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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  February 29, 2016 9:36am-10:12am PST

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>> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah! ♪ (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by comedy central >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show"! i'm trevor noah. thank you so much! tonight we've got a great one from the film "triple 9", anthony mackie is here! (cheers and applause) but first, let's take a moment to talk about the supreme court, or as black robe distributors call it, our best customer. the supreme court is the highest court in america, nine justices settling all the disputes lower
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courts cannot. the same way your mom settles the disputes your dad cannot or that your other mom cannot, because that's okay now, thanks to the supreme court. now, in a court that is often divided, having one extra vote can make all the difference, meaning just one person can be responsible for hugely significant changes in the law and, very often, in the last 30 years, that person was justice antonin scalia who passed away ten days ago. now, his vote was the reason america can no longer regulate our campaign finance spending and the reason minority voting rights are vulnerable and the reason george w. bush became president which makes scalia sound like a dick but on the other hand his rules prevented the government from conducting ifn vasive home searches and sensorring video games. so if you like to play grand theft auto, thanks justice
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scalia or if you want to commit it, thank justice scalia. he's a good all around guy. it's a powerful position. now there is an opening. as vague coons tuition is on so many things, it's crystal clear on what's supposed to happen now. the president has to nominate a justice and the senate has to consider approving them and then if they get confirmed, the rest of the justices, they have to haze the new person. it's a system of checks and balances and underwear up a flag pole like the founding fathers intended. (laughter) president obama said he would nominate someone as fast as he could. the only thing there is there is a senate-sized speed bump. >> senate republicans vowed to block any nomination. >> we're not bringing this nominee out this year. >> it is today the american people who are best positioned
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to help make this important decision. >> usually, you never nominate anybody during the last year of apt. >> i think this is a matter of policy that during a lame duck period we should not be confirming a supreme court nomination. (mocking) >> trevor: you will have to forgive ted cruz. he sufferers from mental condition called being a liar. (applause) yeah, that's what's going on there because, i mean, he says that, but the lame duck period is the part where a president has just gone through an election. it's after the election. when we're just waiting to inaugurate this next commander commander-in-chief. this president is not a lame duck at all. he's a perfect duck. like daisy duck. (laughter) yeah, i mean, like, she's got the bow and the feathers and the damn feet, i don't know how they fit, but they do in the thing,
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and she can do whatever she wants. (laughter) until the election. until the election. and then she's a lame duck. the point, is these republican senators are totally full of b.s. because not that long ago when there was a republican president making judicial nominations, they were sing ago different tune. >> we cannot hijack the president's power to appoint justs, it upsets the balance. >> the constitution of the united states is a at stake. article 2, section 2 clearly provides the president and the president alone nominates judges. >> trevor: yeah. thank you man with turkey neck. you've shown that this is not about the constitution, but rather just about getting what you want for your party. luckily -- luckily, the democrats know what's up. >> the american people don't like this obstructionism. when you go right off the bat and say i don't care who he nominates, i am going too pows him, that's not going to fly. >> there is no unwritten law
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that says it can only be done on off years. i'm amused when i hear people who claim to be strict interpreters of the constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that are not there. >> trevor: you know what i love about president obama, his burns are so classy. like, he disses the (bleep) out of the republicans, but he's doing it so smoothly. he just has that swag about him -- i find it amusing that, uh, your mother is so overweight, that, uh, i had to order the, uh, post master general to issue her, uh, own zip code. (applause) he's just smooth! and you see, the truth, is republicans, the game is up. you love giving speeches and making ads about america's greatest document, how no one loves the constitution noorn you, but it's all sanctimonious
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bull (bleep). you just want to have things your way. oh, obama needs to wait. oh, it's an election year. oh, you like to throw around the term lame ducks? well, guess what, republicans, y'all are a bunch of lame (bleep). (applause) >> trevor: sorry, the mic was supposed to drop off. why is the mic not -- oh, man, is there another side to this story? >> democrats have done this plenty of times before. >> i will recommend to my colleagues that we should not confirm any bush nominee to the supreme court except in extraordinary circumstances. >> sam alito being nominated by george w. bush in 2006, barack obama was in the senate, voted to phil buster the nomination, he didn't even want to vote on it!
