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tv   Early Start  CNN  October 1, 2013 4:00am-6:00am EDT

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unfortunately, congress has not fulfilled its responsibility. it's failed to pass a budget. >> the senate has continued to reject our offers. >> we like to resolve issues, but we will not go to conference with oo gun to our head. >> the u.s. government shutting down after the congress fails to pass a spending plan and how the shutdown will affect you as leaders of both political parties continue to play the blame game. on that note, we say good morning to you. welcome to "early start." we are here for you, right? >> that's right. the government is not but we are here. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. it is tuesday, october 1st. 4:00 a.m. in the east. welcome to the wonderful world of the shutdown. actually it's not wonderful at all. frankly it is embarrassing and a lot of people are being hurt. it was a late night in washington with the house and
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senate each voting an each passing their own plans to keep the government running. but the republicans in the house refused to pass a version that did not, in some way, derail or delay the affordable care act and, instead, democrats refused to talk about it at all and now the federal is closed for business for the first time in 17 years. keep an eye on the clock on the right part of your screen. four hours now. we are four hours into the shutdown. the question is how much longer will this go on? are we talking hours? are we talking days? even possibly weeks and how badly will it hurt? joe johns is live for us in washington this morning. joe, give us the grisly details here. what happened? >> the house and senate and white house could not agree on a spending proposal to keep the government operating because a faction of republicans in the house want to undermine president obama's health care law.
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the back and forth on capitol hill went slightly past midnight, really about 1:00 a.m. the house improviapproving a re for seek a negotiation over the issue. the senate is expected back in session around 9:30 eastern time today. likely to table or kill that request which would put the government where we started. the standoff between the president of the united states and the speaker of the house who is standing up for the rank and file in his caucus and they don't like obamacare. listen. >> unfortunately, congress has not fulfilled its responsibility. it's failed to pass a budget and, as a result, much of our government must shutdown until congress funds it again. >> the house has made its position known very clearly. we believe we should fund the government and we think there ought to be basic fairness for all americans under obamacompare the senate has continued to
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reject our offers but under the constitution there is a way to resolve this process and that is to go to conference and talk through your differences. >> we are calling this a shutdown, joe, but some federal workers will still report to work this morning, correct? >> john, actually a lot of federal workers will report to work today. there are about 1.3 million so-called essential employees. 1.4 million active service military and others. those military folks are going to get paid because the president signed the bill covering their pay just last night, john. >> you talked a little bit about the timetable here when they come back into session and start talking. what is the time frame for getting things solved here? any chance they keep on working on this and hammer out a solution before the end of the day or talking about several days here, joe? >> anything, frankly, is possible. last time, 17 years ago, it took a long time. this is a manufactured emergency. they have the ability to come together really to figure it out
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and in fact, they could reach a short-term solution that could get the government going just while they continue to negotiate. but as i said, last time this happened, it went on for quite a few days. >> a bigger fight looms with the debt ceiling so we have to look forward. joe johns, thank you for getting up with us. >> i don't think he has been to bed. he has been covering this all night. the big question how much is this going to cost? >> lots. >> a lot of people are wondering what this means for them. >> very bad things. >> yes. some services will remain open as you just heard. count on getting your social security check on time. the mail is operating and as are medicare and medicaid. now is not the time to visit any national parks. they are officially closed. if you were looking to renew your passport, that could be
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tougher. some offices will be closed but you should be able to accomplish. veterans some disabled checks could be delayed. the disabled veterans are caught in the middle of this. >> thousands of government workers who will not go to work and not get paid and they are real people too. our hearts go out to them. if there was one person he is epi center of this explosion was john boehner, the house speaker. if he is in the middle of it may be cause he is bought in the middle of it largely by members of his own party. question is how did it get this far? cnn's brian todd explains. >> reporter: the group behind this strategy is led by a freshman congressman from north carolina, mark meadows. these contendingmen continue it's about serving their sqaents from back home. after starting all of this off with a letter in august, to
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their leader. by most accounts, house speaker john boehner didn't want it to get this far and didn't want to use the prospect of a government shutdown to push for defunding the president's health care law. according to a report, a small were the representative of the showdown and forced boehner's hand. . started with a letter to boehner from august from a obscure freshman congressman from north carolina, mark meadows. the letter said, quote. ryan who reported this for the new yorker says the idea gained serious momentum. >> conservative groups got behind his effort. >> reporter: soon, he says, the letter was signed by 80 republican representatives but some influential representatives
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slammed the strategy. karl rove wrote in "wall street journal." columnist charles crauthammer said the following. >> we have to use what few leverage points we have and the continuing resolution is one of them. we can't move anything unless we have got some leverage. >> reporter: why did boehner go for it? >> he has 233 members. it takes right now 217 to get a majority in the house of representatives. so if he loses just a few members, he doesn't have his majority. 80, even though it's not even a majority of the republicans, it's enough for him to have to listen to them or he can't pass
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lechi legislation. >> other factors according to ryan lizs. he says outside conservative groups which raise money for the hard line congressmen for their districts have siphoned power away from the speaker's office. we couldn't get a response specifically to that or to the criticism from other republicans of this strategy from boehner's office. >> thank you very much. that was brian todd reporting for us this morning. today is a major mile on stone for the health care overall as well. it is the first day that you can actually buy coverage from the insurance exchanges. that is the marketplace where you can shop for various health coverage options to take effect on january 1st. critics say many people may pay more for coverage than they are paying right now but health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius insists there will be options for every american and every budget. >> 6 out of 10 people will have the choice, the choice of a policy for under a hundred
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dollars. it's a debate. do you want to have protection for basically every checkup, every visit, everything that you do? families can make a budget choice. >> the administration hopes 7 million americans will have signed up for coverage using the exchanges by next march. isn't is ironic that is what the argument is all about? >> yell and scream and shut things down to congress but this is starting today no matter what. other news now. two marine corps generals asked to step down in the wake of a deadly attack in afghanistan. major generals charles brighanist and another general was not taking part in an assault last summer. two marines died. more than a dozen coalition
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aircraft were destroyed. let's take a look at the forecast on this early tuesday morning. chad myers is in with that. >> a very good early morning to you early, early morning or good evening, if you're watching in hawaii. miami and ft. lauderdale thunderstorms throughout the afternoon. northeast is pretty good and could be early morning fog in atlanta and showers in portland and seattle. other than that, airports looking pretty good, especially throughout the afternoon. high pressure in control in the east. sunny. fell like a fall morning and then a nice really early summer kind of day. temperatures going to be nice. not a lot of humidity in the air and sunshine everywhere. remember, just because the temperatures are cool today, 80 for a high in new york didn't mean the u.v. is gone. the uv will be 8, 9 and 10 in some spots. a pleasant 71 as you family wake up i hope in los angeles. >> thank you, chad. coming up, diplomatic drama.
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the white house relationship with iran could literally reach new heights as one close ally issues a grave warning. >> why not? >> can you rigged me? >> i have no idea. >> because it's awesome. >> one couple treating their guests to a wedding to remember! high speed, high stakes, high drama. that's coming up.
