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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 12, 2013 8:00pm-8:59pm EDT

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least productive congress in american history gets five weeks. i know bo is a dog, but if anything should give you pause, it's that. ac 360 starts now. erin, thanks. good evening, everyone. rescuing hannah anderson. also tonight, the question is this anyway of fighting crime. stopping and frisking hundreds of people every day. most of whom are hungry, african-american or hispanic. a judge called it a cooped of racial profiling. others say it's just good policing. we'll explore both sides of the issue, and you can make up your own mind. what every parent needs to know about a new study linking induced labor to autism. the sad facts that hannah is facing in her happiness to come
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home. she did not know her mother and brother had been killed. her father this evening said the healing process will be slow. >> she has been through a tremendous, horrific ordeal. i'm very proud of her, and i love her very much. she is surrounded by the love of her family, friends and community. >> in just a moment, we're going to talk to ed smart, whose daughter elizabeth went through what hannah anderson has. how the whole side unfolded after barely more than a week. each day brought another tragedy or some other dramatic turn. miguel marquez investigates. >> saturday august 3rd, hannah finishes cheerleading practice. the family comes up to a friend's house for one last visit. ethan anderson fails to show up for an 8:00 a.m. football practice. in the 8:00 hour sunday evening,
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there's a call about a fire in james dimaggio's house, the house is engulfed in flames. an accelerant is used. the next morning the body of christina anderson, hannah and ethan's mother found in the partially burned garage. the charred remains of a child are found in the house, later confirmed to be those of 8-year-old ethan. hannah is believed kidnapped and just before 11:00 p.m., a statewide amber alert is issued. the bubble is told to be on the lookout for a blue nissan versa. tuesday august 6th, authorities nationwide even mexico and canada are alerted. no sightings of the car, brett anderson makes a desperate plea for the safe return of his daughter. >> hannah, we all love you very much, and if you have a chance, you take it. you run. you'll be found. >> wednesday august 7th, tips begin pouring in, there's a possible sighting in northern
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california and southern oregon. the amber alert is expanded to washington state and idaho. authorities don't locate the car. >> wednesday night a major break. horse bike riders bought a couple -- >> they didn't fit very well. the expressions on their face. their demeanor, just didn't fit that country. they -- >> the following day, the riders called law enforcement. >> the minute i saw amber alert on television, i immediately pointed to my wife, i said that is the girl we seen on that mountain. >> a massive search begins. hundreds of local, state and federal law enforcement officials rush to the scene. >> one other thing about this area, it's dotted with rivers, creeks and lakes out in the middle of nowhere. if someone wanted to survive out here, it survived for months. >> on friday, august 9th, cnn breaks the news that dimaggio's blue versa is found under brush.
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the license plates removed. saturday august 10th, federal agents spot the campsite, the fbi believes the hoss tabtage a rescue team has delivered a two and a half hour walk from the camp. dimaggio fires at least one round using a rifle. fbi agents kill him. >> at approximately 5:20 local time. special agents with the fbi's hostage rescue team along with salt lake city division of the fbi observed hannah and the suspect near moorehead lake at a campsite. agents moved in to rescue hannah. the suspect is deceased. >> hannah anderson is safe and unharmed. >> and miguel marquez joins us from boise, idaho. how delicate and dangerous was this rescue operation, what do we know? >> incredibly so.
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as i understand it, they had sur veiled the couple for quite some time, hours before, by plane, watching them overhead. they then made the decision to move that special team, elite team of fbi agents in, heavily armed like you would see in the military they moved in and they were late getting out there. they put them out two hours out, so that dimaggio would have no idea they were coming. they snuck up on that camp, sur rounded it, waited until they separated and con fronted dimaggio, and now we know that dimaggio got one shot off with a rifle, possibly another before he was taken down. >> both john walsh and ed smart know the horror of losing a child. ed smart knows the challenge of helping one heal. both fighting to ensure one day no one will have to endure what they have. >> everything this poor girl has gone through. the fact that she's back in san diego safe and sound with her family, it's unbelievable.
