tv The Daily Show Comedy Central September 14, 2016 1:40am-2:11am PDT
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[heartbeat] >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show." thanks so much for tuning in. i'm trevor noah. my guests tonight, founders of the skimm, a hot new media company, danielle weisberg and carly zakin are here, everybody! join us! but first, some news out of japan, which is currently recovering from last week's devastating typhoon lionrock. and right away, people, let's agree on something, don't give a storm a name like lionrock because then you know it's going to be bad. yeah. the storm is going to feel the pressure to perform. the typhoon is, like, what's my name? the coolest animal and the loudest music?
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oh, (bleep), i better bring it! america's already figured that out, you know. with american storms, they give them simple names, just like the storm's like, yeah, what's my name?! ian. yeah, well, (bleep) it. whatever. so lionrock left japan with a lot of flooding and, of course, one of their top government officials was sent to inspect the damage, which is great, until he came to a puddle and asked the junior colleague to give him a piggy back ride across the puddle. look how much fun he's having! he's like, weeeeeee! this is why you don't take molly before touring a disaster area, my friends. ( laughter ) this really is a disaster relief, when you think about it. what brings more joy and more relief than a grown man wearing another grown man like a giggling backpack? ( laughter ) people are, like, storms are serious, trevor! just imagine after hurricane sandy how much joy you would have felt if instead of chris
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christie shaking hands with barack obama, he'd ridden him like a horsy around town? people would have enjoyed that so much! so much! we have a great show for you tonight, but first let's say hello to "the daily show" band! ( cheers and applause ) thank you so much, guys. thank you so much. now, as you may or may not know, football season just started, and that's all football, both american and real, right? ( audience reacts ) oh, come on! oh! what are you guys -- what is -- you know, what is -- who's -- ( laughter ) so, you know, that's how you know you're in a first-world country, you throw food to people that you don't like. sorry. where was i? yes. monday night, football kicked off. it's always exciting because at
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the start of every football season there is some controversy -- some concussions, about teams moving cities, somebody murdered someone in the off season so they're suspended a couple of games, but this season the biggest story in the n.f.l. came out of nowhere. >> along the sidelines, colin kaepernick continues his national anthem protest kneeling before his team's season opening game last night. >> before the 49ers pre-season game against the packers, colin kaepernick sitting alone surrounded by teammates as the national anthem was played. he said i am not going to stand up to show pride for a flag in a country that oppresses black people and people of color. >> trevor: a bold stance from kaepernick. this is a poor excuse for anything he says he'll do anything on the football field from now on. he could get sacked and people
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say, kaepernick, you suck! no, this is a protest. how can i move the ball forward when my people are held back? and if by protesting the anthem kaepernick called the play, over the past month a lot of team are one running it. >> the n.f.l. protest having a trickle down effect. in south new jersey, a group of players on the bid row wilson tigers knelt during a rendition of the anthem this weekend, too. >> she also wants to spark conversation. >> the dollens, some, took a knee while holding the and over their heart. >> marcus linked arms during the about thum to show unity with the teammates but raised his fist. >> trevor: that player seems militant but the reason he had the fist up is no one was to the right. everyone is linking arms.
