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tv   The Colbert Report  Comedy Central  May 30, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am PDT

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comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh >> jon: welcome back, look, obviously everybody has seen the images of devastation in oklahoma and as much as they already appear like they're getting off the matt and starting to rebuild, incredible resilience and tenacity. for anybody wishing to send donation and help there are great organization text red cross to 90999, $10 donation. and other great organizations for the web site, anybody in that situation, they sure could use some extra help. that's our show, join us tomorrow, here it is, your moment of zen. >> i hollered for my little dog, and he didn't answer. he didn't come so i know he's in here somewhere. >> this is life in the big city. >> the dog, the dog. >> its dog, hi, puppy. >> the dog. >> oh, well, i god answered
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captioning sponsored by comedy central ( theme song playing ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen! stephen! stephen! >> stephen: welcome to the report. good to have you with us. i hope you can tell at home,
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these ladies and gentlemen are true believers. members of the nation and heroes one and all. thank you. folks, if you watch this show, i don't have to tell you that i am un-fond of the u.n. these dags hammer scolds are hell bent on taking away our guns and then forcing us to speak esperanto. you can have my guns when i pry them from my malvarmaj manoj mortitaj. and i mean that. but now the u.n. has done something truly unforgivable. >> the u.n. has a new solution to fight hunger: bugs. >> the u.n. says creatures like scorpions, cicadas and locusts are a healthy source of fat, protein and fiber. >> stephen: the u.n. bullies want to make us eat a bug. what's next? solve the global water crisis
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through sustainable swirlies? and folks, i for one do not buy the u.n. claims that, quote, mini-livestock offer livelihood opportunities for both urban and rural people. did you hear that? mini-livestock. so let me get this straight. according to the u.n., all you new yorkers with bed bugs are technically ranchers. ( cheers and applause ). well, folks, you will never catch me eating bugs. i don't even eat gummy worms. i just use them to catch swedish fish. and i have one thing to say to the u.n. you first, gentlemen, because from what i hear, your delegates are shuttled by fleets of bentleys and mercedes benzes to
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dine at upscale spots like harry's bar and cipriani where i'm pretty sure their coq au vin is not made from coq-a-roaches found in a van. vigilance. oh, hi. i was just taking a mid-show break to enjoy a refreshing can of milwaukee's best. ( cheers and applause ). which got its name because it's the best way to wash out the taste of old milwaukee. and these two beers come from the 70th installment of my 434-part series "better know a district." tonight wisconsin's fourth, the fightin' fourth. ( cheers and applause ). the fourth contains milwaukee where the harley davidson company was founded in 1903 with the mission of creating beautiful, classic bikes so that
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some a-hole can wake you up at 5:00 a.m. because "you've got to warm it up for an hour, right" the fourth has been home to such notable residents as spencer tracy, gene wilder and liberace who spent years concealing a dark secret: he's from wisconsin. milwaukee, of course, was the locale of the iconic sitcoms happy days and laverne and shirley, two grown women who work in a factory and live together as roommates. come on. i think we know what that l stands for. i mean schlemiel, schlimazel or as they call it scissoring. the fourth is also home to major league baseball's milwaukee brewers in recognition of the city's beer industry and if you
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drink enough of their signature product, every night is bobblehead night. and who has the squiggies to represent the fourth? it's none other than five-term congresswoman gwen moore. i sat down with congresswoman moore in her washington office. congresswoman moore thank you so much for talking with us today. >> thanks for having me. stephen: tell me about the fightin' fourth. >> i can tell you it is one of the most diverse districts in the state of wisconsin. >> stephen: you are the first african-american and the second woman in congress from wisconsin. is that true? >> true. stephen: i assume you got the job through affirmative action. >> absolutely not. wisconsin is like 96% white. >> stephen: that's why i was wondering how you got elected. logically... >> well, it had been a white congress person until i came along. >> stephen: did they have to have one black person. >> i admitted to them that i was
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black. >> stephen: you're openly black. i'm openly black. stephen: when did you first realize you were black? >> when i was a little girl. the little girl in my neighborhood asked her mom, you know, was i chocolate? >> stephen: congresswoman, are you chocolate? does that make me vanilla? >> i don't know. stephen: could i be chocolate? >> it's very possible that you could have some chocolate in you. we're all mixed up with a lot of stuff. ( cheers and applause ). vanilla, a little mint in there sometimes. >> stephen: is that gay? what does that mean? >> i don't know, minty, kind of irish. >> stephen: oh, irish. irish people are automatically gay is what you're saying. >> i didn't say that. stephen: you said minty. that's kind of a gay flavor. oh, yeah, that guy has got more than a hint of mint. >> i've never heard that and i love mint. >> stephen: well... you never know. stephen: you never know. maybe you're a little minty.