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13 minutes past the hour.
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westbound. the united nations is denying immediate access to syria neighborhoods. to bring desperately needed humanitarian aid to the syrian people. an international weapons team arrived in damascus today as the president of the u.n. security council demanded assurances from the syrian government that it won't meddle with aid delivers that need to cross battle lines in the borders of neighboring nations. a defense request has denied new dna tests on the knife that was allegedly use to kill knox's roommate meredith kercher. amanda knox is not in court for this retrial. accusing kenyan security forces of looting their stories after last week's deadly terror
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attack. many are returning to the stores to find jewelry cases smashed and inventories knocked out. >> rouhani is making the question that aviation authorities look into the possibility of resuming direct flights between iran and the united states. it's been more than three decades since the islamic revolution halted those flights and rouhani's request could be an effort to neled build on the growing budding relationship between the united states and iran. it include a phone call last week between president rouhani and president obama. no everyone, however, is happy with the seeming thawing relationship between the u.s. and the iran and especially not the leader of israel. our john sciutto explains.
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>> reporter: president obama met with the american ally most skeptical of any nuclear deal with iran. a point netanyahu made clear. >> iran is its own destruction so for israel, the ultimate test of a future agreement with iran is whether or not the iran dismantles its military program. >> reporter: to those doubts the president answered he is going into talks about iran's nuclear program, quote, clear idea and with all options on the table. >> as president of the united states i have said before and i will repeat we take no options off the military, including military options. >> reporter: a new poll shows the president has the american public's backing. three-quarters of americans say they support direct diplomatic talks between the u.s. and iran. in the day since the iran and american presidents exchanged their historic phone call, however, the administration's consistent message has been that
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further progress will depend on concrete steps by iran. a point secretary kerry made on cbs news "60 minutes." >> what we need are actions that prove that we and our allies and our friends in the region can never be threatened by this program. >> reporter: still israel is warning that iran's nuclear program is more advanced than believed and including one saying that iran is six months away from a breakout nuclear capability and a charge the iran foreign minister dismissed on northbound's "this week." >> saying since 1991, refer to records that iran is six months away from nuclear weapons and we are how many years? 22 years after that? and they are still saying we are six months we'd from nuclear weapons. >> reporter: vice president joe biden making the administration's case saying, quote, he served seven presidents and none of them more
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supportive of israel than obama. on tuesday, prime minister netanyahu will speak at the u.n. jen assembly, you remember his speech last year, you can expect similar tough talk regardless of the administration's push. john sciutto, cnn, washington. the judge in the murder trial of james holmes wants prosecutors to trim down a list of 4,000 potential witnesses. holmes attorneys want that list by september. the prosecution says maybe december. holmes is accused of running down people in a movie theaters in aurora, colorado. among the major questions about an oil spill, how much oil did spill into the gulf of mexico. the justice department says 176 million gallons spilled.
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bp says it was only 103 million gallons. how quickly the oil flowed and why it took almost three months to plug the well are also in question. bp faces fines up to $18 billion. how about we switch gears and give you a much lighter story? >> do it. >> i'm going to do it. when you think here comes the bride, what comes to mind? >> here comes the bride. >> probably not this, though. >> wow! >> yes, that is lauren bushar and ben lincoln and zip lining down the aisle. it took place in asheville, north carolina. the pair decided that was the perfect venue for them to tie the knot. >> why not? are you kidding me? >> miss universe? i have no idea. >> because it's awesome and we wanted to make it the most fun for our guests and fun for ourselves and something different. >> that is a long aisle.
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>> two things. thank goodness the zip line didn't break. look under her dress. her shoes were kind of crazy and she had visuals for folks waiting underneath as well. she is wearing some interesting bottoms. >> i will take your word for it because i don't want to get in trouble. >> after the zip line they opted for a very traditional ceremony. the couple said all they wanted was their guests to have a unique experience. mission accomplished. this is not to be a ceremony that anyone would soon forget. >> go for it. >> that's a great idea. >> congratulations to them, by the way. but it's not going to get better, thanks to the government! coming up, we are following the big story of the morning. the u.s. government shuts down after congress fails to pass a spending plan. there was a giant fight. no solution. not just democrats versus
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republicans. the members inside the republican party fighting against each other. we will explain coming up next.
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you like the music? >> it's fantastic. welcome back. it is time for prime time pop. i assume that is our music. the best from cnn prime time interviews. >> the big story everyone is talking about is the government shutdown. one aspect is the infighting among republicans. erin burnett spoke with jason cha chaffetts. >> you know, i know the president and the democrats they like to say repercussions for election. back to the 2010 election when obamacare passed when nancy pelosi said we have to pass this bill in order to find out what is in it.
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the american people founded out who was in it. we had sweeping changes. some say let's go for a majority role. three times i'm anticipating that this bill will pass when we vote on it here in the next hour that three times the house will affirmatively pass a provision that keeps government open and make some small adjustments. i think a small adjustment in delaying the individual mandate which they have already done for businesses, let's do it for individuals as well and make sure that members of congress don't get some special exemption? that is not a heavy lift and something the democrats should join us on. >> on ac 360, dana bash caught up with new york congressman peter king who led a failed charge to keep the government running by bucking his own party. >> yeah, i don't enjoy bucking the party. i want to end this process. it's going nowhere. it's a dead end.
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we said two weeks ago we did not want get into this whole defunding obama care and to shut the government down. they got forced into it by the ted cruz wingers of the party and people more loyal to ted cruz than they are to what the public wanted. people often don't vote with the leadership but they wanted royalty on this themselves. then i voted for the last several times to send this over to the senate because i was assured that was a way to get the process going and ultimately the government would not shut down. when he saw that the government is shutting down in ten hours no matter what they put up, i would have voted against it. >> john mccain on why all of the fighting gets congress nowhere on "piers morgan." and why it could be worse than last time. >> americans don't like government. they don't like congress. they don't like government, but they don't want to shutdown. and when in '95, when we shut down the government the last time, we had already passed a number of appropriations bills so the impact of a shutdown of a
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government since we haven't passed a single appropriations bill will be more immediate and more impactful, i'm afraid, that when government is shutdown for a few days, that the american people will blame congress and that is not some claire invoiceance on my part. that is looking at polling data. mantle do rule and it's clear that the majority is in two of the branches in the executive and the senate and the republicans are only controlling one of those branches. so that's why i've seen this movie before and we will not repeal obamacare, at least in this fashion. >> so we are following the latest on the government shutdown this morning. what happens next is a big question. joe johns is live in washington, d.c. with the president's midnight message and the big looming question. where do we go from here? that is right after the break. [ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family dinner. why would i take one pepcid® when i could take tums® throughout the day
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when my heartburn comes back? 'cause you only have to take one... [ male announcer ] don't be like the burns. just one pepcid® complete works fast and lasts. [ male announcer ] don't be like the burns.
