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tv   Early Start  CNN  October 11, 2013 4:00am-6:00am EDT

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hotel. in fact she's at my hotel right now. i called her the other day. >> taught you how to twerk? >> i don't know if i could do it like her. look you're talking about asking her between the president and boehner, asking about miley so she's doing something right. i think she's getting great attention. i happen to like her. >> donald trump it's always good to talk to you. >> thank you very much. thank you, piers.
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it's friday, october 11th. it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. after a standoff now in its 11th day there are signs of crucial progress. overnight on capitol hill, they have reportedly been working at a minimum they are not finger pointing that is a huge development. this after republican leaders emerged from a 90-minute meeting with president obama at the white house and called the meeting useful. useful might not sound like much to regular human beings but in washington these days, honestly
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i think those words are close to epic. on the table is a possible temporarily deal to raise the debt ceiling to avoid what most consider economic disaster. ending the partial shutdown is another matter completely, but there are signs there might be some movement on that this morning as well. senior white house correspondent brianna keilar has the latest. >> reporter: an encouraging sign after house republicans met with president obama at the white house. >> i would characterize this as probably the most constructive. >> reporter: and pledge to keep the talks going. >> we will have more discussion. we will come back to have more discussion. >> on the table a compromise that would increase the debt ceiling for six weeks. the white house said the president looks forward to making continued progress with members on both sides of the aisle but the government shutdown is still up in the air. president obama and congressional democrats insist the government reopen as part of a deal.
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republicans want concessions from the president to make that happen. >> it was pretty clear earlier today they want to negotiate for you -- >> not going to happen. >> reporter: even as they were meeting, more signs the republican strategy is hurting them in the public's eye. in a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll, 53% of americans now blame republicans for the shutdown. 31% plamg tblaming the presiden. both numbers at an all-time low. and governors in states where national park closures are hurting tourism are starting to get fed up. >> come on down to southern utah. the parks are open. >> reporter: utah brokered a deal with the department of the interior to fully fund park service personnel and reopen its parks. colorado, south dakota and arizona may follow suit. on wall street. the dow soared to its biggest
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one-day gain for the year. hungry for good news. a six-week debt ceiling deal would take us to november 22nd just as holiday shopping season gets under way. >> the president said the other day that if they were to send them a clean debt ceiling extension, no partisan strings attached, he would sign it. >> our thanks to briana. one consequence of the shutdown that had many people angry is resolved. the president signed a bill for the pentagon to pay. a promise of government reimbursement to once the shutdown ends. that will remain in effect until the pentagon is able to once again get its program up and running. >> one sign that a lot of people like this deal wall street was very happy with the news that both republicans and democrats are talking and potentially close to a possible deal on
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averting at least the default. stock index shot up more than 2%. the dow climbed 323 points. the nasdaq was up nearly 83 points and the s&p up 36. >> that does not mean the markets are not still nervous. j.p. morgan chase is the latest to pull out of short-term bonds worrying the company do default. the company sold off all of its government debt that might come due in late october or early november. fidelity investments have sold off its holdings in short term. the report by the committee to protect journalists says that president obama has fallen well short of his promise of government transparency. it found sources in government official are increasingly afraid to talk to the president and antipress measures are the most aggressive since the nixon
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administration. americans are slowly getting on board with obama care. cnn has reached out to officials in washington, d.c. and the 14 states that operate their own insurance marketplaces. and their numbers show more than 122,000 people have created accounts and over 75,000 have made their selection and they have signed up. the federal government is not releasing figures for the other 36 states. to egypt now. it has now been a hundred days since president mohammed morsi was ousted from power and violence only increasing ever since. ben wedeman joins us on the phone. we understand in the city there they are gearing up what could be very large protests today. >> reporter: yes, that is the fear there could be big protests. for instance, last sunday, there were large protests where more than 50 people were killed.
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for instance armored personnel carriers and stationed on bridges leading to -- the government has made it clear, having zero tolerance policy toward these demonstrations, but step back and look at the situation is, indeed, very difficult since the military overdrew the rule of president mohammed morsi. more than a thousand people have been killed in violence. more than 2,000 members of the muslim brotherhood have been impriveni imprisoned. there doesn't seem to be an olive branch extended by the government here and the muslim brotherhood. quite an impasse and most of the political action is really just street action and street violence. >> we mentioned in the toss to you that the u.s. has cut off some aid to the egypt military and a lot of criticism in the military from lack of john
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mccain and others had not cut off the aid earlier. i'm wondering what is the action on the ground in egypt today? >> reporter: we heard from the egyptian foreign ministry saying an ill-advised decision given the fact the egyptian army is currently in a low level fight against what they call terrorism in the sinai peninsula. four soldiers killed and five wounded when a car bomb went off in the sinai and the egyptian government is saying this is the worst possible time to cut off aid when they are fighting terrorism. there really is a sense of anger at the united states which predate that decision. many egyptians angry because the united states is perceived to have been supportive of the government of mohammed morsi and on a personal note, i first
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lived in egypt back in 1980 when served the relations in a honeymoon phase. at this point it's gone downhill. i've never seen such a high level of anti-americanism in egypt ever. >> fascinating with that perspective, ben, 33 years later. ben wedeman, in cairo, thanks so much. a government warning about edward snowden. apparently slipped through the cracks years before he leaked thousands of classified documents. in 2009 when he worked at the cia that geneva, a supervisor wrote he thought snowden was trying to break into classified files and it apparently went unnoticed. four years later when working as an nsa contractor that snowden relieved the information about the usa programs. >> snowden's father is in russia
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hoping to meet with his son. he has not been seen in public since. snowden is wanted in the u.s. on espionage charges. his father is not sure whether his son is ever returning to this country. let's get a look at our weather. >> we are a nor hs easter working its way up the coast for the end of the workweek and that will bring in the clouds and the rain in new york city and d.c. and philadelphia as well. houston is going to be low clouds that could slow you down if you're heading in or out of international or houston hobby airport. it is going to be a wet kind of gray end to the workweek and start to the weekend across the northeast and we will see coastal rain. this nor'easter is lingering off the coastline and bring in unsettled conditions there. plenty of sunshine across the southeast in through the central plain states but we have a series of systems working their way through the intermountain west that will bring rain and
