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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 11, 2013 2:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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deal and do not, do not default on our debt. >> are you disappointed in the president that you have supported? >> i'm disappointed in the leadership in washington across the board. as is the entire country. >> howard schultz with poppy harlow. that's it for me. thanks for watching. "newsroom" continues right now with don lemon. good afternoon, everyone. thank you so much for joining us. i'm don lemon, in today for brooke. the government, still partially shut down. the debt ceiling still looming, and a temporary extension on paying the nation's bills has not been agreed upon. the republicans want the deal without ending the shotspot, but right now in washington, something is happening. a phrase we have not heard for 11 days now. that phrase, we're all working together now. stop the presses. congress, the people we pay to talk, actually talking to each other. imagine that. we're just minutes away from hearing from republican
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congressman paul ryan. we should tell you, why is this so important? well, the man who once ran against the president at least as mitt romney's vice presidential candidate is the man who may have actually broken the stalemate that has crippled our government. it happened at a meeting between house republicans and the president late yesterday. and not too long ago, though, a similar meeting with senate republicans, senator susan collins says the meeting was good. but inconclusive. >> president was very generous with his time. he spent about an hour and 40 minutes talking with us. i did have the opportunity to present the plan that many of us have been working on, that is a multi-element plan that would allow us to reopen the government, have a short-term extension to, say, january of next year of the debt limit. repeal or delay the medical device tax.
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introduce more flexibility for managers to deal with sequestration subject to congressional approval. and also make sure that there's income verification for the obama care insurance exchanges to prevent fraud. the president listened carefully. he said that some of the elements were issues we could work on. but he certainly did not indorse it. there were many conversations on the long-term debt problem. many members expressed concern about raising the debt limit without having a specific plan to deal with our $17 trillion national debt. it was a good exchange, but it was an inconclusive exchange. >> okay, so earlier, republican senator ted cruz greeted like a rock star at the gathering of social conservatives. i want you to listen to how he
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described this meeting at the white house. >> so this afternoon, president obama has invited the senate republicans to the white house. so after leaving here, i'm going to be going to the white house. [ cheers and applause ] i will make a request if i'm never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. i very much hope tomorrow morning i don't wake up amidst the syrian rebels. >> a man who is actually at the summit and saw his comedic role live up front in person is mark preston, cnn's senior political director. paul ryan told cnn obama is not saying yes to extend the debt ceiling and hasn't said no either. we're waiting for paul ryan to
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speak at the values summit. what can we expect? >> what we expect paul ryan to say, and it will not be in a live message. he's going to send in a video. it's going to be about five minutes. he's going to talk about the pragmatism of what the situation is right now. the fact is it's a near impossibility for republicans to get anything or everything they all want, i should say. everything they all want. the fact of the matter is you have the white house and democratic hands, the senate in democratic hands. paul ryan is going to talk about the need to cut government spending and to jump start the economy. very pragmatic approach to the situation we're in right now. he is also going to mention obama care -- >> we need to get to paul ryan now. sorry to cut you off. they're introducing paul ryan. let's listen. >> it's been slow going. but i want to make the most of this moment. we have an opportunity here to pay down our national debt and jump start our economy. you know, divided government, it's frustrating.
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but our country is worth the effort. we have to find a way to make it work. now, this president, he won't agree to everything that we need to do. a budget agreement with this president and this senate, it won't solve all of our problems, but i hope it's a start. i hope we can get a down payment on our debt. and i want to ask you for your help. you see, i, too, am a values voter. i, too, believe what makes us different, what sets us apart, is our beliefs. a rich country can be a strong country, but only a good country can be a free country. the way i see it, our job is to preserve our values in the 21st century. we need to apply our principles to the challenges of today. and that means we need to completely rethink government's role in our lives. we need to completely rethink government's role in helping the most vulnerable. we need to completely rethink government's role in health
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care. that means we can never give up on repealing and replacing obama care. so i want to ask you for your help. as we work to renew our country. we need more people like you to get involved. to revive our communities. because, trust me, the answer isn't in washington. it's in the people of this country. so i want to close by saying thank you. i'm grateful for everything that you have done. and everything you will do. and i'm honored to be among your ranks. thank you. [ applause ] >> all right, that was paul ryan in washington at the values voters summit. there's lots to talk about. we should get straight to it. let me introduce my guest, larry elder in los angeles. he's a conservative. obviously, we know larry elder. and hillary rosen is a democratic strategist and cnn political commentator and a
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liberal and a democrat, as we just said. good to see both of you. >> hey, don. >> short but sweet. short but sweet, larry. we're all hearing this nbc/wall street journal poll. it went off like a bomb within the ranks of the gop. 53% now blame the republican party for the shutdown. only 31% blame the president. >> well, don, it depends on the poll you look at. i saw a poll the other day that said you're right, the american people blame, 63% of republicans, but 57% blame the democrats, 53% blamed obama. this, for a lot of republicans, especially the tea party republicans, don and hillary, is the hill to die on. our debt is not $17 trillion. it's closer to $80 to $90 trillion, and on top of that, we're going to add another brand new 234 tientitlement program. a lot of republicans are saying, hell no, let's stop this. >> he's going on about the debt, but the mess, the shutdown was not really over the debt.
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this was about obama care. what is going on, hillary? is it like, okay, and we'll hide this? what we really hate is the president's signature health care plan. >> you kind of highlight the problem that the leadership in washington is grappling with right now, which is what are we supposed to try and negotiate to make a deal over? obviously, this started over obama care. and we heard ted cruz this morning make a speech urging his house colleagues to stand firm and not reopen the government and keep it over obama care and not raise the debt ceiling. so yet you've got paul ryan saying, you know, same party, same guys, oh, no, no, we need to be practical, go for budget cuts and deficit reduction. it doesn't really matter where it is. it's sort of generally an entitlement. you can imagine what it's like for the president of the democrats to say will you guys please decide what you want because we don't even know what you want, much less who to negotiate ate with anymore? that's kind of where we're stuck
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right now. >> don, if i were a supporter of obama care, i would be worried about the fact that 74% of small business people say because of obama care, i'm not going to hire. i'm going to delay giving people more hours. warren buffett, who was a big spoe supporter of obama care has turned against it. jimmy hoffa has written a letter saying obama care is going oo be an attack on the 40-hour work week and could be the demise of the middle class. >> larry, larry, larry -- hillary, what does that have to do with shutting the government down? you can debate all of that. and all well and good if you agree with obama care, if you don't agree with obama care, but why do you shut the government down because of that? >> there's one reason why what larry is saying is relevant, even though i think he's got his facts wrong about it. and that's this. in the same poll you talked about this morning, the new wall street journal/nbc poll, had since the republicans have taken
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it to the hill, expressed their concern to die on the hill for this one, obama care has gotten more popular. it's risen in popularity according to this carefully calculated poll over years which consistently had it as being unpopular. it's risen in popularity a full 10% since the republican jihad against it. i think in most respects, it's because people are starting to wake up, saying, wait a minute, if i already have health care, i'm cool. but if i don't have health care, i can actually get obama care. so they could keep talking about it and it will be more popular by next month. >> okay, larry, i promise you i'm going to let you respond, but i have to get a break in. on the other side of the break, and i want to talk to you about this pretty explosive suggestion as well by one speaker today. i want you to listen. >> really, i think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. >> he's saying the worst -- obama care is the worst thing to
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happen to this nation since slavery. a lot to discuss on that one. stay with us. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at
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one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. we've all taken deep breaths and we're back, with hillary rosen, democratic strategist and
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cnn political commentator from washington, and from los angeles, california, larry elder, host of the larry elder radio show on kabc. i promised you would get to rebut, if you will, what hillary said. we talked about the values voter summit taking place in washington. before you respond, i want you to listen to this from ben carcage, a physician, a well known conservative activist and said this today about obama care. >> and i have to tell you, you know, obama care is really, i think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. and it isn't -- it is slavery in a way. because it is making all of us subservient to the government. and it was never about health care. it was about control. >> okay, larry, i think a lot of people would say, i think 9/11 was pretty bad.
