tv Piers Morgan Live CNN October 17, 2013 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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bill becomes law. thanks for joining us tonight. for all of you tonight please check -- captions by vitac -- >> this is cnn breaking news. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the quite and around the world. tonight breaking news, the frantic last-minute deal to reopen the government and raise he will suffer an olive branch to the republicans. >> i said it before, i'll say it again, i'm eager to work with anybody, democratic house or senate members on any idea that will grow our economy, strengthen the middle class and
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get our house in order for the long term. >> good news for the president, but a stinging defeat for the gop, divided as ever. listening to senator ted cruz and house speaker john boehner. >> we have been locked in a fight over here, trying to bring government down to size, trying to do our best to stop obama care. we fought the good fight, we just didn't win. >> this is a terrible deal. this deal embodies everything about the washington establishment that frustrates the american people. >> the deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling, joining me dana bash, brianna keilar, brianna, it would seem to be a clear victory for the white house and the democrats. a clear defeat for the gop. when can we expect to see president obama actually signs
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all this off. the president is generally a night owl, staying up as late as 1 a.m., catching up on his day's work. we understand he is supposed to sign the bill, it will be physically brought over here to the white house, we haven't received notification that this is happening yet. but we're expecting it to happen tonight and for the government to be reopen tomorrow, the employees being put on notice, as well, piers late tonight that they're supposed to report to work tomorrow. >> now, you put a brilliant question that just caught him off guard, and he gave a fascinating answer, let's watch this. >> mr. president, do you believe this will all be over in a few months? >> no. >> pretty definitive response there to a cunning question,
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because it begs the real question, well, this is all very well, we're going to go to the whole shutdown and debt ceiling, how will it be any different than what we have just been through. >> they're pointing to a lot of optimism, and the last debt ceiling increase, which was actually last winter, we didn't hear a lot about it. it was not about the debt ceiling in 2011 where we came close to default. the last time it was something that kind of flew under the radar for most americans. the white house's calculus on this, they feel it just doesn't make any sense for republicans as they get closer to mid-term to risk anymore political damage. they have suffered a lot. the white house believes they don't want to do it again, of course as you know piers, it is not up to the white house, it is up to the tea party republicans
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and whether the leadership follows them. >> thank you, brianna, let's go to dana bash. you have been working like a trojan for two weeks, bring us some clarity, is there any doubt it was a big win for the white house, and a defeat for the republicans? >> no, no doubt, i can say that definitively, that is what the republicans have been saying, in fact, one republican aide, there is a lot of gallows humor going on, they were upset that the president came out and talked about the house vote. they were a little worried about the effect it may have on the house republicans, they were trying to get the number as high as possible. this republican aide said look, we get it. he can dance on our grave or spit on it for all we care, because we, meaning the republicans, deserve it. this was a strategy that was
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doomed to fail and should not have gone down this road to begin with. but they understand that this is something that was just terrible. they understand that full -- >> why? >> well, particularly inside the republican leadership, not just in the senate, but the house, the ones who agreed to go down this road and continued it for two weeks. >> now, the man who started it. senator ted cruz, was pretty unhappy today, listen to what he had to say. >> i am confident that in time, the u.s. senate will follow the lead of the leadership and listen to the american people. that is our job. that is our responsibility. this is a terrible deal today. but it is a terrible deal for the american people. >> let me turn now to gloria borger, gloria, when you listen to senator ted cruz there, he -- i suspect believes he may have had a win here for himself. >> uh-huh. >> and we may see another battle looming right away with him
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center stage. >> yeah, i think -- there is actually no doubt that this was a win personally for ted cruz. i bet if he goes back to texas, he is still pretty popular. and i think in terms of the tea party republicans, he can -- he is their frontrunner now. one would have to say for a presidential contender. look, i don't think he is going to get the nomination in the end, because i think tea party republicans are dividing off from the rest of the republican party. but i do believe you talk about his name recognition. he can raise more grass roots money. you know, he has done himself some good, and it was very clear talking to senate republicans that they understand this was not about them. this was about him. >> right. he is going to go nowhere. i had this fascinating interview with alan dershowitz, who said ted cruz was one of the most
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brilliant students he had. i was quite surprised. if you see that as the case, al al alan -- is it conceivable that he could emerge despite your misgivings as a potential nominee for republicans, could they win an election with somebody like him at the helm? >> here is the thing, you have to take ted cruz seriously. ted cruz is a pied piper of a certain wing of the republican party. he is very important on the national stage, he is not going anywhere, and you're right, he is very smart. i am not so sure he is a great strategist, maybe he knew he couldn't win, but wanted to raise this as an issue saying i haven't forgotten you folks. i'm still on obama care, it is
