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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  October 4, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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. all right. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you again monday, same time, same place. in the meantime, have a wonderful weekend is fall is upon us. ac 360 starts now. erin, thanks. good evening everyone. millions saw the pictures, a city felt the terror, a woman lost her life and a little girl lost her mother. in the aftermath of the washington d.c. chase we're learning who the woman behind the wheel was. miriam carry's sister talks about the miriam they knew and the mental illness she was fighting. from blizzards to a massive tropical storm to a tornado, ugly weather coming our way or here. later, the man in that picture standing between a badly beaten driver of an suv and a
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pack of angry bikers attacking him. one guy that made a difference and joins us on 360 and his story will inspire you and an undercover police officer was part of the ride that day allegedly saw the attack and did nothing to intervene. we have new reporting on that. we begin with the latest on the woman in the car in washington. her story. before authorities fired the fatal shots, before she rammed the white house barrier and raced with her baby daughter in the car to capitol hill. before all that, something motivated miriam carry to do what she did. tonight, we're learning she had been grape ling with mental illness and in a moment i'll ask her sisters about that. first i'll bring in debra ferrick. what do you know? >> it's a 300-mile trip from connecticut to washington d.c. she went and drove down there on thursday. according to her boyfriend, back in kes he called police and said
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she was suffering from postpartum depression and delusional and he said he told police she believed that president obama was monitoring her home through electronic surveillance, also that somehow he had put her city of stanford on lockdown. so all of this behavior that actually wound up getting her into a mental evaluation back in december, and papers were found relating to that evaluation, anderson. >> i talked to her sisters about that. they actually dispute some of what the boyfriend has reportedly said. you've also been talking to your sources about medications that she might have been on. what have you heard? >> yeah, this is an interesting thing is that authorities went into the apartment and did an entire search. what they found is a discharge paper from the mental health evaluation that she under went back in december, about ten months ago and in those papers, there were prescriptions for medications to treat symptoms
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for bipolar and schizophrenia and antidepressant. there was a lot going on. it's unclear. initially we were told there was medication and prescriptions at the very least and when you spoke to the family they acknowledged she was on medication. >> right, they said she had been on medication but tapering off that medication under doctor supervision and the recommendation of a doctor. that's what miriam told her sister amy and you'll hear from amy. amy cat gore rickly says and the other sister says her sister miriam was not skiz friend in this case and not bipolar but had postpartum depression and psychosis. what do you know about this envelope? you were reporting on this last night that she reportedly left behind, i guess, for her boyfriend. >> she did. there was an envelope taped to the ground by her door and written his name. initially they thought there was
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a letter inside. it was a sugary substance mixed with a corn substance. it was very bizarre and that's what stalled the speed of the investigation because they had to send a hazmat team into the apartment to make sure there was nothing that could potentially contaminate or make anyone ill inside that apartment but there was that envelope acressed to him with a substance. they continue know why. >> appreciate the reporting. this obviously goes out saying a horrible moment for miriam carry's two sisters. amy and valley carry. they spent part of the day identifying their sister's body. it's hard to imagine what that has been like and what the co coming days and weeks will bring. they want people to know about the sister and new mother that they loved. i talked to them earlier. valerie and amy, i can't imagine how tough this is and what you're going through. i'm sorry for your loss. amy, what do you want people to
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know? >> i want people to just understand that miriam, she was a young 34-year-old vibrant woman, and she had a lot of dreams and aspirations. she was fun. she was loving. she was very number touring to her daughter. she was a new mom and excited about that. she talked about teaching. her field was dental high gene. she was a wonderful person. people need to see she was more than the suspect that was driving the car. >> does any of this make sense to you, amy? >> no, it -- we're still trying to put the pieces together. it's very sudden. it still doesn't seem real. we're just waiting for the real story as to exactly what happened to come out. the investigation is still going forth and we're very interested
