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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  September 27, 2016 11:00pm-11:32pm PDT

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♪ >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah! ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: thank you so much! welcome to "the daily show," everyone! i'm trevor noah. my guest tonight, a professor of sociology and expert on college tuition, sara goldrick-rab is joining us today, everybody, and she's going to tell us how to scam the government for free college for everybody! yeah! ( cheers and applause ) yeah! scam the system!
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but let's get into it. the big story, last night was the first presidential debate where voters final lay saw two grandparents go at it without having to be in line at the drugstore. which is nice. i don't know about you but today i woke up feeling a bit better about life. because last night, it felt like everything was on the line. i spent most of the debate praying hillary wouldn't cough. the entire time i thought, if you cough, we'll die. you cough -- hell, i was even afraid to cough. i was sitting at home just like -- ( muffled cough ) does that mean he's president now? ( laughter ) yeah, last night, hillary clinton felt like i felt when ththe ebole lacrisis was at its peak! you couldn't cough anywhere. people were like, you're dying! last night we were reminded why america has the most entertaining election in the world because, after the
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debates, instead of everyone going home. everyone heads to the spin room which is basically the debate afterparty, the journalists mingle, surrogates reframe the evening and if you're lucky, kelly might spen on you. last night donald trump made history. not only was his debate the most watched of all time with 18 million viewers but he was also the first candidate in recent history to visit the spin room himself. >> i thought it was setting. you don't know exactly what to expect. >> trevor: donald, you don't know what to expect! everyone else prepared! ( cheers and applause ) who is this guy? who is he? he's like, you don't know what to expect. are there going to be questions? people? i don't know! if only there was some way to know what was going to happen on the night. we'll see! ( laughter ) you know, i know if trump
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becomes president there's a high possibility he'll destroy the world, but you have to appreciate these moments. the man was spinning for himself. the equivalent of giving a wedding toast at your own wedding. standing up -- let me tell you about the first time i met me, folks. no, but seriously, i'm the best. i'm the best. here's to me, everybody. here's to me. ( laughter ) and he was the only candidate there, because hillary left straight after the debate because she didn't need to spin, she basically won and also her ride was waiting, so she had to leave. ( laughter ) but trump had to spin a lot last night because the debate did not go well for him and from the time the debate ended, he had come up with a reason as to why. >> they also gave me a defective mic. did you notice that? my mic was defective within the room. i wonder, was that on purpose? when i tested, it was beautiful, like an hour before. i said, what a great mic. it was much lower than hers.
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i don't want to believe in conspiracy theories, of course, but it was much low than hers and it was crackling and she didn't have that problem. that, to me, was a bad problem. you have a bum mic, that's not exactly good. >> trevor: yeah, i don't want to be the guy who believes in conspiracies. not me. i'm not the guy who chased the birther conspiracy for so long. i love it, donald trump blaming the microphone. donald trump sounds like my cousin who never accepts i kicked his ass in xbox. the only reason you beat me trevor is the controller country work! and because i lost my right hand fighting as a child soldier! dude, that happened in the game. i don't care, it felt real! ( laughter ) but, you know, the truth, is trump's mic was actually worse. it was worse than bad. it was -- so bad that it was -- >> donald trump, what's the deal with the sniffles? you know, i heard you in, i think, the first answer, it sounded like you had seasonal allergies or a little cold. what's up with that? >> no, no sniffles.
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no. you know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing. ( laughter ) >> trevor: the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing... ( laughter ) as if people didn't think trump was evil before. now he's using the same complaints as darth vader. aaaaah -- i am your -- guys, address my breathing. is it very loud? makes me sound sinister. i'm just trying to tell luke i'm his dad. krrrrsh -- i don't know, i feel like people judge me and they don't know me, like the sound -- krrrrsh, can you hear it? i don't know, it's like he's a bad guy, we don't even know. can we check the breathing. nothing? nothing? just me, okay, just me.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: if donald trump believes the microphone wasn't would be pissed off about that because for him and everyone around him, last night donald trump showed a lot of -- what's the word i'm looking for? >> restraint. >> restraint? >> i thought he showed great restraint. >> i think there you saw in him the restraint and temperament that will make for a great president. >> i think he showed discipline, measured and was restrained. >> trevor: he was restrained? that doesn't sound like a presidential compliment. sounds more like a pre-school teacher says about a terrible kid on an okay day. which cubby did donny (bleep) in today? he didn't. he was restrained. oh no, he's doing it again. there he is. i don't think he should be president. ( laughter ) that's just where the republicans have gotten to. you realize the bar is so low,
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no one expects to praise his policies, his ideas, his vision. they're just relieved he didn't cause a scene on stage. and he didn't. he didn't, right? but you watch this, and you tell me that he was restrained. >> you wouldn't pay what the man needed to be paid, what he was charging -- >> trevor: maybe he didn't do a good job, where did you find. >> her name is -- >> you haven't -- i don't. >> down the -- >> i don't think. >> facts. >> wrong. >> proved over and over again. >> wrong. >> trevor: wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. ( laughter ) you know, when trump does that, it looks like that's how he kisses, like, wrong, wrong -- like, he kisses you, wrong, and tells you why you shouldn't be
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kissing him, wrong, wrong -- what is he doing? hillary is trying to talk and he's, wrong. he's a reverse hype man. hillary is rapping on the beat. and this is what we're gonna do in terms of the -- wrong. that's not true. mm-hmm, mm-hmm, you're the worst. ( laughter ) donald trump interrupted hillary clinton 51 times during the debate compared to only 17 interruptions from secretary clinton, 51 times or as trump would put it, i won by 34 interruptions. hillary did so well she goaded trump into hulking out in the debate. except when trump hulks out his hands still stay tiny. ( laughter ) by the way, this has nothing to do with anything really, but you guys see last night how much water donald trump drank.