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still a problem for us and i'm still following the grass roots. a lot of politicians come to washington, and the first thing they do is run against washington. i think he has done it in record time. >> and in terms of obama care itself, can we assume literally tomorrow, once the government is back up and running, the debt ceiling issue is shelved, we're not going to see the obama care back up, something the republicans wanted to see because they believe that president obama could be quite vulnerable on this. >> well, look, i think obama care is the law. i think you're going to see a lot of folks taking a long, deep look at the problems with enrolling on line. i think the issue of taxing medical devices is going to come back up again. and that could be revised. you know look, laws get passed, they get changed, passed,
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altered. dana knows this better than anyone. it is a living, breathing document, right? so it will get changed, but congress, in terms of the building behind us, they're moving on to other things right now. >> let's go to dana very quickly, we heard the bill is at the white house, just in terms of procedure, how long could we expect it to sit there before president obama signs it? >> if it is at the white house, it probably wouldn't sit there very long, he wants to get this done, probably get to bed and make sure the government is up and running when the sun comes up tomorrow, that people actually can go back to work. and the economy, which has taken a hit, not just locally here in washington but around the country because of this, can begin to recover from it. >> i hope he is also aware, dana bash, you need some sleep, because i think you have had about one hour. >> something tells me i don't think that is really a big thing on his mind. but thank you for caring, piers. >> mr. president, if you're watching, she needs sleep, i'm
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going to get her tickets to the next osmond revival -- welcome to you, gentlemen, are you guys all best buddies again now then? is this all bipartisan joy tonight? >> we've got a lot of work we need to do together, and we have to work across the aisle to get it done, so yeah, let's work together. >> it is important for the country. >> put into context for me the politics of all of this going forward. did the republicans really, do you think feel that they have suffered a massive defeat here or is it a temporary setback? >> well, piers, i do believe it was a worthy objective, obama care has significant issues and problems. but it was an ill-fated strategy. i said that during the course of the summer. i don't think that we had a major opportunity to win this politically. it is the president's signature,
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it will be his legacy, good or bad. not withstanding that the premiums of my state have gone up 200%, the congressional budget office says the cost is unsustainable. we're losing jobs, there were real issues, real concern to all of us. the president had had his way, for right now, that will be the law until such time that the problems get greater than the american people demand that it be changed. >> and congressman, which way did you vote tonight? >> i voted with it. i believe that it is important to give time for the negotiators to go out there and to try to do something about the real issue facing our country. you know we have a $17 trillion debt. we have $16 trillion of unfunded liabilities. this is the elephant in the room. this is the problem. the president needs to speak to this. for five years i've been waiting
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for the president to address the issue. i listened to him at the inauguration, the state of the union, the congress, he never brought it up. yet when we spoke in march of 2006 on the senate floor as a senator he made it very clear that lambasting president bush for a $5 trillion debt. and realizing that he did not want to vote to extend the debt ceiling. >> as we go forward here, clearly the big battle, it seems to me, before we get down to shutdown and debt ceiling issues in january and february will be over obama care. there will be gloves off, and a straight assault on the great plank of president obama's presidency. what do you think will happen with that? because at the moment, the system itself seems to be failing. >> well, where they're looking at is one piece of it. an important piece, but this is the exchange piece, the important pieces are actually working in many, many parts of the country, in california, those exchanges are working
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where the governors took control over the issues. the exchanges are working, the national exchange has its headaches, no doubt babout it. but that is just one small part of the affordable care act, you take a look at the exchange, the things like pre-existing conditions for children. for parents, and guaranteed coverages, all of those insurance reforms are now in place. the patient's bill of rights. and we're also seeing the reduction in the inflation rate in medical services both for the government, medicaid and medicare, as well as for the private sector. so we're seeing the cost curve bend. now the exchanges, that is an issue that is going to be dealt with. every major program, whether it is a military program or this program or a state program or even a private sector program, they all have their hiccups, just take a look at google and microsoft, and they will tell you about the hiccups going into
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the situation. but the real issue is how to get this economy going, how to get people back to work. and these continued cliffs, these crises actually hold back a very powerful race horse called the american economy. >> well, i agree with you, but let me ask you this, congressman, i presume you voted in favor of it, as well, right? >> of course. >> so you two reached a point of bipartisan consensus, why do we have a hand shake on this particular debate -- you see, it is possible. you can actually get along in washington. what an extraordinary spectacle, congressmen, thank you very much indeed. >> next, the president has the bill, any minute he will sign the bill and get the government open again. >> i want to thank the leadership for coming together and getting this done. hopefully next time it wouldn't be in the 11th hour. one of the things that i said
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throughout this process is we have to get out of the habit of governing by crisis. [ sneezes, coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is.
