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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  October 10, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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thanks so much for watching. tomorrow, we are working on something we're very excited to share with you. a man had an infection, goes into the hospital, and doctors for a month know respirator and don't allow him to breathe but he's alive right now, and he's doing okay. that story is tomorrow night out front. front. right now, a krrks 36 0 -- captions by vitac -- earring thank -- erin thanks. they are talking and still talking, the question is what are they saying behind closed doors? negotiations ended today at the white house with republicans slipping out saying nothing, avoiding cameras and no appearance by president obama. the talks began with the possible republican offer for a six-week extension of the debt ceiling but no end to the shutdown. wall street loved it, the dow jumping more than 300 points, conservative lawmakers signalled they would accept it. driving republicans toward a deal perhaps public opinion
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turning against the gop, a new nbc wall street journal poll showing the damage, 31% blamed the president, 53% blamed republicans, that's a 22-point margin. republicans went to the white house under pressure to cut a deal and apparently came against a president trying to drive a hard bargain and still bargaining. dana bash, jim acosta joining us. dana at the capitol, what do we know the first real by part zin talks after one meeting things do sound relatively positive, right? >> certainly more positive than they have been in sometime. our understanding is that it was a pretty tense and intention meeting, at least at the beginning but at the end of the hour and a half, they seem to understand each other and the need to work together and they are doing so all night. listen to what republican congressman meet sessions who i just spoke with moments ago said in describing the meeting. >> tonight two groups of people
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who probably have not worked very well with each other in the past and it showed and that's how i would char actor rise dlashs. by the time we got to where we needed to get, i think both sides agreed that the needs of the american people were more important. >> the heart of what they are working on now and staff is here and probably will be late into the night, anderson, is what the president demanded in this meeting, which is not just to talk about raising the debt ceiling but talk about opening the government, reopening the government and how the two sides can get there, so what they are discussing, again, here what they are working on is the conditions that both sides might agree to to reopen the government. that's the issue we're told that the president forced this this meeting. >> so the president doesn't want just the debt ceiling dealt with and shutdown continues, he wants
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it both done. >> that's exactly right. and, you know, at the beginning of the meeting it sounds like that was something the republicans were resisting but by the end as one lawmaker told me, it took awhile to get there but we got there. obviously, the details they are trying to figure out what the sweet spot is to sell this to both democrats and republicans, the idea of reopening the government and both sides said everything is on the table, whether that means obama care, which is what started this whole showdown and shut down, we'll see what happens. >> the fact they didn't run out and talk to cameras after the meeting thanks seems to be a good sign, frankly. i want to bring in jim acosta. what are you learning more about this meeting, jim? >> well, as dana and you said, the president did go into this meeting with the intent, according to white house officials, to not only talk about the short-term increase but reopening the government. so it's not a surprise the president was trying to strike a pretty hard line during that
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meeting on that subject, but what we are hearing from white house officials is that yes, there were no deals made but that the talks continue and will continue tonight between the white house and house republicans and surprise, surprise, anderson, joe biden instrumental in the past and averting a lot of fiscal cliffs and crisis and abiases in the past is still here at the white house and that's probably a good sign, as well. one thing we do want to point out, anderson, i talked to a white house official that noted that they still want to know what john boehner can do with his caucus. house speaker john boehner has to go to his caucus, sell it and come back and in the words of this one white house official i spoke to, they view that process as fairly mysterious. so they are cautiously optimistic but not out of the woor wood s yet. >> congressman, thanks so much for talking to us, we'll bring in john king in just a moment,
