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tv   AC 360 Later  CNN  October 1, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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jesse ventura is still here and still talking to the audience. no sign of him leaving anytime soon. "ac 360 later" starts right now. good evening, everyone. welcome to "ac 360 later." the shutdown mess and how it might end. also day one of the signup for
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obama care. why some people prefer obama care to, well, obama care. we'll explain that one. dr. drew pinsky is here to help. and later why a little losing might just be a winning strategy in life and for your kids. we'll explain that for us. with us ahead daily beast managing editor, fifth chair tonight former new york republican congressman. we begin with the government shutdown. chief congressional correspondent dana bash live on capitol hill. what's going on right now. what's the latest? >> reporter: nothing. that's the unfortunate and honest truth. everybody's gone. there are no negotiations, no votes. the house did vote earlier this evening which you and i talked about that they voted to keep three agencies open but it didn't pass. actually they're going to try to get back at it tomorrow. they're also going to try to pass funding for nih, because they saw that the president was complaining that kids with cancer can't get into clinical trials. and that really does seem to be
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the strategy in fact republicans admit that's the strategy right now. wait to see what the president complains about, try to pass at least that particular part of spending for the government, and see what they do. because big picture, john boehner and his republican leadership are still insisting they're not going to give in to what the democrats are demanding. and that is just a clean, no strings attached bill to fund the government even for six weeks. and they are at an amazing standoff. anderson, congress just has not functioned on personal relationships for a long time. i've never seen it this bad. even and especially between the principals, john boehner and harry reid in the senate but even their staff. there's just no trust. and there's no communication at all. >> and dana, i think i said you were on capitol hill. i think you're in our studio now. thankfully you've been allowed to move off capitol hill because i think you've been there for the last week or so. stick with us. tina, what do you make of this? >> maybe vladimir putin can
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point the logjam here. we need a mediator like him. it is incredible to me to watch these republicans putting on their suicide vesting and think is this is going to have some kind of outcome for america. it is absolutely preposterous. the most depressing to see how john boehner's job insecurity, terror of losing the speakership he's become the rallier after these people. right after the re-election of obama he said obama carries the law of the land. he later on said he didn't believe in the government. >> there was certainly a lot of talk back two years ago about working together, the importance. now you can't even find anybody talking about that. ross, who do you blame for this? >> i think there are about 30 or 40 congressmen and congresswomen in very safe republican seats who have the sense that they can get something out of this, that nobody else, including john
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boehner, frankly, believes that they actually can. >> so when they say -- i talked to steve king earlier, conservative republican congressman, one of the people you're talking about. he says he's executing the will of the people. this is the will of what the american people want. do you buy that? >> well, obama care is very unpopular as new laws go. and this has been true. this has been consistent in polling going back to when the law was passed. and it bounces around. sometimes it's 50% opposed, sometimes it's 55% opposed and so on. so the basic republican strategy that i think was the sort of what probably john boehner and others thought they were doing a few months ago of saying we're going to make a big noise about this, going to say we're taking this to the brink over this issue. that's actually not a crazy strategy. and the media likes to make fun of house republicans. they voted x number of times to repeal obama care. the fact is, the law is still unpopular. it's one of the few places where republicans are on the same
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side. >> but you know part of the reason that the law is unpopular, it's not 50% or 50 plus percent of people don't like the law because they think it goes too far. a large portion -- a decent portion of those people don't like it because they want it to go further. they want it to be more liberal than it already is. if you put together the people who like it and the people who want it to be more liberal that is the majority of the public. and that 30 or 40 members of congress, they're not really looking -- when they say the american people, they're not talking about the american people. the american people spoke in the last election. they elected a president. they're talking about the constituents in their gerrymandered districts where they're very very safe. they're doing the will of those people. i understand that. i accept that. but that is not america. >> but here's what some of them are thinking, right? they're thinking you go back to 2010. this was the last election that we had that happened in the midst of a full-fledged debate over the president's health care law. and republicans didn't just
