tv Around the World CNN September 27, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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in. >> tiana. >> wow! shoes! >> it's more than just giving them a new pair of shoes. >> yea. >> i'm helping kids be kids. their self-esteem goes up, their whole attitude on life changes. that's really what will makes it so special for me. >> nick, two words, rock star. thanks for watching, everyone. "around the world" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- a shoot-out at a kennal maul was more calculated than originally thought. kenyan intelligence say the terrorists rented a shop inside that mall a year ago. and a blockbuster report on climate change. this is a big one. waters and temperatures are rising and scientists say who's to blame? look in the mirror. plus, it's intended to protect people from radiation exposure.
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but a fence put around japan's crippled fukushima plant now discovered it has a hole in it. i'm suzanne malveaux. >> i'm mike holmes. thanks for your company this friday. it is that week every year when most of the world's leaders converge on the united nations in new york, and as you know, the man who's gotten a whole lot of attention at this year's general assembly is the iranian president. spoke to reporters a few minutes ago. >> we're talking about ha sass rowhani of iran. his comments have, of course, made news around the globe, his comments about the holocaust, his attitudes towards the west. his country's nuclear ambitions and, of course, about syria. the new president making sure that nobody is confusing his message and where he's taking his country than from his predecessor mahmoud ahmadinejad. >> the president spoke a few minutes ago giving a news conference and spoking about
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syria's alleged use of chemical weapons. >> we believe that the solution of the syrian crisis is a political one. we will believe that countries that have shaped the future of syria should actually walk hand in hand in order to put an end to the suffering of syrian people first and foremost. we believe that the application of chemical weapons in the region is extremely dangerous. we seriously condemn its use and we are glad that the syrian government has attempted to acceded to the convention on chemical weapons. >> all right. nick paton walsh is in new york covering all this for us. when it comes to hassan rowhani, when he met -- when his foreign minister met with the secretary of state john kerry yesterday, it was a historic moment.
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but where do they go now? in terms of something tangible, concrete moves. >> that is what everybody's asking. even with rowhani's lengthy press conference still going on now, in can the fa, is he hasn't given up any particular technical detail which would be the concrete substance everybody is looking for behind the effusive positive activity we've seen in the last week. he repeated the healthy signals saying the handshake between him and barack obama didn't happen because he didn't have the enough time to prepare for it. the historic meeting between kerry and foreign minister, how that is didn't happen simply because they didn't have enough time to prepare for it. but the real issue at stake is what we're going to see in terms of moves by iran. they talked about three to six months, adjusted to a year by most officials we heard yesterday. we need to hear about potential inspections to see what the
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backbone behind all that happy messaging as been so far. >> and nick, having covered many of these general assemblies, mahmoud ahmadinejad has always been the person who was the pariah of this world organization. now you have rowhani amazingly saying he's spoken to at least a dozen world leaders and says he ran out of time, only able to speak to cnn, pbs and "the washington post." the doll people really trust him that he is the real deal, that this is not simply a huge charm offensive? >> well, the real issue is what you make of him. there's no doubt the consistency of this message. it's been everywhere. but there are moments, if you look at that u.n. ga speech, that were parts of that which toned down and softened what we would have heard from ahmadinejad last year but represent nis" of it slightly condemning drone attacks on civilians, that was definitely a reference to u.s. foreign
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policy. had there been a meeting hours earlier between him and obama, there would have been people in the white house wishing they hadn't made that will handshake happen perhaps. that will fuel those who suggest this is purely buying time. it's a charm offensive. at the end of the day, you can't fault the fact that the highest meeting if happened. they took the gamble. now we have to see if there's something on ground on paper that changes. >> nick, can't let you go without asking you about syria. i mean, dozens of people killed again on the ground with conventional weapons today. just outside damascus. what's happening with the resolution on that? where is that going? >> a deal seems to have been struck basically. we're waiting 0 hear from the u.n. monitoring group how they can implement what was agreed between john kerry and sergey lavrov. tonight at 8:00, everyone is expecting a text that's been agreed to be voted through the
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council. it will probably pass without much problems. it won't have an automatic use of force if syria's considered to be in violation, there will stb some laing which will suggest the future. they will need another vote to the security council to decide what those measures are and that gives russia the veto again. we're back here all over again if the inspectors decide they're not happy with what syria is doing sis disarming is itself. >> the killings continue inside syria. nick paton walsh. >> it all depends on what happens in the ground. it's amazing what's happened in new york but what happens on the ground is going to turn this around. >> and up to 60 people killed today in one explosion. all right. let's move on. a new report from the united nations blaming climate change on us. >> the independent panel of scientists find that 95% certainty that humans, us, area responsible for at least half the climate change problems and we are talking about things like