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you sit on the house committee on financial services which oversees wall street and the banks. >> that's true. stephen: as a person who voted for obama's stimulus package, are you ready to accept blame for the current state of the economy? >> no. stephen: play the blame game. (singing) our guest today is gwen moore. she's going to blame people other than herself for the state of the economy. thanks for being with us here, gwen. who do you blame for the economy? >> well, i think that wall street, we have some brilliant people on the planet that were allowed to do their due. we've had two wars that we didn't pay for. >> stephen: we shouldn't have gone to war. >> that's another conversation. stephen: we're in that. that's this conversation. you brought up the war. >> you're talking about the economy. >> stephen: you brought up the war. >> you have to pay for it. stephen: who do you blame? now you're blaming the wars for the economy. you don't support our troops. you don't support our troops. you're blaming our troops for
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this democratic failure of the economy. >> we have to feed the troops in the morning. >> stephen: i'm talking about the economy. you're talking about lucky charms. >> lucky charms. you know, government is never important except when we want fema to get us up our roof. we want the a.f.t. to be there to catch a terrorist. but other than that, government is too big. >> stephen: i agree. o we agree. tephen: we agree that government is too big. >> we agree that government is too big until you want it. >> stephen: right. i agree that the things i need should be paid for and the things i don't need should not be paid for. >> exactly. stephen: that makes sense. that makes sense to people, but it's completely absurd. >> stephen: i accept your apology. let's talk about paul ryan for a second. you said that paul ryan's budget was class warfare against the poor and middle class meant to line the pockets of the rich.
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>> the impact of his budget which prevails upon the poor, the middle class as opposedded to those who have the greatest ability and means. >> stephen: like me. guys like me. i have a lot of money. >> what is your income. stephen: a lot. people like you. stephen: all the money or not all of it. my friends have some too. then it trickles down on to poorer people. >> it ain't happening. stephen: we have to fill my bucket more so it starts. now it's 90% full but i promise you if you give me a little bit more money, it will start to trickle. >> i don't care if you have a rolex watch? how many can you wear? >> stephen: well, one, two, three, four, five. ( cheers and applause ). >> i do want to help poor people. >> stephen: i can't. i do not have enough money yet. >> we have family.
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if you're my husband and i'm your wife, you know, you don't get to go to work and come home and say, well, gee, i made money today and you were a stay at home wife so therefore i get steak and you get to eat the raman noodles. >> stephen: i'm working late. you don't get to do that because we're family. >> stephen: if you're my wife and i'm your husband, i'd say we have a relationship problem. >> we probably would. stephen: we need counseling. because you don't want to be equal in the relationship. >> stephen: are you getting angry right now? >> no. stephen: you're not angry. no, i'm not angry. i'm not an angry black woman. >> stephen: you're not? no. stephen: so that would be bad. you get angry sometimes don't you? >> i do get angry sometimes. stephen: and are you a black woman. >> i am a black woman. stephen: so you are occasionally an angry black woman. >> i am occasionally a black woman. i amie koitionally angry and most of the time a black woman. >> stephen: are you a black woman right now. >> yes. stephen: you are?
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this is most of the time. stephen: most of the time you're a black woman but not all the time. i didn't want to judge. but at any point during the interview you stop being a black woman, let me know. >> you stop being a rich white man, let me know. >> stephen: you let me know too because something terrible has happened. folks, when we return, i will continue to grill representative moore like a johnsonville brat. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ).
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>> welcome back, everybody. folks, before the break, i was talking to wisconsin's fourth district congresswoman gwen moore. and now the exciting moore of that. jim? let's go back to something we were talking about before. >> sure. tephen: you were on welfare when you were younger. >> i was. stephen: but you're a congresswoman now. you're still getting a government check. at what point will you stop suckalling at the government teat. >> i'll quit sucking at the government tit at the same time... >> stephen: i didn't say tit. but you can say it. okay. i'm sorry. >> i can tell you my experience on welfare did not prepare me to be on the financial services
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committee. >> stephen: because on the financial services committee you have to be responsible. welfare is free money. ka-chink. laid back. got my mind on my money and my money on eye mind. >> i can tell you that i am grateful to the citizensate... citizens of the united states who thought i was worth. >> stephen: you're grateful. you're welcome by the way. >> i am grateful to people who thought that i was worth it. >> stephen: would you like to thank me for the money i gave you. >> i was grateful for the educational opportunities that i've had through the tax payers. >> stephen: thank you, stephen. thanks, stephen. stephen: great. for paying property taxes so i could go to school. i think that that's what we all owe each other. >> stephen: let's agree to disagree. >> okay. stephen: wisconsin governor scott walker, great governor or the greatest governor? >> i know scott walker very well. i've been knowing him since he was a really young man. >> stephen: friend of his? i've known him a long time.