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but you told dana bash the white house meeting was very productive. you said quote took awhile to get there but we had a good conversation. what did you mean by that? >> it was a very useful discussion, and the first time we sat down in a frank and open way with 18 republican leaders from the house with the president, the vice president and secretary of treasury, secretary lew to talk about a path forward here, and it was a good dialogue. a dialogue about the debt ceiling and making sure that the full faith and credit of the united states of america is sound so we put a temporary extension on the debt ceiling. we talked also, i must say, about the budget and how we move forward, and covering big issues that are important to us. we had obviously chairman camp to talk about tax reform, we had -- we also had paul ryan there, congressman ryan to talk about budget issues. so we want to talk about entitlement reform, tax reform, things to jump start the
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government. that was on the table along with making sure we end the shutdown of this government, and get america back to work. >> is it still a position of house republicans that the affordable care act has to be -- that that has to be on the negotiating table as well to end the shutdown? >> you know, we haven't taken anything on or off the table and pra frankly, the president talked about the affordable care act and leaving that on the table. what was good and protective and useful about this is discussions are beginning immediately in a -- with a sense of urgency, i think and principle and both chains have gone back to talk to respective teams and are working through the night, through the weekend until we get the job done and make sure that this government opens, make sure that our debt ceiling is extended on a temporary basis while we negotiate the bigger issues americans care greatly and deeply about having to deal with debt and such. >> the president also said he's
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willing to talk about the affordable care act down the road but not with gun to end the shut down he would be willing and i mean, the government to do something on the affordable care act or is he talking about it being something down the road? >> well, we talked about ratcheting down the rhetoric and how important discussions about guns to head or anarchy's need to be brought down on all sides of this discussion. that's important for the american people. this isn't right. it's about doing jobs and getting back to work and getting america back to work. i would say negotiating-wise, there is nothing on or off the table and working through the night, again, useful conversation and one that was entered into, i would say,
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honestly, anderson in good faith by all, the white house and house republicans. >> i want to bring in national correspondent john king because i know he has questions for you, as well. >> we first met when you were chair wm of the missouri republican party and a successful chairwoman. if you look at the "wall street journal" 21% favorable opinion of the tea party. both of those are all-time lows. put on your chairwoman hat there are current state chairs that think shutting down the government a fight they know you know you can't win defunding obama care was not only counterproductive but foolish, do you agree? >> we needed to have this discussion -- >> but to shut down the government to have that discussion? >> well, we're not looking at polls, i have to tell you, john. this is not about polls but governance and coming together to get things down and house republicans don't want to shut down the government. we're sending funding mechanisms to the senate day after day
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after day and probably by the end of the week funded about half of the continuing resolution. so this is important work we're doing. now it seems to be dying at the feet of harry reid at the moment in the senate but we continue to fund the government and will continue to do the work -- >> but congresswoman, the president did win reelection, obama care was litigated in that election. let me ask it this way, for children watching tonight, maybe high school students or elementary school students looking in civics books to figure why does it work this way, 35 members of congress and 35 to 40 members of the house, five to six members of the senate in the republican party, why should fewer than 10% of the congress get to essentially stop the works? >> they are not stopping the works. we're listening to constituents and doing the work that is important for us back home. we care a great deal what happens in the future and not shutting down the government and making sure the $17 trillion in debt is dealt with and we do big
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picture things and issues and that's a lot of what the discussion was tonight. talking about how we move into entitlement reform, tax reform, growth mechanisms. you know, what i think about my district in st. louis, missouri, i think about that single mother of two trying to make it to the 15th and 30th of the month and the business owner worried about health care and worried kpt changes aren't working or the costs are going up. i worry about the elderly couple that looks at the debt and wonders if the american dream will be there for their grandchildren. this is what's on their mind. i thought, again, very useful and productive conversation. this isn't about polls, this about governing and getting things done. >> congresswoman, you said the small group of house republicans didn't stop down the works but the government was shut down. people have been furloughed,
