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tv   Your Money  CNN  October 6, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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hello again. a look at our top stories this hour. two top secret military raids in the dark of night. one tcaptured a terrorist and te other didn't go as planned. no work was done to end the impasse but both sides work hard to blame each other. one of those bikers is now
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facing charges. we begin this afternoon with new details of those two raids in africa of u.s. special forces. 3,000 mile as part. u.s. forces snatched al libi on his way to prayers. he is wanted for the twin bombings of u.s. embassies back in 1998. seal team six the same unit that killed bin laden stormed a safe house. the mission didn't go quite as planned. we will have details on that in a moment.
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cnn has a interview with the wife of a capture d militant. there were many of them i can't contirm b confirm but what i saw were libyans. just before dawn, seal team six stormed a hide out of top al qaeda commanders. a fire fight broke out and u.s. forces withdrew. local residents say the compound
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belongs to al-shabaab. one person was killed but they have not revealed the identity. what more can you tell us about this? >> we just returned from a home a short while ago and we spoke to his wife who said she witnessed the raids. she said she saw him off. she said she was exceptipecting return. she saw a number of vehicles blocking the roads and she said that what she saw as you mentioned earlier were men that
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looked like libyans. she heard some libyan dialect being spoken. she said she didn't realize who they were and what had happened. she said she thought this might have been an abduction and then they heard the news and that is how they knew that her husband had been captured. what can you tell us about how long ago she claims that he may have been involved. >> she had been married to him since 1991, she has been with him around the world and this is during the time that she admits that he was a member of al qaeda and a close associate of bin
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laden. and said sha he was a personal guard to him during a certain time. she said he left the organization in 1996. since then, he has had no contact with al qaeda members. he returns in 2011 to join the revoluti revolution. and has not been involved inter roar in, terror activity he all the allegations are fabrications she says and that he was trying to clear his name and trying to reach out to the u.s. to try and clear his name she says but we did hear from western intelligence officials and were
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the first to report that she was back to establish a foot? hold for them here and in the area. >> the white house said in a statement that: jill dor ti is at the white house for us. with this statement the white house is answering to its critics about national security. benghazi, critics have said why a year later after benghazi is
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there nobody in custody. it comes at a time when the u.s. has looked somewhat distracted from it's mission and this is a national security mission that was carried out in pretty spectacular for a you carried out. the president had to cancel this trip to a thea. the u.s. will never stop going after ter rirrorists who carry acts like this. they can run but cannot hide. we had a statement who is the national security spokes person here. they were the uses years of mon and planning. >> is the white house saying
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anything about the timing? >> they didn't. you can be watching and then the moment of opportunity comes up and then you have to take it. but they did say that the president's involvement did give his go ahead. he was kept up-to-date of what was going on. >> now to those new charges in the case of a biker group that swarmed an suv driver. one has been arraigned on assault charges. police say he stomped the driver's head and body after he got out of the suv. mark gret, we now know one bike
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er is still on the lose. the judge said they can't raeea him. the judge sent him back and said at to point if your lawyer is not here, we will have to arraign your lawyer. the police are saying that he could be charged with several charges. he is the one that we saw using this helmet to try to smash open the window of that suv. >> and then we see the video, everyone is familiar with the
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video now. there was a biker seen come slowing down and that is when the suv bumped into it. the other video and apparently that biker you see here slowing down is telling his side of the story what is that? >> that is christopher cruz. there is no way that this client was riding a 500 pound bike in front of a 3.5 ton vehicle on a highway. he is distancing himself from the publicers and when he was hit they say that he was standing aside waiting for police to come and got injured when that suv triver then pulled
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away. >> thank you for keping us updated. >> let's talk about some wild weather in parts of the country. is. weather he veevents are tak place. right around kentucky we are still picking up a round of thunderstorms. you can see two inches possible. look at the pictures coming out of louisville. devastating flooding here. you could see another couple of inches before the day is down.
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looks like the ohio river valley has been a problem. we take you to the blizzard. very dramatic pictures coming up. and snow fall totals in feet. exception ali high for this time of year. 41 inches of snow fall there. other totals 47 inches. they are saying a number of people still without power. but the news is it is going to be gradually moderating. they had seen wind gusts as well as 70 miles-an-hour. temperatures are warming up into the 6. >> that is milder. it will be but that will help quite a bit.
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>> thank you so much. house speaker john boehner dug his heels in pretty deep today. he said the house will not pass a clean spending bill. he called for a conversation withlet president and democrats. he said there may be a backroom somewhere but no one is in it. aaron mcpipe joining us. we know the democrats say negotiations and obama care should not be tied to the extending plan. he only wants one thing for the spend i spending plan. >> i'm working with my members and decided to do this in a unified way. i have 233 republicans in the
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house. you have never seen a more dedicated group of people who are concerned about the future of our soucountry. they believe obama care is threatening the future for our kids and grand kids. >> he says that house republicans want to stand and fight but the defending measures have and won't pass the senate. he wants to have a conversation and that is what he was saying all mourninrning. >> the american people expect in washington when we have a crisis like this, that the leaders will sitd down and have a conversation. it begins with a conversation. it is time for us to sit down and have a conversation. that is what the american people expect. >> so it simply looks like this
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is the beginning. he said if i new, i would tell you. >> thank you so much. >> we are following the developments on that u.s. raid. why the shut down could make the u.s. vulnerable to the u.s. cyber attacks. i was made to work.
