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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 28, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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>> reporter: one recent graduate has some advice for the incoming class. >> i just remember my first two seasons like i just didn't sleep. i mean, starting thursday night, i couldn't sleep, there's so much pressure of making it, am i doing okay. >> we'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. >> just have fun. i will go into a big sh peel, but have as much fun as you can and it's going to be all right. >> reporter: bill hader is heading to hollywood like so many snl of the past. >> the legends. >> reporter: andy samburg has worz words of comfort. >> you come in, everyone compares you to what it has been before, it has been on so long, it was better before what it is now, until you figure out what it is now and the audience gets
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used to who you are. >> reporter: nischelle turner, cnn, new york. hello, i'm alison kosik in for fredricka whitfield. here are the top stories we're following in the cnn newsroom. house republicans' standoff over obama care is growing intense. they have come up with a new spending bill, sure to in fewer rate a majority of the senate. speaker john boehner is expected to speak any moment now and we're going to take you live to capitol hill. a new disturbing report bolsters climate change and consequences. rising temperatures, melting icecaps, extreme weather. find out what it means for vulnerable coastal areas. and in indiana, a foot brawl breaks out. who was fighting and how the bruising battle ended.
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okay, house speaker john boehner expected to speak at any moment after his meeting with house republicans, and we're also hearing the house is going to vote today on a spending plan that was passed by the senate. we're following this story all over washington. dana bash on capitol hill, jim acosta at the white house, and gloria borger is in washington. let's go ahead and start on capitol hill. that's where house republicans have been meeting this afternoon. dana bash is there live. dana, we are expecting to hear from speaker john boehner soon. what's he expected to start talking about? >> reporter: he's expected to tell us formally what we have been reporting since last hour from republican sources that they talked about inside this meeting and really it looks like they finalized inside this meeting amongst house republicans, that they plan to vote on a bill keeping the government running until december 15th, for an extra month than the senate passed. much more importantly, they plan to deal with obama care in a way
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that's a nonstarter for senate democrats and for the white house, to delay obama care for a year, to repeal a medical device tax that helps to pay for it. excuse me. you rather a little chaos here. here is the speaker. >> mr. speaker, are you going to talk to us? okay, i guess he is not having a press conference, allison. we were told he was going to come out and talk to us. it is a roudy bunch. he was supposed to come out and talk to us, clearly that was a change in plan. the house is going to begin to vote on a procedural measure to get the ball rolling. perhaps he is going to the house floor to start to deal with that. in any event, more importantly getting back to what i was discussing, what the plan is is for them to deal with obama care in a way that's a nonstarter for
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senate democrats. that would mean that chances of a shutdown are much, much higher. what they're going to vote on sometime today is dead on arrival in the senate, i think that's just a fair thing to say. house republicans understand some of the perils of that. the other thing they're going to vote on today is a bill that continues to pay men and women in the military if there is a shutdown. that of course, of all the things that could potentially hurt people, if there's a government shutdown, that was the most painful politically and in every other way, if in fact the military -- excuse me. >> dana, i am going to let you get your armor on. i see you're going to be run over. >> you get the point. i delivered the news. maybe i should go after the leaders to see if there's anything else. >> we will come back to you at some point. we will move to the white house where president obama promised not to approve something that will take away funding for obama care.
