tv The Colbert Report Comedy Central December 11, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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comedy central (cheers and applause) >> welcome to the report, good to have with us. >> stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen,step en! >> stephen: thank you ladies and gentlemen. thank you. thank you so much. folks, let's get right to our top story tonight. i've got an incoming news flash. i believe in god. and frankly, i have had it up to here with atheists, they're so smug and annoying. and if they are created in your image, then you are a
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jerk. (laughter) >> because they're always attack our sacred holidays. i mean baby jesus ask in so much danger this year that protect his identity we have to call his birthday x-mass. this is the blitzkrieg on grinchitude. (cheers and applause) >> folks the secular progressives out there are once again coming after our christmas displays-- displays. i can't even put up a reindeer without some guy telling me to get off the roof of temple beth elohim. and for the latest attack we go to the gretch who loved christmas. >> remember this classic seinfeld moment? >> no a nearly 6 foot tal
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tallfestivus poll made of empty beer cans about to go up to the florida state capitol,. >> that's right, in addition to the nativity scene, the florida state capitol has a festivus pole, a menorah and a monument to the aztec snake goode governor rick scott. surely, surely-- (applause) >> stephen: surely i am not the only one, i am not the only one who is so outraged by this. >> i am so outraged by this. why do i have to drive around with my kids to look for nativity scenes and be like oh, yeah, kids, look, there's baby jesus behind thefestivus pole made out of beer cans. it's nuts. and i'm allergic. >> you should not have to look the a pile of bother cans when you're just trying to show your kids positive images like leaving a baby outside in the middle of the winter.
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but that wane even the most outrageous part of gretchen's hour of outrage. >> wait a minute, christianity stole the season from the solstice. >> that a new headline for me, that somehow christians stole christmas from the -- >> that is ridiculous. what is next, you're going to tell me that jesus was jewish, come on. (laughter) folks, i am so-- i was so-- (applause) i understand, that is how you keep jesus alive, you keep clapping. i was so enraged by this claim that i did something i'm not proud of, research. it turnal-- it turns out occasionally we chist yens have absorbed other seasonal tradition into our own. for example, gift-giving was don'ted from a roman festival. christmas trees came from the ancient egyptian custom worshipping the god ra with a palm rush and santa is based on a war lord cringe
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els the unjolly who laid waste to his enemies in coal fire. he nose like a cheree from the blood of the vanquished whose bodies he buried. so i say, we should stop these atheists by absorbing their festivus tradition like some sort of yuletide borg. it will be easy, after all, jesus was the original cheree. think about t he was a single guy, hanging out with a couple of guys. and one woman. and he's always foiled by his nemesis, hello, juddas. and folks, every time president obama goes overseas he embarrasses our country and he has done it again. this time at yesterday's memorial for nelson pan della. >> on his way to the podium the president shook hands with other world leaders including the cuban leader
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raul castro. >> our president did shake hands at one point with raul castro. >> it was the moment we all stopped and said whoa. >> yeah. >> and the other -- >> what just happened there? >> stephen: whoa! i'll tell you what just happened there, bill. the president shook hands with raul castro, and that is very, very bad because-- (laughter) little help? little help. >> just one month last year cuba jailed more than 1100 political dissidents. >> it was nauseated that he shook the hand of a murderer, a thug an those are bloodied hands. >> why should you shake hands with somebody who is ep coulding americans in prison. what's the point. neville cham erlane shook hands with hitlers. >> they say a friendly greeter with raul sends the wrong message. >> sending the wrong message, a message that we might talk to them again. and is nelson mandela's memorial really the place for reconciliation? shaking this man's hand--
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(cheers and applause) >> i do enjoy clapping. folks, shaking this man's hand is an overt endorsement of raul's brother, fidel. and you can't do that. that is why fdr never shook hands with kevin hitler. okay. pretty nice guy, by the way. (laughter) >> stephen: solid dude. but he would help you move, you know, you call him up, kevin, would you help me move. and we say, you know, my brother is adolf hitler. and you go yeah, yeah, i know, but could you help me move, it is a five story walk up. and he would go i'm there, man, is there pizza. yeah, after we move there's pizza. but i'm not going to pay you the pizza before we move, you know, or bother or anything like that we move first. and then he goes it's raining. he goes nope, i'm there. that's kevin hitler.