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800,000 people aren't getting a paycheck so in that sense it has stopped the works. >> you know, i would say frankly the democrats and the senate have been a major portion of the government shutdown but at the end of the day, this isn't about assigning blame. this is -- this is about us doing our jobs on behalf of the american people and coming together to govern and that's certainly why i'm here. i'm a new freshman. i've been here eight or nine months and the dysfunction is wrong, and it's not solution based. it not moving things forward but tonight i must say we're pleased the president would sit down finally with us and talk in a useful and constructive and good faith fashion. >> congresswoman wagner appreciate you, john king, stay with us. we'll continue the conversation after the break. let me know what you think on twitter @andersoncooper. one of the few voices of reason in this, the senate's chaplain, we'll ask him about the tough talk he's been dishing out every morning to 100
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squabbling lawmakers and why he's doing it. >> the thought of that delay in death benefits would add weight to what in my opinion is already unspeakable grief, was just more than i could take. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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welcome back, breaking news in talks and early meeting ending with no deal with a debt
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ceiling breach and no polling by a 60-35 margin and they would vote out the entire congress if they could. gloria boringer and former u.s. comptroller david walker, he's what you call a deficit hawk. he's ceo of the come back initiative. developments on a potential deal tonight. what do you make of this? do you see the house republicans going along with the idea of separating or working on both the debt ceiling as well as the shutdown? >> a great majority and ed essentially the leadership, anderson, are saying we'll reopen the government and we'll drop defunding obama care and we'll get something of the debt ceiling, get negotiations on tax reform, we'll get negotiations on entitlement and hopes the senate will make changes to obama care. remember, a lot of conservative democrats up for election next year and maybe they will take away the tax on medical devices but they won't repeal or defund it. they realize they are paying a
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political price. >> gloria, you say they are giving in but trying to find a fig leaf. what do you mean? >> yeah, i think from the positive talk from the congresswoman before, how it was a great meeting with the president and we'll negotiate. they are looking at the polls and saying this has been a complete unmitigated disaster for them. in the same poll that you just referenced. 70% of the american public said republicans have put their own political interest above the national interest. this is really difficult. you look at that poll. who is to blame for this? republicans and congress, 53%. so they are really suffering under this. what they are looking, as john says, is an exit ramp and i say fig leaf and it's the same thing. they originally just wanted to do half of this. they said all right. we'll keep our fight on obama care but raise the debt ceiling because that's really difficult and then the democrats and senate and republicans in the senate said to house republic s republicans, you can't do that
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and i think they have decided they actually can't after they have looked at these polls. >> gloria you're so scenical. you heard the congresswoman saying they don't look at polls and you know politicians don't look at polls. >> they never look at polls but i tell you what, if i looked at these polls, i would be panicked. >> david, it seems obama care is not part of these discussions. the congresswoman said nothing is on or off the table, but what do you make of it? >> well, i can it's not on the table right now. i think frankly what the president ought to think about doing with regard to the affordable care act is that he ought to use executive powers to not enforce the penalties associated with the individual mandate for a year. he's basically done the same thing on the employer's side. frankly, you can't reach an agreement unless you're talking. this is the first time they talkedface-to-face. that's a positive thing. people are spending too much time pointing fingers and not
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enough time how you solve the problem. i tell you what i think a bridge strategy is. you extend -- you have a cr, you have a short-term debt ceiling delay. i would say at least eight weeks because we do have holidays coming up. you agree that there is going to be subtive discussions to reduce spending at least equal to the increase in the debt ceiling, put tax ex ppenditures and you agree you're going to discuss a goal on debt to gdp we'll work to over time. those i think would be subtive. those would be attractive to both sides. that would be meaningful progress, and that's what we need. >> so, john, what happens with house republicans, those 20 or 30 or so who basically ran on defaund defunding the affordable care act and raising money and sending newsletters about it, if that's off the table. >> it's time to get real.