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i think, you know, the theater shooting in aurora, colorado, was pretty bad. i think that, you know, the pan amjet bombing was pretty bad. i mean, is obama care worse than those things? the worst thing since slivery? >> don, i spoke with dr. carson on my show yesterday. i think he was referring to legislation, not incidents. as far as legislation is concerned, this is a legislation that compelled every man, woman, and child to buy a product whether they want it or not. before the break, hillary said obama care is becoming increasingly popular. i suspect that's true because of the way the media has been maligning the republican party, the way they have been using terms such as hijacking and harry reid referring to tea partiers as anarchists. minimum wage laws are popular, but many economists believe when the laws went into effect in 1938, 500,000 young black people lost their jobs. just because something is
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popular, you have a moral obligation if you think it's wrong to stand up and say no, we're going to try to stop it. >> i'm nots going to try to defendant the democratic party, but i'm going to defend the media at least here. i think the republican party is doing a pretty good job of maligning themselves. i don't think they're helping their case at all. because the republican party -- >> don, i'm sorry. >> i'm not finished with my thought yet. the republican party are the ones who shut down the government, and specifically, the tea party faction of the republican party shut down the government. and it doesn't make sense to anyone, and i'm sure most republicans either, that you get on television and that you're upset because there are parts of the government that are shut down. veterans can't go to parks, they can't get benefits. that's what happens when you shut the government down, so you can't blame it on anyone else but yourselves. >> don -- let me finish please. bills originate in the house. there have been 18 shutdowns since 1956. 15 controls democrats who
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controlled the house. in this particular case, if harry reid put a clean bill in front of the senate and said we're going to fund all of the measures of the government except for obama care, delay obama care for a year or this that or the other, a majority of the senate would sign obto that as well. just because boehner won't send a bill to the house, republicans are stopping this. reid won't send a bill to the senate either that would pass. >> this is why it was irresponsible, and everybody knows it and the polls show that everybody knows it, simply because you have a law that is a law that is a signature program just getting started, was never going to be amended. was never going to be defunded. the republicans knew it and insisted on shutting down the government anyway. that's not -- that's not negotiations. that's just foolhardy. let's go back, i don't think we can let ben carson off the hook in saying that obama care is the worst thing since slavery. when 50% of food stamps are going to feed children and the republicans will not pass food
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stamp legislation in the house, that's the worst thing. when, you know, sexual assaults in the military are going at an astounding rate and congress is not addressing it, that's the worst thing. how dare he suggest that a law that actually goes to help 30 million people who do not have health care is the worst thing, is exactly what is wrong with, you know, ben carson and his fox contributor friends and the republican party who is so out of touch with regular people's needs, that that's why we're in had situation we're in. >> you said legislation, you spoke with him. he needs to clarify that because he did not say legislation. he said it's the worst thing, he didn't say legislation. >> don -- >> i want you to respond to this. i think hillary has a point. if you look at the polls, the polls show that most people blame republicans, and if you look at the latest gallup poll, it shows republicans are losing favor ten points from a month ago. i think it's down to 28% from
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38% approval rating. the republican brand is in trouble. and everyone is looking at the republican brand except for republicans. >> let me suggest this. the stock market is up about 300 points because they believe there's going to be some sort of resolution on the shutdown and maybe on the debt limit. let me ask you something. if in the unlikely event that president obama walked out on the rose garden, franked by harry reid and john boehner and said, we have all decided that obama care is a bad idea. people are losing hours, people are getting their hours cut under 29 hours. there was a piece in the wall street journal today by a ceo of a restaurant saying obama care was a bad idea. so we're going to start all over again. what would happen to the stock market? it would be up 500 points the next day. >> but -- >> there's no evidence of this. >> but monkeys can fly. what does that mean? >> my point is obama care is -- >> there's no evidence of this. and you ought to let the law work to see what the problem is before you make a charge like
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that. because the ceos that are complainin about it, you know, are bringing it to an idealogical perspective. and guess what, ceos may want to cut back on health care, but they have been doing that for the last ten years. the trend has been going down on coverage for employees getting health care from their bosses. that's why we need obama care. not the other way around. >> thank you. listen, obviously -- >> 74% of small business people -- 74% of small business people believe obama care is a bad idea. >> larry, that's not true. that's not true, because they wanted -- so many people wanted it. >> what is not true? >> many people wanted it to be stronger when it came to single payer. it all depends on the way you ask the question. i will give you that a lot of people -- >> i said 74% of small business people don't like obama care. >> here's the thing, the interesting thing. larry, someone who is independent, i'm telling you, the republican party needs to take a good long look in the mirror over this issue.
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and understand why you guys can't see this. you're ruining your brand. you need brand management. okay? >> because they want to die on the hill to prevent people from getting health insurance. that's what larry just said. i want to die on the hill for it. >> appreciate it. great talk. we'll continue it. >> doctors don't like obama quer. dr. carson doesn't -- >> thank you. appreciate it. coming up here on cnn, a story you may not believe. a group of rabbis accused of kidnapping husbands to force them to divorce their wives, but these plots don't stop there. that's next. [ male announcer ] this is pam. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve.
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a group of rabbis accused of running a divorce torture service. they allegedly charged a desperate orthodox jew wives 10offs thousands of dollars to force their husbands to grant them divorces. it included kidnappings, beatings, and torture with cattle prods. what is going on? how did this work? >> i known, it's bizarre. let me tell you, we're not making this story up.