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we've got jim acosta there live. jim, the president, he hasn't called speaker boehner in a week, according to the speaker's spokesman. at what point, what's the strategy at the white house at this point? >> reporter: unlike dana, i am not about to be run over at any moment, allison, that's because there isn't really anybody here except for a few lonely staff members and members of the media. nobody will cry a river over that. president obama is not at the white house now, he is playing golf over in virginia, and will be there for a good part of the afternoon. as you just mentioned, the president has not spoken with house speaker john boehner in about a week. we got that guidance last night. no word yet from white house officials whether or not any future calls or meetings are being scheduled or planned at this point. and essentially you asked about the strategy at the white house, allison. the strategy is they're watching to see what the congress does, and you heard the president sort of admonish republicans on capitol hill yesterday, admonish
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republicans in his weekly address earlier this morning, and he is basically saying this. that he is not going to sign into law, never mind the fact it can't get out of the senate, he is not going to sign into law any continuing resolution that delays or defunds obama care and he is not going to approve an increase in the debt ceiling that does anything with obama care. he thinks that should be settled through the normal legislative process and so he's warning americans essentially a couple times yesterday and today that not only are we facing a government shutdown but an economic shutdown. here is what he had to say. >> past government shutdowns disrupted the economy. this shutdown would, too. at a moment when the economy has gained traction and deficits are falling faster than at any time in 60 years, a shutdown would be a purely self inflicted wound. that's why many republican senators and republican governors have urged republicans in the house of representatives to knock it off, pass a budget
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and move on. >> reporter: to start getting ready for a government shutdown, the white house, the obama administration put out guidance to the various agencies of the federal government as to who is being furloughed and who is not being furloughed, and this is very specific what's being sent out in various memos across the capitol. it basically says if you're furloughed, you're sitting home or you can go about your business, but you can't check blackberrys, can't communicate via e-mail with your bosses at the federal government, they are shut down government employees, and it sort of underlines the seriousness of all of this. keep in mind, the executive office of the president, according to the accounting that was put out by the white house yesterday in terms of who is furloughed and who is not, roughly three-quarters of the president's executive branch staff will be facing furlough. so this is a shutdown they'll be feeling at the white house as well. >> jim acosta at the white house, thanks. >> reporter: you bet. the diplomatic break through
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between the u.s. and iran isn't sitting well with hard liners in iran. iranian news agency says a protester threw a shoe at the president rowhani, considered an offensive act in the mid east. there were several protesters there, also there were supporters that welcomed rowhani's new dialogue with the u.s., a dialogue that included a phone conversation with president obama, which is the first direct contact between the countries' leaders in more than 30 years. jim chute oh has more. >> reporter: it was just a 15 minute phone call, but one that was 34 years in the making. >> the very fact that this was the first communication between an american and iranian president since 1979 underscores the deep mistrust between our countries, but it also indicates the prospect of moving beyond that difficult history. >> reporter: the prospect of reaching an agreement on iran's nuclear program seemed out of
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reach just weeks ago. >> while there will surely be important obstacles to moving forward, and success is by no means guaranteed, i believe we can reach a comprehensive solution. >> reporter: echoed by rowhani, who tweeted about the call before the president confirmed it. rowhani ended a week long charm offensive in new york with a promise to submit a plan on iran's nuclear program by next month. >>translator: i assure you on the iranian side the willis there 100% that in a short period of time there will be a settlement on the nuclear issue. >> reporter: as for the historic call between the president, it was cordial in tone, and both want it done peacefully. at the end, he said have a nice
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day and obama said good-bye. >> jim chute oh, thanks. we are moments from learning how 19 firefighters were killed in the yarnell fire in june. investigators are releasing a report and are scheduled to hold a briefing this hour. the report is expected to provide details of what happened, give more recommendations to keep it from ever happening again. the death toll was one of the highest from a u.s. wildfire in at least a half century. funeral services are under way for former florida a & m football player jonathan fer he will. he was unarmed, seeking help after a car wreck earlier this month when a north carolina police officer fatally shot him. that officer is charged with voluntary manslaughter. the terror group taking responsibility for a brutal massacre at a mall in kenya could be planning more attacks, according to u.s. officials that say the u.s. intelligence community is monitoring a stream of classified information, and
