually not successful at it, but tried to. i told myself, my life before is over, this is my life now and i have to deal with it. >> i know you can't say much about how you were freed, but what can you say? >> i was freed partially by somebody close to the regime, by assad's regime, who had an interest to find me. because originally he was looking for other journalists who had been missing in the area and out of pure luck he found me, and he got in touch with some of the people holding me and they said, well, we don't have these two journalists but we have another journalist, a french one. are you interested, do you want him? and they started negotiating money. i think they wanted $700,000 originally and i think it was brought down to $450,000. >> you got out just two weeks ago? >> yeah, about two weeks ago. >> would you go back? >> no, i mean, no, i would not
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go back. would i cover another war? i would like to. because that's in me. but syria, i got very lucky -- i'm very lucky to believe alive. and i will not try my luck again and go back inside. i think if i did, people would know and capture me again. >> i'm so glad you're out. thank you for talking to me. coming up, a controversial shooting by police, all caught on camera. why did police in miami beach fire more than 100 shots at a reckless driver after he stopped his car, killing the driver and injuring four bystanders? the case has been under investigation for two years. that's next. you deserve more than just flexibility and convenience. so here are a few reasons to choose university of phoenix. our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experience. we'll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team is always undefeated.
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from officers after he was caught spray painting graffiti and they tasered him after they ordered him to spot. his friends say after officers tasered him, they laughed and high-fived each other as hernandez laid motionless on the ground. that death is under investigation. another shooting getting a close look right now. the death of a reckless driver who police fired more than 100 shots at after he stopped his car. that investigation has been going on for two years. the question is, what's taking so long to determine if police did use excessive force? jason carroll reports. >> reporter: the controversial shooting captured on cell phone video shows the last moments of raymond's life on may 30th, 2011. several shots are heard as hialeah, florida police officers try to stop his reckless driving. the video shows him heading down
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collins avenue and comes to a spot. he's surrounded by several miami beach police officers. >> oh, my god. they dope killed this man. >> reporter: the street is crowded with onlookers, enjoying urban beach week. a second bystander's cell phone captures what happens next. police start shooting, firing more than 100 bullets. >> oh, my god. he got to be dead now. >> reporter: scattered traffic picks up the chaos. four bystanders are hurt. the driver hit 16 times by police gunfire. >> we think about it all the time. just relive and rethink about how my brother left us is very painful and in order for us to move on just a little, just to go on, we need some kind of
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closure. >> reporter: the family is still waiting for closure, questioning why two years later the investigation is still not complete. and what triggered the police to shoot when the video shows he had stopped his car? alex bello, president of the miami beach police, points out an autopsy reveals that he was driving drunk and he says a gun was later found in the car. bello adds, whether he put his hand underneath his seat to grab the gun, something happened that caused them all to react at the same time. the family attorney is not buying it. >> there was a gun residue test performed on the weapon. the suggestion that he was shooting a gun has gone out the window. >> reporter: what do you think is happening here? >> they're trying to make it seem like it was an accident or it was his fault, but it was them who did all this, and they're trying to hide it. >> they definitely used
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excessive force, definitely. >> reporter: scanner traffic shows police immediately tried to get a handle on how many bystanders were shot. >> we have a man down. >> reporter: that man was cedric perkins. >> i seen the blood and realized i was a shot. >> another one hit in the hip. >> reporter: and that was carlton st. louis. where were you hit? >> i was walking over here and i knew something was wrong when i fell. i looked and i seen a bullet wound here and blood gushing out. >> reporter: they say police were careless. carlson has a metal rod and screws holding his hip together. perkins still has a bullet lodged in his chest. >> it feels like an ongoing cramp in my chest all day long. >> we're really looking to the police for clarity. we want a full investigation and charges brought against the
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police officers. >> reporter: neither the miami beach police or the hialeah police would comment on camera, citing the ongoing investigation, which has been turned over to the miami-dade state attorney's office. a spokesman there would only give a statement saying their job is to determine is there or is there not a crime? he went on to say the lengthy investigation is due to processing so much evidence collected over a wide area, saying the crime scene was blocked and blocked long. in the meantime, the bystanders caught up in the shooting still wait for financial help from their injuries, and are still waiting for answers. >> i'm cry any time. i never finish cry. i'm sleep, i wake up cry. >> we need some kind of answers. >> jason, what do we know about possible lawsuits by the family
