tv Around the World CNN September 24, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ it's the handshake, perhaps the meeting everyone is waiting for. will the president sit down with iran's president? the white house says it has left the door open for a meeting. plus, explosions and gunfire are still being heard at that mall in nairobi. we're live in kenya, where hostages could still be trapped. >> there's nothing that would prepare you. that feeling of, this is it. you're going to die. >> terrifying moments and hours the survivors went through
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inside that mall. you're going to hear about the attack in their own words. welcome to "around the world." i'm fredricka whitfield in for suzanne malveaux. >> and i'm michael holmes. we would like to welcome in our viewers here in america and around the world. efforts to stop iran from building a nuclear weapon. >> he spoke in 43 minutes in all at the u.n. general assembly and will direct secretary of state john kerry to pursue an agreement. here is part of what he said. >> in the near term, america's diplomatic efforts will focus on two particular issues, iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the arab/israeli conflict. while these issues are not the cause of all the region's problems, they have been a major
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source of instability for far too long. and resolving them can help serve as a foundation for a broader peace. the united states and iran have been isolated from one another since the islamic revolution of 1979. this mistrust has deep roots. iranians have long complained of a history of u.s. interference in their affairs and of america's role in overthrowing an iranian government during the cold war. on the other hand, americans see an iranian government that has declared the united states an enemy and directly or through proxies taken american hostages, killed u.s. troops and civilians and threatened our ally, israel, with destruction. i don't believe this difficult history can be overcome
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overnight. the suspicions run too deep. but i do believe that if we can resolve the issue of iran's nuclear program, that can serve as a major step down a long road toward a different relationship. one based on mutual interests and mutual respect. since i took office, i have made it clear to the supreme leader in iran and most recently to president rowhani that america prefers to resolve our problems peacefully, though we are determined to prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon. we are not seeking regime change and we respect the right of the iranian people to access peaceful nuclear energy. instead, we insist that the iranian government meet its responsibilities under the nuclear nonproliferation treaty
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and u.n. security council resolutions. >> now one thing that everyone is waiting to see, really, is whether or not history could be made between the u.s. and iran. will president obama and iran's new president, hassan rowhani, sit down and talk? >> christiane amanpour joins us now from new york. it has been 34 years since an american president met with the president of iran, that was between jimmy carter and shah. handshake versus sitting down and talking, what are we talking about? >> i think the symbolism would be enormous, not just in tone but in actual getting the ball rolling to the end that president obama just laid out in that snippet from his speech to the u.n. ga this morning. it is arguably one of the most
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geopolitical strategic of the united states and it is in a state of deep dysfunction because of what the president said. these plus 30 years of a massive wall of mistrust has been built up between the two nations. it affects everything, fredricka. it affects the middle east and america's relations and its ability to operate in that whole region. it is vital, not to mention sorting out the whole nuclear program. so, you know, there has been a willingness expressed by both iranian side now and the u.s. side to have at least some kind of encounter. no one knows whether it will be a handshake or more than that, exchanging words, sitting down. we just don't know. nor do we know it's going to happen. for all i know, iranians haven't decided whether it's going to happen. i'll be interviewing president rowhani later on this afternoon. of course, i'll ask about that, but also all the issues that the president mentioned. >> can't wait to hear that, christiane. the images of it, mahmoud
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ahmadinejad and also benjamin netanyahu last year holding up the bomb and drawing red lines. even if it's john kerry talking to his opposite number about a nuclear deal, what's the u.s. got to lose? >> well, look, it's obviously this sort of atmospherics around it. there are also hard liners in this country who don't want to see the united states have anything to do in a diplomatic way or in that kind of way with the iranians who say, listen, we can't reward bad behavior. so, it's -- you know, the president faces a lot of pressure from ultra conservatives on his wing as well. not to mention from israel and related interests here in the united states. so it's a very, very tricky situation. one thing i can tell you, from having reported this now for the last 20 years, the one thing is absolutely factual and needs to be understood. that i do believe this is an important moment. because of what rowhani has said