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snow and cold conditions continuing here across much of the rockies in through the wasatch. ahead of that front, some showers across. texas just want to keep those umbrellas handy in you're out and about in the austin area. the pacific northwest it is still cool and damp. i mean, these temperatures are on the coolish side across much of t of the pacific northwest on friday. pretty nice across southern california and upper 60s there. cool for them. across the southeast incredible temperatures. 79 in atlanta and perfect conditions. 83 in memphis. should make it up to 87 in dallas and houston and hot and sticky there and cool and gray and damp in the northeast. i hope you guys have your sweaters handy. back to you. >> actually, i thought it was kind of warm this morning when i walked out. maybe i'm a little crazy. >> other things going on there, i'm sure. >> apparently. i don't know what you mean by that! coming up, angry and
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ignored. three rabbis accused of kidnapping and torture for the price. who paid the holy men to get them help from hit men. that's coming up next. ñn
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welcome back. a georgia teenager found dead in a high school gym, police insist
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this was an accident despite an independent autopsy concluding that it was murder. and as victor blackwell tells us, all of the family wants is the truth about what happened. ♪ happy birthday to you >> reporter: on the day kendrick johnson would have turned 18 his family is still seeking answers in his death. >> i walk into his room and i kiss his picture and say, happy birthday, kendrick. >> reporter: in january, kendrick found dead in the center of a gym roll mat at the high school. they noticed bruising on kendrick's right side jaw. lowndes county sheriff was on the scene. >> the only one that fit the physical and forensic evidence we received was this an accident. >> reporter: they believed kendrick climbed on mice matter and slipped his shoulders into
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the center of the mat to reach for a shoe that got stuck upside down. >> accident. we just didn't believe. you could tell he was beaten. >> reporter: now the family is asking the school board to row lease any surveillance video from that day to see if any clues could be found there. >> we believe that these videotapes would clearly answer many of the questions surfaced over these many months. >> reporter: in june, the johnson's exhumed kendrick's body and hired a doctor to conduct an autopsy and he checked that bruised right side jaw. >> we saw there was intet blunt force trauma to that area. >> reporter: he took blows to the neck? >> he took at least one county to the neck. >> reporter: the investigators stand behind their investigation. >> we found an area on the wall that appeared to be blood and twested it and it was blood and we did dna testing and it was not the blood of johnson. >> reporter: did you find out who it was? >> as of now, we have not. but it doesn't appear to be
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related to our crime in any way. >> reporter: now the johnson's have new questions when kendrick's body was removed from the gym. >> when we got the body, the organs, the heart, liver, et cetera were not with the body. >> reporter: a spokeswoman for state says after its autopsy the organs were placed in johnson's body and relieved to the funeral home. what was in place of the organs? >> newspaper. >> reporter: the owner of harrington funeral home which the johnson's hired to prepare johnson's body for burial said he never received the organs. he said they were destroyed through a natura process and were discarded before the body was sent back to valdosta. another tragedy for a family forced to find a new way to celebrate a birthday. >> only we can celebrate his
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birthday and pushing and trying to get justice for kendrick. >> our thanks to victor for his continued fantastic reporting on that story. a strange new twist in the case of acastro who was found hanged in his jail cell last month. a new report on his death from the ohio department of corrections gives indications it may have been the result of autoerotic asphyxiation. the core ooner disputes that. new revelations in the aurora movie shooting case. a detective testified there were internet searches on james holmes reporter for the words ration national insanity. the detective found web searches
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related to weapons and firearms and ammunition and movie theaters. he is accused of killing 12 people and injuring 70 people and has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. two football players will face court-martial while assaulting a midshipman. both are also charged with making false statements. all charges against a third ex-player were dismissed. a huge court victory for toyota. a jury in los angeles ruling in favor of the auto giant rejecting claims that a camry involved in a fatal accident in 2009 were defective. the case was brought by the family of uno who claim the 66-year-old california woman was killed because her car accelerated suddenly and slammed into a tree. after four and a half days of deliberations, the jury
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disagreed. >> really bizarre story now from suburban new york city involving jewish religious leaders. three rabbis have been arrested accused of reluctant husbands in getting divorce. they would pay the rabbis up to 100,000 to convince their husbands to divorce them in that convincing came at the hands of armed thugs who used karate and even cattle prods to get the message across. >> this is unspeakable crime any time you have individuals going against other legal lawful people who are just living their lives and violence is committed it's just something that is unspeakable and something we will try to stop. >> reporter: prosecutors claim the shakedown happening for 20 years the rabbis could face life in prison if convicted. >> this is an incredible story. a family reunion eight decades
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in the making. 80-year-old p.j. holland meeting blood relatives in his life. he lived in an orphanage. >> all of the orphans had people visit them on people's day except knee but there was no -- no relatives. that is the first time i've seen a picture of my mother. it's been a long, long time, i was wondering where are they? who are they? why? >> oh, my goodness. holland searched for decades while making a family of his own. a dna test finally led him to a first cousin who had taken the test on a whim. so now holland says he has a clear picture of who he is for the first time. what a sweet story. >> never give up.
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never give up. coming up, a blind man brutally beaten on the street in broad daylight and what witnesses did may shock you.
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>> reporter: the pictures are horrifying. a blind man seen on video being beaten on a philadelphia street. police released pictures of a suspect guyton. they say he lives near the fl intersection where the meeting took place. they say the victim was walking down the block. the camera panned away you can
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see in the next shot the suspect kicking the victim and stomping on him injuring his face and head. police say after the brutal attack, the suspect picked up a backpack and walked away. police did not indicate any possible motive for the attack. even more shocking it appears that three people walked by and witnessed it and seemingly did nothing. >> it's, you know, despicable really. >> then the guy that does it just walks away like nothing happened. it's kind of ridiculous. >> reporter: residents of the neighborhood were just as disgusted that this happened. >> this is really bad. especially people that can't defend themselves. the guy is blind. >> reporter: this is not the first case of this. in maryland a man was stabbed coming to aid and ignored by people walking by.
