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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  August 24, 2015 9:16am-9:53am PDT

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--. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york this is the daily show with jon stewart. (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by comedy central welcome to the daily show. my name is jon stewart. big show tonight, my guest number 42, number 42 is on the program, president bill clinton will be joining us a little bit later. but first, i've got to tell you, i hadded weirdest dream last night, remember that guy from the reality show, what was that show called,s with it-- ego maniac -- no, no, its with called yeah, that was it, that's it.
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so in my dream the guy from that show, the one without puts his name on everything the way a six-year-old might, that guy announced he was entering the republican 2016 race for president. so in my incredibly unlickly dream this man, then like descended down an escalator like a god going from theater 12 to theater 7 at the multiplex. anyway, in my dream he ended up saying a bunch of weird [bleep] about mexicans and then i woke up. i mean it's crazy, right, the whole thing. oh my god! oh my god! (cheers and applause) >> hair like fibers completely unnatural in color and texture. it was real! yup. it's all true.
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except for the stuff he said about mexicans. all right, i got to say, it was incredible. i feel hungover today, between the raucous joy of the trump announcement and the overindulgence of pizza hut's new uncircumcised penis-laden-tusion or whatever they are calling it. o vebsly every day can't be new year's eve as eminem what say, back to reality. >> a global trade deal with a completely boring name but huge economic implications, the transpacific partnership. tpp. >> jon: yeah, unless tpp stands for trump presidential project, i realize it's not that interested but go on. >> it's a trade and foreign investment agreement between 12 nations that make up 40% of the world's tpp. >> it is the center piece of president obama's economic agenda. >> the transpacific partnership would remove trade barriers and tariffs around the pas civic rim.
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potentially taking up to one-third of the world's trade. >> the a.f.l./c.i.o. says tpp does nothing to create jobs. >> jon: well, that-- that's not-- what about the jobs it creates in the pas civic rim? the pacific rim jobs. now some people say-- some people say they're not interested in the pas sick rim job. well, i say until you have had a pacific rim job, until you have gotten in there and done a pa sick rim job or gotten the satisfaction of giving someone a pacific rim job, it is easy to dismiss a pa sick rim job am but i stand here tonight announcing loudly to anyone who can hear me, i am an advocate for the pas civic rim job. why, why are people snickering. you know what, let me bring out the writer of that standard policy statement, mr. dan mccoy, dan, what
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just happened here? >> oh, your confusion is understandable. it's actually a hidden reference to the oral stimulation of an anus. it's a-- double entendre. >> thank you, dennis, thank you. >> well, i'm still not changing mine. let's get into this trade detail a little mohr really -- and lose ourselves in the economic details. >> the deal would ideally level the playing field on trade in both directions. >> it also deals with labor standards, investments and patents among other issues. >> this is a very significant trade deal. the transpa sick-- . >> jon: can we come back, i'm sorry, i'm just-- this is boring the [bleep] out of me. i'm going through withdrawal. i need me-- i need me some done all. i need me some donald. all right, here we go. this is-- this is my
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emergency presidential campaign trumpinaturer 2016. any time i feel like the world is getting pe down or boring me there is nothing to look forward to i just give myself a little slice of this kickoff speech. >> i'm really rich. >> yeah! >> how stupid are our leaders. (laughter) >> jon: honestly, better than free base. that's weird. guess there's some disagreement there with me and the audiencement but enough trump, we have to talk about the stupid complicated trade deal. one thing you can be certain for, if obama is for it, gop is agin it. let's go to definite gee dahmer, martha washington, china while quiting over the bill of rights. >> i understand a lot of our members on other side of the house don't trust this
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administration. join the club, neither do i. that is precisely why i support this bill. >> trade legislation that is absolutely critical for american's future. >> at the risk of having some of you literally faint, i want to compliment the president for the way he's handling the trade issue. (laughter) >> jon: did anyone of you faint? (applause) >> jon: i don't really see that. anyway, good one, mitch mccon sell complimenting the president, how did the crowd react to that?
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i'm not surprised that's how they reactedment i'm surprised he was talking to a field full of animals. now we know republicans love free trade more than they hate obama. tricky situation for democrats. do they risk angering the president or environmentalists and organized labor what position will democrats take on supporting fast-track authority for the tpp. >> what's the good of having a little bit of trade adjustment assistance if we lose millions of jobs because we put them on a fast track to asia. >> trade-- is equivalent of an execution but are you getting to choose your last meal. >> i have never, ever in my 33 years in congress ever supported, ever supported a trade agreement. i'm not going to start now. the answer is not only no, but hell no, okay. >> jon: in fact, [bleep] no. i wouldn't [bleep] this trade agreement with louis gomer spit, yeah, that's
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right. who knew all you had to do was fire up harry reid, human equivalent of dry toast was mention trade agreements. if i had known that, i what have managed it earlier and kept myself from fall asleep every time i interviewed him. all right. now to be clear. yeah, that's right this is what it is like when someone's got five weeks left, people. get used to it. [bleep], i'm outa here! now to be clear, the tpp is not what they were voting on friday, they were voting on the trade adjustment assistance program aimed at hooeping americans keep jobs. normally democrats are for it but they were against it the option of adding amendments so basically that the obstructive tpa, rejected the pa to on jkt the tpa-- you no he what, -- >> i promise i will never be in a bicycle racial, that i
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can tell you. >> why would you mention that at your presidential kickoff. >> i would like to vote for him but i'm worried he might put on bicycle shorts, i don't know. all right, come on, you can do this without the trump just. tell me if the president got what he wanted or not. >> the house overwhelmingly rejected a white house-backed bill designed to pave the way for a massive 12 nation pacific trade pact. >> the vote is so full of legislative maneuvering and almost i deent-- identical acronyms it is hard to get everything. here is how screwed up everything is. >> the crazy things i'm seeing put out in the media by big labor, the willingness to make up stories, to make up facts, goebbels would be very proud of them. take nancy reagan seriously. when it comes it all three votes today, just vote no.