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it suggests al-shabaab may be planning other attacks. at least 67 people were killed in this standoff at the west gate mall in nairobi. a government shutdown days away. what can be done to stop it, and how would a shutdown effect you. that's next. business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ identity thieves. they can find your personal information and do some serious damage. like your birthday or your mother's maiden name. you need a new friend. lifelock. we scour billions of data points every day,
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possible government shutdown. house republicans have come up with a plan that ensures troops will be paid, even if the government shuts down. but what else is going to happen? here is cnn's tom foreman with a breakdown of the shutdown. >> take a look there, october 17th, that's the red letter day according to treasury, the date upon which the government will have $30 billion to pay its debts and that's a lot of money, but not compared to the money we owe, about $60 billion on that day. what are they going to do. same thing you would do if you have this problem in the house, look at everything they can spend on and pick some priorities. they may put money into social security. that's an important program, a lot of people count on. maybe money into the interest on the debt to keep it from getting worse. how about money into medicare and maybe something into veterans and the military and perhaps money into supplemental security income, and then there's the problem. the money is all gone and yet hundreds of thousands of federal
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workers are now being unpaid. all sorts of agencies are not being serviced, the fbi, the faa and many others. what can they do. first of all, they can realize that revenue keeps coming in, because a little comes in every few days, they could try to fund everybody to sort of a sub cyst tense level, but that's not really the solution, is it. everybody seems to agree, the real solution is getting the debt ceiling solved so there's enough money to pay for everything fully, but that's a whole different fight. and until it is solved, that red letter date just keeps looming. the president is fighting a battle at home with republicans over keeping the government open while trying to bridge the gap with iran. in a rare friday appearance in the white house briefing room, he juggled both issues. >> i spoke on the phone with president rowhani of the rehe
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republic of iran. we discussed reaching agreement over the nuclear program. the house republicans are so concerned with appeasing the tea party that they threatened a government shutdown or worse unless i gut or appeal the affordable care act. i said this yesterday. let me repeat it. that's not going to happen. >> cnn's chief political analyst, gloria borger, life with me from washington now. gloria, what is the political game plan here? >> from the white house point of view? >> yes. >> i think the game plan from the white house point of view right now is the same as it is from the hill republican point of view, which is essentially to convince the public that the other guy is the one to blame. and right now the white house seems to have the american public with it, which is why you see republicans now getting ready to vote on something that they can send back to the democratic controlled senate, which they know full well is going to be rejected there.
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but this is a game of ping pong here and at some point after the government shuts down, and i now believe that's what we're heading towards, at some point after the government shuts down and the american people say pox on all your houses, they're not going to be happy. >> not everybody thinks the president is presidential, don't see it the way the president does. listen to what a conservative radio host told our jake tapper. >> he should pretend that john boehner is the president of iran, maybe get a phone call, maybe tweet each other, maybe have a discussion about the constitutional responsibilities of both, but obama when it comes to domestic policies, it is his way or the highway. when it comes to foreign policy, he is quite the appeaser. >> well, gloria borger, what do you think? >> look, here is the point. if the president were to call john boehner right now, right this minute, what would john boehner be able to say to him? he would have to say to him i've got this caucus that is
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completely divided on what to do. you have the kind of hell no caucus which is saying we want to shut down obama care at all costs, even if it means shutting down the government. you have another wing of his caucus like congressman peter king of new york who is saying i am not going to shut down the government. so what would john boehner be able to say to the president? he'd say i have a divided caucus, i don't know how to lead it, i am having a difficult time. we have to take this vote. my members are forcing me to take this vote, we are shoving it back to the democratic senate, they're going to reject it, then let's talk. at a certain point, boehner has nothing to say to the president. what's the president going to say. by the way, we passed obama care a few years ago, now i think it is okay, i am going to say it is not the law of the land and we ought to repeal it or kill it. >> it is like a ka buick ee dance. >> it is, but with real impact here. and this is the issue.
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they can fuel around all they want and it will be bad, and they're now trying to say we're going to pay the military anyway, let's take that off the table so nobody will complain to us about that, but when you get to the debt ceiling, and allison, you know about this from standing on wall street every single day, when they get to the debt ceiling, this is going to be a huge economic problem. >> yep. >> not only in the united states but globally, wouldn't you think? >> i completely agree with you, gloria borger, thank you for your time. cnn crossfire has the latest, ralph nader and carly fiorina are the guests. tune in tonight at 7:30 eastern for that coverage. the u.n. is demanding syria get rid of all chemical weapons. we will tell you about it after the break. hey linda!