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in philadelphia a transit officer struggled with an evader. people not want to get engaged because they think the perpetrator is carrying a gun. being a good samaritan is riskier than it used to be. >> you want to jump in but is it the right thing to do for your own safety? >> police are hoping the release of the surveillance video and the photo of the suspect will help them find the man who did this. the victim has apparently told them he did not recognize his attacker's voice so they are searching for any information they can get from the public about this horrific and brutal crime. >> social scientists have been dealing with this dah nphenomen decades. people choose not to get involved. sometimes fear or sometimes someone else will take care of it and sometimes just apathy.
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>> i get it, you never know if somebody has a gun. there is that fear factor. they put their lives on the line for our country but the government shutdown is leaving these wounded vets shut out. that's coming up next.
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entering into a level of poverty. >> they risk their lives for this country but now disabled veterans are being pushed into poverty by the same government who promised to be there for them. >> a dangerous heat wave that may never go away. a new warning about earth's rising temperatures. >> it turned into my motivation to not let being blind beat me at all. >> blind but not beaten. a u.s. war veteran wounded in battle and showing the world that anything, anything is possible. welcome back to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. glad it's friday.
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31 minutes after the hour. dramatic new developments from keeping this country defaulting on its debt. did i call them dramatic? we can finally say something we haven't been able to say for more than a week. they are talking and they are apparently making progress, john! >> reportedly working through the night, in fact, and white house and republican and congress holding discussions over raising the debt ceiling. now it is a little bit amazing that just talking is considered progress but in d.c. terms these days it really has been a big turning point in the stalemate that has been going on now now in its 11th day. last night that president obama met at the white house with a group of some 20 top house republicans. they talked for about 0e minutes. the discussion was about a republican proposal to increase the debt ceiling for about six weeks. that would give both sides time to work on a longer term deal. they promised to keep talking ahead of the debt ceiling deadline which is next week.
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>> we had a very useful meeting and clarifying i think as to both sides of why we are. >> let's wait and see what the house does. when they send us something, we will look at it as clearly and as closely as we can. >> you're asking what about the government shutdown? that's another story altogether. the president said to be pressing republicans to end the shutdown as parted of any debt ceiling deal. right now it is unclear if both sides will come to any agreement that would restore funding and get the government fully operating again. >> what is happening overnight we believe is both sides are sitting down doing some thinking about that as well so there has been some progress there and there might be. >> there have been discussions, right? >> a senate group meeting to figure out if ways to end the shutdown immediately and house leaders thinking what it would take for them to end the shutdown immediately anything to raising the debt ceiling temporarily.
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so there is stuff going on. >> let's hope that progress leads to something tangible. >> easy to get it done before the holiday weekend. one area they greed on was military death benefits. the white house and congress moved quickly to restore the benefits to military families that were frozen out by this government shutdown. the stalemate could force millions of our wounded warriors to do without. cnn's barbara starr is following that store. >> reporter: bryan limpkey has been on edge for days. one of more than 3 million wounded veterans who are worried they won't get their next disability check because of the government shutdown. he has got a message for all politicians about what veterans are facing if the checks don't arrive. >> it means that they may go broke. they may have that extra financial stress on already stressed life. it could mean in worst case scenarios suicide spikes and
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mobility stops and we are talking about veterans who are not seeking out the mental health care they so desperately need. >> reporter: ryan knows what he is talking about. when he came home from iraq in 2008, after seven ied attacks he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. >> i had a hard time keeping my life in order so i was frustrated. that translated to anger quite a bit and that frustration pushed me to say, "i don't want to live like this." >> reporter: i went on to graduate from college determined to make it believing that the government's promise that his war time service meant his v.a. disability check would always be there but he has been unemployed five months and now that check is his only source of income. >> if the shutdown goes past october 15th, the v.a. has said they will be unable to process payments in november when most
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of my bills come due. >> reporter: what does that mean to you? what happens? >> i go broke. i go broke. it's really that simple. i enter into a level of poverty at that particular time. >> reporter: lemke and other veterans saying they have become pawn in a liberal debate. barbara starr, washington. your opinion of lawmakers really not good at all. the most telling poll is new poll that shows 6 in 10 americans say they would vote to kick out every single member of congress including their own representative. this next number what might be forcing the movement we have seen the last 24 hours. voters blame republicans in congress for the shutdown. more than the president. that there is bigger than it was at any point during the shutdown when newt gingrich in
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the '90s right there. republicans clearly suffering here. the poll was conducted wednesday night, monday through wednesday before word of the latest talks between the president and the republicans. >> people are frustrated. >> they really are. >> 36 minutes past the hour. other news now. the operator of a texas fertilizer plant where a powerful explosion in april killed 15 has been cited for dozens of serious safety violations, including unsafe handling and storage of chemicals. investigators believe that contributed to that blast that was so massive, is registered at a small earthquake. the company is facing more than a hundred thousand dollars in federal fines. in new mexico an official inquiry has now been launched a fiery hot air balloon accident. a passenger aboard remains in critical condition with severe burns. the balloon burst into planes after hitting a power line and plummeting 40 feet. this is the first accident in
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several years in the balloon festival. >> a family is demanding answers from the hospital and police who were supposed to be looking for her. lynn spaulding went missing more than two weeks ago while treated for an infection at that hospital. the san francisco sheriff's department conducted a search for her but her loved ones are asking why didn't they find her days earlier. school officials in malibu relocating students after reporting the high school is making sick and some have come down with cancer and some have had migraines and rashes and breathing problems. they say the classes will be moved to other parts of the high school campus or a nearby elementary school until environmental testing can be completed. >> reporter: the future may be
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much warmer than previously thought. new research from the university of hawaii predicts within 30 years the u.s. will see extreme heat waves and the coldest temperature higher than the temperatures we see now but a greenhouse gas emissions they say are stabilized and temperature changes could be held off another 20 years. >> not forever. but 20 years. >> doesn't sound good for me. >> dire warnings there so take heed. that is the long term but what about today? here is an early look at the weather now. >> we are a noreaster working its way up the coast for the end of the workweek and that will bring in the clouds and the rain in new york city and d.c. and philadelphia as well. houston is going to be low clouds that could slow you down if you're heading in or out of
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international or houston hobby airport. it is going to be a wet kind of gray end to the workweek and start to the weekend across the northeast and we will see coastal rain. this nor'easter is lingering off the coastline and bring in unsettled conditions there. plenty of sunshine across the southeast in through the central plain states but we have a series of systems working their way through the intermountain west that will bring rain and snow and cold conditions continuing here across much of the rockies in through the wasatch. ahead of that front, some showers across. texas just want to keep those umbrellas handy in you're out and about in the austin area. the pacific northwest it is still cool and damp. i mean, these temperatures are on the coolish side across much of the pacific northwest on friday in the 50s. pretty nice across southern california and upper 60s there. cool for them. across the southeast incredible temperatures. 79 in atlanta and perfect conditions. 83 in memphis. should make it up to 87 in dallas and houston and hot and sticky there and cool and gray and damp in the northeast. i hope you guys have your sweaters handy. back to you.
