tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 18, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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it will continue across the country. you can go to and twitter to weigh in. >> from the left. i'm van jones. >> and i'm s.e. cupp. erin burnett "outfront" right now. >> who should take the fall for the disastrous rollout? some say kathleen sebelius should be the one fired. plus, a doctor accused of killing his wife. was it murder or an accident? and a 14-year-old girl said she was raped by an older stoonl. the charges dropped but the girl's mother made secret recordings of the prosecutor. we'll play that for you. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett "outfront." we have some news. an official from the darrel of health and human services
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confirming to cnn that the glitch filled website will be coming down for maintenance. this comes on the same day new problems were expose asked the official from the health and human services said kathleen sebelius will not be available to answer questions at a congressional hearing next week on what went wrong. i can tell you at this moment, we have just found out that this health and high school services secretary. i'm here at my blackberry, has time on appear at the inaugural kennedy forum gala the night before in boston. so she'll be in boston at a gala but unable to testify in washington the next day. republicans continue to call for second sebelius to be fired. brian todd has been tracking the glitches. official are obviously downplaying the significance of the webb coming down. what's your kae in. >> my take is they've had so many problems with this website. even if there is a high
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maintenance, maintenance action overnight, they'll be lumping it in with the other maintenance problems that they've had and trying to deal with it that way. as you mentioned at the top. we have had confirmation from a health and human services official that the obama care enrollment website, will be coming down for maintenance. the official at the health and human services downplaying the significance saying the agency has brought it down week nights and weekends fairly regularly between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. again, hhs downplaying the maintenance issues and the taking down of the website this weekend. meanwhile, we have been speaking to those on the receiving end of all of these applications. insurance companies. sources are telling us there are widespread problems with the applications coming in. they are having to track back to solve them. >> luke runs a database company in northern virginia. since trying to sign up for
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obama care online, he has become an unwilling expert on the glitches. >> the management team built this and delivered this and thought it was production quality has shown they're not capable of delivering a production quality enterprise national level product. >> he doesn't think the system was tested thoroughly enough before the rollout. administration officials have insisted they did beta test the program for months. but cnn has now learn, signing up is a problem not just for potential customers but for the insurance companies processing their applications. listen to joan from the michigan insurer priority health. >> we talked to one gentleman who had not received the confirmation that he anticipated on the exchange website. so he hit submit a couple of times. and ended up, was concerned that he had enrolled in multiple plans. >> another company tells us, soon after enrollment started, they had one customer mistakenly
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apply three time for two different plans. insurance industry sources tell cnn people are getting data without a time stamp. we did speak to other insurers who said they had no problem with the data. got complete applications. but for those who have had problems -- >> we're calling each member and going over their enrollment information with them to make sure it is accurate. >> reporter: for response to those issues, we call and e-mailed cgi, the private contractor which got tens of millions from the government to design the system. we didn't hear back. the department of health and human services that as individual problems are raised by insurers, we work aggressively to address them. as for luke -- how would you fix it? >> way i would fix it is two levels. i would have a change in management. tech nick will i would try to get people through this system as quickly as possible, asking for as few pieces of personal information as possible to expedite the process.
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>> reporter: to be fair, he said he has seen some improvements. on some pages they've add more questions to save people having to answer a question, save a screen and then go to the next screen. and administration officials continue to say they are hammering away at these glitches. for outfront, brian todd in washington. >> we heard the tech expert saying someone in management should be fired. even the health and human services second kathleen sebelius have admitted there are problems. >> i am the first to acknowledge that the website that was supposed to do this in a seamless way has had way more glitches than i think are acceptable. >> i'll be the first to tell that you the website launch was rockier than we would have liked. >> maybe neither one of them were the first. but at least they acknowledged the problem. the question is, should someone be fired? joining us tonight "outfront." the communications director at the republican national committee. and john avalon, executive
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editor for the daily beast. the president has said itle times. the buck stops with me. he won't lose his job over this. but the person in charge of the rollout was kathleen sebelius as secretary of the hhs. should she be fired? >> yes. as brian mentioned in the piece, they had three years and hundreds of millions to get this right. just months before it was ready to go, in september of this year go they told us they were ready to go. we're going on sign up 500,000 people in the first month. when the demand started, the day after they launched, they said the problem was not that there was a website problem. there was so much demand to get on the site. meaning they covered it up. they knew there was a problem and they blamed it on enthusiasm. not admitting the problem. >> maybe they just hoped that it was enthusiasm. maybe it wasn't a full cover-up. >> but when you spend hundreds of millions, if you take look at where they are now. let's look at how they're doing. she said 500,000.