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>> trevor: i should have known. thanks for nothing, democrats. for more we go to senior political analyst jordan klepper in washington. jordan klepper, everybody! (cheers and applause) jordan, please help us. what's going on here? seems like everyone is just saying whatever it takes to get their way even when it's totally inconsistent. >> look on the bright side, they're lying. >> trevor: do you know what bright means, jordan? >> stay with me on these. these politicians feel ashamed to tell truth of what they're actually doing so instead they're covering their partisan intentions and high-minded rhetoric and principals, which is disgusting, but it shows they at least know what noble principles are. >> trevor: so they have a moral compass but they're not using it? >> yeah, but they have one. it's not completely lost. it's stuck in a junk drawer with old rubber bands and your ex-girlfriend's diaphragm. >> trevor: why would you keep your ex-girgirlfriend's diaphra?
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>> because in case she needs it back. she has another set of twins on facebook. we get it, good, you're happy! >> trevor: who's good? it's how congress works. it's something we learned when we were young, grew up playing the "congress, the home game." >> trevor: what? you can experience the u.s. bicamera legislature in your own home with "congress, the home game." >> awesome. can't wait to play. you go first. no, i'm not playing. what? move the country forward, vote on important issues. >> you just said you couldn't wait to play. >> yep. so can i go first? you can go to hell. with hundreds of pages of procedural rules, the only limit is your imagination. >> it says here... confirm nomination, even amend the constitution! all you have to do is play the game!
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>> please move your hand. my hand has a right to be there. >> fine. you roll the dice. why did you do that? you're not winning. >> neither are you. but neither are you. yeah, but neither are you (screaming) >> you can do anything congress can do. >> okay. maybe we can try again tomorrow. >> i'm going on vacation for a month. (screaming) >> "congress, the home game," from the makers of syria, the multi-player strategy game where everyone -- (blast) >> oh! >> trevor: thank you, jordan klepper. we'll be right back! (c
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♪ i'm savin' you five hundred coming soon from progressive, it's "savin' u," the new hit single from the dizzcounts. ♪ cash money ♪ the biggest discount and understand... ♪ the dizzcounts. safe driver, paperless, paid-in-full, multi-car and joey fatone. ♪ savin' you five hundred ♪ i'm savin' you five hundred we have auto-tune, right? oh, yeah. that's a hit! all: yeah! i got minds to twist and alrivalues to warp.his. mr. tyler, your skittles portrait. that is e to the z oh twiddly dee-sgusting! you haven't heard me sing diddly-ding yet.
9:47 am
♪ dream on! higher. ♪ dream on! i think a little higher! ♪ dreammmm onnnnnnnn! ♪ dreammm onnnn! rock the rainbow. taste the rainbow. why are you so tired?ts... ahh, the "after lunch food coma." we've all been there. you had planned on ordering the salad, but the pasta and fries looked so good. now, you're trying to find a place to catch a few zzzs... without the boss catching you. next time, grab a great tasting 5-hour energy® shot. it'll help you stay alert and productive... no matter what's on the menu. now is the time for 5-hour energy®.
9:48 am
okayit's chewy.his? really icy. wooh. that's intense! it just hits you. its gum. no. it's totally a mint! it's disappearing as i am chewing it. where did it go? it's not a gum. not a mint. it's a breakthrough in cool. ice breakers cool blasts.
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(cheers and applause) >> trevor: welcome back to the show! there are many problems in the world, so it's nice when we get a chance to make a difference here on "the daily show." as jessica williams does in this very special report.