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>> we are both saying it felt warm this morning but i guess it's going to get chilly. >> downhill the rest of the day. michael malarkey is an air force staff sergeant. he is blind and lost sight in afghanistan from an ied blast but he will be running this weekend with the help of a guide dog foundation. he wants others to learn that despite their disabilities, really they can do anything. >> it turned into my motivation to not let being blind beat me at all. actually i honestly don't enjoy running, but i love finishing and that feeling is something that i've missed. >> he says he hopes to finish the half marathon in less than two hours which would not just be a great time but the whole thin is thing is a phenomenal achievement. >> unbelievable story. coming up. >> he was my person. ♪
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>> emotional and heartfelt for cast mate cory monteith when we come back.
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nice. >> i like that. >> i just don't know if 4:44 in the morning that works. time for the prime time pop. the best from cnn's prime time interviews in case you missed
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them, first up is erin burnett. she spoke with a close friend of lynn spaulding. >> she is the mother of two who was found dead in a san francisco hallway this week. weeks after she went missing. david perry says there are still really very few answers. >> we don't know yet. all we know is she came in here and was here two days and two nights september 19th and 20th. we know the hospital personnel was looking in on her every 15 minutes. and saw her at 10:15 and at 10:30, they didn't. when her boyfriend and a close friend came to visit at 11:00, they told them she was missing and a we were told a hospital search was done which meant we turned our attention outwards. the san francisco police department had been incredible in supporting us in that outward search. for two weeks we looked all over the city and hundreds of flyer were put up. >> but no one looked in the hospital?
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>> we were told they looked in the hospital. the search the police department instituted was not thorough because lynn spaulding's body was here for 19 days. >> anderson cooper spoke with barry black who had a sharp prayer before congress urging them to restoring death benefits to fallen service members and something that has now happened. >> i spent 27 years in the united states navy and serving in the united states marine corps as well. i have on scores of occasions had to go to the next of kin to inform some mother, some wife that their loved one had been killed in action. i know the incomprehensivible grief that can pursue after that notification. so for a delay in death benefits
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would add weight to what, in my opinion, is already unspeakable grief, was just more than i could take, and so it was basically a passion, a plea. it was not attempting to scold anyone. it was certainly not attempting to be harsh but it was attempting to give a wake-up call and to say, enough is enough. >> he has been brutal on congress the last few weeks, not mincing words one bit. piers morgan finally with donald trump in the hot seat. the "apprentice" star played lightning round of the top players shutdown in the operations. >> i think he is doing a good job and trying to keep it altogether. >> hire or fired? >> hire. >> barack obama? >> again, i happen to think he is trying very hard. i don't think he is a natural at putting together a coalitions and deals in this case deals,
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but i do believe he is trying very hard. i think he does want what is good for the country. he probably -- i would say let's not use hired or fired. i hope he turns out to be a great president. i've been saying this for a long time. but i do believe he is trying very hard. >> harry reid? >> i know him. i, again, think they are all working -- they have different views and different point of view different from mine in these two cases, but harry reid is a pretty tough guy. he's a pretty strong guy and he's a very worthy opponent. >> would you hire him? >> i'd hire him. i don't know if i'd hire him on the country but i'd like to have him on my side. >> reporter: obama care? obama care is a disaster. obama care, i would fire. >> well, much more diplomatic donald trump. mellowed him out last night. >> he started with john boehner because we didn't know who he was talking about. what was that?
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>> he waffled at t. he said he is trying, he is trying, is he trying, harry reid, he is trying. glee actor cory monteith is being remembered by his fellow cast members. he was a high school quarterback and "glee" club member. he died in july from a toxic mix of heroin and alcohol. it was not mentioned on the show. only that his character had died a few weeks earlier. >> everyone wants to talk about how he died too but who cares? one moment in his whole life, i care more about how he lived and anyone who what a problem with that should remember that he was my brother. >> now what? >> i don't know. something different. >> maybe something better. >> i'm just -- i don't think that that is possible. he was my person! ♪ >> the episode beginning with
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this song. "seasons of love" from the musical "rent" aever several on musical tributes to the actor. they say the entire crew had a difficult time filling this episode and they had to stop work several times because of all the intense emotions. >> tough to see. >> wow. >> great tribute, though. >> yes. coming up next, shifting gears here. the detroit tigers taking on the oakland a's for a spot in the american league championship series. could this be the big moment for "moneyball" at last? final? andy scholes has the numbers coming up next in the bleacher report. ordinary rubs don't always work on my arthritis.
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis.