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so a member of al shabaab may be dead and a big player in al qaeda may be under lock and key. but what does this mean?
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let's bring in our panel. good to see both of you, rorke also an author on this book. two big raids this weekend. tell us more on the person connected to al qaeda apprehended in tripoli this weekend. what kind of role might he have played? his wife saying he hasn't been involved in years? >> that may be true. he was involved in the u.s. embassy in the 93, 94 time period. disappeared from there before 9/11. during that period he was under some sort of house arrest and along with other members of al qaeda they were not all activity. so it is quite conceivable that his role is more historical than
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current. how might this have impacted al qaeda in anyway? >> they are capable of conducting operations. this is 15 years later. and i think that speaks for itself. and so rorke, what defines a navy s.e.a.l. operation? why is it that navy s.e.a.l.s may be involved in either one or both of these missions? they are our top operators in the country. when you launch a daring raid into enemy battle space in a place that we don't have a significant footprint. there are arsenals that are positioned to do that.
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>> would these navy s.e.a.l.s operate independently or would they be working with other u.s. military special forces or other special forces in country. >> i think there will be small nimble creative teams that are executing missions across a broad spectrum of geography. the independence of the unit will be on the intel folks. that is the real story that it took to identify and put a location to this target and that is when the operators can go in and do that job. >> we are talking about two different operations. al libi was captured there in
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libya. it is believed to be connected to the u.s. libya attacks. and then you have a safe house raided. it being connected to that sh shopping mall in senekenya week ago. what do you think the objective may have been? >> or if the navy s.e.a.l.s left empty-handed? >> the leader of al shabaab delivered a speech in which he took full credit and explained the mall was targeted because of
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kenyan operations. richard phillips rescue also assume that kind of raid in the same town took a leader of al qaeda in africa four years ago. is it likely that they would try to make another return and is it that mission down and there has to be another route that intelligence takes to crack that case? >> that becomes the work that is involved behind the mission
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sense. these are living packages that are constantly moving and adapting. when that happens that is the rare opportunity to do it. having a mission success and failure is difficult. a team went in and was able to disrupt this enemy. if the target was a killer captured mission they got out and safely disrupted our enemies. >> sure, same sentiment as chad williams who said you know what, if it appears as if those navy s.e.a.l.s were not killed or
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injured, the mission was successful. >> dbiggerdeadline is approachig over the government's credit limit. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do.
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selsun blue itchy dry scalp.
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republican senator ted cruz says raising the country's borrowing limit should be tied to obama care. on october 17th, the government could default on loans to pay for things it has already racked up. on the state of the union today he was standing firm on the issue. >> the death ceiling
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historically has been among the best leverage that congress has to reign in the executives. >> so yes? >> yes. >> my point is there is great historical precedence. since 1958 we have raised the debt ceiling 25 times. many of the changes came through the debt ceiling. the president's demand came through the credit card. >> the government has attended to explain what the president's health care law is and how it works. despit the changes to health care, most of us who don't have insurance won't see any changes.
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but this is about the $48 millionion who aren't insured. 7 million are expected to do so by the end of the year. how do we imagine these marketplaces. think about a store where you can buy these insurance plans? >> if you buy this you are going to have a lower monthly prevyum. at the other end of the spectrum, you will spend less up front, but won't pay more at the doctor's office. it will be different in each state. but this will be the same no matter where you live.
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there should be no higher premiums if you get sick. and you should have no fees for preventive care if you have t t tests under the new plan. that is why the government is going to help out. if you make $46,000 a year as an individual, or $94,000 a year as a family of four or less the government is going to give you a rainfall. but you are going to have to get involved. even if you live in one of the states that says they want nothing to do with it. that just means that your state government will not help organize it. but you will have to do
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welcome back. here are five top stories. first up, those two daring raids in africa. al libi's wife told cnn that she saw libyans not americans capture her husband. he is wanted for his role in the twin bombi inings back in 1995. and the group is behind the deadly mall massacre in kenya.
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one of its fighters was killed in the raid. >> one of the bikers accused of that beating last sunday has been arraigned on assault charges. they say that sims and six others used their helmets to turn themselves in. regali president obama says the house could reopen if the congress will allow it. tea party republicans say they are linking spending to changes to the health care law. zoo worker is recovering after
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being mauled by a tiger. officials say she both a rule by sticking her hand through a hole in the cage. despite multiple security checkpoints, a 9-year-old boy was able to sneak onto a flight from detroit to las vegas. delta is investigating tinciden. and we'll have more on those significant raids in libya and somalia. that is next. (dad) just feather it out. that's right.
