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tv   Around the World  CNN  August 12, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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if i gotta wear clothes, you gotta wear clothes. (mom vo) that's why i got a subaru. i just pulled up. he did what now? no he's never done that before! oh really? i might have some clothes in the car. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. he tells me about his broken jaw and broken nose. the result of multiple beatings. >> that was before the anti-gay propaganda. twin baby girls stolen and sold by a doctor in china now back in their parents arms. the tension continues in egypt. protesters say they are ready
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for anything buying gas mask, setting up barricades and sandbags. we're live in cairo. >> good to see you all. welcome to "around the world". i'm brook baldwin sitting in for sus suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holmes. a republican senator has a message for president obama. it's time to get tough with russia. the strained relations have taken a turn for the worst. john mccain thinks president obama is under estimating russian president clad mirrvlad. he said he compared him to a board kid in school. >> the president comparing him to a kid in the back of the classroom is very indicative of the president's lack of appreciation of who vladmir putin is. he's an old kgb colonel that has
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no illusion about our relationship. does not care about the relationship with the united states and continues to oppress his people and the media and act in an unhelpful fashion. >> president obama cancelled a one-on-one meeting with putin but mccain says that's not enough. by granting asylum to edward snowden he's poked his if you think finger in obama's guy. >> president obama says he opposes any boycott of the winter olympics because of russia's new law against gay propaganda. the law has exposed a deep divide over day rights in russia. >> olympic officials says russia has assured them the law won't apply to visitors but is that hardly the point. it's put the spotlight on the debate within the country. phil black with that part of the
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story. >> reporter: he's practicing his faith. he says he found christianity while traveling in the united states. he joined the russian orthodox church. he tells me about his politics. it's pretty standard stuff for a concern conservative. one issue has brought him national influence and international fame. >> sick people marching on the gay marches while trying to attract people with their naked bodies. >> reporter: he wasn't the first russian politician to think of a law begani ibanning gay propaga. soon after it was adopted nationally inspiring protests and violence that have shocked many around the world.
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at the heart of the law is the belief that gay and straight relationships are now equal and imposes big fines. >> they are sins. for many doctors it's a disease. it cannot be called equal. >> reporter: he's practicing what he believes in. he grew up and came out in the remote region. he moved to moscow and began the often dangerous job of fighting for gay rights. they wills me about his broken jaw and nose. the results of multiple beatings. that was before the gay propaganda law became a reality. he says his country has had little toll rens for open homosexuality. there's even less now that the law says gay relationships are unequal.
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he knows he's part of a distinct minority, socially liberal. those who want russia to change. these two men represent a sharp social divide that's being exposed to the world. gay athletes and tourists are welcome but he hopes they will respect traditions and laws. he hopes visitors will join him in challenging laws and ideas he believes promote intolerance and discrimination. >> phil black joins us now from moscow. to hear that gay relationships are unequal and everything, the backlash still it seems that vladmir putin unwaiveriunwaveri they feel. >> reporter: they deny claims
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it's an anti-gay law. they say it's designed to protect children from material and information they belief those children are not yet ready to deal with. it seems the pressure is likely to increase as the games get closer. the challenge for russia will be standing by this law they believe which is broadly unpopular for much of the world while hosting an olympics that russia wants to be declared an international success. >> there was a poll that says three quarters of russians said homosexuality should not be accepted by society. 33% in the u.s. 18% in britain. it's a huge figure. what is it that has so many russians feeling that way? >> reporter: there's some big culture and historical factors
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here. the last century it was a closed off society when it was part of the soviet union. during the soviet times it was a crime being gay. russia has always had some catching up to do with the west when it comes to gay rights. the concern isn't so much there's a gap between russia and more progressive countries on gay rights and tolerance and equality. it is that gap is now getting larger because of laws like this. they believe russia is going in the wrong direction. >> very concerning. phil, thanks so much. phil black there in moscow. very well known british comedian stephen fri, who is gay, has been recommending that british athletes take on a protest and cross their arms over themselves and see how that goes down. >> i think they may not be the only ones doing something come
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the winter games. we have a follow up to the story on the chinese newborns whose parents say their doctor sold them and stole them. >> the latest twist in the ongoing baby trafficking scandals. authorities are investing scores of other cases. in this one thank goodness it's happy ending for the parents. >> reporter: a glimmer of hope in a baby trafficking scandal that's rocked china. these tiny bundles are twin newborn girls stolen by a maternity doctor and sold to traffickers. they were reunited on the weekend with their parents. the mother overcome with joy. when i met her just days ago she felt betrayed, lied to. >> translator: the doctor was pretending to be very anxious telling me my babies have
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genetic defects. the doctor said the twins would be brain damaged or paralyzed. >> reporter: she begged to see the children but the doctor wouldn't let them. for two months they thought their children were dead. th the doctor sold the children for $3,000 each. they were separated. the twins took the attention in this. according to state media at least 55 parents say their children could have been taken by the same doctor and for those parents they are will hoping for emotional reunions of their own. david mckenzie. let's take you to egypt now as the protesters are still bracing for a confrontation. >> we've been watching these protesters.