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>> we were on the precipice of having a web site hillary and turned it into a much better economy. i don't see changes in corporate tax rates. they matter when you run for president and they really matter when you are president. >> trevor: damn i've never seen this guy so thirsty before. were you nervous, trump? remember, you talked about rubio for how much water he drank. and now you're the one -- actually, i was watching the debate and i think i realized something. seems like trump has been absorbing all the powers of his defeated opponents. sort of like in heros or highlander, depending on your age. seriously, think about it. you saw it during the debate. he interrupted like carly fiorina, drank water like marco rubio and ate like (bleep) jeb bush. ( applause ) i thought he lost.
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when i looked online a lot of trump supporters thought he won. in many online polls trump crushed it. i know online polls aren't accurate. it would be the russians or chinese voting or, hell, some 400-pound person sitting on his bed. ( laughter ) it was an historical vision, each candidate laying out his vision for america. this election season seems like almost for nothing because after last night's debate i saw one woman on the news in columbus, ohio and she gave me tall the clarity than all the pundits combined. >> i vote conservative, and if this jackass just happens to be leading this mule train, then so be it. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: yeah. you see that right there? no spin, all truth. american politics has basically become like sports. it's not about making the best
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choice anymore, it's about supporting your team through thick and thin and republicans are, like, i've got the shirt and this is my team. i mean this, year, yeah, we happen to have a quarterback who's extremely racist, but, i mean, what are you gonna do? throw the ball, donnie! throw the ball. we'll be right back. ( cheers
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♪ [ hawk squawk ] start boldly with the apple that bites back. [ whip cracks ] redd's wicked apple. it's about to get wicked.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." for mr. obama last night's presidential debates, here's desi lydic with "what the actual fact." ♪ >> thank you, trevor. last night, both candidates said some things that weren't true. hillary had a few, and trump -- well, we counted at least 32 facts donald trump got wrong. for an average of one every 2.8 minutes. that's almost as often as i think about sex. so, how do you keep up with all the lies? well, we found a foolproof -- sorry. was thinking about something. ( laughter ) but like every other guy who's terrible with casinos, trump has
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a tell, a way you can always know for sure he's lying. every time he says "i never said that," he definitely said that. once you watch for it, it's easy to sponchts this is a man who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers -- >> i never said that. >> oh, i never said that: you definitely said that! >> pregnancy is never -- it's a wonderful thing for the woman, it's a wonderful thing for the husband, it's certainly an inconvenience for a business, and whether people want to say that or not, the fact is, it is an inconvenience for a person that is running a business. >> trump's denial last night was false. this is something you hoped people would forget about, but as much as it sucks, it was right there on nbc in 2004. so i give that claim a joey. ( laughter ) okay. >> donald thinks that climate
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change is a hoax perpetrated by the chinese. i think it's real. >> i did not say that. >> and i think it's important that -- >> i did not say that. >> yeah, you said that. probably by know everyone has seen trump's 2012 tweet saying global warming is a chinese hoax. but today his campaign said you can't hold trump to something he only tweeted as a private citizen. so -- did candidate trump ever say climate change is a hoax? >> obama's talking about all of this with the global warming and a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax, a moneymaking industry. it's a hoax, a lot of it. ( laughter ) >> so, again, trump's denial and the debate was false. he claims climate change is fake, yet his hair and tan are real. ( applause ) yeah... it's clearly -- he's clearly a monster from bizarre parallel
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dimension. so this gets a stranger thing. ( applause ) what did you do to bar trump -- sorry, i was thinking about something. ( laughter ) let's make like the bush family and go back to iraq for no reason. >> donald supported the invasion of iraq. >> wrong. >> that is absolutely -- >> wrong. >> -- proved over and over again. >> wrong. >> you guys, this is very exciting. that lie has debunked so many times that, last night, it earned trump a "what the actual fact" lifetime achievement award. ( applause ) this prestigious award, like trump's statement, looks real, but if you inspect it for even two seconds, it's obviously crap. now, to be fair to donald trump, h he didn't dismiss every charge by saying "i never said that."
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sometimes his denial was more nuanced. >> this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. >> you know, hillary is hitting me with tremendous commercials. some of it's said in entertainment, some of it said, somebody who's been very vicious to me, rosie o'donnell, i said very tough things to her, and i think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her. >> okay. first of all, let's all acknowledge it's weird how donald trump wants president points for his tough stand on rosie o'donnell. ( applause ) like america needs a leader who bows down to vladimir putin but stands tall against harriet. clmp claims what he says about women are fact, that everyone would agree, but they're clearly his own opinion.
