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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 13, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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russians. they're at a premium though. of course, one sugary piece of america will set you back about $2 and how many calories. >> you're watching "around the world." cnn "newsroom" starts now. have a great weekend. >> right now evacuations are under way in colorado because of what's being called biblical proportion flooding. officials say' wall of water and debris may be surging towards boulder. also right now, business owners along the new jersey shore are picking up the pieces of a devastating fire that destroyed an iconic area of the boardwalking that recently reopened after superstorm sandy. right now, crucial walks on the crisis in syria are in day two. secretary of state john kerry and russia's foreign minister are trying to work out a plan for syria to give up its chemical weapons.
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i'm wolf blitzer in washington. mass evacuations are being carried out right now in parts of northern colorado inundated by raging flood waefwatefloodwa. system water las brought down entire mountainsides. the town of ryons is completely cut off by floodwaters and the national guard began evacuating all 2,000 residents early this morning. the colorado governor deliver this had message earlier today. >> the one overriding thing i tell, try to say every single time we speak is stay out of your vehicle if possible. stay home if your home is in a safe place, obviously if you're being told to evacuate, you need to evacuate. be ready and prepared. >> george howell is joining us now live. three people have been killed. do officials believe that number will rice?
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what are you getting? >> we have lost our connection, unfortunately with george howell. but we're going to try to rconnect. this is obviously, obviously a very dangerous situation unfolding in colorado right now. we'll have the latest from george. that's coming up. but there's some other stories that we're following right now. i want to pick up on what's happening in new jersey. we'll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and we'll go back to work. those are the words from the new jersey governor chris christie on the devastating boardwalk fire in seaside heights. this was the scene yesterday as business owners watched in horror as their stores wen up in flames. the boardwalk just reopened this past summer after superstorm sandy devastated this area not even one year ago. this was is the scene this morning. a four-block stretch of businesses just gone. >> i had called my other sons to come and said, hey, listen, just
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to be prepared because the last time, we didn't think anything was going to happen with the storm of. we got devastated. i said just try to get my computer out. let's try and get some other stuff out. they managed to get stuff out. the building was smoke was blowing down. weigh never thought that the building would burn. it started eight blocks away. and it just rapidly went down. i never ever thought the building would burn from a fire that started that far away. >> chris welsh is joining us live from seaside park right now. what do we know about the investigation, first of all into the cause of this fire? >> well, that's the big mystery at this hour, wolf. that's the question on everyone's mind. we heard from governor chris christie, the only time today at a press conference just a short time ago. no news, no information as to that cause. the only thing we know, we know ocean county prosecutors have investigators on the scene here at the site of this massive massive fire. this was a fire that spread very
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rapidly. it spread very quickly northward and some folks are saying this is the type of day that you wouldn't typically see a fire just erupt like this. it was a rainey day, a stormy day. that's raising a lot of questions, but at this point, we don't have definite answers what causes this. >> fire just exploded in effect. it went on and on and on. block after block. explachb what was going on because the weather clearly played a significant role. >> absolutely. you know what that was? it was the wind. we were talking sustained winds of 15 miles per hour. gusts over 30 miles per hour carrying this north. we're talking several blocks, about four blocks of boardwalk completely damaged. you can see behind me what happened here to these charred remnants of the buildings. and what happened was the embers kept traveling and blowing, they would -- this he actually created a fire break. they did that by digging up some
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of this new boardwalk, new since hurricane sandy ruined it. they tore up the new boardwalk to try and create a break. then the fire jumped that break because of these flying embers. they had to create a second break. it was that second break four blocks north of here that finally stopped it. >> chris welch in new jersey for us, thank you very much. horrendous situation there. let's get back to the terrible flooding in colorado right now. we've reconnected with george howell in boulder, colorado. george, tell us what the latest information, i know at least three people have been killed. >> wolf, and you know, what we're seeing right now, it's a matter of evacuating certain communities and evacuation that's happened in lyons, colorado and you know, we're hearing from the governor that they're looking at different communities to figure out where they need to make sure people get up to higher ground. even though we have sun light right now, even though it's not raining, it's the amount of water that came down in the last 24 hours that is still the big
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problem. you can see on this street here on iris street, there's still a good steady flow of water. not nearly as strong as it was this morning i can say. in fact, you've got people who are out and about looking at what's left over. a lot of rocks, a lot of free branches. this is the sort of thing if you're in standing water, this is the sort of thing that can really knock you over or take control of your car. if you get in too deep. right now it's a matter of cleaning up all of this mess and making sure that people are low lying areas that they get out up to higher ground so that they're safe till this water passes through. >> george, as you know, president obama signed an emergency declaration for colorado last night. when do we expect those floodwaters to recede completely? >> reporter: could take a day or two. i would presume because there's a lot of water. what you're looking at here is minor compared to other things that we've seen overnight.