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>> it's amazing. she's back alive, unfortunately, she didn't know that her mom and brother were murdered, so now she has to deal with just not only her kidnapping, but the fact that her loved ones, two of her loved ones are dead. but i think the ending was fantastic, because now the state of california doesn't have to put this guy on trial endlessly and cost millions of dollars. and then they won't have to house him in a jail cell while he watches tv and brags about his kidnapping and murders on the internet. this is a good ending with hannah being back with her dad, who is a wonderful guy and a loves dad. >> i can't imagine that the joy of coming home, and the horror of learning what happened, the things you didn't know about. the murder of your mother, your brother. >> you know, i think that is very difficult for as probably as joyful as it is coming home, it's so difficult to know how to
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deal with the nightmare of losing a mother and a brother. when i think of elizabeth's return, it was such a joyous day. i remember john calling up and, you know, it was so real that elizabeth was home, and such a miracle. the thing that i wonder about, though, is how she's dealing, how he manipulated her and held her. in elizabeth's case, elizabeth was really manipulated by mitchell saying, well, i'm killing -- i'm going to kill your family, if you don't do what i tell you to do, and we don't know how she was manipulated or handled. obviously he didn't tell her about what he had done to her brother, and to her mother. and i hope that she understands that what has happened is not her responsibility. so many times the captor manipulates them into feeling a
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sense of responsibility for what has happened. and i hope that she understands that this guy was really sick. and a bad guy, and that she has her life to move on with, with her father. and it's going to be a difficult adjustment. hope that the media and everyone will give her arm's length so that she can find that new normal and be able to move forward with her life. >> and that's something that her dad mentioned as well today. i want to play that for our viewers, what he said earlier today. >> i respectably ask you to give me all of our family, and our friends the respect and time to allow this to happen. as for my daughter, the healing process will be slow. she has been through a tremendous horrific ordeal. >> john, what -- i mean, echoing what ed said, that idea of not being responsible, that's got to be very important for her moving
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forward. >> absolutely. she's got so much to deal with. and i really beg the media, and anderson, you and i are in the media, to leave this family alone. i think lois and ed smart did a phenomenal job keeping elizabeth away from the media, until the family was ready. and look at how poised and wonderful she is now, having gotten married last year. we advised jaycee dugard and her mom not to talk to the media until they had counselling. and the women in ohio. i've talked to brett several times in the past week, and he said what do we do when she comes home alive? i said, number one she's going to come home alive. number two, don't be seduced with the media, get with your daughter, deal with what's happened. you guys heal and then talk to the media if you feel like it. >> or if ever.
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hannah's grandfather talked about how shocked he was that dimaggio could do such a thing, saying he didn't even -- what he would or should have looked for. what should family members be looking for, to prevent something like this, i think everybody despite all we've heard in all the examples we've seen, so many people still think this is something that strangers do. >> no, not at all, the vast majority of crimes against children, 70 to 80% are perpetrated by a trusted authority figure. think about jerry sandusky, the football coach. everybody though he was a wonderful guy, he started charities, while he was cherry picking children to molest. ariel castro, everyone thought he was a great guy, he kidnapped a 14-year-old best friend of his own daughter. you and i have talked about pedophile priests that were revered and respected and moved around the world by their higher
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ups in the catholic church. i don't know why people can't wrap the head around the fact that you really really have to figure out and be a little bit on the ball of who your children hang around with. it could be some trusted authority figure that the family respects. >> if someone gives them the creeps, it's vital for family members, for parents to listen to that. >> absolutely. i know elizabeth and mary katherine have both said at different times, this person gives me the creeps, and you hear that once or twice, and that -- a light bulb should go on, and you should understand that you have to respect what they're saying, and be aware of what's happening, and take safeguards to try to keep them safe. i don't think there's anything more important than listening to your kids. >> ed smart, john walsh. it's good to talk to you under
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happy circumstances. >> our love and blessings and prayers go out to them. >> ed and john. let us know what you think. next, is it a legitimate crime fighting tool, or is it a wholesale racial profiling. a judge issues a sharp ruling. new york city's policy of stopping hundreds of black and hispanic men every day. the pictures are just amazing, but nothing compared to the stories you're going to hear from the people who narrowly escaped and swallowed alive on their summer vacation. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people.
