tv The Daily Show Comedy Central February 29, 2016 11:00pm-11:32pm PST
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>> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome to the daily show. thank you so much. i'm trevor noah. my guest tontd from rosewood morris chestnut, everybody. (applause) but two big stories this weekend. oscars so white, and south carolina so black. >> not even close, in ray landslide hillary clinton takes south carolina. >> she toppled sanders by nearly 50 points and netted close to 90% of the african-american
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vote. >> trevor: damn, hillary. with the black fans. hillary clinton is so popular with black people i'm starting to think hillary clinton is just one of tyler perry's drag characters. she's so-- (laughter) oh, man. it was a good race, hillary clinton came out on top. second place and last place finisher bern ye sanders had a sleud analysis of your defeat. >> so what do you make of what happened in south carolina last night. nearly a 50 point win for senator clinton, secretary clinton. >> we got decimated, george, we got decimated. >> trevor: i love this guy. no, you know what, that is why people love bernie sanders. most politicians would spin the results, to make it look like they did okay. you know ted cruz is like oh my third place was a win. not bern ye sanders, no. bernie was just like we got decimated. we got destroyed. and he just bounced back like a character in jackass finding the
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joy in the pain. >> ba did it feel like? >> it felt like [bleep] (laughter) now bernie sanders may have lost that battle but he is definitely looking forward to the war. >> we got killed but i'm in minnesota now. we think we're going to do very well in minnesota on supertuesday, colorado we're going do well. oklahoma we're going to do well. i think we're going to win in massachusetts. and i believe we're going to win in vermont. >> trevor: that sounds about right. i'm sure bernie will crush in any state where in winter you can't distinguish the voters from the snow. darn this weather, helen, we've got to get to the polls. helen, where are you, hellen? >> over here, darren, by the prius. >> trevor: if you are getting tired of all these primaries and voting and democracy as a whole, there's good news. there san alternative. fascism, yeah.
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you know it is a word i have heard my whole life but i didn't really know what it was. so the other day i did some in depth research by googling it at a stop light. and i found a list of drve-- that's not even meevment i don't even know how they got that. i found a list of some of the de fining features of fascism including a cult of action, celebration of aggressive masculinity and intolerance of crittism, a fear of outsiders, intense nationalism and resentment at national humiliation. now it's hard to keep all those things in mind but i've come up with a handy nmemonic device. you just listen to things said by donald trump. >> i get things done, better than anybody. >> the media back there, they are the worst. they're the worst. >> i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. >> a total and complete shutdown of muses limb-- muslims entering the united staitle. >> keep walking out smiling, laughing. i would like to punch him in the
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face, i tell you. >> we never win, we just don't win. >> we are going to make america great again. >> trevor: (laughter) [bleep] myself. because it all lines up so perfectly, doesn't it. yeah. it almost kind of stops being funny as you are watching it. i mean don't get me wrong, it's still funny for me because i have a backup plan country, don't get me wrong. no, an you're all welcome to join, don't get me wrong. you're all welcome to join. (applause) and now i'm not saying that donald trump is a fascist. but even just in the last few days, he said and has done some things that-- make it a pretty fascist week. oh yeah! all right, i know you guys are all excited for fascist week
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2016. let's get right into it. our first look from the house of trump, a name that came up repeatedly this weekend, benito mussolini. >> the republican frontrunner was confronted with questions sunday about retweeting a quote from fascist leader benito mussolini. >> now it reads, quote t is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep. >> trevor: now, to be fair, i don't blame trump for retweeting a quote he didn't know was from the father of fascism who was also nazi germany's greatest ally. i don't blame him for that. i have to say defer i'll advocate here, because that is not an obvious fascist quote. i mean sure, it could be a fascist moto but i'm sure it is also on the wall of every crossfit gym in america, you know? and by the way, personally, i will take living 100 years as a sheep every time. i'm going to go with that. no, i mean it's a really nice life. you are in the field all day, you eat some grass and you really like grass because you're a sheep, are you a sheep, just
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living your life, one day as a lion. you will just be chasing down and killing things t sounds exhausting and at the end of the day are you going to get killed by some [bleep] dentist from minnesota. yeah, hashtag never forget. i am going with sheep. but here's the thing. once you do know that it say mussolini quote, then at that point, you should probably care. >> do you like the quote? did you know it was mussolini. >> look, mussolini was mussolini. it's okay to-- dshts' a very good quote. it's a very interesting quote. and i saw t i saw what shall-- i know who said it. but what difference does it make whether it's mussolini or somebody else. >> you want to be associated with a fashist? >> no i want to be associated with interesting quotes. (laughter). >> trevor: well, you got your wish, donald trump. there were so many things happening in that interview. first of all, why did it take you so long to think, you want to be associated with fascist?
