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tv   The Situation Room  CNN  August 21, 2013 5:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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september 17th. we reached on the to fox, but have not yet heard back. the nsa broadly and illegally collected sweeping internet communications here in the u.s., and misrepresented the scope of that effort. plus sentencing for the man charged in the largest leak of classified material ever in the history of the army. and if you're planning to travel abroad, you like your hair? beware. we will explain just ahead. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm brianna keilar, you are in "the situation room."
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the obama declassified a secret court's opinions which revealed the agency was broadly collecting americans' internet communication here in the united states, and misrepresenting the scope of that effort. cnn justice reporter evan perez has the story, and he joins us with details. it has points inside the united states where it can look at and monitor e-mails and other internet traffic, and what it was doing was beyond doing the
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collecting of foreign intelligence, is what they're supposed to be doing, trying to prevent terrorism, there were also incidentally, mistakenly they say, collecting domestic information. this is a big no-no. this is not what they're supposed to be doing. the court ruled that not only had they been violaten the law, but misrepresenting what they were supposed to be doing for three years. so the judge is very upset. >> they can't just say, oops, our bad. how do they explain why this was happening? >> well, you know essentially what the nsa had come up with, in their own minds and in their own perhaps far apparently exceeded what they could do with their computers. they want that their computers just couldn't quite separate the data from americans, the e-mails from americans from that which was supposed to be foreign. you have to look at it thi way. this is very complicated, but for example, if you -- when you put up on your e-mail and try to
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look up your latest e-mails, you get a screen with like five or six, say ten e-mails. if one of those is what nsa was interested in, nsa was getting everything. >> i had. >> you have to understand the way the computers were set up, apparently it couldn't quite differentiate, it couldn't quite exclude the stuff. >> are they still getting everything? have they changed the process? >> the nsa still is doing this type of collection. i think that is what people have a lot of suspicion about. the nsa is basically saying, look, we've gotten better at this, we've been able to set up systems, able to limit what we can get. >> evan perez, thank you so much for the details on that. let's get more now from the ranking republican on the senate foreign relations committee, tennessee senator bob corker joining us now on the phone. i mean, senator, when you hear
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about these details and you hear about this new information, what do you think? >> you know, we had this happen before, several months ago on the metadata program, it became aware of that. i wrote a letter to the president and asked for an explanation and a hearing. that day, thankfully, they did that, and many senators gathered in a room to listen. that same day, details came out about the prison program. >> i have a lot of concerns, but at a minimum, i think we should, as soon as we get back from recess, we should have a briefing that is detailed that explains all the programs that are happening, how we do those things to try to ensure these kinds of things that have been revealed don't happen. i think it's very pervasive.
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candidly, as i mentioned already, with so much happening, you wonder if there's any way to have appropriate oversight over these programs. >> that's one of the roles of congress. were you aware and other members of congress aware of this? >> so i think, you know, members of committees, some are more active than others. i'm not on the intelligence committee, but it was very apparent to me sitting in this briefing, there were some senators that acted as if they were unaware of the metadata program against, which was the first one revealed. so i don't know. my guess is there may be a handful of folks that know a lot of details about this program. again it's very different at this point to know, but this is out there now in the public sphere. people are reading about it, hears about it in cnn, and other places, you know, a lot of times
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these programs are left only for a few to know about, because of the way these things operate, especially on the intelligence committee, but with all that's out there now, i think it's imperative that we have a walk-through, detail by detail of all of these programs, and an understanding of how we can keep these things under control so that americans' privacy is not impacted. >> certainly, and i imagine a lot of your constituents, and a lot of americans will be asking their representatives about that. senator, thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. to syria. we want to warn you the pictures you are about to see are extremely disturbing, graphic images released by a syrian opposition news network. they show the bodies of children and adults allegedly killed today in a toxic gas attack. opposition groups are claiming hundreds even potential more than 1,000 people were killed when the government used chemical agents. cnn is not independently verify
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those numbers or those reports. the white house says it can't officially confirmed the attack, but deeply concerned by the reports. cnn's senior international correspondent arwa damon is joining us from beirut, lebanon with the latest. arwa? >> reporter: hi, brianna. one leading opposition member put the death toll at 1300 just from that attack alone. so many of the victims were children, as you were saying, these images are incredibly difficult to look at, as this tragedy in syria just continues to unfold. the videos even by syrian standards are among the most disturbing of this three-year conflict. bodies with no apparent wounds, many children, some limp, other listless orring for air. the voice cracks as he repeats
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"only god can bring us justice." those who survived, helpless. doctors said that among the symptoms were constricted pupils, rapid pulse, and difficulty breathing. one activist we spoke to said that his vision blurred, he lost control of his limbs and collapsed, gradually recovering hours later. what caused the symptoms? rebels plame the syrian government for using chemical weapons. some say the symptoms were consistent with sarin gas. the syrian government flatly denied involvement. the incident came while a u.n. inspection team was on the ground examining evidence of prior alleged chemical weapon attacks. the inspectors are guests of the syrian government, believed to be staying not far from where one of the attacks took place, not yet clear whether they will be able to investigate this
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incident. with no way to protect themselves, people tried to wash off with waters. one doctor told cnn that his field clinic ran out of the atropine within an hour. all they could do was provide oxygen. >> and so right now we're waiting for the outcome of that emergency security council meeting to see if they do decide to request that their team currently on the ground in syria do try to investigate this latest incident, brianna. >> arwa damon for us, thank you so much. we also have more breaking news just coming into cnn. we are just getting new amateur video from the school shooting outside of atlanta. in it you can actually hear the sound of the gunshot going off. we're going to play that for you right now. now, we've learned from police the suspect in custody had about
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500 rounds of ammunition, and was carrying an ak-47 at the time. we'll have much more on all of this at the top of our next hour. we'll have the latest on that. it's probably the -- about a future in engineering. the speech that just might make you want to attend georgia tech. right now, 7 years of music is being streamed. a quarter million tweeters are tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot.