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keeping them honest tonight, a controversial way of doing police work. it amounts to stopping lots of people, frisking them, and in 88% of cases, arresting or ticketing them for violating laws. that in a nutshell is new york
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city's stop and frisk policy. police stopping 100,000 people in the first three months of this year alone. about 1100 a day, mostly young, mostly hispanic. the nypd defend the practice, but today a federal judge ordered limits to it, appointing an outside lawyer to monitor the police, and a blistering opinion, saying the police adopted a policy of indirect racial profiling. the judge also writing the city's highest officials have turned a blind eye to the evidence that officers are conducting stops in a racially discriminatory manner. stop and frisk is one of several law enforcement policies we've recently discussed in our town halls. another is federal mandatory drug sentencing. attorney general eric holder made news on that as well. >> i have mandated a modification of the justice department's charging policies so that certain low level drug
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offenders who have no ties to organizations, gangs or cartels, will no longer be charged withdraw conian mandatory sentences. >> the new policy drawing praise today from republican senator rand paul and patrick leahy, dick durbin and mike lee have been working about it all. i want to talk about it all. crystal wright and mark geragos join me. crystal, you support stop and frisk, saying the judge was being politically correct, it's not a police problem, you called it a black problem. explain what you mean by that. >> sure. the evidence is clear. stop and frisk works, it saves lives, i lived in new york city, anderson in the 1990s. it was a war zone, we know you had over 2,000 people killed each other.
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and fast forward to mayor bloomberg after giuliani, we know that there's been about 400 murders last year in new york city. under bloomberg, we've had a 34% drop in crime. so it works, and what's sad about the judge's ruling is, she's chosen the politically correct route. in our country and cities like new york, chicago and detroit, right here in d.c., white people aren't being killed or killing, it's blacks and hispanics, in new york city. i'll leave you with this note. in 2009 in new york. blacks represented about 25% -- 24% of the population. they were doing 66% of the killing. so i'm sorry, we need to -- and we need to move beyond this discussion, and we need to talk about the root cause of what's bringing the black race down, and really get with that, that's what we're not dealing with, and that's what i find unacceptable. >> does it trouble you at all
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that 88% of the stops that are police are doing result in the release of the person? so if there's a reason to stop the people, they're stopping, how come so many of them are innocent. >> it's kind of like when i see crime in my neighborhood, and i see a suspicious person. the first thing, i see someone breaking into a car about the first thing the police officer asks me, miss wright, what's the person's race. i don't think this is racial profiling, this is profiling for suspects. what we know, the suspects are over 90% hispanic, and blacks. and i think the one thing i will say about the judge's ruling, i think it's ironic, she says it's not -- it's unconstitutional, but i'm not going to end the program, i'm all for looking at how we train officers, but i think the new york -- nypd is doing a heck of a job, it's safer when i go to new york. i'm not afraid to walk from the subway station to wherever i'm going. >> you were quoted by the judge in this ruling. what do you make of -- >> well, let's take crystal's
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numbers, right? if you have 400 murders in new york city. you also have 8 million people living in a city. a quarter of them were black, a quarter of them hispanic, half of them, 4 million people. you cannot take the dem og rah if i of a tiny criminal population and extrapolate that on to regular law abiding citizens who are doing nothing wrong and say that that is okay. what the city's argument basically is, is that the means justify the end. no matter what we do. no matter who it hurts, if our numbers at the end of the day come back lower than we are justified in taking away your rights and impeding on your rights. and i think that we don't -- it's hard for me to understand how the city can make this argument, you're on moral quick sand at that point. when you start to say that anything that i do, as long as