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sweep, they picked up more seats than the underlying economic indicators would have predicted, right? so it can't just be the case that most people don't like obama care because it doesn't go far enough. there really is a lot of anxiety about this frankly fairly -- >> the math is the math. [ overlapping speakers ] >> what do you think? this is a president who was elected twice, clearly supporting obama care. his opponent opposed it, did not get elected. haven't the people spoken on this? >> i've got a little different take on this. washington is a dysfunctional town and there's plenty of blame to go around on both side. i really believe we would not be where we are right now if the president would have seized different opportunities to address entitlements. that is by far the driver of these humungous deficits. i would relieve lot of pressure. >> be more in relationship with the people of the congress? >> yes. i think the president has trouble really reaching out and connecting in a way that bill clinton did the last time around
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really with republicans, even during the shutdown there was constant communication. >> that was on a deficit fight, though. >> in a way it is leading up to the debt ceiling. >> there's no way to attach the deficit to linking this to the c.r. >> this is a spending issue right now, right? so this is the continuing resolution. it's because the senate hasn't passed -- has only passed one appropriations bill of out of the last 48 on time. >> thanks in part to mr. cruz. >> okay. you can blame a single republican. but all previous republican and democratic majority leaders in the senate found a way to work with their minorities and get things done at budget time. >> isn't there a difference between the clinton era and this time in the newt gingrich area they believed in smaller government. these tea party people believe in no government. >> if they believed in no government they wouldn't be happily voting on these symbolic
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measures to fund the nonobama care parts of the government. i think the difference between the gingrich shutdown and this one is that the gingrich shutdown happened in the shadow of a big republican sweep in '94. and it happened at a moment when conservative commentators and the conservative movement was actually pretty united around the idea that this was a confrontation worth fighting. the big difference today is that again i was just defending sort of the broader strategy. but i'm not going to defend the specific shutdown strategy. it's very hard to find prominent republicans who actually honestly will. >> can't you see the out on this, though? it just seems to me fairly clear. you take a timeout for 30 days. pass a short term c.r. harry reid names conferrees. >> what do you want the president to give all they're asking at this point is to figure out a way to defund -- keep cutting back and try to
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nibble away at obama care. >> all john boehner need right now is for harry reid to give him something. if harry reid did the medical device tax, a tax that many democrats would actually like to see repealed, if he was given that this would end tomorrow. [ overlapping speakers ] >> at what point does a law become a law? >> that's just silly. laws can always be repealed. i deeply disagree. >> dana has been trying to get in. what did you want to say? >> reporter: actually just the whole question about medical device tax. the reason i'm told that they are not giving in on that, even though people like chuck schumer one of the democratic leaders hates that tax because of the manufacturers in his state of new york, they're not giving in on that because they know they have to give down the road. down the road i mean like two weeks on the debt ceiling. they want to keep some chips out there for themselves. they feel like if they're going to negotiate on -- democrats feel like if they're going to negotiate away some of these key
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things now, then they are going to have nothing left when it comes to the really big issue that could completely kill the global economy. at least that's what a lot of economists warn about. >> they're always holding off to get the last best deal. >> let me bring in republican congressman king of new york who has been leading the fight in his own party against funding obama care. to you what is the essential difference to the way this was the last time the government shut down? a lot of critics of the republican position on this have said, well look, it is very difficult for the democrats to negotiate or for the white house to strike a deal with john boehner because he's not in control of the republican party in this on capitol hill. >> thank you, anderson. rick lazio and i were there together in '95 and '96. looking back on it, i it may have been a bad idea to shut the government down at that time. the reality was you had two competing budgets. two economic programs going up
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against each other. and there was a lot of debate, a lot of discussion. and there was a question of how many years it would take to balance the budget. there were discussions on medicare. but it wasn't trying to defund any particular program. it wasn't aimed at any aspect of bill clinton's program. like we weren't trying to defund or repeal the tax bill that he had the year before. and so it was i think on much more solid ground. on this time around it's really entirely between some of the x factual stuff. john boehner told us three weeks ago he would never attempt to shut down the government over defending obama care. he said that was a losing strategy. he said another route we were going to take was not going to involve defunding obama care. then these 30 or 40 republicans from the ted cruz fringe of the party basically said they would bring everything down, they would not cooperate and they