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call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? the simmering war over obama care is about to heat up and fall out from the next big battle could impact us. jim acosta has the latest on
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this. what's going on with obama care? >> brianna, i can tell you that when members of congress return to washington next month, they won't have much time to avert a government shutdown, as opponents of the health care law see it that as the time to strike. >> gentlemen, thank you for sharing your views. >> this town hall features senator ted cruz was practically a pep rally, with conservatives shouten down a few liberal protesters, and cheering on the tea party darling's plan to defund obama care. >> number one, i agree with them. they should have health care, and obama care is causing more and more people struggling to climb the commission ladder to lose their health care. >> they're eyeing two dates looming on the calendar, september 30th when the government runs out of money,
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and the next day, october 1st, when new marketplaces open for business. detunneled the health care law -- >> there's a game of chicken going on, and i'm fairly confident if the republican lawmakers go out and make the case to the american people that obama care is hurting them, costing them jobs, we can go out and win this fight. >> not all republicans are on board with the plan. >> i think it's the dumbest idea i've ever heard of. >> even mitch mcconnell, who's in a touch reelection fikts most of it is a perm necessarily law. >> and conservative groups. >> reporter: just ask the white house and states supporting the white house law are encountrying americans to sign up.
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>> minnesota, land of 10,000 reasons to get health insurance. >> a little help. >> other house rpz are raising the stakes even higher with talks of impeachment. >> if i had been writing that bill -- excuse me -- it would -- >> former house speaker and co-host of "crossfire" newt gingrich has a better idea, but the shutdown is in the president's court. >> wouldn't that shut down the government? >> only if obama decided he wanted to shut it down i want white house officials have said there's no way the president would ever sign a bill that defunds the health care law, and one top aide said it's likely both sides will continue funding the government until the end of the year. but getting to a compromise could make september a wild ride. >> jim acosta, thank you for that. let's get more with chief political correspond and anchor
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of "state of the union" candy crowley. you sat down with ted cruz. you were at this rally. what did he tell you? >> we talked about a lot of things, but we talked about this effort to defund obama care, and he admits this is a huge uphill ball for the senate. he talks about a tsunami gathering up a tsunami of people to pound washington capitol hill offices with phone calls and messages, and that's what he was doing at this defund obama care event last night. again it's going to be so much about the message, who's to blame for shutten down the government? but the truth is they are working the same kind of message that you just heard from newt gingrich. here's what ted cruz told me.
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if many president obama makes the decision to shut down the federal government, because he's so committed to obama care, that's a point where we've got to win the argument. i'll tell you what. if we're successful mobilizing millions of americans to reach out to their elected officials so say do the right thing, spare us from this training wreck, getting the economy going, but ultimately it's going to move democrats also? >> so -- absolutely everything in the government. and along with it. here's a bill that defunds obama care.
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there is a new paradigm. you know, part of the first amendment is about respecting the views of others. >> so they got into it a bit there. you spoke with some of the folks who helped them getting into that event. >> which happened with town hall meetings ever since the first summer since the town hall meeting. they have become on both sides a lot about theater. i mean, this is reality politics, if you will. so, yes, we did talk to people afterwards who had helped facilitate getting these protesters in. the stories they say were true. a woman said look, i've lost my job, i can't afford my diabetes medicine, i have to go to mexico. the senator quieted the crowd and said, let her tell her
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story. he handled them deft by, but honestly there were a couple thousands people, so they were sort of a minimal part of it, but this has become part of the standard. if you're a democrat, the tea party will show up. if you're a republican you'll get this sort of protest. >> the vocal minority gets so much attention, especially in then town hall meetings, which used to be boring, but now aren't. how is he going to play in 2014? i want i asked him specifically, i said, abu june demint, the heritage foundation is sponsors they town has across the country, and he showed up to speak at it. it's actually the heritage putting them out there in nine cities. jim dee mind has said any republican that gets in the way of defunding this needs to be replaced. so i asked senator cruz whether he will -- whether he thought that, too, he sorted dodged, so
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i said what happens if mitch mcconnell meets a team parties conservative, or lindsey graham. will you go out and support, the perm, the primary challenging incumbent who's already -- he stated it was unlikely. he didn't flat-out say no, but that it's really unlikely i would do that. so he said what i will do, is where there are open primaries, and if somebody makes their case, i will go and help them. >> maybe he likes the theater, but not that much theater. >> i'm just -- he said it's unlookically. >> candy, thanks so much. >> changing view on medical marijuana. cnn is in the briefing presume pressing for answers. a school bus overturns with dozens of kids on board. she loves a lot of the same things you do. it's what you love about her.