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and because of what the supreme leader has said -- he is the one who holds all the cards, obviously. he has given rowhani the authority to negotiate and we'll find out in our interview how much negotiation. is it just about the nuclear issue or is it about bilateral relations with the united states? but he has given rowhani this permission, this window of opportunity. not only that, he has said there is a consensus now in iran. i know to the outside it looks like only a dictatorship. it is an authoritarian regime which demands consensus from the right wing, from parliament, from the very right wing media in iran, all of that. and they say this is an opportunity. not only that, the people of iran, when polled, overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly want iran to make friends with the united states and vice versa. and the last reform president who i interviewed exclusively back in 1998 said exactly the
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same things, wanted to do exactly the same. there was a maybe meeting with president clinton and it didn't happen. the fact of the matter is it didn't work then because the supreme leader was not behind hatami and didn't give him the authority. it will be a very interesting opening, to see if both sides can walk through that opening in a meaningful way. of course, iran has to show the world that it can restore or build confidence. it's the confidence that it needs to build in the world that it is not seeking a nuclear weapon. >> it is all about the supreme leader, isn't it? he has given to other presidents in the past and then pulled it back when he hasn't gotten the results. i can't wait to see your interview. that's going to be a required viewing. thank you very much. >> lots at stake. if president obama meets with iran's president, it will, indeed, be quite the shift, no matter which way you look at it.
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>> absolutely. no formal relations between the countries, haven't been for some time. time to have a look back and see what triggered this deep freeze between tehran and washington. >> reporter: iran, 1953. a revolution backed by the cia unfolds on the streets of tehran. prime minister was ousted in the coup, restricting flow to the west. >> eisenhower administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons, but the coup was clearly a setback for iran's political development. and it is easy to see now why many iranians continue to resent this intervention by america in their internal affairs. >> reporter: that resentment grew during the quarter century rule of the shah, criticized for his lavish lifestyle and in
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favor of stronger ties to the west. by 1979, riots led by supreme leader were sweeping iran. the shah was sent into exile. u.s. ties with iran were shattered after islamic militants took 66 americans hostage in the u.s. embassy, holding them for 444 days. washington later struck back at iran by supporting its invading neighbor, iraq, in a war that lasted throughout most of the '80s. the hostility was cemented in 2002 when u.s. president george bush named iran in its so-called axis of evil. >> north korea has a regime arming with weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens. iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror. >> reporter: the debate over iran's nuclear ambitions have only intensified.
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under the presidency of mahmoud ahmadinejad, the u.s. has resorted to sanctions. >> we're showing the iranian government that its actions have consequences. if it persists, the pressure will continue to mount and its isolation will continue to deepen. there should be no doubt that the united states and the international community are determined to prevent iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. >> reporter: now there are signs of a thawing in the relationship. hassan rowhani has called toned what he has described as unhealthy rivalries. dozens of people showed up today. >> in fact, most are being kept at some distance from the u.n. building across the street. that, too, is fairly procedural. these pictures of a protest
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against iranian president, hassan rowhani taking place at a plaza across the street from the u.n. more of what we are working on at this hour for "around the world" surviving that horrific attack in nairobi. >> i got shot here. i had so much blood everywhere, i thought she was dead and i was holding a dead baby. >> oh, my goodness. also more on the possible meeting between the u.s. and iranian leaders. what do people in iran think of president obama's speech? we'll go live to tehran. ♪ ♪ unh ♪ [ male announcer ] you can choose to blend in. ♪ or you can choose to blend out. the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move.