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there are states where you can count on one handled the number of people that have done this. zero, 1, 5, 7. that's not impress yifl that's not even close to 500,000. this is an absolute disaster. and there is no company in america that would allow this themselves constantly refer to themselves, compare themselves to an apple rollout. when apple had a similar glitch, tim cook fired entire team that was responsible for rolling out the mapping app. this is an absolute disaster. someone has to pay the price. >> let me ask you, i can't confirm shawn's numbers. i'll trust you. seven people in alaska. i don't know what percent of the population that is. rob gibbs said someone needs to go. let me play it. this is a guy very close to the president. >> when they get it fixed, i hope they fire some people that were in charge.
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>> yeah. >> there is no question this has been a rolling disaster of a rollout. and i don't have a fancy word to do the play by play. this does prove a point republicans have been. government tends to not do big things well. we can have a conversation about the crew-ups, about how best to fix them. by jumping immediately to fire sebelius, wee just parroting rnc talking points telephone height of the whole default disaster that we went through as a country, the rnc kept pushing this line. fire sebelius, fire sebelius. they wanted to change the conversation themselves wanted to distract from the conversation. that's the important politics that we'll get real about this conversation. >> i must be doing a really, really good job. because rob gibbs is using the talking point now. so i just, that's a little
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preposterous. yesering with believe that's the case. from rob gibb to debby watersman schultz, everybody is saying this is a disaster. will anybody be held accountable. this isn't like a small disaster like i ordered decaf and i meant regular coffee. this is tens of millions of dollars that was spent over the course of three years. and we're all looking around calling it glitches, rocky bumps. this makes the new coke rollout look lick a pr success story. >> you both raise interesting points. jumping to fire someone before you find out had a is responsible. here is the thing. secretary sebelius was just confirm for going to a gala a instead of testifying in washington. >> it started a little rockier than we would like but i think it is getting better by the day. >> obama has this earl of tech
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guys that send me e-mail when i don't even have my computer on. they appear behind my eyeballs. and yet all this person has to do is fill in their name and the computer is like, what are you doing to me? >> in the interview, so she look like she was having a good old time. she came to new york, she can go on comedy central. seriously, all jokes aside. that is not smart. it is totally unacceptable that she doesn't testify before congress. she should answer questions. she has time to go a kennedy center gala. she has time to go to congress. jumping to the band wagon. if we want to fix it, that's one thing. let's be honest. the republican party wants a political scout. that's the whole thing for this line of reasoning. it is not to fix a problem or to have that conversation. >> here's the point. talking points aside, just
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issue, the issue on the table, if she was a couple weeks out of that launch, when she was talking about the rollout. it's good to go. my point would be, if this were any other issue, we would be saying you're crazy. we knew they didn't beta test it. there is no question that everyone who look at it said that. at what point is it not a talking point and it is reality that they have to admit that there were serious problems. they knew about them and they ignored them. >> all i have to say, someone has to faye price but we've got to do who did what wrong for this to not happen again. you can't just have a scalp and then declare victory. still to come newark information about the horrific terror attack at the kenyan mall. we have the video and now authorities believe they know who is behind it. plus a massive manhunt for two men released from prison by accident.