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to know what happened. we don't know what happened. >> amy, did you know she was in d.c.? >> i didn't know she was in d.c. i was on my way to work and the call was sudden. i was told and i think i found out the same as everyone else on the news. >> what was your initial reaction? obviously the horror of it all, but what went through your mind? >> that that could not have been my sister. i immediately went to turn on the television to see what was being reported, and i just saw the same clip over and over, the car. i did recognize her car and it just didn't seem real. i'm still in shock. i'm still trying to deal with this. it's very emotional for me. >> it probably still doesn't seam real. >> no, i don't know when it ever will seem real. >> valerie, do you have any idea why she may have driven down to d.c.? there are all sorts of reports, you know, that she had been
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having emotional problems, that authorities, according to some authorities, there were drugs for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder found in her house. does this make any sense to you? >> what i can say and will say is that my sister was not a bipol bipolar sk bipolar individual but her life shouldn't have ended there. >> do you have questions about the reaction by law enforcement? >> well, that's something that has to be looked into further. this is the reason why the family is here. we're here for answers in d.c. >> amy, there are sources saying last year police were called by your sister's boyfriend saying she was acting irrigationly or delusionally. is that something you knew about
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or were concerned about? >> i'm not going to feed into things he reported to the press. i just know that my sister did experience postpartum depression with psychosis they liablabeled which came along with treatment and counseling, which she did. she had her challenges with that. that's what she was being treated for. >> so, as far as you know, she wasn't bipolar or schizophrenic, you believe it was postpartum depression. it was postpartum depression with psychosis and she worked closely with her doctor to taper off the medication and get the counseling she needed to deal with that diagnosis. >> how was that manifested in her life? is that something you saw in her life? >> it wasn't something displayed. it was a moe men tarry break down where she had to go and have emergency care. once she understood the
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diagnosis, she knew how to move forward. she had her challenges as a gnaw parent, and i always spoke closely with her. i am a parent. i have two children. so, you know, just like anyone else she had questions and we dealt with that as a family, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. >> did she seem in recent days to be off medication or to be unstable? >> no, she didn't appear to be unstable. >> again, the reports that she told her boyfriend that she believed president obama was in someway electronically monitoring her home. did she ever talk to you about that? >> what i can say is she has never disclosed anything of that nature, and since my sister is not here to speak for herself, that statement in itself is very questionable. >> in the last time you talked with her, the last couple of times you talked with her, did you notice anything out of the ordinary? >> no, she was concerned about
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me. >> just as any sister would be? >> absolutely. >> amy, how about you? when was the last time you talked to your sister? >> your last conversation -- more through text message, my last time conversing with her was on monday and before that a few days before that. we spoke often. she would -- she lived in connecticut. i lived in brooklyn, so she frequently came down to brooklyn so that our mother can baby sit her daughter to accommodate her schedule. she did stop by often. >> and when you talked to her on monday, how did she seem to you? >> normal, regular. it was just, you know, business as usual, you know. >> do you think you will ever get the answers you're looking for about what happened in your sister's mind, in her life? >> we will never know what miriam was thinking in those last hours before she -- before
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she died. we can only speculate, and our real concern is why were things done properly? like was there some other way that she could have been helped, so that it didn't end tragically. >> we got to take a quick break. amy and valerie said miriam recently tapered off the medication she had been taking under a doctor's supervision. in a moment i'll talk to dr. drew pensky for his perspective. you can follow he me at anderson cooper. i'm tweeting tonight. just who is playing games with the government shutdown while millions pay the price? we'll tell you. keeping them honest ahead. ♪ lyrics: 'take on me...' ♪ 'take me home...' ♪ 'i'll be gone...'