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brought everything to a halt. and john boehner tried to accommodate them. that's how we get into this. it's all about defunding obama care. it comes from about 30 or 40, maybe 50 now hard-core ted cruz supporters. that's where this came from. and back in 1995 and 1996, newt gingrich and bob dole were negotiating with bill clinton. if john boehner -- there's no way he can deliver those 30 or 40 or 50. unless they get -- make really significant cuts into obama care. and that's really where we are on it right now. but let me say this. very critical of republicans. it's time for president obama to get involved somehow. this is his government. these are his employees for the most part being laid off. and he's sitting on the sidelines. i can't imagine lyndon johnson or john kennedy or bill clinton or ronald reagan just sitting there and content to take pot shots at republicans. >> but never interrupt your
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enemy when he's in the process of making a mistake, right? i mean, look. as a matter of principle i agree with the congressman that the president should be more involved here. but when i look at what the democrats are doing right now, and we were just talking about why won't harry reid give in on the medical device tax, the answer is that this is hurting the republicans politically more than it hurts the democrats. >> not by much. there's bleeding on both sides. >> there's bleeding on both side. but there's a big difference between what the democrats have right now is 35% approval rating. what the republicans have right now is the lowest approval rating any congressional -- >> everybody keeps saying about obama should get involved. this is the one time where his aloofness looks much more statesmanlike. dealing with iran and waiting to go just let these people commit suicide. >> but politics is a very social business. it's certainly based on trust and likesability and am i going to give a little bit because i think this person's not going to burn me later on. it really takes engagement.
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in that sense, the president, this is not his sweet spot. >> i agree with that. i definitely think that he doesn't have that kind of retail sort of emotional content thing that bill clinton had for instance. i don't think he does have that. but at the same time when you look at the other side, there's such a kind of joyous, raucous sense about it. >> if you are elected on the premise that we do not want you to be led by this president, and then you then turn around and say, he's not stepping up to lead us even though i will refuse to be led by him and my constituents don't want me to ever compromise with this man, how are you playing both sides of the coin? >> we've got to take a quick break. congressman king please stay with us. when we come back we'll focus on how this end, fit ends, when it ends and who might get hurt the most. we'll be right back.
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thanks for your tweets. tweet us #ac 360 later. whatever you think of the shutdown standoff all standoffs do eventually end. the question is how will it end this time and who gets hurt when it's over? back with my panel. also with us on the phone republican congressman peter king of new york. how does this end? it's got to end at some point
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sooner than later. how does it end? >> i think it rolls into the debt limit. if there's going to be a deal it will be in that context. >> i say you're probably right. i think the question is, do they do something? do they figure out a way to do some stopgap thing so we can say the government isn't shut down anymore for the week before we actually hit the debt ceiling. >> piecemeal? >> i mean like what mcconnell floated, what rand paul basically endorsed today. yeah, basically whatever, a two-week c.r. or something. and then this becomes a debt ceiling negotiation. >> it will be much more exciting. >> is it possible that actually ted cruz will sort of blow himself up with hubris in a way? >> he's got until 2016. >> do you remember how newt gingrich kind of got blown up by the way he behaved on the plane with bill clinton? there are moments when the public, the electorate suddenly
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see these people for what they are. >> let me ask congressman king that. you have been very vocal in your criticism of ted cruz. you called him a fraud. does he blow himself up? has he done real damage to himself? >> he has. but again, i think what he was aiming at was to secure a strong base. and he's gotten that. there is a good 10, 15% right now who well swear by ted cruz. he's going to use that as a base to move out from. i think we've been way too casual in talk about government being closed down. there's hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people out of work. again i go back to president obama. there has been a large amount of people in the intelligence community who are laid off and counterterrorism. these are his government, these are his employees. i can't imagine teddy roosevelt or franklin roosevelt. blame it on republicans. see that up front. but he is the president of the united states. this is his government. he can't sit on the sidelines. i can't imagine another world
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leader doing this. countries look at us. they don't think of john boehner or harry reid. he's the president of the country. he's on the sidelines. i'm not blaming him for this at all. he can't be content just to stand by and watch. >> to congressman king's point, the hill and "new york times" reporting today 70% of the intelligence community, civilian employees in the intelligence community have been furloughed. that's got to have national security implications. i was kind of stunned. >> fewer drones. >> well, yeah. >> the drones are never furloughed. >> not to mention the kind of perceptual damage overseas. trusting him on promises. >> debate rolling into the debt ceiling. i don't think it can wait. we pushed it up to the limit the last time.