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so we have been watching the events on capitol hill this saturday, watching both sides, the house and senate try to hash out a bill to come up with to keep the government from shutting down at midnight monday. we did expect house speaker john boehner to step up to the microphone, he didn't, but what his office did was release a statement saying the house will vote today on two amendments to the senate spending plan, the first amendment delays the president's health care law by one year, the second permanently repeals obama care's medical device tax that's sending jobs overseas. both of these in this boehner statement, says both of these amendments will change the date of the senate resolution to december 15th, which means the government would continue to be open until december 15th. the statement says we will also vote on a measure that ensures our troops get paid no matter
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what. the drama continues to unfold on capitol hill. we will keep you updated. in three days, inspectors begin a daunting job, visiting dozens of chemical weapons sites in syria as part of an effort to destroy the country's arsenal. the u.n. secretary council demanded that action in a resolution approved unanimously last night. the resolution warns there will be consequences if damascus doesn't comply, but does not authorize automatic use of force. elise laugh it joins us. inspectors begin their job tuesday. what will they be doing first? >> reporter: first they have to make site surveys. they have about 50 sites to check throughout the country. they have a month to do that. some held in rebel areas. the opposition is not party to this. after this group takes a month to do a site survey, they only
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have a year to get this done. some cases in other countries, it has taken several years, it is a very small organization, not clear whether they have the resources or have to seek more help. >> elise, so all of this is going on with the fighting between syrian forces and rebels. >> reporter: that's right. >> raging on. have the rebels gained any ground? >> reporter: well, they lost some ground earlier this year. they seemed to have gained a little bit of ground. fighting is still continuing. today there was some horrible shelling and mortar fire in the suburbs of damascus, there have been firing upon churches, so the violence is going on unabated. one of the concerns is now that bashar al assad's regime is in charge of implementing this agreement, this only gives him job security. so the international community is hoping a peace conference between the regime and the opposition could take place in the next several months. the opposition itself is very divided. the extremists are growing in influence. whether there's going to be
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peace in our time any time soon, not really clear. >> elise labott from the united nations. thanks. to find out how to help syrian refugees, visit our impact our world page. a new jersey judge says same sex couples should be able to marry in the state, does governor chris christie agree with them? we will find out after the break.
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bottom of the hour. welcome back, i am alison kosik. here are five things crossing the cnn news desk now. number one, house speaker john boehner is dodging the microphones on a huge day in capitol hill. he released a joint statement with other republican leaders detailing the changes house republicans want to make to the senate spending plan. it says the first amendment delays the president's health care law by one year and the second permanently repeals obama care's medical device tax that is sending jobs overseas. both of these amendments will change the date of the senate continuing resolution to december 15th, meaning the government would stay open until
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december 15th. we would also vote on a measure that ensures our troops get paid no matter what. the house is scheduled to vote today. number two. former army sergeant joseph hunt erin court, accused of leading a team of contract killers to protect people he believed were columbian drug dealers. what he didn't know, the dealers were u.s. informants. he and his team could get life in prison if convicted on conspiracy charges. number three. a foot brawl, a bench clearing in your face fight breaking out between two indiana high school football teams. the brawl broke out during the third quarter of a game last night. students, coaches, even fans got involved, oh, yeah. thankfully, no reports of serious injuries and another word on any arrests. number four. you heard of pigs in a blanket, right? how about pigs on a highway? police and animal control officers in greenwood, south carolina spent part of friday
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wrangling the hogs after a tractor-trailer accident. more than 175 pigs got loose. some officers even rode on horses to help corral the piggies. number five. how about free coffee. sunday is national coffee day. get a free cup at dunkin' donuts and krispy kreme and starbucks is also offering deals. couples across new jersey are celebrating a judge's ruling in favor of same-sex marriage. the state already allows civil unions, but the judge ruled they aren't enough. margaret conley is following the story from new york. margaret, what does this ruling actually mean in practice? >> reporter: it is an equality issue, allison. same sex couples will no longer be limited to civil unions. they'll be able to tie the knot starting october 21st. there was a rally last night to celebrate the decision by a county superior court judge. this makes new jersey the 14th