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it -- 1yu69 the numbers in the end it's okay. many of the horrors of humanity have been based on that same argument. you do not want to go down that road. s when the mayor and the police chief responded today, you heard nothing about the constitutionality of what they were doing. they went back to the numbers. you cannot defend this on constitutional principles. >> mark, how do you see it? >> look, this is -- it's almost silly that we're having this argument in this sense. if you want to solve the crime problem, just encarcerate all minority males or males in general between the ages of 16 and 25, that would give you the result crystal wants, the great majority of crimes committed by males between the ages of 16 to 25, crime is going down everywhere, it's a demographic, crystal. it has nothing to do with this idea of making you feel safe. if you want to feel safe, we can
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adopt what they do in singapore. >> i think what new york's doing now is keeping us safe, mark? >> well, except that -- at the expense of -- >> you're just being politically correct about it. >> i'm not being politically correct. i sit in courtrooms every day, crystal. and i watch the disproportionate number of minority youths being processed through. >> why do you think that is. >> this policy wouldn't last, i'm going to explain it to you, in a second. this policy wouldn't last 45 minutes if you had the police going up to the upper east side, along madison avenue, and stopping and frisking people up there. it wouldn't last. 45 minutes there would be -- >> you know why it wouldn't last, mark? >> why wouldn't it last, crystal? >> when you go, when i go -- >> because when -- >> let her answer. >> crystal, what before that, if this was happening in predominantly white neighborhoods, wealthy neighborhoods, do you think people would stand for it? >> well, you show me a wealthy white neighborhood where you have the level of crime.
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show me, and i think we should go there. >> i can show you a lot of -- >> i think muggings, murders. >> i grew up in a very wealthy white neighborhood. i can tell you the number of parents who were popping pills and doing all sorts of illegal stuff. it wasn't the stuff that is being prosecuted. >> and ironically -- >> let me make a point here. i was -- one time i was here at cnn getting ready to go home from evening, and i had a nice gentleman walk me out, a black security guard here. you know what he said he's afraid of when he leaves cnn at night? he's not afraid of the white kid walking around, he's afraid of his own people. the reality is, when you go to the ghettos and the public housing and cities in urban environments like washington, you go to predominantly black neighborhoods. that is where the violence is occurring. it's occurring. black lives and hispanic lives are being saved by stop and frisk. would i like it?
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i'm uncomfortable when i have to go through tsa and they pull me aside for an extra patdown. that happens a lot. >> stop making the argument that you're doing black people a favor by profiling black people, right? that's a horrible argument. >> no, it's not a horrible argument. >> this idea that you're better -- you are better off -- >> wait, one at a time. >> you're better off here than if you were out there. the second thing is, you make this point that you go to wealthy white neighborhoods you wouldn't have this problem. it's very important to understand the connection between poverty and crime. crime is multifactorial. a lot of things go into the way people behave the way they do. if we got out of the business of being a punishing culture, and got into the business of being a helping culture. we weren't punishing a person, you got pregnant, you had a kid out of wedlock, whatever the case may be.