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. breaking news on the deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling, the white house has the bill. president obama is expected to sign it at any moment, and we'll bring you that news, as soon as we have it. joining me now, christine romans, richard quest, and cnn political commentator, washington correspondent. i feel like our panel has gotten
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better as the hours dragged on. let's start with you, christine romans, obviously, it is good news, frustrating that we'll probably go through exactly the same nonsense again in january and february. put it in a proper perspective for me. how painful has that all been to date for the american economy? >> oh, our national nightmare is over, right, piers, over for a little bit. then you have to get your little countdown clock again in january, this is how serious it is, $24 billion to the economy, to put that in perspective that is like two years of the freed reduce school lunch program, 29 million american kids are fed, two years of that. i mean, you can go through all the ways we could have spent the money with better use. but basically it was congress not doing its job. in normal times you can recover, if it were a hurricane or flooding you could recover some of that lost economic activity.
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but if we keep having budget battles, you wouldn't, piers. >> why is it just incredibly embarrassing for the perception of the way america does business, politically and economically? because that is the perception that many of the people have. >> it is embarrassing, a perception, something that every republican leader and strategist told the party not to do, predicted that if they did do it, it would lead to exactly the outcome that we just saw. and what do we all get out of this at the end of the day? a conference committee. we get republicans and democrats. that is the end result of this agreement. they agreed to sit down and try and work out a budget. that is it. which if you remember from your u.s. politics classes, piers is sort of how the process is supposed to work.
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>> i'm well abreast of all of this. tell me something about mitch mcconnell, something to do with a little sweetener for mitch mcconnell in this deal. >> i'm sort of a defender in this type of deal, apparently mitch mcconnell got a product in kentucky inserted into the legislature. he said it was not him. it it was one of the committees in the senate. they say they wanted it. it has to be for mcconnell, it is a kentucky project, we'll see what the final word on that is. but having said that, the fact that a little bit of pork can help to lubricate the gears of congress -- >> can you say that again? a little bit of pork can help to lubr lubricate the wheels of congress? >> absolutely, they got rid of pork and can't buy votes anymore. >> let me come to my pork expert, richard quest, it is all
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about pork. >> no, it is not, it is really all about this. it is old, it is battered and it has been around the world a couple of times. >> it has gotten actually more battered. >> this is the can that gets kicked down the road, piers, again and again and again. and if you look back at the number of times this can has been kicked, it puts it into perspective. in fiscal year 11, it was kicked eight times, in 12, six times. so far in fiscal '13, it was kicked twice, and what are the implications of kicking this can down the road? well, let's look at the last shutdown, the debt ceiling crisis. then, the u.s. lost its triple a credit rating. it led to the fiscal cliff, lots of cliffs and cans, so yes, battered, bruised, but this thing is living to fight another day. >> you just live off red bull or
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something? where did all of this energy come from, seriously? >> richard, after two weeks of this -- >> but better to kick that can one more times than do what republicans would have us do, which was shred it into little pieces and eat it. >> i am just amused the can is up here in new york. >> yes,nd we can expect to kick the can in january, if they can just manage to do it a couple of times without shutting down the government, i think it is the best case we can go for. they're going to come up with a grand bargain where they agree to replace the sequestration cuts we got in 2011, with a more sensible way of fixing the budget term. they wouldn't reach the agreement on that. the president and democrats say you have to have a tax increase as part of the deal -- >> benjamin netanyahu told me a fascinating thing when i
