tv The Colbert Report Comedy Central November 14, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PST
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surgical precision. because the best way for a surgeon to remove your appendix is by hell fire missile. (laughter) we may have vaporized your liver, kidney and spleen but your appendix is on the run. plus barack obama assured when ordering a strike there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured. and that's the kind of almost sure thing i'm willing to bet somebody else's life on. (laughter) now folks, this has been great for the local pakistani economy because of the constant presence of circling drones, sales of sleeping tablets, anti-depressants and medicine to treat anxiety have soared as well as pills for erectile dysfunction. (laughter) yes, there's a reason that cialis coup sell sitting outside in bathtubs, because that's all that's left after the drone blew up their house. (laughter) but folks, as universally effective as our drone
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program is, there is one place on earth they should never be used, jim? >> drones, america's number one weapon against al qaeda much but what happened when big brother brings them home. >> a new generation of surveillance drone kos soon be watching us all from overhead. >> that could be as many as 30,000 of these kind of drones. they will, in effect, bring every single backyard in america into the authorities view. >> backyards like yours. but in quiet deer trail, colorado, one courageous patriot named phil steel is fighting back. >> what i'm protesting are the principleses of freedom on which this nation is founded. who i am protecting is every american citizen. >> and how will he protect us these flying deaths.
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>> philip steel is a difference maker. >> deer trail is known for many things. >> deer trail, colorado, is known for its home of the first rodeo. >> it had a rodeo, the first rodeo. >> this town is known as the world's first rodeo. >> okay, just one thing. but now it's known for phil steel, a man famous for shooting for the stars. >> a lot of people just think he's -- >> i'm sorry, a what. >> if everything is going good somebody throws a turd in the pot to get people talking about it. >> and deer trail's latest talk of the turd is an ordinance that phil submitted to the town council. >> i wrote an ordinance to protect and defend the sovereign airspace of the town of deer trail, colorado from drones. >> here's how it works. >> we're going to issue
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drone hunting licenses and shoot down drones. we're going to-- the town is going to pay bounty just like some communities in wyoming will pay bounties for coyotes, we will pay bounties for drone parts. >> a bold plan supported by this man, mayor frank fields. mayor fields knows that this ordinance is about preserving liberty. >> his ordinance is about making some money for the town. >> no, it's not the monies that's for me it's about the message. >> a message for this administration. >> my message to obama is go back to kenya. >> okay. loud and clear. anything else? okay. that is my understanding but anything specifically about the drones. >> no, no. >> all righty. but some people didn't get
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the message. this is-- missy a former united states fighter pilot turned mit professor of aeronaught you can and drone. >> i don't advocate shooting down drones because the good of drones outweighs any bad. >> give me one example. >> delivering medication and critical supplies people in small towns, bridge inspections, infrastructure inspections, crop health monitoring, crop dusting, these are applications that are very difficult for humans to do. >> okay. but tell her what they're really going to do with the drones, phil. >> drones could be used to enforce any law. >> any law. >> yes, including obamacare. >> i can't think of any possible way that we could tie in drones to obamacare. >> tell her, phil. >> many reasons to conduct surveillance. let's take smokers. how many people have smoke
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breaks, okay, fly a drone, oh, do you check nonsmoker on your health insurance form? oh, i'm sorry, we're going have to penalize you now. >> like to smoke, well here's your fire. but even with the threat of drones clear, residents are divided on drone hunting. >> part of it is yes and the other part no. >> i doubt i would go drone hunting. >> i think it's stupid. about as stupid as you would get, i don't know what else to say. >> for his dream to become a reality phil steel would have to sell it to the town council. it's on the day of the vote. he knew he would have to make a lasting impression as seen here in this actual town council footage. >> the mayor looked up and he said i believe we have some unfinished business here. and then the theme song from the good, the bad and the ugly began playing.
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>> came riding in wearing a cowboy hat, oil cloth duster carrying a enough gun, i began my presentation. >> they had no idea they were dumbfounded. >> dumb founded with pride. the town council voted and it was a landslide tie. >> since it was a tie vote it has to go to the vote of the people. >> so now it's up to the will of the people and the phil of the people will not back down. >> this will not go away. some people just meeting believe that they could just end this by not supporting it and voting against it but they didn't end it. >> nope, it ain't over because phil steel has something not everyone has. >> i think he has a problem. >> nope, he has a printer.
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>> new tonight a drone hunting licence, over 25 bucks. >> take a look, this is the certificate that is called a licence to hunt and kill drones. >> this is created by a man named phil steel. >> the council may not have approved drone hunting licenses but phil steel can still sell them. >> this is what democracy is all about. >> and he has already sold over $100 at $25 a piece. >> they could be sold anywhere and they are suitable for framing. >> so while residents may not agree on drone hunting, they can agree that phil steel is making a difference. >> i think phil's definitely making a difference in this town. i don't know if it's good or bad. >> i guess he is making a difference but i don't know that it has been all good. >> he's making a difference. i don't know if it's good or bad on his part. but he woke a lot of people up. >> i woke myself up. i wrote this ordinance believing that there's really nothing that an individual can do to change so much more poer withful.