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>> jessica: i've done a lot of field pieces over the years and met a lot of wonderful people. so when i found out a former interview eee was in trouble i found out who was in need. not this guy! reverend james david manning is known for being the controversial pass for for at world missionary in haroldum and for posting signs like this outside his church. we met with him once in 2009. >> obama is indeed the next hitler. >> jessica: again in 2015 when he told thus little gem that has stuck with me ever since. >> i think this starbucks recognized the flavor of their lattes that they are using semen to make that ltte even more flavorful. >> jessica: you think they're using semen to flavor their latte? i sat down with dr. manning to
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find out what the hell is going on now. >> the city of new york, the deblasio administration, in particular, is trying to foreclose on our property over a damn water bill. >> jessica: have you been paying your water bill? >> we're tax exempt. we're a church. churches do not pay water bills or any other kind of tax for that matter. >> jessica: that's bullship. after a long legal battle, the court rules the church was not eligible tore the exemption so that and a long list of other offensens against the church prompted their closing. >> the sodomites lost the campaign to silence my voice in this community. >> jessica: who are these sodomites? >> many have moved from other parts of the city and country and moved up here to this particular community. going up town to harlem. going to let my hair down in
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harlem. >> jessica: i'm going to harlem. >> and have a good time. >> jessica: and have a good old time. >> i have to say this, i don't know in the audience can handle it. >> jessica: what do you have to say? >> a lot came looking for black meat. >> jessica: what? black meat. >> jessica: what is black meat? >> sex with black men. >> jessica: oh, my god. why do you say stuff like this? >> well, i think it's a pretty common -- i think jungle fever could be one of the terms. you might accept that, would you? >> anything is better than black meat. >> okay, that's it, jungle fever! >> jessica: i had one more question. does starbucks have anything to do with this? >> you mean the fact starbucks put seemnan their lattes? >> i have been thinking about this the last time you talked, the fact that you think starbucks puts semen in their
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lattes. how? >> how do they get vanilla into lattes? how do they do that? >> jessica: they pump vanilla in there. >> there you go. >> jessica: is that how it goes? >> i would think. >> jessica: where is starbucks getting all this semen from? because that's massive operation. >> i mean, i'm not a biologist or a chemist. >> jessica: that's true, you are not a biologist, you are not a chemist. okay! i said i was going to help and i am. so i met with the man who wants to buy the property, carlos, but turns out he's not exactly planning to put up high-rise condos. instead, he's doing this -- >> i run a program for homeless lgbt youth, kids who have been thrown out of their homes. what i would like to do is fill the building with young people who are currently sleeping in the streets. >> jessica: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... let me just wrap my head around this right now. you want to kick out a church that is very homophobic and put
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in young lgbt youth? >> it's three blocks away from our drop-in center. it would be a perfect place for our young people to live. >> jessica: whaaaaaaaaaaaat! (applause) ha! that's amazing. that is great. but the reverend isn't concerned the largest lgbt youth center in the country wants to move in because he's carefully analyzed the legal proceedings and he's come to this logical conclusion... >> before this church is foreclosed on, sodo sodomites wl carry babies in their testicles for nine months and then jess at a time them out of their assholes before this church is closed. if it's possible for that to happen, it's possible for this church to be foreclosed. >> jessica: okay so you are saying people will have butt babies before this church is foreclosed on? >> people will never have butt
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babies so this church will never be closed. >> jessica: you just described it. >> it's never going to happen. >> jessica: so you're going to fight this thing? >> yeah. >> jessica: but they're saying you owe over a million dollars. that's a lot. >> yeah, it is. >> jessica: you don't have it, do you? oh, that's for shame. when the auction comes, the forecast is for butt babies and won't that be the ultimate twiiiiiiiiiist? (cheers and applause) >> trevor: jessica williams,
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(son) pa, i know we settle for cable... but directv has been number one in customer satisfaction over cable for 15 years. (father) how 'bout over 15 satisfying years with that woman over there boiling your clothes. her layers and layers of...layers. hair that i've rarely seen because it's always under that bonnet. and how she fought off that grizzly and made him into these slippers. that's satisfaction son. (vo) don't be a settler, get a $100 reward card when you switch to directv. hey there, starting your search for the ri am!used car? you got it. just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new but, i don' want one that's had a bunch of owners just say, show me cars with only one owner pretty cool it's perfect. that's the power of carfax®
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find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at who needs a six pack, when you got...the nose. or a nose...when you got the suit. now, you don't need a suit when you got the fire. or fire when you rock those heels. or when you got the brains. the awww. who needs some other thing when you got... your thing. now work on it. ♪ i...just andrd my four daughters.... ah, there's a lot of dancing and pageants that go on in our kitchens and living rooms and things like that. i've had to learn to accept certain things like the fact that my toe nails and finger nails are going to be painted constantly. but it's really awesome to watch them at their own things. they're great kids... all of them.