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interviewed him a couple of weeks ago. don't laugh. it was fascinating, just the gentle way he comes into the conversation, i said to him, have you ever had a shut down in israel, he said we did have one and everybody was so enraged by what happened, they brought in a new system. i remember, if there were a delay, they take a month off the following year's budget, comes off the top. if there is a two-month delay, two months comes off. if it gets to six-month delay, guess what, he said we haven't had had a shutdown since. is it time we considered actually bringing in some kind of severely punitive measure like that which focused all the politicians' minds in washington? >> i think a lot of that stuff ends up being kind of gimmicky, where it was called, no budget, no pay. i think the better thing to do
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would be to have a law if they don't pass a new funding bill to keep the government open, they just keep funding it at the levels it was funded in the year before. that way they don't have the stupid pressure -- >> it seems like every six month there has been a new crisis in washington. >> it is your fault, piers, your fault. >> does it actually come -- >> when republicans lose their majority in the house. >> i'm going to come back after the break. >> it is mounting excitement. because the president has a bit at the white house, if you have been watching, please sign that piece of paper, thank you. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology.
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we have breaking news for you, it is official, president obama has signed the bill ending the shutdown and the debt ceiling crisis, i can actually read you what he signed into law, hr 2775, the continuing appropriation at 2014, which provides fiscal year 2014, the projects of the federal government through january, 2015, the time begins 2013, also extends the nation's debt limit through february 7th, 2014. it is now official and the furloughed employees can now go
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back to work. and richard quest, they got there. >> they got there and not a moment too soon, or perhaps a little too late, but they have got there. we're actually seeing reaction in the markets, the nikkai has rallied, we'll be back in january and february, before we say come in, we're open, i think we ought to keep the other one just at hand. >> i think you're right, christine romans, i can actually hear you groaning when we say kick the can down the road, we've all been here, haven't we? like groundhog day? is it possible to avoid all of this when you have a $17 trillion national debt. >> if you have grown-ups who will take a look at blue ribbon panel after blue ribbon panel of
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debt commissions, and everybody has to give up something, then you could solve a problem with the $17 trillion debt and deficits, and you can move forward. but no one will give anything up. this is a town where people don't want to lose, no one wants to lose anything. and there is a sort of crazy political grid lock that takes over. and it is not in the best interest of the country, so somebody is going to have to give something up. both sides have to give more up. they can't force austerity when the country is just barely coming out of their slumber, timing is something they have not proved to be very good at. >> are you thrilled that it is over? what are you feeling? >> well, this is a giant waste of time and makes you want to leave washington and not cover politics anymore. i'm only half kidding. >> are you quitting on national television -- is this more breaking news?
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is this i've had enough? >> long day. can i just make the case for optimi optimism, i agree with josh that the fundamental divide is not going away. one case for optimism, a faction of the republican party, their strategy and way of doing things really has been basically humiliated here. and john boehner should be strengthened by this fight. these guys led him down a blind alley, and he got the you know what kicked out of him. and going into this next budget battle, perhaps he has some credibility to cut a deal that he frankly wanted to cut with barack obama in 2011 but was not allowed to because of his right flank. so one thing you could say,
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maybe obama has broken the back of the faction -- >> that may be optimistic considering what senator cruz is up to. because i feel he will feel massively emboldened by what happened. he caused the government to be shut down, more massively famous than he was, raising a lot of money. he sees a clear opportunity to become the leader of the faction of the tea party republicans. >> that is absolutely right, he is the leader of the tea party faction of the republicans. if you listen to what he says, he talks as though america is with him. and washington is what stops obama care, and only america wants that, i don't think he is chastened at all. i think a substantial part of his supporters are not chastened. i think ryan's optimism is excessive. >> give the guy a break -- >> he is going to talk himself into staying there. >> i don't even agree with it.