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this asp a school bus overturned with 36 girls on board. kansas highway patrol says the bus slipped down a hill as it came around a curve. some of the girls are injured, we don't know how many, though, or how severe the injuries are. we will keep you posted. and vice president joe biden is giving new details about his son beau. the 44-year-old delaware attorney general has undergone a successful procedure, beau biden
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sought treatment after feeling weak and disoriented on a family vacation last week. the vice president says his son, the attorney general of delaware, will be discharged and return to his home state tomorrow. chris christie's lead in the new jersey governor's race is shrinking, a new monmouth university asbury park press poll shows christie beating his democratic challenger 56% to 36% among likely voters. he was up by a whopping 30 points points in mid june. a big win for christie could be hi launching point for a 2016 run. potential big news -- the website all things d is reporting that google recently met with nfl commissioner roger goodell to discuss broadcasting live nfl games on youtube. so neither google nor the nfl
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would comment on the story. directv has a package, but only for two more year. apple as $150 billion in profit it could be looking to spend as well. a georgia tech solve mare may go down in history for giving the best welcome speech for incoming freshmen in history. take a listen. >> if you want to change the world, you're at georgia tech. you can do that! if you want to build the ironman suit, you're at georgia tech. you can do that! if you want to play theme music during your convocation speech like a [ bleep ] we're at georgia tech! we can do that! i am doing that! i don't know, if that
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doesn't make you want to go to georgia tech, i don't know what else would. and up next, a disturbing new development in an ongoing nuclear nightmare, officials are now considering a new warning. plus details on a bizarre crime wave, women targeted by hair thieves. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪
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he explains why he did it. also tons the radioactive water leaks for a crippled power plant. we're learning it may be more serious than realized. plus thieves targeting women not for purses or cell phones, but for their hair. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm brianna keilar, and you are in office office. "the situation room." arm private bradley manning has been sentenced and ordered dishonorably discharged for what prosecutors consider -- manning's attorney now says his client will seek a pardon from president obama, and cnn pentagon correspondent chris lawrence has been working the story. he's joining us fromford immediate with the very latest. from ft. mead. >> almost his family broke out
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into tears, openly crying. in fact within seconds his attorneys were pushing him out of room. and hours later his attorney was saying he would seek the presidential pardon. he will likely serve time at ft. leavenworth. he's required to serve a minimum of a third of that sentence, and his lawyer says with time served credit, he could be in eligible for parole in as little as seven years. the attorney didn't say he was a winner in this case by any shot, but he said the public was a winner, because the information got out there and sparked a national discussion. will to come forward.
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as i said before, this does send a message and a chilling one. >> on the other hand, prosecutors had argued this damaged diplomatic relations put lives at risk. this sentence need to do send a message to potential whistle blowers that this is illegal and not the way to go about it. brianna? >> chris lawrence, live for us from ft. mead, thank you for the report. the army psychiatrist defending himself if -- and in recent weeks, has leaked documents to news organizations that appear to offer his justification for the attack. "new york times" reports on e-mails that hasan send expressing concerns about the action of some soldiers that he was evaluating, including one case, according to the times
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report where a soldier reported to hasan that american troops had poured 50 gallons of fuel into the iraqi water supply as revenge. closing arguments are set to begin tarp. the white house says as of now, president obama isn't looking to change government law placing marijuana in the say category as heroin and ecstasy. cnn's chief white house correspondent jessica yellin asked deputy white house press secretary josh earnest about the controversial issue in the context of a recent documentary done by our own dr. sanjay gupta. the same category as heroin, and more harmful than cocaine or meth my distinguished colleague dr. sanjay gupta has called for a reconsidering, so given the
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reported medical benefits, does the president believe the government should reconsider this classification? >> well, jessica, i can tell you the administration's position has clear and consistent, that while the prosecution of drug traffickers remains an important priority, the president and administration believe that targeting individual marijuana users, especially those with serious illnesses is not the best allocation of federal law enforcement resources. >> i'm not exactly sure what steps are required or what changes could be implemented into the law to have an xwa can't on marijuana research. for some reasons i suspect i'll have many tags on twitter later. >> maybe some doritos later.
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our jessica is joining us now, a little funny there at the end, better you they avoiding a larger question? >> they are, brianna. there are a host of ways. 20 states have medical marijuana laws, at least 16 have decriminalized possession. two have legalized it, so for the white house to say they're not going to order a crackdown on pot smoker is basically just bowing to real iity the harter questions for the white house to a little are why is weed still listed as a more serious drug. even in states where it's legal, why are some -- how does a federal government propose dealing with issues like that? well, the drug enforcement agency is modern enough that
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includes -- and the old classic reefer. but there's still stuff with a law that's written in the 1970s. so now we have the white house says the president doesn't yet needing to a way -- bottom line, maybe he'll evolve on the issue, but for now by sticking with the current law, it seems like he's trying to have it both ways and split the difference. just ahead, we have details of a very unusual crime wave. who is stealing women's hair? and why? and also the tweet that has dr. phil in some pretty hot water. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ chainsaw buzzing ]
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it's like that nuclear nightmare that just won't end. this latest incident may be more serious than first thought. paula, how bad is this? >> it's being described as the house of horrors. they keep on happening time and time again. this is the way japan's nuclear watch dog is describing the fukushima power plant. but as you say, this is the most serious since 2011. it's been upgritted from a level 1 on month to a level 3. this is the proposal japan is making, claiming it is a serious incident. what has happened is 300 tons of highly radioactive water have
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leaked from the water tanks. the plant operator claims that they have stemmed this flow. they claim that they have made that water secure, and that it hand reached the ocean. there are concerns that if one water tank can leak, surely others can as well. there's hundreds with highly radioactive water inside. just to give you an idea of how radioactive that water is, tepco says if you stand too close to it, you will get a five-year dose of radiation in just one hour. >> that is unbelievable, paula, and i wonder, because the japanese people had already lost so much confidence in telco, what does this latest incident do? i think the fact that the nuclear watch dog calls it the house of horrors sums it up. the japanese people are constantly hearing about what is happening with tepco, and very little of it is positive. now, of course you have to remember this was a huge disaster. it is a very complicated
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situation, and a very difficult situation for tepco to try to fix, but at this point, the prime minister shin seo abe says the government will get more involved. they haven't given -- but this isn't the first leak we have seen. we know that 300 tons of radioactive water every single day are going into the pacific ocean. at this point the plant, they don't know where that leak is happening. so certainly it is a catalog of errors, and it is continuing at this point. >> paula hancock's in tokyo. thank you. when we come become, richard nixon forced to address the american people in the heat of the watergate scandal. the last of his white house tapes have just been released. you're going to find out what was going on behind the scenes. plus celebrity therapist dr. phil is taking flack after a controversial tweet backfires. we have the details, next. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪
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celebrity therapist dr. phil mcgraw is in a bit of hot water over this twice asking -- if a girl is drunk, is it okay to have sex with her? reply yes or no to dr. phil with the #teamsaccused. dr. phil's show says it was intended to invoke discussion, but it ended up doing something very different. so let's bring in torrie dunnen with the details. torrie, this is very upsetting to a lot of people.