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>> it's time to get real. >> it's a great question for those members, anderson, but most of the those members were never going to vote to raise the debt ceiling. they said that. most of them will probably vote no, anyway. the question is how many? can speaker painer convince some of them? to be with them and and that will be the key test when you get there but that is the conversation tonight and the president said i'll have those conversations with you. the policy victories. the question is how high of a political price can they get and they won't get to the conversations unless they agree to open the government and drop the idea to attach something to change obama care to open the government? >> this is really in a way up to the speaker now. he's given the members of the hell no caucus all the rope they need and they probably hung themselves but i think there is a feeling among other republicans that they don't want the entire party to be dragged down because of this political
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strategy that didn't work, that these people were promising something that they knew at the very beginning they could never deliver. so i think right now, the speaker and his leadership are trying to decide what can we do, should we have a vote where we don't get a majority of republicans with us or how can we convince a majority to come with us and allow those people to go their own way if that's what -- if that's what they need to do and they are intent on doing. it's a leadership moment, again, for the speaker of the house. >> david, i know we keep hearing the october 17th date from the treasury department when we would default on the debt by congress, you say that's miss leading. the real date is essentially halloween, trick or treat. >> the october 17th date was an estimate and moved a little bit. what i'm saying is is that if you don't do something about the debt ceiling, that's important. if you don't do something about that, you could be in a situation where social security
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benefits and other social insurance benefits don't go out on time on november 1. that's unacceptable politically. the only reason we got social security reform in 1983 is because the benefits wouldn't go out on time. we're in a different situation today than we were there but the political unacceptability of that is still the same. >> on day ten, the end of day ten for folks that want a deal, this is the closest we've been in ten days, right? >> it's progress, we can agree on that. >> good news, i'll have a drink on that tonight. in case you're still looking for a lonely voice of reason, i give you a lonely voice of reason. >> have mercy upon us, oh, god and save us from the madness. deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable.
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remove the burdens of those who are the collateral damage of this government shutdown transforming negatives into positives as you work for the good of those who love you. >> that is senate chaplain berry black over the course of the shutdown he turned the morning prayer into a quiet provocation prodding the conscience of each and every member. for him it's not a question of democrat or republican. i spoke to him today. dr. black, the debt pen fdeath benefits not being paid you said it's time for lawmakers to say enough is enough and you actually initially wrote a different prayer. what made you change it? >> well, i am a retired navy chaplain. i spent 27 years in the united states navy and serving in the
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united states marine corpse as well. i have on scores of occasions had to go to the next of kin to inform some mother, some wife that their loved one had been killed in action. i know the incomprehensible grief that can ensue after that kind of notification. so the thought that a delay in death benefits would add weight to what, in my opinion, is already unspeakable grief, was just more than i could take, and so it was basically a passionate plea. it was not attempting to scold anyone. it was certainly not attempting to be hash, but it was attempting to give a wakeup call and to say enough is enough. >> last week, you said and i
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quote deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable. why do you think it been such a challenge for lawmakers to be reasonable over the course of the last few weeks? >> well, i think sometimes you play the political game of dualing talking points, and you mouth rhetoric that you really haven't internalized and many times you'll say things that are intended to sound reasonable but the affect is not there in you. >> i interview people all the time that are trying to stick to talking points and i sometimes wonder, do you really believe what you are saying? do some of these people really believe the words they are saying, or is this just something that's poll tested or, you know, good for reelection? do you -- does that frustrate you? >> there is a bible verse
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jeremiah 17:9 that says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked what could know it and i know the personal civil war that goes on inside of me. so i'm very simple threatympathn nature. i think the lawmakers are doing the best they can but there is the element of game in politics so many times. i think sometimes the stakes are to high to play the game. >> is it hard for you to sort of look at this without choosing sides? >> it not that difficult at all when you know these people, when you have been serving them for more than a decade to appreciate the patriotism and the passion for faith that so many of them have on both sides of the isle. >> dr. barry black, appreciate you being on.
