tv The Daily Show Comedy Central October 14, 2015 11:00pm-11:32pm PDT
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>> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) captioning sponsored by comedy central >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show." welcome, welcome. i'm trevor noah. my guest tonight from the new movie "crimson peak," tom hiddleston is here. yeah! ( cheers and applause ) but first, but first, the big, big news. last night, i watched my first democratic debate. yeah! that's right. i'm no longer a debate virgin. whoo! you hear that? i'm a man now. now, the debates took place in las vegas and it was an exciting time to see all five democratic
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candidates on the same stage at the same time ready to battle it out. especially because there were only five candidates and after the republican debates, i thought maybe american debates had, like, a 10-person minimum, like a party bike. now on the stage, of course, was former secretary of state hillary clinton. with her numbers down in polls, there was an opportunity for her to show her conviction on a range of issues, and she took it. >> we're the united states of america, and it's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism. i'm a progressive, but i'm a progressive who likes to get things done. it's time entire country stood up against the n.r.a. i believe in equal pay for equal work for women, but i also believe it's about time we had paid family leave for american families and join the rest of the world. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: yeah! yeah! whoo! whoa. who is that guy? ( laughter )
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who is that's awesome man? i didn't know the democrats had the wizard vote. ( laughter ) "how can i, swrandar, the debate attendee, summon the dark magic of the ruins when i can't get paternity leave?" and hillary made especially sure to note one special distinction. >> i can't think of anything more of an outsider than electing the first woman president. >> secretary clinton, how would you not be a third term of presume? >> well, i think that's pretty obvious. i think being the first woman president would be quite a change from the presidents that have, up until this point, including president obama. >> trevor: really? ( laughter ) that's it? so the only thing separating you and president obama is the fact that you have different parts? what are you, mr. and mrs. potato head? ( laughter )
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"well, anderson, i think our differences are pretty obvious. he has a mustache, and i have this hat with a flower on." ( laughter ) now, the debate was also an opportunity for the clinton main challenger, bernie sanders, to come out, and he could have attacked hillary on a host of issues including the keystone pipeline, the trans-pacific trade policy, her ties to wall street, and, of course, her e-mails. hillary clinton, feel the burn. >> let me say something that may not be great politics, but i think the secretary is right, and that is that the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails. >> thank you. me, too. me, too! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: sure. "if i hear one more person say e-mails, so help me, i'm going to kick them in the dick. e-mails this, e-mails that.
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i remember when people used to talk to each other loudly." but perhaps the big surprise of the night was the strong showing from former maryland governor martin o'malley who spoke on immigration, college tuition and the economy. >> thanks to president obama, our country has come a long way since the wall street crash of 2008. our country's doing better. we are creating jobs again. we elected a president, not a magician. >> trevor: "we elected a president, not a magician." ( laughter ) and xandar is like, "don't blame me. i voted for dumbledorf." but the real star of the show for me was rhode island's lincoln chafee. who started out by addressing the lack of skeletons in his closet. >> i'm very proud over my almost 30 years of public service i have had no scandals. i've always been honest. i've had the courage to take the
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long-term view, and i've shown good judgment. i have high ethical standards. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: "and i make my bed every morning. i'm extremely punctual, and i have never had a cavity. don't believe me? here's a note from my dentist who, by the way, says he would seriously consider voting for me." ( laughter ) you know, the worst thing is this wasn't the worst part of lincoln chafee's night, because this was the beginning of the worst night of his life. >> governor chafee, you've attacked secretary clinton for being too close to wall street banks. in 1999, you voted for the very bill that made banks bigger. >> glass-steagall was my very first vote. i had just arrived in office. my dad had just died. >> are you saying you don't know what you were voting for? >> i think you are being a little rough. i had just arrived at the united states senate. >> trevor: "i just dropped my ice cream cone. after one lick."