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state to allow same-sex marriage. so why is this significant? before, civil unions didn't allow legally allow same sex couples federal benefits like tax breaks and health care, the same benefits that heterosexual couples get. now this ruling changes that, and it draws on the 14th amendment equal protection clause. we spoke about it with cnn legal analyst, paul callan. >> she used the supreme court decisions which were handed down earlier in the summer, very technical decisions, which opened the door just a crack to gay marriage and she's used the rationale of those decisions to say the new jersey constitution requires gay marriage because equal protection of the law requires that all new jersey citizens be treated the same. >> reporter: callan said it was a surprising and forceful decision. >> margaret, what happens next? >> reporter: allison, this
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ruling is binding unless there's an appeal, and it does seem that governor christie, he is going to want to do that. he could try to push this up higher through the courts, that would force a stay or delay on this ruling. >> well, how likely is it that the new jersey supreme court is going to look to reverse this decision? >> reporter: well, back in 2006 new jersey supreme court ruled that same sex couples are entitled to the same rights as heterosexual couples. that's when civil unions were put into place. and this judge using that and the recent u.s. supreme court decision back in june, she used that to push same-sex marriage through. so this is a significant ruling and new jersey is a bellwether state. this could set a precedent for america. >> explain chris christie's decision. he voted a same sex marriage bill, now he says it should be up to the voters to put it on the ballot in november. >> reporter: right. this ruling, allison, comes a
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year after governor christie vetoed that bill. his press secretary put out a statement after that ruling, and it said christi always maintained that he would abide by the will of the voters on marriage equality. since the legislature refused to allow the people to decide expeditiously, we will let the supreme court make this constitutional determination. governor christie, he wants this issue to be on the ballot this election day. allison? >> all right, margaret conley, thanks so much. the world's weather, did you notice it is changing. a new report says you and i are to blame for it. chad myers is following that for us.
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oh, yeah. if you're in montana, you're seeing it, an early winter storm brought several inches to georgetown lake. power lines were damaged,
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leaving a lot of people without electricity. it is not snowing in the area today, but the snow could be back later next week. a blockbuster report on global warming released by the u.n. this week, what it says is that the world is getting hotter and sea levels are rising, and guess who's to blame for it, we are, humans, our activities. scientists say they're 95% sure we have contributed to a jump in temperatures happening across the globe during the last six decades. now in a separate report recently, world bank says climate change is creating a flood threat for some of the biggest cities around the world, could end up costing in the trillions of dollars. cities in china and japan are especially vulnerable, but look at this, new york, boston, tampa, new orleans, all on the list. the cost to the economy could be in the tens of billions in damage as flood waters inundate the cities. also on that list, miami. cnn meteorologist chad myers is in islamorada where it is just south of miami, by the way, in
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the florida keys. now chad, what kind of danger is there to a city like miami, my hometown? this is like a shot to the heart. >> reporter: i was there wednesday, saw water on the streets. thought it was a water main break. now high tide in the fall gets to the streets of miami beach along business cane bay and alton road. the water is rising. here is the reason why. if you warm the thermometer, what happens to the liquid, it goes up. what happens if you warm the ocean, it goes up. the same reason the thermometer will go up, not including the ice melt they were talking about, too. so the rising water now and higher tide putting a lot of big cities in danger. the ocean is rising quicker than in decades past and predictions made by some research scientists make the situation sound pretty