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rising ocean temperatures, crumbling the ice caps, want to get right down to it, brandon miller, meteorologist, break this down for us specifically. what kinds of problems are we talking about and what is the timetable to see some of the most serious destruction? >> well, this report from the intergovernmental panel on climate change is really looking through the end of this century. so really not that the far out. we're not talking hundreds or thousands of years. you're talking in people's lifetimes and our children's life times is what we're looking at. the biggest headline out of the report is it is extremely likely is the verbiage ha they use that humans caused most of this remain waing since 1950. at that point in time corresponds to a confidence level of 85%. now, that's up from the last report six years ago in 2007 where they said very likely. that was 90%. so we're getting close to in scientific terms being ascertain as we can be. they're not going to go much higher than 85%.
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if i told you there was a 95% chance it was going to rain tomorrow, you would probably bring your umbrella. that's what we're talking about, among scientists, there's not much of a debate on climate change. there's certainly some debate about what impacts and where and how much and when. but when it comes to whether or not humans are responsible for a lot of this change we've already observed, that question has already been answered. now, sea level rise is one of those things that is a hotly debated topic and something that there's certainly a spread among models going forward, something the ipcc looked at was forcing these global climate models that look out dozens of years to hundreds of years into the future and project what the climate's going to be like. this blue line right here is a pretty optimistic look. that blue line represents lowering our carbon emissions by a pretty good amount through 2100. we're still looking at a sea level rice of hfl a meter. that's a foot and a half. if we don't cut back co2 levels,
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we're talking double that. that makes a one in a 100 year storm more like one in 20-year storm. >> there's a couple of other reports are coming out on what happens next and what solutions might be in the works in the months ahead. brandon miller, thanks so much. and by the way, we've just gotten reaction from former vice president al gore on this report. now, he calls it "a milestone in the study of it climate change," and goes on to say the climate crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced from not only the warming of the earth with higher global temperatures but also from strengthening storms and expanding droughts to melting ice and rising seas. >> this was a guy who told us this a long time ago. warned us. we're getting new details on the deadly mall attack in kenya becoming clear that the terrorists began planning this brutal assault more than a year ago. >> unbelievable. >> that could explain why so
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many people were killed in the westgate mall siege and how such heavy weaponry was apparently now already there. it arwa damon is in the city still reeling from the attack. tell us more about what you know about this store and the preparations that went into this. >> reporter: well, it most certainly seems as if this was not just a sophisticated attack but onen al shabab was planning on carrying out for some time. they had rented a store inside the mall itself which is raising a lot of questions whether or not they were able to bring weapons in well ahead of time. there is the sense that when the security at the mall gets comfortable with people, begins to get to know them, they become a bit lax when it comes to checking everything that is coming in and out. so it's raising a lot of questions at this stage. another update also is that the
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kenyan authorities are saying they detained three skrilds at the kenyan ugandan border in connection with this attack. however, of the 11 people that were originally in custody, three of them have been released after questioning. there are forensic teams on the ground right now combing through the rubble, taking photographs, trying to fingerprint identify the bodies of not only attackers but any victims that may still be there. the red cross has not been allowed access to this. >> all right. arwa damon start offing to lose the shot from the nairobi. a terrifying thing they've been there a year. they had belt fed machine guns. you don't just walk in the front door with those. >> very much planned here. and also what's interesting is they still don't have a definitive death toll and know how many people were killed. confirmed 67 people were killed but still about 61 people still
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missing, unaccounted for. we actually want to hear from some of the survivors in their own words. >> we were helping everyone who got like shot or something because they were all bleeding. so we had our aprons. we had to give it to them. so they'd like stop bleeding >> you can't sleep. you know, you just remember things and at least there was one point i just thought i had lost her. >> we have been -- since saturday. today although he was dead. >> so so sad. you know, authorities that are saying five of the terrorists involved in the attack were killed and as arwa was mentioning, there's still a lot of questions potentially who else was involved. >> and escaped perhaps in the melee as it was continuing to unfold. check this out. a greenpeace activist tried to get on board a russian oil rig and this is how they were greeted.