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you can follow he me at anderson cooper. i'm tweeting tonight. just who is playing games with the government shutdown while millions pay the price? we'll tell you. keeping them honest ahead. ask your health care provider about levemir® flexpen today. add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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3w4r5. welcome back. before the break you heard amy carey and valerie carey talk about the sister they loved and still love and they want people to know she was a bright am wish shows woman and she had been dealing with serious mental illness. we talked about that and the treatment she was receiving in part two of the exclusive 360 interview. the care she got when she had the psychosis and the depression, how long ago was that? do you know? >> the diagnosis came a little bit after her birth of her daughter, maybe a few months after. >> and her daughter is about a year old, is that correct? >> her daughter is a year, she's one year old. i did recently ask her about the medication. i talked to her often about that, and she told me that the
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doctors told her that she didn't need the medication anymore because the plan was for her to come off of the medication within a year and they were confident that she was better. they taped her off her medication and she said she felt fine. >> do you know for a fact that the doctors recommended she get off the medication, or is that something she told you? >> no, that's what the plan was. the plan of care for a patient that has depression with psychosis is medication and treatment, and not to have long-term medication like bipolar or schizophrenic. she didn't have history of any type of psyc history so they told her one year and went with the plan. >> i can't imagine the horror of seeing this on television and witnessing this as other people did. do you, amy, have questions about those final minutes and how police responded? i mean, you said you want to
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find out what happened. what aspect in particular do you want to look into? >> we have a lot of questions, i'm sure, as a lot of viewers when you read the information you see what the media is reporting. it just doesn't add up. personally, i feel as professionals, there has to be another way instead of shooting and killing an individual. i do feel that there could have been something else that could have been done. so our goal is to figure out what happened. >> what kind of mom was she? >> she was a great mom. she was very number toturing wi daughter. she's very happy to be a mother. >> do you know how your niece is doing now? do you know what will happen with her? >> we don't. we're still trying to find out. we're not sure. we just were told that she's safe. >> valerie, is there anything else you want people to know about your sister?
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>> my sister just totally didn't deserve this, and there are going to be a lot of different stories being told from people who may claim that they know her who don't know her. my sister was a loving mother. she was a law-abiding citizen. she had no political agenda, and she did not deserve to have her life cut down at the age of 34. >> do you know if when she had episodes in the past, what they centered around or what she would talk about in those cases? >> she seemed to be overwhelmed, a lot of stress. she had a lot of events occurring in her life and she was diagnosed with depression with the psychosis. we found out about it. she dealt with that, and there was not moments of her walking around with delusions.
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that's not what was going on. >> amy and valerie, again, i'm so sorry for your loss and please, give my condolences to your mother, as well. >> thank you. >> and i wish you peace and strength in the days ahead. >> before we go any further. it bears repeating, nobody knows what happened with miriam carey. dr. drew on call, so you hear postpartum depression with psychosis, explain that. >> so postpartum depression is common. it's different than the baby blues. a woman's body is flooded with hormones, suddenly let down. they can feel depressed. a major depression that bleeds into a psychotic episodes. that's different from a pose pa -- postpartum sigh owe sis. >> it's different than postpartum depression with psychos
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psychosis. >> they are wildly psychotic. the last woman i saw with that was throwing water on people because she believed people were on fire. >> so listening to the sisters, they are informed -- >> the miriam sisters seem extremely well informed about that condition and get what she was dealing with. it has nothing to do with psychology of these people, stress in their lives, not a psychological thing, personality thing, these are lovely people whose biology is completely thrown off by the pregnancy. >> when amy says the treatment -- her sister got medication and her sister was tapering off and had tapered off over the course of a year, that makes sense? >> that makes sense because postpartum depression is within the first year window and they can come off the medications. while a lot of people make the fact she was on those medications -- >> so when reporters said they found medication for schizophrenia and bipolar, the sisters are saying she wasn't. >> they are correct. if i were treating this woman, i
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would be concerned i tapered her too fast or my anti-depressants triggered a bipolar mania. she became so psychotic over a year after a pregnancy is funny. >> it does seem clear to you based on what we know and there is stuff we don't know in the investigation going on that she likely had another psychotic episode. >> it's clear. it's focused -- it's common to be focused on authority figures, people in the media speaking to them and beaming thoughts into the head and take action and makes sense to them in the moment. >> amy had contact with her sister via text message and said nothing seemed unusual. hard to tell over text. >> hard to tell over text. people feel -- my experience with postpartum psychosis they feel bewildered. they don't tell people what they are thinking. they are bewildered by it and not connecting to reality normally and can shut off -- >> so someone having a psychotic episode can function and get from point a to point b and
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theoretically she could have driven from new york to d.c. even if she's having psychotic thoughts. >> no problem, no problem. it certainly isn't the way to manage mental health. how of the do we have to report stories of mental health being inappropriately dealt with. >> the stigma so many place on mental health issues, it's something we talk about it in the wake -- >> yes and the thing that concerns me the most is people will point and say there is something wrong with these people when in fact, this is a lovely woman whose brain -- why should we treat conditions above the neck than below the neck. the brain was misfiring on that day. the treatments are good. we have to make sure people follow through and insurance companies allow doctors to do what they need to do. >> properly medicated -- >> and she wouldn't have had trouble with this. very true. >> good to have a doctor in the
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house. ahead, another 360 exclusive. this story will make you feel good about the power of an individual making a difference. the man who faced down some of those angry bikers armed with nothing but quiet courage. he didn't have a weapon. he stood between the bikers and suv driver unconscious on the ground. also tonight, the shutdown acquisitions of game playing and possibly hints of the end game. we'll be right back. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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hey, welcome back. late word the pentagon may be close to announcing a plan to bring up to 400,000 furloughed civilian employees back to work.
