tv The Daily Show Comedy Central December 5, 2016 11:00pm-11:32pm PST
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it's the only thing that can save our family now. you are done! you hear me?! you are both done! [ screams ] from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. >> trevor: welcome to the daily show, thank you so much for tuning in, i'm trevor noah. my guest tonight from cnn, van jones is joining us tonight, everybody. but first, but first, breaking news from the north pole of minnesota. >> for the firs time the santa bringing joy into the lives of little ones, the santa experience inside the mall of america is black. >> it's no big deal, i'm still santa. >> trevor: black santa in the house!
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hey! that's so cool. although i will say i'm a little worried for him because you know that sleigh is getting pulled over. don't play around. >> sir, are you aware ta one of your reindeer's noses is out. >> trevor: but obviously this really is great news. though there is one funny thing. you know how certain people are always saying liberals are the real racists, why do they make everything about race because i don't see color. well, they sure saw it this time. >> a black santa claus at the mall of america, the country's largest mall is causing a torrent of hateful racei comments. >> there was a lot of outrage about his advicity with some people online, even calling for a boycott. >> trevor: boycott christmas? what are you doing? let me get this straight. there are people who say santa claus flies around the world in a sleigh pulled by magical reindeer, delivering millions of toys in a single night. i buy that. but wait, he's black? that makes no sense! that makes no sense! you know what, to be fair, to be
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fair, i can see why certain white dads would be upset about this. because now if your kid sees that santa is black, dressing up as santa for christmas is going to be real awkward for them, you know? it's like coming down and you got the whole outfit going ho-ho ho, merry christmas, like daddy, why are you in black face? dammity andrew, why are you so woke. oh, oh, speaking of black people getting new jobs, this weekend i was on twitter, you know, doing its usual twitter stuff, replying to people, sliding into dm's, arguing about whether a giraffe should wear a neck tie up or down, i don't know why it is an argument because if you knew giraffes you know they don't wear neck ties because they work in tech, it is all about hoodie, i lost a few friends after that argument. so i thought let's try something less devicive. so i went on donald trump's twitter and i saw this. >> we have more on the new
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cabinet appointments for president-elect trump. tweeting his choice of ben carson to be secretary of housing and urban development. >> donald trump announcing another cabinet pick, happened about 6:45 a.m. this morning t is that man, dr. ben carson. >> trevor: so excited. that guy doesn't look like he's been told about anything. so happy. and you know one part of that just struck me as unfair. you can't tell ben carson anything at 6:45 in the morning. he can't fully open his eyes until noon. that's just not cool, man. but congrats, dr. carson. welcome to trump's cabinet. and to our profiles in tremendousness. >> i have the most dedicated people. i have the best people. >> trevor: yes, donald trump has announced ben carson as the man who be will northbound charge of an 8,000 employees, $42 billion federal department that serves millions an millions
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of low and middle class income americans. and a lot of people are calling this a strange appointment, especially for a doctor with no government or bureaucratic experience who himself, himself reportedly said he didn't feel qualified to run a federal agency. i mean if you want a doctor to run the department of housing and urban development, at least get a doctor who has the name house in his name, something. so one more time, congrats, ben. or as donald trump called him in his announcement@realbencarson. just take a moment to appreciate that. that is how he announced him,@realbencarson. this is the world we live in. even our leaders will be referred to by their twitter handles. they will be announcing people at the u.n., like we would like to welcome@realdonaldtrump and his excellency the japanese prime minister@samurai badass15, thank you for womaning-- coming together to work on hashtag
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world hunger. and by the way, if you are one of those people who thought donald trump would magically give up twitter once he was elected. think again, because this weekend he gave us a definitive answer. and this is real. in one weekend, the president-elect tweeted about tie want, a plant in indiana sending jobs to mexico and then for some reason tweeted about tiger woods. tweeted about china devaluing its currency. he bitch about saturday night live, called jill stein a conartist then, of course, plugged a rerun of a fox news special about his apartment. and went on to tweet storm about america's trade policies. i mean this guy has so many tweets, this guy is on the toilet a lot. i don't know. and if are you within of those people who's freaked out about donald trump's tweeting, i understand. because using a president who announce appointments in the role garden, consoled the nation from the oval office. but for trump, everything is on twitter. and he tweets with the same gravity about alec bald win as