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>> my a what would happen if gordon gekko (bleep) snooki and they had a tv baby. a man whose face is so red and swollen it looks like his skin is allergic to facts you tangerine tinted sack of (bleep). ( applause ) >> trevor: wow, desi that was mean a. tangerine tinted sack of (bleep). >> what, she no, i never said that. >> trevor: desi lydic, everyone. we'll be right back. when it comes to healthcare,
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seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and work together in real time to help those that need it. the ability to collaborate changes how we work. what we do together changes how we live.
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with the apple that bites back. redd's wicked apple. also available for a limited time in blood orange. (reporter) crowds in midtown today mean only one thing. (announcer vo) every one is ready for the next gen iphone. (indistinct chattering) (announcer vo) and so is verizon with the only next gen network that lets you make the most of it. lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds to over 450 cities, coast to coast. the next gen iphone deserves the next gen network. and right now get our best offer ever. an iphone 7, on us.
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i we worked with pg&eof to save energy because wenie. wanted to help the school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is professor of higher education policy and sociology, new book called "paying the price," please welcome sara goldrick-rab, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) welcome to the show. >> yeah, thanks very much for having me. >> trevor: no, it is honestly a pleasure having you, especially at this time, especially with what's happening not just in america but south africa. let me go in first of all and say the book is truly mind blowing. you know, you hear about the problem that faces college students in america, the debts that pile up, the inaccessibility of funding and so on, but a book like this that lays out solutions as opposed to problems is just really, really interesting. you followed 3,000 students for a number of years, which some
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people would say makes you a creep, but you're not. >> no. >> trevor: you are a professor. let's start with the why. >> look, i wanted to understand, at a time when college is more expensive than ever and, frankly, work doesn't pay like it used to and families are struggling, how do students get through college and how do they make ends meet and, frankly, why is it so many of them end up with no college degree and in debt? i wanted to know what was going on and that's the reason for following around those 3,000 people, which we did for six years, and, you know, we saw so many things happening that led me to understand better why it is, when we think we're giving money out through the financial aid system, so many people still end up without what they really need. >> trevor: that's one of th >> trevor: it's also scary because of the debt and
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struggling. what i didn't know about before i read this book was people struggling with actual food, like actually having foods to eat as a huge issue that american students face. >> yeah, studies are not supposed to break your heart and this sort of did because it was september of 2008, and my research team had just come back from another interview with another student, and we asked students basic questions like how's college going, what's your biggest challenge, and one young woman looked at one of my graduate students and said the biggest challenge is eating. the latest study we did in ten community colleges around the country, that study found that 13% -- 13% -- of community college students were homeless. >> trevor: wow. >> i don't know what to say. it's literally heartbreaking and it's something that we absolutely could ant should prevent. >> trevor: the situation seems really dire, but, as i said, you have laid out some solutions. >> mm-hmm. >> trevor: there are some measures that could be put into play. what do you think is the most realistic thing that could be
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done? because you have so many in the book and people say, oh, that's not easy to implement overnight, that's not something we could achieve. what would you say would be the first steps to get more access to education and food within the system. >> here's the thing, we know how to give people food to go t it's called the national school lunch program, and we've had it in place a very long time for school children. we know students need to have their milk in the morning and lunch at noon and we do it for elementary and high school students, and what we need to do is expand the national school lunch program into higher education. >> trevor: in you look at -- if you look at the candidates, i don't know if you've had a chance -- ( laughter ) why are you guys laughing? i'm asking a very serious question. between the two of them, do you find either of the candidates has a viable plan that would move this forward? >> look, hillary clinton recognizes that there is a ton of pain out there, and it isn't limited only to low-income people. the middle class is also being priced out of higher education, and the current financial aid
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system is not helping. so she recognizes we have to do something totally new, and i really appreciate that. >> it's one to have the most exciting looks i've read. i have solutions. it's a manual i'd recommend if you're a parent, teacher student. book boostudent. "paying the price" is available "paying the price" is available now. heineken light makes it ok to flip another man's meat. "paying the price" is available now. no no no, you never flip another man's meat. award-winning heineken light
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is the best light beer you've ever tasted. that's true. can i have one? can i flip your meat? no. suit yourself. ♪ ♪ power, power to the lord ♪ power, power to the lord ♪ ♪ power! lord ♪
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[ rear alert sounds ]," [ music stops ]on ] ♪ on the road again ♪ just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. here it is, now here it is... your moment of zen.
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>> stop pushing. stop pushing. >> thanks a ♪ ♪hanks a >> chris: hole! it's 29 minutes until midnight, and the day resets and all our hot takes get moved into the trash folder. i'm chris hardwick. this is "@midnight." last night was the first presidential debate between "meme grandma" hillary clinton and "fat suit robert redford" donald trump. they covered everything from international trade, to healthcare, to whether trump called rosie o'donnell a disgusting slob. ( laughter ) i'm kidding! they didn't actually talk about healthcare. in case you didn't watch because you want to maintain a naive belief in the concept of


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