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the announcement could come tomorrow. big progress, if true, after another day of deadlock. president obama on a lunch break with joe biden restating his refusing to neg kbat on it or the debt ceiling. boehner lashing out at published comments of an unnamed white house official. listen. >> this morning i get the wall street journal out and it says we don't care how long this lasts because we're winning. this isn't some damn game. the american people don't want their government shutdown and neither do i. >> neither do the 5,000 defense contractors that could be out of work if the shutdown continues or the 800,000 federal workers that are furloughed or the kids and parents who won't have access to head start programs. that said, keeping them honest, there is a lot of game playing going on and both sides talk about winning all the time. here is mitch mcconnell and ran paul in that moment wednesday night. >> i think if we keep saying we wanted to defund it, we fought
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for that but now we're willing to compromise on this, i think they can't -- i think i know we don't want to be here but we're going to win this, i think. >> the win word. for game playing, what would you call about griping for memorials to be closed when you voted to close them. >> how do you look at them and how do you deny them access? >> it's difficult. >> it should be difficult. >> it is difficult, i'm sorry, sir. >> park services should be ashamed of themselves. >> i'm not ashamed. >> you should be. >> people who aren't passing a budget. >> it doesn't cost people money to come here. >> this woman is doing her job just like me. i'm a 30-year federal veteran and i'm out of work. >> the reason you are -- >> no, because the government won't do its job and pass a budget. >> chewing out a park employee telling a person they ought to be ashamed. when we saw that we wanted to know more. for the past two days we invited that congressman from texas to
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come on the program and explain why he's lashing out at some low-paid park worker when he's still earning a paycheck and making their money. they have health insurance. we got nowhere on that, by the way, neither does the cnn producer that caught up with him. >> can you talk to us, please? this is your chance to explain your interaction with the ranger. >> tell us about the park ranger. >> funny how they love being on camera when they are chewing out a park employee but when you surprise them with a camera and ask them to explain the activities, he's doing the old i'm on the phone. the congressman stands, we'll be here next week. we're not shutdown. we welcome you on the program any time. i'll come on early and talk to you. in end to the stand off in sight. dana bash, working her sources joins us with the latest. so dana, are any negotiations
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going on anywhere? is there any movement at all? >> reporter: no, that's the short and honest answer. there is nothing going on. the only discussions that are going on are within each party's leadership walls, trying to figure out what their next move is, mostly rhetorically but in some cases, especially looking ahead to the debt ceiling inside republican house speaker john boehner's office trying to figure out how they will craft something that maybe could make democrats move off the in negotiation pledge. >> it is deathly quiet behind you, i got to say. does it look like all of this will end up getting wrapped up together with the fight over the debt ceiling? >> it does look that way. now what i'm told is that the house speaker has been having those conversations that i mentioned with some of his closest confidence and advisors in the republican caucus and trying to come up with a package not about obamacare, they moved off of that but in the economy, specifically about the debt,
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something that can take home to constituents, republicans and not just the tea party but moderates tell me they feel they need to take something home to say, you know, we addressed the problem with the debt in this country and in exchange for that, did agree to raise the debt ceiling. the speaker is making very clear in private and public he, he's going to do anything or pass anything that doesn't extract something with regard to the debt with the president and democrats. >> also today the federal government announced a part of the web portal will be taken down for a portion of the weekend to fix the glitches plaguing it. it is pretty stunning that the signature piece that was on the agenda for the obama administration is plagued by so many problems with their website. this is, i mean, first of all, this administration when they were running for office, they had a much vaunted online etch forpt they couldn't get it
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together for this signature piece of legislation. what is the reaction on capitol hill? >> reporter: i want was a nanf n nanosecond before they jumped on it. they said it's an unmitigated disaster and system-wide failure much more than glitches and asking how can administration require people to pay taxes, meaning penalties for not purchasing something on a website that doesn't work. again, obviously, making the point that they were right, that this should be delayed until things get worked out, kinks get worked out. there is no question they feel vindicated inside the republican party and you know what? you said it, the fact they are taking this entire system down gives them material. >> the flip side, of course, people have months and months to sign up. >> that's true. >> not like they are being taxed next week. but still, it is -- i mean, i don't know, i assume somebody is getting yelled at from -- who set this whole thing up. dana, appreciate it, thanks.