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we were downgraded. we actually can't do that. so let's say we have a week in order to work this out before it actually becomes part of that debate. and do those members of the house still demand a concession on obama care which they will never get from this president? >> but here's in an ideal world the way it would work would be the president has said i won't negotiate on the debt ceiling because that's a matter of the solvency and full faith and credit of the u.s. government. and so in an ideal world, what happens is, they make a concession like the medical device tax, something else, the president gets to say that was a concession in the debt -- in the shutdown negotiation, not the debt ceiling negotiation. and john boehner gets to say it's a concession in the debt ceiling negotiation. everybody goes home happy in that situation, right now boehner won't let a clean continuing resolution go to the full house, even though it would pass, because he thinks it would
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break his speakership basically. because john boehner is a responsible and patriotic american. and john boehner is not going to send us through the debt ceiling if he can avoid it by sending a vote to the full house, right? >> here's the other part of that, right? he does that and there's no guarantee that those 30 or 40 members of that kind of tea party group will see that as a proper concession and then he's in trouble. and everybody who voted in that is looking over their shoulder, worrying about they'll be primaried -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> but he has. to he knows that he has to actually let the house vote on that even then. i mean -- >> so he'll go down a hero? >> i don't know about that. i think boehner has often played a fairly heroic role in a fairly difficult situation over the last couple of years.
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>> getting back to the early ie point about entitlements and out spending. republicans will say why doesn't the president lead on the most pressing fiscal issue that faces the country over the next 20 or 30 years. an explosion of seniors, 10,000 seniors retiring every single day in america. the program social security was created, signed by fdr into law, average life expectancy was 64 years old. eligibility 65. pretty good deal. >> rick you're pretending they never tried to do that. last time we got close to the debt ceiling they got very close to a global deal and it fell apart at the last minute. it's not as if the president has never gone to boehner and tried to figure out how to do this. >> the president has to provide cover for moderate democrats who want to get a deal done. that's what he's failed to do. he's got to engage. he's got to lead. he's got to address some of these big picture issues. that's how you get a win-win out of this thing. if he could get both sides to come together and say we're going to try to solve at least part of the entitlement picture,
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create momentum and trust and move forward. >> what exactly is obama right now supposed to do? we talk about him engaging. what is he supposed to do? who's he supposed to call? how does it work at this moment in this particular situation? >> i think you start to go and speak to individual senators. he's done this with bob cornyn and other people. say what do you think is doable? this is an area where i've got limited flexibility, but let's get something significant done and i'll help provide some air cover. >> okay. we've got to take a quick break. congressman, appreciate you joining us tonight. rick lazio, thanks for being here. coming up, obama care enrollment day one not without its problems to say the least. we'll tell you what happened and our panel weighs in. ♪
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welcome back to "ac 360 later." people started signing up for health care coverage under obama care today. they tried, anyway. there were certainly a lot of glitches, error messages, web site crashes. hanging over the entire system there still seems to be a lot of confusion what obama care is. it doesn't stop people expressing opinions about it. here's what happened when jimmy
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kimmel asked people if they preferred obama care act or the affordable health act. >> which plan do you support? obama care orred afor theable care act? >> what is it about obama care you do not like? >> i just think that there's a lot of holes anytime. and it needs to be revamped. it hasn't been thought out. >> you think the affordable care act is a better plan than obama care? >> better but i'm not happy with that, either. >> do you agree with the affordable care act or obama care? >> the affordable. >> and why do you preefrt affordable care act over obama care? >> i just don't agree with the whole obama care policy thing that's going on. i just don't agree with it. >> do you believe it an informed citizenry is essential to a democracy? >> yes. >> so you disagree with oklahoma care? >> yes, i do. >> do you think insurance companies should be able to exclude people with pre-existing conditions? >> no. >> do you agree that young people should be able to stay on their parents' plans until they
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are 26? >> they should be able, to yes. >> do you agree that companies with 50 or more employees should provide health care? >> i do. >> so by that logic you would be for the affordable care act? >> yes. >> what plan do you support? obama care or the affordable care act? >> the affordable care act. >> why do you support that over obama care? >> do not like obama care. i don't like anything that has to be forced for everybody to buy. it's just not good. >> do you think obama care is social initiative. >> yes, do i. >> do you think the affordable care act is socialist? >> no. >> do you believe obama care will eventually lead to gun probab prohibition? >> yes. >> do you know that obama care and the affordable care act are the same? >> no, they're not. thanks, you made me look stupid. >> our panel is back. in the fifth chair joining us is dr. drew pinsky, dr. drew on call. it's always unfair -- >> he shows the myashma of