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(applause) but perhaps the biggest outrage of the day had nothing to do with president obama, it had to do with the man standing a foot away from president obama. >> this is incredible. the sign language interpreter used at tuesday's memorial service for nelson mandela, right there on the stage, a foot away from the president of the united states, by 9 way, it turns out is being called a fake by the deaf federation of south africa. they're saying nothing he is doing there is sign language. >> stephen: come on, none of it was sign language, from where i'm sitting is very clearly saying-- i don't speak hebrew but my heart goes out to those who do, please here, have some pie and remember always wear your seat belt. (applause)
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what does that mean? beats me. i don't speak hebrew either. now it turns out this guy had previously worked at african national congress events where questions had also been raised about his proficiency there to which he formally responded,-- (laughter) (applause) ladies and gentlemen, it is an outrage to criticize this man. in your rush to call this good machine a fraud did you ever stop to consider that perhaps he was translating for the sign language impaired? all the deaf people out there will just never got around to using sign language. but still want to seem like they're participating. i mean imagine their sense of isolation, there are dead people who can't even understand other deaf people. but now there's finally someone who speaks their made up language. i have a message for the brave members of the sign
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language impaired community. i stephen colbert, stand with you at this difficult time. for two long, for two long you have had no voice. there has been no one to speak for you. but from great hardship comes great strength. did mandela not teach us reconciliation and forgiveness? so now let everyone in the deaf community join hands in the spirit of brotherhood and say hey, that's a pretty good bird. we'll be right back. ,x8p
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the kind of things that drive us to do more, to go further, to be better. we're dedicated to being a company you can count on, because you've always been customers we believe in. your energy plus ours. together, there's no limit to what we can achieve. >> hey, welcome back, everybody it seems like the bad news about obama care keeps pouring in. seems like every time i turn on the tv i see me scream being it. and frankly, i can't blame me, i mean first the web site was broken. then it was fixed. and now a million people have signed up. and i'm not the only one
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who's up set. so as host of fox news's i still have a show mike huckabee, last saturday he took obama care down with the power of song. >> while most of us are scrambling to get our shopping done, the president is busy selling a health-care plan that, well, not a lot of americans are buying. so to help us celebrate the most wonderful time of the year, we're joined by the jolly holiday carrolling company for a little spin on the holiday classic this is the 12 days of bama care ♪ obamacare is to me ♪ ♪ a doctor i can't see ♪ on the 2 be day of christmas obamacare gave to me ♪ ♪ two and a doctor i can't see ♪ ♪ on the third day of christmas obamacare gave to me big hikes, and a doctor i can't see ♪ ♪ on the 4th day of
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christmas obamacare gave to me a four month delay, three rate hikes, two-- and a doctor i can't see ♪ ♪. >> stephen: folks, that is a great song to parody because everyone knows jokes get better the more times you repeat them. while comedians call the rule of 12. and here comes the best part. >> on the fifth day of christmas obamacare gave to me-- . >> stephen: get it five harry reids. like five golden rings. harry reids, golden rings, golden rings, marry reids, it's funny because harry reid is the senate majority leader, you know-- golden rings well, folks, that was so inspired by huckabee that i made my own antio banlacare song parody for steven
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colbert's now that's what i call christmas health care parody volume 1. okay. given to a friend and they will enjoy christmas classics like hark the herald cathleen sebelius, glory to obamacare. >> and ♪ ♪ bomb-- obamacare is beginning to look a lot like socialism, every hospital you go ♪ ♪ plus, felize -- an no election would be complete without-- away in a health
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care manager, he said if you liked your health care plan you could keep it ♪ ♪ obamacare made a little lord jesus cry. ♪ and for the kids out there. ♪ frosty the biden ♪ da da da da ♪ and the whole family will sing along with. ♪ oh o bomba care ♪ oh obama care ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh obamacare ♪ ♪. >> act now and will you also