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on to nairobi, kenya, now. police are saying everything is under control at that mall taken over by terrorists. >> they've been saying that yesterday and for hours before that as well. there are still gunmen inside today, though. and possibly hostages. nobody knows for sure. our reporters there, they're still hearing gunfire and small explosions from the mall. >> kenya red cross says 62
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people are dead, 65 others still unaccounted for. the military says more than 200 people have been rescued. >> kenya forces say they have killed at least three of the attackers. ten suspects are also under arrest and being questioned. kenyan's foreign minister told pbs network that two or three of the mall attackers actually came from the united states and others from other countries. have a listen. >> from the information that we have, two or three americans, and i think so far one brit. >> and the brit was a british foreign woman is this. >> woman. she has done this many times before. >> and the americans? >> the americans, from the information we have, are young men about -- between maybe 18 and 19. >> of somali origin? >> somali or arab origin. >> u.s. intelligent sources say
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they don't have any confirmation of information about who those suspects may be. two law enforcement sources tell cnn that analysts are trying to verify the terror groups claims. >> we've been waiting for this all morning, actually, expecting him to talk to his nation today about this deadly mall attack. >> while security forces say they are doing their final sweep of the site, troops are also dealing with a partial roof collapse there. >> yeah. let's find out what's happening right now. our zain verjee is in nairobi, a place she used to call home. her family still lives there. zain, we've been hearing it all wrap up for a couple of days now. what signs are there really that this could be coming to an end? >> reporter: well, it ain't over till it's over, right? sources here have been saying for a while now that they are in full control of westgate mall. then they said, well, we've got to do some sweeps still.
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we've got to clear it. what we saw today, they said they were defusing explosives. the bomb squad went in. we're still hearing on and off gunfire. one of the indications that's giving us a sense that this may actually really be over is the fact that the president of kenya is expected to make a statement. now the thing is, he was expected to make it once and then twice. it got delayed and delayed again. we're standing by to see what he says. because, guys, there's a lot of unanswered questions here. there's no real clarity on what's happened to the hostages. are they dead? are they alive? were the hostages actually released, like the government says? did they fight the militants to get the hostages out or did they find people hiding out and just rescue them and they're saying those are the hostages? it's really not clear. 65 people are missing. a lot of families here in
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nairobi are scared and anxiously waiting for the president's speech. >> thank you so much from nairobi. that update when you get more information about the president's speech or any other kind of material to advance this. >> ominous, 65 missing, unaccounted for. >> very nerve-racking numbers. >> they're going through that mall, hopefully not going to find more horrors there. more on what we're working on this hour for "around the world." >> brazil's president has harsh words to the united nations directed right at the u.s. the issue? spying. away a trip every day. where would you go? woman: 'greece.' woman 2: 'i want to go to bora bora.' man: 'i'd always like to go to china.' anncr: download the expedia app and your next trip could be on us. expedia, find yours. there's a lot i had to do... ... watch my diet. stay active. start insulin... today, i learned there's something
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darlington in sao paulo. he wants the u.s. to resolve the iran nuclear issue peacefully, doesn't want to seek regime change. the election of mr. rowhani showed that the people of iran liked his moderate message. any hope force their president's visit? >> so far, the reaction is what we expected. state media did not air president obama's speech live. it's very rare for them to air speeches from other countries live. we've talked to people that are hopeful that u.s./iran relationships can improve, president obama reaching out, saying let's work out our problems diplomatically.