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misinformation. >> people are relatively sensible about their priorities in life. figure out every single name of every single law that congress cycles through. the affordable care act, patient protection and affordable care act. >> we wish we'd called it the insurance reform act from the beginning. if we'd done that and called it insurance reform people would have gone for a lot. >> i don't know the details of what exactly is covered. it's an incredibly confusing thing. and i spend all day reading about it. >> and we'll see how it plays out in california we've been preparing for it for a long time. physicians everywhere agree we've got to do something like this. but there's another really interesting layer to this people aren't talking about. today i also spend a lot of my time finding resources for people who don't have insurance. today i had three calls. i said good news you can sign up for obama care today. not so interested. not so interested in spending money. just want care. it's really interesting. with people that are not used to buying insurance. young adults that are healthy
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don't like to buy insurance even when they can afford it. so now to get people who have never done this before used to the idea that now they have access they can get coverage they must do this. >> because the people you're talking to feel they can fall back on the social safety net. emergency room visits and whatever. >> it's unfortunate. we've almost acculturated ourselves to this safety net. that's why they're sending people out to get people enrolled. >> the safety net ironically is not safe. they're not getting preventative care. in many cases they're using emergency rooms for anything that pops up. that actually is not health. >> it's also true young people think they're invincible, anyway. >> that's part of the problem. people who are accustomed to not thinking about it proactively about the idea of insurance. this whole business of health maintenance concerns me a little bit, too. i just had prostate surgery. i want my prostate surgeon just doing surgery. i don't want him worrying about preventative care. my parents worried about that
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when they were raising me. >> a lot of of doctors like the whole idea of preventative care. >> i'm just saying it's going to be hard enough to give primary care service to all these people pouring in to help them restore back to health if they have does ease. we'll be too busy worrying about the preventative. >> you believe you'll see a big uptick in patient, coming? >> some so you may see nurse practitioners, that sort of thing. we just don't know. [ overlapping speakers ] >> this is the forward though, right? >> better than emergency room visits. absolutely. but people are not accustomed to this. >> how do you become physician extender? a product we would sell on some late night infomercial. >> we oversee the resources being rendered. >> like a ped egg to shave your bunyons and physician extenders. >> don't be surprised. that's the only way we may be able to do this. >> really?
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>> of course. that's all we're talking about. already primary care has been a disaster for so many years. now we'll have lots of people coming into primary care. >> what we are describing here are some of the reasons why -- the issues surrounding obama care, right? i mean, i think there are a lot of my fellow conservatives were making jokes about the fact that reporters tried to go on and enroll in all 50 states and got on and zero out of 50 today and so on. but i think we can all assume that eventually the online glitches will be fixed. but the woman who jimmy kimmel was interviewing who said, i think there are a lot of holes in it and so on was actually correct, right? this is for obvious political reasons sort of jerry-rigged system that has a lot of different moving parts. it has mandates that some of which are suspended, some of which aren't. and it's ambiguous at best. >> and my profession is going to have to resolve all that. but there's an hubristic part of
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this, people who are uninsured can go online. i can't get my healthy educated young males to go online and sign up for any insurance. my uninsured, uneducated, practical stricken resourced population to get online? that's hubris to say just go online and sign up. that is hubristic. >> the people who are actually sick -- there are a lot of people who are actually with pre-existing conditions, have been going online and calling people for years. >> they've been going to emergency rooms. it's insane to do it that way. >> there's some people who have been showing up to emergency rooms. other people who have like chronic conditions that have been trying to secure health insurance who will go onto this site happily and want to do it. and go through it. >> but this is potentially, right, the central fiscal flaw in the plan. which is that the people whose health insurance is because they have pre-existing conditions, the most expensive, will have the strongest incentive to go
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navigate the quirk-ridden web portal while the people who need to be pressured, arm twisted, fined into doing so because they don't feel like they need insurance and so on won't. and that's how you end up driving the costs up, right? >> the bottom line is, a lot of people still don't get, for the vast majority of people who have insurance through their job or who are covered in medicare, no change. >> no change. >> well, no. not necessarily. i mean, if you look at how this is likely to unfold, most people are not going to see a big change in the next six months to a year. the question is, over the next four, six, eight, ten years, having this sort of parallel system of subsidies creates incentives for employers to stop offering insurance, which is why they have that mandate again jimmy kimmel rolled it into his interview but it's actually a very controversial mandate because there are a lot of businesses that don't feel like they can afford to offer