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thank you. >> for the story go you can answer me on twitter at anderson cooper. does anybody believe when a politician says they don't look at polls? i would like the hear from you. signing up for obama care is one big mess and health care dot glove and supporters say so. we asked the white house how this could happen, why is it so messed up? the biker that shotted video hasn't been charged in the attack and his family, i'll talk to his lawyer coming up. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online
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more to breaking news, talks continue tonight between the white house and house republicans on the table raising the debt ceiling and reopening the government. it started when republicans tried to defund obama and health opened for business. a patient would be calling for first aid and stat. if you try to log on chances are you experienced slow connections speeds and error messages that prevent you from enrolling. outside analyst said poorly writ codes and out of date operations are the problem. more than a million people visited the site but administration isn't releasing enrollment numbers until november. that leaves the rest of us in the dark leaving us wondering how obama care, the affordable care act is doing. brian it's incomprehensible to me the rollout of this legislation has been such an incredible mess. you tried to get answers from
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the president's point man on the issue. was he able to give you any? >> he gave us some answers, anderson, but danced around other questions. he said they acknowledged there are problems and said this is not acceptable, people getting booted off et cetera and have people working 24/7 to fix the problems so i followed one this. many argued you had many months to boot it up and perfect it, so why so many problems? >> we went through a testing problem, create a punch list, fix those things and the president said from the beginning, with a site like this there would be glitches but let's understand why there was the ininitial problem. we had 250,000 concur rent users at one time. i mean, just for prospeerspecti has 5 million visitors and this had 8.6 million unique visitors. >> they acknowledged they were not quite ready for that demand
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especially in that three-day period, anderson. >> first of all, any rollout like this you're supposed to anticipate for the highest volume of visitors possible and it clearly goes beyond just unique visitors. i know you spoke with people that said this is a sloppy setup and i spoke to someone that said kind of the front end, the actual website stuff that people see and the back end, there were multiple contracting companies involved and seems like they weren't communicating or coordinating. >> it seems that way, anderson and we talked to experts that they help corporations design major websites. he says this was sloop pi, inefficient, he says it doesn't work at the most basic levels so i asked, basically, who signed off on this. if you don't want to tell me who signed off, can you tell me if that person had any experience
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designing a web applications or managing one or any experience at all? >> brian, there is a team that worked on this night and day, put together a website called health and in three days, 8.6 million people went through. identifying problems, working through those problems, are going to fix the problems. >> the other thing that they can't give you a figure how many people have actually now signed up, i don't buy. i don't believe that, you know, and what they are promoting is we had all these unique visitors, but actually signingc and can't give numbers, i don't buy they don't have the numbers. what do they recommend for people trying to sign up for days. >> they say if you're frustrated, keep going back and call the help center. i tried to log in today, i couldn't. you can see a help center number. you've got six months to sign up. they hit home this that message.
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it's frustrating now, they acknowledge that but you got six months to sign up for this so keep going back. >> appreciate it. >> i don't get why they say they can't release numbers. it doesn't make sense. what was going through the mind of the biker that shot the video of the confrontation of the other biker and the suv. nsa leaker edward snowden receives an award for what he did. former cia analyst tells us what snowden's life is like in russia tonight. when you're merging onto u.s. cover your ears... [ horns honk ] want a truck that helps keep the outside out. [ horns honk ] chevy silverado delivers a quiet cabin that's second to nobody in its class. and by nobody, i mean ram and ford. put silverado to the test at the silverado vs. all event. [ male announcer ] just announced, trade up to the all-new silverado all star for this introductory offer of $3,250 total value. see your local chevy dealer today.
