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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 22, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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confident, the state department that is, that american citizens may have been involved in that attack. what is the latest on trying to free, potentially, those hostages? >> reporter: well, the impact is still felt here. we're continuing to hear reports that it's still going. it's very slow, very painstaking work. it's under the cover of darkness, as you can see around me. the biggest concern, having freed some thousand hostages is
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that they're going to try and get those 30 homes safely. this comes as the loved ones are spending pretty anxious evening. kenya has gone so far as to call the national flood drive this is one of the ways they've been trying to show a little bit of strength in this tragedy. and they've been joined by the american ambassador, by the israeli ambassador. even by somali ambassadors in kenya: frightening and very tense situation. thanks so much.
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so we are, indeed, learning a bit more about the attackers who carry ds out this massacre, including the fact that three allegedly lived in the united states. evan, what can you tell us about this information that we're learning that according to some alshabab sources, they're saying that three of the alleged attackers had lived in the united states in minnesota as well as mor mor. >> this is something that's of slir a very big concern for u.s. law enforcement. it's something that they've been looking at nor some years now, which is a concern about recruitment of young somalis, moegsly from minnesota, but also in other communities in the united states. there have been several plos cushions of these commuters.
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these people learn -- they joined al shabab. they learn how to commit terrorist acts and come back to the united states and do that here. so far, there's been no sign of that. now, they're still looking at the situation. there's no confirmation yet. they're increasingly concerned that it might be true. but at in point, they're still very much monitoring the situation. >> there is already a high concentration of somali americans in minnesota.
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>> they've been trained and coerced into this new life. what more can you tell us about the real realities of that? >> the issue had been that the somali population has been very close. they've been working with tribal leaders to try to influence the situation. the first known american came out in 2008. they're triefing to make sure that they're talking to them to keep them awful of there. but there is a struggle.
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aparentally, it's not over. >> thank you so much for your time coming to us from washington. let's go to london now where senior internashlt correspondent nick rob erpts joins us now. we're hearing just a little bit of information about where these attackers originated. from london, from canada and now we're also hearing reportedly three who have lived in the united states. so what more are you learning about who these alleged attackers may be? >> british foreign aufrgss are checking to see if the name is british, if he really is. we do know, british officials were saying as many as a hundred people who lived in britain had gone to somalia for training. we also know that at least 40
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usz citizens or u.s. residents had gone to somalia for training or fighting. of those, half of those can't be accounted at the beginning of last year. and then to try to figure out who else they had been associated with. for us, the american british who were going there were being watched closely enough to know that they couldn't perpetrate attacks in the united states or britain. >> and, nick, it is very perplexing situation because apparently, some of these sources within al shabaab were also telling cnn that they were not willing to negotiate chlts but here, you have this hostage stand off with potentially 30 hostages and that according to some sources, kenya authorities
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do have them cornered. what are the ghands likely to be? >> it's almost at this stage irrelevant. what al shabaab wants to do is create the maximum amount of pub policety it can for itself. so, really, it does seem to be immaterial. next, it's to look at the al-qaida attack in 2008. they've stocked up with ammunition and weapons and basically fought until those stockpiles ran out.
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and, again, the fact that it's released names is an indication that they will have recorded so called individuals who have stated why they took part in the attack. and if that's the case, we'll expect -- can expect al shabaab to release those videos in the coming weeks. >> all right. thank you so much for that information. u.s. secretary of state called an attack unspeakable evil. attacks like this can't change who we are.
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>> so we are expected to hear from president obama in the next hour. the president will be honoring the victims in washington. on monday, 12 people were killed when former navy reservist aaron alexis open ds nier inside the buildsing at navy headquarters. suicide bombers struck a church in pakistan killing 77 people. the blast happened today. >> two attackers struck the church there. choir members, including children attending sunday school, are among the dead.
