tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 11, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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spends its time. unlike the u.s. it got it back after 3,35 five days. it's time for america to start fighting to get it back and stop fighting against kids being kids, kids cannon ball people, get over it. ac 360 starts now. erin, thanks very much. good evening everyone. tonight two words, keep talking. that's when the president is john boehner is saying as they search for a way out of the shutdown mess. what ted cruz and other hard liners are saying and boy, are they talking? we'll take you inside the conservative convention where the affordable care act is compared to slavery and death panels live again. later, there could be evidence in the death of kendrick johnson, that young man there found dead upside down in a rolled up gym mat. was it a freak accident or murder and coverup? parents join me. we begin with the latest on the talks to end the government shutdown and head off a debt
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ceiling breach. president obama met with senate republicans at the white house and spoke by phone with house speaker boehner who put the offer on the table. carney saying both men agreed to keep talking and restated the president's position to broader budget and budget deficit talks during a shutdown and default threat prompting this from jim acos acosta. >> you said the position hasn't changed on the shutdown, the position hasn't changed on the debt ceiling, how is that negotiating? >> jim, look the president had constructive conversations with house republicans and good conversations with house and senate democrats. his position that its unacceptable to demand a ransom from the american people in return for not defaulting,i it' not going to change. >> polling keeps getting worse and every day the shutdown affects more and more people. dana bash, jim acosta joining us. another day of talks between the president and republicans, still
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no deal. are the sides closer? do we know? >> they certainly don't appear that way. the house speaker left the capitol but had some dinner on the first floor of the capitol with some of his maybe call it his kitchen cabinet, some of his closest confidence in the republican caucus. you can small the smoke coming out and the takeout food according to our producer. she was down there. just because they were here semi late doesn't mean that there are real fruitful discussions going on. i could tell you just kind of the vibe that we had last night, which was much more positive than we had heard in weeks and weeks has subsided a lot as the day has worn on here and there has been no real movement between house republicans and the white house, anderson. >> is it fair to say senate republicans are getting i'm patient with house colleagues? >> it is fair to say that. i've spoken to several senators on the republican side who have said look, we understand the
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need for john boehner to continue to press on and try to find some kind of sweet spot with the white house on a debt ceiling increase and of course, on a deal to reopen the government, but they are running out of patience. they feel that maybe they will give him 24 to 48 hours max and then the senate, which of course, is a much different place, is much more bipartisan, at least has the potential to be much more bipartisan gets run by democrats, they will try to work on some other ways out of the mess in ways that many conservatives on the house side simply won't like but they might have no choice because the line is looming and more and more republicans are feeling the heat saying they have to reopen the government. >> jim, the white house says they are making progress and refuse to negotiate on reopening the government. as you asked, how can they call that progress? >> it's progress because they are talking and not using talking points.
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that's progress in washington. john boehner and the president did talk on the phone but the president according to white house officials rejected the house republican offer to tie a short-term increase in the nation's debt ceiling to future negotiations. jay carney said that would be giving in to more ransom and something interesting jay carney said during the briefing, anderson, the white house does not want a six-week like increase in the debt ceiling because they feel like that will bring this process, essentially to the point where the nation might be on the edge of default around the holiday shopping season. they don't want that. it's a critical came for the economy. you heart the president's position is basically the same. he wants clean bills to open the government and raise the nation's debt ceiling. they aren't even using the word negotiate at this point, anderson. they said they are talking and listening g listening, they are not looking for the white puff of smoke coming out of the capitol, they are looking for the white flag of surrenderer. >> jay carney using surrenderer.