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you this was quickly deleted, but the storm of reaction had already started. we did get a statement from the dr. phil show clarifying this was not a personal post from dr. phil. we are told he is upset and deleted it the second he saw it. the show apologized saying the question was ill-advised be it drugs, alcohol, age or mental illness, cannot and do not have the capacity to give their consent to anything, especially sex, and brianna, we know this controversial tweet really reached a lot of people. the reason behind that is he has more than a million followers on twitter. >> can you tell us, torrie, what really was the point, i guess if it was a member of his staff tweeting this, did they kind of explain what they were really trying to discuss here?
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now, we did reach out to the show's reps and they say they will not releaseon a than 1,000 signatures. take a listen to what the woman who is behind this has to say. >> the idea of sort of collecting people's opinions on whether or not something is rape is a super invalidating way to talk about the problem of date rape and acquaintance rape. >> the goal with the petition is to have dr. phil to have a substantive show about sexual assault and this controversy has started to spark that
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discussion. >> at minimum certainly. thank you so much. many people take extra precautions when they are traveling. don't you? maybe you hide your wallet? have you ever thought to hide your hair? cnn latin america affairs editor has details of a bizarre crime wave in two south american countries. >> reporter: letting your hair down in venezuela can make you a target for criminals. >> translator: you have to see to it believe it. we won't be able to have long hair any more. as a woman this is something traumatic. >> reporter: authorities noticed an increase in the number of attacks against women, the common denominator, all the victims had long hair. >> translator: it's happening downtown, at the beach or the mall where you fine a lot of young women. the thieves grab them by their hair, pull out scissors and cut it and then sell it. >> reporter: in venezuela they
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call these thieves piranhas. the thieves are fast and ferocious. it's also happening in colombia. she said when she realized what happened to her the thieves have fled and a chunk of her hair was missing. she lost eight inches of hair. from the thieves perspective it's quick and easy money. this stylist says synthetic hair calls from $40 to $160 depending on its quality. but natural hair can cost more than $500. so when we come back, richard nixon cursing up a storm
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as he talks about watergate. we'll hear newly released white house tapes. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem
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liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? richard nixon talking candidly and profanely about watergate as the scandal was exploding around him. that's just some of the fascinating content in the last of his white house tapes to be released. cnn athena jones has been listening to them. hundreds of hours. what were you able to hear? >> reporter: 40 years after these conversations took place we're finally able to listen to them and we're getting a window into some of the key moments of the nixon presidency, including what was going on
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behind-the-scenes on the night of his first speech about what he called the watergate affair. >> i hope i don't let you down. >> reporter: president richard nixon speaking on the telephone to his chief of staff about the scandal that would end his presidency a year later. watergate. on this night in april 1973, nixon had just delivered his first speech addressing the charges. >> good evening. i want to talk to you tonight from my heart. >> reporter: accepting the resignations of halderman and other key aides. listen to the frustrated president's colorful language. >> well it's a tough thing, bob, for you, for john the rest, but god dam it i'm never browna discuss this son of a pitch watergate thing again. never, never, never, never. let me say you're a strong man,
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god damn it and i love ya and i, you know, i love john and all the rest and by god keep the faith. keep the faith. you're browna win this son of a bitch. >> reporter: it's one revealing moment just released by the nixon presidential library and national archives. in another then california governor and future president ronald reagan called to offer his support that same night. >> for whatever it's worth i'm still -- you can count on us. we're still behind you out here and i wanted you to know that you're in our prayers. >> how nice of you to say that. well let me tell you this. each much us has a different religion, you know? but god dam it, ron, we have got to build peace in the world and that's what i'm working on and i
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just want you to know i so appreciate you calling and give my greatest love to nancy. how did you ever marry such a pretty girl? good god. >> reporter: then george h.w. bush also a future president does the same half an hour later. >> i really was proud of you. by golly i know it was tough. i just want to tell you that. >> reporter: now this final installment of the nixon tapes covers april to july of 1973. capturing nearly 3,000 conversations. and not just about watergate but about a wide range of topics from redskins football to the most serious subjects of the day. >> fascinating stuff. thank you for wading through as much as you could in a short amount of time. that's it for me, the next hour "the situation room" begins now with my colleague, jake tapper. >> thank you. happening now the words that
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helped prevent a shooting massacre. >> he told me that he was going to -- he had no reason to live, nobody loved him, and i just explained to him i loved him. >> we're learning what went on inside a georgia school where students escaped bullets. plus a view from australia of the bored american teens charged with killing a native son and the dangers of murder on main street. and can facebook's founder provide internet access for the entire world? we'll have a reality check on mark zuckerberg's exclusive interview with cnn. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm jake tapper and you're in "the situation room". he had an aka 47 and 500 rounds of ammunition and
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prepared to die but this time when a gunman walked into an american school and opened fire no one was hurt. now we're getting a better understanding as to why and the school's calm and quick thinking bookkeeper had a lot to do with it. cnn's martin savidge has more. >> reporter: even though almost 24 hours after the incident that took place here, authorities say they aren't certain why the alleged gunman chose this particular school. what they are sure of is that one woman inside made all the difference between life and death. the shaky cell phone video captures tuesday's drama outside of the robert mcnair learning academy. sounds of gun shots sent police running. what led the man to this school with an assault weapon and bent on dying isn't clear. the school bookkeeper was hill's
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hostage. >> he told me he didn't take his medicine. he said he didn't have any reason to live and that he knew he was going to die today. >> reporter: those who know hill to describe him as troubled would be an understatement. in july he pleaded guilty to making terroristic threats, according to his brother he posted online he going to kill him. for that he got three years probation. tim hill told "good morning america" it was a warning sign. >> i had a feeling he was going to eventually one day do something stupid but not of this magnitude. >> reporter: tim hill told me growing up his brother was diagnosed with bipolar, had attention deficit disorder and a number of other issues. i went looking for michael's last known address. this is it. the couch inside of this house. according to friends he suffered a fire earlier this year at his apartment and ended up here. just blocks away from the elementary school. the house was rented by a couple with kids who knew hill from