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it is embarrassing that these people who are elected to
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representative the country are representing the tea party, the anarchists of the country. the majority of republicans of the house are following every step of the way. >> the house has voted to keep the government open, but we also want basic fairness for all americans under obamacare. >> what do you say to those workers, sir? >> the government closed for business and shutdown. how it happened, why it happened and what it means for you. we have it all coming up. a terror plot shutting down dozens of u.s. embassies and they worry the information that got out could have tipped off the enemy. after they got him out of his car, they beat him up. >> this is road rage like you have never seen it before. awful violence on the streets of new york. a family with a 2-year-old child chased and attacked by a gang of people on bikes, motorcycles, i'm talking about here and it is
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all caught on camera. >> my goodness. >> this is crazy! >> what is our world coming to? >> good morning, everyone, on that note. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. the word of the day in washington, closed. the federal government is shutting its door. now the congress has been unable to reach a deal to keep it government. the government has been shutdown 4 1/2 hours. the clock is ticking as we are on the air and there is an impasse here. joe johns is live in washington with us this morning. joe, we haven't seen this in 17 years. you've been you believe, i believe, about 24 hours following it all for us. give us a little synopsis of what happened. >> reporter: hope springs eternal that this will not take too long to resolve, but it could. house and senate and white house could not agree on a spending proposal to keep the government operating because a faction of republicans in the house want to
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undermine president obama's health care law. this back and forth on capitol hill went slightly past midnight to about 1:00 a.m., ended with the house approving a request about the senate and senate expected back in session 9:30 eastern time today and libleg to table that request or kill it and got back to where we started a standoff between the president of the united states and the speaker of the house who is standing up for the rank and file in his caucus and that is a lot of folks who don't like the obama care. listen. >> unfortunately, congress has not fulfilled its responsibility. it's failed to pass a budget. and, as a result, much of our government must now shut down until congress funds it again. >> the house has made its position known very clearly. we believe that we should fund the government and we think there ought to be basic fairness for all americans under obama
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care. the senate has continued to reject our offers. under the constitution, there is a way to resolve this process and that is to go to conference and talk through your differences. >> now, joe, we have some good news, don't we? it is that the military will now get paid but, unfortunately, some folks are upset because congress is getting paid as well. >> reporter: that is just the way it works. the military will get paid. the house and senate passed that bill to make sure they got paid each if there was a shutdown. the president signed that and tape recorded a video message to the military after that. a lot of federal workers will report today. 1.3 million so-called essential employees and 1.4 million active service military all who will actually still have to work. >> so as we are looking at that clock there, 4:34:30 this is thereabout politics. when will they get back together? will they be able to, you know, come to some sort of a deal
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here, especially with all of the infighting that is happening amongst the republicans? >> reporter: this is a manufactured emergency. they have the ability to come together at any time and figure it out. in fact, they could reach a short-term solution which is not unheard of that would fund the government while they negotiate, but frankly the last time there was a shutdown this went on for days and days so anybody's guess. >> in the meantime, this is costing a lot of money. joe johns, thank you. >> our national parks bring in $450,000 every day. that is when they are open. now they are shutdown. closed. so that number drops to zero. from sea to shining sea, every last national park will now be shut down. it is a tremendous loss, not just in money but the chance to share really our incidents of american glory. yellowstone closed. even liberty island. here is poppy harlow.
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>> reporter: liberty island was slammed by superstorm sandy and closed for eight months. now another shutdown. what does it mean for you to visit the statue of liberty? >> freedom, liberty. that's why i'm in american so to hear that the government is shutting down, it's like, what have we come to? >> reporter: stacy garcia is among the last visitors to the island. >> welcome aboard, statue lady liberty. >> reporter: the national parks will shut down and that includes lady liberty. for folks chg to new york to see lady liberty this may be their last chance in who knows how long. with more than 280 million visitors a year from yellowstone to yosemite, more than 400
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national parks are now closed. >> i'm not going to let congress, you know, make me miss the statue of liberty which is so important to me as a retired history teacher. >> reporter: tourists turned away. more than 21,000 national parks employees furloughed and thousands more like cleanup crews and concession stands workers all left without jobs. >> i have to find another job if, like, they are not paying us while we are laid off or file for unemployment but it's still not enough. it's hard. even to think about it is hard. >> reporter: quinn anchor says he needs this job just to get by and he doesn't have a plan b. do you have a message for washington? >> things like that could have a big impact on the people in the limelight. the people who work in hourly positions and spots. this whole island will be shutdown and a ton of positions that people won't be getting paid and won'ting be working for. >> reporter: liberty island sees up to 4 million visitors a year. 20,000 a day in peak season at
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$17 per ticket for adults, that is big money. >> even more than the money, it's the fact that there are folks that, you know, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a lot of folks. >> reporter: an opportunity that means a lot for so many like stacy garcia. poppy harlow, cnn, new york. >> our thanks to poppy. in colorado the worst news possible. five hikers missing after a massive rock slide and all five are dead. authorities say the rock wall on a hiking train southwest of denver gave way machine morning. the hikers were apparently hit by those rocks, killing them as they made their way past a scenic waterfall. >> it looks like there was a cliff bank above the falls and it looks like it slid off of that cliff area above the falls, slid down through the fall areas. >> we are at a bit of a loss right now just exactly how we are going to move those boulders. >> we are going in there with a small team as possible to get
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the job done as fast as we can and teams standing by in case there are further issues. >> those recovery efforts are expected to begin later this morning. the only survivor, a 13-year-old girl, is at a hospital near denver. she is expected to be okay. >> we have unbelievable case of road rage from new york city to show you right now. it was all caught on camera. an suv found itself boxed in on one of new york city's busiest roads by a pack of motorcycles. look at that. that is when one of the bikes seemed to swerve in front. the suv bumped the motorcycle's back tire. the biker wound up with a broken leg. his fellow riders were not happy at all so they surround and descend on the suv. the driver floors it and races away. in the process he hits three more riders which leads to the bikers chasing him again off the highway on to a side street where the driver with his wife and infant daughter can't get
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away. >> he got hit by a biker. he started attacking the person and the range recovery was breaking the window. after they got him out of his car, they beat him up. >> new york police are looking for a members of a motorcycle group called hollywood stunts and trying to find anyone to arrest. the suv driver did have to go to the hospital for stitches but he was treated and relieved. crazy, right? >> that is outrageous. 40 minutes past the hour here. investigators are trying to figure out what led to a dangerous -- an empty run-away train slammed into another one that was packed with commuters. ofgs say no one was at the controls of the run-away train. >> sound like a man. stop the train! stop the train! however, it didn't seem like the train was stopping at all. after that, it was a crash and there was smoke everywhere.
