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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  March 3, 2016 11:00pm-11:32pm PST

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>> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah! (cheers and applause) ♪ >> trevor: thank you so much, everybody! welcome to "the daily show"! i'm trevor noah. we have a wonderful show for you tonight. our guest new york city mayor bill deblasio is here! (cheers and applause) finally, going to talk about my rent. (laughter) first, breaking news -- mitt romney slams donald trump. earlier today, he unleashed a fury of third-degree burns. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud, a business genius he is not. he has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president. donald trump tells us he is
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very, very smart. i'm afraid when it comes to foreign policy, he is very, very not smart. (laughter) >> trevor: i don't think you won with that line. that was like a very, very sick not burn. mmm... now i know why we didn't invite mitt romney to the comedy central trump roast. mr. trump is so very, very not attractive that if given the choice to have a sexual encounter with him using jeb's genitals, i would choose to do something else entirely. (fake laugh) but this whole announcement is a bit of a shift from the last time romney spoke about trump four years ago. >> thank you to donald trump for his endorsement. it means a great deal to me to have the the endorsement of mr. trump. being in donald trump's magnificent hotel and having his endorsement is a delight. i'm so honored and pleased to have his endorsement.
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>> trevor: ooh! mitt romney! i'm surprised you didn't get pink eye after shoving your nose that deep into trump's ass! (applause) that's why trump is winning, people flip-flop like this. a bigger question you might be asking yourself is why is mitt romney speaking out against trump? a big part of that a week ago the kkk leader david duke told his employees to vote for donald trump. donald trump was coy about disavowing kkk support. this is david duke supporting his casual look. no hood. please, please, mr. wizard was my father. my friends call me grand. (laughter) obviously a grand wizard of the kkk praising the republican frontrunner is going to stir up emotion and we saw that on cnn as a trump supporter and democrat faced off as tuesday results were coming in. >> racial tensions front and
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center in this year's race. two commentators entete get the into a fiery debate. >> jeff lord got into a debate over the donald trump and the kkk. >> when he is playing funny with the khan. that is not cool. >> he didn't -- just a minute. i know how he talks about terrorism. the clan is a terrorism organization. >> the terrorist of the democratic party according to historians, for god's takes, read your history! >> trevor: fight, fight! there was so intense when talking about whether or not donald trump was cool with racism and a minute later the trump supporter is blaming the klan on liberals. >> you're dividing people by race. >> the clan kill people if they have the opportunity. >> and did it to further the progressive agenda! >> trevor: what the (bleep)!
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you know what? i've seen this argument on facebook. i've seen it everywhere online. did you know the democrats are the real racist party and did you know that the republican party freed the slaves? and i'm, like, first of all, sad face, i'm glad they added those because i was going to have to liken when i don't like the thing and secondly bull (bleep) because app lot of people like to skip the fact that when it comes to race relations historically republicans and democrats switched positions. republicans were basically democrats and the democrats were basically republicans. it's like the movie faceoff. where they switched faces, underneath they were the same people, except this is with politics and black people so it was more like race-off. that's what this is. lincoln, way back in the day, the first republican president, he did free the slaves, right? and then the democrats of the time spent the next 80 years busting on black people founding
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terrorist groups like the kkk who hated black people and proper spelling. trust me on this -- never play scrabble wit with a klan member. that's not how you spell cupcake, roger! (laughter) that guy is the worst. basically, in this argument, what helmet-head was saying about the kkk being a democratic group, that was true in 1910. then after world war ii democratic presidents like truman and johnson started supporting civil rights laws leading to a massive exodus of racists from the democratic party. to racists, racial equality was like someone farting in an elevator and they're, like, you know what? i'll take the stairs, it's only 80 floors, i'll do that. so they all left the party. the sad thing is the democrats of the time saw the switch coming. >> when lyndon johnson signed the 1964 civil rights act, he told a fellow democrat we have lost the south for a generation,
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and he was right. >> trevor: that's right. well, he was half right because in fact the democrats lost the south for more than just a generation and that's how we ended up with this electoral map -- blue on red. blue on top and red on the bottom. sort of like a baboon wearing a katie perry wig. same thing. (laughter) i have so many questions. (laughter) the best example of the change in parties was an influential politician from south carolina named strom thurmond. now he started his career in the 1930s as a democrat and he was a huge racist. in fact, he was so racist it was almost funny. >> not enough food for the army! the breakdown in segregation and admit them into our theater, our swimming pools and homes --
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>> trevor: okay, sure, black people wanted access to your theaters and pools, but white churches? you think black people were lining up to get into white churches? church is the only thing black people have always had better than white people. like who is thinking, yeah, yeah, bad music and uncomfortable seats! i got to get me some of that, man! i got to get me some of that! sign me up! (laughter) but thing is strom trom was among the most racist in his generations and in the '60s he switched to republican to feel more welcome. they're trying to link the klan to modern-day democrats, everything's changed since then. so many people are pissed off about the argument that the klan is aligned with the democrats. because it used to be doesn't mean it is.