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thank you for the updates. the talk and efforts to nominate the gop brand are taking place at the same time and gathering of hard liners and the values voter summit today in washington. listen. >> and i have to tell you, you know, obama care is really, i think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery, and it isn't -- it is slavery in a way because it is making all of us subserve yin to the government and it was never about health care, it was about control. >> the worst thing since slavery he said. that's conservative activist ben carson. ran paul spoke and michele bachmann called obama care death care and the leader, texas
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senator ted cruz. >> and i'm going to suggest a model for how we turn this country around in the next couple of years, and it is the model that we have been following together for the last couple of months to stop that train wreck, that disaster, that nightmare that is obama care. [ applause ] >> with the line and the position very popular in the room, that said, there were hacklers, as well. >> government will always continue to grow and freedom in america will always receipt. and yet, what we saw across this country -- ma'am, thank you for being here. i wish you would participate in the democratic process through speaking respectfully. it seems that president obama paid political operatives are out in force today. [ applause ]
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and you know why? and you know why? because the men and women in this room scare the living daylights out of them. >> some hacklers aside, though, this is friendly territory and historically is an important place for republican stars to shine. peter ham by joins us now. this group of people fully supports the government shutdown. any word hon how they are acting for a deal that would reopen the government without defunding the president's health care law? >> not well, anderson. the tone couldn't be different than what we heard on capitol hill today notes, the headliners are totally against removing, defunding obama care as a bargaining ship from the government shut down negotiations. if you need any proof of that, look at who came here and who didn't come. we saw ted cruz. also utah senator mike lee, two of the driving forces behind the defund obama care movement that
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led to the shutdown here today and plenty of conservatives, members of congress that said defunding obama care must happen. and then look who didn't. you didn't see a lot of pragmatist from capitol hill, the john mccains, pete kings of new york and paul ryan who start l -- straddles the divide was supposed to speak here and he was the architect of the new deal on capitol hill. he addressed the group by video message. it was very brief. he made no mention of obama care and received only small applause compared to what we saw earlier today for michele bachmann, ted cruz, et cetera, anderson. >> when you hear ben carson saying obama care, the affordable care act is the worst thing to happen in this country since slavery, how did that play in this crowd? i heard some people applaud. i couldn't tell how wide spread it was. i mean, worse than 9/11, worse
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than the internment of the japanese, worst than the civil war? how did it play? >> all of that went over really well here as it does for a number of conservative events. you can go to a tea party convention, c pack, the red meat plays well in these rooms and represents a bit of a problem for the republican party, frankly. think about this, just seven months ago, the republican national committee released an autopsy report, you know, looking back on the election, looking on how they can win in the future and they said the republican party needs to stop talking to itself. they need to use rhetoric that's more appealing to hispanics, young voters, women. you don't hear that in thissult about that and you hear the party divide come up over and over again. you hear grass roots conservatives attacking over and over again the republican leadership, the establishment, the quote unquote old bulls on
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capitol hill and previews the problem the party will have moving forward in the mid teams, in the primaries and presidential campaign, frankly in 2016. you'll see this rift in the republican party. it existed for a long time but come to the floor of the government shutdown. >> it certainly has. appreciate the update. the tension between the two wings set again the pressure of polling and public pain raises the stakes for all concerned. let's talk about it with alice steward and democratic strategist paul. paul, house republicans are readily to temporarily extend the debt ceiling for six weeks but don't want to give the president a clean funding bill that reopens the government. to that you say what? >> i think where the story is going is spelunking. it's six weeks, that's not acceptable for jim acosta's
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reporting is exactly right. my friends at the white house say the same thing. we don't want to push a potential default up against the holiday shopping season. that's unlikely to happen. you hear reports, i heard dana say senate republicans want a resolution. that will come and i can guarantee you it won't defund ordeal lay obama care. this will be complete by the republicans. >> ralph, do you agree with that. will it be a complete come pitlation. they say the affordable care act is off the table. is a plan that ends the shutdown has a concession of the affordable care act by the president, is that something you can support? >> no, no, i can't support it. we understand it's unlikely that president obama is going to sign legislation that repeals or completely defunds the central and frankly arguably the sole
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domestic presidency. in terms of the markers that have been laid down, things like the conscience clause that says roman catholic hospitals and more won't be forced to violate their faith and offend consciences but subsidizing health care services that are considered to be the taking of human life. just saying hey, look, for that waitress who is working two jobs and is being told by the federal government she's got to get this health insurance but you exempted congress, you exempted big business, you exempted other political associates of the white house, they ought to be given a delay, too. the fact is, anderson, that as a result of this fight, red state democrats in the house and the senate have had to vote for taxpayer funded abortion. they had to vote against the delay of the individual mandate. they had to vote against requiring congress and its staff to be covered under these laws,
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as well, and i think that when you look at these red states that are going to decide the outcome of the senate, alaska, arkansas, louisiana, south dakota, west virginia, montana, everybody is looking at national polling, i assure you obama care is not popular in those states. >> ralph, i mean, senator john mccain said he tried to build support in the election for repealing the health care law. his efforts came up short. he said it's time to move on. supreme court affirmed the law. isn't this the democratic process working even though clearly you don't agree with it? >> well, look, i mean, i remember when bill clinton said he wouldn't agree to balance the budget in five years when the government was shut down in '95 and 9 '6. he signed legislation to balance the budget. he said he wouldn't sign the welfare reform bill because we insisted we shouldn't pay people to not work and bare children
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repeatedly out of wedlock. now look, there was some fixing and there were some compromise but he signed our budget and he signed our tax cuts, and he signed our welfare reform bill. and if -- the difference, i think, this time and i have to say this is inexplicable to me, anderson, the president's position, as i understand it, is he will not negotiation with congress. i don't know how you get a resolution to this. it's possible to take where the republicans are and where the president is and sit down and work out a deal but if he literally is going to maintain the fiction that this is a conversation and not a negotiation -- >> but i think -- his position, i'll go to paul for that later as soon as we come back. his position is this already went through congress. congress already voted on this. the supreme court passed the constitution of this and this is a law and you can't have a redo just because new folks are in the house who don't like it.