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>> coming up, pasta maker barilla is in boiling water after the chairman said he doesn't want gays in ads. his comments now have people boycotting the company's products. >> and then the miss world final moves to bali in indonesia after religious protest ares rail against the pageant. how hundreds of police are now protecting the event. you're watching "around the world." we'll be right back. the humble back seat. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ that's why we designed the subaru forester from the back seat forward. the intelligently designed, responsibly built, completely restyled subaru forester.
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today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? 9 environmental activist group greenpeace butting heads with the russian coast xwaurd, a-- guard and it got a little ugly. >> so this is what happened last week. it's playing out there. want you to just watch and listen here. we're getting new details what all this was about. this is way up. this is above the arctic circle at a russian oil drilling platform. now, greenpeace protesters were
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motoring up to this platform, tried to climb up the side of the ropes. the russians responded with high pressure water hoses and gunfire. >> eventually, russian forces boarded and seized the greenpeace ship. it doesn't end there either. phil black is in moscow. a couple of dozen people were arrested and they're being charged. what happens now? >> reporter: well, michael, after the ship was boarded by the russian coast guard using ropes and helicopters, the vessel the arctic sunrise was towed to the city where the 30 people board that vessel has faced court. 22 of them have been remanded in custody for anything up to two months while a criminal investigation is carried out. the eight remaining will face court again in the next few days. it's probably they will face a similar ruling when they face court. again. so it appears they are all set for a lengthy court case -- a lengthy jail stay i should say
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while investigators determine if there is a criminal case to answer. as i said, 30 of them from 1 different countries. >> phil, just look at these pictures. lots of questions when you look at this. why did they feel like they needed to fire on these folks in the first place? are they explaining why they think this was a threat of some sort? >> the russian view is yes, they believe they were dealing with a security threat of some sort. they didn't know the precisely what security threat they were dealing with. so vladimir putin, the russian president has said given the events in kenya, given they didn't know who these people were claiming to be greenpeace, he believes that the coast guard acted appropriately. the greenpeace view is that russia has overreacted at every stage and boarded their vessel illegally. all while greenpeace is known what it is doing around the world, that is climbing things they probably shouldn't to get media attention without posing any sort of security threat
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whatsoever. they maintain the boarding was illegal because it took place in international waters. >> phil, just quickly, nobody was hurt, those bullets didn't hit anybody, did they? >>. >> reporter: that's correct. so while greenpeace says bullets were used at various stages throughout the confrontation, you saw the activists trying to scale the rig and later on they said they were fired across the bow of the arctic sunrise to try to drive them away. they said again when they were boarded by coast guard forces the crew was held at gunpoint. no one has been hurt. they're all in jail waiting to are their fate. >> and waiting perhaps for months too before it's wrapped up one way or the other. greenpeace saying that the drilling in that will sensitive part of the world is what they're protesting against, that it's not the place to have an oil are ig. >> dramatic pictures there. there's also a frantic rescue operation that's under way right now. this ises in mumbai, india. this is a five-story apartment building that has collapsed. you've got dozens of folks who
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are believed to be actually buried in that rubble. if you think about it, it really is a race against time just to reach the potential survivors. the owner of the building says about 22 apartments were occupied on those upper floors. >> family members have gathered there hoping loved ones will be pulled from the rubble alive. the rescuers haven't brought in hev machinery yet. they're digging by hand and small tools because they don't want to upset what remains of the building. it's confirmed six people have been killed in the disaster but a lot of people are still missing and unaccounted for. this is outrage, too. guess what, this is the fifth building is collapse in india this year alone. >> i can imagine how angry that would make people. >> almost a common event in india. >> this is a japanese cargo ship after it smashes into another cargo ship earlier today. this is just south of tokyo. it tipped over. at least five members of that crew are reported killed. when we last heard the crews,