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this kid acts out. that kid now has to be punished. instead of providing services, which is what a lot of states are now doing, by the way, providing services, so that kids do not have to get in trouble. do not have to go to jail, it is cheaper on the front end to say, i will support a boy rather than encarcerate a man. >> i agree with you. here's where we have consensus, i agree we need to be focusing on programs that aren't going to necessarily encarcerate our young people. speaking of out of wedlock, you know how i've spoken about this. is that the wrong thing that i'm not. let's get to the route of the problem, that goes to the breakdown of the black family, it's not something to be proud of. that 73% of my race, my race's babies are born without fathers, compared to 30% of whites. and they're -- i'm all for you. i know of a program right now, a character building program that
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elaine bennett is doing in about 14 states in public schools across the country to teach exactly what you're talking about, charles. to teach girls self-esteem and delay risky behaviors. >> can i ask a question. >> if you're worried about self-esteem, what do you think it does to minority youths who -- is it character building to have them be frisked for doing nothing? do you think there's any kind of resentment that builds when they get constantly hassled or pulled over, because of their color or where they live? and they can't help it, you talk about it, they -- they're born into where they live. do you think that is something that's going to build a lot of respect for authority and a lot of character? >> no, i think -- >> and the frisking is a very invasive maneuver. it is into the a patdown on the shoulders sort of thing, i listened to a young man, part of this lawsuit, stopped and frisked eight times, never arrested once, never charged
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once. and the way he describes the invasiveness of the frisking and for them to leave him on the ground like a wet rag when it's done and walk away. it is incredibly damaging psychologically to these young black men. >> crystal? >> and i agree with you, and that -- i will say the part of the judge's ruling that i -- i think needs to be looked at is the training of the officers, and that is humiliating, i'm sure, look, it's not pleasant, i've been followed before, in numerous department stores, because i was black. it's not fair. i don't think it is. i also think, if we're going to have this conversation, we need to be honest about what's going on in the black community. i feel like we're not doing that. there's a lot of apologizing going on, there's a lot of talking around it. i think one of the programs the judge wants is, she wants to pilot a program where police officers wear cameras to see what's going on, i'm for that. i would like to see firsthand what's going on in the field.
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>> what about the part of the opinion where the judge talked about what the culture is in some of these precincts and what the attitude is in some of these precincts. and what you're breeding by doing this. doesn't it give you some pause as to the us and them mentality? >> no, because i think there's always going to be us and them with when you're dealing with law enforcement, knowing police officers are in washington, d.c., personally, and in los angeles and many other cities. friends of mine who are police officers. it's tough work. i don't think that what she said is pervasive, and i think that bloomberg is going to do the right thing and appeal this decision. so i don't agree. >> it's a good discussion. thank you very much. for more on the story, go to they were nearly swallowed alive on their situation. sounds like a steven king novel. a sinkhole that opened up under a florida reset is very real.
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the battle over baby veronica takes a turn. the little girl's adoptive parents are calling on federal authorities for help. and didn't know where to start. a contractor before at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey.
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terrifying night at a resort near walt disney world. part of the second building sank. dozens of guests had to be evacuated. sinkholes are a fact of life in florida and they can be deadly a few months ago, you may remember jeff bush was swallowed alive when a sinkhole opened under his bedroom in tampa. his brother tried to save him. >> all i could see was barely see his bed. and i jumped in the hole to try
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to dig him out. i got a shovel and just started to try to dig him out. i thought i heard him screaming for my help. i thought i heard him asking me for help. i tried and tried. and tried digging him out, and i was screaming and screaming for him. and i couldn't get him out. i tried so hard. i tried everything i could. >> jeff bush's body was never found. sinkholes can strike with little or no warning at all. guests had minutes to get out. martin savidge reports. >> in a vacation destination known for make believe, it was all too real. a sinkhole 100 feet across opens up under an orlando area resort condominium. giving panicked guests just men i its to get out. >> i saw it, it was crazy. how does that happen? >> guests began hearing strange
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popping and cracking, the earth began to move. >> we were walking around, and the building's collapsing, and the sinkhole on the bottom of it, buildings collapsing both ways. >> more than 100 people including children were inside. amazingly, everyone made it out safely. some credit a quick thinking security guard. >> one of the security grds ran up and was evacuating people, barthing into their rooms. one woman was sitting in the tub and the tub levitated. >> ben warrick from des moines had just started his vacation, and was staying next door. he managed to capture the building collapse on his cell phone rolling at just the right moment. >> i turned to film the guys talking to the fire department, i heard a crack, i turned and the roof came down. >> the sinkhole seems to have
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stabilized, but that's no help for the guests who fled in the darkness. >> how do people retrieve the items they left behind. >> they may never be retrieved. >> as a precaution to buildings that were evacuated. leaving the residents scrambling at the height of the summer season. >> we just got here, and, you know, i don't want the kids to see us with a sad face. they came to see mickey, you know? and i'm going to do my best to make it happen for them. >> unbelievable. martin savidge joins us live. any idea why this sinkhole happened? >> no, it's still being investigated. they have a private engineers firm looking at the soil on the property. in general, you have a high water table and it's very acidic water, washing up against relatively soft bedrock. the weight of the building on top, it just -- that's how it
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all falls in, anderson. >> it's unbelievable. amazing no one washurt. dramatic new developments in the battle for the little girl known as baby veronica. her biological dad is under arrest for refusing to follow the supreme court decision and give her back to her adoptive parents. also ahead, a new study that shows a possible link between autism and the way many women give birth. alert.