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>> we have no indication at this point that there has been any criminal activity. there is no broken windows. there is no pried open doors, no graffiti or vandal iism inside e rail car so we are doing a thorough investigation of this. >> experts say it should have been stopped by emergency brakes and interlocks long before that collision. if anyone had jumped on board to get it going, they would have needed a special key. >> incredible images of a plane that crashed landed on alaskan road. this came down mid-day monday on a road near wossila, alaska. the pilot had some sort of issue after takeoff and decided to set the single-engine plane down on the road. the amazing fantastic news the pilot walked away unhurt. >> wow. that seems to be happening a lot lately. >> good landing, right? new jersey's government is taking steps toward blocking gay
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marriages there, days after lower court judge said not allowing same-sex couples to get married violates the rights and ordered weddings to begin later this month. in a letter to the state supreme court, the acting state attorney general said it wants the high court to stop any marriages from happening while the governor appeals. in north carolina, the governor there is firing back at a federal lawsuit aimed at that state's new voting law. it was called the suit without merit and overreach. the justice department is suing to block some parts of the law which requires that voters show i.d.s at the polls and it also limits early voting. 42 minutes past the hour. let's take an early look at our weather. chad myers is joining us with that. >> a very good early morning to you. early, early morning or good morning i guess if you're watching in hawaii. miami and ft. lauderdale thunderstorms throughout the afternoon and tampa thunderstorms as well. hard to find a lot of airport delays. northeast is pretty good and
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could be early morning fog in seattle and airports are looking good throughout the afternoon. it will feel like a fall morning and then a nice really early summer kind of day. temperatures going to be nice. not a lot of humidity in the air and sunshine everywhere. remember just because the temperatures are cool today, 0e for a high in new york doesn't mean the uv is gone. the uv is eight to ten in some spots. 83 kansas city and 77 denver and 90 dallas and 71 as you finally wake up in los angeles. >> coming up, the u.s. government shutting down embassies and consulates around the globe. that is coming up next.
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it was a serious threat that led to major concerns in this country's diplomatic outpost in the arab world. dozens of embassies and consulates were shutdown. as chris lawrence tells us the fact that so much information about the plot aided into the public eye has intelligence officials worried they may have actually tipped off the very people they were trying to stop. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence officials are still dealing with a fallout over a leaked terrorist plot and how it was revealed. >> anybody with al qaeda who is looking at these stories knows
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that the particular method that they were using to communicate had been compromised. >> reporter: the u.s. shutdown american embassies and consulates around the world last month because of a potentially emmint terror attacks. an intercepted communication between two of al qaeda's top leaders. >> clearly there was some ability for them to reach out to al qaeda and yemen and have some meaningful discussion al qaeda so-called conference call wasn't done over the phone. the group used a secure internet messaging system with various encrypted accounts providing multiple points of entry. analysts say couriers of top leaders likely uploaded messages to these accounts. but since the very public revelation that the u.s. was able to intercept those messages, intelligence officials have seen a drop in how much al qaeda uses the system. a u.s. officials says it's a
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problem any time you call attention to a specific channel. we have to chase these guys when they go to different channels and our hope is they don't go to others that are inaccessible to us. but the u.s. expected to see al qaeda react when they realized communication had been compromised. >> they know there's a breach somewhere. they have got to find it. they have got to close it down. >> reporter: cyberexpert jim lewis says it's not easy for the u.s. to access these systems. it can take a combination of sfilan surveillance, hacking and human agents. >> once you acquire them you milk them for all they are worth and when they switch it could take months to access it. >> reporter: he said, look. al qaeda go away from channels. sometimes other things happen in the world that force them back on to channels that the u.s. intelligence community has better access to. he says it's going to be at least six months before they
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know that al qaeda has lost confidence in that particular channel. chris lawrence, cnn, washington. >> thank you, chris. there is new hope for some women dealing with infertility. recharging and then reimplanting ovarian tissue to produce healthy eggs. stanford researchers used a process where they took an ovary or a piece of ovarian tissue and nurtured it outside of the body, then reimplanted it. of the 27 volunteers, five produced viable eggs and one is pregnant and another gave birth to a healthy baby. california's whooping could have outbreak in 2010 may have been fueled, at least in part, by grups of parents who did not want to vaccinate their children. they say there were 9,000 cases
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and ten deaths from that disease back in 2010. new round of airline fees to pay for extras that you might actually enjoy. so listen to this. carriers are now starting to offer ipad rentals, physician class meals if you're sitting in coach, even paying to have an empty seat next to you. >> that is a luxury. >> isn't that great? so you can sleep and stretch out. >> or the folks talking to you. >> i don't mind the folks talking to me. that is better than paying to get your bag on board. in the future airlines may use your personal data to customize offers as well. here is the rub. >> what is the rub? >> if i already have an empty seat and i don't know it and i'm paying for it, i would have a problem for that. >> you can check online and seat assignments beforehand. >> people want to be near you is the thing. >> i just want some guarantees i'm not paying for something i already would get for free. >> here here.
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>> coming up, the rays and the rangers! a nail biting tiebreaker! >> oh, my gosh! >> there was some phenomenal pitching. everyone will want to see this, even zoraida. >> did you watch the game? >> i have to go to bed at 2:00 in the afternoon now that we go on so early. andy scholes has the all of the action next in "the bleacher report." mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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the new orleans saints look like they have gotten over some of their problems from bountygate. they looked good last night. andy scholes is here to break it all down for us in "the bleacher report." >> great to see you guys. what a difference a year and a head coach have made with the saints. sean payton back on the sidelines, new orleans offense looks better than ever. saints and dolphins squaring off in a battle of undefeated teams last night. drew brees on his game.
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he threw for 413 yards and four touchdowns and the saints crews to an easy 38-17 win. new orleans one of five teams that remains undefeated after the first month of the season. the rays and rangers playing game 163 of the major league season last night. the winner gets the last wild card spot in the american league. evan longoria would provide the offense for the tampa bay and the rays ace david price threw a complete game. tampa bay winning 5-2. up next for the rays is the wild card game with the intans on wednesday night. tonight, the pirates host the reds in the n.l. wild card and first pitch 8:07 eastern on tbs. you know how they say better than never? brandon bass you'll see his picture. why? at 28 years old he is finally learning how to swim! >> how cool. >> look at this. bass teaming up with the boys and girls club of boston to help
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kids conquer their fears of swimming. bass is doing it to help himself as well because he says he doesn't each know how to float. good for him, 28 years old and 6 and 250 pounds and not afraid to get in there and conquer his fears. >> that takes courage at 28 to get in the pool and saying i'm learning to swim with the kids. >> he is a shining example. get inside the pool and learn. it could save your life one day. pirates in the playoffs tonight and hasn't happened in a long, long, long time. >> he is going to stay up and watch so we will see what he looks like tomorrow morning. thank you, andy. we will be be right back. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets.
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[ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need
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without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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unfortunately, congress has not fulfilled its responsibility. it's failed to pass a budget. >> the senate has continued to reject our offers. >> we like to resolve issues, but we will not go to conference with a gun to our head. closed. shutdown.
