tv The Colbert Report Comedy Central August 28, 2014 1:32am-2:05am PDT
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ar that does the same. the all-new chrysler 200. america's import tm captioned by media access group at wgbh >> jon: that's our show. join us tomorrow night at 11:00. here it is, your moment of zen. >> we want to show you video of a man accused of insider trading. his name michael lucarelli. we first told you about those charges on power lunch. we'll be following this one for you and see where it goes. captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh comedy central >> stephen: tonight, does racism still exist in america or is that just an ugly rumor spread by those lying norwegians?
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plus kang has come to a classic board game, candiland now comes with an insulin pump. and my guest michael sheen plays a 1960s researcher of human sexualityity, yet another job made obsolete by the internet. a new study says break fast is no longer the most important meal of the day. it has fallen to 8th place. this is "the colbert report." (cheers and applause) (cheers and applause) >> stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! >> stephen: thank you very much, thank you, welcome to the report, everybody.
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good to have you with us. (cheers and applause) thanks, everybody. it's wonderful to be here. as i said, folks, folks, it's so good. it's so good. thank you. i think you know i need your energy, folks t is so good. it is so good to have you with us. and it's good to have me with you. please v a seat. because folks, i was on brake the last two weeks, finally got to some long delayed projects in my woodworking shop. i have been trying to make some really nice book ends am but i can never quite get them to match. so instead, i want won two emmies. (cheers and applause)
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you know what-- yeah, yeah. point is, the point is, folks, these are meaningless. and i will kill you if you try to take them. the point is, i'm back. which is good. because without me around for the past two weeks the world went into a big old tragedy party it was like don't tell mom the baby-sitter's dead except everyone is dead. and we haven't heard from mom in a while. but violence escalated in the middle east. the east, middle east and most unstable of all, the middle west. jim? >> 18-year-old michael brown was shot multiple times by a police officer in broad daylight. >> witnesses say brown had his hands up an was surrendering when he was
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shot multiple times. >> brown's death has sparked a week of protests, looting, a shooting and sometimes violent responses from police. >> sadly ferguson missouri is now best known for racial conflict, police brutality and violence in the streets. and not as they claim proudly on the official city web site, for food truck mondays. (laughter) because now this is the food truck. and it serves fresh, high velocity rubber burritos. and the hot pepper sauce is not optional. folks, this is a genuine tragedy that many are saying is the foul harvest of our racist past. but i urge everyone to wait to pass judgement on officer darren wilson. some are rushing to judge this man as a violent racist cop without gunned down an unarmed black teenager. but others argue that he is a heroic police officer doing his job by gunning down an unarmed black teenager. (laughter) but we don't know if this
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was racist or even if racism still exists. i for one don't see race. not even my own. people tell me i'm white and i believe them because i keep asking waiters about gluten. what we do know, what we do know is the shooting of an unarmed young black man say story we've heard far too many times before. and the only way to assure we never hear it again is for the press to stop reporting it. >> i think the coverage has been a tra vesty. look at it first from the standpoint of quantity. how did this incident justify hundreds if not thousands of nonstop hours of coverage when there is so much going on in the world. >> there are a lot of bad things that i think have come from journalists being there and from all the 24/7 media speculation. and i think one is that it's probably made things more volatile. >> i wrote a column for fox this week saying just theoretically floating the idea, what if all the journalists in this town packed up the equipment and
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left. would that have had an impact on the violence. a lot of people responded and said yes. >> yes, i respond. it's true. the presence of a camera clearly makes people behave recklessly. because i done believe for a minute that howie kurtz would have floated the idea that journalists from to blame for the ferguson violence if a camera wasn't pointed at him. for his own safety get this man off of television. is there nothing-- (applause) >> is there nothing to be gained? and there is nothing to be gained by inflaming the volatile situation other than a whole lot of money. >> the fund-raising effort has raised more money than the michael brown memorial sunday on the web site. >> financial contributions for wilson's legal fees have reached around $400,000. >> even in missouri chapter of the ku klux klan has a fund-raiser planned for wilson. >> even the clan is pitching in. i believe they held a big inee car wash. now folk-- bikini car wash.