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heartbreaking custody battle we've been following for months. a south carolina couple is calling on federal authorities to help recover their daughter. >> we ask what are you waiting for with every passing hour, we fear more and more for her safety and well being. vermont's court appointed representative also fears for her safety. if anything should happen to our daughter while she's being left in the hands of those that are holding her captive from us, the responsibility will be shared by many. >> they raised their daughter
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for the first two years of her life. but 19 months ago the court ordered them to return her to her biological father in oklahoma. recently they were granted custody again, but her father did not appear. she is now with her grandparents in oklahoma. he was arrested and then released on bond. that happened today. randi kaye spoke with brown over the weekend. >> she's doing great, she's a wild kid, and very excited. full of energy. >> reporter: dustin brown talking with us for the first time about his daughter veronica, less than 72 hours before he was taken to jail for refusing to return her to her adopted parents. he practically foreshadowed today's arrest during our
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interview. >> are you willing to go to jail for veronica. >> i'm willing to go to jail for my daughter. this is my family, and i protect them. if it takes me going to jail for it, so be it. >> what about veronica, now 4, how is she hand elling the turmoil of being taken from her adopted parents nearly two years ago. >> do you think this is in her best interest? >> i think so. >> she doesn't quite understand it. she goes, i know that's me, who are they? >> i just tell her, those are some people that love you too. >> those people are matt and melanie. they adopted veronica at birth from brown's ex-fiancee. brown got his daughter back after a south carolina court ruled in his favor citing a little known federal law designed to keep indian children in indian homes. veroni
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veronica's been living in oklahoma with her father and his wife. >> she's very attached to him. she runs up to him and says, daddy i love you. they horse and and play together and act like goof balls. >> there's another side to this story. the perspective of the adopted parents. >> you want to be an engineer when you grow up? >> yes. >> last week, veronica was supposed to begin the transition back to their home. after the u.s. supreme court ruled in their favor because brown had given up his parental rights. >> i started getting really excited sunday morning, because i thought, well, they're not going to break the law and not show up. >> sure enough, he did just that. brown never brought veronica to meet them. >> we know better than anybody how it feels to have to hand over a child. and we understand their pain, what they're going through. we know they care about her, we know they love her. one way or another she's going to come home. >> after dustin brown didn't
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show up, a family court judge in south carolina suspended the gradual transition of veronica anden ordered she be handed over immediately. the judge said she was being unlawfully withheld from her lawful parents and he's called on the u.s. attorney's office to find veronica and return her to the copobianco's. >> she will grab to him, she will not let go. >> will you be ready to hand your daughter over to the copobianco's -- >> i will fight until they say, you have no more fight. this is my daughter. it's not a yo yo that i borrowed for two years. the fight is over, the sooner dustin brown accepts that, the sooner their daughter will be
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home in her brand new big girl bed. >> how hard is it waiting for her to come home and sleep in this bed? >> it's awful. i mean, it's just -- and it's wrong and it should be here already. >> that was the plan. >> but, i mean, i still feel really good that she'll be back home again. >> the biological father he still maintains he can keep her, is that possible? >> he truly believes so, even though the u.s. supreme court and the south carolina supreme court has said the girl belongs with the copobianco's. he thinks he can find jurisdiction somehow in oklahoma, he says it doesn't belong in south carolina courts. but he thinks he has a chance in oklahoma because he says, she was born there, she lives there now, and it should be under oklahoma jurisdiction. >> is it possible, the courts have ruled, is it possible that at some point soon law enforcement will step in and take her?