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and how many times has this happened before? that is the shocker. and controversy surrounding a deadly police shooting in dallas. officials say the suspect advanced on them with a knife. guess what. the video, no. no. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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our second story "outfront," new leads in the kenyan mall terror attack. officials have been studying the footage during the siege in the mall in nairobi last month which left as many as 67 people dead. the attack is now being tied to this man. this is the first time you've seen his picture. he is believed by american intelligence officials to be one of the most dangerous terrorists
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on earth. barbara starr is "outfront." >> reporter: at the west gate shopping mall in nairobi, ken yark shoppers ran for their lives when gunmen took over in a shooting rampage. u.s. intelligence is trying to figure out what behind the scenes role this man may have played. this tv 2 norway footage. he is in america's cross hairs. just days after the mall attacked two dozen navy s.e.a.l.s raided his compound in southern somalia. they failed to capture him. but cnn has learned, why president obama risked so much. u.s. sources say he is now seen as a prominent part of the al qaeda network with possible information on new attacks being planned. his reach now is far beyond somalia. >> he has really emerged as a
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key link figure between various al qaeda affiliates in yemen, between al shabab in somalia. he is somebody who has deep connections to militants in the west because of the time he spent in the west in recent years. >> reporter: al qaeda in the arabian peninsula base in the yemen is now considered the most dangerous of the al qaeda affiliates. cnn has been shown encrypted videos. they show context between him and the american born cleric, anwar al alooki. >> when he starts to work closer with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. >> reporter: kenyan officials are looking at a nor weekan krit. the citizen is believed to have
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ties to him. another indicator of his possible involvement in what happened at the westgate mall. in our third story outfront, two killers on the loose still in florida. they were released from prison by mistake? authorities are still looking for charles walker and joseph jenkins who were supposed to be serving life sentences for murder. because of forged signatures from a judge, both men were accidentally released. of course, the forged signatures makes you wonder who knew what and who was involved. but florida officials are combing through paperwork to be sure that other inmates haven't done the same thing. that's a pretty terrifying thought. john is "outfront." he's been covering the story. the first question is you have a huge manhunt going on. do they have any idea where these two men are. >> reporter: no thergs really don't. they can where they were and this may be the height of arrogance. within days of their release,
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the two inmates showed up at the orange county jail here in orlando. that's right themselves showed up and filled out a voluntary compliant form to show that they were complying with the terms of their release. it was a fraud lent release but they did that. and that was so that it would not raise any red flags to them being out of prison. now, the sheriff here about an hour and a half ago held a press conference and emthat he believes that the two men are still in the orlando area. a $5,000 reward has been issued for information about that toward the camden you are and they have put billboards up across the city. >> that's just amazing. you think the last thing would you want to do is to go a jafl arrogance, brazen, confidence, whatever it shows. it makes me wonder. when you talk about forged signatures and these guys going into the jail and being so methodical, do they have any idea if this has happened before? and other people who are not supposed to have gotten out, who
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are murderers, who have done the same thing? >> well, what they're going to do now is do a double verification so any signature from the judge has to be double verified from a sentencing judge. to make sure that anyone being released, is correctly being released. to your point, it turned out that they had another case that they actually caught on october 7th, using a very, very similar scheme where they filed a motion to correct an illegal sentence. but they caught that case. so are they tied together? are they linked? possibly. the interest there is the date. it was october 7th. the day before the second of these inmates was released from that franklin county jail. and that still did not raise any red flags and the man was released on october 8th. now, we tried to reach the state attorney's office. the state attorney's office has refused to comment. refused to talk. the department of corrections isn't talking either. the only person talking in atlantic, the sheriff.
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>> thank you very much. just a frightening indictment of the system. still to come, a dramatic recreation of a utah doctor accused of murdering his wife. this story is so, it is impossible to turn away. prosecutors dragged a bathroom into the courtroom. you'll hear from the accused' daughter. plus an asteroid missed the earth a few weeks ago but it may be coming back. it didn't seem we had any idea that it was even there. are we ready? and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account.