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what matters is what it is now. a butterfly used to be a catapillar, you don't call it a flying catapillar. my (bleep) used to be pizza. if i said, want pizza in you would say no. i would say, if you knew your history, you would know this is a pepperoni slice! doesn't make sense. (applause) uh. don't feed me (bleep) and call it pizza. we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) ♪ the candy man can 'cause he mixes it... ♪ need some help, guys? yeah. no.
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♪ living for tomorrow, ♪ lost within a dream ♪ let the sun shine through ♪ to lift your spirits once again ♪ ♪ 'cause love makes the world feel good ♪ ♪ and it feels so good ♪ oh yeah and it feels so good ♪ the candy man can 'cause he mixes it with love ♪ ♪ and makes the world taste good ♪ ♪ oh ♪ let go and enjoy the bold margarita. ♪ get up up on the dance floor lime-a-rita. ♪ we wonerere. and here. and here. here. and here. uh, here. also in here. back there. behind here. even next to these guys, here. in the nation's largest, independent study, rootmetrics just named verizon number one network for the fifth time in a row,
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here. so when the other guys claim they're the best, remember: there's only one, number one. and now we'll pay up to $650 to switch to the best network. this one right here. ♪uh. introducing centrum vitamints. a new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint... with a full spectrum of nutrients... new centrum vitamints.
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(cheers and applause) >> trevor: welcome back. (applause) it sometimes seems like america can't do much about gun violence. sorry. did i say sometimes? i meant always. did i say very much? i meant a single thing. but why? jordan klepper has more. >> the centers for disease control helps keep america safe with vital research from everything from polio, ebola, car accidents and food safety and for a while studied gun violence, but that ended with
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the dickey amendment 12 years ago. >> congress prohibits us from even studying through the centers for disease control ways to reduce gun violence. >> to find out why scientists need to keep their nerd hands off our guns i sat down with couplist and pixar animation character shaw. >> they are trying to come up with legislation to support gun control legislation in congress. >> the agenda-driven c.d.c. with the agenda of eradicating diseases. gun control. >> right. scientists use numbers and facts and peer reviewed studies to do one thing, destroy the second amendment, even mark rosenberg can't deny that fact. >> the centers for disease control does have some biases but those biases are in favor of preserving life, promoting well being. >> yeah, liberal causes. c.d.c. has the largest collection of professionals working on violence prevention
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and it has the potential of what would get us out of the problem of gun violence. >> fortunately, that's not going to happen because, if you remember, former arkansas congressman jay dickey pulled a total dickey move and helped pass the dickey amendment. >> the jay dickey guys, that congressman said we're going to take that money away from c.d.c. and we're going to put language that's going to govern how you spend all of your money. i thought of him as h arch enemy, this devil incarnate. >> ooh! that guy sounds like a freedom-loving bad-ass! >> to bring about gun control advocacy -- >> so where is he now? with a gun, of course. this guy is the kind of second amendment defender who could slap sense into mark rosenberg. hey are you jay dickey? >> yeah, what's it to ya? come with me. here come the fireworks. >> i brought the guy, jay dickey. >> hey.