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this was a lot higher. it subsided a lot. but there were other areas that were hit really hard, as well. so it could take a couple of days and certainly you've got communities, you've got people whose homes have been damaged. they will be waiting pore that help. and you know, obviously it will take some time for that to come through, as well. it's a process but people here are patient. they will expect though that they will get some sort of help with it. >> let's hope. george, thank you. george howell on the scene in colorado. let's move over to the crucial talks on crisis in syria exte extending now into day two. secretary of state john kerry describing the talks today as "constructive," meeting with russia's foreign min center sergey lavrov on a plan for syria to give up all its chemical weapons stockpiles. he says both sides want a diplomatic solution. >> i will say on behalf of the united states that president obama is deeply committed to a
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negotiated solution with respect to syria. and we know that russia is likewise. we are working hard to find the common ground to be able to make that happen. >> and officials say there's also hope that this meeting could jump start syria peace talks, kerry and lavrov planning to meet once again later this month in new york around the time of the united nations general assembly. but a big disagreement is over the u.s. threat to use military force which clearly still hovers over all of this. matthew chance is covering the talks for us. he's in geneva right now. matthew, the syrian president bashar al assad wants the u.s. to eliminate the threat of a military strike. the u.s. says no. how serious of a roadblock potentially is this? is. >> i think, wolf, it's pretty serious. not least because the russians also have made it clear they don't believe a country like syria can be expected to disarm
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if another country in the united states is planning any kind of military action against it. so they believe it is working against the prospects of syria making its chemical weapons put under the control of the international community and so that's where they're lobbying so hard against it. and it's difficult to see how they're going to get over it. it's unlikely when you think about it that the united states is going to take the military option entely off the table. the russians on the other hand, and they have a security kurt cancel veto have made it clear they won't superior any resolution at the u.n. security council in new york if it includes any automatic trigger for military action by the u.s. and allies if syria doesn't do what it says it's going to do in terms of surrendering its chemical weapons. and so i think there's a possibility americans may retain and the option of carrying out strikes if it chooses to do so, but that might not make it into any u.n. security council resolution, wolf. >> we'll see if they can finesse the language in a security council resolution to deal with
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this sensitive issue. clearly, the issue of chemical weapons will be on agenda when they meet in new york in about ten days at the general assembly when the general assembly convenes. it's not just chemical weapons. they'll be talking about a broad ker peace plan for syria, right? >> reporter: yeah, they had meetings today with the u.n. and arab league special envoy to syria, br an ahimi. they both want this issue of a wider political settlement in syria to be discussed at a peace conference called geneva 2 to be held obviously here in this switz city. but two different approaches, again, the russians on the one hand saying that that process should be discussed in parallel to the issue of chemical weapons. the united states, u.s. secretary of state kerry making a slightly different point saying it will very much depend on the outcome of these discussions about chemical
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weapons here in geneva today and tomorrow on whether or not a date can be agreed for a future political peace talk conference between all the parties in syria. and so the slightly -- slight differences on that issue too. >> as you know, the state department announced that the secretary of state john kerry will travel to jooumt and meet sunday with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i know syria will be high on the agenda but the israeli/palestinian peace process presumably will review that, as well. >> yeah, absolutely. this is a process very much got under way at the instigation of the u.s. secretary of state last month. it's been dogged by various problems, not least the building or the announcement that more settlements will be built by israel. that'sing and ired the palestinians. they're going to be discussing the final status issue, the final border, the status of
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jerusalem. all the things that stood in the way of a middle east peace between the arabs and the israelis and the palestinians and the israelis. they're also going to discuss syria obviously the outcome of these meetings here in geneva will be undoubtedly relayed by the secretary of state to the israeli prime minister. >> certainly will be. matthau thu chance for us, thanks very much. of course, we'll continue to cover the secretary of state once he gets to jerusalem on sunday. other news we're following, the taliban claiming responsibility for an attack on the united states diplomatic consulate in afghanistan. it happened in ha ra province. militants fired on security personnel before a truck bomb went off. the front gate of the u.s. consulate was damaged. no americans were injured but afghans were. the head of al qaeda is delivering a new directive to his followers around the world. we're going to tell you what he wants them to do to the united states. specifically.