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church. parishioners told me they felt sorry for him. when the landlord met him she felt something else. >> he liked something wasn't quite right about him. >> reporter: what was that? >> he just was kind of forceful with his words but he just stared a lot. >> reporter: that was just over three weeks ago. then tuesday night she saw hill again. this time on the news. and authorities say that they really still have not figured out why hill acted allegedly as he did. he has given a statement. they won't reveal what that statement is. the other big question, jake, is how did a convicted felon get his hands on a semiautomatic assault rifle. authorities say he got it from an acquaintance but they won't say anything beyond that. >> another shooting incident and more reason for schools around the country to prepare for the worst. it's a process that's been going on since the columbine massacre
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in 1999 and reunited with the noun trage newtown tragedy last year. >> reporter: here in montgomery county, maryland at facilities like this, julius west middle school security procedures have been enhanced. and the incident in atlanta was a reminder they have to accelerate the process. the staff at mcnair academy outside of atlanta according to police handled this standoff well. trying to calm the shooter. then after he surrendered a quick evacuation of the children while police secured the scene. elsewhere in america, this is how they are preparing for those moments. >> i'm getting confirmation that we have a shooter on the second floor. >> reporter: a full scale drill on how to respond at liberty middle school in west orange, new jersey complete with real police. these are the lessons from newtown when 26 students and
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teachers were killed. schools are putting in new protection, tweaking measures already in place. >> it's changed school security in our minds. >> reporter: rex barrett head of security for prince george's county schools in maryland said they put more cameras in class. >> a display such as this they can see every camera. >> reporter: at julius west middle school, the security chief showed us what they've been doing with the new money. it starts with electronic entrance ways, locked doors you have to be buzzed through. when we get into the schools on the schools that we can, we're going put an entrance, security
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vestibule. when visitors come in it funnels them through the main office. >> reporter: here in montgomery county for many years they had what they call a call button. a teacher hits this, the signal goes the office, the office can call police. in other school systems around the country for the first time in some of them they are instituting what they call panic buttons, strategic places around the school that teachers and administrators can hit. you hit that and that goes directly to emergency call centers. training teachers is being stepped up. barrett says they tell staffers not to talk to a shooter. >> they are not trained in hostage negotiation or conflict resolution as far as dealing with that individual. >> reporter: still in some situations like the one in atlanta, barrett says where the shooter slipped in right behind someone and presented himself so quickly the staffers do have to talk to a suspect and in that event he says a personal calm and a calm demeanor and personal
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engagement he says actually getting to know the person is crucial in those situations. that appears to what have happened in atlanta yesterday. >> some communities talk about having police positioned, located at schools as a layer of protection. is that something you're hearing about in montgomery county? >> reporter: they are doing it in montgomery county, in prince george's county and in fairfax county in virginia near here. they are not doing it at elementary schools because there's not enough staffers, staffing within the police department to put a police officer at every elementary school. in fairfax county there's 135 elementary schools. they simply don't have the manpower to police an officer in every elementary and middle school. in the high schools and fairfax county also in the middle schools they do have an officer assigned all day every day to that school and they engage with the students, talk to the students, get to know them. that's another layer of security that personal relationship. >> brian todd thank you so much. there's growing anger on two
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continents over the killing of an australia student in oklahoma because the teenage suspects had nothing better to do. one australia newspaper showed the picture of the suspects with the headline faces of evil. some australians are urging a boycott of the u.s. suggests foreign visitors aren't safe in america. there is murder mayhem on main street usa. every day of the week. but you hide from that. you don't face up to that. you let your congressman and senators escape and dance around the bush when it's a very real circumstance supported by the nra. >> the state department says the u.s. respects the rights of australians to express their views on any issue including this one. the administration is calling the shooting senseless and tragic. we're join now by michael vincent a correspondent for the
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australian broadcasting corporation. he just returned from oklahoma where he was covering chris lane's death. first of all, when you watch reports like the one we've just aired about school safety, about what happened in georgia the other day, what's your reaction? do you look at us and think what a crazy culture or is it more complicated than that? >> look, i've been in this country for two months. this was my first shooting attending. this is a great country but the amount of gun violence is shocking to australians and in this case this young man in the prime of his life came to this country for an education, to play his beloved game of baseball. was jogging past three children who then decided to get in their car, find him and as the court heard yesterday shoot him in the back before escaping. he stag toerd the side of the road. he died there as a woman tried to give him resuscitation. that to australians is a shocking crime. i ask is it a shocking crime to
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americans? >> it is to americans. but i under you have a different perspective for viewers who are not aware. in 1996 there was a tragedy in australia in port arthur, 35 were shot. then you began the process of banning guns in australia and it has been -- it was a long process but it did happen. was it as contentious as the way you see gun fights are fought, rhetorical gun fights are fought here in the u.s.? >> the man you heard before, tim fisher was the deputy leader of australia at the time. the prime minister at the time john howard has since won the presidential medal of honor from george bush. he advocated and took this and he's a very conservative man who was backed by very conservative elements of australia who brought in this gun control. the decision to get rid of up to
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a million guns, semiautomatic, automatics, crackdown on gun, create gun license, create, ensure guns were locked up safely at gun clubs. make sure that farmers if they needed them had to get a license for shot guns. even people's old family heirlooms were given into this gun buy back because people were shocked how one man with several guns could kill 35 because he was mentally ill. >> one of the differences, obviously, between our two countries is we have in gun rights advocates would make this argument we have enshrined in our constitution a mention of the right to bear arms. there are those who interpret it as a militia, for a force to bear arms but it's right in our constitution just like we have freedom of the press in our constitution which does not exist in the constitutions of other countries. does that play a role when people look at the united states? do people consider that that's one of the reasons there's a