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they have been camped out in two cairo squares. they are demanding that morsi be reinstated. reza is at one of those camps. >> reza, we've heard news about president morsi. when it comes to these demonstrations this has been threatened for a while now. what makes anyone think it will happen now in. >> reporter: there was a lot of rumors swirling last night that the crackdown would happen at down this morning. morning came but the crackdown did not. a lot of people here sighing, breathing a sigh of relief. this is the main entrance to the main sit in in east cairo. you can see this lengthy brick wall is up. the bricks have been pried from the sidewalk.
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you can see demonstrators continue to come in. these are pictures of some of the victims of the recent clashes. this is the first line of defense for this sit in. if you look beyond this first wall, you see a second barrier or third barrier or fourth barrier and a few blocks down the street that's where the sit in is located. if security forces are going to launch a crackdown, this is what they have to get through. this morning, a lot of people who have been camped out here for more than five weeks woke up. there was no crackdown. you get the impression they are bracing themselves for possible operation that's been promised by this government. >> i'm look at your pictures as you see beyond the stone, i think i notice some women and children. who are making up these people in the camps?
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>> reporter: this is one of the most alarming aspects of this. we have seen more and more families. women with their children, infantasti infanted and toddlers. the government allegations that the pro-morsi supporters are using the women and children as human shields. they reject this. they say they are living here. they will stay with their children and not going to leave until morsi is released and reenstated. you have to believe if security forces launch this crackdown they're going to want to do everything to avoid an incident involving police and security forces and children. again, a lot of families there at this hour. >> thank you so much. live from cairo. >> a bit of a worry in parents and politics going there. hopefully nothing bad happens. here is more of what we're working on. a woman hangs on for dear life. there's a rescue we're going to
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show you. plus, what would you do if you jumped in cab and surprise, president obama was your driver. not the case here but in norway, the prime minister was picking up fares, the reaction, priceless. >> needed the money. it's like a scene from the jetsons. high speed travel that can get you from new york to california in a flash in a tube. >> kind of like those old school mail system where is they stuff the package up. we'll be launch off this rail gun. 600 miles per hour. >> you first. now, would you go? man: 'oh i can't go tonight' woman: 'i can't.' hero : that's what expedia asked me. host: book the flight but you have to go right now. hero: (laughs) and i just go? this is for real right? this is for real? i always said one day i'd go to china, just never thought it'd be today.
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today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? saving time by booking an appointment online, even smarter. online scheduling. available now at welcome back. here is a look at some of the stories making news around the world now. israel planning to build new housing settlements or expand the ones they've got and that threatens to derail the upcoming peace talks before they started. >> israel housing minister made this announcement yesterday. there was quick criticism.