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>> i want to bring in candy and on the phone senior political analyst david gergen. we saw speaker boehner there getting mad and saying this unnamed white house official talked about naming and we saw ran paul talk to mitch o'connell off mic and talk about they think they will win and the messages is right on. i mean, is this game playing? is that what is going on here? >> it's messaging. i mean, call it what you want. the amount of work being done in washington to get something settled is inversely proportion to the number of news conference ps a s and times people appear on camera. we had nothing but that this week which means nothing is happening behind the scenes. this is about jockeying for position while they try sort of internally to figure out in the democratic and republican side what it is they will or won't
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do. publicly they have been stuck on the same position for a couple of weeks at this point, and i think it's pretty clear it will kind of, this whole conversation, is going to flow into the debt ceiling and i don't think they will have some big old package that comes as a compromise and, you know, a super ke superdeal because they tried that before but i think dana is perfectly right at some point republicans feel the need if you're going to raise that debt ceiling, which is already at $17 trillion, republicans feel they need to have some cuts, something to take home with them. >> david, how do you see it? are you surprised the lack of negotiations, the lack of movement? >> i am. the news is americans are starting to demand negotiations on both sides. the new poll out tonight has 60% of democrats -- and 60% of republicans saying the house
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republicans ought to compromise. that's the good news. the bad news is in washington. they are game playing, there is a childish game of pin the tail on the donkey. everybody knows that everybody in washington is getting hurt, who gets hurt the worst. >> so what does -- i mean, did candy davis talk about compromise. what does a compromise look like exactly? >> i don't know because i don't think they know. it's really hard as a reporter to figure this out because the principles are still trying to figure this out. in the meantime, sticking with their positions and they -- the president has said for i don't know how long, i'm not going to negotiate on a debt ceiling. this is money we've already spent. you have an obligation to do this. i'm not going to do it. on the other hand, i think it's going to be difficult as david points out, with public pressure but also administration's responsibility, the debt celling is to say here are the following 13 things that will happen that are horrific if we do not raise
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the debt ceiling and it's going to be difficult going down the line to argue the horrific things will happen if the debt ceiling is raised but we refuse to negotiate. so i think the pressure is going to be on all of them and everybody sticks to to sipgss. >> do you see where the perimeters would be? is the give on each side? >> i think there could be a negotiation, anderson. i think we won't get there until next week. i think the public preps sussur anger will rise and financial markets will get rattled and that will put pressure on. i think if the republicans would promise president obama we will not -- we will give you a clean debt resolution, we will not try to dismantle healthcare in exchange we want a short opening of the government, a short continuing resolution for a safe four weeks and then enter serious negotiations about
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entitlement and tax reform, i think that has some promise to it. i do think there is going to be some turn of negotiation before this is over, but it's got to be done within the context of the president not breaking his vow he would not negotiation over the debt ceiling but have a four-week period of six-week period before the shutdown again. >> david, candy, appreciate it, thanks. up next, breaking news, an off-duty undercover new york city police officer was one of the bikers present between the confrontation. also, the good samaritasamarita risked him to himself stopping angry bikers from attacking the suv driver even more. also, breaking news in nebraska, tornados touching down causing extensive damage. the latest on that. the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice?