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dire. >> by mid part of the century, 2050, 2060, most of the barrier islands in the world are going to have to be evacuated. >> reporter: that includes miami. hard to imagine iconic miami beach deserted, it is obvious that rising water is already a common problem here. on a sunny day, high tide is enough to flood some streets. >> live on limestone. that's like porous sponge. you can't use levees to hold back the water. >> reporter: while the city continues to find ways to deal with excess water, many experts say there's no way to stop it. >> we saw barricades and sandbags along alton because the water sits there during high tide. let's put one more foot of water on this for just a one foot sea level rise from here for miami beach. what does that look like. you're telling me every street that's blue has water on it with a one foot rise in sea level. >> yeah, and the tide, if we get king tides, a little higher than
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this. this is essentially showing the places that are going to be effected first. >> the important thing is to keep observing what's happening, look at all of the ranges and projections, and then come back to the policy makers and say here is the actions you have to take. >> reporter: southeast florida climate change is to help mitigate consequences of climate change. >> not sticking their heads in the sand, they know this is a real problem. >> reporter: obviously everyone hoping technology, better pumps, better levees keep the water out of big cities. it is unbelievable, when i looked at the maps this week shown by florida international university, how many people live within a couple of feet from the ocean sea level surface and don't even know it because they live inland. when the water comes in, if the water comes up, the water table comes up, too. even those areas away from the beach are going to flood with any type of sea level rise
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that's forecast by the climate change commission that we saw this week. >> it is amazing to think about when you see how beautiful it is out there now. chat meyers, thanks. do you have a quarter million dollars? how about a passion for adventure. you say yes? why not buy a ticket into space. that's coming up next. s bars and oatmeal plus! real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up. ♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel,
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an apparent meteor lit up the midwest sky. show you something from they reported seeing a fireball shoot across the sky. the green and red ball of light was only visible a few seconds. and flying into space may seem like the kind of thing that's only possible at nasa in dreams, but virgin's new branch gallon akity ka is trying to change that. the goal is space tourism and tickets are on sale for a cool quarter million. poppy harlow has more. >> reporter: who would spend up to a quarter million dollars just for minutes in space? >> seeing a space ship here is just absolutely mind blowing. >> it is not about the destination, it is about the journey. >> reporter: these people, more than 600 have signed on. >> how much to charter one of these puppies? >> 1.2 million.
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>> reporter: i hear you're leaving two seats empty? >> no, it is not empty, there are two angels coming with us. >> reporter: passengers won't just check in and hop on board, the whole experience will mean three days of training and health checks. then a few hours in the air, and three minutes weightless in space. the mother ship will carry space ship 2 up, then release it to glide back, unlike nasa's rockets, it won't orbit the earth. it is sir richard branson determined to take them there. >> is this the new space race? >> i think it is the start of a new space race, it has not been easy. taken five years more than we thought it would take, but you know, they're finally -- they pulled it off. >> reporter: that is if the faa gives galactic the green light. virgin says the launch is months away. >> you're approaching a new field. we're going to have mishappens that happen now, hopefully they
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won't be catastrophic. >> reporter: do you ever fear you put too much at risk? >> people risked a lot to get space flight off the ground in the first place. unless you miss something, the world stays still. >> reporter: branson such a believer, he plans to take the first flight with his own children. david mckie will be at the controls. >> we don't want to push too hard, too quickly. it would be nice to do it, the most important thing is to do it right. whoever is first has to do it right. >> reporter: what is your ultimate dream for this? >> we will start with giving people a taste of space, then some people into orbital flights, start building hotels in space. >> reporter: really, in our lifetime? >> in your lifetime, definitely, hopefully in my lifetime. >> reporter: will this ever be for the masses? is this a playground for the wealthiest only? >> initially it is very much the
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wealthiest that are going to use it. through the wealthy people being willing to be pioneers, i think millions of people will one day have the chance to go to space. >> reporter: like mikey oliveri who has a dream bigger than most. >> i want to be the first disabled person to go in space. i don't have 200 grand but i have a dream. >> reporter: hoping he will get the chance. industry watchers warn don't expect this to become affordable for the masses any time soon, but again, this is a concept that knows no bounds. poppy harlow, cnn, in the mow half ee desert. drivers got quite the surprise on the commute home in wisconsin. part of a bridge started sagging. see that dip, that's not usually there. history shows it could become a huge problem. [ bird chirping ]