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our fourth story "outfront." a man turned to murder to end his marriage. a prominent utah doctor accused of killing his wife. the prosecutors say the doctor forced his wife to get plastic surgery to change her appearance in a way that would appeal to him. then he kill her with lethal dose of post op drugs. they say it was part of a calculated plan so that he could continue with an affair. today's witnesses hemmed their case, describing the bizarre behavior on the day that his wife was found unconscious in her bathtub. the bathtub is a crucial part of the events today. >> reporter: neighbor christy daniels described the tragic moments after michelle macneil was found unresponsive in her bathtub. she had been summoned to the home by the youngest daughter, ada. >> could i hear martin yelling that he needed help. i started running and went into the house and followed martin's voice. and when i came in to the bathroom, i could tell that we
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needed to call 911. i said i'll call 911. and he said i've already called 911. >> prosecutors brought in a bathtub similar to the one in the macneil home so they could demonstrate how she was found. daniels said she was lying face-up. her head at the faucet. her feet in the tub with her husband draped over her head. she said there was not any water in the tub. the neighbor was also in the bathroom and said martin didn't appear to be making any real effort to revive his wife. >> i don't remember him actually blowing into her mouth. i did not see him actually put his mouth on her mouth. >> reporter: prosecutors say he forced his wife to have a facelift, applying her with several different drugs association kobe with his mistress. macneil is charged with murder and object trucks of justice. for months leading you to the
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death, marnlt macneil was telling friends and neighbors that he had a life threatening disease and didn't have long to live telephone church of latter day saints where he was a sunday school teacher, he told the congregation. >> he had cancer, and that he was preparing michelle to take over the financials, and it was a very heartfelt, tearful lesson. >> reporter: just days after michelle died, daniels ran into martin macneil in their driveway. >> he will me that she died of some kind of heart problem. the doctor had called. they had a conference call with the doctor and made sure the family knew it was nobody's fault. that it was just all natural. and i asked him -- well, yeah. i asked him, well, martin, how that are you doing? because i heard you only had like six months to live. and he said something to the effect of, don't write me off
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yet. >> reporter: and erin -- >> it is a goes on and on. i don't know if she can hear me. what about the, the focus on the daughters. the daughters seemed to have taken aside. >> reporter: the daughters are critically important for the prosecution. we speck them to testify. especially alexis who took care of her mother after that facelift. and she says that her mother said, i have got my bandages on my eyes. he keeps trying to feed me pills and i need to know the feel of the pills to know what i should take. alexis just had twins this last week so we don't know when she will come into the courtroom of but of course, little ada may testify also. she is the one who originally found her mother in that bathtub. the defense to all of this, the children are so upset about losing their mother that they have turned that anger to their father and they're just making
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everything up. >> all right. thank you very much. this is just an incredible of course, the eight children there, so crucial to watch. still to come, google had a major day. the stock hit a record. there's a pretty cool angle to this story. plus a case we have been following all week. a 14-year-old girl said she was raped by a very popular football player who was a senior but then the charges were dropped. out of nowhere, they say. her mother made secret recordings of conversations with prosecutors and we'll play that for you. and a deadly police shooting in dallas. the surveillance video seem to show what police say happened to justify what they did didn't happen at all. i have low testosterone. there, i said it. see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood.
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president obama officially nominated jay johnson as nominee for the next homeland security secretary. he was a former lawyer at the pentagon known as an obama loyalist. he had a role in major decisions including the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, and the osama bin laden raid. barbara starr tells us it will be his use of drones that will be the biggest question in the hearings. there was a report today that said more than 400 civilians have been kill in drone attacks by this administration in pakistan. saudi arabia rejected an offer to join the u.n. security
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council. they said the council is incapable of keeping the peace citing failure fore65 years and the civil war in syria. this is the best option to express frustration with america's policy in the region. and it is trying to make the case to its arab neighbors, they can't depend on the united states any longer and they should look to riyadh. it is still a very big and important slam to the united nations. google entered new territory. the stock crossed the $1,000 mark for the first time. 1011. the exact close. a 14% jump which is pretty huge when you think of a stock at $1,000. this was because they came out with number for the quarter that were better than expected. you know what? analysts say it will get better. analysts say it can go higher. about an 8% gain from current level which is pretty impressive but not as impressive as those
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who bought it at $85. secret recordings in the missouri rape case. theother of a 14-year-old alleged uranium victim has released audio tapes she had. melinda coleman said the tapes prove she and her daughter cooperated with authorities and wanted to testify. this is all what this comes down to. did they want to testify? and that they only invoke their fifth amendment rights after felony charges were dropped against the boy. but do the tapes conclusively prove the prosecutor dropped the ball? we begin our coverage with george. >> we thought we had done everything. >> reporter: the tape medical ain't coleman says will prove her daughter daisy's case. audio recordings of her conversations with prosecutor robert rice who at the time did not know he was being taped. >> i don't know what's going on but somebody is not telling the truthful. >> reporter: coleman said she began taping her conversations with rice in may 2012.