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welcome back. the seventh motorcyclist accused in the beating of an suv driver appeared in court today. james pleaded not guilty. he was released after posting $200,000 bond. six bikeers are facing felonies and one is an undercover police detective off duty riding that day with fell bikers. prosecutors say he is caught paris painting in the attack. one biker not been charged and likely won't according to his attorney is kevin, the man that shot this video with the helmet cam with the go pro. andrew vasirri is his attorney. >> why did you client start to videotape? >> from speaking to my client he
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believes he saw a water bottle come out of the sunroof or the top of the range rover. >> so he thinks he saw somebody in the range ger, the suv throw a water bottle? >> correct. >> so the six minutes that this tape lasts for the and vehicle drives off and ultimately the vehicle turns off on to a city street, all that time your client is believing this is a hit-and-run driver trying to get away? >> yes, he believes i saw an initial hit-and-run. i watched another motorcycle rider literally be sucked under the suv as it pulled off from a spot and his intention was the police are called, someone just got run over by a car. they are going to get there. i'll hand them my camera and they can sort it out. >> some call this motorcycle group a gang, enthusiasts. does he know the other motorcyclist he's riding with? >> he did not know, still
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doesn't know them, any of the other motorcyclist seen in the video. >> when everything comes to a spot, the driver has turned off the highway, he's surrounded, the tape suddenly ends. the go pro is shut off. does your client shut it off? how does it stop recording? >> i know how improvable it sounds but the battery stopped. it stopped working. it has a limited life. >> there are some people that believe he turned it off so as not to have evidence of a beating that, you know, to not get involved in something. >> i can state with 100% certainty that is not what happened. it's unfortunate that the battery died. luckily, there are other video accounts of what happened after his tape stopped. >> so what did he do then? did he wait for police?
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>> he froze, panicked and then eventually everything was broken up, it settled down, it happened very quickly. this isn't something that happened over a 15 to 20-minute period. this was 20 seconds, 30 seconds. >> the actual final -- >> the actual final -- correct. the actual final altercation might have lasted 30 seconds and he doesn't know where he is. he sees someone, they are going and everyone sort of disbursed. >> one natural question is why didn't he call police? >> panicked way in over his head. >> the police have been to his house. >> yes. >> have they taken his computer or things like that? >> they took his computer equipment, external towers, every electronic device that can store something. >> is he cooperating with police? >> absolutely. >> and there is no indication he'll be charged. >> he is not charged with anything and i do not anticipate him being charged with any crime with anything that happened on
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that day. >> your client is not talking publicly, is there a reason for that? >> he's already been characterized throughout long island, the city, the nation that he's this thug and gang member. he's not. >> so you're concern as his attorney is you put him out for interviews, his face is associated with this and people -- >> correct. >> no matter what people think, it just makes it worse? >> no one looks at -- everyone has an opinion after looking at this video. the majority of the people i run into, the bikers are animals, i would have run them over, i would have shot them. that's a horrible statement about our society. don't judge people just at a first glance. >> mark geragos, our criminal defense attorney has been on the program and arguing repeatedly, look, you have so many different people, everybody saw this from a different vantage point, has a different thing in their mind and you can't make it as if this
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group of motorcyclist was acting all of one mind. it's not like they were in communication with each other and plotting this, this is just a number of people, dozens of people reacting in different ways. >> i'm encouraging people the police have mountains of evidence. let them complete a thorough investigation. let the district attorney bring the appropriate charges based on the evidence. don't rush to judgment until all the facts are in. that's my entire problem with the way people are dealing with this. they are very quick to jump to conclusions. they don't know the people that were on the ride. some people are probably bad. there are other people that are very good. just because you're a motorcycle rider doesn't make you a criminal. >> andrew, thank you very much. >> thank you. up next, breaking news that may surprise some u.s. intelligence community and anger some. edward snowden is honored for leaking american secrets and
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more surprising, the award was given by retired cia officers. one that spent the evening with edward snowden in russia. we'll find out what his life is like now. hanna anderson talks about being kidnapped by a friend and how he wanted her to play russian roulette. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. [ male announcer ] no success is overnight. ♪ it's about working harder... ♪ and smarter. ♪ it's the culmination of a million decisions... it's where you see yourself going...
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breaking news tonight, we're hearing from someone who met very recently with edward snowden. to some the contractor is a trader, fugitive from the united states held up in russia charged by u.s. officials for espionage. to some he's a hero, courageous whistle blower and been honored at a sermon knceremony in mosco. just spent the evening with ed snowden and i talked to him on the phone. how is ed snowden doing? >> he's doing quite well. we were seeing he's not only physical well but his moral seems to be uncommonly high for someone in that circumstance.