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we have to take a quick break and alice, let us know what you think at home. follow me on twitter at anderson cooper. coming up, we'll speak with the panel and the parents of kendrick johnson who were told their son's death was an accident. they don't believe it. they point to bloodstains, for instance, possible clues that weren't tested by investigatioi. potential evidence to tell you about when we continue.
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will do anything to end it and clear and precisely what republicans are asking for and what the two sides will settle for. republican headliners blamed for putting the party and country in a tight spot blamed by democrats show no sign of backing down. here is michele bachmann at the value voters summit. >> this agreous system that will be ultimately known as death care must be defeated, and you see, this is our line of police in the sand. this is it. when the federal government controls your health care, they literally control life and death. >> back with alice steward, paul, alice, you said obama care is off the table but there has to be a negotiation with the budget before the government is reopened. >> absolutely. that's the key thing here. the president and democrats say they want to move forward with
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the spending plan and also, with raising the debt limit with no strings attached. that's not the way we go about doing things and they say they are having conversations and are talking. talk is cheap without negotiation and polls show 75% of the people in this country will agree to a short-term raising of the debt ceiling provided there are spending cuts and budgetary measures attached to that because the reason we're in the crisis is because of out of control spending and we need spending talks associated with raising the debt limit and in terms of opening up the federal government, the democrats and republicans want to do that. they put proposels forward to on and fund the government but want to make sure they listen, congress listens to the american people and 75% of the american people have concerns with the implantation of obama care, that's why that is attached to opening up the government. a historical president shows that all of these big measures have some type of compromise,
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some type of agreement to have consensus and that's what the point of having the separation of congress and the president and both houses -- the house and senate, that's the point. >> paul, what about that? i mean, why hasn't the president, you know, negotiated? i mean, just now meeting, you know, for the last two days or so, shouldn't this have happened long ago? >> i mean, it's been well reported that the bill that now speaker boehner won't put on the floor was negotiations. that speaker boehner agreed to. the tragedy, the speaker is sino. he sat down with the democratic leader of the senate and told harry reid, you got to agree to really deep republican spending cuts. reed said i don't know if we can sell it but he did. he united his caucus which is more diverse. harry reid has a socialist in bernie sanders and joe who shot a bullet through an environmental law in a tv add. that's a pretty diverse caucus.
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reid held them together and delivered and the only way out of this is for boehner to unflake. put the bill he agreed to on the floor. our count at cnn shows there are votes to pass, this ought to be the law and we shouldn't make people suffer through the shutdown. >> do you think there are enough votes to pass a clean c.r.? >> there may or may not be but if there are you would ask john boehner to put his own speaker ship at risk. >> for the good of the country, who cares -- shouldn't he not care about his own speaker ship and if it gets the government going? >> i'm going to stipulate that the president is an intelligent man. can we stipulate that? so you're sitting across the table from somebody and your condition is destroy your speaker ship. i don't think that's a very successful negotiating tactic. i also don't think it's a very successful negotiating tactic to ask 230 republicans in the house
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who are in districts that he carried only 17 of compared to when bill clinton was president, he carried as many as 70 of those districts, all right? to ask them to give him a credit card with another trillion on it with the bank of china on that credit card and ask for nothing in return, no entitlement reform, no changes of obama care when obama himself as unilaterally made 17 different changes in obama care -- >> so paul -- >> including suspending the employer mandate which senator tom harken of iowa said in the new york times is illegal -- >> paul -- >> so obama can do that but he won't sit down -- >> paul, to ralph's point, what could be on the table in terms of some sort of give? >> this is like the scene in the god father where the corrupt senator tries to export, he said here is my offer, nothing,
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nothing. that's where the democrats are because they made the deal already. ralph, i'm not in your party and don't feel bad for john boehner he can't lead the party. that's his problem. he's a leader. he got democrats and anti socialest to agree to republican levels of spending on programs of democrats really, really care about. they essentially signed onto the paul ryan levels of spending on all the things they care about, helping children, women, disabled, education. that was really, really hard to do. so now boehner has to do something hard, and he has to deliver. he has to reopen the government and pay our bills, and then we can go back to legislating, which is the give and take you're talking about. there is lots of things, i'm sure, that you could propose to change in octobebama care. democrats want a gun safety bill. we didn't shut down the government of that even though 70% want it. we said well, guys, we got to work harder. >> i want to give alice the