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you know, it is not time. not a good time i should say to be a new york giants fan. they struggled last night against the bears. by struggle, i mean they lost! they are 0-6 for the first time
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in 37 years! >> i'm loving this, andy scholes! give us more! give us more! >> i more you're a bears fan so you'll like this. peyton manning is having a historically amazing season but his brother eli is having the complete opposite! the first two drives of the game last night, eli threw an interception. the second picked off by tim jennings and he takes it 48 yards the other way for the touchdown. eli, poor eli. he finished with three interceptions. he now has 15 this season! and the bears they had no problems. jay cutler and brandon marshall hooked up for two touchdowns in this one. bears win 27-21 and looks like the giants fans can look forward to next season. "the daily news" saying that with its cover. check it out. is says "six feet under." that pretty much says it all for the giants. they say big time players show up in big games and what we saw last night. tiger ace justin verlander.
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detroit and oakland playing decisive game five of their series. verlander no-hitter through six and struck out ten in eight scoreless innings and miguel cabrera provided the offense with two-run home run in the fourth. tigers win 3-0. they advance and take on the red sox in the alcs. the national league championship series gets under way tonight with game one between the dodgers and the cardinals. first pitch is at 8:30 eastern on tbs. the hype continues to grow around louisville quarterback teddy bridgewater. 26 nfl scouts and 20 different teams in attendance last night for his game against rutgers. they watched the cardinals quarterback throw 300 yards and two touchdowns and louisville beat rutgers 24-10. bridgewater is considered the number one quarterback prospect for next year's draft. plenty of teams right now need a quarterback so you could see him go number one. always the discussion between him and clowney. depending on whether you need a quarterback, you could see it. >> who do you have in the a lnl?
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>> i take the dodgers tonight. >> interesting. hold you to that. have a great weekend. >> you too. >> we will be right back.
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589 minutes past the hour. beyonce and jay-z can make zoraida dance. according to "vanity fair" two of the most influence couples meaning they set things up and set new trends and change the way other people do business. the magazine citing mr. and mrs. carter's amazing ability to make deals beyond the tv world and even including sporting event. you don't have to sing outloud. >> i would definitely call them a power couple. >> they do okay. "early start" continues right now. we had a very useful meeting. it was clarifying i think for both sides as to why we are.
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>> let's wait and see what the house does. when they send us something, we will look at it as clearly and as closely as we can. >> is this the dawn of a whole new day? are we within reach of a deal? democrats and republicans actually sort of kind of working together to avert that dangerous debt deadline. nobel peace prize award will be awarded and we are watching. the cia had been warned about edward snowden years before he leaked government secrets. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> john berman. >> he is hyped up! don't have any more coffee! this morning a new town and a new energy.
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you're feeling it from john berman, aren't you? it's coming out of washington also. signs of dramatic progress in averting what many economists say could have been an economic disaster. top republicans have been talking with the president about a potential deal to raise the debt ceiling for about six weeks. while they negotiate a longer term solution. here is senior white house correspondents brianna keilar with more. >> reporter: an encouraging sign after house republicans met with president obama at the white house. >> i would characterize this as probably the most constructive. >> reporter: and pledge to keep the talks going. >> we will have more discussion. we will come back to have more discussion. >> on the table, a compromise that would increase the debt ceiling for six weeks. the white house said the president looks forward to making continued progress with members on both sides of the aisle, but the government shutdown is still up in the air. president obama and congressional democrats insist the government reopen as part of a deal. republicans want concessions from the president to make that happen.
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>> republicans were pretty clear earlier today they want to negotiate for you -- >> not going to happen. >> reporter: even as they were meeting, more signs the republican strategy is hurting them in the public's eye. in a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll, 53% of americans now blame republicans for the shutdown. 31% blaming the president. only 24% have a favorable opinion of republicans. 21% have a favorable view of the tea party. both numbers at an all-time low. and governors in states where national park closures are hurting tourism are starting to get fed up. >> come on down to southern utah. the parks are open. >> reporter: utah brokered a deal with the department of the interior to fully fund park service personnel and reopen its parks. colorado, south dakota and arizona may follow suit. on wall street. the dow soared to its biggest one-day gain for the year. hungry for good news.
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be just one week before the u.s. is set to hit the debt ceiling. a six-week debt ceiling deal would take us to november 22nd just as holiday shopping season gets under way. >> the president said the other day that if they were to send them a clean debt ceiling extension, no partisan strings attached, he would sign it. >> brianna keilar, cnn, washington. we have breaking news from oslo. the nobel peace prize just being awarded. i got to say it is a big surprise to a lot of people. we go live to frederik pleitgen who is in berlin. not what a lot of people were expecting and i have to say not what a lot of people were hoping for. >> reporter: you're right. it is somewhat of a surprise. many people were expecting the 16-year-old pakistani to win the prize but it is opcw won it. it is the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons
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and not many people in the world will know about but they are are an important one because they are the complementing authority to getting rid of chemical weapons in the world. one of the things that nobel committee cited as a reason for giving them this prize is their battle for chemical weapons the past couple of decades and they have come far for getting chemical weapons in the u.s. and russia after an agreement between those two countries and both countries had vast stockpiles of a nerve agent that is deadly. the main reason why they are getting this prize right now is because of their work in syria. they were on the ground. they found traces of sarin gas in syria after that chemical attack earlier this year. we are seeing apparently syria disarming and the opcw is playing a very important and vital role in all of that. if we look at the reason why the opcw probably most got this prize on the one hand the work done in the past but also for the work currently going on
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right now and which many people hope will lead to syria giving up all of its chemical weapons and the opcw playing that very crucial role in all of that. john? >> as you said, no doubt this is in the news right now. very important. crucial, in fact, peace in the middle east in relations between the united states and russia. also a surprise to a lot of people. the young pakistani girl has been in the united states and talking to a lot of people and a lot of speculation our effort to bring education to young girls across the world would get her the award. she is still young and any reaction yet, fred, or is this still too soon? >> reporter: the reaction that i'm getting from the web and twitter, there is somewhat of a surprise. furl, the past couple of years, john, usually there is surprise at the nominees and of the winners of the nobel peace prize. last year was the european union. many here in europe were surprised at that because many
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don't believe it is a positive organization. a couple of years back, it was president obama who won the nobel peace prize. that surprised a lot of people of that and al gore won it. this year it seemed a sure fix that the young pakistani girl would win it. we do have to say this is a very, very important organization. if you look at how many countries have chemical weapons today and how many countries had chemical weapons or large stockpile of chemical weapons a decade ago they did important work. libya when gadhafi was in power, they asked him to get rid of his chemical weapons. russia has made jumps to get rid of chemical weapons. now they have this big task of soverlg syria. it is something on the one hand
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that is an acknowledgment of their work in the past but also something to spur them and keep moving along in syria and the international community to make sure syria gets rid of those weapons that has caused so much carnage in the country. >> they are in the midst of important work right now and have done important work in the past. thank you, fred. back to the news now from washington about the work toward a debt ceiling deal. there is no agreement yet to end one of the biggest injustices of the shutdown. the president has -- sorry. there is an agreement to end what has been one of the biggest -- the president is allowing the pentagon to pay death benefits to families of fallen service members. a private foundation had stepped in to provide the money with the promise of government reimbursement once the shutdown ends and that will remain in effect until the pentagon is able to get its program up and running. the news there is the government will start paying these benefits which is important.