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the details are real. now, here is what we know. these rabbis allegedly used tough guys, electric caddell prods, plastic bags, handcuffs and karate to persuade orthodox jewish husbands to grant divorces to these wives. yes, they were allegedly paid tens of thousands of dollars to pull this off, and yes, they're now facing kidnapping charges. but hear this. the curtain fell when the fbi raided two locations wednesday night, one in brooklyn and another one in new york, exposing what undercover fbi agents had been working on for months. one agent posed as an orthodoxed jewish wife woo wanted a divorce. according to court documents, a sa conversation with one of the rabbis went like this. quote, basically what we're going to do is kidnapping a guy for a couple hours and beating him up and torturing him and then getting him to give the get. according to jewish law, a get is a document that a husband
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musz provide his wife to obtain a divorce. and the price for getting this forced get, you might ask? it's pretty high. according to court documents, $10,000 for the rabbi to approve the kidnapping. an additional $50,000 to pay the, quote, tough guys who will do the beating and obtain the get. now, something the complaint says that these rabbis did every 12 to 18 months. >> this is just an unspeakable crime, anytime you have individuals who go against other legal, lawful people who are just living their lives, and violence is committed. >> we don't think all the defendants are equal. we believe some of the defendants might have been motivated by money. we don't believe that will end up being proven to be the case with the rabbi. >> now, this attorney also says that ten defendants pleaded not guilty to kidnapping charges. if convicted, they face a maximum sentence of life in prison and they're held without
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bond pending a bail hearing next week. don, the details -- you would never think these things are happening in this day and age. >> why is this such a big deal in the orthodoxed jewish community? >> it is, and one of the rabbis' attorneys tells us this is a huge problem in the orthodox jewish community, and in fact, in the case of a woman, they tell us, it's a really big deal for her to get this actual get because if she doesn't, and she moves on and has a child, she could be deemed an adulterous and she could be shunned from her community. and when it comes to the men, it's actually been a huge deal because in some cases, they have even listed the names of these men in orthodox jewish newspapers to shame them about what they're doing. >> goodness. thank you very much. rosa will continue to follow up on that. we appreciate that. up next, the exclusive cnn investigation. a teenager found dead inside a high school gym mat. his body was exhumed and not only were his organs missing, but his body was stuffed with
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newspaper. today, only on cnn, our reporter confronts a man who has the power to get to the bottom of this tragic mystery. helping business run ♪up ty ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice! ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it.
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and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. everyone wants to talk about how he died, too, but who cares. one moment in his whole life. i cared more about how he lived and anyone with a problem with that should remember he was my brother. >> "glee" never explained how finn hudson died in last night's tribute episode. finn was played by the late actor cory monteith who died from an accidental overdose of heroin and alcohol in july. they focused on the grieving process. the most powerful moment is when finn's girlfriend played his monteith's real life love, lea michele, sang her sad farewell. ♪ raging on the rolling sea and
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on the highway of regret ♪ ♪ the winds of change are blowing wild and free ♪ ♪ you ain't seen nothing like me yet ♪ ♪ i could make you happy make your dreams come true ♪ ♪ nothing that wouldn't do ♪ go to the ends of the earth for you ♪ inate to make you feel my love ♪ ♪ to make you feel my love >> can you imagine lea michele having to do that? her boyfriend on the show and in real life, cory monteith, just 31 years old.
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mystery is heaped upon mystery in the bizarre death of 17-year-old kendrick johnson. his body was found in a rolled up gym mat in his high school in valdosta, georgia. johnson's death was originally ruled an accident, but his parents don't believe it. they had his body exhumed and paid for a second investigation which revealed horrific new details. as victor blackwell reports, kendrick johnson's organs were missing. his body had been stuffed with old newspaper. and today, only on cnn, victor confronts the man who has the power to get to the bottom of this tragic mystery. >> mr. watson? victor blackwell, cnn. >> this is coroner bill watson. he can order something the family of kendrick johnson desperately wants, but he hasn't
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agreed to do it. >> i would like for you to leave my office. >> we'll come back to this conversation in a moment, but first, for more than seven months, eight hours a day, six days a week, this has been the scene in front of the lowndes county community center in valdosta, georgia. kenneth and jacqueline johnson, supporters, signs, and a question. who killed kendrick johnson? >> we want answers. we're not leaving until we get answers. >> they have never believed the theory from sheriff's investigators that their 17-year-old son climbed onto a rolled gym mat in school in january to grab a shoe at the center of one, fell into one, got stuck upside down, and was accidentally suffocated. >> we are mostly concerned about what happened to kendrick. what they know about what happened to kendrick, and why they're not telling us the truth. >> the johnsons exhumed kendrick's body and in a second autopsy they paid for, found that kendrick died as a result
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of a blunt force trauma to the neck. not an accident, a homicide. >> it was a cover-up. >> with opposing theories on the cause of death from competing pathologists, who can get to the bottom of how kendrick dies? bill watson can. by ordering what's called a coroner's inquest. watson has the power to impanel a jury of five and one alternate to listen to testimony, review evidence, and then deliberate and determine how kendrick johnson died, an answer his parents sorely want. in march, the family's attorney sent watson this letter as a formal request that a coroner's inquest be convened immediately. in mid-april, the attorney received a response from watson saying he was precluded by statute from impanelling a coroner's jury because it was not complete. this petition was submitted to the district attorney with more than 400 signatures. we spoke with watson in may after the lowndes sheriff's county office closed its case. here's what he said about
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launching a coroner's inrequequ for the johnsons. >> if they requested one and they don't feel that this is sufficient, then, you know, i'm elected to do what is best served to the people. who elected me. i made a promise and took an oath to the effect that if i was selected, i would stand up and speak for those who can't speak for themselves. and that's what i've done since january 11th. >> would you open the inquiry? >> yes, sir, i will. i have nothing to -- there's nothing to hide. >> he's already said he would give us one. and we want one. and why wouldn't he give us one? >> so this month, five months after that interview, we went to visit watson. and that takes us back to where
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we began. mr. watson? victor blackwell, cnn. are you going to order an inquest into the case of kendrick johnson? >> i'm not commenting on anything. i would like for you to leave my office. >> you told me in may you would order an inquest. what changed your mind? >> no, i didn't tell you that. >> yes, you told me that on tape, sir, if the people wanted one, you would order one. are you going to order an inquest into the case of kendrick johnson? >> i'm not commenting on anything. >> why have you, sir, changed your mind? you told me on tape you would order an inquest, but then you -- >> what has changed? >> that's the way it is. >> pressure from the sheriff's department. and the system here in lowndes county, that's why he's not going to do it now. but we surely want a coroner's inquest. >> the sheriff's office won't discuss that case, and the johnsons would be the first to
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get one during watson's time as coroner. can you tell me at least what is a coroner's inquest? >> i would rather you look it up. >> inquests are rare in lowndes county. fewer than a half dozen here since 1985. what has changed, sir? >> thank you. >> watson would not answer that question, but the johnsons promise one thing will not change. their fight for an answer. they'll continue to sit in front of the courthouse with their supporters and their signs and their questions. >> if they want us to leave, they're going to give us answers. we're not going nowhere. >> they're not going anywhere. you saw the protests, the family is involved in. next, viblther blackwell tells us they have a new plan to get justice for their plan. [ sneezes, coughs ]
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we've been looking in depth into the death of 17-year-old kendrick johnson's whose body
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was found in a rolled up gym mat in his school in valdosta, georgia. cnn's victor blackwell has been doing this reporting. he's in valdosta and covering exclusive new details for us. victor, how important is an inquest into this young man's death? >> it's more than semantics, don. if this jury that is impanelled determines that kendrick actually died as the result of homicide, the official cause of death on kendrick's death certificate would be changed from accident to homicide. that would be forwarded on to the district attorney in lowndes county and that could start the ball rolling for another official investigation, maybe a grand jury, and then going after the person who is guilty of that homicide. and i can also tell you that the attorney for this family, this new effort to try to get that coroner's inquest, they're going to file a lawsuit as early as tuesday to implore the district attorney to try to force the
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coroner's hand. it's up to the coroner's discretion to do this. he says to know all the information about the body and the newspaper and the potential evidence and the surveillance camera and not order this inquest is an abuse of this diskreshz. that at least is their argument. >> you talked a little bit in that argument about surveillance. there is surveillance video from the gym around the time kendrick died. what haven't we seen? >> they have given us seven stills. it's a small detail, but a camera that takes stills when there's movement. there is no actual streaming video. at least that's what we're told by lowndes county schools. they have released seven stills of kendrick walking into the gym. nothing before and nothing after. we asked for more photographs, but we have been told that those photographs are academic record. at least they consider them to be educational record. and under georgia law, educational record is exempt from open records request. that begs the question, if the family gave us permission to
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have all the pictures of kendrick, and they sent us just the pictures of kendrick alone, what are the pictures showing before and after those seven frames? >> great reporting. victor blackwell, can't wait to see how you follow up on this. thank you, appreciate that. the taliban shot her, but she survived, and her message is inspiring the world. yet, she didn't win the nobel peace prize today. up next, our crehristiane amanpr is going to join me live to talk about her powerful interview with malala. don't miss it. >> they are afraid of the power of women as well. so now, at this time, we realize, yes, education is important, because it was snatched from us. ic plays throu) hey guten morgen guess who? mr. mojito? ok it's got to be really fast, i've got one second hey no way wei hey, ca va? nudeq nuqdaq duch doch bolz stop calling me oh my god, no!