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they were searching for a sixth crew mann still missing. maybe at the survived. it's hard to tell. nobody on board that other ship was actually hurt. it's not clear what caused the two vessels to collide in the first place. >> the nsa was tracking your phone records and e-mails. guess what, now we found out 1078 nsa employees were also using the technology to keep track of their lovers. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] build anything with the new toyota tundra. toyota. let's go places.
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welcome back, everyone. the nation's spy agency, you probably already knew could track your e-mails, your phone calls. well, guess what. now we're learning some of its employees are using their spying powers to snoop on their own lovers. well, that is the latest disturbing revelation about the misuse of authority at the national security agency. we're joined now from washington by evan perez. how widespread was what was really an abuse of power at the nsa? >> well, it is an abuse of
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power. and you know, the good news here is that it appears to be pretty rare. we have about a dozen incidents over the past decade that the nsa's inspector gualenl a letter to chuck grassley of iowa detailed yesterday. and one of the things is, this basically relates to signals intelligence, the nsa's power to spy on targets overseas. and it appears what has happened is you have these employees who decided they were going to use it to snoop on girlfriends or husbands to try to figure out if they were cheating on them and so on. one employee, for instance, used it to spy on apparently nine girlfriends over the period of five years. so it is one of those things that us know, the strangeness of the incidents really is, you know, raises eyebrows, but it looks like the nsa systems are there to catch these relatively quickingly and these employees
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are punished usually by being forced to resign or getting fired. >> you know, obviously it took awhile to catch him if it had been going on for a decade. what does it mean in terms of what these employees can do, what their access is, how broad it is and what's being done to keep an eye on who is getting spied on? >> reporter: that's one of the scary parts of this. the sa contractor edward snowden who has been revealing a lot of details about this one of the things he said is that the nsa employees can dip into this stuff whenever they want. so these revelations show that these employees, if they're not watched closely, can going in all kinds of directions looking into their husband's e-mails and phone numbers if they want to, and the systems have to be there to catch them when they do. >> evan perez in d.c., thanks so much. suzanne? >> possible government shutdown just a few days away. the senate is about to vote on a spending bill that funds the
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government but defunds obama care. obama care provision is expected to be killed. after that, the bill heads back to the house, chances are very big they're not going to like the senate's changes. so the timing of course, could come up in days before a government shutdown. >> we've been very hopeful that obama care would be implemented and give us the opportunity not to get a free ride or free insurance or have everything paid for, you know, but health care costs are astronomical. they are financially out of reach for most hard-working americans. when you have diabetes like i do, getting the right nutrition isn't always easy. first, i want a way to help minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance
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so right now, the senate about to vote on a spending bill to keep the government from shutting down on tuesday. this is the same bill that the house passed that defunds obama care, but the senate controlled by democrats is expected to strip out that provision. then send it back to the house where more tinkering is expected. leaving very little time to get this thing passed. >> also on tuesday, another big step for president obama's affordable health care act. 48 million american who's don't have insurance will get the chance to buy it through the so-called health care exchanges. if they can't afford it, the
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government will help out with the subsidies. >> open enrollment lasts through the end of march. the problem is, so many people don't know the about it, have no idea what to do. zain asher has that part of the story. >> we'll go up the hill and go around. >> an army of obama care experts are going door to door. >> good morning. is christopher home? do you currently have insurance. >> trying to explain obama care to americans who don't have health insurance. >> i know it has something to do with caring about people, obama care. so basically, that's all i know. >> reporter: according to the kaiser family foundation, 43% of uninsured americans still have no idea about the new exchanges. >> i have a question. who created this affordable health care plan that you're speaking of? >> this was passed by congress. >> oh, congress. >> yes. >> and i'm just wondering as a citizen of america, how come i did not hear of this? >> while health care reform is a frequent source of contention in congress, many of the people we