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insurance. >> i'm afraid as a brit i wish we had as a single health system. i don't think employers should necessarily have to pay for that. >> stick around. before the break -- are kid today getting too many trophies just for showing up? does any of this anything to do with the mess in washington? that ahead. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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welcome back. a recent op ed in the "new york times" got us a lot of talking in the news room. losing is good for you. its main takeaway, we're giving out too many trophies to kids just for showing up. too many parents are shielding their kids from failure, that's a bad thing, and praising kids too much can actually backfire. ashley narriman is author of "to be dog the science of losing and winning." explain how losing is actually good for you and good for kids. >> we're not teaching kids to lose. what we're teaching kids is how to be resilient, how to come back from the loss. we all know we're going to make mistakes, we're all going to struggle. if we never give kids that moment where you say okay better luck next time instead we give kids trophy we're giving them the message that you don't need
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to try hard, it's all about winning every day and not about improvement and learning over time. that's really what life is about. >> you actually wrote about sort of the trophy industry and how trophies used to be this rare thing you would buy at a jeweler store. now it's this huge huge industry. >> $3 billion in the u.s. and canada. yes. >> for trophies. >> $3 billion a year. >> incredible. >> i'm not giving back my honorable mention 8th grade b team basketball. pry it from my cold dead hands. >> it's narcissism on the parents. we can't tolerate our kids being disappointed. it's our pain we can't tolerate. they need the disappointment. our job is to be with them when they work it through. she actually mentioned this, what happened to most improved? we just got rid of most improved. that's what really moetd vats kids to get better and better. >> at love of them have had so much kind of helicoptering by their parents and so much coddling when they actually do
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find some little setback they fall apart. >> in terms of a kid finding their aptitude, the thing they're actually good at, if you're constantly telling kids no matter what they do that they're great at it, they never fail at the things they're actually not good at and find the thing that they genuinely are great at. that's why we see all these people showing up to these singing shows that they can't sing at all. and somebody's told them their whole life they're the best singer in the world. and they like get laughed out of the room. nobody's ever said, you're probably good at something else but you should go find that thing. >> that's why we have the english. they come over to our shores to explain. >> that's what simon cowell whole success was about. >> dynamic where at least in my experience, the flip side, and i think you sort of imply this, is that it's not that getting too many trophies makes kids sort of all good sports and so on. >> no. >> i mean, my sense of sort of
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adolescence and teenage years especially is that the level of sort of ruthless competitiveness that kids experience has gone way way up as well. and so there's sort of like on the one hand you're sort of telling people that they can never lose, and then the reaction is to be sort of obsessed with -- >> actually. >> neurosis among kids. >> you write about telling a kid how smart they are all the time, praising them, it actually has the opposite effect that parents think. >> doesn't build esteem. >> it actually can hurt it. can you explain that? >> what it actually can do, kids get really invested in these titles. but at the first sign of difficulty they sort of collapse. and they become too invested. they don't know how to recover. so to avoid that, researchers have found that kid are saying they're more likely to cheat, they're more likely to feel that yes, i have to win every time at all costs. because i'm so special that the rules don't apply to me. all that matters is that end
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result. another thing that change people -- >> are these the kid who become the congress people? >> no these are the people that become the activists calling the congress people and demanding they vote a certain way. >> i think they're probably both. >> what's the answer? >> kids know when they're being praise praised and it's fake. >> they can't build their esteem because everyone's special. special is not such a good thing. if everyone's special no one's special. >> ashley, what do you recommend for parents? >> well, i think we need to be sincere and honest with kid. it's about did you learn something from this? it doesn't mean you have to win every time. i think it's right. most kids have two piles of trophies at home. the real once and the ones people just gave them. >> it's okay for kids to struggle and perhaps to be in some pain. our job is to stay with them and be present with them as they struggle with dealing with a reality that can be frustrating
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and painful and difficult. our job is to be that safe source and that ability that sort of resource for them to a secure base to operate from while they go out in the world and deal with reality on its own terms. if they never get to reality and the terms of reality it's going to be a very unpleasant life. >> kids are great but you're still going to fail. it's not always what you bring into your own life. [ overlapping speakers ] >> by the way, i just want you to know, it was the news emmys tonight. and cnn won an emmy for our election coverage and also ac 360 for ones we did on kids and race. so what were you saying, ashley? >> giving these things out left and right. >> awards are good if they're earned. >> yes. well, we earned it.