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iran's nuclear program remains the big issue. the leadership signaling they're ready to make concessions, but want something substantial in return. can they hammer things out, work out some sort of agreement? if they can, it would have huge implications in this region. michael, fredricka? >> thank you very much. despite efforts to get rid of chemical weapons, the international community needs to do more to find a solution to the political war. so what more is he asking for? >> he came out and said an agreement to eliminate these chemical weapons just isn't enough, that the core issue of this war that's been killing more than 100,000 people, that has to be addressed and it would be immoral and totally unacceptable to only focus on the chemical weapons. this is part of the reason that
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they are so worried, hosting refugees. shot down a syrian government helicopter after it crossed into turkish air space. turkish president here calling on the international community to stop, as he put it, turning a blind eye to the killing in syria, saying that, you know, a couple of years ago, people were talking about hundreds down. now there's more than 100,000 dead. if things continue this way by this time next year, there could be twice that killed. he wants permanent members of the u.n. security council and the international community to come together and come up with a political strategy to end this conflict once and for all. >> ivan, thank you so much to you. let's go shasta darlington in brazil. we were listening hours ago. brazil's dilma rousseff criticizing the u.s. and sharply so for reports that the nsa
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spied on her directly and other world leaders. tell us what she said and how it will play at home and what it means for the relationship. >> reporter: well, michael, she launched a veritable tirade. she accused them of mettling and violating the national sovereignty of a friendly nation. she reiterated allegations that the nsa was spying not only on her personal communication but also those of brazilian citizens, top companies and strategic industries. she said, therefore this argument that the united states was protecting itself and the world against terrorism just didn't hold water, that it was unacceptable, they were violating human rights and civil liberties. she said brazil is now taking steps to protect its own communications within its own borders, but she also urged the united nations to step in and take a lead role in do iing
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something similar on the global stage, developing a framework to protect communications from unilateral activities. not surprisingly, president obama didn't say a single word on this issue. michael? >> shasta darlington, and ivan watson in istanbul and reza sayah in tehran. strangers helping strangers and parents were shielding their children and other people's children. >> we're getting a better sense of the people who became heroes inside that kenya mall where terrorists caused so much blood shed. coming up, we'll hear from victims who made it out alive. >> i cradled her in case i got shot, if there was a chance she could make it. i held his hand and told him i loved him. [ tires screech ] ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutionizing power.
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as the deadly standoff at the nairobi mall enters its fourth day, there are amazing stories coming out of there. >> there are. harvard graduate, 33-year-old dutch national who worked with the clinton foundation in the past. due to give birth in two weeks. her husband, an australian man, was also killed. >> an architect who moved to nairobi, volunteering to build hospitals free of charge. survivors are describing scenes of horror inside that busy shopping center, saying the gunmen from store to store, firing at shoppers and taking hostages. >> arwa damon has the story. >> there's nothing that would prepare you. that feeling of, this is it. you're going to die. i looked at her. i just held her close and i cradled her, in case i got shot, if there was a chance that she would make it. and i held his hand and i told him, i love you. >> reporter: it had started out
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a beautiful day. turnout exceeded expectations for the east fm radio station children's cooking competition. elim are the station's popular husband/wife presenting team. >> children running around in their aprons, chopping up. we heard a series of gunshots. we called everyone to the corner, kids, moms, parents and everyone and said get down, get down, get down on the floor. and just as we did that, the gunmen blast a grenade to where we were. >> the blast sent slivers of shrapnel and glass into his eye. >> the guy with the white shirt spoke first and he said we're from somali and we don't normally kill women and children, but then again you've killed our women and children. >> tall, skinny face. >> he just opened fire.
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>> i got shot here. i had so much blood everywhere. i thought she was dead and i was holding a dead baby. >> they decided to take their chances and confront the gunmen. >> i went up to him and i said the shata. they asked are you muslim? i said yes, i am. she was behind me with the baby. he said, is that your woman? i said, yes. >> the storm of emotions so many here are going through are still so raw. janet's husband worked at the supermarket in the mall. as she cradles her granddaughter, she tells us how she joined the crowds that were waiting outside. she was hoping to find her husband. she didn't. >> but i hope. >> there are so many that have not been accounted for, possibly
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including some survivors. janet clings to the hope that her husband is one of them. they've been married since she was 24. >> he is the love of my life. >> reporter: and she doesn't want to imagine what he might be going through right now. she's heard more than her share of horror stories from those who escaped. the radio station, seventh months pregnant, was killed in the attack. >> standing at the counter and she was like, oh, my baby kicked. jasmine, she's like, oh, the baby must be hungry. so i told her to sit down and i gave her the other banana. >> reporter: they say the mall massacre had nothing to do with religion. >> our religion preaches peace, understanding and humanity. >> my husband is muslim. i'm not. my daughter is muslim, and i want her to grow up to be a good
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muslim. >> arwa damon, cnn, nairobi. it's hard to listen to, isn't it? pregnant women, children there for a cooking expedition, just horrible. if you want to find out how you can help the victims of this senseless attack in nairobi, go to right now the red cross is on the ground, helping the victims and their families. there's even counselors there on the scene. team impact is figuring out the best ways you, as a viewer, can contribute if you would like to at earlier, president obama had this to say about chemical weapons in syria. >> how do we address the choice of standing callously by while children are subjected to nerve gas or embroiling ourselves in someone else's civil war? >> leaders hope to answer. we may get more details on the u.s. effort to take control of
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welcome back to "around the world." we're keeping close watch on the u.n. general assembly. a big deal will be that resolution to get rid of syria's chemical weapons and how that will be done and what will happen if it's not done. earlier, president obama addressed the crisis in syria in his remarks to the assembly. >> in the past several weeks, the united states, russia and our allies have reached an agreement to place syria's chemical weapons under international control and then to destroy them. the syrian government took a first step by giving an accounting of its stockpiles. now there must be a strong security council resolution to verify that the assad regime is keeping its commitments and there must be consequences if they fail to do so.