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let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ the head of al qaeda is delivering a new warning to the
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united states in an audio message posted on the internet the day after the anniversary of 9/11, ayman al zawahiri called on followers to launch a large attack on the united states. he specifically referred to the boston bombings as an example of the kind of strikes he wants. he also wants, and i'm quoting now, to bleed america economically by making the country spend more money on security. let's bring in our national security analyst peter bergen who spends a lot of time studying these terror threats from al qaeda and others. how much credibility does ayman al a zawahiri have? >> in some circles a lot and in many circles a little. >> can he deliver? when he tells them to bleed the united states economically? had this has long been an al qaeda objective. >> that attack on the word trade center was damaging to the american economy. the american economy is very large. even that attack, the american
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economy was 4%. >> the idea to bleed us economically, it's very naive about the size of the american economy. we're spending historically, even though we spend a lot on military, 4.58% of gdp. >> when he sends out an internet video, a message like this saying go ahead, do boston bombing marathon type bombings in order to undermine the united states, does he have the charisma, shall we say, the authority to go out and convince people you know, individuals to just go ahead and do this? >> i think he's been more effective and than i and others that the he would be. a number of al qaeda affiliates pledge add legion jans to him after bin laden died. >> what do you think the u.s. should be doing about this specific latest threat coming the day after the 12th
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anniversary of 9/11? >> really nothing much can be done. he's released about 30 tapes in the last three years. with very similar kinds of messaging. you know, it's a sign of their weakness they're trying to encourage lone wolves. what they would really like do is do a 9/11 style attack but defaulting to getting disaffected young men to do something but that's it. >> i spoke to the new york city police commissioner, ray kelly on the anniversary of 9/11 this week. he said something that was surprising to me. he believes the actual terror threats to new york today are bigger, more serious than they were before 9/11. >> well, he's in a good position to make that assessment. i'm not quite sure i would agree with him personally. but that's his job. >> he says he went through about 16 terror plots over these past few years they've managed to thwart and he says he knows there are a lot of lone wolves out there ready to try to deal a terror strike.
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>> an look what happened in boston. but they killed four people. lone wolfs is a natural capacity to the capacity of what a lone wolf can do. we've got breaking news. nick paton walsh is over at the united nations right now. i understand the secretary-general ban ki-moon has just spoken out on syria's use of chemical weapons? >> absolutely. i believe he was talking on a woman's rights forum on the sidelines but said quite remarkable stuff. let me paraphrase for you the words he said. referring to the chemical weapons inspectors report that's due out most people think on monday, he says our team will come out soon with the report but i believe the report will be an overwhelming report that chemical weapons were used even though i can't say this publicly at this time. he goes on to say and this is probably not related but in the same breath referring to bashar al assad, he has committed many crimes against humanity.
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therefore, i am sure there will be a process of accountability when everything is over. now, we soak to the u.n. spokesman moments ago and said can you elaborate on these remarks because the u.n. has been consistent. they won't give a timeline about the report. the u.n. spokesman said the reports are still being put together. ban ki-moon hasn't actually seen it. so people questioning where did he get adequate indications to make these very firm remarks. of course, most people observing the situation inside syria are pretty sure the weapons were used. it's interesting he will say this independent and credible report the u.n. say has already concluded that to his satisfaction. many will be examining these comments. i think in some ways they took the u.n. slightly off guard by saying these. it's clear he wasn't necessarilily sure he was speaking in public. it will politicize a little more the report emanating on monday if the secretary-general has drawn these conclusions in advance of its public release. but certainly now all eyes on
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that report. we do know from sources it will be adequately detailed. and suggest anaire ittive of what happened on the 21st of august around damascus. remember those are the attacks which started the u.s.'s call for military intervention rolling and sparked this crisis. people now looking to see what level of detail the monday report can reveal and whether that will suggest perhaps who was responsible, though it isn't the u.n.'s job to assign blame. >> nick, thanks very much. certainly if the secretary-general of the united nations says that bashar al assad has committed crimes against humanity, to me that sounds like potentially going to the international criminal court for war crimes some sort of tribunal against the syrian president. we'll see what clarifications come out of the secretary-general's office probably within the next few hours. we're going to have much more on the situation in syria later here in the cnn newsroom. first the ultimate fare sale. passengers get round trip
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after a little bit of a down day yesterday, stocks clearly back on the rise today. let's look at the latest numbers right now. up about 67 points on the dow jones industrials. overall, it's been a very good month for the markets, the s&p 500 up about 2% so far this month. could be the next best thing to winning the lotto, getting an airline ticket for next to nothing. happened yesterday for passengers booking on united airlines as christine romans tells us, while it's a bargain for travelers, it's certainly a costly mistake for the airline. >> wolf, a cheap airline ticket doesn't get cheaper than this. 0 zero. that happened for some passengers thursday afternoon. united airlines says it accidentally posted fares for zero dollars. add in minor airport charges and a round trip from new york to houston was just five bucks.