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>> that is excellent news. wall street was happy with the news both sides are finally talking and potentially close to a deal on averting a government default. stock index shot up more than 2%. the dow climbed 323 points. the nasdaq was up nearly 83 points and the s&p up 36. some in the money game do remain nervous this morning. jp morgan chase is the latest to pull out of bonds that the company will default. the company sold off all of its government debt that might come due in late october or early november. fidelity investments have sold off its holdings in short term. christine romans is going to be here in a bit to explain what this all means. a stung report on press freedoms in the united states likens the obama administration to the historic nixon white house. the ability to protect journalists show president obama has fallen short of his promise to transparency. they say he has to control me a
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medmedi media. red flags sent up by the cia of edward snowken apparently went unnoticed until now. apparently slipped through the cracks years before he leaked thousands of classified documents. four years later he leaked all of that information about u.s. surveillance programs. >> snowden remains in russia where his father is visiting today hoping to meet with his son for the first time since he became an international fugitive. russia granted the 30-year-old terry asylum in august and he has not been seen in public since. snowden is wanted in this country for espionage charges. his father says he is not sure his son will ever return to america. we are this close to the weekend right now so let us get
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a sense of the weekend forecast. indra petersons is here. >> do you feel like you're on a weekend getting up early and going to work? rain is here. it's staying. looks like for the weekend. we know it's lingering. you can see where the storm is right now. this is going to be a slow moving system. the reason for this is we had this dome of high pressure that pretty much is blocking the system from being able to move out of the area quickly. what we need is that over the weekend. we will start to see that especially late saturday and sunday and start to see that system weaken more. either way that takes time so with that we are going to continue to get more rain. nothing so heavy but periods and periods of rain just never ending. still 1 to 3 inches pretty much in the mid-atlantic here into the northeast. that is the story on the east coast. middle of the country we are still looking at a lot of warm air and temperatures 15 to 20 degrees above normal and a threat for the system to make its way out of the rockies. remember, dakotas had a record
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breaking blizzard last week and now heavy rain so a lot of snow melt possible. >> thank you. coming up, the white house defending itself as complaints continue to come in about the obama care rollout. >> three rabbis accused of kidnapping and torture for a price. who paid the holy men to get them help from hit men? plus time for your morning rhyme. tweet us. #earlystart or #earlystart. #morningrhyme. we will read the best ones in the next half hour. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet, uh, dan here wishes somebody found him most appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron jc: ron... exactly. vo: get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first month's payment on passat or any new 2014 volkswagen.
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[ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ]
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the obama administration is defending itself mid word it was warned that the health exchange website could not handle all of the traffic. brian todd has the story. >> folks are working 24/7 to fix
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the problems. it is not acceptable which is why they are working across the clock both with hardware and with software. >> reporter: but many argued you had many months to get this booted up and to really perfect it. why then still so many problems? >> we went through a testing period and during the testing period to identify problems and create a punch list and fix those things. the president said from the beginning with a site like this, of course, there would be glitches but let's understand why there was the initial problem. we had 250,000 concurrent users at one time. i mean, just from perspective, in a given month has 5 million unique visitors. this in one day had 8.6 million visitors which speaks to the ganed. >> reporter: was there a design flaw? one independent russ reeder had his engineers analyze he says it doesn't work at the most basic levels. >> just from the highest level looking at the code on the
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website it was to be honest with you it was pretty sloppy. there were still test code in there. there was a number of times the website would have to go back and hit the serve her and come back with too much information. it was just inefficient. >> i'll let other people speak to the efficiency of coding. here is what i know. prior to october 1st, someone who was uninsured on the individual market wanted to buy insurance, usually, it was a mailed-in application with about 30 pages, seven pages of underwriting only to find out two or three weeks later whether or not you're one of the one in five people who were denied or your premiums were jacked up. >> reporter: how much did it cost to pay the contractor to set up this website? >> i'll prefer you back to [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: was it over a hundred million dollars? >> brian, just refer you to them. >> reporter: we haven't been able to get hard numbers from those agencies but according to a government accountable report issued over the summer, they paid nearly $90 million through
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march of this year and obviously paid more since then. mike rogers says with all of the personal information like your social security, tax information and other data you have to put into this health care database. >> it's a magnet for hackers he says. >> reporter: what about the perspire security? >> built to the highest security standards is what this website was built upon. so it's pretty clear that the standards that are put in place meet the highest and most exact security standards and we are comfortable with that. >> reporter: i asked him what he would say to me if i was an average user toft website and hadn't been able to logon and about to give up. he said keep going back and six-month period to sign up and it will continue to improve. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> our thanks to brian. a strange twist in the case of cleveland kidnapper ariel castro found hanged in his jail
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cell last month after raping and tore tuing three women for a decade. they say his death may be have been autoerotic asphyxiation. the coroner says that is not true and says the death shows every sign of being a suicide. three rabbis in suburban new york are facing charges. they say the three pressured reluctant husbands into getting religious divorces. the investigation finding oth i orthodoxed women would pay the rabbis to convince the husbands to divorce them and that came at the hand of armed thugs who use ka rrate and even cattle prods get the message across.