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stephen: good friend? i don't know that i would call him a friend but he's an acquaintance. his wife i think and his children are wonderful. his parents, his parents... >> stephen: his parents are great. his wife is great. his kids are great and he is also great? >> he's the governor. stephen: great or greatest? great in one sense. i think... >> stephen: really great? good at his job? >> no. stephen: good for the people of wisconsin. >> i think he has thrown elderly under the bus, children under the bus. women under the bus. >> stephen: that's a metaphor, right? >> teachers under the bus. stephen: has he literally thrown people under the bus. >> if you don't like my metaphor, let me say. >> stephen: i want to know if it a metaphor because you're alarming me. >> the disadvantaged, the disabled, children, elderly, students, workers. >> stephen: didn't push them under a bus literally? >> he disadvantaged them economically. >> stephen: i'll put you down for great. harley davidson. do you ride? >> i have sat on a harley and
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taken pictures. i've fantasized and imagined myself doing it. you're a congresswoman riding with a man. let's jump the ravine. >> oh, my god. stephen: are you okay, baby? why did you run from the cops? >> stephen: because i'm on probation. >> why did you shoot at them. stephen: because i'm carrying weed. >> i trusted you. stephen: you knew what this life was like when we got into this relationship.
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you said, spider, i'm all in. i understand that you're a dangerous man. but from a congresswoman who is sometimes a black woman, i like danger. those were your words. you betrayed me. i think maybe we should go our separate ways. >> i think so too. but it was okay until it wasn't okay. >> stephen: congresswoman moore, thank you so much for talking to me today. >> and thank you so much. stephen: let's put wisconsin's fourth up on the big board. ( cheers and applause ). look, it's the second coming of liberace. we'll be right back. ®:3qóuóuü6,#e$sñ!l)á
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( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. my guest tonight is a legendary '80s pop singer who was wearing outrageous outfits when lady gaga was still baby gaga. please welcome cyndi lauper. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: i'm an enormous fan, man. >> me too. stephen: thank you very much. obviously everybody knows who you are. you mega star. she's so unusual.
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you got emmys. you got grammies and now you are the composer and lyracist of kinky boots, original broadway show. nominated for 13 tony awards. congratulations. ( cheers and applause ). >> in the year '13. stephen: in the year 13. are you a neum rollings. >> no. i only play a psychic on television. i'm not really a psychic. >> stephen: i understand like seen photos. got lovely ladies in that. these are some of the kinky boots we talk about. >> stephen, i'm telling you, you should try this on. ( cheers and applause ).
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>> stephen: we shall see. now is this all original or like a girls' song? >> this is all original. i had... i was minding my own business. and it was like i had come off a punishment. i was like let's play europe. so i did. and i was in a double-decker bus being tossed in the back like a bushel of vegetables. then i came back. i saw my family. i finished the dinner dishes and the phone rang. it was harvey. he said what are you doing? >> stephen: would you like to do a broadway show? the story is there was a shoe factory like an old-fashioned from hand made shoe, a manufacturing plant where they were going out of business. they needed something to save the factory and save a village it was in. >> they did. they started getting kinky.
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>> stephen: how did this save the town? who buys these? >> it's a niche market,. stephen: of? of men who are men but wear women's clothing. but it's also they have some stuff for women. you know, you have to go visit it. >> stephen: it's for drag queens? >> yes, no. stephen: yes, no. for drag queens but it's also kinky. it's like women could have, listen, you could wear boots too. you know, there are boots make for walking and then there's boots that you don't walk much in. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: okay. it's kind of an every man's story. >> yes. stephen: if every man also wanted to dress like every woman. >> this is about drag.
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but it's not really about drag. it's really about acceptance of other people. as soon as i saw it, you couldn't... the great thing is you couldn't find two more different men but still the manufacturer could not be what his father wanted him to be, wanted him to talk over the factory and he didn't want to. and the drag queen, his father wanted him to be a boxer. he was a young black man in england. and the way he thought if he was strong and he was black and he could fight, he could make a way for himself, you know. the same way the guy felt i have a shoe factory if you take over the shoe factory you'll have a place in the world. it's a mistake a lot of parents make. but this is not about the parents so much as about the men who come to terms with healing and acceptance of other people. and when you accept other people, you have to accept
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yourself too. that sometimes is the hardest thing, to accept yourself. so it's about healing. that's why i was in. i thought, wow... >> stephen: what did your parents want you to be? >> oh, i think they just wanted me to live. >> stephen: how did that work out? >> i did okay. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: cyndi, thank you so much. cyndi lauper. kinky boots. we'll be right back. éxéx
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