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tradition of gun ownership here? >> look, i'm an observer in your country and i don't want to influence any debates. i'll leave that to many commentators you have in the gun debate here in the united states. having come from duncan, oklahoma this is a quiet, peace lul agricultural town and it took three young men, not men, children. these are children. three young children to have access to one gun to end the life of one australian and that again is shocking for australians to know that that can take place as casually as it did, as the court heard yesterday. that this young man had so much to live for. and yet because of these three children who also apparently had a shotgun in the back of their car when they were arrested, they could take someone's life because as the court heard they were bored. >> don't mean to diminish the tragedy of it all and certainly, you know, all of our thoughts
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and prayers go to the australian who have been touched by this tragedy, something that upset a lot of us and in this country we've been covering it since it happened. so thank you for coming and sharing your views. we can all agree too many people who shouldn't have access in this country do including these three children. so thank you for sharing your views. coming up next, can sarah palin make a come back in politic? i'll ask bill crystal about his prediction that palin who resurrect herself. a school bus flips over. we'll tell you how it happened and how the kids are doing right now. p our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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gentlemen, thank you for sharing your views. you know, part of the first amendment is about respecting the views of others. sir -- >> cruz's supporters outnumbered his opponents and applauded his effort to defund the president's health care law even if it leads to a government shutdown. >> i have publicly committed along with a number of other senators that under no circumstances will i vote for any continuing resolution that funds even one penny of obama care. [ applause ] >> let's bring in prominent conservative commentator bill crystal. good to see you as always. thanks for being here. do you think that this crusade by cruz is destined to fail? >> i think it will not be to defund all of obama care as of september 30th. i don't think it's impossible to delay key parts of obama care and not my advice would be to
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start off by trying to defund it all fine, but have a plan b. i think going after the individual mandate the president himself suspended the employer mandate why not suspend the individual mandate as well. these exchanges have huge privacy and security problems. why not suspend them. i think it would be a more rifle shot approach might be better but ted cruz is doing fine for now. certainly conservatives are excited about his call to defund all of obama care. >> interviewed governor rick scott, republican of florida on my show earlier today and he said that there should be -- that any move to repeal obama care should be accompanied by a move with something to replace it. but i don't hear republicans calling for the repeal of obama care to talk about all the uninsured people who are covered by obama care or will be covered by obama care. what happens to them? don't you think that's important? >> yes. republicans have paid a price for the failure to aggressively push their own replacement for obama care. there are good conservative
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reform ideas out there. for now look, the great advantage of delaying obama care, just delay the damage it will do. you do have to move ahead with a replacements and i do believe that paul ryan and others and bobby jindal is involved in this, there's an effort going on across the house and senate to come up with a big replacement package, bigger than the ones they've introduced so far in congress that will be unveiled next year. >> for now can't we delay the point signatures of something that will cause damage. that's an easy case for the republicans to make. they need by the time we get to serious election season 2014 and by the time a presidential candidate runs to have a serious thought through replacement on health care. >> i want to get your reaction to another southern bite from a different republican who was at the town hall, information south
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carolina senator jim demint. >> when you have someone with the courage of a ted cruz to stand up and say we promised to defund obama care, that's what we should do. every republican up there made the same promise when they ran for the house or the senate. but something is wrong and they don't have the courage that they seem to need. but you can change things. >> do you think the reluctance of the republican party, at least in the senate and some of the establishment republicans in this town and throughout the country to embrace the movement to defund obama care even with this government shutdown risk is that an issue of courage or is there something else factored in? >> it's an issue of tactics and judgment. the republicans are too cautious and timid some of the time. the activists militant republicans are a little bit too bold sometimes and think you can
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go further where you can. the truth is in between. i don't think either side the establishment is unfair to the activist when is they say they are insane. the delaying of obama care is a good idea. jim demint is unfair when he says it's a lack of courage. >> you said this week sarah palin could resurrect or rehabilitate herself with the 2014 senate bid in alaska. so you do believe she has a political future potentially? >> i was asked how could she have. i think the way she would do it is run for office. if you run for office and win, she would be a freshman senator. it would be a much more fun bunch of republican senators than five years ago. i spoke to the republican national committee this last week and they were upbeat. one committee man said to me look at who we got in the
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senate? look at the house members. look at the governors, christi, jindal. these are people in their 40s. not just a good bench good starting team. >> bill kristol thank you. coming up bradley manning sentenced for the biggest military leak of classified information in u.s. history and finally says why he did it. ingeniously uses radar to alert you to possible collision threats. and in certain situations it can apply the brakes. introducing the all-new 2014 chevrolet impala with available crash imminent braking. always looking forward. while watching your back. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. and recently the 2013 chevrolet impala received the j.d. power award for highest ranked large car in initial quality.
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let's take a quick look at some of the other top stories.
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army private bradley manning sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wikileaks. we'll get credit for 3 1/2 years he's been in custody. after sentencing he said he acted out a love for my country and a sense of duty. he also said he'll seek a presidential pardon. five van der bill football players are pleading not guilty stemming from the rape of an unconscious young woman. four of the men are directly charged. they have been kicked off the football team and suspended. a fifth splaer accused of helping to cover it up. new information about this school bus accident in eastern kansas. three dozen sixth grade girls were headed to a camp out. 23 were hurt. now we're told the injuries range from mild to moderate. none of them thankfully life threatening. investigators are trying to figure out what caused the accident. up next the fate of ousted
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egyptian strong man hosni mubarak have a court ordered him to be released from jail. and my interview from an unlikely hero. he's days away from being awarded america's highest military northern. anncr: download the expedia app and your next trip could be on us. expedia, find yours.