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>> jon: a republican congressman used a nazi metaphor to argue in favor of the president while democrats quote nancy reagan against him. could things get weirder? >> i definitely am not white. i don't know, necessarily, if my skin chrr has changed. depends on the season. >> i was drawing self-portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon. >> jon: oh, that's right, cindy brady still thinks she's black. all right. well, that ain't blowing my mind any more democratic reaganment point is our legislative situation is complex and we need a leader who can cut through the bureaucracy and get things done. luckily i happen to they a guy. >> i will be the greatest job president that god ever created. >> jon: in fact, i don't know why god took so long to create me. or everything. six days? for heaven andth and all the creatures, coy have done it in three and made a profit
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and believe me, the chinese would have gotten none of it. (cheers and applause) swrz we'll be right back. we'll be right back. doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return, we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what?
9:28 am
hello, ladies. do you wanbear glove!to smell... sophistication? bear glove! then try old spice swagger.
9:29 am
bear glove! [repeatedly] i apologize. he means bear glove! no i don't. bear glove! stop it. [old spice whistle] to come out of its shell.. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. pwho thrives on the unexpected. andha-ha! box shall we dine? [ chuckle ] you wouldn't expect an insurance company to show you their rates and their competitors' rates, but that's precisely what we do. going up! nope, coming down. and if you switch to progressive today, you could save an average of over 500 bucks. stop it. so call me today at the number below. or is it above? dismount! oh, and he sticks the landing! but if you had to pick your favorite, -which would you say it was? -oh, i can't do that. -if i forced you to pick one. -but that's like asking a parent
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to pick between their favorite children. if you had to had to had to. had to had to absolutely had to pick? -i'm forcing you. -chicago dog. -okay. boom. there you go. -yeah? -see? -because it doesn't get all mouthy at bath time. -okay. -you know, and 'cause it doesn't repeat everything i say right back to her mother. i mean, what is the point of that? with six great flavors starting at $1.99, sonic is america's hot dog headquarters. and don't forget our half- price shakes after 8 p.m. (clicks) ♪ (cheers and applause) >> kel woman back, my guest tonight, 4 2nd president of the united stay just finished bringing peopling to for the to work on how to continue economic recovery, please welcome to the program, president bill
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clinton, sir. (cheers and applause) my first question is an obvious one, i know you have been and hillary clinton supporter for president in the past, does donald trump's entry into the race in any way complicate that or change the way that you are viewing your vote? >> take your time. >> well, you know, that's a hard question but-- i want to just remind you that as you pointed out with that unbelievable opening, you got five weeks to go. and i am still the spouse of a presidential can cat-- candidate. so unlike you--
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(applause) >> unlike you, i have to take a bow now and then. actually, it was trump, he has been believe it or not uncommonly nice to hill rae and me, he thought hillary was a good senator from new york after 9/11 and he is actually one of the many republicans who supported our foundation before they got the memo. and so -- so. >> jon: but don't you think he less a republican and more of a trumpicrat? >> he really, like i done think he cares as long as he can can put his name on the white house. i done think he cares. give it a nice gold paving. you know, class it up. >> well, look, beneath the rhetoric including the stuff that you mentioned we all disagree with like what he said about the mexicans-- . >> jon: yes. >> it was-- .
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>> jon: bizarre. >> well, not only that, just wrong. basically-- . >> jon: a lot of it. >> between 2010 and 2014, there was no net in migration from mexico. >> jon: what dow get put all these facts where dow put them. >> i don't know. you know, president obama has got the congress to go along with his brain project and i hope i learn where all this stuff is stored. >> jon: this ing weres an interesting point. here is the deal, so we're talking about trade. so nafta has been very beneficial, i think for mexico. i think you would agree, it brought a lot of jobs to mexico, it changed the political climate down there. it brought them, nafta is being used as an example of why we shouldn't do the tpp. so tell me, why are these trade agreements, free trade agreements good for american workers. >> well, let's talk, first let's he explain what happened in nfta. >> jon: okay, how far back
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are we going. >> just to nafta rz jean chretien. >> o what happened after nafta was they had a total, almost had a total collapse of their currency. i gave them a loan in 1995 which they paid back three years early and the taxpayers earned $570 million in interest. different did 560 million. >> jon: it was 560. >> yeah. >> jon: go ahead. >> they earned money. but as a result of that, their economy is weak. plus they were one of our biggest oil suppliers before we were self-sufficient in oil. so we did have trade deficit there. and the analysis of all of our trade agreements with countries with lower per-capita incomes than we have, shows that on balance the countries we have trade agreements we tend to have balance trade much more than let's say with china which we have no trade agreement we have a hugh money guess deficit.