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if you have no one to link arms with, you raise your right arm. or is that just a black thing? sorry, i thought everyone did that. we learned that from superman. yeah, that's what he does. no? just me? yeah? i feel like if superman was a black marntion he would get shot at a lot more. look in the sky, it's a (bleep) -- bang, bang, bang! bang, bang! he was doing the salute. no, he was flying! lots of people already hated when q.b.s take a knee, but with kaepernick people were especially mad. >> mr. kaepernick's behavior regarding the police was disgraceful. >> when colin kaepernick sits down and does not respect the same flag, the same flag that draped the coffin of my father a world war ii veteran, i do take umbrage with that. >> the next time some overpaid entertainer or athlete or
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politician says, oh, people are mean to me, laugh in his face, including this guy. >> trevor: you're so tough in the studio. you want to laugh in the face of this 6'-4" football professional? laugh in his face. ( laughter ) every time an athlete or celebrity get into a scandal. end less amount of people say, people look up to you! use your fame to make a difference! but as soon as one of the athletes stands up and says i believe in something, all offa sudden people say, shut up! we don't pay you to think! play your silly game! move on! what do you think you are, a role model? come on! some of the reactions have been so extreme. >> some 49ers fans burned his jersey and put that on social media (anthem playing)
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( laughter ) >> trevor: you're burning his jersey? i do not get this. because you realize you have to buy the jersey to burn the jersey. like, in other countries, they just make an effigy of the thing that they hate. this guy is buying the actual jersey. that's like 100 bucks that he's spending. at night his kids are, like, mommy, why don't we have any food tonight? because daddy wanted to make a point, that's why. that's why. seriously, look at all these jokers burning these jerseys, look at his hand getting burned. look at him. ( laughter ) i love that. you think because you lit the fire it's on your side? but it's not. no, the fire is doing its own thing. you're like this is my patriotic fire. the fire is i'm bipartisan, i'm not with you. ( laughter ) kaepernick's red number 7 is now the top-selling jersey in the n.f.l. yeah, the top-selling jersey in
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the n.f.l. ( applause ) that's a big thing. and don't think the league hasn't noticed because they've actually started selling -- this is insane -- they've started selling these jerseys now, these special edition, flammable kaepernick jerseys! this is them, furious fun for the whole family! this is what they say! yeah. this is the scariest of all -- warning, please do not burn while wearing. that's a weird warning. that's a weird warning to give the people. so, anyway, so kaepernick has been very clear about why he's protesting during the national anthem, but shirt burners and others, well, they took away different message. >> here's a guy that is showing complete disrespect for the lives lost by our troops. >> they should give a humble apology to this country and to the men and women who serve. >> for the troops that are serving as well as those who have died to protect this
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nation, i think it's disrespectful. >> we're going to honor america and our veterans and i think they should enforce that. >> trevor: that's right, kaepernick. you should apologize to the troops. let's ask troops how they feel, first. >> kaepernick is getting support from some in the military under #veterans for kaepernick. >> i support kaepernick for his right. >> it's what makes america great. >> you have military vets who don't feel disrespected because we understand exactly what kaepernick is saying and why he is protesting. >> trevor: i'm sorry! what! how dare you! how dare the troops speak for themselves! don't they know how hard they are fighting to protect their freedom to insult themselves? because freedom and the troops and the -- i don't -- i don't know, man! i'm just angry!
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( laughter ) look, guys, i hear you. it can be upsetting when athletes start involving their politics in a sport you enjoy, but the truth is, sports and protests have been intertwined for a very long time. sometimes, while it's happening, you are unable to appreciate its impact because of the heat of the moment. but don't forget, muhammad ali, he was banned from boxing because he resisted the draft to protest the vietnam war. only later did america recognize his courage. so colin kaepernick could be the muhammad ali of this generation, you know? i mean, except for the achievement and the talent and stuff, but he could still be. and obviously muhammad ali is different because he was a boxer and boxing is one of the world's greatest sports and colin kaepernick plays some pretend football which is not even like real football because real football is the only game that -- ( audience reacts ) you guys! you can't silence me! you can't! oh, really, really? a jockstrap?
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." as we've seen, athletes' national anthem protest have stoked passionate arguments on both sides. there is really only one place to resolve this issue, in outrage court. >> when a small controversy sparks an internet fire storm, it's up to judge roy to sort the justified from the just tripping. it all happens now on outrage court. today on outrage court, patriotism vs. protest. jordan klepper thinks athlete protests during the national anthem are vial and un-american. desi lydic thinks protests are patriotic and that jordan is
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being a little bitch. >> hey. >> it's true. >> all rise for the honorable judge roy wood, jr. >> yeah, better stand in my courtroom. none of that kaepernick going on in here. be seated. jordan, what's your opening statement? >> thank you, your honor. ladies and gentlemen of the court. take a look at this flag. now, this sacred flag represents the countless brave americans who put themselves in harm's way to protect everything we hold dear -- liberty, opportunity, the free sub that comes with the purchase of nine other free subs. the only thing america asks of you in return is that you rise up off your fat, pampered american ass when they raise that flag for the national anthem. as long as you're standing and your hand is over your heart, you can think is whatever you want. i like to come up with ways to fake my own death. you see, my marriage is crumbling and -- >> we heard enough. >> all right.