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how about round trip from san jose to boston? 10 bucks for a ten spot, you could buy yourself washington, d.c. to honolulu. news of this booking bonanza spread on social media, and soon after, united slammed its arevation shut with this message. is currently undergoing maintenance. flight search and maintenance are unavailable for all flights including mileage plus award travel. united hasn't said how many tickets it sold at these rock bottom fares. but the biggest question for consumers, will united honor the cut rate tickets? so far the carrier hasn't decided if it will make good on the ultra cheap tickets. in n reached out to united but has not received a response. wolf? >> thank you, kristin. i'm sure we will sooner rather than later. the chemical shell game in syria, a new report says an elite military unit is hiding chemical weapons around the country even as syria agrees to turn over those very same
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weapons. we're going live to the pentagon. that's next. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. ♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel,
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right now help is arriving for people in colorado trying to escape raging floodwaters. the national guard is evacuating people from the town of lyons which has been cut off by flooding. also right now, business owners along the jersey shore are picking up the pieces. devastating fire destroying an area of the iconic boardwalk ta recently reopened after superstorm sandy. and right now, crucial talks on the crisis in syria are in day two. secretary of state john kerry and russian foreign minister sergey lavrov trying to work out a plan for syria to give up its chemical weapons. a key part of the russian peace plan for syria hinges on the ability to verify that syria has in fact turned oef their chemical weapons. yesterday, i spoke to the pentagon press secretary george little about that challenge. >> i wouldn't want to get into our intelligence on movements of
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chemical weapon stockpiles in syria, but suffice it to say it's not unhispaniced that they would move some of this materiel at least within syria. >> the "wall street journal" reporting today that will an elite unit of the syrian military is doing just that, moving chemical stockpiles to is many as 50 sites around the country seriously complicating any attempt to track or verify the destruction of those weapons. barbara starr is standing by at the pentagon. obviously the pentagon is watching all of this. they've seen movement over the past several months and they've seen according to them the use of chemical weapons against syrian civilians. what are they saying in reaction to what the "wall street journal" is now reporting? >> well, wolf, for the record, the pentagon is not confirming "the wall street journal," but we have gone here at cnn to numerous other sources across the government. what they are telling us is there is a growing sense that there has been some movement of
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chemical weapons stockpiles within syria in the recent time frame. george little largely referring to what had gone on in the past but when there was the threat of military action by the united states, the syrians apparently by many accounts did begin to move weapons stockpiles of chemical agent around the country. still believed to be largely if not almost completely under the control of the regime. but this is a big problem if it moves around. you pointed out. how do you verify where it is? how do you verify it for purposes of some agreement between the russians and the united states about destroying it all? you got to know where it is. but perhaps more importantly for the pentagon, if they want to have a credible military option on the table, they need to know where the chemical weapons are to make sure they don't inadvertently bomb it. they want to stay away from any weapons bombing the chemical stockpiles. that means they have to know where they are. >> i'm told there are some
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syrian military defector who's apparently have provided some pretty good information to the international community inclu including the u.s. where those chemical weapons stockpiles are, but that's a serious issue that has to be further explored. all right, barbara starr at the pentagon, thanks very much. so who helped vladimir putin get that op-ed in the "new york times" in the answer certainly is intriguing. some americans are very angry about that article. some americans are making money as a result of that article. we're going to tell you what's going on. ♪ [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®.