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or by any of those innocent bystanders? >> reporter: well, i can tell you, the family is still very upset over what happened. you heard from the sister and mother there, as well. they have filed a civil suit against the miami beach police department. we also know that at least two of the four bystanders that were caught up in that shooting, they are planning to file civil suits, as well. also tonight, i can tell you that the mayor of the stay of miami beach released a statement to cnn saying in part the city has been working on enhancing policies and procedures throughout the organization to try to restore the public trust. wolf? >> jason, thank you very much. jason carroll reporting. just ahead, flash flooding across the nation's midsection. dozens of people had to be rescued from their homes. why the dangers isn't over yet. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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i'm isha sesay. back again with a "360" bulletin. a missouri woman was killed while driving across a bridge. dozens of people had to be rescued from their homes. and powerful wildfires are forcing evacuations in the west. the silver fire in california has burned at least 11,000 acres and forced more than 1,000 evacuations. two friends of dzhokhar tsarnaev have been indicted on obstruction of justice charges. the friends are both 19 years old and accused of helping him by taking things out of his dorm room after the bombing. the white house announced a list of 16 honorees today for the medal of freedom. form president george bush is back at home after a health scare this week. as you probably heard, he had a
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stint placed in an artery. the news came as a shock who regard president bush as a model of physical fitness. but there may be some good in the discovery and not just for mr. bush. tom foreman has this week's "american journey." >> reporter: in office and out, george w. bush has been regarded by many as the most fit president ever. mountain biking, swimming, golfing, weightlifting and laboring on his ranch. his annual physicals while in office found him in excellent health with no history of diabetes and low to very low coronary artery disease. so when physicians inserted a stint to reopen an artery, some people may have been stunned. but not dr. lerner. >> i think it is a case that people should go to their doctors and not assume because they exercise a lot they don't necessarily have a heart
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problem. >> reporter: he wrote a book called "when illness goes public" and says when famous people face illness, this is the good that almost always follows, public awareness and action rise sharply. when betty ford disclosed she had breast cancer, the number of women seeking screenings rose. when katie couric's husband died of cancer, screenings for that disease increased, too. >> i think the best thing that comes out of this is that somebody reads about this and then they pursue it more. >> reporter: over the past 50 years or so, each president has maintained some sort of physical fitness during and after his term. nixon bowled. ford golfed. carter jogged. reagan rode horses. clinton ran, too. obama plays basketball. and the first president bush even jumped out of an airplane. each one a living reminder of how much watching your health matters, whether you're famous or not. tom foreman, cnn, washington.
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coming up, a tiny down re-elects a tinier mayor. the "ridicu-list" is next. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. right now, get a 2013 chevrolet volt for around $269 per month.
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it's "ridicu-list" time. tonight, we have a story of a small-town politics and a pint-sized mayor. here's anderson. >> time now for the "ridicu-list." when you hear the word mayor, scandal may be the first thing that comes to mind. there's strong accusations against the mayor of san diego and new york mayoral candidate anthony weiner has had some, well, issues. i'm pleased to report at least one town in this country has it figured out. that's dorsett, minnesota, population 22.
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dorsett just had its mayoral election and the people in town were excited ant it. >> i like the incumbent mayor. >> the incumbent mayor has a stance on ice cream because he's 4 years old. >> the mayor of dorsett is pulled out of the hat. we're rooting for you, robert. >> that's right, 4-year-old bobbly has been elected to a second term as mayor. he was 3 when he became mayor last year. he turns 5 in october. >> can you give a big welcome and hello to mayor bobby tuff. [ applause ] >> i only got one bath. >> reporter: as we learned when he was interviewed during his first term, he's a fishing
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enfish yanldo. >> what do the fish bite on? >> leeches, worms. >> what is your favorite to catch? >> northerns, muskies, walleye, bass. >> can you describe what that bopper tastes like? >> it takes like fish poop. >> at the tender age of 4, he's developed quite a knack for dealing with power players. >> you're the mayor of dorsett. this is a mayor of a tv station. >> good to see you. >> up high. down low. too slow. >> that's good. >> and probably most importantly, there is no chance that he will be caught in any impersonal impropriety. >> how many girlfriends do you have? >> one. swhaz is her name? >> sophia.
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