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how are they looking? we did it baby woohh oi ma yerp yerp moshi moshi, meow what?! ♪ to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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not even a bullet to the head could stop one 16-year-old girl from speaking her true cause. her cause for herself. malala yousafzai was shot a year ago for promoting women's rights, but she never backed away from the spotlight. she continued to be a visible advocate for every child's right to an education. yesterday, she spoke to cnn's christiane amanpour and described the moment a taliban gunman came looking for her. >> he asked who is malala? he did not give me time to answer his question, and my friend told me, my best friend,
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at that time, just pushed it with force, and you did not say anything. and then the next few seconds, he fired three bullets. one bullet hit me in the left side of my forehead, just above here. and it went down through my neck and into my shoulder. and i think i was hit by only one bullet. and it also affected my ear drum, so now i have problem in listening as well. it also cut down my facial, but still, it's a miracle. my brain is saved. my spinal cord is saved. everything is fine, i'm alive, and i still can talk, i can smile, so i thank god for that. before the terrorism, we were going to school. it was just a normal life, and getting a bag and doing homework daily and being good and getting high marks. we could not understand what we
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are doing, why are we going to school, and later on when the terrorists came and this stopped us from going to school, i got the evidence, and they showed me proof that yes, the terrorists are afraid of education. they're afraid of the power of education. and if a woman gets education, she becomes more powerful. and we all know that the terrorists are afraid of the power of women as well. now, at that time, we realized, yes, education is important, because it was snatched from us. so i would like to tell everyone in uk and america and the kwu countries, developments countries where education is available to them, go to school and realize its importance before it is snatched from you as we have suffered from the situation. >> it's unbelievable to watch her. christiane amanpour is here. she's an amazing young woman. hopefully she has a bright future. what did she tell you about her hopes for the future? >> i think she has a bright
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future, but i don't think we should forget at all what danger she's in. the taliban continue to threaten her life and there are people who simply don't want what she is advocating for, the simple fact of education for girls. so she said, though, she would like to go into politics. she had never thought that before she was attacked. and she would like to be, maybe, a prime minister, and her role model and hero was pakistan's only female prime minister, benazir bhutto. it's happened before. benazir bhutto, although she was killed by the taliban. it's a hard road for a woman in pakistan right now, but she has such grit and determination that if she survives, i believe she'll have a very bright future. >> we can see more on cnn. christiane on anderson's show. >> not tonight. >> but on cnn international, which airs at what time? >> that's every day at 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern, and of course, this one will be on cnn here in the united states on sunday at 7:00.
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>> thank you very much. we're going to repeat that. thank you very much, christiane. sunday, 7:00, you can see the bravest girl in the world, right here on cnn. 7:00 eastern. make sure to tune in. our thanks to christiane amanpour. >> coming up, as wall street reacts to a potential deal on the debt ceiling, the ceo of starbucks said this so-called deal is fool's gold. >> plus, any moment, the white house expected to hold its press briefing. keep in mind, the president's meeting with republicans just ended a short time ago. are we any closer to a deal? we shall see. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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i'm don lemon, everyone. thank you so much for joining us. government shutdown day 11. and then there's that october 17th deadline. you know the one when the government starts defaulting on its dents. it's still looming. that is unless both sides can agree to extend the debt ceiling, but the offer by white house republicans to push it back by six weeks carries a big caveat, and that's the government would stay partially closed. sources tell cnn a house vote on whether to raise the debt ceiling could come as early as today. and we're watching it closely for you. meantime, starbucks ceo howard schultz ticked off today. he wants washington lawmakers to get their act together and resolve the fiscal crisis.
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schultz will circulate a petition at thousands of starbucks all across the u.s. it calls for lawmakers to reopen the government and pay dents on time. poppy harlow talked with schultz. >> what do you think the consequences are if we do not reach a long-term debt ceiling deal. what does that mean? >> the consequences are dire. our standing in the world, the fracturing of consumer confidence, the psyche of the american people. small and large businesses across the country will be significantly affected. no one will be immune. and what's so perverse is this is not something that has been invented. this is something that is self-induced. this is something that is just political. we have to bury the hatchet in terms of our political differences, have civil discourse, and let people get in a room and commit to themselves they're not going to leave the room until they solve the problem for the american people. >> well, earlier this week,
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schultz called on his fellow chief executives to weigh in on the government shutdown. we'll see what happens. coming up here on cnn, a car jacker follows a driver into his home, demanding his keys. all caught on video. what should you do in this situation? we're going to discuss. plus, we'll play all the interesting moments from today's conservative summit, from ted cruz being heckled to this comment. >> obama care is really, i think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.
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store and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah! at our columbus day event, save $500 to $700 dollars on the final closeout of our performance series mattress sets. but hurry-ends soon! only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. comfort individualized
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(dad) just feather it out. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously.