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final thought and we have to go. >> paul, with all due respect you act like harry reid bent over backwards to compromise. >> yes. >> when basically what he's agreeing to is common sense. >> current law. >> we racked up $6.1 trillion of debt under president obama -- >> but you say it's common sense but not what the democrats wanted, correct? >> it's hard for the democrats to do -- >> paul -- >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> the sequester levels in spending were already current law, paul. he simply agreed to current law. he didn't agree to cuts that weren't already in the law. >> we got -- >> it's the sad day when they are willing to put the full faith and credit of u.s. at risk to save obama care. that's a sad day. >> appreciate all you being here. just ahead, lady is 9 two years old itching to get back to work. she's working, the oldest national park ranger and furloughed because of the government shutdown. she says i don't have a lot of
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britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, make my mark i wawith pride.ork. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is.
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at 92 is the nation's oldest park ranger. betty, you said because of your age this is your last decade and you can't afford to have anyone wasting your time. when you heart about the government shutdown, what does it mean to you? >> it means that when i got to be 9 two years old, that there comes along with that a sense of urgency, a sense that if i don't get it right this time, i don't have time to do it over, that that gets applied to work that i enjoy, and having the shutdown interrupts all of that. >> so do you feel like they are wasting your time? >> yes, i do. >> does it make you feel like kind of the only adult in the room when you watch these politicians talking on tv? >> yes, yes, that's true and i think that washington needs a lot more adults. >> what would you say to them if some of them are watching
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tonight? would you want them to know? >> i'm not sure i'm wise enough in what they are dealing with to be able to give anyone any advice. i only know what -- how it's affecting my life, and i'm not sure where the power lies anymore, and that uncertainty is disheartening. >> do you think politicians understand the impact on someone like you? >> no, i really don't. i really don't. i think that they have lost touch with those of us who are working. >> what is it about your job that you love? >> uniquely, my job allows me to help to shape emerging national parks because i was a primary source, because i was here during that period that the world war ii home front national historical park celebrates. i was here working in richmond,
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california. >> you were working during world war ii? >> i was working in the segregated union hall. >> so what do you tell people about that time? that's -- you're able to communicate with people that come to the park about what it was like to work there during world war ii? >> what i tell them is that ken burns and tom brokaw told a story of the battles of the fighting war, but that no one over these 70 years has told the story of the rest of america. roosevelt's great arsenal democracy, extraordinary, ordinary people who became the most lethal force from mass reduction that i guess the greatest mobilization since the building of the paramids, the great wall of china, that story has never really been told and what we get to do is go back and
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revisit that history and catch those lost conversations and untold stories that were left lingering. >> and i know you've become -- you're not just popular at the park. you've become popular across the nation. i hear you're doing the show in hollywood, how is that? >> that's today. that developed today and i'm just learning. i just had my first rehearsal. >> are you nervous? >> i -- it's -- oddly enough i was much more nervous before i got onto the stage and in that walk through, the initial rehearsal, he is so comfortable that i lose all the nervousness. until i figured -- until i had to come face you. >> oh, no, that's terrible. i hope you don't feel nervous anymore. do you think you'll get back to work at the park soon? >> i hope so. i hope this doesn't last many more days. >> well, betty, i hope you get back there soon, too, and i
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would love to see you and your job, too and i can come visit. >> i hope you get out to our park. thank you very much. >> take care. >> bye, bye. >> bye, bye. >> 9 two years old. coming up the tragic and mysterious death of a teen found dead in a gym. and new revolutions in the new york biker attack. we'll tell you who. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. she loves a lot of it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical
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hey, welcome back. there may be a new piece of evidence in the question of whether the death of a 17-year-old man was an accident or murder. kendrick johnson was found dead in a rolled up mat in january. police said it was an accident he suffocated in the gym mat when reaching for a sneaker. his parents were skeptical and got a second autopsy that said he died of non-accidental blunt force trama. there are many heart breaking facts spot story. when he was exhumed his internal organs were missing and his body cavity was stuffed with newspaper. blood found on the wall of the gym for instance was never tested and attorneys are hoping surveillance evidence could show what really happened. victor blackwell has been investigating on the story and joins me. victor, you discovered there is footage from security cameras in the gym from where he died. does it shed light on his death? >> not yet.