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why there an hmmmm, oh t dunts make a difference, what difference daws it make who said it? it makes a huge difference. take the phrase, take any phrase, if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again. smart advice, right. yeah. but did you know that say hitler quote? yeah. well, it's not. but you see, for a second there every one in this room was like oh no! i've said that to my child! so donald trump isn't bothered by retweeting a quote from the man who invented fascism, but how about endorsing a key feature of fascism ism itself. in america if you are generous you are protected from getting sued by for reporting them and if that,-- media censorship. >> one of the things i'll go fog do if i win, i'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposefully negative and horrible and false articles we
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can sue them and win lots of money. (cheers and applause) >> we're going to open up those libel laws. >> trevor: now this is especially concerning because if this man had his way with libel laws, then the media would never be able to report on president trump's shady business dealings or his dubious policies, or the fact that he wants to bang his daughter. oh don't forget. donald trump wants to bang his daughter. (applause) so with that said, it's now on to our final moses daring look from the house of trump. and twist on the classic white sheet as worn for former you can clks clan grand leader david duke who told his followers to vote for donald trump. >> will unhe quifically. >> just so you understand, i don't know anything about david duke, okay. i don't know anything about what you are even talking about with white supremacy or white
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supremacists. >> would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don't want their support? >> well, i have to look at the group. i mean i don't know what group you are talking about. >> okay, i'm just talking about david duke and the ku klux klan here. >> i don't know-- honestly, i don't foa david duke. i don't believe i've ever met him. i'm pretty sure i didn't meet him and i just don't know anything about him. >> trevor: i'm going to give props, did you see him holding himself-- okay, i'm just talking about the ku klux klan and-- i can't believe this is even my job. how am i having to say this to a candidate. and also, trump needs to find out more about the kkk? really? the kkk? like trump is there going i mean sure, that could stand for anything like i don't know, kool kids klu b, i don't know, i don't know. who am i to turn down the support of cool kids. oh, and by the way, donald trump, we know you know who david duke is. from that time you were on tv.
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>> what do you see as the biggest problem with the reform party right now? >> well, you've got david duke just juneed, a bigot, a racist, a problem. this is not exactly the people you want in your party. >> trevor: this is not exactly the people i want in your party. yeah. the irony is i think there are a lot of republicans saying that now too. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. (applause)
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(cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome backed to the daily show. i want to talk to you about evolution. >> animals have always adapted to their surroundings. for instance, the turtle he vofled a hard shell to protect it from predators. the hummingbird he vofled the ability to hover, to get nectar from throw percent. a giraffe he vofled a long neck so it can preek into women's bedrooms. what, everyone in africa knows that, you guys didn't know? that's, a thing. which brings us to a different sort of species. the political animal. here you see one such spes men. yeah. the politicious parchedlipsis. now conservatives may not always agree with evolution. but its greatest example may be found in the way marco rubio has adapted to survive to thrive as a politician. i mean in the past, it helps to be upright and dignified.