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about two months after he dropped felony charges against high school senior matt barnett for the alleged sexual assault of 14-year-old daisy coleman. barnett has admitted to having sex with her but he says it was consensual. coleman provided the recordings to cnn because she says she and her daughter did cooperate with authorities. something rice go contests. in fact, rice said they needed the fifth in a deposition and understood the entire case would therefore be dismissed. but coleman tells outfront, that's not exactly what happened. >> when they asked to us plead the fifth, that was well after all the felony charges were dropped. the felony charges were dropped march 13th. they didn't approach us about pleading the fifth until the misdemeanor charge, the one misdemeanor charge that was left, and that was the end of may, first of june. >> reporter: it was around that time, coleman recorded this
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conversation with rice. >> you were always willing to testify. in fact, i didn't even know about the first deposition. i found out about that like a week ago. the one before you dropped the initial charges. >> no, you haven't miss ad deposition at all. the only deposition was this one and that was where it was explained to me that you were claiming the fifth. >> as you can hear, the tape is not conclusive. rice can be heard later in the recording saying did he everything he could to move forward with the case. >> we reached out towards you to say, hey, this is the next stage and we attempted to have the contact with you whenever there is, before something happened on any part of the case. i'm working this case like i work every case. >> reporter: as for the barnett family, when asked by a report he how their son matt is handling the reopening of the case, his mother shirley applied, you can't have your picture plastered all over the world news and be portrayed as something when you know in your
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heart what happened and be okay. how can anybody in our family be okay? >> reporter: we reached out to rice's office today to try to verify the authenticity of the voice you heard in that recording and to try to get some context on those recordings. we are told in a statement under missouri law, rice is restricted from commenting on the specifics of this case. >> george, thank you very much. covering the story for us frlg i want to get into the details. you have met daisy and melinda. they've been on the show several times. i was talking to them. today prosecuting this case is difficult. now that the state has asked for a special prosecutor to look into the case, to reopen it. there will be new charges or a conviction. outfront, the criminal defense attorney, form he new york city prosecutor. let me go through for people who haven't been watching the show every night this week. here's what we know. daisy coleman freely admits and i talked to her. she has always admitted this. she was drinking that night at
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her home. she was watching movies and drinking with a friend. she snuck out of her home to meet this boy, matt barnett of her own free will. she said saying at that point she's 17, she's 14. she's flattered. he's flirting with her. he sneaks into her house. at that point the girls are separated. she was given a clear liquid and she doesn't remember anything else when she was found outside her home in the freezing cold. how difficult will it be to prosecute this case? even with her testimony at this point? >> it remains a difficult case to prosecute. although her blood alcohol level was boom.37 hours later. so that mean she was really drunk out. her mind at this point in time at night when she was with matthew. but matthew's claim is that there are two visits to the bedroom of first, she goes into the bedroom with him and they have sex. consensual sex. then she comes out. she drinks five to six to seven
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or more vodkas. they go into the bedroom a second time and do not have sex. the claim is that the sex occurred in the first visit to the bedroom -- >> so he's saying when she could consend. if you're a 14-year-old girl and you're that drunk, you're not able to consingent. >> he's saying she was not drunk at the time of consent. >> she's blacked it out. a blackout can be retroactive. you can blackout more than from the point in time you started drinking. a lot of people black out the whole night. he has one additional friend who will say she came out of the bedroom and was totally coherent and having a conversation. it is a tough case. >> what about these tapes? a lot comes out. melinda's story is that they were politically pressured to take fifth and they were always willing to testify. let me play a quick portion of this tape.