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spoke to here in new jersey were hearing details of obama care for the very first time just this week. >> i'm definitely going to read into it. >> is obama forcing americans to get health insurance? it sounds that way. >> enroll america, a non-profit group funded mainly by insurance companies, health care groups and charities, is working to spread the word. dispatching 130 field workers in ten states. >> we can follow up with you. >> on october 1st, 48 million uninsured americans will be able to purchase health coverage through federal and state exchanges. coverage starts january 1st and they must enroll before march 31st. >> they are going to be able to shop just like you shop for an airline ticket or eight flat screen tv and see what's the best price for you. >> this is all new to me. i never knew about any of this. >> whether you know about it or not, it is still the law of the land. if you don't sign up in the next six months, you may face a penalty of $95 or 1% of your
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household income. zain asher, cnn, new york. >> hmm. >> now they know. >> is it extraordinary? >> we've been talking about this for a while but good to get educated. >> they're not watching us now. >> not too late. next hour, republican congresswoman michele bachmann, of course, she's made strong comments about obama care. she actually has said it's going to kill seniors and children. does she stand by those remarks or are they simply political? >> we'll talk about this. pasta maker barilla is in boiling water after the chairman said he doesn't want gays in their ads. well, now his comments have some people boycotting barilla. surprise surprise. that's coming up in "around the world." we'll be right back. ♪
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gay rights groups around the world are very angry at the world's biggest pasta maker. so angry calling for a boycott of the company. this is a massive worldwide corporation called barilla. chances are you probably have barilla pasta in your home. >> here's what happened. the chairman of the company who's name is barilla, went on italian radio and said same-sex couples will not be allowed in commercials for his company. he says he prefers to advertise with families he calls
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traditional. >> translator: i would never do a commercial with them. not for lack of respect for homosexual family but because we don't think the like them. ours is a classic family. >> didn't take long for the comments to circulate worldwide. it exploded on twitter. the an #boycott barilla started spreading. he started apologizing actually. >> he apologized three times in fact and seemed in many ways to dig the hole deeper each time. he actually said this at one time. with reference to statements i made yesterday, i apologize if my words have generated controversy or misunderstanding or if they have hurt the sensibilities of some people. in the interview i simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family." >> so we're uncertain what he meant by the central role of the woman making pasta. >> i make a mean pasta. i'm offended now.
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>> well, of course, this is going to affect him probably pretty big financially if this boycott is the successful. we'll see how this turns out. blackberry having another bad day. that's putting it mildly days after the company said it was going private. it announced it's losing a lot of money. >> and blackberry, i have a blackberry, one of the few people that still have one. reported second quarter net loss of almost a billion dollars. a billion dollars. alison kosik joining from us new york. tell us what's up with the blackberry here. >> yes, and the hits keep coming for blackberry. you know it's pad when analysts are expecting the company to lose almost $1 billion. and lose they did. $965 million to be exact in just three months. look at its revenue. blackberry only made $1.6 billion. that's a 45% drop from a year ago. all right. so we know blackberry is having big troubles. what's next? the company is going to be laying off 4500 employees and
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going to make four smartphones instead of six models. on monday is, fairfax financial put up a bid to take blackberry private, just $4.7 billion though. but that's far from a done deal. still this could be one of the last public reports that we get from blackberry. they even canceled that i ever conference call with analysts ahead of the report which is the somewhat rare. michael and suzanne? >> a billion dollars. goodness me. alison, always a pleasure to see you though. >> i'm not just old school. i got both. >> i had one for years but no more, sadly. >> every time you get on a plane, you're asked to turn your phone off. aren't you? but questions over whether that's necessary. >> well, next, hear what a government spaniel considering. [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain.