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whatever home means to you, we'll help you find it. zillow. ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ here we go, go, go ♪ ♪ aha! cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! i know. finally a shakeakes are for an aficionado like myself.. wait. you're a shake aficionado? not a shake aficionado.
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tshake aficionado. -whoa. -(chuckles) yeah. well, perhaps you could be one too. go ahead. mm. there's a coolness. cold, it's cold. okay. ice cream is cold? stop the presses, guys. "ice cream is cold," says pete. print it. new slow-churned creamery shakes are here in premium flavors like bourbon brown sugar. and all shakes are half-price after 8 pm. (clicks) everyone wants to be (cthe cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. >> trevor: welcome back! my guest tonight is an actor whose latest film is called "triple 9". >> what are you doing, man? i could ask you the same thing. >> well, i didn't throw a guy on the ground and try to insite a riot. >> you didn't hear him. he was running his mouth.
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>> do you even know who that is? no, that was obstruction. getting in the way of my investigation. >> get out of school, man! it ain't no obstruction up here. he's a lieutenant! do you think somebody's going to talk now? >> oh, he was a lieutenant? yeah. i didn't realize. i'll apologize. >> the rules are different, this ain't buckhead, all right? >> trevor: please welcome anthony mackie! (cheers and applause) my man! hey! >> oh, yes, i've waited for this! >> trevor: you say that like i owe you money. >> for real! >> trevor: welcome to the show, man. >> i appreciate it. >> trevor: this is fun. this is nice. >> quite nice. >> trevor: oh, thank you. i -- >> renovated the place? >> trevor: yeah. nice skyline. >> trevor: got some people. (cheers and applause)
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>> good group. >> trevor: you know what's weird for me is you are a superhero now. does that ever sink in, you are a superhero? do kids ever look at you and go, it's the dude? >> no, because i'm married. >> trevor: i said kids. with the kids, definitely! >> trevor: what did you think i said? i was, like, the kids aren't looking at you? >> no, i'm married. i come home and i say, baby, i'm a superhero. she's, like, trash! >> trevor: oh, your kids! yeah. i'm talking about my kids! >> trevor: people at home were, like, what just happened there? >> no, that's what married people do, they make babies. only on the weekends. >> trevor: let's talk about the streets, though. >> oh, i'm i in them streets (laughter) >> trevor: in the streets, do the people go, it's the superhero?
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>> all the time. but, like, i have a weird fan base, so, you know, i go out and it could be literally a room full of women and they go, la, la, la. and there's one dude and he goes, oh, my! ahhh! and i'm, like, really? i got dudes! i walked through the airport last week and this dude in t.s.a. stopped, held the whole line. and a woman says, i don't care about him, he ain't nobody to me, and he's, like, oh, my! ahhh! ahhh! >> trevor: what is happening in that moment? >> that's what i'm trying to figure out, ahhh! i love you! that's what they do. it's really weird. that's superhero life, homey. >> trevor: i won't make that sound anymore, then. (laughter) no, it's really a big deal because kids get to see you. >> it is. >> trevor: your character has weird superpowers in the movie
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because you're captain america's friend. you know your character originally can talk to birds, right? >> all the time. >> trevor: i haven't seen that in the movie. >> no, it's in there. >> trevor: i've never seen it. no, you have to watch the movie. i suddenly drop it in there. when i'm in my living room in cap and black widow come to the door, i open the door and go -- and i talk to them. >> trevor: these are like extended scenes i've never seen. >> no, it's in there. i give little hints, you know. that's how i talk to my birds. (laughter) >> trevor: "triple 9". great movie. >> trevor: i was supposed to say that. >> sorry. sorry. talk about it. talk about it. >> trevor: great movie. "triple 9". great movie. no, i mean it, guys. the cost is insane. >> its didn't cost that much. >> trevor: it's, like, everyone knows everyone. you see the people and you're in an amazing cast of actors and stories. >> the cost?