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>> desi, opening statements, please. >> my colleague would like you to believe the flag stands for all values that makes america great. but the flag represents 50 states and 1 13 colonies. for some, this is for criminal justice. i'm remind of a flag bikini i was forced to wear in a nellie video in 2002. >> a good video. >> i'm all for protests but there is a right and wrong way. >> i'd like to hear my colleague's right way of protesting like marching. >> no way, clogs up traffic, pain in the ass. >> how about a boycott. >> sure, punish the small businessman trying to feed his family. >> #? >> clogs up your twitter feed. hashtags don't grow on trees. fruit does, twigs, limbs, leaves, accordance. >> we know what grows on trees do.
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we, your honor? all i'm saying is why do athletes have to bring politics into sports. >> i think because we started doing the national anthem at every sporting event. >> that's when it happened? >> yeah, i think that's when it happened. >> that's awfully convenient. >> siri, order me popcorn shrimp and baked potato. >> i think you said find ingredients with tomatoes. >> what's un-american is protesting someone protesting the national anthem. >> are you calling me un-american? >> yes. >> you're a white dude. you have privilege coming out your ass, you can do whatever you want, when you want without consequences, even right now in this courtroom, you're getting a pedicure from an 08d -- old asian laidy. >> it's still sandal season. >> i'm ready to rule. jordan is right, the flag is
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sacred and it's disrespectful tore disrespect it. my december cigs, we won't play the national anthem at sporting events. we'll save it for special occasion like quinceañeras and when home boy gets released from prison. at football games we'll play hey, ya. shake it like a polaroid, picture. if you will excuse me, i have walnuts to crack. dismissed. >> trevor: thanks, guys. glad that's settled. glad that's settled. we'll be right back.
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2:00 am
thwow, it's nice.ew 2016 chevy malibu. let's check it out. do any of you have kids? i do yes. this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent's see how their teens are driving. oh, that's smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car? (laughter) cause that could be useful. this is ahead of what my audi has for sure. wish my beamer had that. i didn't even know that technology existed. i'm not in the market for a car but now i may be. in 1803, a man bought the territory of louisiana for 42 cents an acre. that was the greatest deal ever. until i made this one. now you can get my jumbo breakfast platter for just $2.99. take that history. scrambled eggs, eight mini pancakes, a hash brown, and your choice of bacon or sausage. it's the greatest deal since the louisiana purchase.
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welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> this is exciting. >> trevor: this is more exciting for me. >> i don't know about that. i don't think so. >> trevor: i am such a huge fan of the skimm. for those who don't know, i guess i would summarize it but you could do a better job, what is the skimm really? >> the skimm is a company that makes it easier to be smarter, that's what we do. we've got our products that helps you wake up and feel informed every day. a daily newsletter first thing in your inbox and lets you know what's going on in the world. >> trevor: it is amazing. congratulations on everything you've done. >> thank you. >> trevor: you both were working at msnbc, and then you just decided one day, 2012? >> yeah, we quit our jobs, it was terrifying, we totally blacked out when we quit. >> trevor: you were also drinking heavily at the time. >> exactly, well you have to to actually quit your job. >> trevor: of course, yes. and we saved up about $3,000 between the two of us. >> we also were roommates at the time, we should say, so we lived not too far from here and we quit our jobs and just sent out
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an email from our living room couch. >> trevor: you woke up and said we're going to send everybody an email telling them about the news? >> that's a really skimmed version of what happened, but our friends are very smart and went to great schools and care about the world around them, but they never watch what we produced ever. every day, they'd say what happened today? what's going on in the world? in fact, we were swimming for them for years without calling it that. once we realized more and more as people were talking about -- at the time it was a new term, minimummials. we didn't know we were millennials. >> trevor: it sneaks up on you. >> as we age. >> trevor: yes. >> we googled women 20s to 30s, discovered the millennials and the economic power behind it and the business opportunity and we started this. >> trevor: why was there such a need for this? why were so many young