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okay. i guess we don't have it. basically she says, here's the bottom line in the tape. we were always willing to testify. in fact, i did not even know about the first deposition. so she says, we were always willing to testify. this is what this come down to. when they took the fifth. because obviously once they were not willing to testify, it became much more difficult. >> and another thing. why did they take the fifth? i ran into her before i came in here tonight and had a long conversation with melinda coleman. and i said where did you get idea taking fifth amendment? you work in the veterinarian field. you don't know anything about the law. do you know what she said? she said prosecutor robert rice brought up the idea of the fifth amendment. he said you can take the fifth if you don't want to go forward with the case. and she said i never thought of fifth before he brought it up. >> why would she want to go forward with the case? we still don't know what happened here. >> well, what happened was, her claim is that the case was
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dismissed in march. and she wanted to go forward with the case at that point in time. the prosecutor dismisses the felony charges. but now he wants to go forward with minor misdemeanor charges about leaving daisy outside on a cold night. and they call the colemans in to testify. and she says that's ridiculous. i'm not going on torture my daughter by testifying in this thing. and he said well, take fifth then. this is according to what she said to me earlier. there is miscommunication and it is a set of faktss. and i think the prosecutor has a lot of questions. has to answer publicly about this case and not hide behind these phony secrecy. he gave a press conference. and he said she took fifth during her testimony. he has already revealed part of the testimony. how does he get off saying i can't talk about it. i'm not buying that. >> we'll continue to call him and hope he will give his side of the story. thank you very much. now our sixth story, why was a mentally disabled man gunned
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down by dallas police? officers had said the man, his name is bobby gerald bennett. he is 53 years old. they said he advanced with a knife on his hand in the moments before they opened fire so it was essentially self-defense. the dallas police department is now dropped the aggravated charges against bennett and we have video for you tonight. that seems to tell an entirely different story. kyung lah is "outfront." >> reporter: a police call responding to a 911 call. a man calls in the middle of the day armed with a knife. the two dallas police officers approach. the man wheels backwards on his chair. he stands up. not stepping forward. not raising his arms. all this caught on maurice bunch's home surveillance system. >> out of nowhere, they opened fire. >> reporter: less than 20 seconds after the officers exited the patrol car, bobby gerald bennett was shocked. a paranoid schizophrenic off his medicine, he was wounded, shot four times. his mother now regrets calling
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the very agency she hoemd would help her son. >> it is criminal is what i think. not one step toward the officers. he didn't even raise his arms. >> reporter: but that's not what police say. according to the officer's report, they say bennett stood up and displayed the knife in his right hand. after he was given verbal commands, a report said he took several stems toward them with a knife raised and an aggressive manner. >> watch what he does. he backs up. he's backing up away from them. >> reporter: richard is retired law enforcement and currently a police practices expert. he is not involved in the texas investigation but based only on this one video, he sees some problems. first, the actual shooting. >> i did not see the individual going toward the officers. i didn't see the individual raise his hands above his head as if to stab. i didn't see that. >> reporter: then comparing this
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video to what police say. that he raised his arm with a knife and stemmed toward officers. >> when i looked at that, when i look at the video, what is written is not skin with the video evidence. are ever the dallas police chief says the officer is on administrative leave indefinitely. the police chief said he is aware of the home video and would not make further comment because of the investigation. we did try to reach the attorney who represents the police officer in this case. he did not respond to our request for a response. we did manage to reach the attorney representing bennett's mother. he call this video shocking. remarkably clear, and he plans on filing a federal civil rights lawsuit. >> thank you very much. still to come, six months after the deadly terrorist attack at the boston marathon, survivors are struggling to recover. and one of them shares his story of a whole new life. and an asteroid as powerful as several thousand atomic bombs