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there are four cameras in this gym. we requested all of the stills they tick stills, not streaming video. seven pictures of kendrick running into a gym. we asked what about the pictures after this and the pictures taken before it? well, we were told that those are considered educational records and only because we have clearance from the johnson's can we have pictures of kendrick but any other pictures could be exempt because it could show a student's educational record. >> does that mean there are other students in the pictures taken prior or after what they have released? >> well, that's the implication. when that was our follow up question, are there students then in the other pictures, they just repeated those pictures are protected by the exception of educational records. >> has it ever been explained how allegedly his shoe -- they say he was reaching for his shoe in the rolled up mat and he got stuck. have they explained why his shoe was in the bottom of a rolled up mat. >> according to students we
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spoke with, there are students that hide their shoes in places around the gym because apparently there aren't enough lockers in the high school. the question we asked, there are 21 mats in that corner. if a student is hiding those shoes, why would that student choose the mat farthest in the corner to hide those shoes with in plan of getting them out? >> and the johnson's attorney, they are planning to file a lawsuit early next week. do we know the details? >> as early as tuesday. the plan is to force the coroner to have an inquest. five people from the community with one alternate would listen to testimony, look at evidence and determine how kendrick died, if it's an accident or homicide. if they determine his death was a homicide, it changes the cause of death on the death certificate to homicide. that then goes to the district attorney in the county who can start the ball rolling for another formal investigation
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for -- to look for the person responsible for that homicide. >> all right. victor, appreciate the update. thanks. >> sure. yesterday would have been kendrick johnson's 18th birthday. his parents honor his memory by trying to get to the truth. they join me with their attorney. >> mrs. johnson, thursday would have been your son kendrick's 18th birthday and i know you're planning a party for him tomorrow. tell me what he was like? >> he was fun. he was an athlete. he was a jokester. he was the life of our house. >> i can't imagine how that -- how difficult that must be to not only to lose a son but to try and get justice for him. why do you continue to -- the idea of having a party, is that to keep his spirit alive? >> yes, it is. >> mr. johnson, originally
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investigators told you kendrick climbed into a gym mat reaching for a shoe and got stuck upside down and that's how he died. when you first heard that, did it sound believable to you? >> no, it didn't sound believable at all. >> and you hired your own pathologist to autopsy kendrick and that path ol' juologist con he died from non-accidental blunt force trama, not accidental asphyxia as they said. when you heard what your pathologist was saying, what went through your mind? >> what went through my mind that we was right from the beginning, and that we always suspected something happened, we just didn't know what happened, and it just confirmed our belief that we was right. >> did authorities -- i mean, did they -- were they in contact with you throughout the investigation? did they -- did you have confidence in them at the time? >> we didn't have any confidence
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from the first time that we talked to the sheriff and how they found kendrick. so right there from the beginning, we have no -- no reason to trust them at all but because they didn't show us no justice. >> mrs. johnson, how have you been getting through this? how do you get through each day? >> just to know that we fighting for kendrick is what get me up in the morning. know we got to fight a little harder every day. >> do you still talk to him? >> i do. i tell him i love him and i miss him. >> does that help you get through the day? >> that just gives me more motivation to keep fighting for him until we get justice. >> mr. johnson, i know when you exhumed kendrick's body, what i was just stunned to hear and i'm sure you were, as well, that as you know, his internal organs,
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including, you know, his heart, his brain had been removed and there was newspaper inside his body in place of those organs. was there any indication by the funeral home director that they had done that, that his organs had been destroyed or were missing? >> no, not at all. you know, we talk to him four or five times or even more, and he never indicated that that had took place. not even once. >> mr. johnson, i want to ask you the question i asked your wife, what do you want people to know about your son? >> well, that kendrick was a loving son, and i mean, he was a good brother, you know. he was just someone that, you know, every parent all over the world would want to have a son like kendrick.