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(announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. welcome back, everyone. each week here on cnn, we name a cnn hero, someone doing remarkable work in their community. here are some finalists. >> i'm anderson cooper. all year, we have been introducing you to everyday people changing the world. we call them cnn heroes. now we announce the top ten cnn heroes for 2013. in random order, the honorees are -- >> bill beatty lost his legs in iraq. now he's modified or helped reorg ngz homes for two dozen veterans. >> laura uses solar power to help health care workers deliver
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babies saefrl. >> danielle gletow is a foster god parent for children. >> kakenya opened the first primary school for girls in her village. tawanda jones' drill team provides inspiration and discipline to children in one of america's poorest cities. >> chad is removing garbage from waterways across the u.s. estellea poured her savings into a mobile computer lab that served low income children. >> richard lost his son to leukemia. now he's helping low income children get to their cancer treatments. >> dr. george travels into the jungles of cameroon nearly every weekend bringing free health care to those in need. and robin provides fresh produce to underserved members of her community. congratulations. tell us who inspires you most. go to to vote once
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a day every day for your cnn hero of the year. hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. so glad you could join us. brooke's off today. the government, still partially shut down. the debt ceiling still looming. and a temporary extension has not been agreed upon. at least not yet. republicans want the deal without ending the shutdown, and sources tell cnn a house vote on this deal could come as early as today. at any moment now. one phrase we're hearing today that we haven't heard, at least for the past 11 days, and probably longer than that, is we're all working together now. we're all working together now. stop the presses. congress, the people we pay to talk, actually talking to each other. but is there really any progress? not too long ago, president obama met with senate republicans and apparently the meeting, it went well, but -- >> there were many conversations on the long-term debt problem. many members expressed concern
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about raising the debt limit without having a specific plan to deal with our $17 trillion national debt. it was a good exchange, but it was an inconclusive exchange. >> you heard the senator there. she said the meeting was inconclusive. dana bash, our chief congressional correspondent, dana, i don't know if you have an office on capitol hill now, an apartment, but you have -- >> is there a difference? >> really, you've been there a while. it would be -- if it was a pierre detear, it would be weekends, and you have been there the entire time. what do you make of what susan collins said? is a possible vote on extending the debt ceiling possible for today? >> it looks less likely today. in fact, the house republican leadership just released a notice to their members saying that there is going to be a vote this afternoon, but on a different topic. it looks like at this point
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they're punting at least until tomorrow as they let things percola percolate. right now, you laid out what our deirdre walsh has been reporting about the house republican offer that went over earlier today. house republicans are simply waiting right now. we're in a very odd place of suspended animation, waiting to see if the white house just outright rejects what the house is proposing or if they come back with a counter offer, and just again to sum up what the house is saying, is they want to have a short-term increase in the debt ceiling. six weeks, like they had proposed earlier, and then they would immediately start to talk, as soon as this weekend, maybe even tomorrow, they hope. about how to reopen the government. our understanding is that with regard to that funding bill to reopen the government, they did put some suggestions for conditions on. unclear exactly what they are. of course, that would be the key. we are told that perhaps they are dealing with some obama care
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issues. that could be a nonstarter for the white house. a lot of this depends right now on just how willing the white house is to bend a little bit to give a little bit of an olive branch, if you will, so that the house can come back and do the same. i mean, basic negotiation 101. we just don't know exactly where we are right now with that. if this whole process between the house and senate doesn't go anywhere, sources on both sides of the capitol are telling us that the likely next place to look is over in the senate. for the senate democratic leader to begin to move the process of what he has started before, which is a year-long increase in the debt ceiling. then senators who have been working on all kinds of proposals would have the chance to add their ideas to reopen the government as well. we'll see how that goes. the next 24 hours are absolutely crucial. >> i want to ask you because we're seeing in the preview monitor here, house democrats coming to the floor. there it is right there, one by one, demanding a clean cr.
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what's going on here? >> you know, like i said, we're in suspended animation. members of congress are here. and they need something to do. and they have the house floor. where they're able to voice their ideas and their opinions. and so we have been seeing that really all week, and you are hearing democrats continuing to pound away at the idea that we need to reopen the government. they're using the forums and the formats they have, which of course, is the house floor. and it has actually been pretty successful when you look at messaging. especially looking at the polls. republicans by and large are getting hammered. taking the blame for this. and i can tell you in these walls, republicans privately are saying they get it, they know it. that's why they feel a real urgency to figure out how to reopen the government. >> i'm glad they're saying it at least behind closed doors because they don't seem to realize it when they come on television or speak on any political shows. it's like, oh, no, no. thank you, dana. appreciate it.
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>> thank you. >> we have heard the president say it on several occasions. this whole mess with the shutdown and the potential u.s. default is the fault of one faction within the republican party, the tea party faction, as it happens. some of the stars of the faction are taking center stage today at the summit in washington. the values voters summit. take a listen, if you would. we'll start with senator ted cruz, republican of texas. >> we've seen an explosion of federal government power, none more important or significant or dangerous than obama care. we look at the state of our economy in the last four years, our economy has grown on average 0.9% a year. there's only one other period since world war ii with four consecutive years of less than 1% average growth. that was 1979 to 1982. coming out of the jimmy carter administration, it was the same failed economic policies out of
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control spending and taxes and regulation, and it produced the exact same results. >> today, i want to talk ability something, though, that is serious. today i want to talk about a war that the main stream media is ignorin ignoring. from boston to zanzibar, there's a worldwide war on christianity. christians are being attacked around the world, but you won't hear much about it on the evening news because the answer is not convenient. it doesn't fit the narrative we have been told about radical islam. the president tries to gloss over who's attacking and killing christi christians. the media describes the killings as sectarian. but the truth is, a worldwide war on christians is being waged by a fanatical element of islam. >> you know, with all this fighting going on in washington these days, my biggest fear is that we're losing focus on the biggest issues facing our country. and that's the growing sense of
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so many people across the country that we're losing control of it. that we're losing control of our nation, and more importantly, that we're losing what we have come to know as the american dream. why do people feel this way? well, because millions of them have been out of a job for months and maybe years at a time. because millions more are trapped in jobs that quite frankly don't pay enough to live off of. >> so that's marco rubio, rand paul, ted cruz. three of the gop's rising stars all making appeals to conservative voters in the midst of this colossal fight over the budget. with us from washington, candy crowley is a chief political correspondent and of course the host of "state of the union." i want to ask you this, straight up. are these values voters and the tea party voters, are they the future of the republican party? or are they an albatross to the gop, as some are sedging? >> demands on what district you're in. there's really a divide when you
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look at 2014, which is midterm elections when it's all of the house and the senate, and then 2016. what a lot of republicans are saying, who are not tea party types or bagpipe tea party is this is hurting the brand of republicanism, and that will then hurt whoever the 2016 presidentialal candidate is because he has to run nationwide. if you look at it in terms of 2014, you have to look at the country as separate districts. they have been so gerrymandered by republicans and democrats that the vast majority of the house seats are pretty darn safe. that doesn't mean they don't change around the margins and this may be one of the wave years, as we call them. where it does, and certainly democrats are hoping that when they look at that poll, that's exactly what's going to happen, but we have a long way to go between now and november of next year when the midterms are. so i think what you're seeing in some ways is a natural fight for
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the heart and soul of a party that has not held the oval office. the democrats, who also have some differences, certainly from the liberal point of view or the moderate democrat point of view, their differences there, but they have a distinct party leader. no void at the top. president obama is the leader of the democratic party, has been for -- where are we, seven years, six years. but there isn't a similar person on the republican side, so you're watching this intense battle for what is a republican? so far, we're seeing the tea party numbers or tea party conservatives are the minority wib the party, but that doesn't mean they can't make huge differences and pull their party to the right. >> always appreciate you, candy. thank you, candy crowley. make sure you catch "state of the union" this sunday, 9:00 a.m. eastern on cnn. up next, i'll speak live with someone who says this shutdown is so much worse than the one in 1995.
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and it may kill the holiday shopping season. plus, take a look at this video, will you? a car jacker follows a driver into his home, but the victim doesn't appear to back down easily. what should you do in this scenario? that's coming up. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years.