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prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. happening now new questions in egypt, was the arab spring fight for democracy all for naught? the strong man who was toppled in that revolution may soon be free. an unlikely war hero on surviving a death trap in afghanistan and the bravery that's earning america's highest military northern. mark zuckerberg tells facebook about his campaign to bring the internet to the world. can he do it? we'll have a reality check. wolf blitzer is off today, i'm jake tapper and you're in "the situation room". a potentially explosive new development in egypt in the midst of the country's bloody power struggle man who was oust,
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hosni mubarak, he may soon be released from jail. let's go to our senior international correspondent in cairo. do we know what will happen to mubarek when and if he's released? >> reporter: we don't know when, we're pretty sure he is going to be released. it's bean complex day of legal jar don't. the last of three corruption cases he was facing was put to a judge. mubarek's lawyer said he's repaid the money he got improperly, he's been in jail for as long as egyptian law allows without him having a conviction for a crime that's two years. the judge agreed he should be leased. prosecutors said they won't be appealing which is their right. so technically the path is cleared for him to be released. that could have already happened. we don't know. suggestions from officials it would take a little bit longer. it could be tomorrow. it could be the day after. this is above all a political decision. you can't imagine the generals
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or the administration in letting this happen without having full oversight. the real question why is it happening right now. >> stand by for a second i want to bring in another subject international investigation is under way into new claims of a chemical weapons attack against hundreds of syrians. a warning we have very disturbing images. syrian opposition activists posted videos online of purported victims. they claim the al assad regime used chemical weapons against 1300 people outside of damascus including children. the syrian government denies the report. the white house says it can't confirm claims of an attack but the u.n. team is on the ground in syria right now hoping to investigate. >> really what we're looking for is access to the witnesses. the site where this occurred. the opportunity to elect physical evidence without manipulation from the al assad regime. let's let the investigation move
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forward. and we'll judge the results accordingly. >> the united states and other u.n. security council members have been meeting behind closed doors this to discuss the new chemical weapon allegations. both of you have covered syria and egypt closely. ivan i want to start with syria. how surprised are you about these claims of chemical weapons? >> i think the death toll, that's what truly is astounding with claims of up to perhaps 1300 killed. the claims of chemical weapons being used, i think, both sides in this war as well as the patrons that are behind both sides are in agreement. i'm talking the syrian government, the syrian rebels, the u.s., russia, the most vocal defenderf the syrian government. they are all in agreement that some chemical weapons have been used in the past on the syrian battlefield. what they don't agree upon is
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who has been using them. in this case the syrian government denying that they fired any kind of chemical weapon, in one case what was yearly a rebel held community. and the rebels, of course, accusing the syrian government of carrying out these attacks. it's taken months for these u.n. chemical weapons inspectors who have been on the sound since sunday for the syrian government to allow them in the country. the big question can they visit the areas where these latest claims of chemical weapons attacks are said to have tape place. >> you say latest, ivan, because of course there was an incident that the obama administration months later they said believed happened in march chemical weapons used by the al assad regime. nick with your experience covering the syrian conflict do you think we'll now see more chemical weapon use starting in march, perhaps again today and even more going forward?
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>> reporter: many see this as perhaps al assad testing the boundaries of what he can get away with. the death toll is remarkable. and different places were hit at the same time in and around damascus. is this a further red line which prompted the international community towards action? they found very little stomach for that in the past. is he thumbing his nose at u.n. inspectors currently in damascus trying to get away with this. is he using the presence of those u.n. inspectors like an alibi to say we wouldn't do this if you were in the hotel down the road my palace. unclear precisely what the real events on the ground have been. if it was the regime, he are likely to see this kind of a death toll again. >> we should say cnn has not confirmed these numbers of up to 1300 as you both suggest has been put out there by the
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opposition. if it is accurate it would be the worst chemical weapon attack in the region by, i think, since saddam hussein in 1988. let's go back to egypt for a minute. ivan, you were in cairo when the revolution happened two years ago. if mubarek is released, is it a sign just simply the revolution failed? >> if he's released, we then know that the counter revolution has been completed and there have been some humor about that from egyptians saying well look what we have right now. we have the muslim brotherhood in prison. the famous liberal activist and politician and former nobel prize winner iaea chief left the country. and if mubarek is released then basically we're rewinding the clock back to 2010. hundreds of people close to 1,000 killed in the last couple of weeks and that will not be
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forgotten any time soon. >> ivan watson and nick patton walsh thank so you much. coming up next mark zuckerberg opens up about the challenge of realizing his new dream that's much bigger than social media. he was a hero on one of the deadliest days of the afghan war. staff sergeant ty carter tells me what he went through and what he is going through now. here's co-host newt gingrich with a vintage clip. >> new crossfire will bring a lot of new things to television, but it will bring some that has been on a long time. i want to share with you 21 years ago a topic that we'll be talking about for the next few years maybe the next decade. hillary clinton. if hillary clinton has a public life, if she is a professional woman who gave up baking cookies to have a full time profession, if she goes the bar association
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luncheon to praise anita hill, if she's on the legal services board as a full professional i would assume she would want to be in the fray. it's a distinction every professional woman in the united states has to make in terms of how they are dealt with.
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facebook founder mark zuckerberg is trying to make another big idea a reality. he's launching a campaign to make internet access available
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across the planet. zuckerberg talked about this project in an exclusive interview with chris cuomo. >> when you visit the facebook campus you get the sense that anything is possible. >> we want the campus to feel like a little, a little city or village. >> now zuckerberg wants to make the entire world like the facebook campus, in a way. by providing internet access to the entire world. the idea is called its target the five billion people around the globe without access to the net. >> here we use things like facebook to share news and catch up with our friends. there, they will use to it decide what kind of government they want, get health care, connect to family. getting access to the internet is a big deal. i think we can do it. >> the word "we" is the key word. it isn't just about facebook.