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>> to be more aggressive towards donald trump. >> yeah, i don't understand. this i know this is craving in the media for people to attack each other but i have never been a campaign that attacks people. >> trevor: oh. so you are more the type of animal to play dead, is that what you do? yeah, like the opossum or the north american sissy gator, is that your thing? yeah, the problem with taking the high road is that this year a new predator has entered the political habitat, the trump sawr us-- trumpasaurus wrecks. and unlike previous politicians it does not discuss politics, it only hurms insults. and now to survive rubio has evolved to fight back with personal attacks and insults. and they have been going at it ever since. >> then he asked for a full length mirror. you done know why because the podium goes up to here but he wanted a full length mirror. maybe to make sure his pants weren't wet. i don't know. >> here say guy, you had to see him backstage. he was putting on makeup with a trowel. >> honestly, i thought he was
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going to die. of laugh. >> trevor: i haven't seen fear like that since my third wedding night. ha, ha, ha. she was a good sport. this is too childish, you know, this is embarrassing to even watch. let's watch some more. >> little rubio, this guy has a fresh mouth. >> trump likes to sue people. he should sue whoever did that to his face. >> he was so scared like a little frightened puppy. >> flying around on air force one. >> the other think i intet like this. he doesn't sweat because his poars with clogged from the spray tan. >> little mouth on him, binge binge binge binge binge. >> his hands are the size of someone who is 5, 2, have you seen his hands. >> and you know what they say about men with small hands. you can't trust them. (laughter). >> trevor: well played. well played. (applause). >> trevor: and that, my
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friends is what makes rubio the moderate choice in this race. you see, he didn't say trump has a tiny dick. he just implied it. and i do believe that is the first presidential candidate dick joke i have ever heard. and i see what rubio is doing here. he knows that if he gives speeches about education or health care, the media ignores it, but if he roasts trump, he leads the newscast. not that he would ever admit that. >> i give speeches about education and they ignore t i give speeches about health care and they ignore it but you talk about,-- i don't even want to say it again, but you talk about anything else that has nothing to do with that, and they jump all over it, at least the newscasts. >> trevor: aha!! i caught you saying the thing i thought i caught you saying. so there you have it, marco rubio, the once optimistic, choice for republican voters has now transformed into a 444 year old dik telling dick jokes to
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garner attention from the media. this is a sad situation, people. if rubio can turn into trump, then you know what, maybe i am a conservative. cuz i don't know if i believe in evolution any more. we'll be right back. 3d touch on iphone 6s responds to the pressure of your finger. so you can do a ton of stuff in a lot less time. like look at a site without going to it. or watch a video without opening it. you can do pretty much everything faster. shooting stuff. music stuff. couch shopping. shoe shopping. running. kind of. checking a flight from an email. i'm peeking my flight. i'm not peeking my flight. i'm peeking my...wait, i missed my flight. owl photos. desert photos. photos of... dolphins! a high-stepping man. pizza gifs. it's all faster with 3d touch on iphone 6s.
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i've had enough enough quantity over quality. goodbye big food. ♪ hello farmers. hello cow. [cow moos] hello naturally aged cheddar, made by a real craftsman. hello better lunchboxes, better sunday family dinners. hello people who care about their food. we found something real. tillamook. >> trevor: welcome back. my guest tonight is an aker who's show for fox is called rosewood. >> it's going help us catch this guy because if not we still have a serial killer on the streets. >> they used a sil cone mode to make the fingerprints. the index singer has a pronounced loop. >> we are running the prints. >> you don't need to run them. >> you don't know that. >> when i was ten years old i
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grabbed my scastled by the wrong hand, it left a scar. >> so the killer is fixated on rosie, i don't think it's the-- we have to worry about. >> i will explain to the chief, take a good long look at my ass, it's about to get chewed off. >> trevor: please welcome morris chestnut. (applause) >> all right! >> nice job. >> i have never said this to a man before but-- you are very good looking. (laughter) thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me, man. thank you for having me. and congratulations on everything that you do. >> thank you, congratulations to you, rosewood, a success. let's go back a little bit. your story is so fascinating. because i never knew if these things were true. you studied finance. >> yes, i studied finance in college, when i started going to college, i never finished.
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i wanted to pursue acting but i also knew that i wanted to have something to fall back on just in case it didn't work out for me. so i was studying finance. >> you didn't have a mirror at the time? what did you think were you going to fall back into? >> well, the thing about this stli, i mean, everyone comes from all over the place, there are a lot of good looking people in this strirks as you know. >> trevor: that's true. >> and you know, so you have to have options. >> trevor: you weren't saying me, you were saying as you know. >> all the ladies back there are talking about you. everybody out here is talking about you. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: he tricks with you the smile, people. he tricks you with the smile. and that smile has been keeping the woman in your family happy for a very long time. >> yes. >> trevor: you have been married what, more than 20 years. >> it will be 20 years this summer. (applause). >> trevor: wow. >> thank you. >> trevor: what is the secret? >> wow, i would have to say, you know, we respect each other. we have great communication and there is luck involved.