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nothing doing! this morning, we are waking up to a government shutdown, the first in 17 years, after government fails to pass a spending plan and fails to do its job. this morning, the blame game and what it all means for you. >> good morning. welcome to "early start." >> i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. >> it is tuesday, october 1st, 5:00 a.m. in the east we are this morning we are in the first government shutdown in nearly two decades. lawmakers working down to the wire last night. last minute moves by both houses to overcome that budget standoff but ultimately you know there is no agreement. now 800,000 federal workers will be furloughed and the entire country is waking up to a government in lockdown. for more than five hours now, you see that little clock on the right hand corner of your screen that is telling the tale this morning. senior white house correspondent brianna keilar is in washington with the latest for us.
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we will keep the clock up until they figure this out. got any idea when that is going to happen? >> reporter: no. i think that clock may be a fixture for a little while, unfortunately, guys. the white house has sent out a memo to its different agencies. they had previously put out their, i guess you could say, plans for what to do in case of a shutdown. the white house has now ordered them to begin that orderly shutdown after this game of chicken where nobody blinked. >> reporter: overnight, president obama relieved a message to the troops. >> you and your families deserve better than the dysfunction we are seeing in congress. >> reporter: after signing a bill into law agreed upon by congress in order to keep paying the military. >> i'll keep working to get congress to reopen our government and get you back to work as soon as possible. >> reporter: as lawmakers worked into the night in a heat floor debate. >> with your country! for your country! or do you want to take it down? >> reporter: but failed to reach an agreement to keep the government funded.
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>> the house has made its position known very clearly. >> reporter: this morning, national parks and museums are closed for business and hundreds of thousands of nonessential government employees are furloughed indefinitely. house republicans did not blink in their demand to push forward a new plan to tie government spending to a weakening of obamacare, which begins open enrollment this morning. president obama blamed house republicans on monday night and reiterated this was, quote, entirely preventible. >> one faction of one party in one house of congress, in one branch of government, doesn't get to shutdown the entire government just to refight the results of an election. >> reporter: house speaker john boehner fired back. >> i talked to the president earlier tonight! i'm not going to negotiate. i'm not going to negotiate. we are not going to do this. well, i would say to the president this is not about hee. this is not about republicans in
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congress, it's about fairness to the american people. >> reporter: after talking past each other, ping-ponged from one chamber to another and now a government shutdown for the first time since 1996 when bill clinton was in the white house, republican speaker newt gingrich ruled the house of representatives and their standoff lasted for weeks. brianna keilar, cnn, washington. when it came to that, it was really president clinton who ended up sort of winning the battle, if you will. house republicans who lost indicated a lot of observers believe that is going to be the case here. so now what you're going to see is the pressure. president obama with that address to the camera to military folks. i think that is a preview of some of what you're going to be seeing here in the coming days. >> i'd say that is probably the only good news that has come out of this, right? the military personnel, certain military personnel will actually get paid. so we will see how that all pans out and we will also see how history is written here and who
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actually takes the blame. brianna keilar, thank you. >> there have been government shutdowns before but this comes as a result of its own special kind of dysfunction. a republican party in battle sometimes with itself. cnn's brian todd explains. >> reporter: the group behind this strategy is led by a freshman congressman from north carolina, mark meadows. these congressmen contend this is all about serving their constituents back home but they have come in from heavy criticism from traditional republicans. after starting all of this off with a letter in august to their leader. by most accounts, house speaker john boehner didn't want it to get this far and didn't want to use the prospect of a government shutdown to push for defunding the president's health care law. but according to a recent report, a small corps of republican representatives were the catalyst for the current showdown and forced boehner's
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hand. started with a letter to boehner in august from an obscure freshman congressman from north carolina, mark meadows. the letter said, quote. we urge to you you to affirmly defund obamacare in any appropriations bill brought to the house including any continuing appropriations bill. ryan lizza who reported this for "the new yorker" says this gained serious momentum. >> some groups got behind this effort. ted cruz, marco rubio. >> reporter: soon, he says, the letter was signed by 80 republican representatives but some influential representatives slammed the strategy. karl rove wrote in "wall street journal." it was an ill conceived tactic that would alienate independents. columnist charles krauthammer called this group the suicide caucus. one of the signers was blake farenthold responded. >> we have to use what few leverage points we have and the
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continuing resolution is one of them. you know? we can't move anything unless we have got some leverage. >> reporter: he says the vast majority of people in his district don't want obama care but if he is one of only 80 republicans who signed on to this strategy early on, why did boehner go for it? >> he has got 233 members and it takes, right now, 217, to get a majority in the house of representatives. so if he loses just a few members, he doesn't have his majority. 80, even though it's not even a majority of the republicans, it's enough for him to have to listen to them or he can't pass legislation. >> reporter: other factors according to ryan lizza. boehner doesn't have ear marks to offer to his precedent speaker. he says outside conservative groups which raise money for the hard line congressmen for their districts have siphoned power and influence away from the speaker's office. we couldn't get a response specifically to that or to the criticism from other republicans of this strategy from boehner's office.
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john and zoraida? >> thank you very much. the big question on everyone's mind. how does this work and what does it mean for me? the good news not all government functions simply evaporate. you can get your social security check and the postal service will keep dloiverg yoelivering . the national parks will be closed. also there may be some hassles with renewing your pass. some of the offices will be closed. you just need patience there. you should be okay. veterans, disability claims could be delayed. today is a big day for that very issue that many people in the republican party used to pin this whole government shutdown. you can, starting this morning, go to a government website and buy health coverage from the insurance exchanges. this is part of obamacare. they are the marketplace you can shop for various health coverage options and these take effect
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january 1st. critics insist the exchanges will not work and many will pay more for health insurance than they are paying now. human services secretary kathleen sebelius insists there will be options for every american and every budget. >> 6 out of 10 people will have the choice, the choice of a policy for under a hundred dollars. it's a debate. do you want to have protection for basically every checkup, every visit, everything that you do? families can make a budget choice. >> the administration hopes 7 million americans will have signed up for these exchanges by next march. 8 minutes past the hour. two marine corps generals asked to step down in the wake of a deadly attack in afghanistan. they are saying major generals did not take adequate measures to protect their service members during an attack on a coalition base last september. that is when 15 insurgents dressed in u.s. army uniforms
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and heavily armed made it into camp bastion and destroying more than a dozen military aircraft. >> 2008 convict on terror charges was overturned by an appeals panel in january saying the charges were not war crimes and could not be prosecuted before military tribunal. but a lawyer for the government says military prosecutors have long charged people with conspiracy and the conviction should stand. how about direct flights between the united states and iran? that is what iranian president rouhani is asking the aviation authorities to look into. perhaps the latest sign of relations normalizing over the two countries. i may be overstating that. the trips came to a halt over united states and the tehran in the 1979 revolution and the taking of u.s. hostages at the
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embassy. we are told there will be weather today. indra petersons is here. >> we have had morning all weather. >> we need good news, right? it's gorgeous outside. high pressure is in place and warm temperatures going from the south stretching into the northeast today. and just check these out. temperatures well above normal. new york city today looking for 81. want to guess what average is? 69. that is how nice it is out there for fall. d.c. 84 today and cincinnati also looking for the 80s so we love this. the warmth is not only in the northeast but thanks to that high out there, it's into the southeast also. a lot of 80s and atlanta 81 and orlando today, 88 degrees! the differences in the southeast, yes, it's still warm but the highs out there so with that we are pulling in the moisture off the gulf. looking for moisture from texas all the way through about mississippi or so. nothing major. just a couple of showers popping up with that moisture coming out of there. take a look at the weather models only an inch, maybe two inches at best. a hint of a flooding concern.