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>> trevor: no the cast. he cost? >> trevor: the cast. (british accent) (laughter) >> all right, i'm tripping. i'm tripping. >> trevor: the cast. (american accent... ) the cast. >> oh! i got it! i didn't know what you were saying. i was trying to clear it up because i was confused. i ain't from here. it's a good cause. good cause. >> trevor: house of the cast in the movie, anthony? >> it's great, man! a great cast of people and we had a good time and i knew once i got cost in this movie it would be a brilliant situation of costing for the costing director. i didn't understand, but we back, we're right here.
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>> trevor: you know this is black on black, don't you know. >> i know it! see that? i didn't understand you! now i understand you, bro! i got you, tramp! come on, man! i got you! bring it back! >> trevor: go watch the movie. it has an amazing cast. "triple 9" in hi. hi... i love your pants. thanks. these pants are really speaking to me. can i look at the back? ooooooooooooooh! do you even know what you have back there? give me your pants. you should go to old navy. all pants are on sale up to 40% off. ahhhhhh! you guys! i'm gonna get those pants! hi i'm kristie. and i'm jess. and we are the bug chicks. we're a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug.
10:06 am
"hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good. if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don't have a touch screen on my mac, i'm jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. [ laugh ]
10:07 am
i started smoking when i was 16. i thought it would make me look so cool and feel so free. now i have end stage copd, and i've had lung surgery. and i'm chained to an oxygen tank. my tip is; if you keep smoking, your "freedom" may only go as far as your oxygen tube. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
10:08 am
aha! cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! okayit's chewy.his? really icy. wooh. that's intense! it just hits you. its gum. no. it's totally a mint! it's disappearing as i am chewing it. where did it go? it's not a gum. not a mint. it's a breakthrough in cool. ice breakers cool blasts. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes
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keeping you protected live flake free for life ithere was 14 of us in a four bedroom apartment. to be the first kid to buy a house...'s a very proud moment. whatever home means to you, we'll help you find it. zillow. (cheers and applause) >> trevor: that's it for our show! here it, is everybody. your moment of zen. >> there is lots of folks here who believe that the second amendment in this country is
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under attack and -- (gunfire) >> -- and say a short distance away -- donald trump -- opportunity -- oh, my god! this is gonna be the best spring break ever! i know! listen, check this out-- upon arrival, ask the van driver for your cancun madness party pass, and drink free for the first 50 hours! that is so rad! oh, my god, jessica? kiki? tasha? becca? misty? wait, that's one too many names. oh, sorry. i'm a little drunk already! [ laughter ] woo-hoo! where are you guys breaking at this year? oh, we always go to cancun for spring break, 'cause you can get a hotel room for like $3. and everyone there is so friendly, you can just get in a random car and they'll give you a ride!
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it doesn't even have to be a cab. that's cool! i'm meeting a guy i met on myspace in amsterdam, 'cause i thought it would be fun to try group sex and hash the same week. [ laughter ] i'm going to chechyna, 'cause the drinking age there is 9! woo! woo-hoo! what's in all those bags? oh, um, all my spring break necessi-ta-tas! this one has cash, my dr. seuss hat, and a poncho, in case i fall asleep on the street. and this little one is 'cause i like to bring my own roofies! oh, girl power! i brought a luna bar, because i swore i would eat something this year! oh, i wish i thought of that. i'll split it with you! okay! last year, i got so sunburned they had to cut my bikini off for the hot boobs contest. last year, when i got back to school, i found a $10 bill in my butt. [ laughter ] hey, what's your major, again? women's studies, with a concentration in feminist literature. all: woo-hoo! i hope they have a rum shower!


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