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>> that is possible. the copobianco's have asked for that. there was a warrant for his arrest, that's why he turned himself in. he's out on bond. a warrant has to be signed in south carolina. the next move is unclear. the fbi has said we don't want any part of this, but there is a chance that authorities could go in there tonight and overnight, in the morning, and take this little girl out of that home. they say she's with her biological grandparents, nobody has actually seen her. >> randi, appreciate it, thanks. a new study linking induced labor to autism? a lot of people are worried about this. the jury has spoken in the whitey bulger racketeering case, what he was convicted of and how much time he could be facing. ro. for the authentic. for at home and on the go. for pessimists and optimists.
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a new study has a lot of people talking tonight. the study found a link between autism and induced labor. it's the kind of finding that can sound alarming, but it comes with a lot of caveats. dr. sanjay gupta joins me tonight. >> sanjay, what can you tell us about this? >> first of all, i want to make clear at the top, this is an observational study. no one is saying it's a cause and effect here.
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it's concerning to a lot of people. it's going to capture a lot of headlines. no one can say inducing labor leads to autism, this study was an observational study, looking at boys and they found that there was an association between inducing labor, augmenting labor and having a boy that's subsequently at higher risk of autism. inducing labor means a woman is around her due date she has not yet developed contractions, you give medicines to start those contractions. take a look at the numbers there, if someone induces, it's about an 18% increase in the likelihood of having a boy with autism. slightly lower if just august meanting. if you do both, 35% increase overall, and likely to have a boy with autism. >> how common is augmenting or induce something. >> i looked this up as well. i thought it was going to be much more common than i found. overall, inducing labor is about
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23%, about a quarter of women have their labor induced. and those numbers are from 2008, the last time it was really recorded, my guess is, it's a little higher now. it's a little lower than most people expected, it's not all women. >> as you mentioned, the findings were much more pronounced among boys, do you know why there's a gender gap? >> i don't know why there is, this could be one of those things where we don't know which came first. we know boys are more likely to have autism than girls. they say one in 88 children, but if you look more specifically at the numbers, among boys, it's one in 54, among girls, it's one in 252, it could mean that more boys are having autism or this is playing some role. we don't know. >> what does that actually -- i'm practically speaking, what should families do, should people stop inducing or augmenting pregnancies? >> i don't think so. we asked that same question. this is something that affects a
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lot of families, a lot of women out there, what i would say is, the old adage applies here, the correlation does not indicate causation. but, you know, if there's something more to be learned here, are the women who are more likely to get their labor induced, do they have other health problems that are very much in common. are they taking certain medications that are investigated more fully. is father's age playing a role here. we know there are certain factors that do increase risk of autism for certain maternal age, older than 35, raises the risk by 30%, a first born child. increased risk by 21%. this may be one of those other things that sort of establishes that correlation, but it may not be a definitive cause? >> more study is needed? >> yeah, really figuring out what is happening around the induction and augmentation of labor. is there something else these women have in common.
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i think those are the things that are going to be investigated. >> thanks. let's get caught up on some of the other stories we're following, susan hendricks is here with a 360 news and business bulletin. a jury has convicted james "whitey" bulger on 30 counts of rackete racketeering. he could face life in prison when he is sentenced in november. racial discrimination claims against paula deen have been tossed out. the former worker suing dean can't make those accusations because she herself is white. this is the same lawsuit that led to deen losing much of her empire. a 12-year-old boy unearthed a 5.16 karat diamond. he has an impressive souvenir. >> we'll be right back. see life in the best light.
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