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all right, on that note, that is a perfect way to end, ryan doesn't even agree with what he is currently saying. enough of this madness. raising the debt ceiling on this debate to a huge amount that none of you can reach. shutting it down, it is over. thank you, and the trusty can is here, ready to be kicked down the road, coming up next, the shutdown, what loses, and ben ferguson, if that doesn't wake you up on this ungodly hour, nothing will. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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it was the wrong premise, it was the wrong fight to have. i fought against obama care and continues to, because i don't believe it is good for america. >> senator john mccain making clear how he feels about the gop's handling of this debacle. and professor of columbia university, and ben ferguson, cnn political commentator, and host of "the ben ferguson show." and a bruiser in every sense of the word. we got the breaking news, president obama has now signed
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off. so there is no more debt ceiling crisis, and the government is back up and running. >> now. >> well, come on, ben, what do you make of this? >> i have one question, is the panda cam up, i want confirmation. i want to see it by the end of the question. >> a darn good question, and i'm going to find that out while i'm talking to you and reveal it to the nation, let's find out on the panda cam, ben ferguson, is senator cruz hero or villain. >> i think he is brilliant, he has the attention focused on one, the obama care and the disaster that even the former white house press secretary said somebody should be fired over the rollout of it. the second thing, he knows
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exactly who his allies and enemies are within the republican party. there is going to be a lot of phone calls to prospective rinos who laid down -- >> wait a minute, panda cam will be reopened tomorrow morning. >> see? see the word is -- it's all right with the world, my friends. >> the panda will be asleep anyway, in the morning, that will come alive, the panda will be back, the world can breathe again, ted cruz, a hero, says ben ferguson. >> absurd, he is an absolute l villain, even his own party said it was a huge mistake, that doesn't make you a hero in the
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party that you had had the attention of. the next time you go into battle, you should have a strategy. >> here is the plot i should throw you, that may all be true, ted cruz is no fool. obviously is a smart guy, he obviously will go back to a fan base much larger than it was, with more money than before. a lot of people said hey, he took it to president obama, he got the government shutdown, that guy got action, and said what he would do when he elected him. he got into obama care. >> the only thing he got was an income verifications provision -- >> he got the government shut down. >> when is that a virtue? >> unless i'm misreading this, i would imagine come tomorrow and certainly all of next week what we'll see from senator ted cruz is a rampaging of sort on obama care, right? >> sure, and the proof of that is look how vulnerable the white house is today.
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they promised today they were going to come out with the numbers of how many people that actually signed up under their brilliant website that has been a disaster. and now they're refusing to give the numbers out saying we may not give them until early next year, they have already moved the date twice. they're not telling the big issues, that ted cruz is smart enough to understand. in january and february, people are going to get their letters, the majority of people are going to get their letters with this new premiums, and people who have gotten their letters have seen their numbers go up drastically all over the country -- >> here in new york, of course. >> and in lots of places. >> and have 11 million people who were not previously able to have insurance to get insurance, and people with pre-disposed
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issues will get insurance. it is not all as evil. >> the fact is, there are a lot of things to criticize the obama for, but instead of criticizing them for the things they all made missteps on, all we have is ted cruz, this is a complete -- >> i am not terrified of ted cruz, i hope he stays in the front. >> you are. >> no, i am not. >> every time ted cruz talks, all the democratic party's mistakes get hidden. >> i just want to hear that c cackle one more time of ben ferguson. >> all the signing -- >> anyway, let's bring an end to this. coming up, face to face with ann coulter, she is certainly as angry as ever. and you might be surprised who
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celebrating, the house vote brought the shutdown to a conclusion, let's talk to ann coulter, the author of the book "never trust a liberal over three, especially a republican." let's talk about ted cruz, what do you think his strategy will be? will it be as simple as come monday morning, right, off we go for real. now we have the other stuff out of the way. >> i think the important part of the strategy is to teach republicans we need to win elections. i go through some of them at the beginning of in bomy book, was a good idea to run christine o'connell, i wish we had a moderate republican there now. there was a stolen election in minnesota, we had the three guys mulling about abortion and rape, campaign consultants running candidates who could never win in connecticut and west virginia, because they wanted to
