tv Sanjay Gupta MD CNN October 12, 2013 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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guest to the white house. they met with malala yousafzai yesterday. she was shot by the taliban and was a top contender for this year's nobel peace prize, the first family thanked malala for working so hard for girls education. and he declared friday a day in honor for that work. i'll see you at the top of the hour when the live news continues and in the meantime it's time for dr. sanjay gupta. i'm brooke baldwin sitting in for sanjay gupta who is out on assignment. we're calling her the bravest girl in the world, malala yousafzai shares her story with cnn. new exclusive details and video minutes away. and sex and relationship expert dan savage is here. he's going to make the case that monogamy is not always the best policy -- wait for that. plus, you will not believe
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how much sugar is in some so-called superfoods. i'm talking more than what's in multiple doughnuts. but first this -- despite the glitches, the crashing websites, many people have finally had a chance to take a look at the cost of new health insurance offered through obama care, and i know a lot of young people, you're feeling sticker shock, but if you look closer, it gets more complicated. dan olkives runs a hair studio in the trendy bay view neighborhood in milwaukee. >> how long do you think you want to go in the long run? >> before the affordable care act went into effect it took dan about six of these haircuts to pay for his monthly medical insurance bill. in milwaukee, for a single man dan's age, the average premium for the least expensive type of policy is $200 before the tax credit, more than the national average and about $100 more than
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the cheapest he could get before obama care. >> so now all of a sudden this continues to escalate with the insurance and be, like, where are we going to get this money from to cover that? >> according to the conservative manhattan institute, a number of states are seeing a jump. in virginia, premiums for a 27-year-old male have increased 67%. and in new mexico 146%. >> they're surprised their premiums went up. instead of making it easier for people to get health insurance, it's going to be a lot tougher. >> but in other states including new york and ohio, rates are down. economist jonathan gruber helped design the health care law. >> in some states insurance markets were already regulated to not allow insurers to discriminate against the sick. in those states premiums will fall like in new york where they could fall up to 50%. in other states insurers were freely allowed to discriminate
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against the sick, and by ending the discrimination we'll raise premiums in states like wisconsin and the southern states. >> insurers are now required to cover people with pre-existing conditions and that drives up prices. overall gruber said rates are going up for the young and healthy like dan and down for older people and people who are sick. despite the sticker shock, olkives says health care isn't something he wants to live without. >> you know, growing up with a father who was a cancer patient, i definitely learned you have to have insurance, you know, whether you like it or not, you do have to have it. >> we're going to continue tracking problems with the sign-up sites and keep the information updated for you. just go to i went to the doctor, and he said, you know, those high blood sugar numbers you've been dealing with since you were 36. well, you graduated.
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you've got type ii diabetes, young man. >> that was actor tom hanks revealing on "the late show with david letterman" monday night that he's been diagnosed with diabetes. it means your body has trouble breaking down glucose and what that really means is you have to be very careful with what you eat and seriously limit your sugar and, of course, that is good advice for every single one of us. i want to show you and tell you about this report we came across this week. this is "mother jones" nine surprising foods with more sugar than a krispy kreme doughnut. so, let me begin with this. you think you are being healthy, i've picked these up at the store, one luna bar equals 13 grams of sugar and just over one krispy kreme doughnut. move over here and you need your caffeine fix and you are grabbing a grande latte or the same as a chicken sandwich from subway, both of them 17 grams of
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sugar and over 1 1/2 krispy kreme doughnuts. over here after your workout, how many of you have grabbed one of these, vitamin water 20 ounce, that's 33 grams of sugar and just over three krispy kreme doughnuts. and finally the odwalla, you grab something green, it's got to be good, veggies, right, 12 ounce odwalla super smoothie, 37 grams of sugar and almost four doughnuts. you hear all of this, this is the takeaway, this is the bottom line. sugar is oftentimes a hidden ingredients, it goes by a lot of different names, but in the end it's the same thing. look at this, on average men should limit daily sugar consumption to nine teaspoons. you see for the women that's just six. and there are a couple of things we can all do to cut back. first things first, you take your sugar, your honey, and your molasses, take it off the table and out of sight and out of mind, right? instead of adding sugar to cereal or oatmeal, odd fresh fruits like strawberries or
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dried foot like cranberries and raisins and if all else fails and you are still reaching for the sugar -- guilty -- cut the sugar in your baking recipes by one-third to one-half and oftentimes you won't notice the difference. talk about making a difference, there aren't many kids these days like malala yousafzai, so full of courage and conviction and passion. one year now after being shot in the head by the taliban, she sat down with our very own christiane amanpour to tell her story. we'll share that with you next.