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this comes days before peace talks are set to resume. >> also this announcement overshadowing the release of 26 palestinian prisoners. that's not a popular decision in israel. 44-year-old prince johan friso died. he had been in a coma for more than 17 months after he was severely injured in an avalanche. >> he suffered a lack of oxygen after being under the snow. his brother is the king of the netherlands. a chinese couple counting their blessings. they were having an argument on their balcony before they realized they were hanging on for dear life. >> that could have ended badly. this happened after some words were exchange. the woman slipped towards the
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boyfriend's balcony below. he tried to help her. he ended up hanging in the air as well. >> a firefighter climbing up. they finally grab her. neighbors got a hold of the fire department. they were saved in quite dramatic fashion. it's frightening all the way around. >> next time have a fight indoors. this is one of our favorite stories. would you take a taxi if you knew president obama was behind the wheel? david cameron or anyone else. some norwegians were taken for a ride. >> reporter: explaining that today will be quite different than most fridays. the prime minister was the master of understood statement as he dawned a driverer's uniform and headed for his taxi. a political stunt to enable him to get closer to the voters. he waited on a taxi like any
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other and this is what happened. some passengers seems totally oblivious running them around should be running the country. plenty clocked him immediately and then tried to bring up the awkward fact he was the prime minister. some were delighted. he's trailing in the polls. ahead of an upcoming election and come wanted to take him to task. it's difficult to imagine david cameron doing a different political stunt. that's because getting the license to drive, the knowledge test can two or three years. for norway's leader the only qualification needed was a driver's license, pair of sunglasses and a sense of humor.
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dan river, cnn, london. >> there's so much too that. we're like uniforms in a taxi ride. >> he got different kind of tips. how old you feel going from say new york to san francisco perhaps to cross country, maybe to china in less than two hours. >> two hours to china. one billionaire inventer says he can make it happen. we'll tell you about his transportation system, coming up next. hing, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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welcome back. the billionaire inventor is best known for developing paypal. >> this is all about tube travel. richard quest joining us now to explain this. this has been all the talk in the news room. love the idea of getting from x
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to y to z like this but in a tube. >> my line is you first. >> this has nothing to do with the kind of tube i'm used to in terms of the london underground. oh, no. he's decided it's going to be what he describes as a tube but not a vacuum. the general thinking is there will be a bullet or car which is shot down this tube using magnets to amplify the speed which will go twice the speed of plane. you're looking at anywhere from a thousands to 1400 miles per hour. he believes this is perfect for those distances not vast distances, new york to l.a. but between los angeles and san francisco. the interesting thing about this is he said it will cost about $6
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billion which is a fraction of the high speed rail price that are currently being considered. >> he's going to build this himself. is he willing to put his own money up? >> i think he's looking for money and an idea to make sure it works. i'm going to give you two a bit of grief. here we are, all three of us, sitting snugly looking as if butter wouldn't melt in our mouths or sucking a lemon saying this will never work. never thought about it. this man won the enasri prize. he came up with tesla. he's a visionary and has foresight. i just got a feeling that in ten years time our successors say he
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did it. >> we've only got ten years. >> it's like when would it happen. i think if you're shooting me in some sort of tube from say l.a. to san francisco, i'm not like, my face isn't like flying back. >> you two are like a wet weekend. >> i love the tesla. i think it's awesome. >> i'm in. >> if he does it, and he'll let me be on the first one, my hand is up. >> that's hyper loopy if you ask me. >> how expensive is it be? >> it's $6 billion to build. he hopes the kwocost of a ticke will be an airline ticket or a bit more. people again and again are trying to find these new ways of fast communication, fast travel
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that will have less environmental impact. is this it? i don't know. this is a man who comes with up ideas of the future that work. >> i agree with you. he's an extraordinary man. he's done some amazing out of the box things. get out of here. you first as i said then i'll pop along afterwards and meet you in san francisco. >> richard quest, thank you. what do you say? wouldn't you pay cash for a home you've never visited some thousands of miles way. some buyers nor china are doing that. also, this is an american in prison in a north korean labor camp. he's being moved to a hospital after losing more than 50 pounds. he's not well. this day calls you.