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line their pockets. >> but shouldn't the party be moving more tea party conservative or is that just more hazardous in a general election? because the country, if you look at polls on gay marriage and that sort of thing, they're just not with the republicans on that sort of thing, whether you agree or not. >> first of all, i dispute that, about 36 of the states voted on gay marriage, and they rejected it. >> and a significant majority of all the polls say americans are now in favor of it. >> that is probably a poll of all adults. >> you can't criticize all polls. >> i can when there have been 36 state votes. i think we know what americans think on that one. there may be some issues where you can tell me a majority -- >> but my sense is that younger people in particular, president obama has been very good at galvanizing elections, he runs
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alex rodrigu elections with young people. >> i think the obama election goes away -- >> what about hillary clinton? do you think she will run. >> sorry, this is a new york reference, but another christine quinn, we were told next mayor -- >> who would you next fear? >> obama, i think once you take him out, you don't run todd aiken, we'll be just fine. >> who is the most electable right now? >> well, that remains to be seen. but please, republicans no more inspirational leaders, or congressmen -- >> what about chris christie? >> he -- of course -- >> could he win in an election? >> if he were the republican candidate? >> your vote makes it clear, we can have all the rhetoric and passion that you like, we're --
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>> but you're thinking running a liberal. >> i'm not putting words in your mouth. i'm saying who do you think can exercise your desire to have a winner? >> i'm not sure, i want to see them in debates, we have a bunch of senators like lee, on the tea party or less tea party, it varies from state to state. the democrats have you know, these incredibly conservative democrats that you never hear about, you know, you just had him on from arkansas, mary landriu in louisiana, they know this is the best they will get in state. it is not tea partiers, why are they going and demanding purity from republicans in a state that is a liberal state? it is madness, it is not thinking about winning elections. >> you can quibble over state by
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state, but in the end, the republicans have to have unity in an election. you had division within the tea party, you can see exactly the same bubble beginning to boil up again, you have a male sarah palin, a much more formidable one than sarah palin, ted cruz -- >> you don't see the analogy, but i love them. >> do you think he could be electable in a wider section just to win the majority of the republicans? >> we'll see, there will be arguments in a party of ideas, one thing i pointed out in this book. democrats want power, they figure out how to get elected so they can run other people's lives. >> and republicans don't do that? >> no, look at how we have been doing in elections.
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back with ann coulter, we have book wars this week, because i can reveal to my viewers, i have a book out. shooting straight, guns, gays, god and george clooney. it is a journal of my diaries. there is a fetching picture of you on the cover, an equally fetching picture of me on my cover. yours is 377 pages, so a little bit more -- >> shockingly long for one of mine, and you know why?
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>> why. >> because there is no chapter more than ten pages, a lot of it is greatest hits. >> greatest hits. >> yes, it is a column -- >> do you realize we talk about gun, gays, and george clooney. >> mine covers everything under the sun. i have a chapter on crime, christianity, and amanda knox. because it is fun right? >> it is fun i agree with some of it, which surprises me. >> you do? >> but not most of it. >> can we get to what you agree with? >> you actually write it? >> i not only write them, i research it, which is why i don't have a tv or radio show, i love doing research, i was a lawyer, i love doing research. you find stuff when you do your own research, most of the books are historical. you find things that if you hired somebody to do the research for you, they wouldn't notice the pattern, they
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wouldn't see it. so yes, i am one of the few authors that likes to research. >> do you like to be so polarizing? >> no, i think everybody should agree with me, thus, i would like to get to what you agree with. >> but on the basis that we don't agree, do you like being polarizing, so divisive a character, that when some turn on the tv, half of them are cheering and half of them are seething. >> no, i really gave you my best answer, and like you, if they read the book, they would say oh, my gosh, i agree with her. >> i said i agreed with some of it but disagreed with both of it. immediately your sinister brain computed it to say -- >> much of it. >> you had nine best selling books on the new york times best seller list. >> and i hope we have ten. >> what do you hope to achieve with
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