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here's how bad it got for chafee. you know how they tell the underdog in the debate to punch up, bait the front-runner into talking just so you look serious. let's see how it goes when he challenges hillary clinton on her e-mails. >> credibility is an issue out there with the world. i think we need someone that has want best in ethical standards as our next president. that's how i feel. >> secretary clinton, do you want to respond? >> no. ( applause ). >> trevor: damn! that's cold! that has to be the most brutal shooting down of a person named lincoln they have ever-- oh, wait. no, never mind. sorry. never mind. too soon? ( laughter ) and that was it. that was the debate. every single person had a chance to lay out their case. we heard from everyone who-- no, no, jim webb. oh, jim webb. why didn't you say anything?
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>> unless somebody mentioned my name i can't get into the discussion. people have been going back and forth here for 10 minutes here. i've been standing here for 10 minutes trying. i hope i get that kind of time here. i will say this, i've been waiting for 10 minutes. >> first of all,-- >> this hasn't been equal-- equal time. >> trevor: "goddamn it bernie sanders isn't going to be president, either, and he got way more time than me." and he spent all his time telling us he didn't have time. and then it was time for one final question, one last chance to turn it all around. >> you've all made a few people upset over your political careers, which enemy are you most proud of? >> i guess the coal lobby. >> i've worked hard for climate change and i want to work with the coal lobby, but in my time in the senate, tried to bring them to the table so that weekend address carbon dioxide. >> governor o'malley? >> the national rifle association. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: "the national rifle
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association." o'malley just buried-- he just buried chafee. did you see him? poor chafee was on the side saying, "no way. i can change my answer sowhat he said?" senator webb, h you wanted more time and you get it. you get the final answer. which ?m are you most proud of? >> i would have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he's not around right now to talk to. >> all right, time for closing-- >> trevor: holy ( bleep )! jim webb will literally kill you and then smile. ( laughter ) for more postdebate analysis we turn to the best ( bleep ) news team on television. jessica williams, aasif mandvi, roy wood, jr., desi lydic, and jordan klepper, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) guys. how are the campaigning feeling, starting with you, roy?
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>> oh, trevor, i'm at sanders headquarters up here and it's electric, man. it looks like america's finally ready for an old white president again. >> no way, roy, the most pumped up supporters are from martin o'malley. >> asaf, how are chafee supporters responding right now? >> you mean jeff? he was so thrilled that lincoln got to meet miss clinton and mr. sanders because one of them might be president next year. >> trevor: i'm confused, whose living room are you in? >> this is jeff's place, a.k.a., chafee headquarters since jeff is the only guy backing lincoln chafee. >> i can get in here? please ki talk? can i get a word in here, please, please. >> trevor: we were just coming to you. >> it's about time. jim webb say war hero, and i deserve equal time covering him. senator webb and i are sick and tired -- >> jordan, we have to move on
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right now. desi, clinton campaign must be pleased after last night's performance. i mean the way she dealt with benghazi was fantastic. >> look, benghazi was not secretary clinton's fault. this is just a vast right wing-- oh, sorry, wait a minute, i didn't realize, you were complimenting her. ( laughter ) i'm just-- i'm just so used to being on the defensive with hillary. you know, it's like being a cubs fan in chicago. for so long, you believe in them because you feel like you have to, and then they actually win something, and it's like, "oh, my god! yay!" >> trevor: that's so true, thank you, desi. a great night for hillary indeed. and it really seems exciting for all the democratic candidacy right now, roy, bernie supporters must be more confident he can win the nomination now? what? no. ( laughter ) i mean, people here, they like bernie, but he's still a socialist brooklyn grandpa.