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we're a partner you can rely on -- today, and tomorrow. we're going beyond insurance to become your partner in health. humana. i know your father is backstage and he's very proud of you, but would he be mad if i adopted you? because you sure are swell. >> did you see that interview this tuesday night, jon stewart in awe frankly as we all are of
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malala yousafzai the pakistani teenager who you might remember was shot in the head by a taliban gunman one year ago this week, and on monday malala became the youngest person ever to be nominated for a nobel peace prize and as her week in new york is wrapped up, but she didn't win, but she did sit down to talk with our very own christiane amanpour. >> the thing is, they can kill me, they can only kill malala. but it does not mean that they can kill my cause as well. my cause of education, my cause of peace, and my cause of human rights, my cause of equality will still be surviving. they cannot kill my cause. >> joining me now from new york is our chief international correspondent christiane amanpour, and, christiane, this young woman is now 16 years of age. she a passionate. she has conviction. where does it come from? >> you know, i think she's a
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prodigy. every time i see her, i'm just absolutely stunned by how ungirllike she is and how incredibly womanlike she is. she's able to articulate her dreams and desires and passions even after being shot in the head only a year ago. she was so lucky that the bullet didn't pierce her bones, her brain, rather, some bone fragments did, but she's made a remarkable recovery and she consistently keeps up that spirit of really revolutionary zeal and that is to bring education to all pakistan but most especially to girls. and you wonder where does she get this from. >> right. >> she comes from a small village. >> she comes from a small village. this is all about education, and the world, christiane, knows so much of her story, but there's so much that we don't because we know she went to this pakistani hospital. she was then flown to birmingham. and i know there was this british doctor, dr. reynolds, who happened in be in pakistan
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and was instrumental in her care. not many people know about this woman, christiane. what's the story there? >> well, i think it's really important to state that the pakistani doctors, the medical surgeons, the military surgeons, rather, did save her life initially. for instance, they stabilized her and they saved her life with very, very rapid operations after she was wounded. but then, the aftercare was not satisfactory. and quickly her vital signs started to get weaker. and it just so happened that this doctor theona reynolds from the spercialized hospital in birmingham along with dr. javid were asked to look at her. and dr. reynolds is very shy of the spotlight. she says, look, i'm a doctor, patient/doctor conversation is khancial and privileged but malala insisted on telling the whole story, on telling the truth, and therefore that is how i became part of the story.
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but her role was absolutely instrumental. >> here we have with malala this outer circle, if you will, of support, the doctors and the staff and then you have her family and specifically, christiane, her father. tell me about their relationship. >> oh, my goodness, it is remarkable. i know because i grew up in iran which even then was a male dominated society, and i remember my mother telling me that when her friends, you know, had girls, you know, the dads were just distraught. some even wept at the bedside. my mother had four girls and my father was luckily very evolved and so is malala yousafzai's father. when he had his little girl, he also had two boys. he said he was thrilled, he looked at the fails of this little girl and thought she was miraculous, and he from somewhere deep in his upbringing and situation is a rare commodity in the villages of pakistan. he's a free and progressive thinker. and he wanted to bring education, not just to all the children, but specifically to
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girls. and he knew that that is what he wanted to do with his life. he set up a school and that is where malala went to school. but i think we also understand that she's taken an incredible burden on her shoulders. she and her family are carrying a very heavy cross. the taliban has continued to say they want to kill her, and if she continues to fight this fight, she's also recognizing that she's doing it at the possible cost of her life. >> revolutionary zeal, i like how you put that, christiane amanpour, thank you so much. and you can catch and watch the premiere of "the bravest girl in the world" this sunday night at 7:00 eastern right here on cnn. christiane, thank you. coming up next, relationship advice you probably never heard before. wait for this. controversial sex columnist dan savage has some savage love for you right after this. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum.
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research shows about one in four men will cheat on his partner. this is over the course of a lifetime. as for the ladies, that number is more like one in five. either way infidelity is a leading cause of heartbreak and divorce. but the always provocative author dan savage says that sometimes cheating can actually save a relationship, and he sat down with sanjay to explain himself and his new book it's called "american savage, insights, lights and fights on faith, sex, love, and politics." >> uf say cheat iyou say cheati okay except when it is. this is the line that caught my eye, dan savage, and i'm sure it
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caught a lot of others' eyes as well. how do you reconcile that? when is it okay to cheat? >> life and long and circumstances change and sometimes accommodations have to be made. i don't smile on serial adultery and people violating commitments, i think that it's a violation and people shouldn't do it. but oftentimes the things i'm faced is people been together ten, 15, 20 years, or person is done with sex and is physically in incapacitated and can't have sex and i'm asked whatshy i do in this case, should i divorce or should i get my sexual needs met on the side and stay in this relationship and stay in this marriage and remain committed and there are times when cheating is the least evil option. the lesser evil, and i've given people permission under those circumstances to indeed cheat. >> could going to couples therapy, for example, be just as effective?