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kendrick was a great boy, and you know, he had good manners. you know, he never got in trouble, not even once with the law and he just was a nice child, you know. everyone would like to have had a son like kendrick. >> mr. and mrs. johnson, i'm so sorry for your loss and wish you the best in the days ahead and mr. king, appreciate you being on, as well, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. coming up, new indictments in the attack on an suv driver and the driver appears in public since the incident on the streets of manhattan. an elephant charges a zoo keeper. details when we continue. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance
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for more information and savings options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit tonight, new developmentms n the assault of a driver of an suv. a third new york police officer who was at the motor psychom rally linked to the attack waited for days to report he was there. he reportedly works in internal affairs. wabc shot this video of the man who was beaten, the first time he's been seen in public since the incident. he was treated at a hospital after the attack. the case, of course, is getting national attention because of the video that's gone viral was shot by a biker with the a
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helmet camera go proand shows some, not all of what happened. one biker was seriously injured. so far seven bikers have been charged, six of them on the actual assault. one of the bikers charged is an undercover police. he infiltrated the occupy wall street movement. that's him highlighted in this photograph. the grand jury is investigating this and tonight there are new indictments to report. susan joins me live. >> two more bikers have now been indicted and that makes a total of three between yesterday and today. now, they will be formally arraigned on october 30th when they get a chance to enter a plea. but also, we have learned that some important information about that, as well, that the undercover off duty officer that you were just talking about and another officer and another biker, i should say, are expected to testify before the grand jury to tell their side of the story as early as next week and i'm told, more arrests are
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expected, anderson. >> that testimony obviously is not public. do we know what their possible defense might be? >> we do. it was interesting and flagged by the attorney for that under cover off duty officer. it appears as though he might try to argue that he and other bikers were following this suv because they believed he was involved in a hit-and-run accident. well, it still doesn't explain in the case of the under cover officer he would have waited at least three days to report this to superiors and why he allegedly participated in the assault. >> mark geragos said that could be a possible defense. there is another police officer that waited to tell supervisors from internal affairs, is that right? >> that makes it more strange but yes, we're told a third one took his time to report this. now the lawyer who represents this officer who is still on the job said that he did not witness any of the assault that we've seen time and again on this viral video, and however, the attorney did not explain why he
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waited in this case according to my law enforcement sources at least a week to report this to his superiors. but the lawyer feels that he will be vin kated and he didn't do anything wrong. my sources tell me he is being investigated. >> susan, appreciate the update. let's get updates on other stories. randi kaye has the bulletin. another military officer in charge of the u.s. nuclear arsenal has been fired. in a statement the air force says major general michael kerry has been relieved of command because of a loss of trust in his leadership and judgment without being specific. a military official says kerry was fired over allegations of alcohol use on duty. another ship carrying hundreds of my grants capsized today off the coast of an italian island near sicily. more than 200 survivors have been rescued. at least four people died. more than 300 african my my grants were killed.
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a zoo keeper in missouri has been killed by an elephant. john phillip bradford worked at the zoo for 30 years. he was in the elephant enclosure when a 41-year-old elephant charged him. officials don't know what set the elephant off. apparently, there were no problems with this animal before. a jury in california decided toyota was not responsible for the 2009 death of a woman whose camry hit a telephone pole. it accelerateed to more than 100 miles an hour even though she was pressing the brakes. toyota recalled more than 8 million vehicles in 2009 and 2010 because of issues with gas peddles. and the international watchdog group trying to get rid of syrian army's gas stockpile was awarded the noble peace prize. they begun the work in syria and today's award honors the long-standing efforts to
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in tonight's american journey, an actor that found his true call income a desert. it has everything to do with caring. the lives he saved are very real. here is tom foreman. >> reporter: in the hills up above los angeles. >> hey, kids. >> reporter: a down to earth journey goes on. >> a good girl. >> reporter: every day leo grillo takes one more step. >> these dogs are abandoned in the wilderness. i bring them here with the promise it will never happen again. my promise to them is i'm keeping you safe. >> reporter: it started in 1979 when grillo an actor found an
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abandoned dog and took him in naming him delta and found another dog and another and another and 35 years later, delta rescue now covers more than 100 acres, landfilled with animals, every one of them found after being abandoned. >> we'll have anywhere 850 to 900 dogs. cats 6, 650, horpss are about 40 and i have a hand full of goats and a pig and you never know. >> reporter: an 8 million dollar budget fueled by donations provides food, water, housing and a full-time veterinary hospital. >> this guy here had some bad teeth and i'm pulling some bad mo mo molars. >> reporter: he pioneered the idea of a no kill center and every animal you see. >> here for life. hey, bentley. >> reporter: it much bigger, more time consuming, more exhausting than he er
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