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because we met each other obviously when we were very young and i think most people they kind of grow apart. we have been very fortunate and blessed to kind of grow together. we have the same view, same respect, same opinion, same morals and values and that has helped, same faith. >> trevor: talking about groag. >> yes. >> trevor: now you've got the show rosewood, it's doing really well, congratulations on that. >> thank you. >> trevor: it's weird because i read were you saying, you were happy that you got to play like a happy character for once. >> right, right. >> trevor: i was like you playing a pathologist. >> yes. (laughter). >> trevor: what were you playing before this? >> well, i'm playing a priefate pathologist but he's cheated death, he was born very prema teumplet he has a lot of health issues and he can die at any moment. so he lives every day to the fullest and he likes to spres optimism to people. he has a lot of humor and he likes to have fun. >> trevor: live every single day like it's your last. >> that's correct. >> trevor: i don't know if that is a faith thing. >> why not. >> trevor: because then you won't do anything-- because if i didn't think it was my last, i
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wouldn't ook-- i would be like it's my last day. that is how i. >> does that make you more responsible? >> i think i would have to spend all my money that is all i do. >> trevor: it's my final day! >> well, from the show, i hear you are doing pretty well. >> trevor: how do you live your life? how do you. >> i enjoy my life. i try to enjoy my life. i'm very optimistic, some what like the character. i don't really live every day like it's my last either. i'm not jumping out of airplanes. or getting on hot air balloons or bungee jumping. >> trevor: you look like an extreme guy. >> it is the-- it makes me look like that. >> trevor: are you not, are you chilled out. >> i'm very clil. >> trevor: on a molter bike. >> no, no motor bikes. just go to the gym, play a little basketball, lift a little weights and come back home and spend time with the family. it's very boring live life. >> trevor: you know what is weird, this is weird, it is just you, i feel bad saying this, but i pictured you not wearing a shirt doing all of those
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activities. (laughter). >> trevor: not in a bad way but it's because of the movies and thing things have i watched. do you get sick of it. do du du man, i hate being so good looking and talented. i just wish people would see me for who-- on the inside and outside, you know, you are. >> on the show they have me with my shirt off quite a bit. >> trevor: yes. >> and i told them they had to pulled back on that. i want to eat donuts every now and again and eat hamburgers every now and again, so it's' tough, it's tough. >> trevor: it say fun show. i mean everyone is sen joying it out there. >> thank you. >> trevor: what do you see yourself growing into over time. >> on the show or-- . >> trevor: just in life. because i am always fascinated am you haven't aged, you vnlt aged. >> uh-huh. >> trevor: are you going to ever play like an old character? do you see yourself doing that kind of thing? >> am i going to play an old character. i am just going to work as long in this industry as i can. if i can work until i'm 80 i will work until i'm 80. sam jackson has been in the game for a minute. he's been doing well. so im's going to work as long as i can. and i just look for good roles.
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i don't really look for young role, old roles, just roles that are good that allow me to express myself. >> trevor: you have expressed yourself. and rosewood vl cool. don't pull back too much on the topless scenes. (laughter). >> trevor: just for my friends, i'm doing this for you guys. i'm doing this for you, yeah. we enjoy it. we enjoy everything you do. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me, man. >> trevor: rosewoods wednesday at 8 p.m. on fox. at 8 p.m. on fox. morris chestnut, everybody.
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ifor all the wrong reasons.gical and green apple. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. but before we go we will be live tweetding supertuesday's results tomorrow, so make sure you follow us on twitter at the "the daily show" and tonight, on "@midnight" our very own jordan klepper takes on the nightly show's mike yard, yeah, that's right. and all of the "@midnight" all stars, so ron funchs is going to be there, so good luck jordan and if you done win, we'll still love you but you will be fired. yes. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> he thinks he's going to be successful and mexico is going to pay for the wall because he knows mexico needs the u.s. when it comes to trade, just the way the u.s. needs mexico.
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