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all right, you should really pay attention to this, okay, because it was a scary moment for a man in atlanta caught on surveillance video. an armed car jacker points a gun at him, demands his keys, and then takes the conversation inside his home. and you have to see how all of this unfolded. here's a reporter from cnn affiliate wsb. >> i kept looking at the barrel of the gun and i thought this isn't fair. >> brad said the man captured on his home security camera had the upper hand when he pointed a gun in his chest. it happened in the driveway of his midtown home on oregon avenue. >> what's going through my mind is all right, how do i make it out of this? how do i even this scale? >> the suspect forced him inside his home, demanding the keys to his mercedes. his first thought was to go for his gun, but instead, he yelled for help and called 911. >> i was thinking about getting
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ahold of my gun somehow, but i might not be here telling the story had i done that. >> the camera caught a perfect shot of the suspect, who eventually drove off in the victim's car. >> i'm not going to stand for it. neither is somebody else. we're going to fight them. >> investigators have a copy of the video and went to an area high school in hopes of identifying the suspect. >> all right, that was carl willis in the report from our atlanta affiliate wsb tv. now, you may be asking this. what should i do if i'm ever in that situation or a similar situation? what should you do? steve is a former police detective. you saw this happen. could that guy have done anything differently? >> he acted very good. actually, the plan of action he had by putting a barrier between him and the bad guy was an excellent aspect. in law enforcement, we call it visualization, the military calls it emergency conditioning. that's to create a plan, visualize. >> a plan of action. >> plan of action, what would you do in this event.
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>> you said visualize? >> visualize that someone is coming into your home. remember, your home is your castle. once he penetrates the safety of the home, it becomes critical. another thing is to have a safe room you could designate to go to. it could be as simple as a bathroom. i have a safety bar here that opens up. you could pick this up almost anywhere. it goes underneath a door and fortifies it. >> you put it under the door and then -- >> that top piece would go under the doorknob, this goes to the ground. it fortifies the door and makes it much more secure than it would be. >> if that doesn't work, you can beat the heck out of somebody. >> beat them with it. >> what's the best way to avoid being a target? to be aware of your surroundings, obviously? >> back to basics, be aware of your surrounding. is there somebody out there of suspicious nature. if you see somebody in the dark of night approaching you, why? retreat back into the house. don't wait for it to be too late to do something. >> it happens when people are
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closer to home because their guard is home. you figure, i know my place, and i'm always very aware of that. it usually happens when you're close to home. >> often in a place we're familiar. how many times you have walked through the parking lot to get to our car, pulled up in the dri driveway. >> another good way is to have a door man. >> yes, sir. >> thank you very much. up next, i'm going to speak live with someone who says this shutdown is so much worse than the one in 1995. he said the internet makes the economy more vulnerable. plus, jetblue has a new plan. they want customers to jump in the family pool. okay. it involves frequent flyer miles. big news coming up. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. jbut when it comes to investing, things i prefer to do on my own.
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i just think it's better to work with someone. someone you feel you can really partner with. unfortunately, i've found that some brokerage firms don't always encourage that kind of relationship. that's why i stopped working at the old brokerage, and started working for charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for? talk to us today. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good.
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welcome back, everyone. how does this shutdown compare to the shutdowns of the mid-1990s. 1995/1996, the government shut down twiece for a total of almot a months. and back then, the gop led by newt gingrich, wanted president clinton to agree to a version of a balanced budget.
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does that sound familiar to you? how do we compare shutdowns. let's bring in dan gross, a columnist for the daily beast. how are you doing? >> pretty good. >> okay, so you say this is the worst shutdown because, quote, in 1995, the internet wasn't really a commercial force. china was still a minor economic power. many of the big changes in the way america work make the u.s. economy more vulner abable to government shutdown-induced dama damages. so how does the internet make the government more vulnerable in a shutdown? >> it's the way people use information. farmers can't get access to data on how much pigs are trading for. that might be a problem for a few professional traders, but it also means your traditional farmer can't figure out how much money he should be paid. you're supposed to use e-verify, when you're hiring, the government system online, where you confirm that the person is eligible to work in this country
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and is a citizen. it's shut down. now we have companies, walmart is trying to hire 70,000 temporary employees for the christmas season. it's much more difficult to get those sorts of things approved. the way we interact with each other economically revolves a lot more around information, and systems that are provided or managed by the government. >> and things that are outsourced, and it's not a person doing it anymore. it's done over the internet or done through the computer, correct? >> absolutely. >> okay. >> you also have to think that trade is a much bigger part of the economy today. it's about 25% of all economic activity. that's imports and exports. bringing in stuff from china. sending stuff from here to latin america. you need the government operating to get your goods through the ports. >> that's a good point if we're talking about business because the dow soared this week. that's not worse. that's better. how do you explain that, dan? >> i think, you know, the markets, of course, aren't
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always right, but investors are really focused on the debt ceiling and the catastrophe if we miss a debt payment. the minute there was movement on the debt ceiling issue, this huge sigh of relief, it's safe to go buy stocks and bonds again, and setting to the side the bigger problems in the economy that the shutdown is. our coverage, we focused a lot on yes, government employees who are furloughed and, you know, restaurants that are offering specials for people. but you can already see it rippling through the consumer economy. you know, car sales were actually not very strong in september. retail sales not looking so hot. you look at polls of consumer sentiment. we're seven weeks from black friday, and consumers are all of a sudden very pessimistic. i don't think that bodes very well for the holiday shopping season. >> mr. dan gross, appreciate it, sir. >> anytime. >> coming up, "crossfire" host s.e. cupp, a conservative, said she's losing patience with tactics by some republicans over obama care.
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s.e. cupp joins me live, along with democrat chris kofinis. it's a debate you'll want to hear. i'm serious, we compare our direct rates side by side to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it's like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones! ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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government shutdown, day 11. and that october 17th debt ceiling deadline still looming. that is unless both sides can agree to extend it. if we don't do it, we just heard, it won't be today. it won't be today. important to remember here, the house, the office by house republicans to push it back by six weeks carries a big caveat. the government would stay partially closed. another big piece of the puzzle, paul ryan, a man who may have actually managed to open the crack in the stalemate that has tr crippled our government at a meeting between house republicans and the president late yesterday, but not everyone is happy with his emerging role here nor with his plan, published in a wall street journal op-ed. senator ted cruz criticizing him
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for failing to mention one thing. that is obama care. can they all get in one page. we'll see. joining us, chris kofinis. probably a good person to wr that question, can they get on that one page? s.e. cupp, the host of cnn's "crossfire." you wrote this article for you support cruz's effort to defund obuma care, but you reject his criticize of ryan. why is that? >> let's be clear. i have never thought his plan would work, but he's keeping his stance. it's not as if mike lee and rand paul manifesting out of thin air. they ran a campaign against obama care, won those elections and they're doing what they were brought there to do. the divide in the republican party is not over policy. no republican i know likes obama care. they all want it repealed. the divide is over tactics.