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>> thank you. >> for those of you people out there who have not bought and read your book eat, pray, love, let me tell a few people about you. you are the author of several boxes of fiction, pilgrim, stern men, committed and of course eat, pray, love. which sold 10 million copies. (applause) >> i know that you bought one because are you just right in the demographic. >> absolutely. >> i have womanly hips. now boy, 10 million copies. no problem eating these days. >> or loving. >> really, really? >> but no-- but no praying. >> no, prayers of gratitude. >> okay, good. >> yeah, good. now you've got a new book called the signature of all things. is like an eat pray love electric boog a loo. >> it. >> i kind of wrote the sequel already because right after eat, pray love i wrote this book called committed
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which is about getting married. and i thought that was enough about me, i think we could all agree. >> stephen: i don't feel that way. >> about me or about you. >> stephen: about me, actually. >> okay, what about me? but i decided to go back to fiction which is where i got my start and i wanted to write the kind of book that i always loved to read. a big giant dekensian epic novel of ideas with action, adventure on the high seas. >> so this is another book about a woman in the 19th century. what is she-- she is a polite-- she's called a polite-- which is what they called women who debotanist to distinguish them from a man. >> why make her a bot annis in the 19th century. for a woman in the 19th century wouldn't a more realistic occupation be dying in childbirth? >> professional bleeding out woman, yeah. unfortunately, yes, however there were an amazing number of female bot annises.
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it was the only science that women were a little bit welcomed in to because flowers. >> stephen: oh, flowers are girls. >> they kind of-- the world of plants is really boring to women so women kind of snuck into that world of gardening and once they were in there they made amazing contribution, so i wanted to write about one of those women. >> stephen: is there-- sense there sexy times in this book. >> yeah. >> stephen: real sexy times or just pistols and stammens. >> flowers they say are sex made evidence. you don't have to look very care floe at an orchid or georgia o'keeffe painting to get-- . >> stephen: wow, should i pixel ate my rose garden. >> cross pollinate. >> stephen: i do, baby. >> i think-- very sexy time. she is a woman of great passion and desire which is something that i wanted to do because i feel like as a contemporary require writing about the 19th century i can do like the brontes and jane
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austen and elliott could only hint at. i can actually say what happens. >> all right what does happen? i mean without giving everything away, does mr. darcy come in and then take her away and then she gets on to the important work of cutting crusts off cucumber sandwiches? what is the future for a 19th century woman. >> well, there's love in the story but he essentially what this is a book that celebrates a woman's locationment because i felt that is a story we've never heard. and as a woman who herself has had her life saved so many times by her passion for her work i wanted to talk about somebody whos who lives up and downs and romances and dramas may come and go but what is at the centre of is it is this desire to understand nothing less than the working of the natural world. she spends her complete life in devotion to science. >> is she obsessed. >> she's obsessed. >> you did a talk on creativity. >> i didn't and one of the things you said is that you don't think that people have to like suffer to be an artist, okay. >> yeah. >> you have suffered? >> sure. i have suffered.
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>> okay, you've suffered. and you're an artist. >> i have suffered but i haven't developed a narcissistic addiction to the idea of being a suffering artist which is something that i object to. because i feel like there is this hangover from german romant civil that says if are you not misserable in making everyone around you miserable than you are not a serious artist. and i disagree with that. >> van gogh didn't cut off his ears alike a weight loss. he's a messerable person. don't great artist, i'm not saying you aren't a great artist. pain are you and are you not giving your suffering enough credit. >> right. i should sort of go deeper into it. >> maybe your narcissism is saying that i'm not a nars cyst-- narsisys. >> i don't think anybody who wrote two memoirs in a row should have to defended question of whether or not she's a narsisys. that puts me in a bad position. >> stephen: how about this idea. what if everybody suffered but artists do something about it. >> that's true.
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>> they leave their suffering out in, like paint on a palace. >> yeah. >> and then they show you what they're responsible-- even if they are not showing you their suffering, they don't have-- you don't have to paint the tiers but you can use the tears to paint something pretty. >> do you paint a lot with your tears. >> i have never suffered. >> stephen: thank you so much for joining us. >> always a joy, stephen, thank you. >> stephen: elizabeth gilbert, the signature of
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