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i, mark. i thought i was going to see old man fight club. >> what the (bleep) is going on? jay, tell him how you feel about the c.d.c. doing research about gun violence. >> i think the c.d.c. should do the gun research that relates to gun violence. >> you're the guy. it's your bill. >> i feel different now than before. science has answers and research is the way to free it. that's the way i see it. >> i learned that we could find ways to prevent gun violence and to protect gun rights at the same time. >> bull (bleep). how are these two sitting in the same room together? >> here you had a born-again christian, conservative, n.r.a. spokesperson --e3 >> republican. , and here you had this wise-ass, liberal, northeast jewish kid -- >> overeducated. you guys are funny, from total different perspective put together like that tv show. >> the odd couple. no, two broke girls, because
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there's two of you and it's just like that show. is that the show? >> but -- quantico. you guys are like a tv show. >> but it's more important than that. >> you might say, jason, he was born again for jay to change -- >> why don't you call him a jordan? there is a river in israel named the jordan river. >> i feel like any second you are going to start braiding each other's hair. they are the most adorable old guys on the planet pushing for research for gun violence prevention and i was starting to get on board. this nation poured hundreds of millions of dollars into research to design safer cars and roads, why don't we pour money into gun violence prevention research and maybe we can also save lives and protect gun rights? >> they're right but does jazz shaw, the world's worst fake typier agree? >> the c.d.c. study automobile
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accidents, made america safer. shouldn't we take some of that energy and put it on other things that kill people like gun deaths? >> they did good work and probably saved a lot of lives. >> but? , while we studied cars, how many people died in car accidents? >> if we can't get rid to have the entire problem -- >> a lot of people die in car accidents still. >> but a lot less because we made progress and studied them. >> right, and made improvements to the safety equipment. >> sounds great! how are you going to improve the gun. >> you're going to study it, (bleep). sorry, lost my cool. point, is there is on the one way to reach a middle ground and make progress reducing gun violence in this country. >> we need to stop the screamers but shoot down the ideas that are bad. >> that's a great idea. it was time to set our sites on ignorance, to take aim at dumb arguments like science has
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an anti-gun bias or we should take away all guns immediately because that's never going to happen. we can move towards a better america by literally pulling the trigger! >> (bleep). and blowing these bad ideas out of the sky! it helps the metaphor if we actually hit them. progress could take a while. >> trevor: jordan klepper, everybody! everybody! we'll be right back!
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11:19 pm
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(cheers and applause) >> trevor: welcome back! my guest tonight is the mayor of new york city. please welcome mayor bill deblasio!