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>> nick peyton walsh keeping an eye on them right now. >> i think people are hoping that they ought to get this resolution, really backing up in international law, in many ways. what john kerry agreed, last we can in geneva. we hope we he's not going to get swallowed in the un and all the heads of state compiling in. will it witness the threatings of force if syria doesn't move fast enough? that's a sticking point, really. it seems you're not going to see much budget on either side. many thought they may not have made that timetable. but they have, remarkably. given the utilization for chemical weapons.
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the group the u.n. are charged of disarmering, giving them a long list of where they have chemical weaponings. >> whatever it can get to ma nufr, they'll take. so real pressure from washington to see some sort of language if syria doesn't move fast enough. russia quite clear it may have suggested that. a tricky woke ahead. >> tricky, indeed. nick peyton walsh, thanks so much.
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tajs are still being held in
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a mall. we just learned from sourszs within al shabaab that three people who are allegedly among the attackers lived in the united states. the terror based in sew malg ya right next to kenya. this could be an alarming new step for that group. >> well, we could look at this as the disturbing debut on the international stage of a new international terror threat. al shabaab has been around for a number of years, has carried out some smaller attacks, but nothing on this scale. and, in fact, african union forces, including kenya forces, had in recent years success pushing al shabaab out of many of its strongholds. this would seem to indicate the possible blgty of a comeback. al shabaab is an ayil yat of al-qaida with a similar brutality and a similar focus on
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spectacular attacks like this one. there had been a recent split in the leadership about whether to focus its attacks inside sew 458 ya against the government there or abroad. and this would indicate the insinden si particular pli against americans. by some accounts, as many of 50. >> so we're continuing to break down what we're learning about these alleged attackers. joining me via skype, bob behr. bob, this is pretty remarkable if our source's information is correct. that among these alleged attackers, three of them lived in the united states, minnesota and missouri.
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how does this sit with you? >> i wasn't sur praised. they have been worried about this for the lags six or seven years. they've seen a lot of somalis, second generation, going home, joining the shabaab. frankly, they're worried about doing attacks here. it really won't come as a surprise to the f.b.i. or the c.i.a. >> why kenya interview. besides the fact that it's a neighbor of somali. >> first of all, kenya is sort of the platform the west has been using against shabaab. there's been various covert action, programs going on based out of kenya. nighting the shabaab. fighting the pirates, the ken yans have been very positive.
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>> you've got regular shopping for eyeglass shop and clothing and super markets. you have many families. you have people going about their daily business and doing it on the weekends, the most popular time in which to do so, you know, just to prepare yourself for the workweek. >> well, the worst case scenario is a bunch of these kids coming back buying weapons in the yiegts. some place like minneapolis or chicago and going after one of our malls here. they are indefensible. there's nothing you can do about it. >> i find this very alarming. the possibilities here go on and on. >> how can the u.s. -- how can
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u.s. intelligence be an active par tis paint in being able to thwart koupter terrorism plots at the same time authorities are not asking for the ugs assistance right now. the law enforcement job is being done by kenya authorities and israeli authorities right there and now. we can train them on how to take down a building, but beyond that, there's not much we can do. there's no internet. there's no american plens to speak of. >> there's no real government right now. you know, what do you do? you just hope this burns itself out fairly quickly. >> all right.
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sad situation. bob baer, thanks so much. >> all right, we're going to shift gears quite a bit to politics. possibly presidential politics 20167. she got pretty close in the last run, 20008. now, hillary clinton is apparently weighing another run for the white house. we'll tell you what she might be thinking and saying next. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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it shows she's the front runner. hillary clinton may already be thinking about running for president again. there her first interview, mrs. clinton reveals she is both pragmatic and realistic about it. cnn's erin mcpike reports.
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>> denials no more. hillary clinton admits it. she's thinking about running for president in 2016. she's coming out and saying i'm thinking about it. >> she's said so much to joe hay began. here she is in her own words about whether she wrestles with the idea of jumping into the ring again. i do, but i'm both pragmatic and realistic. i will just continue to weigh what the factors are that would influence me making a decision one way or the other. it's a far cry from every time she cease been asked the last three years, including in january by cnn. >> i have abslightly no plans to run.