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everybody is voting for hillary. >> same here. i mean, yes, martin o'malley is a person who exists, but a first woman president, like, how can they resist. >> jeff agrees with everything being said here. hillary all the way! >> trevoror, i can talk? i have been waiting 10 minutes. il pull this thing. jim webb is a war hero! war hero! >> trevor: jordan, jordan, relax, relax. take as much time as you need. >> okay. thank you. ( laughter ) finally, some goddamn respect for jim webb. i just wanted to say that after last night, jim webb supporters will also be voting for hillary. ( laughter ) thanks, trevor. was that so hard? oh, boy! jim! qim! >> trevor: jessica williams, aasif mandvi, roy wood, jr., desi lydic, and "what it takes" used to be jordan klepper, everyone, w
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they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." now, everyone was pretty excited for the democratic debates in las vegas yesterday. except for cnn. they were just excited about being in vegas. >> in las vegas, just off the las vegas strip, and here in
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this city the main event, not penn & teller, not britney spears, not wayne newton, not even elvis impersonators, no. the cnn democratic debate. >> trevor: really? the main event in vegas? can you imagine how angry you'd be at your concierge at the hotel. "hey, did you get the cirque de soleil tickets i asked for?" "even better sir, how do you feel about podium?" but no one, and i mean no one, was more excited to be on the strip than cnn anchor jake tapper. >> we are in a town that has seen some of the biggest prize fights in history. could one of these five candidates land a blow that changes this race? could one employee a rop-a-dope strategy, or has been known to happen in las vegas, could someone get overly aggressive causing a rival to lose a piece of an ear? ( laughter ) >> trevor: okay, that's just ridiculous. no one at the debates would bite
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off someone's ear. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) moving on. i'm not going to lie, jake made me laugh with the puns. if you think the boxing ones were knockouts, what are the odds he could do better with gambling. >> the focus is on tomorrow night. >> polling shows our politics lead we are pushing everything into the center of the pot. >> what cards are lincoln chafee and jim webb holding? what can martin o'malley do to make the final table of the democratic race? >> is bernie sanders now playing with house money. >> if she busts tomorrow night, will that enough to convince vice president joe biden to pony up and join the table. >> trevor: jake tapper is having so much fun. in fact, he's still doing it right now. he's at the airport, and he's going on. "can i upgrade to business class or is it a full house? hope you didn't seat me between a pair of jokers.
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these chips are going all in... my mouth." i'm not gonna lie, i was really impressed with cnn's wide real estate of vegas puns until i found out they've been doing the same thing for years. >> high stakes as the clock ticks down here at las vegas. high stakes here in las vegas. >> high stakes here in las vegas. >> what happens in vegas could change the course of the democratic race. >> what happens in vegas tonight could tilt the race. >> what happens in vegas could shape the race. >> it is fight night. >> fight night in vegas. >> fight night in vegas. >> vegas, baby. >> vegas, baby. >> will the gloves come off? >> and the gloves could come off. >> the gloves come off. >> roll the dice here in las vegas. >> rolling the dice in vegas. >> democrats roll the dice in a live cnn presidential debate. >> trevor: no judgment from me, cnn. i get it. i can never remember what i did on my last trip to vegas, either. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) (door bell rings)
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i've never even seen them blink. the most 4g lte coverage means more to love. (school bell ringing) mi'm a lineman here in oakland. day in, day out, a large part of what we do is about providing reliable power to our customers. pg&e is dedicated to the community. i love working here because this is my home. oakland is my home. this is where i'm raising my children so it's important to me to make sure my family and friends have the power and energy that we provide. this is very personal to me. it makes me work a lot harder knowing that this is my community. together, we're building a better california.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back. my guest tonight is an actor who stars in the forthcoming film "i saw the light" but his latest film is called "crimson peak." >> you were sleepwalking. >> i'm afraid i should go mad if i stay. >> my darling, you're imagining things. tomorrow, why don't we go out to the post office? i think some fresh air would do you good. >> no. i have to leave. i have to get away from here. >> this is your home now. you have nowhere else to go. ( laughter ) >> trevor: please welcome tom hiddleston. ( cheers and applause )
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>> wow. >> trevor: you have set a new record for ows and woos, my friend. i feel like they follow you everywhere you go. ooow! >> they're good at that. >> trevor: oow! i'm one of them. i ow and woo you all the time. thank you so much for coming to the show. >> it's such a pleasure to be here. >> trevor: this is fun. there were people waiting outside. i read that benedict cumberbatch, who i think you went to the same school or university-- >> no, we met on a steven spielberg film called "war horse." >> trevor: and he has his fans and they're called cumberbitches. this is what they call themselves. i'm not making it up. and you also have fans. they're called hidell-stoners.