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zuckerberg has done something extraordinary to achieve the extraordinary. reached out to the biggest player in social media and mobile data, his competitors in part. to work together. >> how did those calls go? >> it varies. but in general these are companies we have deep relationships with and worked on a lot of thing for a long time. so this came out of a lot of discussions we had. >> a team of the best in the business is coming together. but for a task this size uniting five times the global presence facebook has already is going take a lot more. >> what about the how? how do you do this? how developed is the plan? >> we have a plan, a rough plan for what we think we'll need to do to pull it off. and, of course, the plan will evolve over time and we'll get better ideas, but, you know, if you look at the trends, i mean data is becoming more available to people. apps are getting more efficient
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to run. there's more business models. >> it's good for facebook and these other companies because mobile access to the internet is where your business lies? >> if we were just focused on making money the first billion people we connected have way more money than the rest of the next 6 billion combined. it's not fair but the way that it is. and we just believe that everyone deserves to be connected and on the internet. we were putting a lot of energy towards this. >> zuckerberg will need to put a lot much energy into the project providing internet access around the world. not a simple task. let's get a reality check from tom foreman. >> he says he has rough plans. rough road too. this idea of one connected world has been out there for a while. before zuckerberg raised it. he has launched an ambitious effort with these partners that to be sure. we've high lighted in gold all the countries that are well
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connected, united states, canada, europe, many of the asian countries. all the other colors and dark reds sort of places out there those are places where they are not widely well connected. they all have hot spots but others not so much. look at one country, ma learning awi. this is a population of about 15 million people, average annual salary $1500. that's barely getting by. very hard to have any kind of extra money to kick into a project like this or sustain it. internet usage very low about 2%. why is it so hard in places like that? much of the population is rural. there are people who are far away from the centers where you can easily set up everything you need for them which is the key. infrastructure. do you have the roads? do you have the reliable electricity? do you have the reliable support even if you put the resources in
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there for people to do this through cell phones or otherwise. this, jake, these fundamental basic things are why mark zuckerberg faces a huge challenge even with these powerful partners. jake? >> but malawi is one example. there's a lot more countries that present similar challenges not just mali. >> i want to bring in one graphic. this is the growth of the internet over the past 15 years and look at developed nations like united states it's shot up. 15 years ago we had 11% usage now we're up over 70% usage in this country. that's developed nations all over the world. huge growth. but now watch what's happened in the developing countries. they had zero 15 years ago and only up to 24% now. i guarantee you, jake, this is the easy pickings. this is the work that was done in the cities, in the big places that have somewhat reliable infrastructure. it's important to bear in mind
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as laudible as this goal may be and in fact as chris pointed out in this interview as it may produce revenues for these countries and these companies much of the world still doesn't have reliable clean drinking water. getting beyond that problem which we've worked on for again regulates to provide internet to everybody is a very, very tall order. jake? >> indeed. reality check with tom foreman. coming up next he's about to be awarded the medal of honor. staff sergeant ty carter tells me about the work he did during that horrible battle and the friends he lost. a walk, walk, . yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. beneful is awarding a $500,000 dog park makeover...
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five days from now army staff sergeant ty carter will receive the medal of honor for his heroics in afghanistan. he looked around a place he was stationed and thought this is a death trap and he would learn how right he was. i interviewed him for my primetime special airing tonight at 10:00, an unlikely hero. >> reporter: october 3, 2009 hundreds of taliban fighters are attacking the u.s. troops.
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specialist ty carter is penned down in a disabled hum v with three other troops. >> we all knew that sooner or later fire power is going to breach. >> reporter: then they realized the situation is worse than they thought. >> insurgents 30 meters in front of me. >> reporter: in the camp? >> yeah. >> reporter: sergeant justice gaigos trying to help a badly wounded specialist stephen mace. >> bullets were impacting all around him. he turned to fire and he was taken down. the bullets spun him around and he laid on the ground. >> reporter: but mace is still out there, still alive just out
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of reach. >> that's when i said sergeant larsson mace is arrive. i can get to him. he is right there. i think he looked and says you can't get to him. he said you are no good to him dead. and i knew he was right but it ate me up so bad. i need a break. hold on. >> be sure to watch my special report, an unlikely hero which will air tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern and 10:00 p.m. pacific only on cnn. still ahead, jeanne moos. highest in the nation in customer satisfaction... i say "family," because we've been blessed with this honor for 3 years in a row... rest assured we'll treat all of your mortgage needs with tender loving care. amazing client satisfaction: it's a quicken loans family value.
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>> reporter: for about five minutes they let the moose stare them down and then tried to get around her. was the moose intimidated by this big truck? the driver had a theory. >> we felt like there must be a grisly bear around there because she would not move the roadway. >> reporter: several times she charged trying to protect her calves one she kicked while charging. >> she hit the truck. >> reporter: men were no longer chuckling after this slam. >> we really breathed a sigh of relief when we were able to drive away. >> reporter: the truck had a heavy duty bumper guard. the last time we saw something like this it was camel at a drive through zoo in missouri. the family ran out of treats and the camel acted like jaws and
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followed the car. moose on the run! and then she chased you. >> she left the calves to do that. >> reporter: the irony would have been if you were hurrying home for moose dinner. >> they are better than beef. >> reporter: some animal lovers had a beef with the cat and mouse truck and moose game. so he disabled the comments after posting the video. >> there were vulgar attacks saying we were harassing her. >> reporter: he says they were patient. the moral of the story don't mess with mother moose even if you call her miss. jeanne moos, no relation to her, cnn, new york. >> don't mess with moose, don't mess with moos. my special


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