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they are much more open about here's how she's qualified, here's how she learned from the mistakes of 2008. j because of that role, she's more popular than ever. >> it was the first time the country had gotten to see her as somebody who what you see is what you get. >> abds she's getting some encouragement to run. >> if you're chomping at the bit for campaign season to begin, hold your horse rs. her warning? i'm not in any hurry. i think it's a serious decision not to be made lightly. it's also one that does not have to be immediate soon.
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>> what is it about this interview that reveelts so much? >> in part of it, she talks about what her life is like now with bill clinton now that after 20 years, she has stepped away, at least temporarily, from public service. there's a really fascinating nug et when they met for dinner but they both went back to separate hotels because they had these huge staffs they had to stay with. it was really pretty funny. >> she keeps saying that echbl though bill clinton tells everyone, he doesn't know what to do: he just wants her to take her time and think about it,
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too. >> there's a lot to taurk about when they have their dinners. all right, erin, thanks so much in washington. all right, terrorists target new sites now, so called soft targets, like that upscale mall in kenya. a deadly attack happened there. could it happen at a mall in the u.s.? right after this. ♪
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bottom of the hour now. first, the deadly mall massacre in kenya. according to sources, two lived in minnesota and one in missouri. one? they are all in their 20s. >> right now, about 30 people are still being held hostage. right now,you're looking at live pictures in the nation's capital at the marine barracks where the president will soon be attend ing to help the victims in lags week's navy regard dc.
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monday, 12 people were killed when former navy reservist alexis opened fire inside the building at the navy headquarters. again, the president of the united states will be in attendance there. his remarks will take place in the next hour.
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a number of dignitaries filing in all to honor the 12 lives lost at the naval yard last week. all right, back now, overseas to that mall massacre in kenya. the leader has previously threatened a drekt attack on the united states. >> reporter: we've seen these violent attacks on civilians in crowded places overseas. in kenya, americans were involved rarzing questions about security here in the u.s. >> it may be more than 7,000 miles, but the mall massacre couldn't bring the tragegedgedy
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closer to home. >> so i just waited in the stairwell for about an hour and a half. >> the attack on these tar gets raises the question about security on soil. >> they're usually not defended. it's a very effect ef way of causing a lot of panic, a lot of damage very quickly and achieve the objective of terrorizing people. >>. >> i think thatf you're looxing for a hundred percent safety, you should wrap yourself
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in bubble wrap and never come home. >> it even has something many government facilities do not. >> twice a month without fail, its tenants and customers participate in a lockdown drill. >> if something bad should happen here, we don't want our response to start with law enforcement will be here and they'll protect you. we want to know what can be done until law enforcement gets here. >> even with heightened security, awareness of your surroundings may end up being your best defense. >> for your average american citizen, you go to the gas station, you go to the shopping mall, you go to the movie theater. >> any one of them if other people or another person is out there determined to conduct an attack. >> tom fuentes went on saying you could just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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>> fred? >> mar grat conley, thank you so muffmented lgtsz. onto colorado now. the same flooding has contaminated drinking water. residents are being told to boil their water until further notice. so to find out how you height be able to help the folks out there, visit our world parj at >> a beloved actor gets a special tribute from his own community. live pictures for you from the red carpet. we'll take you there next. [ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family bbq.
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the biggest night is about to get underway in las angererless. the 65th prime time emmy award is about to unfold. michelle turner is there. what do we expect? a big night for some stars. but also there's going to be some tributes, too, right? >> yeah, there definitely will. you talked about some of the tributes. instead of doing the usual, they're going to do some special things. they're going to give some special tribute to four actors that have passed away this year.
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and, i feel bad. i keep forgetting gary david gold berg. and i shouldn't be. michael j. fox is going to present his special in memoriam. we also have edie falco and rob reigner will present jean stapleton. tax a look over here, that's the beginning of the red carpet. we have a very good position. we're going to see a lot of people walking the red carpet here tonight. not only your favorite television stars, but a lot of movie stars nominated for like michael douglas. we'll see a lot of those big tv movie stars here on the red carpet tack.