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>> this is unspeakable crime any time you have individuals going against other legal lawful people who are just living their lives and violence is committed it's just something that is unspeakable and something we will try to stop. >> prosecutors claim the shakedown happening for 20 years the rabbis could face life in prison if convicted. amazing story of recovery for you now from idaho. a 13-year-old is back home now after spending weeks in the hospital. he had contracted a dangerous flesh eating bacteria after cutting his knee while playing tag at school. doctors originally planned to amputate his leg but they thought the prognosis was so bad, they decided against it. >> it stayed normal for one day and then it just swelled up really big. >> they didn't think they were going to save him so he left the leg alone. i felt good after the second surgery. the positive things were happening right then that he -- a miracle occurred right at that point. >> wow. amazingly, the doctors were not only able to save his life but you're seeing that right there. they saved his leg.
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slade says he hopes to be back to school in a few weeks and may be back on the track team this spring. we are rooting for you! >> we sure are! coming up, some big news. they are talking, we are talking about people in washington, and the markets are rising. the debt ceiling discussions that have wall street a lot happier this morning. "money time" is next. the nobel peace prize going to a group few were expecting and not this pakistani girl fighting for women's education. this was a bit of a shocker. details coming up. you think you take off all your make-up before bed. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. can i'm bethand i'm and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink.
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welcome back to "early start." 23 minutes past the hour. it is "money time." >> and fresh fruit friday. christine romans is here with both. >> did you bring us that? >> i did not but i promise next week. i love the music in the morning. this is my only time pop culture and only get it with you guys at 5:00 a.m. in the east! it was the best day of the year for the dow. i'm calling it the kick the can rally. but now congress has to kick that can to keep the stock market going. a little more action to put the futures higher but cautious this morning. look at this monster rally yesterday. the dow biggest point gain since 2011 and s&p two points below its record high. here is a pro that watch the markets. >> for the financial markets, i
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think we can eliminate the threat of default. for the economy, however, there is still a cloud and that is that if we don't resolve some of our differences on spending, taxes, we could be right back at another crisis, another potential shutdown just before the holidays in mid december. >> have a great weekend, everybody! we still have an awful lot to work through and i think you'll see a cautious tone in stocks today. that cautious tone was backed up by jp morgan chase and the news that they sold treasury deal due early november. fidelity did a similar move earlier this week. those decisions aimed at cutting exposure should a debt ceiling disaster occur. let me be clear. that means that team running big money, big players of the market are not just going assume that washington is fixing this. trading revenue is expected to be week. analysts looking for less than
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stellar loan growth and they will be watching what is happening in the banks. also is jp morgan and jamie dimon close to this billion dollar settlement with the government some we will be looking for any news on that. i want to show you this. gallup poll shows consumer confidence its sharpest won week drop after the collapse of lehman brothers in 2008. three times as many people now say the economy is in poor shape as those who say it's doing well. with your 300 and some point rally on this friday morning, let's just remember congress still has a lot of room to mess up your nest egg so keep up the pressure, everybody. >> indeed. indeed. >> christine romans, really angry all week. there are signs of hope of a possible deal but you're right. there's a long way to go until they get something doing and even if they get something done. >> how crazy it is that really
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just talking can inspire 300-point rally? that's how bad it got. >> nuts. >> do not forget you can see christine angry all weekend. >> exasperated! >> her show, your show is on saturday is at 9:30. do not miss it. >> you're right, christine. >> thank you. >> holding him accountable. coming up, the nobel peace prize going to a group working to remove chemical weapons in syria. frederik pleitgen joins us live with the details coming up.
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nobel prize surprise. the peace prize is awarded and not going to the person many people thought it would go to. we are live. >> i go broke. >> they risk their lives for our country but now disabled veterans are being pushed into poverty by the same government who promised to be there for them. >> it turned into my motivation to not let it beat me at all. >> blind, but not beaten. not at all. the u.s. war veteran wounded in battle and showing the world that anything is possible. >> just a beautiful story. >> it's wonderful. that guy is awesome. welcome back. i'm john berman. >> i'm intls. i'm zoraida sambolin. 31 after the hour. a nobel peace prize is
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warded to a group that is cleaning up qpchemical weapons. a lot of people are shocked by this one and we will go live to frederik pleitgen who is in berl berlin. how big of a surprise was this decision? >> good morning. >> reporter: a huge surprise. many people were saying as you say that this would go to malala. she was all but sure to win this prize but in the end it was quite a low profile, i would say, organization that is seen in holland called the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons which is the implementing problem to get rid of chemical weapons around the world. they have been in the news recently for their work in syria to get rid of assad's chemical weapons there. the nobel prize committee said this is for the work done over the decades. one of the things that is important is helping the u.s. and russia get rid of their
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chemical weapons stockpiles and monitoring that. difficult to do that because they have px, a deadly nerve agent and difficult to get rid of that. they have also gotten rid of gadhafi's chemical weapons in libya and in the news now because of syria. while the gas attack, sarin attack around the outskirts of damascus. it's also something to bolster this organization moving forward because there are still a lot of chemical weapons in syria that need to be cataloged and need to be destroyed. a very surprising decision but many people will also say that this is an organization that is certainly deserving of an award like this. >> i don't think anybody would question that. they have played an important role and they continue to do so. frederik pleitgen, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate that. move on to the other big news.