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welcome back. some breaking news, we just learned new information about the motorcycle may ham here in new york. an undercover new york city police officer was a biker on the ride that allegedly witnessed the confrontation, a biker smashing in the side of the driver's window. the officer was off duty, a member of the club. a source telling susan he did not stop and tell his superiors he was there until wednesday. it's unclear if he violated
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police department policy by wait s ing so long to report it. meanwhile, police are questioning this man seen opening the door of the suv before it takes off on the highway running over someone. they say he is not under arrest and police tell us they have now identified the biker who used his helmet to spark the window of the range rover and are preparing to arrest him and after the window was shattered, the driver was pulled out of the suv, thrown to the ground and beaten and slashed in the face. that was not caught on video but as that violence was unfolding, a neighborhood man walking by saw it, knew he had to do something. so he stepped into the street to protect the driver until police arrived. he joins us exclusively tonight. sergio, i understand you were on your way to church when you saw what was going down. what did you actually see at first? >> i saw a friend of mine. as we approach the corner, right there, i saw the usv.
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>> the suv. >> the suv, i'm sorry, approaching and i saw the driver was in pretty bad shape. >> one of the tires was actually. >> gone. >> it was gone. >> it was gone, yes. and explain to him, listen, maybe his family, they looking for a place to fix the tire and there was motorcycles coming from all over the place and stopping the motorcycle and throwing it on the floor and rushing in to break the window of the suv. >> did you actually see -- because in the video we see one motorcyclist take his helmet off and use to the break open the driver side window. did you actually see that? >> yes, when he stopped, he took his helmet and started hitting the window of the passenger car.
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also, there was another guy hilting the other window and there was another one hitting the back of the usv. i didn't know what was going on, and when i started seeing this, then i saw another one approaching the other door. he opened the door -- i mean, he started breaking the glass. he finally opened the door, and he grabbed the lady in front of the usv -- suv and he grabbed her by her arms and he was pulling her out of the car. >> so there was a motorcyclist actually pulling the wife out -- >> yes, she started screaming and then we saw the baby. that's when we started seeing the baby inside the car with her, you know, and everybody start screaming no, no, not the lady, not with the baby, please don't do that. i scream, too. so in that moment, i saw a man
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getting knocked out in the floor and they started hitting him with the helmet right on the floor. >> they were using their helmets to hit the driver. >> yes, yes, real hard. there was a lot of blood all over the place. >> was it one person using a helmet or -- >> a couple of them, yes. they were big, too. yeah, real big, big guys. and that's when like i started thinking i got to do something because nobody is doing nothing, and they are going to kill this family and basically, this doesn't -- it doesn't sound good to me, i mean, like, i got to do something. so i basically didn't think about it. i just went inside there, i scream not the lady and he somehow heard us saying those things. he stopped. so when he stopped, i approached
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the man because i saw him almost dead on the floor. so what i did is i confronted these people and i stood between them and the man lying on the floor and i say to them, that's it. let her go. let it go, man. that's it. it's done. you know, don't continue doing it. you going to kill the man. >> so you were actually standing between one of the people hitting the guy with the -- with his helmet and the man on the floor, the driver. >> yeah. >> you stood between them. >> between them, yeah, there was many. >> were the motorcyclist saying anything back to you. >> yeah, one of them scream and say with the helmet on top of him and he say, no, because -- because i told him please stop, don't -- let it go. and then one of them , a short guy he say no because he ran one of us. so i understood what he was saying. i didn't know what happened before, you know, before anything else. >> he said the driver ran over
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one of the motorcyclist. >> yeah, that's what i heard him saying, but when i -- i kept -- you know, i didn't want to talk to him, engage in any -- whatever situation that happened before so i kept saying the same thing, you know, i stood my ground and i look at them in they eyes and they look at me. so basically, there was a little tense moment of maybe couple of seconds looking at each other and they somehow got -- i don't know how they -- they stopped. somehow they stopped. >> was the driver of the suv who was on the floor, was he conscious, was he saying anything? >> no, no, he wasn't saying anything. he was just lying there bleeding. that's the moment when i turn around and went like this, protecting the family and i said to myself, i'm not going to move from here until they go, you know. so that's -- that's how they somehow took a picture there. >> in new york, often times you see something happening, you just walk away.