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>> he really hasn't been seen pub welco publicly at all. does he seem nervous? is he looking over his shoulder, or does he seem comfortable? >> the most remarkable thing, he's a fellow, young fellow that made peace with the situation. he has the notion he did the right thing. when you come right down to it, he didn't intend to end up in russia, that's clear, but if you're looking for a safe place away from drone strikes and seal six teams, i couldn't conceive of a safer place for him to be than in russia. >> you spent a number of hours with him. i understand you had dinner with him. did he express any concerns for safety at all? >> none at all. you know, he -- he said at the outset that he would be bold but right now he seems to be in a secure place and attended to by his hosts, the russian
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government and looks like he has a reasonably good life. >> does he have minders, people with him? security personnel? does he speak russian? how blended in is he? >> good question. he is learning russian, and he's a quick read. i know russian and i got a little chance to see how far he's come. sure, he's closely protected because there is a premium on finding out exactly where he is. >> did he give an indication of what is next for him? >> well, what is next for him is learning russia -- russian and trying to assimilate into that culture. he, of course, still loves america. he very much wants to be accepted back, but he realized that it may be awhile. but he takes complete heart from is that his worst fear has been
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aswaged. his worst fear, the worst thing that could happen, i do this, risk my life, liberty and future and nothing happens. >> and finally, ray, did you get the sense he has much freedom of movement? is he able to walk down the street? is he able to go out without security or go out just on his own? did you get any sense of that? >> he didn't sexplicitly but he has security with him. there are places you can go and people you can see in various ways. he did not complain of being himmed in or sitting alone at the computer every day. and he looked remarkably well. i was afraid he wouldn't, he looks remarkably fit. >> appreciate your time. thank you, ray. >> most welcome. well, there is a lot more happening tonight. susan hendrix has the 360 bulletin. 16-year-old hanna anderson
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is talking more about the horrific ordeal she went through. she's the california teen kidnapped in august by a family friend james dimaggio and taken to idaho after he killed her mother and brother. on nbc's today show hanna described what happened when dimaggio told her at his house he was abdugting her. >> when we got into the house after he told me the plan, he made me play russian roulette with him sitting on the couch. >> with a real gun? >> yeah, and when it was my turn, i started crying and like was freaking out. >> hanna was rescued in idaho by fbi agent who shot and killed dimaggio. ohio officials say two prison guards watching ariel castro did not perform rounds and may have falsified logs. it's believed he hanged himself but investigators say it's possible he died of auto erotic
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asphyxiation. the father of baby veronica is giving up his legal battle for custody. he fought to regain custody under the indian child welfare act. last month she was returned to the parents that adopted her as a baby, as you know, you've been following this story. up next, the top ten heroes of 2013 and how you can help pick the cnn hero of the year.
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big day here at cnn, we announced the top ten heroes of 2013, ten everyday people changing the world in extraordinary ways. each person will automatically receive a $50,000 grant to help them continue their work and each has a shot of being named cnn hero of the world and that person will win an addict l $250,000. online voting is underway. you can vote once a day every day. whoever is named cnn hero of the year will get an additional $250,000. tonight we want to introduce you to the ten contenders. dale beatty lost his legs in iraq and is helping provide homes to disabled veterans. dr. laura stachel helps deliver babies safely and daniel gletow
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helps make wishes come true and kakenya helped open a school for children in her volume lidge and tawanda provides for one of the nation's poorest cities and chad is removing garbage from waterways across the u.s., stella pyfrom poured her savings to help low income children and adults. richard nares is helping low income children get to treatments. dr. george bwelle traveled into jungles every weekend bringing free surgery to nose in need and robin em monos provides fresh produce to under serviced residents in her community. >> in december we'll honor the top ten heroes you met and announce the cnn hero of the world. it area december 1st at 8:00 p.m. eastern. get busy and vote and cast


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