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(cheers and applause) how do you do, mayor? >> very good to see you, trevor. >> trevor: how do you address a mayor? >> i think you did really well. >> trevor: that's it? yeah. how do you address trevor noah. >> trevor: you say what's up? what's up? >> trevor: thank you so much for being here. this is fun. because i live in your city. >> and we are happy you're here. >> trevor: i am one of your citizens, this is great. i have so many questions. what's up with the rats? no, no. let's start at the top. i think this sounds like a simple, stupid question, but what does a mayor actually do? >> i'm still trying to figure that out, but you've got to make a lot of decisions every day that affect people's lives. one of the things i came into office saying we were going to do is provide full-day pre-k for
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every child in this city of pre-k age. (applause) and that was the first day of my mayorality. getting it done, a lot of meetings and convincing people to do what they might not do otherwise, ending bureaucracy, endlessly pushing a vision. a mayor tries to get someplace you haven't been before. >> trevor: the pre-k thing, everyone loves the idea. everyone says it was so expensive to have your child in school before that time and pre-k was such a powerful move, but you have challenges you have to face every day as mayor. >> yes. >> trevor: from all different sides. for instance, you spend a lot of time up against new app companies like airbnb, uber, like, they don't make your life easy, do they? >> no. >> trevor: but -- look, sharing economy is part of our lives now and certainly a lot of benefits to it, but let's
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face it, a lot of it was created without trying to figure out what was fair for the places it was going to be -- >> trevor: yes. -- and where the city government, we're concerned about safety, we're concerned about making sure people are treated fairly. in case of, say, uber, we want to make sure folks with disabilities have access to the vehicles, we want to make sure there is revenue that comes from these activities because everyone else is paying taxes, they should, too, so we can have police and schools and all the things. but it's a new world and it's going to take a new set of rules and there is been a certain amount of trying to find our way. >> trevor: as an app user, it's always easy for me to go why would you be up against these people? seems like the city just doesn't want to move into the new age. it seems like the city is sort of not in the pockets of -- i don't say in the pockets of hotels and, let's say, taxi companies. >> no, it's a new world. >> trevor: yeah. it's a new world and, again, many advantages, a set of
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challenges. airbnb, again, something that is very good for a lot of people but has come with new problems that we didn't have before. >> trevor: such as? well, i mean, some people, unfortunately, have taken advantage of it and decided to create de facto hotels and gotten a lot of apartments and renting them out and it's a business and not a residence. if you're a business, you should be registered like a business, pay taxes and go through safety inspections like a business. other people just rent out a room once in a while. that's fine. that's not a big deal. but trying to figure out what those ground rules and limits are, it's like everything else in the world, you know, the goal of government and the role of government is to make sure anything that happens with business is fair to people, fair to workers, is fair to consumers, is safe and, with the sharing economy, those ground rules still don't exist on a consistent basis. >> trevor: it's such a difficult job, i imagine, because you are the face of what
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everyone wants to complain about. like, let's say the subway, for instance. >> so you have been to new york city... (laughter) >> trevor: but, like, the subway, and i think it's because your name is so nice to shout as well, every time a train is delayed... deblasio! are you supposed to be doing everything about everything? >> my ancestors should have thought about that. my name is very yellable. (laughter) the state of new york runs our subways but if someone comes to me, they will express their frustrations. when you go into this kind of job, mayors talk to this about me across the country, we're the complaint desk, the go-to for everyone. but that is the beauty of the job and you're working with people and they will tell you their problems. a lot of people don't feel the government has treated them fairly for years and years.
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this is why especially as you know i am very involved in addressing income inequality. you see, why are people angry and frustrated? because they've seen your incomes go down, economic equality decline and wonder if their kids will have near as good a life as they. would you be consent? arrange and frustration is the natural way to feel when they go through that then they take the frustration out on a government they feel has let them down. >> trevor: that let them down especially when it comes to income inequality. funny you bring that up because you were big on income inequality which seems like a bernie sanders supporter and yet you've endorsed hillary. tv time is up, we'll be talking more on the web and app. but for now, we'll be right back. mayor bill deblasio, everyone. (cheers and applause) ♪
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antonio banderas! it's antonio banderas from the movies. enjoyed in 192 countries. there's more behind the star. ♪uh. introducing centrum vitamints. a new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint... with a full spectrum of nutrients... new centrum vitamints. (cheers and applause) that's our show! now here it is... your moment of zen. >> i backed mitt romney. i backed him. you can see how loyal he is. he was begging for my endorsement. i could have said, mitt, drop to your knees, he would have dropped to his knees. he was beg captioning sponsoredy
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comedy central ( cheers and applause ) >> larry: thank you very much! thank you! oh, please. too kind. thank you so much. thank you. welcome to "the nightly show." >> larry! larry! larry! larry. >> larry: thank you, i appreciate it. once again, you're correct, i am larry, larry, larry, wilmore, thanthank you very


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