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i mean, this is your area of expertise. >> yes, sometimes that can be effective, but there are people who have been to couples therapy, there are people who have had their hormone levels checked and have talked it out and talked it out and five, ten, sometimes 15 and 20 years of no change and no growth and no development. >> yeah, i can tell, this is -- i mean, you've obviously thought this through. this is a strongly held belief by you. let me ask you a question as a doctor. if someone cheats and they don't tell their spouse, could that potentially be dangerous, on a medical level, you are opening them, you and your spouse potentially up to sexually transmitted diseases hiv, and a pregnancy involve and domestic violence and your spouse might be confronted by this and have no idea what hit them? is that fair? >> absolutely there are risks and people need to mitigate and control the risks as best they can. i counsel people to do it discretely and safe and
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considerately and protect their partner in every possible way. i'm oftentimes giving this advice to people that are in sexless marriage so there isn't a risk of a sexually transmitted from a husband to wife or from a wife to a husband because there's no sex in this marriage. >> are obviously challenging strongly held beliefs and it's provocative stuff and people should read the book. some of this is about sex and a lot of this is about trust. >> what i'm talking about those moments when cheating is okay or permissible when it's the lesser of two evils and trust is important in a long-term relationship. but the person who has been denied sex for 10 or 15 years, that person's trust has been violated, too, that person went into a marriage with the expectation that sexual needs would be met mutually and this would be something that would be ongoing and lifelong. and some people independently end their sexual -- their partner's sexual lives and
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that's not always fair. and so it's not just a violation of trust in one direction often in these sexless marriages. it's a violation in both directions. >> but this whole idea that it's somehow -- the marriage can be as meaningful or it wouldn't be devastated in some way to render it essentially -- it doesn't just ring true to me. >> people cheat. we aren't naturally monogamous animals, if you are with somebody 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years and they only cheat twice, they are good at monogamy and we expect couples to work and get past because in all likelihood every long-term relationship will be touched by infidelity at some point. what i would say to a couple or what i have said to couples who are facing this is, you know, had the day before you found out about this affair you might have said something like i would take a bullet for my partner, there's nothing i wouldn't do for my partner, i would walk through fire for my partner. how about forgive your partner?
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can you do that? >> it's a provocative topic, dan savage. i enjoy talking to you about it. i know you're on book tour now and probably getting a lot of these same questions but thanks for spending some time with us. >> my pleasure. so, i guess it's all in one's perspective definitely controversial advice. the book "american savage" and there you have it. still to come meet the nascar young gun who is driving to stop diabetes, plus diana nyad's swim for relief 48 hours in a pool in new york's herold square. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. but getting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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in today's "human factor" a young race car driver who had to drastically change his lifestyle after a life-changing diagnosis. back on track he's competing in the nascar nationwide series at charlotte motor speedway this weekend and sanjay's got his story. >> nice and smooth. green, green, green. >> against all odds 20-year-old ryan reed is living his dream. >> been a race car driver since i was 4 years old. >> he was just 17 when kyle busch is one of nascar's top drivers recruited him for his development teach. >> it was just like everything was falling right into place in my life and nothing could stop me. i was really cranky.
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and i remember being thirsty a lot. i was using the bathroom extremely frequently and losing a lot of weight. >> reed was diagnosed with type i diabetes. >> no, ryan, you'll never race again. >> but they were wrong. reed adapted. he's on a strict diet. he has a sensor implanted in his abdomen that transmits his blood sugar readings. there's a continuous glucose monitor that's mounted into the dash inside his race car and that allows him to check his blood sugar during the race. >> ten four, how's your numbers right now? >> good. 120 still, maintaining. >> and his fire suit, it now sports a bull's-eye. >> we have a guy trained on the pit crew and reach into the window and give me an insulin injection should i need it. >> reed made his debut in nascar's second biggest series on april 26th. and just last month he finished in the top ten. >> still outside. >> dr. sanjay gupta cnn reporting.
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diana nyad just a couple of weeks ago, how could we forget the 64-year-old made history swimming all the way from cuba to key west without a shark cage. this week she was chasing life again swimming 48 hours in a specially built pool in new york city to raise money for victims of superstorm sandy. every 15 minutes a new swimmer hopped in with nyad including 11-time olympic medalist ryan lochte. >> 48 hours straight, i know i couldn't do it. what she's doing right now is amazing. >> she was also joined by victims of the storm like this woman whose extended family lost a total of eight houses in that storm. >> i'm very grateful that she's doing this for us. it was absolutely incredible to even be in the same pool as someone that's accomplished so much. >> nyad raised more than $100,000 for americare, the
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