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>> again, this is a name they've given themselves. it seems violent in some way. >> trevor: i went for stoners. that's what i went for. i don't know why. ( cheers and applause ) they want to smoke you up. >> that's better than being stoned, i think, yeah. stoned, like pelted to death with stones. we don't need to talk about that. >> trevor: this is-- this is so much-- do you get people-- i see you and i see low key. i can't-- i'm not going to-- like-- ( cheers ) he was a bad guy. >> he was misunderstood. >> trevor: that's what i feel you play. i'm seeing in all the movies you're playing a charming and jut yt disingenuous, misunderstood outsider. is this what you're going for? >> i mean, in "crimson peak," he is-- there's-- he has-- it's a
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gothic romance. yon if anyone is familiar with the genre of gothic romance would be aware -- >> that's like kids who wear. >> mccain: blackand love each other. >> with a beating heart, sure. he's this kind of tall, dark stranger who is the innocent young heroine is drawn to. and a gothin romance as a literary genre was always-- was always about a young woman being kind of sexually attracted to someone very mysterious, but someone who also represented something dangerous and threatening and not that's where guillermo del toro's interest lies in this one. >> trevor: it really is a beautiful movie. i remember when i first saw the trailer, it was at the movies and it came on. i'm not a fan of horror movies. not because i don't like them. because i don't like being afraid. and one thing that struck me was it's so beautiful. it's almost not-- it's not terrifying. like the colors scare you, like beautiful colors!
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look it really is a gorgeous piece to watch. it is a period piece that is scary. >> i think of it as a twin sister to pan's labyrinth. and i think it was 10 years ago guillermo del toro made. and it's a marriage of very sophisticated adult material with the supernatural. it's a love story with ghosts in it. and i think-- i'm so lucky to be in it. it's like a painting. you know, it's one of those immersive, immaciatly designed film. >> trevor: i think everyone is lucky to have you. right now, you're gearing up to play another fascinating character, this time not a horror. you're going to be playing hank williams is it in "i saw the lights." >> yes. >> trevor: is that your southern accent? >> i was trying on to be. >> trevor: say something the in your southern accent. >> well, here, i don't know. what did he say? hank would say something like, "hey, trevor, it's good to meet ya." ( cheers and applause )
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can the you're doing a hell of a thing on your show." >> trevor: why thank you, hank! you learned to play the guitar for this role. >> yeah, i learned to play and i learned to yodel. >> trevor: this is a man of so many talents. yodeling, playing the guitar pup speak how many languages? what is it spanish, italian, french. >> you've really done your homework. >> trevor: i try, i try. hiem a hidell-stoner, my friend. >> okay, thank you. we can-- we can get high on that ( bleep ) together. >> trevor: i'm really excited for the movie, for both of them in fact. "crimson peak" is going to be coming out. i'll be watching that. and good luck with the southern charm, my friend. it's really been a pleasure having you on the show. having you on the show. "crimson peak" open on fridays.
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bottle service. fewer carbs, less calories, exceptional taste. michelob ultra, the superior light beer. hey -- little m&m's! wow! great costumes. what are you guys -- like four or five? forty-six. alright, yeah ok. here you go. you don't understand, slick. we're here for the party. whoo! yeah, that's cute! [ laughing ] put your hand down. >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. stay tiewpped for "the nightly show" with larry wilmore. it will be very, very funny dispoant every night. here it is, ladies and gentlemen, your moment of zen. >> i represented wall street as a senator from new york, and i went to wall street in december of 2007 before the big crash that we had. and i basically said, "cut it
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. larry: tonightly, cnn airs thefl delate live from las vegas. it features four presidential hopefuls and lincoln chaify hiding in the corner praying nobody would call on him. it looked like that. socialist can date bern quee sanders says the u.s. government should be more like denmark. hey, bernie, you like denmark so much why don't you move there in your flying balloon house. it does look like him, he does look like him. was the democratic debate as entertaining as the gop debate? it's like the old saying goes, what happens in vegas was friggin boring. it's the nightly show, let's do this!
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