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>> our nick peytat payton walshe at the u.n. >> reporter: john kerry will meet with sergei lavrov. first, the issue of how precisely would it be determined if syria wasn't complying with the task of giving up its chemical weapons? moscow wants that decided here, we learned and the u.s. wants the body in the hague looking into that, to make that decision. of course, there's the resolution itself. it was pretty much greed in geneva, backing up the framework those two men came up with, dissolving syria of its chemical weapons. i understand from diplomats here that the text is watered down, not as strident as perhaps the americans or british would like. parts the u.n. charter force
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could be used if the resolution isn't compliant with it. that will still be referred to in there. it's not going to be as tough as some of the western powers would like, soaking up slightly more of russia's desires here. so much on the plate of those two men in their meeting, fredricka. >> looking forward to hearing the result of that. nick paton walsh, thank you so much. we'll bring you all the details right here on cnn. >> it will be a fascinating day in new york at the u.n. so many different branches of diplomacy being reached out. the stories of survival continue from that mall attack in kenya. >> people running for their lives, one man taking cover in a flower bed outside the mall, just hoping he would make it through after getting shot. his story, coming up next. [ cheering ] ♪ ♪
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continuing our coverage of the attack of the westgate mall in nairobi. we were saying earlier we were expecting remarks from the kenya president, uhuru kenyatta. 61 people, he said, were killed. that's the official number from the government. six security officers, in addition, were killed. 62 people are in the hospital. 11 suspects in custody. >> and hard to believe, we're talking about a siege that now is in its fourth day, as well as a number of people still trapped in the building, according to the president. and, of course, the president also saying that he is not able to confirm those reports that have come out of the last couple of days that a british woman or that americans may have been behind the attack. >> the government is working, in
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his words, to identify the nationalities of the attackers. there's all sorts of rumors coming out, by al shabaab members itself, who tweeted that people of certain nationalities were involved in the group that went in and carried out this horrible act of violence. >> horrible, indeed. dozens of families are still mourning their loved ones who were gunned down in that terrorist takeover of that nairobi mall. >> hundreds got out as the attack started. many others were helped out by authorities. our guest is one of the ones who got out on his own. he was at the westgate mall on saturday for lunch with a friend. >> like so many. >> like so many people do. he heard the gunshots ring out. ben, we'll let you pick up the story. what happened? what did you think? what did you do? >> it started out as a day like any other.
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i happened to be meeting a friend of mine for lunch. we were in nairobi when we decided to drive across the westgate mall to have our lunch and everything seemed to be normal, actually. there didn't appear to be anything out of the usual. we reached the security check to proceed to the rooftop parking. our car was yet to be cleared to proceed that's when we heard gunshots. what i remember, we felt like it was maybe a robbery. so we did pay attention to that. unfortunately, the gunfire intensified for another two or three full minutes and everybody was running in all directions, not sure exactly what was happening. at that point we decided to jump out of our car to run to some safety. and in my mind i knew probably it was a robbery, then they
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continued shooting, on the main road that leads to the mall. so i didn't run very far away from where the -- we had left our car. and it was at that point i saw again the security guard manning the entrance run in different directions. and i clearly remember one of them ran right next to where i was hiding, like two feet apart. i saw four men walk through the main gate and they were heavily armed because all of them had rifles, big rifles they were holding. two that i saw clear ly were carrying machine guns. it was at that point, it creeped into my mind that this probably wasn't what i initially thought.