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russian president vladimir putin's opinion piece in the "new york times" creating buzz out there on social media with many americans, lots of members of congress blasting the russian president for saying the united states is not an exceptional
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country. now the american public relations firm that worked with putin is also feeling some of heat. brian todd is working this part of the story for us here. brian, you've got a big investigation you're looking into in "the situation room" later today. >> what we can tell you is the op-ed from president putin that riled members of congress and so many americans, i a key instrument in getting that onto the "new york times" opinion page was an american company. that american company is largely upon for this op-ed getting there. the company is called ketcham. it operates in 70 countries and makes a ton of money. there's an indication of all the corrupts and offices that they have all over the world. but it makes a lot of money. according to justice department filings we've been able to look up just in the six months between the beginning of december of 2012 and the end of may of 2013 it, ketchum was paid more than $1.9 million by the russian government paid in the same period $3.7 million bill
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gas prom, the giant oil company controlled mostly by the russian government promoting their interests doing things like this. we have to say there's nothing illegal what ketch up is doing but americans should know there is an american firm and there are other american pr firms that make a lot of money from foreign governments promoting the foreign government's interests in this country that may not mesh with americans' interests. >> nothing illegal as long as they register with the justice department. >> this firm has. >> foreign agents of this foreign government and a lot of r firms represent governments all over the world. you're going to have a lot more on this coming up later on the situation room. thanks very much. most americans don't want the united states to get militarily involved in syria's civil war. i'll talk with a historian, a 23 year veteran of the u.s. military who agrees why he says u.s. military action is the wrong move. that's next. i think farmers care more about the land than probably anyone else. we've had this farm for 30 years.
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we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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the obama administration says the threat of military strikes against syria has to remain an option. syria's president wants the u.s. to call off the threat before he gives up his chemical weapons. andrew bay sovich is a 23-year-old army veteran who says military action against syria is a bad idea. he's now a professor at boston university. his latest book is just out and entitled "breach of trust how
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americans failed their soldiers and their country." he's joining us right now. thanks very much for coming inning >> thanks very much for having me on the program. >> let's talk about the president of the united states. he made a powerful moral argument for potentially launching air strikes against targets in syria to stop their using chemical weapons against their own people. you think that will threat alone, military threat should not be on table. is that right? >> well, we should talk about the moral issues. i think we need to begin with a discussion of what's in u.s. interests. and there i'd want to put syria in a broader context. when you think about it, going back 30 years, we have used u.s. forces in any number of countries in the middle east. we've occupied, we've invaded. we've bombed. we've come in on humanitarian purposes, all with an expectation that u.s. military actions ultimately will lead to a more stable, perhaps more
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democratic region. well, it hasn't worked. and so why we would think that opening up a new front in this military effort in syria would produce a different outcome just strikes me as absurd. now, if you want to make the moral argument, then we have to say what are the actions which can practically and effectively redress the suffering of the syrian people? and there i have to say i don't understand why waging war is the best way to render assistance. there are any number of people in refugee camps living in squalor, why don't we focus our attention on actually helping people who need to be helped rather than attacking damascus. >> what would you say to the president's argument and the secretary of state's argument that at least this military threat has convinced, played a significant role in convincing the syrians and the russians to guv up potentially give up
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syria's chemical weapons stockpiles? >> well, i have to say, i'd say let's give it a little bit of time. you know, the pace with which this story is unfolding is very striking. and as a historian of american diplomacy, i really have concluded that diplomacy, would best when there's a serious foundation been laid. what we going on with secretary kerry is we're making it up as we go along. the latest is rather than just trying to get rid of the chemical weapons, why don't we have a peace conference. there's no foundation that's being laid. there's no consultation with allies. and so i'm actually quite skeptical that the outcome of this process will lead to anything other than probably giving assad time, time to move weapons, time to continue prosecuting his war against the militants. >> your new book entitled
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"breach of trust," but the sub title is how americans failed their soldiers and their country. professor, in a nutshell because we don't have a lot of time. tell stus how americans failed their soldiers and their country. >> well, the subject of the book is the relationship between the military and society. and on the surface, that relationship is one that's warm and affectionate. beat all support the troops as we like to say. my argument is that there's a considerable degree of posturing and fraud lens in that notion. that we don't really support the troops because we're not engaged with the troops. we've allowed washington, the state, to claim control of this military of ours. that we're so proud of. and if you look at what we've been doing with that military over the past decade or more, they've been subjecting our troops to great abuse and as people, we let it happen. in a nutshell, that's the failure. >> and the book is entitled