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the last actress to do so was ce cil y tyson. i think one of the biggest stories here tonight, fred, is netflix. they are r they are the first ones to be nominated for a big award in a big gat toir that is not made for television. thef 14 nominations for the network tonight. nine of them for the original series, house of cards. robin wright nominated for lead actress and house of cards is nominated for best original series in a drama. i wanted to see what happens with that, too. it's always a fun night, a big
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night. a little bit more laid back for the hos cars than you usually have. >> we're going to let you go now. appreciate it. the pope making headlines around the world with his comments about abortion, contraception and gay rights. people are still trying to wrap their heads and what he said. tl the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air.
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all right, new information a day after hostage taking and that massacre at a shopping mall in kenya. now we understand from kennon authorities, most have taken control of most parts of the buildings. we've been reporting to you more than 24 hours after this situation unfolds that some 30 people were still being taken hostage by some 10-15 gunmen. they're in that shopping mall. now, according to kenyon defense forces, their twitter account, most of the hostages have been rescued and security forces have taken control of most of the parts of the building. when we get anymore information about the alleged gunmen and how
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those hostages were freed, we will, of course, bring that information to you. all right. now, a switching gears. last week, pope francis talked about accepting gay and leez bee yans. this all happened in an interview. john, we're talking about the pope in this interview. what is making him so eager to be so open? more open than he has been? >> well, yeah, i'm not sure how it is in the united states, but here in rome, it is still pope francis. i mean, we've got a tv star on list, as well. and i think baa's going on is
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that the pope feels that the catholic church, when it comes to groups like women and gays and leez bee yans has got an image problem. and he's trying to address that image problem. he's not trying to change the traditional teaching, but he is trying to put a much more welcoming sort of face on that teaching. and what's beneath all of that is his desire that the catholic church doesn't slide into irrelevance. but it needs to be a kind of player. >> so is anyone going as far a saying that he is breaking the doctrine? that he is showing a real shift? or is it a little bit more tenuous or, i guess, reluctantly are people acknowledging that?
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>> nothing he has said implies a break in teaching. he has twice said women can't be priests. but this is doef nitly a profound shift in authority. he wants to see a catholic church that is less invested in the culture, of course, and more invested in trying to meet people where they are and trying to reach out. this is pretty significant stuff. >> okay. john allen, thanks so much for joining us from rome.
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>> sure. >> according to the u.s. sen suggestion, more than half of american children are growing up without fathers at home. >> i sold drugs on and on flout my life. the tattoos, when i first got them, was war paint. i've been thinking about my son-in-law and then my family and then i exist. >> god did not make one man who did not know how want to be a g. they just don't know how to be good fathers? >> i'm joe jones. i work to help fatherings and families become responsible for themselves, their children and their communities. >> i was nine years old when my dad left the house. i began using drugs when i was
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huge storms bearing down china's coast right now. at least 80,000 people have been evacuated. the storm has been downgraded from a super-typhoon status. it could cause flooding and landslide in the coastal areas. back here in the u.s., it wasn't your typical landing this morning. oh, no, a small plane had to
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make an emergency landing on lake shore drive. a potential government shutdown is now just eight days away. tea party republicans will hoep fund the law. that plan is expected to be rejected. so what do the shining and amanda bines all have in common? that's all ahead, next. in the real world, security surrounds us. there are cameras, police, guards... but who looks after us online,
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where we spend more than 200 billion dollars a year. american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. so you can be a member of a more secure world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does.
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with the crisis in syria as a backdrop, world leaderings come together starting tomorrow for the united nation's general assembly meeting. and that's where we start our look at the week ahead. president obama makes his speech to the general assembly on tuesday. the president plans to talk about the evolving role.
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>> here's johnny. >> oh, 36 years after steven king's horror, the shining was published. the sequel comes out on tuesday. he's now an adult fighting a group of psychic vampires. ak treads amanda bines is fighting allegations that she tossed a marijuana bomb out of the window of her new york apartment in may. >> a really influential climate change report comes out friday in stack home. we've got a preview when details raeked in august.


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