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within seconds, they began shooting. the security guards. i saw two of them come in my direction where the other security guard was hiding. within a fraction of a second, i remember the first gunman shooting the security guard right through the head and he fell down feet from me. in that flash of a second, the second gunman pointing a gun at me and for a moment i think i almost blacked out because all i remember was a loud bang. i could not exactly tell whether i had been shot or not. in between that -- within those seconds, i could hear a gunshot but they seemed a bit distance to me. >> and, in fact, ben, we're looking at a picture right now and we can see this photograph of your leg. >> i felt myself on the ground and lay still. yes? >> ben, i wonder, as all this
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was taking place, as we take a look at your injury, your leg injury from the firing of those weapons, were these gunmen saying anything? in some reports, they were shouting out orders in english, they were asking people to recite muslim prayers. did you hear anything like that? >> yes. in between, but i could not comprehend exactly the language they were using. it was something like swahili, but i could not hear exactly what they were saying. >> you went back to the hospital for a checkup today. how are you doing? >> actually, the doctors are impressed at the progress i have made. the wound has closed quite a lot where the bullet entered and exited. and lucky i got -- i'm actually able to walk on my own now.
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>> ben, really appreciate you joining us. saw horrible things, a man shot through the head right in front of him as it all unfolded. >> horrible situation. >> yet another horrible situation. we'll have much more "around the world" after this. dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, pleeeeease??? tickets? hmm, sure. how many? well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to nascar is about excitement. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions
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all right. of course, it used to be everyone had a blackberry. i know i did. but those days, they seem to be over, really. and another sign of trouble for that company. they announced plans to go private. shareholders have not been happy with the stock prices. that is an understatement, plummeting in recent years. richard quest will take a look at where the blackberry went wrong. >> reporter: it was the essential device for the titans of global business and politics, the once mighty blackberry. even president barack obama vowed to hang on to his at all costs before taking office in 2009. >> i'm still clinging to my blackberry. they're going to pry it out of my hands. >> blackberry held a commanding 47% of the u.s. market. that has collapsed to just over 2% today.
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at its peak, blackberry had a stock market value of $55 billion. today it's market ravalue is 10 under that. the device maker was outdone by the likes of iphone and android, devices marketed directly to consumers, who loved their sleek design and user-friendly apps. >> once you got to the level that iphones and android devices were something that people were bringing in to work and not just using as a personal device, that was really the death of the blackberry. once it became clear that blackberry was not going to keep that stranglehold on the corporate and government market, it just became very difficult for blackberries to stay relevant. >> reporter: in a last effort to save the business earlier this year, blackberry unveiled two much-delayed smart phones and a top-to-bottom over haul of its
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operating system. the ceo, austin hines, touted the phone as a new beginning. >> this is one of the largest launches in our history and today is not the finish line. it's the starting line. >> reporter: their fate can be summed up as too little, too late. sales were dismal. the latest billion dollar quarterly loss is largely because of unsold phones. now blackberry has announced it's entered into a preliminary agreement to become private. even if this deal is done, the company faces almost insurmountable charges. >> it's no longer in the glare of investors who are clearly impatient with the company's lack of a real strong strategy. but that being said, they're still burning cash, losing sales, market share is going down. none of that changes if they go private.
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all that changes is that we don't get to see on a daily basis the stock sliding. >> reporter: blackberry's days as a public company may be over. >> you have one, don't you? >> i had. i did love my blackberry. >> where did it go wrong? >> it just got smaller. the little buttons. i have big hands. >> you got older. >> equal opportunity, smart phone. >> i go for the smart phone. now i need a little touch. >> we could go on, but they won't let us. >> still love you, blackberry. >> yeah, yeah. thanks for watching "around the world." wolf blitzer in cnn "newsroom." . congested. beat down. crushed.
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