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>> jon: we'll be right back >> jon: we'll be right back with more with bill clint where you also find her. ♪ a romantic fumble at this romantic chateau ... leads to these fine humans. who you take to this eco-lodge ... to get seriously close to nature. then you check in with her at this tropical paradise. before soaring over this castle resort with your father-in-law. who finally seems to like you. life can be like that when you get it booking right. booking.yeah!
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>> jon: well company back to the p.m. program, we're talking to president bill clinton. we're ing to talk about what that new economic policy is besides the fact wa, are you now, five years, what is-- how many years. >> this will be the tenth year. >> the death year and you just had an economic forum. >> we just had the one for america which we have been having since 2011. >> what is this new economy, you know, you're dealing with it with the global
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initiative. how do we change. america hasn't adjusted its economy. >> well, i will give you an example of something are that grew out of the conversation i had with the president. i said, i told him, i said look, and we lost to congress in 2010. and same thing happened to me. i said you need to look at what you can do to create jobs. you have got a pension fundament you have a board of trustees, they have to invest in a pension fund in a way that gives you a rate of return to anticipate for the retirees what you promised. but you need some -- what you really want is something that offers you a steady return. best thing you could do to create jobs for your members was to pay more money in the pension fund is invest in retrofitting buildings. and so he referred me to the building trade. and ironically the american federation of teachers, and
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they made a commitment that they would organize 10 billion dollars worth of investments for building retrofitting. i was on president obama's council with all these businesspeople. that's more by far than they spent put together. in the first 5.6 billion they created 50,000 jobs and trained 900,000 people around america to do this kind of work. >> jon: these are good trade jobs. >> yes. and you know, you can't ship these jobs overseas because the buildings are here. they are by definition. so now they have committed over 11 billion dollars of it. and i will give you just one example. they contracted to redo laguardia airport. >> right. >> which needs doing. >> jon: man does that need doing. >> yeah, but they're going to leave the marine term call why all that wonderful art deco art alone, which is
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good. >> oh, that's art. didn't realize that. >> but anyway, that one contract will create 15,000 jobs. >> right. >> we've got eight indian tribes in south dakota, who have set up a power authority and they're raising money, they promise, raising money to build their own wind farms and transmission lines, and take the money they get from earning the power first to pay off the investment and then share it among indians that buy and large live on reservations with no gambling because the population is not dense enough and they're the poorest americans there is, so we will be able to diversify the economy out there. then they can-- if they all had broadband just like if they need from kentucky and west virginia, they all had broadband we could bring a whole new economy here. but we need to do that everywhere. and i'm telling you, there are a lot of people in rural parts of america that could
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make a perfectly good living if they could operate more on-line and they can't do it in the horse and-- areas when somebody is in south korea, can do it faster and easier. it's crazy for us to let this be done faster and easier. the internet started in america. >> and the fear is that we will never respond until the implosion and catastrophe is upon us because that is our mo. our mo is we know exactly what to do. we see the train coming and we keep looking at it going that looks pretty close. and then once it's run over us, we go yeah, we probably should have done something about that. that's our problem. >> well, as church hill once said, how do you remember any-- any of this, any of this. (applause) >> in world war ii before america got in, it was pretty bleak. and the president tried to add some levitt to one of
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his press conferences. by saying are you such a big fan of president roosevelt, you say he's great. well, here we are getting our heads handed to us. and church hill said the american people, he said the united states of america always does the right thing, after exhausting every other alternative. >> jon: there we go. that's what i mean. always a pleasure. always a pleasure. president bill clinton. give it to me i'm worth it. baby i'm worth it. uh huh i'm worth it. gimme gimme i'm worth it.
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is. >> that's our show, by the way, obviously the entire interview with president clinton will be upjohn line. we talked for longer than what you saw on the tv. but if you have a free weekend, and you want to binge watch it like breaking bad, dude, i just want to borrow his brains for a weekend. just to help me with some crossword puzzles. anyway, that is our show, here it is, your moment of zen. >> (laughter) really? >> i'm sorry n spanishtioning sy
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comedy central >> larry: tonightly, president obama is in africa this week. upon arrival, his first comment was, everything looks smaller than i remember. goo goo, gaga. uh. >> while visiting kenya he joined a line dance at a state dinner, the name of the line dance? i give zero (bleep) shuffle. and in the wake of a movie theatre shooting rick perry says the answer is to bring guns to the movies. leaving just one question on everyone's minds. what is on netflix? speaking of guns we are bringing out the big ones. this is the nightly show!


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