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the family of an american held in north korea very worried about his health. we're talking about a man named kenneth bay. he was sentenced to 15 years in a labor camp of hostile acts. he's speaking out from a hospital as he family holds out hope he will be freed. >> reporter: kenneth bay spent three months in a north korean labor camp before being hospitalized. he has been sentenced to 15 years. his family is worried his condition will deteriorate. we have seen him working in a north korea labor camp. now we see him in a hospital. >> translator: i broke the law so that why i'm in the labor
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camp. i think a high level of u.s. officials should bring me back to the u.s. i think the officials should apologize on behalf of the u.s. government to get early release. this is my request to the u.s. government. >> reporter: he was sentenced in april to 15 years in a labor camp for what the regime calls hostile acts to bring down the government. hiss family says he's a tour opter with a missionary background. swe den represents u.s. in the country. bay's health is deteriorating. the north korean group says he has a spinal injury, lumbar and cervical pain and gallstones. his sister says he's lost 50 pounds since december. he says he is concerned his health be deteriorate. over the weekend his family held
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a prayer vigil for him in hair hometown of seattle. 281 candles were lit on saturday. one for each day he's opinion held in north korea. >> it's been incredibly difficult. there's absolutely nothing we can do. we can do everything we can to try to raise awareness and send him letters and write letter to people who can to have the power to really advocate for him. we don't have that. we're trying to do everything we can to spread the word and to appeal to those who do have the power to bring him home. >> reporter: the u.s. government has called for bay's release on humanitarian ground. there's been news that former president jimmy carter will head to lobby on his behalf. violence in iraq continues to rise. hundreds, thousands killed this
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year. attacks onto called soft targets. >> including bus stops, markets and coffee shops. ♪ [ male announcer ] for sensitive skin, there's fusion proglide. our micro thin blades are thinner than a surgeon's scalpel to glide effortlessly for our gentlest, most comfortable shave. switch to fusion proglide. number one dermatologist recommended on sensitive skin. and now try fusion proglide sensitive shave gel. gillette. the best a man can get.
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welcome back. nazi war crime suspect who was arrested last year has died. he's accused of sending more than 15,000 jews to the concentration camp in 1944. >> he lived in canada for several decades but returned to hungay for a deportation hearing. he denied the allegations against him. he was 98 years old. let's turn to iraq. weekend celebrations turned to sorrow. 64 people were killed. almost 200 wounded.
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>> the fresh violence stems from a decades old conflict. arwa damon picks up the story. >> reporter: in this baghdad park one can almost imagine that life in iraq is normal but it's anything but. smiles and laughter, brief moments where one can only try to forget the fear and the violence that permeates every aspect of life. despite people being worried, people are trying to venture out. i hope that iraqis can develop and live in peace. on saturday a series of coordinating bombings claimed dozens of lives and injured hundreds more. the attacks were aimed at supposed soft targets where
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civilians gather, but stops, markets and coffee shops. where are the security forces this man demands angrily. if you, prime minister, cannot deal with security let somebody else. the violence is the latest in a series of coordinated strikes. july was the deadliest month in iraq in the last five years. al qaeda and iraq and other groups have capitalized on the government's failure to bring it into the fold. it's expanded its operations into syria under the umbrella of al qaeda further blurring battle lines and intertwining iraq's fa fate of its neighbor. >> listening to that story, the
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first part could have been from 2006, 2007. bombs, deaths every day and carnage on the street. in the last few minutes another bombing. why? >> reporter: why is the question everyone in iraq wants to have answered. for so many this violence is in inexplicable. this is what they deal with all the time. something as simple as wanting to grab a cup of coffee and all of a sudden people's lives are forever change and that loss becomes engrained in their psyche. this happens every day.
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>> tell us about this group claiming responsibility. >> reporter: when the u.s. military with drew at the end of 2011 it was being claimed that this organization, al qaeda and iraq were on the run and no longer had the capabilities that they used to back in the days of 2006, 2007. since the military has withdrawn that's no longer the days. the organization has been able to grow and morph and really capitalize on the various dynamics that exist in iraq. really establish itself and we have been reporting it's also moving into neighboring syria becoming a much more potentially dangerous entity than it ever was during the day's of america's war in iraq. >> thank you very much. she's spent so much time over there. >> about 13 times from the
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beginning to the end oflt war. the great thing is these are sunnis fighting against the shiite government. the fear is it's going to become a regional conflict. very frightening. hundreds and hundreds of people being killed. when we come back home sales in the u.s. heating up again. >> it's not just americans snapping up the real estate here. we'll tell you who is buying in and in most cases without even seeing the property. all it takes is one small word slip up and it all goes viral. one political leader found that out. we'll tell you what he said.
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threat. it also remains closed. mpb let's take you to venezuela now. a huge oil refinery catching fire. this was caused by a lightning strike. evacuations were ordered but no injuries reported. venezuela's president says he's monitoring the situation. not to pick on my favorite aussie here but here we go. this one politician put his foot in his mouth we decided to take a good long look at this. >> here you go. >> however well educated, however well experienced is the suppose toir of all wisdom. i believe we will be a much very government because we have a strong team.