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that was pretty good. now as it stands supporters of officer wilson have crowd sourced more money than supporters of michael brown. yet somehow neither have raised more money than the glyph mobile personal theatre. this is what our country needs. that guy, he can't see race or the truck that is about to hit him. and while more money is going to officer wilson, brown supporters are being backed by an organization with no respect for the law. the white house. >> president obama is sending three white house officials to attend brown's funeral in st. louis missouri. >> they sent three white house officials to the funeral of michael brown. when margaret thatcher died last year they sent nobody. in what universe does margaret thatcher, one of the greatest leaders merit nobody and michael brown merits 3 white house officials. >> the president says a delegation to ferguson yet he sent not one justice
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department official to investigate the murder of margaret thatcher. (applause) at the very least he could have sent angela landsbury. with boiling on both sides people are beginning to call for the unthinkable. a rational discussion. >> we do have an opportunity here to talk about incidents of rage. >> we still need to have a discussion on race in america. >> it is important we have open dialogue about the realities of issues like this. >> i think we should continue this conversation long after the michael brown case is done. >> in is again another time to have an open discussion about race in society. >> well, if there has to be a frank and honest national discussion about race in america, i guess i'm already talking. i'll go for it folks, our nation has a long shameful legacy of o systemic
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oppression of african-americans. white people have better economic and educational opportunities and are regarded without suspicion by law enforcement. but on the other hand, black people get to use the n-word. can't put a price on that. if you could, cliven bundy and his buddies might have paid it. by the way black people, why can't you be more like these guys. they were armed and they dared the cops to shoot them and nothing happened. just figure out whatever was different about them and you'll be fine. (laughter) but that's just one perspective. that's just one, mine. mine is just one voice. i'm just one perspective when it comes to the national conversation on race. this is a dialogue. so now i cede the floor to one of the black late night hosts to respond? january of 2015. we'll be right back.
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>> stephen: welcome back, everybody, thank you so much. folks, folks, my vacation was just fan tas tk. and one of the great things about being on vacation is spending more time with the wife and kid, i especially look forward to my family's weekly game night. because nothing is better than a round of clue to take everyone's mine off that-- take everyone's mind off that candlestick murder that happened in our
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conserve tore. but i recently learned something disturbing about one of our classic games. >> for its first time in nearly a decade 5,000 new words will appear in the new edition of scrabble's official dictionary including words like hashtag, selfie, buzzkill and broman's. >> that's right, hasbro add nud scrabble words and i'm sorry, but this ends our hasbro-mance because this assault on our traditional scrabble vocabulary makes me mad, no, change that to-- (cheers and applause) folks, this is nothing but a cheap attempt by the lexi conartists over at hasbro to pander to the young lings out there. at robin pollock daniel champion of the scrabble association put it, it makes the game more accessible to younger people. which we're always looking for, all the technology word make it more attractive to
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them. that's right, folks. the new words capture the way young people speak, at least the ones who are chillaxing at the funplex while geocaching some schmutz. and check this out. to appeal to the value eskimo use demo they have also added kajak which is the inuit spelling for kayak. we cannot allow inuit words in skrabable. now any random jumbles will be one of their 400 worsd of snow. and worst of all, truthiness, a word that i created, that became miriam webster's 2006 word of the year-- (applause) >> stephen: is not in the revised scrabble dictionary. but ask yourself, ask yourself, doesn't it feel like it is? (laughter) and when you play doesn't it
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feel like it has a silent z. well, just because this new dictionary is filled with schmutz, doesn't mean i can't still beat any young person at scrabble. brandon, get on out here. brandon, everybody. (cheers and applause) here we go. here you go. brandon and i, brandon and i earlier before the show we were playing a game right here. fun game, isn't it, brandon? >> sure. it's like words with friends. >> stephen: we are not friends. okay, i'll go first. let's see. let's try this. l, oh, the g, log, speak that. >> hmmmm. >> z-g-i-n-g. >> stephen: okay, what is
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vlogging, that is a maid up word. >> no t is when you create a blog with video material, it's in the new dictionary. >> stephen: okay, fine, fine, then i'm going to spell b-u-r-g-l-k-a-f. (laughter) there you go. go. >> that's not a word. >> stephen: oh, really, because you just used it in a sentence, smart guy. (cheers and applause) and you're a young person, you're a young person so i will just wait a few months and scrabble will put it in their stupid dictionary. go. >> okay. here.
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burglkofs is. triple word score. (applause) >> stephen: god dammit! get out of here get out of here, you cheater! (applause) we'll be right back. i i want him out. yo, untamed larger than life, move fast fruit flavor, watermelon, blue razz green apple. your taste buds dancing. it's the jolly rancher, we make it happen. untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher. oh.