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"breach of trust how americans failed their soldiers and their country," the noor andrew bacevich. thanks very much for joining us. >> so we just heard from professor baceevich one side of the argument. he opposes military intervention. coming up, a different perspective of florida will senator bill nelson. he says the u.s. needs to keep that military option open. he's standing by live. we'll discuss when we come back. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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bacevich all this military power exerted in the irrelevant east over the past 10, 12 years has not paid much benefits. the reg is a mess. the u.s. to deal in diplomatic and peaceful ways with these enormous problems out there. what say you? >> well, with the whole middle east, you have to separate each, but since the item on the agenda is syria, if we don't keep the pressure on of a strike, obviously, assad and to some degree, putin, are going to play us. and i think putin is already toying with us. and the fact the news today that assad is moving his chemical weapons around is another indicator that these guys are not serious. and so i hope that the u.s. is
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going to keep the option to strike still alive at every moment. >> if necessary, would you want the u.s. to get involved militarily in syria? >> on a strike. of limited proportions, and limited duration. yes. >> how sdoo you know that would do any good? they could withstand a strike of limited duration, limited proportion. what good would that do? >> well, you can degrade his ability to carry on a strike. you can also do a strike -- i'm talking about assad, degrade his ability to utilize those weapons. and you can deliver such a serious blow that you deter him from using those chemical weapons again. wolf, every person ought to look
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at the videos in their entirety. the 13 that have been cleared. and if that doesn't convince you that this is a monster that would put this weapon of mass destruction, which the civilized world says that we should not use and have for almost a century, and yet he uses them. then you've got to deter him some way. >> i guess the question is, senator, if he's such a monster, such a threat to the united states, the region, his own people, the world. why just do it in a limited way. why not do it in a major way? >> well, we don't want american boots on the ground. we don't want to have to get involved in another war. but this is behavior so egregious that someone has to stand up to it. and i believe that -- i'll even go further, that within the course of three weeks from the
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president's speech, if there is not serious movement verified that he is allowing the inspections and the eventual dismantling of those weapons, that the president ought to be able to strike without a resolution having been passed by the congress. >> senator nelson, thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. >> senator bill nelson of florida. still ahead, the first lady wants americans to drink up. one of the health claims she's making about water is being shot out. we'll explain the debate right after the break. ♪ turn around
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the first lady michelle obama has made a healthier america her mission, now she's trying to get people to drink more water. just one extra glass of water a day. some of her previous pushes for healthy living have come under fire, particularly from criticess of the president. as elizabeth cohen puts it, as some experts put it, she's overselling the benefits of water. >> we have been hearing for years for michelle obama's let's move campaign. now she's putting the spotlight on water. first lady michelle obama launches a new seemingly innocuous public health campaign. >> you're going to drink something.
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what you drik is up to you. >> she wants you to drink more water. >> drink just one more glass of water a day, and you can make a real difference for your health, for your energy and the way you feel. >> advice she says that's worked wonders for her family. >> the more water we drink, the better we feel. >> that has caused a splash of controversy. among some experts who say the first lady is just plain wrong. they say most americans are sufficiently hydrated so an extra glass of water isn't going to increase your energy or make you feel better. >> there's no good evidence that drinking extra water is going to lead to a health. existence. >> another claim from the first lady that's all wet, according to the experts we talked to, drinking more water helps you have more energy to do more, longer, and with better focus. the experts say extra water won't do any of those things. >> they decided to sort of
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support some of these urban myths that have been really debunked over the years. >> they do applaud the first lady's initiatives on diet and exercise. >> the first lady's health came pain is based on a lot of science. the claims about extra water itself leading to extra benefits, that's a bit overstated. >> the bottom line, of course you should stay hydrated and water is better than soda, but don't think one extra glass is going to change your life. critics say michelle obama missed a great opportunity to tell people specifically to drink water instead of soda, which of course is full of sugar and calories. now, this campaign that's being promoted by the american beverage association, which makes, in addition to others things, soda. wolf. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks very much. >> let's get to something more exotic than water right now. for that, we have anthony bourdain, back with season two of "parts unknown" this coming sunday night, and his journey starts in jerusalem. here's a taste.
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>> the old city is divided into four quarters. there is muslim quarter. there's a jewish quarter. there's a christian quarter. and there's an armenian quarter. each one functions independently, but people that live in a certain area are all from that religion. >> right. >> now we're talking in the steps of jesus christ, right? >> as i so often do. >> so this is via dolorosa, which is the last trip jesus did before he was crucified. they come here and think, i'm walking in the steps of mohammed, david, or jesus. jesus was here. >> i feel like i should be more something. >> a little bit more pious? >> a little bit. well, that's too late for me. >> you can see the entire report, anthony bourdain's culinary and cultural


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