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overall look at the country today. so dry pretty much improos the entire country. the only story remains in the pacific northwest. looking at a series of more waves kicking through the area so more rain in the forecast and on top of what they have already received and did you hear, by the way, yesterday out of olympia, ef-1 tornado and weather a factor there in the northeast. averages are 69. 0e today. you have to say thank you, john, because you're the number one complainer. i have to just blame you. >> i love the cooler weather. that was totally uncalled for. that was out of nowhere there. >> you deserve that. >> exactly. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. 11 minutes past the hour. coming up the complex mission of destroying syria's weapons continue. matthew chance is live in london with the latest for us. that is headed your way after the break. i wanted to ask you a couple questions.card.
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5:14 am
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welcome back to "early start." today in syria, dozens of international experts will take the first steps towards dismantling that country's chemical weapons stockpiles. arriving to prepare for field inspections that should result in the assad rah jegime losing most devastating tools. matthew chance is live this morning from london. what are they doing on the ground now? >> when they arrive in syria, they have been traveling road by beirut and travel to the syrian foreign ministry and talking about logistics. that is the biggest challenge of this because this is the first time the opcw, the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons are asked to destroy the armaments of a country at war and the 19 sites of chemical weapons have been stockpiled by
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the syrians according to the information they have given, seven of them are in active combat zones. one of the big challenges is going to be how are they going to get to the areas where the fighting is going on around the various installations? it may mean some delays and may mean they have to negotiate local truces between the rebels and the government forces to give them access to these stockpiles so they can take them away and destroy them. >> a complicated job to say the least. here in the united states, syria's foreign minister special at the united nations this week and made some comments that startled a lot of people comparing to what is going on in his country to september 11th. >> reporter: the foreign minister of syria making exactly that comparison. basically, trying to link the rebellion, the insurgency in syria with the global war, the global fight against terrorism, saying that the ranks of the rebels were made up largely of foreign foirts or at least with a significant amount of foreign
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fighters that were driven by their philadelphfundamentalist ideologieses. it wasn't accepted, though, those comments. certainly officials from the united states mission to the united nations called it offensive, that he should compare the events taking place in syria where, of course, syria is adle to have used chemical weapons against its own people and killed a hundred thousand people in various attacks over the past several years were offensive that that should be compared to what happened on 9/11 in new york. >> a lot of people here were offended. matthew chance in london for us, thank you. prosecutors in the alleged colorado movie shooter theater are told it trim down a list of 4,000 potential witnesses. the prosecution says they could have it done by early december but a judge wants much quicker resolution. james holmes trial is expected to start in february. he is accused of killing 12 people, wounding dozens more at
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an aurora movie theater last summer. back to work in los angeles in the jurors of the michael jackson wrongful death trial to determine whether aeg live was negligent in hiring the doctor convicted of causing jackson's overdose. jackson's mother says aeg was in charge of conrad murray but the promoters say conrad murray was actually working for jackson. how much gulf spilled in the bp disaster? the second phase of the civil trial gets under way now. the justice department says 176 million gallons spilled and bp says only 300 million gallons. also in question how quickly the oil flowed and why it took three months to plug the well. bp is facing fines that could reach up to $300 billion.
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>> have you ever been to a wedding where the bride and room take too long to get down the aisle? not these two. they are zip lining to the altar. fantastic! this took place at a resort in asheville, north carolina. how can you not cheer when the bride and groom come down in a zip line? >> look at her socks. i thought it was bloomers but she is wearing striped socks. >> the couple thought this was the perfect way to tie the knot. >> why not? are you kidding? >> miss universe? i have no idea. >> yeah, because it's awesome and we wanted to make it the most fun for our guests and fun for ourselves and something dincht. >> it was perfect. it was perfect. >> zoraida has been obsessed what she was wearing beneath the dress. >> you expose yourself in a big way, don't you? >> i guess. >> atta girl.
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nicely done and she gave them something to look at. >> congratulations to them. many years of happiness. coming up the big story of the day. the government shutdown is more than five hours old. the cost could be enormous. "money time" is coming up next. i want peacocks. peacocks? walking the grounds. in tuscany. [ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen.
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because when people talk, maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. good and close. discover the new way to help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. new beneful healthy smile food and snacks. he'll love the crunch of the healthy smile kibbles. you'll love how they help clean. with soft, meaty centers, and teeth cleaning texture healthy smile snacks help keep a shine on his smile. it's dental that tastes so good. new beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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check out the headline this morning. >> from the new york detail news
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of speaker of the house john boehner. >> in a nutshell, right? >> 10% approval rating and i was looking for other things that have 10% approval rating. col col colonoscopy. u.s. stock futures right now are higher and major stock markets higher in asia and europe although a couple of chinese markets were closed. different tone from monday. expect some unpredictable days ahead and major caution amid the uncertainty. how many times do i say wall street hates uncertainty? washington serving up a steaming heap of that. today is the first day of a new quarter and where stocks reached
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record highs last summer so congress has a lot of room to do more damage tour 401(k) if they mess this up. so far the year is up and so is the nasdaq and s&p. people are saying we made a lot of money in the stock market this year and washington is crazy and don't know when the fed will shop flooding the zone so trade carefully in stocks. hour-by-hour krunching the potential impact of a shutdown and the numbers we usually reserve for national disasters only this is preventible and man-made. moody is thinks a billion dollars lost each week in paychecks. when you add up the total damage looking at $55 billion the hit of the economy over a span of a month if it's hit that long. unfilled contract and lost orders and uncollected fees and whatever may suffer collateral damage from the united states government closing up. as any business leader will tell you, this is no way to run a
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business and you'll be hearing a lot of business leaders weighing in on this. banking executives will meet with the president this week we are told to talk about just that "the wall street journal" report a forum which represents 19 of the largest banking fichls and including these big names will be meeting with the white house perhaps the most important topic is the failure to raise the debt ceiling in a few weeks. jack lew has called that scenario catastrophic. this fight is not the big fight. we are really in for some rough nights and perhaps the president the ought to be talking to is warren buffett. his berkshire hathaway will get more money. he invested $5 billion for the right to buy goldman shares at a set price and he is executing that price. >> he needs the money.