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millennialial females in north america not paying attention to the news? >> i think for some they were so busy around their specific industry that they were really, really well versed in whatever industry they were in but didn't necessarily have the time, and sometimes the interest outside of that. and in many ways, we would go to family dinners or dinners with groups of friend and we would see who drops out of conversation when. and the themes that we saw were there were some people who weren't as well rounded because of the time and interest. some people never felt the news was engaging for them. some people felt the news was something that didn't make them feel good because it was depressing or if they weren't well versed on a topic, if you were reading a newspaper you would have to go to a7 to find out the context on syria, whereas in the skimm we're doing it in bite-size information done in a conversational way. >> trevor: what you've also done well is you've found a way to grow from just being the news and just talking about the news of the day to creating this media company because i remember
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when i first started out reading the scirnlings it was just bite-size information, jokes, fun, and still is that, it's light, but then you have skim ahead, and you started initiatives where you're going to we'll go into your calendar with the olympics. you kept people in touch with what was happening to know what to watch. now you have skimm the vote and that's really, really exciting. >> thank you so much. we launched the no excuses campaign this week. there are no excuses not to register and not to get out and volt. we've already registered 25,000 people through our partnership. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: it's interesting that you go with no excuses because, like, what are the excuses people have? you talk to 3.5 million ac thetive readers of your newsletter. what do people say when they say i'm not registered or i'm not going to vote? >> i don't like the choices, i
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don't know if i'm registered, i don't know how to register. my favorite is it takes too long. it takes on average 15 minutes to vote and we all spend about an hour each day on facebook. so cut that down a little. >> trevor: so we should get facebook to register people to vote. >> yes. >> trevor: i think we stumbled on a genius thing. >> i think facebook would like to partier with us on that. >> trevor: genius, put it in people's feed and make it like a little poll you do by yourself. >> who wins. >> trevor: which are you, a a voter or, b unregistered and people just registered to vote. >> change relationships. >> trevor: this is genius. we thought of a facebook skimm trevor "the daily show" thing. we'll work on the name but i think we have something going. thank you very much. to register to vote, get info on the issues and the the candidates, and to sign up for the newsletter go to
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i promise you will not regret it. danielle weisberg and carly zakin. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ my brother and i have always been rivals. we would dream about racing each other, in monaco. ♪ we were born brothers. competition made us friends. wish bold in the 2017 camry. toyota. let's go places. we put our energy into dgiving it the bold,.. rich taste of real starbucks espresso with a hint of cream. so you can put your energy, where it really counts. starbucks doubleshot espresso. real life energy.
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heineken light makes it ok to flip another no no no,t. you never flip another man's meat. award-winning heineken light is the best light beer you've ever tasted. that's true. can i have one? can i flip your meat? no. suit yourself. m&m's® milk chocolate melts not in your hand.h, ♪ and it feels so good ♪ ♪ oh yeah ♪ and it feels so good ♪
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don't be shy. you're all family. a little bit closer. act like you love each other. alright! [mom] where's your brother? [sister] ugh, not again. [dad] buddy, come here. what're you doin? c'mon big guy. [sister] weirdo. all right, here we go. say nuts! nuts! peaches are members of the almond family. hm! put some flavor in your break. make time for snapple. >> trevor: that's it for "the daily show." stay tuned for @midnight. now here it is... your moment of zen. >> a classic he said she said. michigan head coach jim, the she is a video in which he appears to be eating a booger.
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( cheers and applause ) >> chris: it's time to start @midnight. at 11mente1:30. this is what the internet thinks is literally perfect today. tall tale gold medalist, ryan lochte, started his forgiveness tour with an appearance on the new season of dancing with the stars, and this time he was really almost mugged. >> protesters came on to the stage and grabbed by security. , yes, mambo number 50. i wonder if the protester is going to tell someone he was almst robbed. comedians, it's been nearly a whole month since ryan lochte's controversial run-in with a brazilian gas station, ands
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