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think it's powered with atom i can moms, planet destroying cape skpblt that same astroid may come back with a dangerous to jek tory. the changes may be small but the truth is we don't know where all of the astroids are out there that could crash earth and we wouldn't know in time to save ourselv ourselves. tom foreman is out front. it is terrifying and you think about it and people laugh and say an astroid but when you look at it, you realize this is deadly serious. >> it is. if it ever happens. i mean, the truth is this is the big fear at some point one of these things will rip in out of the cosmos and just slam under earth with extraordinary force and boy, what a mess that would be. the odds are not good that will happen but nasa has a plan. they said why don't you go out here and capture an astroid and let's learn more about them. how do we do that? they want to launch a giant rocket that will carry an astroid redirect vehicle which
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is a fancy name for a robotic probe that will go blasting off into space with the powerful electrical system ever. it won't really go past the stars. we do this to give you a sense how many hundreds of thousands of miles it would go to try and find something really no bigger than this, the size of two or three pickup trucks but it would weigh more than a couple locomotive engines. this thing would be rotating in space. what does our vehicle do when it gets there? i'll scale it down. it deploys a giant technical space bag, and it slowly over a period of hours slides it over that spinning astroid and squeezes down to stop the spin so they can control things and then it all blasts back to earth, more importantly it blasts back to the moon where it will go into or bit 30,000 miles
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to the moon and they will study it and learn more about it. >> and hopefully, in the process of doing this an astroid doesn't come and blow us out before that. >> sure. >> they say this will cost a lot of money, $18 billion. we know what is going on in washington, how do they justify it? >> some say it's a boondoggle, some say it's a moongog gle. they say we'll learn about guidance systems, solar energy, all sorts of things that really matter to us here on earth. we'll learn more about astroids so if one comes our way, we'll learn what to do with it and we'll find things about minerals. the bottom line, erin, yeah, it's a lot of money but that's why we call it exploration because you never know what you might find along the way that could be a tremendous benefit to all of us. >> tom foreman, thank you. well "out front" next, six months since the deadly bombing of the marathon and one of the
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survived with legs in tact. because he was jumping over that barrier. his three best friends standing by side him weren't so lucky. i just spoke with jared and talked to him how he was doing six months later. jared cloury spent a month in the hospital. his doctors removed ball barings and pieces of metal from his body. six months later he's deaf in one year and has shrapnel in his body. >> that was the worst penetration, i think and then these are all pelts and there is actually one here if you want to feel it. >> oh, yeah, you can, absolutely. you can tell it kind of moves underneath your skin. >> reporter: that hasn't stopped jared from moving on exchanging his life. what is a day like now? >> i get up every morning. i try to get moving as fast as i can so i don't think about, you know, i don't think about negative things so i'll have like a health shake and go right to the gym. >> reporter: he works out three times a week and tries to stay
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positive posting inspirational quotes around his apartment so he's surrounded by positive thinking. incredibly despite injuries, jared is adamant he's been blessed. >> because i'm walking and i'm talking and i get to do some great things to help people, and my friends, they got a lot worse injuries than i did, but they are -- they are in good spirits, also. >> reporter: three of jareds friends each lost a leg in the bombing and are a long way from recovering. >> it's not the same, it not, and i had trouble with it for awhile, but i see that, you know, one of my friends said listen, we're going to be normal. it just going to be a different kind of normal. >> reporter: is it partially because they lost legs and you didn't? has it put a rift bewean you in a certain way? >> they call it survivors' guilt or whatever but i was located three feet from the bomb so i have injuries, also, and in my down time i was getting really
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depressed because geez, why are my buddies so hurt right now and i'm not? how is this happening? every single time i seen my buddies, the whole outlook inspires me to kind of stop being a wimp about it. >> reporter: this past weekend jared went to a birthday party for a friend which they even managed to get out fishing this summer, and his brush with death made him focus on what matters most like coaching his son's 12-year-old football team. his days as a carpenter are lakely over but he got a $735,000 pay out. he wants to use it for his son's education and launch a foundation. >> it's called hero's hearts foundation and it will recognize real heroes in situations like this and other situations, real, everyday heros that go above and beyond. >> reporter: even if it means reliving the most painful moment of his life. >> comes back to that moment you have to keep reliving that moment. >> you .
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