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make it more easier for warren buffett. >> for his old pickup truck. >> christine romans, thank you. >> you're welcome. coming up a live look at the capital as washington shuts down. we will continue to talk about this and the latest when we come back. mom, dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? ♪ dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, tickets? hmm, sure. how many? well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to
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[ passenger ] airport, please. what airline? united. [ indian accent ] which airline, sir? [ passenger ] united. whoa taxi! [ british accent ] what airline, then? [ passenger ] united. all right. [ spanish ] what airline? [ passenger ] united.
5:29 am
♪ [ mandarin ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ arabic ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ italian ] where are we going? [ passenger ] united. [ male announcer ] more destinations than any other airline. [ thai ] which airline do you fly? [ passenger ] united. [ male announcer ] that's great, big world friendly. ♪
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u.s. government shuttingdown overnight following gridlock in washington over spending and obamacare. what the shutdown means for you and the blame game is, of course, continuing this morning. >> after they got him out of his
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car, they beat him up. >> really unbelievable road rage on the streets of new york. a family chased and attacked by a gang of motorcyclists. it's all caught on camera. >> really remarkable to see. road turning into a runway again. when a pilot now crash lands his plane. he is okay. i need to let you know that. >> amazing pictures. welcome back to "early start." i-john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. 31 minutes past the hour. the washington, the entire country waking up this morning to a simply embarrassing reality. government shutdown. the federal government closing its doors. why? well, republicans in the house refuse to pass any kind of budget deal that did not defund, derail, or delay obamacare. as a result, the senate even refused to talk. the clock right there on the right part of your screen tells the tale. 5 1/2 hours the government has
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been shutdown. a long time. it could be a heck of a lot longer. shannon travis has the latest. >> reporter: after a fleuur fluy the house reached a stalemate. >> all time for debate has conspired. >> reporter: what felt inevitable all day is a reality. for the first time 1995 the federal government is shut down. >> really a sad point in the history of this congress. >> reporter: the republican-controlled house passed budgets that included defunding or delaying obamacare which is set to begin tuesday. the democratic-controlled senate struck down each proposal, refusing to tie the budget to the new health care law. >> the idea of putting the american people's hard-earned progress at risk is the height of their responsibility and it doesn't have to happen. >> i didn't come here to shut down the government! i came here to fight to a smaller, less costly and more accountable federal government! >> reporter: so now what?
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you might have a tougher time renewing your passport and trip you planned to the national park or mutual may not happen and if you're a veteran, some services may be disrupted. what won't be impacted? social security checks will remain on time and the postal service will remain open and law enforcement agencies like the fbi and dea will keep operating. so no surprise the americans are fed up with congress with an approval rating of 10%. a new all-time low. the question now is which side blinks first? in washington, i'm shaun jnnon travis. >> one group despite the shutdown will get paid is the men and women in uniform and one thing both sides seemed to have agreed to last night. barbara starr tells us, those who are ready to serve may be hit hard. >> reporter: for 3.3 million disabled veterans, the budget mess in washington is about to
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affect them in a big way. >> veterans who sacrificed for their country will find their support centers unstaffed. >> reporter: if the government shuts down and it stretches into late october, the department of veteran affairs will run out of money and that means disability and pension checks could stop for elderly and ill veterans. advocates are outraged. >> it's what they need to pay rent and food. not their total income but a significant part of it and taking that out of the mix because the government can't get its act together is really dangerous for these men and women who need it the most. >> reporter: disability payments with reach at $3,000 a month. for the nation's war wounded it can be a financial life line. tom tarantino is an iraq war combat veteran. >> any politician needs to understand if you are hold holding veterans hostage for the sake of political gain or trying
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to balance the backs of the men and women who served this country, you are going to pay a political price. >> reporter: for america's 1.4 million troops still on duty and their families, the prospect of a shutdown has also brought worry about delayed paychecks, even though congress has moved to ensure men and women in uniform, including those in afghanistan, are paid on time. but eileen huck, a navy wife, says there's still plenty of anxiety about what may happen. >> in the short term the commissaries where we do a lot of our shopping will be shutdown. for those of us who get our health care and children's health care it's a possibility that is affected as well. routine appointments will not be available. >> reporter: still, some will be furloughed until congress and the white house reach an agreement. barbara starr, the pentagon. >> 35 minutes past the hour. in colorado today, mourning
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for five people killed in massive rock slide and happened on a hiking trail mt. princeton, southwest of denver. the group were hiking near a scenic waterfall when the rocks gave way on them. >> it looks like there was a cliff bank above the falls and it looks like it slid off of that cliff area above the falls, slid down through the fall areas. >> we are at a bit of a loss right now just exactly how we are going to move those boulders. >> we are going in there with a small team as possible to get the job done as fast as we can and teams standing by in case there are further issues. >> those recovery efforts are expected to begin later this morning. the only survivor, a 13-year-old girl named gracy johnson was dug from all of the debris. she is at a hospital near denver and she is recovering this morning. louisiana pastor who has shot to death at his church last week was accused of rape just days earlier by the wife of the alleged gunman.
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ronald harris senior was gunned down while preaching to 60 worshippers friday night. woodrow kerry is held on second-degree murder charges. according to law enforcement officials in lake charles, kerry's wife filed a rape complaint against pastor harris days before the shooting. in florida another case of another potentially deadly bacteria. a woman is in the hospital after contracting the bacteria while boating off santa bell island. there have been dozens of case so far this year and nine deaths and not so clear why so many people are coming down with this infection. >> big increase in the infections right now. you know, it is kind of a warm water thing and we have had some warm water but we didn't have this last year or the year before, not nearly as many. >> there has been warm water every year. a florida man, 59-year-old butch kaknifeski died last week after
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exposed crash fishing. he an open wound. people say avoid getting into the water with an open wound. a motorcycle group accused of awful case of road rage and terrifying incident. an suv bumped into a biker and that rider apparently broke his leg and his fellow bikers were not happy. he hit three more bikers in the process and they chased him off the road on to a side street. the driver was trapped. he had his wife and infant doubt notice suv. >> he got off his bike. he started attacking the person and the range recovery was breaking the windows and after they got him out of his car,
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they beat him up. >> smashing the windows with a 2-year-old girl in the car there. the suv driver had to go to the hospital for stitches but treat and relieved. lots of questions what led to a dangerous collision between two transit authority trains. an empty run-away train slamming into another one that was packed with commuters. 33 people had to be taken to the hospital. the big mystery here, official say, it doesn't seem anyone started that run-away train moving. >> sound like a man. like stop the train! stop the train! however, it didn't seem like the train was stopping at all and after that, it was a crash and there was smoke everywhere. >> we have no indication at this point that there has been any criminal activity. there's no broken windows. there is no pried open doze and no graffiti or vandalism inside the rail car but we are doing a thorough investigation of this.