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safety concerns in wisconsin are prompting officials to shut down a busy green bay bridge. the reason they're so worried? the bridge is beginning to sag. here's cnn's ted rowlands. >> reporter: suddenly this 400-foot-long section of one of the wisconsin's most well-traveled bridges started so sag and the 911 calls came in almost immediately. >> that bridge is sagging in the center. i came over it with a tractor trailer, and she jumped that the wheels came off. >> reporter: the bridge carries 40,000 cars a day, now closed indefinitely form the green bay bridge was built in 1980, and last inspected in august 2012. officials declared it at the time to be sound. an associated press report
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published earlier this month found that more than 65,000 bridges were classified by the inventory by structurally deficient. more than 20,000 other bridges were deemed to be fracture critical, which means about 6 on bridges in wisconsin alone fall into the danger category, according to the study. but this sagging bridge was apparently not one of them. it's certainly not the first time we've seen these frightening images. in may, this bridge collapsed dropping 120 feet into frigid waters below, taking with it two cars and three passengers. luckily there were no fatalities. in 2007, a portion of the i-35 bridge collapsed in minneapolis during rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring more than 100. that accident sparked a national reexamination of the country's roads and bridges. in 1983, three people died when a section of i-95 in connecticut broke away, falling 70 feet,
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taking two cars and an 18-wheeler down with it, and the silver bridge, connecting west virginia and ohio, collapsed in 1967 when the traffic on the bridge exceeded the maximum weight limb. 46 people died. luckily in this case, the only casualty is time. it really is fortunate that nobody was injured other even killed. one of those 911 callers was a truck driver that drove over the bridge with a full load. now, at this point experts don't know how this happened. they are bringing in a team from around the country to figure that out and come up with a game plan on how to fix it. people living here have been told to be patient and be ready for traffic problems. they say this bridge could be out of commission for up to a year. ted rowlands, cnn, green bay, wisconsin. a mother's persistence helped find her son ace killer years after he died. that's ahead. ♪
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real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up. welcome back. christine romans is standing by with a preview of today's edition of "your money." and it's all about obama care. >> the fact is obama care is here, whether the government shuts down or not. dr. sanjay gupta joins me next, all on "your money." alison? thanks, christine. a mother breaks her son's sold case. police originally told her mom
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that he died in a freak accident, but that story didn't add up. after years of investigating on her own, she finally got her justice. john zarrella has the story. >> reporter: jason brian gaily is charged with second-degree murder, because judy weaver just wouldn't let it go. her son died in 2005. conditionses told deputies that johnson fell off his bike, hit his head, a tragic accident. it was a rainy night. according to witnesses, he tried riding on one wheel and lost his balance, but the story didn't add up for weaver. >> they pretty much kind of brushed it off as well, it was an accident, everybody said the same thing s. that's it, it's done. well, it wasn't done. >> judy weaver began telling folks in the neighborhood that her son was very much alive and talking, spilling the beans that it was no accident, when in fact he was not talking at all. he was briefly in a coma before passing away nine days later.
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but weavers's yarn was so convincing, she says, within days a key person came forward, jason galley. >> he wants to tell me he accidentally hit ronny with his fist. >> reporter: she takes the information to the sheriff's office. the sheriff's department says that a detective was then assigned to the case, but couldn't get the witnesses to tell the truth. gaily is not picked up. for seven years it remains a cold case. then just by chance last year, judy weaver is chatting at the restaurant where she works with a lieutenant. >> i was telling him how bad of a job the sheriff's department had done and that i wished i could have met this police officer that was there. >> reporter: it turns out the lieutenant was a sergeant back in '05 and was on the scene. >> i told her i was going to do what i could to right this. if we did anything wrong, we were going to fix it earp. >> reporter: they re-interviewed witnesses t


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