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>> stephen: welling come back, everybody nation, you know me. when the sharks of the liberal media are circling their prey i don't head to shore. i get a bigger boat. this is blood in the water. slark, shark, shark, shark, shark, shark. >> folks, this week helpless chum washington post columnist and homeless colonel sanders. jim? >> "washington post" column nipd richard cohen finds himself at the centre of an internet firestorm following
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his comments about new york mayor phil de blasio's multiraise family. he wrote quote today's gop is not racist, then goes on to say people with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor elect of new york. a white man married to a black woman with two biracial children. >> stephen: i'm sorry, i just had a conventional reaction. now folks, let's be clear. cohen is specifically saying today's gop is not racist. therefore it's not racist to gag when you see an interracial couple. a racist would actually throw up on them. (laughter) >> stephen: it's like throwing rice at a wedding, sometimes it actually is rice. but of course the insane scream b bleedia, doesn't get it. they're tearing into cohen like a moko chomping down on an walrus. they have called cohen's work racist op ed columns
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grotesque and called him a power worshipping bigot, horribly racist and stop this man before he writes something again. folks, that, that-- (cheers and applause) folks, that is no different than a lynch mob is what i would say if i were racially insensitive. which i'm not. and neither is richard cohen. because yesterday he responded by saying what i was doing was expressing not my own views but those of extreme right wing republican tea party people. see, he is saying that republicans are racist, not him. and remember, in the column he said that republicans specifically are not racists. so everybody should be happy. and i'm sure he's well aware that polls say 87% of american as prove of interracial marriage. but that's with a margin of error of plus or minus-- plus
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i have evidence that richard cohen is not a racist, after seeing 12 years of-- on november 4th he wrote in his column i sometimes think i have spent years unlearning what i learned earlier in my life. slavery was not a benign institution in which mostly benevolent whites owned innocent and grateful blacks. okay, richard cohen has known the slavery was bad for at least seven days. (laughter) and for the record, tuesday's column wasn't just about race, some of it was about homophobia because he added the parenthetical should i mention that bill de blasio's wife used to be a lesbian? probably not. (laughter) so it's a good thing you didn't. it was parenthetical. and nothing you say between parentheses counts. watch. should i mention that richard cohen sympathized with george zimmerman after trayvon martin's death? should i mention that
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richard cohen once suggested that it's okay to keep black customers out of your store? should i mention that if richard cohen isn't a racist, i don't know what he is? maybe just a really bad writer? and please-- (applause) please, i do not want anyone attacking me for saying those things. that's just the conventional reaction to richard cohen.
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>> stephen: welcome back, everybody, my musical guests tonight first began sporming in 1939, almost as long ago as the rolling stones. please welcome jimmy carter from the blind boys of alabama. (cheers and applause) mr. carter, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, my friend. >> stephen: what a pleasure to you have on.
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>> thank you, thank you. >> stephen: now for the uninitiated out there. are you one of the original members of the blind boys of alabama. >> that's what they tell me. >> stephen: okay. what year did you guys start singing together? >> well, now let me-- the blind boys met up in school in 1939. but they didn't hit the road until 1944. >> stephen: okay so, but you have been performing together on the road since 1944? >> the blind boys, that's correct. >> stephen: wow. and you met-- (cheers and applause) you met at the alabama institute for the negro blind. and you sing traditional contemporary gospel music and the new album is called. >> i'll find a way. >> stephen: i'll fine a way, exactly. now how old of a man are you? >> well, i don't tell that. >> stephen: really? >> i just tell them i'm past 50. (laughter) >> stephen: well, listen, if you've been-- if you've been singing on the road since
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1944. and you look this good i want to know how are you keeping it going. please tell me it's pop tarts and bourbon, what dow -- >> well, no, i drink a glass of wine every day. and i eat good. i love southern cooking. (cheers and applause) >> stephen: i lot of great singers, a lot of great singers start off in gospel and made the turn into pop music. how come you never made the turn like sam cook, you know ♪ she was only 16 ♪. >> only 16 ♪ ♪. >> i can do that too. >> stephen: all right. but you know what, i'm glad you said that. when sam was offered, when he was asked to cross over, the blind boys were at the same studio, the same day and the same time. we were also offered a chance to cross over but we turned it down. >> stephen: why? >> well, we were dedicated
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to gospel music and we were, when we started out we said we weren't going to turn back and that's what we've been doing for all these years. (cheers and applause) >> stephen: as a blind person is racism particularly ridiculous to you because you can't tell what race anybody is? >> well, let me say this, now. i can-- i can tell, i can tell. >> stephen: you can tell. all right, let's test you, let's test you. nobody tell him. what race do you think i am, and i'll give you a hint, i enjoy the columns of richard cohen. >> i'm to the going to tell you. >> stephen: all right, then i guess i'll never know. well, jimmy carter, will you please sing a song for us with the blind boys of alabama. >> if they come out. >> stephen: all right, we'll see what we can do. mr. carter, thank you so
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going to be all right ♪ ♪ everybody's got a plan ♪ and that's just like a man ♪ ♪ people can't you understand ♪ ♪ that's why we got to ♪ there never be any peace ♪ ♪ until god. >> until god is seated ♪ ♪ at the conference table ♪ there will never be any peace ♪ ♪ until goode until god is seated at the conference table ♪ ♪ there will never be no peace ♪ ♪ there will never be any peace ♪ ♪ until god is seated
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(applause) >> stephen: whooo! the blind boys of alabama, i'll find a way. good night, everybody. (cheers and applause) (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by comedy central >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. (cheers and applause) >> jon: welcome to the daily show, my name is jon stewart. thank you for joining us. our guests tonight shall we're excited about this from the hill aruous television program key and
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peele, we have keele and pee on the show tonight. chors plaus. >> jon: lucky was farsd, man, those dudes are funny. if you are anything like me, you can't digest milkment but also-- (laughter) you watch a lot of television news. and if you do you might have noticed the question that is increasingly on the med why's mind. >> was this racist? an alabama sorority accused of rejecting a candidate because she's black. >> to smear an entire segment of the population, are they racist? >> race, is race an issue here? >> was race a factor? >> are you racist? >> am i a racist? (laughter) >> jon: never ask a question you don't know the answer to. (laughter) the media they are just askinging they don't know. everything is happening
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