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>> welcome back, everybody, my guest tonight plays a researcher of human sexuality in the show time series masters of sex. i assumed he rezfernd his part by watching a lot of cineplex. please welcome michael sheen. (cheers and applause) thank you so much. thanks for coming on. >> all right, i am an enormous fan, and enormous fan of yours. i will bring out the guns later but first i want to say, i really liked you, i
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saw you on broadway, incredible. obviously people know you from the queen, midnight in paris. you currently star in show time's masters of sex, now in its secretary season, suns at 10 p.m. the more importantly you're a well shallman, correct. >> i am first and foremost a well shallman. >> stephen: if any moment you want to break into a coal mining ditty or sing, i am here for you. ♪ men of-- ♪ we must always be at ready ♪ ♪. >> stephen: thank you very much. >> stephen: . >> now listen, i've always wanted to sing that with a well shall, thank you very much. okay, masters of sex, you play tony blair in this one too? >> i do. tony blair. >> stephen: i can't picture tony blair having sex, frankly. >> that could never be pictured. >> stephen: now tell the people masters and johnson are the people this is based
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on so these were real people, right what were they trying to do. >> they were real people. virginia johnson had no medical background. she turned out to become dr. -- and found out that she was doing sort of secret sex study because it was very controversial this was in the 50ses,. >> stephen: back then it was just farm handshake, good night, mad aim and nine months later it was a baby. >> a shake of the leg, and you're on to the next one am but yeah, so they were doing this-- this sex study but they had to sort of do it behind closed doors. because otherwise they would be outdoors and that would be wrong. >> stephen: which is also a little sexy. >> yes. and so she helped him with that and eventually she became an equal part. but obviously it was very controversial at the time. >> stephen: mckenzy had already done some stuff. >> he had. but mainly relied on-- hab tants. >> stephen: like i heard
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this guy did this thing. >> yeah. there this is interesting because a lot of people say so much has changed now. we've come such a long way. when i was in drama school. >> stephen: oh my god. yes. >> we used to with a medical school down the road and sometimes they would come and improvise as some sort of sexual dysfunction in their relationship for the doctors to learn from. so we without get all these real cases and then we would have to pretend we were then and they would have to work out the problem. at one point the problem was that the couple, they couldn't understand why they weren't getting preg nance-- pregnant and it turned out the couple were having sex in each other's armpits. >> stephen: was it good? >> i can understand how he has sex in her arm pit. but i can't understand how she has sex in his armpit. >> how much dow have to learn, stephen.
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>> stephen: that might be what-- is. >> as an acker doing this, what kind of research did you do. did you have to do any sex research. >> i did the sex once and i have a beautiful dar lily. as a result. >> are you clapping for my daughter or the sex i had. so i did it the once it was like going to school, on the first day of school i went. my mother said how was t i said it was lovely but i'm to the going again, but that was sort of what it was like with the sex. >> stephen: but did you learn anything, because here's my problem. here somewhere the guns come out. i think sex is fine, i'm a fan, okay. but do we have to learn about it? doesn't that take some of the mystery out of it? you know, not knowing. i know i'm a guy, i know
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what i've got. and the girls have got the-- and need we know more than that? i mean why dissect the rainbow. >> this is just the attitude that william masters had to deal with in the '50s. >> stephen: and because he dealt with that, now we know everything and nothing is really exciting any more. back then the sears catalog was a turn-on. now there's nothing on the internet that doesn't make me yawn. haven't we gone too far. that was a former bet, yawning. the special pornographic web sites for people that get turned on by yawning. >> do you have -- >> we have gone too far. i mean obviously sex, we are now inundated with images of sex and sexuality all the time. it has become brand, commercialized. in some ways we are just as prone to feeling shame about sex as in its '50s when they knew nothing about it. did these guys get in trouble what happened to him? >> they got in a fair amount of trouble, yes. >> they went through very
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controversial things like at one point they said they could cure someone from being gay. >> how did they do that? >> it's for a friend. >> tell me later. >> michael, thank you so much. michael sheen, masters of sex, sundays at 10:00 on show time. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] kellogg's krave! a totally different breed of chocolate cereal. wicked crunch outside. smooth chocolate inside. krave cereal! take the dare to krave challenge on facebook, if you dare.
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