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welcome back. the senate voting right now on a house bill that would continue to fund the government. wouldn't that be nice? congress running out of money and out of time. there's a midnight monday deadline, and then the government shutdown kicks in. but after this vote, the house then has to approve any changes and there is the rub. senate democrats plan to remove it the part of the house bill that takes away the funding from obama care. and the house probably won't go for that. stay tuned. we'll have a live report on the details of all of this at the top of the hour. >> so michael, does this happen to you? you get on a plane, you wonder is it really necessary to turn off your cell phone. well, on monday, government panels expected to hand over recommendations to the faa. we may finally know once and for all what should we be doing. renee marsh is joining us from washington. renee, i'm going to get on a plane tonight. i'm always on a plane. i'm always flying and i'm back
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here making secret calls thinking this is okay. what do they say? is. >> right, you're one of those people who hey not actually turn the phone off. i don't know. so here's what we just confirmed this morning. the faa says they are expecting to get those recommendations on monday. and we expect that they will act pretty quickly as far as making a decision after they receive those recommendations because of the huge public interest in this. what's being considered is whether they will allow us to keep our ipads, ereaders, or ipods on at takeoff and landing because as you just pointed out, when you get on a flight, you're told to turn everything off at landing and takeoff. so passengers are really close right now to getting the final word from the faa whether that rule will change. >> and rene, you went to a lab where there were engineers testing out all the stuff, whether or not the devices interfere with the signals on the plane. what did they tell you? >> we went to boeing's
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electromagnetic interference lab and we test this had cell phone. we also tested this laptop here. we also had an ipad and the cell phone showed that it could interfere with the systems like the plane's smoke alarm. the laptops showed the potential to interfere with the pilot's communications radios and the ipad tested safe when it wases in airplane mode. so the engineers there say that this is the kind you have interference that's really an unnecessary distraction for pilots. take a listen. >> it's not necessarily that a phone can bring down an airplane. that's not really the issue. the issue is, interfering with the airplane and causing more work for pilots during critical phases of flight. >> all right. once the faa receives the advisory panel's recommendations on monday, they'll make the final decision whether they'll loosen the restrictions, but
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suzanne, not every airline has to agree to adopt the restrictions. >> whatever it is, i'll follow the rules. i'll try. >> all right. >> thanks, rene. >> you are a rule follower. check this out. the miss world final moves to bali after religious protests against the pageant. how hundreds of police are now protecting the crown. >> and after four months of testimony and three days of closing arguments, the jury is now deliberating in the michael jackson wrongful death trial. the latest up next.