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there were a lot of people who worked very hard and earned it. >> that's the key part. >> thanks for being on. up next what's your story? we're going to ask our panelists to talk about something that caught their eye in the news or their lives. the hint? i'm going to be talking about" breaking bad." i'm sorry. that's all i can talk about. be right back. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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welcome back. time now for what's your story where we tack to our panelists about the stories that caught their attention or didn't get a lot of coverage or they were obsessed about. to me it's "breaking bad" and the finale of it. >> my friends keep complaining i'm only writing about "breaking bad" in order to distract myself from what's going on in washington. but really i'm only writing about "breaking bad" because it's been the most amazing show. >> dr. drew has gone to his special place because he's not seen the finale. >> you're more a fan of the finale. i was a little let down by the finale. i thought, cover your ears, i thought if things went too easily for walt at the very end. >> interesting. i thought it wrapped everything
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up perfectly. you have another show. >> i am now totally obsessed with this french show called "spiral" which you can get on netflix and i'm crushed to find you know all about. >> it it's so good. >> i was going to outcall you. >> it's available on netflix. four seasons of it. it is in french. you watch it with sub titles. it's really good. >> it's gripping. all set in a law firm, law office and cops and lawyers. in paris. >> only available on vhs. >> there's a lot of people out there, myself included, who now feel a big emptiness in their life bought "breaking bad" has stopped. another show i will recommend on netflix called "the fall." >> seen it. >> with jillian anderson from "x files." a serial killer show. it is so good and jillian anderson is great. >> it's scary and creepy and great. >> i like drama. >> anybody get into the danish shows? >> "borgun."
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i just heard about that. is that on netflix, too? >> i don't speak danish and french. >> it's all this strange darkly lit. >> heavy sweaters and sad people. >> summer season is over. >> i feel horrible. it's so heavy now. >> that's fine. all right. >> i really want to bring attention to something. there has been -- it's related to the obama care, actually, which is on the subject of hiv, right? there's a lot of science happening right now around this where people a few years ago thought that we would never have a cure. they are very optimistic now. there are drugs going to trial, vaccines. they may not pan out, but at least scientists are now talking about an actual vaccine. and the affordable -- hiv aids when it was mostly affected a very vocal community, got a lot of attention.
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now that it only aeffects mostly poor people or black people, write about it, nobody clicks on the link. >> and the new cases, the numbers of people who do not know they are hiv positive, which is so horrific because to know you can be treated. >> it's extraordinary. and with what the science tells us is that if your on drugs and it's well controlled your risk of communicating drops by like 95%. and that used to be one of these pre-existing conditions that obama care for all of the other issues and problems, it sweeps that group of people into being able to afford private health insurance. >> proper care, too. >> it may have an impact on what is a silent epidemic in this country. and it's affecting poor people and black and brown people. and i think it is an enormous step forward. people have to acknowledge that. >> and young gay people who did not go through the deaths in the 80s and early 90s, the number of
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people becoming -- who are becoming newly infected, young gay people is going up. that's a real concern. >> in the history of medicine there's never really been anything like this where where a causative -- i would sit down with people with their first symptoms of aid and it would always be fatal. >> it would be great if you had a she tre a prevent testiative care. >> there's a great movie. thanks for watching "ac 360 later" later. shutdown showdown hosted by jake tapper coming of after the break. break. we'll see you tomorrow night. -- captions by vitac --
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