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a new development. the president and house republicans, they are talking. yes, folks, they are talking. apparently making progress on a possible deal, maybe, to keep the united states from defaulting on its debt. there have been aid and staffers reportedly working through the night to maybe find some common ground there. last night president obama sitting down with 20 top house republicans at the white house. they talked for an hour and a half. and when they came out, they didn't talk to the cameras. that in and of itself is a huge deal. it means there's progress. the republicans proposing to raise the debt ceiling for six weeks. that would give both sides time to work out a longer term solution. that is the hope at least. it is not a done deal, though. and there is no word yet on how it might affect the government shutdown but it is an important development. even more important perhaps because a company by a new tone from -- less bomb throwing and more potential for reconciliation. >> we had a very useful meeting. it was clarifying, i think, for
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both sides as to where we are. >> let's wait and see what the house does. when they send us something, we will look at it as clearly and as closely as we can. >> as i said, one thing not on the table yet any agreement to reopen the government but appear to be talking about that too. the president is pressing republicans to end the shutdown as partly of any debt ceiling deal. as of right now, it's unclear how that might work out or how both sides will make that happen but we think that is what they are at least discussing on both of their sides right now. >> let's hope they can figure that out. i was reading this morning they were careful not to use the word negotiation. it was not a negotiation. >> but that is a concession by republicans to the white house not to use that word. a sign of how delicate these talks are. >> hopefully, it's a sign of progress. one area that has been resolved now the issue of death benefits for military families. we are so happy about this. the president has signed a bill restoring those payments. but the stalemate could force
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millions of our wounded warriors to actually do without. here is pentagon correspondent barbara starr. >> reporter: ryan lemke has been on edge for days. one of more than 3 million wounded veterans who are worried they won't get their next disability check because of the government shutdown. he has got a message for all politicians about what veterans are facing if the checks don't arrive. >> it means that they may go broke. they may have that extra financial stress on already emotionally stressed life. it could mean in worst case scenarios suicide spikes and emotional stability drops. we are talking about a population of veterans that are not seeking out the mental health care that they so desperate needs. >> reporter: ryan lemke knows what he is talking about. when he came home from iraq in 2008, after seven ied attacks he was diagnosed with post-traumatic brain injury and
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post-traumatic stress. >> i had a hard time keeping my life in order so i was frustrated. that translated to anger quite a bit and that frustration pushed me to say, "i don't want to live like this." >> reporter: he went on to graduate from college determined to make it, believing that the government's promise that his war time service meant his v.a. disability check would always be there, but he has been unemployed five months and now that check is his only source of income. >> if the shutdown goes past october 15th, the v.a. has said they will be unable to process payments in november when most of my bills come due. >> reporter: what does that mean to you? what happens? >> i go broke. i go broke. it's really that simple. i enter into a level of poverty at that point. >> reporter: lemke and other veterans expressing frustration
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saying they have somehow become pawn in a liberal debate. barbara starr, washington. >> our thanks to barbara. the operator of a texas fertilizer plant where a powerful explosion in april killed 15 has been cited for dozens of serious safety violations, including unsafe handling and storage of chemicals. investigators believe that played a role in the blast that was so powerful that it registered as a small earthquake. the company is facing more than a hundred thousand dollars in federal fines. in new mexico, an official inquiry has now been launched a fiery hot air balloon accident. a passenger aboard remains in critical condition with severe burns. the balloon burst into planes after snagging electrical lines and fell 40 feet to the ground. this is the first serious accident in several years in the
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balloon festival. killpatrick denied stealing from the citizens and they are trying to link his conduct to the city's bankruptcy. he was found guilty in racketeering and extortion and bribery and tax evasion. chris christie challenge is the state's decision not to put a hold on the gay marriages in that state. now the state attorney general is asking an appeals court to step in and order a delay as the governor takes the ruling to a higher court. it's almost the weekend, right? but will the weather cooperate for us? i don't know. india indra, what do you have? >> i think we have decided there will be rain. >> not all of us. >> some of us. we are talking about the same low kind of hanging out as far as where it is currently. talking about stretching from
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new york and moving out of virginia right around mountain. no it's not heavy rain. but it's kind of like that continuous rain that does not want to stop. it will continue to linger what we call a dome of high pressure that is not allowing the system to move out of the area. it will eventually start to weaken by sunday so you'll see the rain numbers back off. either way still 1 to 3 inches of rain around the mid-atlantic and stretching here into the northeast. that is going to be the story again. saturday and even just a hint through sunday. middle of the country we will watch temperatures above normal into the midwest and cool below normal in the pacific northwest and severe weather threat into the dakotas and reminding you they just had blizzard and snow in that region so on the threat for heavy rain on top of snow is never a good thing. >> thank you. >> have a great weekend. >> thank you. coming up for us next, this is an amazing, amazing story. a blind war hero running for a good cause. we will have his story next. my mantra?
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trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied,
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increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
5:43 am
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this weekend's half marathon in hartford is special for run runner. his name is michael ma larsy. he is an air force staff sergeant and he is blind and lost his sight in afghanistan for an ied blast but he is running this weekend with the help after human guide. it is in support of a guide dog foundation. what he wants is others to learn that despite their disabilities, they can do anything. >> it turned into my motivation to not let being blind beat me at all. i actually don't enjoy running but i love finishing. that feeling is something i've missed. >> love the honesty, michael. he hopes to finish the half marathon in less than two hours. we will be cheering you on, sir! >> wish you the best of luck. time for our morning rhyme. the tweets of the day starting with one from jason flores. i love this one. he says nice to wake up and see that congress is working.
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i'm so happy, i feel like predawn twerking! >> thank you jason. how about this from rob brennan in zoraida dancing to the moves. common, berman, bust a move! >> the man behind the camera is making zoraida looking fantastic. i am always a little off. >> if you bust a move, may you will be in focus. can i do a honorable mention? 4:00 a.m. brings coffee, cnn, gym, and 15 miles on my spinner. i sure hope today my morning rhyme is a winner. woman, if you spend -- stay 15 miles on that spinner, i say you deserve an honorable mention. >> twes us with your morning rhymes any time day or night. thanks for participating. >> i love this. let's take a look what is ahead on "new day." good morning!
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>> it's
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you will not believe how the prison says ariel castro may have died. your "new day" start right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> all right. tgif. >> what a great morning this is. >> friday october 11th, 6:00 in the east. kate is off but the rest of the family is here. we are ready to go. looks like we have progress. house republicans met with president obama. we have new information on how much pressure republicans are under to make a deal. brand new poll, 24% of americans have a favorable view of the republican party. statistically, that's about as low as a pole


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