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deliberations this hour in the michael jackson wrongful death trial. it has taken five months to get to the this point. concert promote ser aeg live wants jurors to find michael jackson responsible for his own death. >> jackson's mother and three children say the company was liable in the pop icon's drug overdose because they say ae gt executives negligently hired, retained or supervised dr. conrad murray convicted of administering the fatal dose of the sedative propofol to jackson in 2009. >> the jackson family wants 1 to $2 billion in damages from aeg live. and then sunday on cnn, you can hear dr. conrad murray's side of the fence leading up to michael jackson's death. that is this is sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern. a new miss world will be crowned tomorrow on the resort island of bali, a beautiful
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place. but security has had to be stepped up in the finals actually moved after muslim militants launched a violent protest in indonesia's capital. >> anna ca rin has a report how this is all unfolding and have to warn you, this is pretty strong language in her story. >> it's an event that's been running for more than six decades. but this year, the miss world pageant was met with the threats of violence. indonesia, the world's most populace muslim nation was selected to host the three-week event in jakarta. but angry protests by radical groups saw the government switch venues at the last minutes forring organizers to relocate to the island of bali. >> this sends a message to the world that we are not strong enough as a country. >> protesters have denounced the pageant as pornography and a
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whore contest insisting it's an offense to all muslims. >> we considered it would exploits a woman. >> in an attempt to appease religious concerns, the pageant scrapped the swimsuit competition replacing it with beachalwear. but it would appear not all such contests are vehemently opposes. just three weeks ago, it hosted a contest crowning miss nigeria with is the award. >> the difference of this event to another pageant, obviously this is not the pageant. this is the international event to appreciate the young and talented muslim would many. >> while indonesia tries to present an image of tolerance, the influence of hard liners is growing in this country and critics say the government is only fueling the problem, caving
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in to this small but very vocal minority of ultraconservative muslims. this is not the first time the government has given in. lady gaga's concert was canceled last year after hard liner ises is threatened violence. while j.lo was told to cover up during her indonesian performance. >> we are a complex country. we always have to balance concerns with our ability to host international events, but in general, as you know, indonesia is very open. >> reporter: that's against the pageant are being taken very seriously. the u.s., british and australian embassies have all issued warnings with the bali bombings of 2002 and 2005 still at the forefront of people's minds. while bali is already under tight security with the island hosting the apex summit early next month is, authorities say they're not taking any chances. 700 police will be on duty
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saturday when miss world is crowned. anna corinne, jakarta, indonesia. >> beautiful place though, bali. >> it is. love it. yeah. hopefully they'll be okaying >> coming up in in the next hour, republican congresswoman michele bachmann made some strong comments about obama care. plenty of them really. she went as far as to say it will kill seniors and children. >> so does she still stand by her remarks? is this all political? we'll find out on "cnn newsroom." stay with us. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there.
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several stories caught our attention today. the videos, as well. this is in antarctica. a pilot flies feet above a crowd of photographers. they got the picture, but whoa. way too close. >> got a haircut. >> this is actually called flat hatting >> don't move. don't jump. >> let's go to alberta, canada, now. check that thing out. i think that's another one that needs a replay. that's a fireball racing through the sky. two cops got this on their dashcam while on duty. an as ro tron mer confirmed it was caused by a meteor streaking through the sky. it burnt up, didn't leave a mark. >> maybe martians, i don't know.
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a mystery. a climber found a metal box filled with rubies, sapphires, emeralds worth more than $300,000. the climber who wants to remain anonymous turned this treasure over. >> what? >> he did. goodies might have been from one or two plane crashes that happened decades ago. >> some major retail stores, by the way, in britain are refusing to sell a couple of halloween costumes. i didn't think they did that. they're calling these costumes offensive. how so? they are talking about this. the one on the left called the psychoward costume on the right called mental patient. two huge retail chains in britain tesco and azda have now apologized that you know, that they named these costumes this way and the portrayal of people with mental illness. you can understand that. >> exactly.
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this is fun. i checked this out earlier today. warm fuzzy feeling. jimmy fallon as he does with other songs, as well teamed up with the muppets to perform the sesame street theme on his show last night. lovely segment. check this one out. ♪ sunny day sleeping the clouds away ♪ ♪ on my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ can you tell him how to get, how to get to sesame street ♪ >> i'm digging the beat. actually, it's got a nice little groove to it. >> there's a little rap section that kicks in in a little bit. >> really? you got elbow, big bird, snuffaluffagus. my favorite. >> jimmy gets them all crammed into a real dressing room at rockefeller plaza.
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