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>> and a good isssuppository. that's enter a body passage. >> he meant to say repository. >> which is defined in the same dictionary as a safe storage space. >> i suppose -- i'm not going to go there. >> worst part is he's returning for prime minister. the top job of the country. he's already been trailing in most polls for next month's election. moving on. >> let's do that. in the past few months u.s. real estate market has started to come up. >> thanks in part to foreign buyers.
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near the top of that list is many chinese buyers may recollect making all cash purchases. >> reporter: it's a saturday afternoon in this hong kong hotel and chinese investors are enjoying a catered lunch while bidding on properties half a world away. spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on properties they may never set foot in. they are now second only to the canadians when it comes to buying real estate in the united states. when they buy, they buy big. spending on average $425,000 per property an most of the time they pay all cash. all cash preferring big cities like new york and the suburbs. what's the draw? >> upside potentials. we have friends and folk who is live there. it's keeping up with the joness. >> reporter: a u.s. home is place to stay on vacation and a deal. real estate prices in china are sky high.
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that means its citizens are cutting checks without stepping foot inside a property on the other side of the planet. expositions like this one have become a normal event. >> we expect the u.s. economy can continue to grow one way or another. the property price will go up. >> reporter: in the united states anyone with cash can by property regardless of citizenship. >> there's a kind of security to owning property in the u.s. that still doesn't exist in china. it's only recently that the chinese government appropriated property regularly. that means the people who have means are still nervous about their ability to hang onto those mean ifs they invest in china. >> reporter: the market has changed. seasoned l.a. broker sally jones
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has had to change with it. >> i've spent some time in china meeting a lot of the potential chinese buyers to get an understand of what types of properties they like. they are buying anywhere from the lower end in los angeles marketplace, which is somewhere around a million to the high end $20 million. >> reporter: andrew has his eyes on a lot of properties across the u.s. he's not ready the buy yet. when he is, experts say china's restriction on transferring money out of country will be easy to navigate. >> now you know. when we come back we'll talk about the strongest storm anywhere in the world. >> we'll tell you where it's headed, up next.
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in the philippines one person is dead, another 20 missing after the kcountry was slammed by a typhoon. >> this is being called the strongest on record this year. chad meyers joins us to explain, typhoo
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typhoon, hurricane. >> they this is the pacific. 150 miles per hour as this thing moved over the northern island in the philippines. we talked about why shanghai was so hot. the answer was there was no typhoons to make it wet. well, watch what you ask for any time. this is the one that america uses here. north of manilla, there's the storm out here. 105 miles per hour. here is the bad news. there's the eye. now it's back into the ocean. lost some power. down to 100 miles per hour. a very big storm but it could gain more strength as it moves south of hong kong up into china spreading very devastating rainfall. it gets very mountainous up here. you'll see problems in the
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coming days with flooding. we'll have those pictures. >> thank you. a lnow to stilletos. it's tough enough for some of us to walk but running. women in the ukraine strapping on the heats for the race. >> they fine soft interesting ways to keep them on too. hey linda!
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or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
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for most women and michael holmes on a friday night, as we just learned, walking in high heels is tough enough but running this stilletos doesn't seem like a great idea? >> not so much in the ukraine. they strapped on their high heels. this is part of the 100 meeting stil stiletto race. >> i'm waiting to see the ladies. i want to see the running. they are taping these things on. >> it's coming. some of the women had six inch heels on. >> no thank you. i'd be like 6'5" if i had those on. they're stretching. 15 seconds. the winning prize was -- they're off. >> we're running out of script
12:59 pm
here. there we go. not bad. >> they're slow pokes. look at her. my goodness. she won the car i bet. down goes a heel. >> can you say broken ankle? >> that doesn't seem smart. >> let's have a look. >> three inches. >> i'll challenge you to a race afterwards. >> done and done. speaking of running. usain bolt one again the fastest man in the world. he won gold on sunday. a title he lost two years ago because of false start. >> here is video of bolt winning the sprint in 9.77 seconds. there he goes. >> researchers at the university of virginia say he's fast because he has twice the spring and because


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