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>> experts say the train should have been stopped by emergency brakes and the interlocks long before the collision happened. if anyone had jumped on board to get it going, it wouldn't have helped because they would have needed a special key to stop the train. the last homeless victim of superstorm sandy in new york city will be forced out of their government paid hotel rooms this week. a judge agreeing with the city the program costing more than $70 million since it began last october is too expensive now that fema is no longer footing the bill. some left homeless by the storm were put in hotels and city shelters could not handle the sheer number of people needing places to stay. 40 minutes past the hour. indra petersons has the check of our tuesday weather and it is fantastic news we hear! >> literally gorgeous and talking about temperatures 10 and 15 degrees above normal. i want to touch on the fact this is october and where is our hurricane season? peak season is typically in september. once you hit october we are on our way down. that is a good thing. let's talk about how we actually measure up in comparison to
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average. believe it or not we have actually had more named systems than the average ten with nine being the average but we know we are below is the number of hurricanes and we haven't had any major hurricanes that is 3 or above so the good news. we continue to watch the activity and let's hope it continues to stay on the mild side. as far as what we have today gerry is way out there in the atlantic and not expected to move and stay out to sea. a tiny thing we are watching on the caribbean 30% chance it develops. watching whether or not it makes its way into the gulf. not really a huge concern at this particular time but we will keep our eyes on that. the huge dome of high pressure look how gorgeous this is expected to be today! not just in new york city by cleveland, almost 10 degrees above normal there and d.c. in the 80s and chicago 81 when your average is just 68 degrees. we are not hearing any complaints in this area. it's so gorgeous in the northeast. and the southeast. yes, it is so nice. love it.
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>> i love the hurricane news. let's keep that streak alive, no major storms. >> it's looking so we will see. >> thank you. alaska pilot is lucky to be live this morning. wassilla this plane came down on a busy road. amazingly the pilot walked away unhurt. he had some sort of issue right after takeoff and decided to set the single-engine plane down on the road. apparently he is fine and everybody around there is fine. >> remarkable when you look at that plane. >> it doesn't look healthy, that plane. coming up here. >> i can't stop shooting video. they are everywhere. one, two, three, four. the fifth over there. >> you see this and you head in its direction. i would be heading away from it! boaters get up close and personal. look at him with funnel clouds barreling toward them on the water. indra, would you do this is what i want to know. >> that's not smart.
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>> that is the official word, not smart, folks. but it's coming up. ready to run your lines? okay, who helps you focus on your recovery? yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you're sick or hurt? [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ under his breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal? [ as a southern belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. you're on in 5, duck. [ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at
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this is a story of do not try this at home unless you are really stupid. two fishermen in the florida keys decided to chase five water spouts. they chased them. those are tornadoes, folks, over the water. the pair were out hundreding for lobster when this storm system formed. they decided to take their boat right through this. look at that. intense does not even begin to describe what happened. >> it's a low pressure system so your ears pop. i mentioned the video that all of my hatches on the boat opened straight up in the air. fortunately nothing got sucked out of the boat but it's a very intense fan basically. >> pictures are kind of cool. still, very risky. this guy admits that if the storm was stronger, they would not have tried it. they say they knew they would get out of this one okay. >> they knew?
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look at that coming their way. indra likes to chase storms. she said this is just stupid. >> her words. >> her words, exactly. let's take a look what is coming up on new day. chris cuomo and kate bolduan join us. >> happy tuesday, you two, even though it's not happy for many americans. >> true, true. obviously, we are all about the shutdown this morning and we will try to be pushing on the powers to see what it will take to get a deal here. we will have several members of congress will be on the show. we also are going to have something different. we are going to have a group of americans who are affected by the shutdown on the show. it will be telling their stories and also getting their perspective for the leadership so that the politicians can actually feel and hear what is going on with america while they are their dispute down there. >> they talk about listening to their constituents and listening to americans. we will have them on the show so they can listen to them as well. the shocking video of suv surrounded by a group of motorcycles. the driver of the car was then
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chased down and beaten after hitting one of the riders and taking off. why hasn't anyone been arrested in this case especially since it was all caught on camera. >> lots to talk about there. see you in a bit. coming up next, the rays and the rangers in a late night nail-biter! andy scholes tells us who will go on and who will go home. that is next in the bleacher report. stay with us. ke a deal with me,, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900.
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new orleans saints look like they have recovered from the embarrassment of bountygate and back to their winning ways and had a big win right now. >> andy scholes joins us now. >> what a difference a year and head coach have made for the saints. new orleans offense looks better
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than ever. drew brees on his game. he threw for 413 yards and four touchdowns and the saints cruise to an easy 38-17 win. new orleans one of five teams that remains undefeated after the first month of the season. the rays and rangers playing game 163 of the major league season last night. the winner gets the last wild card spot in the american league. evan longoria would provide the offense for tampa bay and the rays ace david price threw a complete game. tampa bay ends the rangers season winning 5-2. up next for the rays is the wild card game with the indians wednesday night. tonight, the pirates host the reds in the n.l. wild card and first pitch 8:07 eastern on tbs. you know how they say better later than never? the lineup section of bleacher a picture of celtics forward brandon bass. why? at 28 years old, he is finally learning how to swim!
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bass teaming up with the boys and girls club of boston to help kids conquer their fears of swimming. bass is doing it to help himself as well because he says he doesn't even know how to float. wide receiver torrey smith had a huge game last sunday for the baltimore ravens. he followed up a big announcement on instagram. it reads, we are prego! look at his eyes! i've seen those eyes before when i looked in the mirror. >> those are eyes of joy and happiness! >> dismayed, bewilderment and fear! it's terror, make no mistake! but that's great. that is really funny. >> he captioned the picture. i can't believe she convinced me to do this! >> thank you. >> thanks, andy. >> we will be right back. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome.
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more drama for may j. blige and hitting back on a an entertainment company who sued her for bailing on a concert last summer. she says she will not pay back the money given to her by entertainment worldwide because the company was in breach of contract. why, you ask? because she says she did not give her and her crew first class air travel. >> they must have promised that. >> also green m&ms. no, i made up the green m&ms part. we have on twitter all morning lining. he has the morning rise? do it. >> i want to let you know this man steals my ipad all the time and then he writes these crazy
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things on the ipad like john berman is really handsome and he is looking yummy this morning. it's not coming from me. sam, on twitter, says john common thievery and impish mischiefry makes zoraida feel mischievous. >> stop stealing my ipad. >> really? >> the early start shutdown begins right now but "new day" is here. >> he looks like a congressman and talks like one too, that berman. it's time for "new day", everybody. let's get going. congress has not fulfilled its responsibility and, as a result, much of our government must now shut down. >> breaking overnight for the first time in 17 years, the
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federal government has shutdown. you and the country's economy now in the cross-hairs as republicans and democrats spend more time figuring out who is to blame but not figuring out a deal. closed for business. nearly 800,000 employees will now be forced off the job. many agencies, national parks, the zoos, shutdown. all this as a critical part of obamacare begins this morning. the mystery of the run-away commuter train in chicago that injured dozens. did someone set it in motion? the key piece of evidence in the amanda knox retrial that is now being reinvestigated. your "new day" starts right now. this is "new day," with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome to "new day," tuesday, october 1st, 6:00 in the east. at midnight eastern time the u.s. government officially failed you.


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