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>> yes. >> you twactually move -- >> my family, i have ten kids. when i saw the lady with that baby, that's when it hit me, and i say i have to do something. even if i take a chance here, even if they hit me or whatever they do, i'm going to have to do something. now in my mind, i try not to confront them. you know, i have the idea of like letting them know that i'm not there to confront them but to protect the family, to stop it, you know, to avoid somebody getting killed. so that's what i did. so i kept my hands so they could know -- >> you're armed -- >> so you see my folder there, so i kept it in my hand, so to let them know that i'm not ready to engage in any, you know, whatever situation there, any fight. >> you obviously you didn't see what happened earlier, but given what you saw in that moment of
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the motorcyclists, do you have any doubt that what they did was wrong in that moment? >> yes, definitely. i mean, like -- >> you're sure it was the right -- what they did was wrong? >> yes, it was wrong. i mean, like, it was like hell in there. >> as a resident of the city, thank you for what you did and i want to get your number because if i'm ever in trouble, i want you -- i want to know where you are in the city and i'm going to come to you. >> basically, i want to say this type of situation, we have to end. >> thank you for what you did. >> thank you. >> an honor to meet you. >> okay. very good. >> his name is sergio and he's a well-known resident in washington heights and everybody should thank him because what he did was just something too few people do in a big city like this sometimes. coming up, the woman accused of pushing her husband after a
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cliff eight days after her wedding enters a plea and more breaking news, tornados in nebraska and tropical storm heading for the gulf coast. we'll get the latest from chad myers. in the nation, we know how you feel about your car.
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breaking news tonight on a huge weather system impacting the quite. tornados are touching down in iowa after hitting nebraska and it's causing blizzard and winter storm warnings in wyoming, colorado. a lot to talk about with chad myers live in the weather
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center. what is the latest we know about the tornados first of all? >> still on the ground. iowa on the ground, cherokee, iowa take cover right now. a large violent confirmed tornado on the ground headed to your town. this started in nebraska. here in wayne, nebraska a couple tornados and not too far from jefferson and iowa and then this storm fizzled out around hin ton. another big storm through sloan iowa, at least missed it by a mile of two and then up here toward cherokee and that's the storm we're worried about now with the confirmed tornado still on the ground. we think of severe weather season as spring because warm air pushes cold air. now, fall is cold air pushing away warm air. it's still the clash, the warm and cold. it's snowing in the black hills. it's snowing feet of snow in the black hills, wyoming 24, 46 inches of snow and wind blowing at 40 miles per hour with this storm. so yes, it's a big weather
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setup. there is warm weather here, severe weather here and tornados on the front. south dakota parts of nebraska. it even snowed in boulder, colorado that had the flooding a couple weeks ago. >> crazy. what about tropical storm karen. where is it now? >> it's stationary and i don't like it what storms get stationary. they can die but spend more time in the water. so it's stopped for now. it's going to turn to the north and eventually on toward the northeast probably toward florida. here is the rub. that's what happens if you see this get stopped and not really make progress. it can sit there, spend more time and get bigger. we're expecting this storm to get up toward new orleans and turn to the right like that. there it goes and probably run over pensacola. we have a lot to watch for you. the problem with this is not storm surge or wind for that matter but if you get a 50 mile per hour wind, anderson, this entire area is soggy.
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completely soggy. it rained more here than ever before, 50 mile per hour wind and the trees will go whap. millions of trees down. >> appreciate the update. pamela brown has the 360 bull ton. >> anderson, an eyewitness says a man set himself on fire at washington's national mall today. the witness says he saw a gas canister near the man and several people used shirts to put out the fire. the man was airlifted to a hospital. the woman accused of pushing her newlywed a husband off a cliff pleaded not guilty today. jordan lynn gram is charged with first and second-degree murder in making false statements. gram and cody johnson were married just over a week. alex rodriguez is suing major league baseball and commissioner bud sellick for damages saying they were trying to destroy his reputation and career. they want to prove a-rod was using performance enhancing
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drugs. he's fighting to overturn his suspension. anderson. >> thanks very much. we'll be right back. across america people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer,
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