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i don't like the tactics where senators like ted cruz or conservative groups get together and decide who's conservative enough and who isn't. and paul ryan's op-ed in the wall street journal was not heretical to ted cruz's plan. it wasn't a betrayal of it. as they point out, it didn't even mention obama care. it was simply discussing another objective that republicans and conservatives have put forward, and how to get there. and for ted cruz's defenders to come out and swat him down as a rhino is really unproductive, and frankly fairly childish. >> okay, s.e., chris, i'm going to get to you, but i want you to clarify. people harp on certain statements. you're saying they were doing what they were elected to do, shut down the government? >> no, as i said, they ran campaigns against obama care. they made promises to constituents they would do everything they could to end it,
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repeal it, delay it, pick it apart. that's exactly what they have done. >> okay. chris, how do you feel about paul ryan emerging as a potential negotiate leader here? >> well, i guess in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man will see. when it comes to congressman ryan, who else can you, i guess, look for? if anyone wants to understand why the republican party is so difficult to negotiate with, or have conversations with, how do you negotiate with a party that can't even decide who should be the negotiator? to criticize anyone who even comes close to figuring out that maybe the smartest strategy in the world is not to shut down the government and risk a default and think there's not going to be some kind of political blowback or consequences. the notion that somehow democrats are supposed to sit down and negotiate with a party or leadership that can't even figure out amongst itself what its tactics are, what its positions are, and seemingly change on a day-to-day basis,
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it's a sad statement, but it's pretty easy to understand why we are in the position we are. >> i see you want to respond. >> well, look, the predictions about how this would go, i mean, for most people understood that president obama would have absolutely no problem allowing the government to shut down because he knew it would be bad for republicans. >> that is not true. that's just false. >> 100% true. >> no, it's not. it's absolutely false. >> hold on, hold on. let me moderate here. >> hlet me finish. >> i'm going to let you finish, but why did you say it's not true, and then s.e. can continue. >> why does anyone think the president of the united states would get joy out of the fact the government would shut down? >> i didn't say that. >> you said it was part of his strategy, that he was more than happy -- >> i didn't say that either. >> he was more than willing to let the government shut down. >> i'm perfectly capable of explaining my point of view. if you would just let me finish. >> i'm not putting words in your
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mouth. i want you to make one clear point. i want him to respond and then you continue to make a point and he'll respond. >> i'm trying. >> i'm not putting words in your mouth, s.e. >> they predicted from the beginning that president obama would allow a government shutdown because internally, he understood rightly that it would be bad for republicans. he's right about that. it's been bad for republicans. >> false, once again false. >> where republicans have been right is that the president will not allow a debt ceiling default. so that's where i think people like paul ryan are trying to steer the negotiations. >> let her finish. go ahead. >> toward that end, because the debt ceiling, whoever gets the short-term blame for a debt ceiling default, president obama does not want to preside over that moment in american history. he's too smart for that. so some republicans like paul ryan have been trying to steer the focus toward that. >> okay, good. go ahead chris. >> this notion that president
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obama wanted or allowed or was more than happy with the shutdown is nonsense. it's absolute nonsense. understand that the position that the president was put in by the republicans, in particular by the speaker, and actually in defense of speaker boehner who actually i feel sorry for because he can't control about 30 to 40 of his own members, the reality here is he's put in the position where first they want to defund obama care. then they want to delay obama care. then they're not sure what they want to do, they just want some respect out of something. so the notion of putting responsibility on the president or the president wanting to do this is nonsense. in terms of the debt ceiling, again, here we are once again talking about something if both sides were willing to sit down, in particular, i would say the republicans were reasonable with the fact that you want to talk about the deficit and debt, yeah, serious problems, and we should address them. but maybe we should sit down and address them when the government is not shut down and we face a default. >> s.e., he has a point.
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that's what most americans think. people have a point about obama care. if they don't like it, they can work it out. if you're upset about the debt ceiling, work it out, but don't shut down the government. that's why the republicans are losing traction and the latest polls show it. >> i'm not going to argue, and i said the shutdown is being pinned mostly on the republicans. i think that was a predictable outcome. but i would remind you that most americans also think that the debt ceiling should be attached to spending cuts. that is a feasible thing most americans understand that. so you can play polls against each other. they don't like obama care, but they don't like the shutdown. they want the debt ceiling attached the spending cuts. i mean, there's a lot of sort of reaction you could look at here. but i think the take away is that republicans are divided on the tactics over how to achieve all the same things. all republicans want entitlement reform, tax reform, spending cuts, deficit cuts, and to end obama care. we're absolutely divided. i'm not saying this is a good
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thing. we're absolutely divided on how to achieve those things and in what order. >> chris, we've got to run. if you can do it in two seconds. >> the takeaway is that the republicans are wrong about the positions, not the tactics. >> all right, that was five seconds, but i'll led it slide. thank you, chris kofinis. thank you, s.e. cupp. appreciate it. catch s.e. on "crossfire" tonight, 6:30 eastern on cnn. coming up, one of the most bizarre stories i have heard in a long time. a plot to kidnap and torture men to force them to divorce their drive wives. you will not believe who police say was behind it. >> and jetblue has a new plan that wants customers to jump in the family pool. what's that? we're breaking it down for you next. new brakes help you stop faster and safer.
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that's why they deserve... a brake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes.
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if you ever wished you could pool your frequent flyer miles with someone else, guess what.
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you can. >> jetblue says they're keeping it in the family. they just launched a brand new program allowing friends and family members pool together their frequent flyer miles. you can have up to seven people on the account. you designate a head of household. that person's job is to monitor the account, to redeem the points, that kind of thing. you don't have to share all of your points with your family members if you don't want to. you can share 10% or all of it. that's up to you. what's interesting is how they define family. two adults over the age of 21. the other five can be younger, but you don't have to be related. that's what i find cool about that. it could be coworkers, friends, a couple. >> you can gift someone. >> exactly. but what's interesting here is jetblue told us they were the first u.s. airline to launch a program like this. it's not 100% true. there is a small airline, sun country, in minneapolis, that does have a similar program. by the way, with united and delta, you can transfer points between friends and family members as well.
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but jetblue is trying to tstep p their game. >> i was going to say, i did that before. i dated someone and they took all my air miles. thank you, appreciate it. next, the government shutdown takes to the high seas. and we'll tell you how the political dispute is affecting the guys on the show "deadliest catch." you don't want to miss that. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs.
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malala yousafzai, shot by the taliban for promoting enlication for girls. she's been given the parliament's prize honoring freedom of thought. congratulations to her. she spoke with christiane amanpour. >> the thing is, they can kill me. they can only kill malala. but it does not mean that they can kill my cause as well. my cause of education, my cause of peace, and my cause of human rights. my cause of equality will still be surviving. they cannot kill my cause. >> christiane amanpour's full interview with malala airs sunday night, 7:00 eastern, only here on cnn.