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the united states top diplomate says that two u.s. raids are significant. >> we hope that this makes clear, that the united states of america will h never stop in it's effort to hold those accountable and those members of al qaeda and other terrorists organizations l s literally run you can't hide. >> one of the raids with a top al qaeda operative. >> how sis can't is this
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capture? well, it's significant on two fronts. one that the united states is finally catching this raids and kenya. it means that they have been surprosecuti surpsu pursuing him. what is interesting was that this man was living openly in an upscale neighborhood of tripoli for over a year. this is the first military operation by the united states in libya since the down fall of the khadafi regime since 2011.
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the u.s. may be taking a more diplomatic approach. since the fall of the regime to the extent that it operates has really been unable to extend it's authority throughout the country. even though they were told this was in coordination with the authorities, we have a statement from the prime men ster sin ter that they want ver tication of the killings. >> al libi, you said he was
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living in an upscale neighborhood. does that mean or snepeak to th he was no longer affiliated with al kind or a lot of people didn't know it? >> he was no longer an activie member of al side. you always have your connections and the fact that he was living out in the open speaks more for the fact to crack down. you have heavy armed militias and they control the treats of triply and other libyan cities
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and the government doesn't have the power to round up potential terror suspects. >> thank you. straight ahead, she has been stealing the headlines eversince that performance on the vma's. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. make my mark i wawith pride.ork. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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miley cyrus trying to win fans back after her twerking e fiasco. victor blackwell has the rewind. >> live from new york, it is
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st saturday night. >> love her or hate her. >> ladies and gentlemen, miley cyrus. >> she took the stage again. this time taking aim at herself. >> in case anyone is concerned you should no there will be no twerking tonight. i used to think it was cool but now that white people are doing it, i stopped doing it. >> there we are. ♪ getting so shut done ♪ republican party, doing what ever we want ♪ ♪ >> this is the latest public appearance from cyrus as the star continues to get attention
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from where ever she goes. ♪ >> anyone that performs, that is what you are looking for. and most recently her ward of words. let herself "be prostituted" by the music industry. o connor made her own headlines in is the 92 when she did this. >> fight the real enemy. >> i don't want my daughter acting like that. but at the same time, she's an adilt. she's got to make her own choices. >> hopefully, she can fix her image. but that's up to her. she height as well do it now since everyone is talking about her! no matter the outcome, her fans said they cannot wrat to see what she's going to do next. >> thank you guys, so much.
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thank you, everybody. it's been awesome. >> coming up next, could the government shutdown be a threat to national security? why some analysts are worried about a cyber attack. ♪ [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up
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one of the consequences of the government shutdown is reduced cyber security staff across federal agencies. the c.i.a. and other targets may have fewer eyes on the computer
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networks. that means more as a rulierb rulierbleties. >> the government may be shut down for you and me, but for cyber attackers, it is even more open for business. adversaries from foreign terror groups to the former head of the c.i.a. are almost certain to be taking advantage of this. what is it that would be helped? what gives us a higher probability of success? >> many cyber teams are relying on sell ton skeleton groups. and a successful attack now could do damage even after full staffs return to work. what may happen is that first incident might be missed
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allowing the compromise to go deeper into an organization to get at more critical assets or data. those networks are not being updated to resist new kind of siebler attack. the shutdown comes as cyber attacks are coming from transz forming from spying to destr destroying them. it's a serious concern. >> it's very concerning to me that we would allow any part of our national security structure what's coming at us from every someday. we asked a cyber security firm if the number of attacks had increased. the answer we got is steling. we're told they don't have the staff to koint. right now, that he're fouz gszed
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kj defebding fens attacks. >> joining us live from washington, ms. clark, the former inspected tor general at the department of homeland security. good to see you. >> good to see you. so the defense secretary just athounszing that he's recalling 400,000 civilians to return to work next week. >> how has this government shutdown put if nation at a risk? >> it serply has done that. you know, terrorists w567 cnn and other cable net works. they read our newspapers. they know that we are distracted bill these bujtsd crises. weakness is provok fif.
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>> how concerned are you about that? >> i am concerned. there are people working very, very hard despite these difficulties to protect us. they're doing everything possible, but only one mistake on the part of our national security am ra tus could result in terrorists are added to 24/7. so we need to get this budget cry sisz resolved. tsa screeners who are working, cbp secret service is working. they're working without pay now. for now, they're not going paid.
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>> morale is already low. so this is no time to have a "b" team on the national security field. >> and you mentioned po ten shlt terrorists are watching, paying attention, they're watching this network and any other news o outlet to learn the state of affairs. what do you suppose the message is that's being said on this world's plat tomorrow. >> the message is that we're distracted. there's a tendency on the part of americans to compartmental ie or this is just a political matter. >> i think it's


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