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to learn more about malala and her new nonprofit organization for girls, go to the bravest girl in the world airs sunday night, 7:00 p.m. eastern. >> 11 days into the government shutdown with no immediate end in sight. jake tapper and "the lead" coming up next, focusing on the industry that could lose millions. jake, crab fishing season starts soon, and they can't get permits. you have the captain from "the deadliest catch" on today. you wouldn't think it has anything to do with it, but it does. i bet he's not happy. >> one of the things about the government shutdown, we know there are 800,000 furloughed workers and we also know there are hundreds of thousands of workers who are working without paychecks and all the residual effects from all those individuals not being able to buy things. and also from government bureaucracies and national parks and all sorts of things being closed, thus affecting, for instance, the people who run
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stores near national parks. but keith colburn, who you may know from discovery channel's the "deadliest catch" he came in today and we'll talk to him, to talk to me about the effect of the shutdown on the crabbing industry. their season is very short and it's about to happen. >> right now, there's already a hint that the japanese buyers are a little bit jumpy about getting the alaskan crab, so they're turning to alternatives. the alternative is to buy russian crab. it's putting americans out of work and putting russians to work. how does that figure? >> very, very strong views, don, about what this effect of not being able to get pumermits for his crabbing vessels and the effect it's going to have in washington state and in alaska. we'll be running that interview. also, of course, getting the latest on the shutdown from two senators, one democrat, one republican. negotiations are going on, as you know, right now, don. >> 14 minutes and 15 seconds.
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jake tapper will be -- >> we'll put up another clock. >> yes. thank you. appreciate it, jake. we'll be watching. >> coming up, you have heard some conservatives brush off the debt ceiling deadline, saying it wouldn't be chaos. if it happens, erin burnett joins me live. she has a fact check and you'll be surprised at the result. plus this, a story you might not believe. a group of allies kidnapping men to force them to divorce their wives, but these plots, they didn't stop there. eate moments . build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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unbelievable story, a group of rabbis charged with charging orthodox jewish wives hundreds of thousands of dollars to kidnap their husbands to force them into divorce. rosa is here to tell us about the supposed plot and how it was uncovered. >> let me tell you this, it sounds like a movie plot. a wife wants a divorce. the husband doesn't want to grant it, so she talks to her rabbi, who helps her hire a few, quote, tough guys, to get the job done. this was real and well described in court documents that reveal ten people are involved and facing kidnapping charges.
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now, here's a peek and a window into how this all went down. i'm going to quote here, this is, quote, you need to get him to new york where someone either plain and simple. the curtain fell, folks, when fbi agents raided two new york locations wednesday night, exposing what undercover fbi agents had been working on for months. one of those agents posed as an orthodox jewish wife who wanted a divorce. according to court documents, the conversation with one of the rabbis went something like this. quote, basically, what we are going to do -- be doing is kidnapping a guy for a couple hours and beating him up and torturing him, then getting him to give the get. according to jewish law, a get is a document that a husband must provide his wife to obtain a divorce and the price for getting this forced get? it was pretty high. according to court documents, $10,000 for the rabbi to approve
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the kidnapping and then an additional $50,000 to pay the tough guys who were willing to beat the man and obtain that get, something the complaint says the rabbis did every 12 to 18 months. >> this is just unspeakable crime. any time you have individuals who go against other legal, lawful people who are just living their lives and violence is committed. >> reporter: the attorney for one of the defendants tells us that this is obviously a very difficult situation for the ten defendants involved. they all pleaded not guilty to kidnapping charges. if convicted, they face a maximum sentence of life in prison. we should add that they are being held without bond pending a bail hearing next week. don? >> thank you for that. i want to bring in blue greenberg, founder of the jewish orthodox feminist alliance. explain, i'm shocked that this
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actually happens. you said it does. why is a get so crucial? >> because that is the way one divorces in jewish law and a husband is authorized to give his wife a get. that's what ends the marriage. most husbands in a situation of divorce give their wives the get or have it written and give it to them but in some cases, these recalcitrant husbands withhold the get for spite or blackmail and tie their wives up for years. >> does a woman have any other option short of hiring someone for $10,000 to convince him? does she have any other alternative? >> the bottom line is she has some alternatives, which is for the community to pressure the husband, sanctions against the husband, but in some cases, that doesn't work. and the man disappears or he refuses, and she's left chained to a marriage that has failed
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and a husband that is abusing her. >> should something change here? >> yes, it definitely should. as painful as this is, because the orthodox community is a law-abiding community and this casts a very negative appearance or feeling about the orthodox community because this is part of traditional jewish law. but yes, this is a systemic problem that a recalcitrant husband can abuse the privilege and the responsibility, and the law has to undergo change. >> do you see it changing? >> i think examples such as this that are so embarrassing and so flagrant i think will help. the rabbis who hold the ints e interpretive keys to the tradition have to step forward. >> thank you, blu. >> thank you. up next, just minutes away from the closing bell. i'm going to talk with erin
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burnett, who has been doing fact-checking on the so-called debt ceiling deniers. [ coughs, sneezes ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights
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your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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we are just moments now from the closing bell, and there you see it. people have been talking about the possible disconnect between washington and wall street and the dow soared yesterday at news of a possible deal. right now, there's the dow trading at plus 87. you see it, right? am i right? >> 87. 89.
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there you go. >> apparently wall street not freaking out. talking to erin burnett. wall street not freaking out on this political stalemate. erin is the host of "outfront." i walked by your pod and go hello, ebof. how you guys doing today. is there a disconnect between washington and wall street? >> i would say yes and no. in a sense, wall street doesn't really take washington seriously most of the time. they don't expect washington to do much of use and they like grid lock. but when it reaches points where you're about to go off the fiscal cliff, having a debt ceiling deadline, then they do take it seriously. they know that washington matters but they think that washington won't let it get to the point of something crashing. you may remember there was a time when there was almost going to be a deal, then no deal, the market tanks. they believe that if that happens, washington will do something. it does seem that this time, it was fear of wall street that got washington to act. >> do you think, this week they talked about the so-called debt ceiling deniers, experts who believe that, you know, if you can go past the debt ceiling or
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whatever, we don't have to worry about all of this. >> you know, yes and no. it's complicated. let me just explain it simply to you. first of all, yes, of course the debt ceiling matters. the united states has to keep its full faith and credit. all right? so if you deny that, then yes, that's a crazy thing to do. but within that, there's nuance. there's not a hard, fast date for when the u.s. government will run out of money. october 17th is not actually the real date. we have have more time than that. the second thing is really, really important. that is people actually pay their taxes at all times of the year. there's revenue always coming into the federal government. we don't borrow every dollar we spend. we borrow some of the dollars we spend. so that money comes in. could you pay veterans, social security, the interest on the debt to people around the world who are lending money, yes. it's a matter of prioritizing. you don't want to be in that situation. that's not a good thing. but it's not as if suddenly you're not going to be able to pay the interest. i think if people are being
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nuanced and thoughtful they could have that conversation. but it's turned into an it doesn't matter or the sky is falling. sort of a false debate. >> no matter what i say here, if someone says oh, my gosh, i can't believe you are toeing the line for obama -- >> i get the same thing every day. >> are you watching the show? you've done this before. you did a pretty good job of explaining that. maybe you should do financial reporting for a living. >> people do get very passionate about it and they should. it's a very serious issue. >> i want to ask you, because you have particular expertise in this. talking about the politics of it. people around the world are looking at us and we don't look very -- we don't look good in the eyes of the world when we get to this point. >> no, we don't. you know what's funny, i see that all over the place and not just in terms of our financial situation but how we handle foreign policy things, how involved we are in countries saying the united states needs to set the agenda. you see that frustration on a lot of levels but i got one e-mail this week that really surprised me from somebody w


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