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he does about a trillion dollar trade war. and i understand for many people this is not normal. it feels like trump is being too casual with the highest office in the land. it's not normal. it's like seeing the quen in sweat pants. it's not normal. it looks dope but it's not normal. i would mess with that queen but it's not normal. and i'm not going to lie. there's not much donald trump can do to surprise me any more. i'm not surprised, i'm not. people go trevor, are you afraid of donald trump. i'm not a trade of-- afraid of donald trump. i'm afraid of the people who support donald trump, i'm not referring to his voters. i'm speak being the people on his team, that enable him. because they know what he is doing, when he is doing something wrong. here is my view, the drunk is a drunk. but the person who encourages him to drive, that's an asshole and trump has a lot of assholes around him. >> quite active on twitter. he said he would have won the popular vote if he deducted the millions of people who voted
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illegally. it it responsible for president-elect to make false statements like that. >> one of the things that is refreshing about our president-elect. he tells what is on his mind. >> trevor: i'm sorry mike pence, i don't think he understands what the word refreshing means. refreshing is an ice cold sorbet at the end of your meal. refreshing is a person who actually looks like their tinder profile, claiming the election was stole sen not refreshing, it's irresponsible and dangerous. it undermines your democracy. and mike pence knows that. and yet he still says this. >> why is it refreshing to make false statements. >> well, look, i don't know that that is a false statement, george. and neither do you. the simple fact is. >> i know there is no evidence for it. >> trevor: i always wondered why mike pence has that face. because he can smell [bleep] when he's talking. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: look at that. look at that. pence lies flat out to
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stephanopoulos' face and thank god, thank god stephanopoulos pushes back, you know, it's evidence of times journalists are going to be tested in america it will be during the trump presidency. i feel like we need to start handing out awards to journalists for calling out bull [bleep]. actually, i will start it now. stephanopoulos, well done, are you the first recipient of "the daily show" crap catcher award. thar is that is for you. not our only winner, we also award jake tapper who interviewed kellyanne conaway about trump's tweet. >> he tweeted there were millions of fraudulent votes there is no evidence there were millions of fraudulent votes. is that really presidential behavior. >> he is the president-elect so that's presidential behavior, yes. >>. >> are you actually comparing what bill clinton did in the oval office. >> trevor: you said if the president dusk it, it is refreshing. >> you said should we reveal.
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>> trevor: i'm saying because a president does something doesn't make it presidential. >> damn, jake tapper. damn right, jake. you see, he stole the is he man particular bs kellyanne conaways with pulling and he called her on it which is why he earned another prestigious crap catcher award. well done, jake. a special award for you. by the way, you have to pay for slipping and handling, we'll talk about that later. by the way, i done know why kellyanne conaway was so eager to go into details about what bill clinton did in the oval oval office. you want to talk about that. let's talk about-- . >> trevor: it's not like she goes that that story any time she gets mad, i'm sorry, your card was declined. she is like how dare you, you do have any idea what bill clinton did in the oval office. you what want to talk about that now. look. i guess that it's easy to get caught up in a wave of panic when watching done all trump tweet through his presidency. but look on the bright side. think about this. because of trump's tweets, trump
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and his people, they can't shade the truth. that is what i love about this. trump's people can't shade the truth because he gives it to us unvarnished, completely. we will always know what he really thinks. they can be like that's not what he meant. and he will be like no, that's what i meant. so i feel like we should embrace that there is going to be a president who likes to communicate internet style. look on the bride sight, he will be the first president to use emojis in the state of the union. he will be up there like i got china to top eggplanting us in the peach emoji. and because of that, the state of the union is bicep. dancing lady, dancing lady, god bless america. we'll be right back.
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z welcome back to the daily show. now last friday donald trump took an afternoon out of his busy tweeting schedule to attend a rally in ohio. the purpose of which was honestly have i no idea. but we sent jordan clep tore find out. >> not even a month since the campaign ended with victory donald trump was getting the band backing to again for something. >> the president-elect planning to visit those states that helped him secure a win for the white house. >> a trump victory tour. >> the victory tour. >> now they tell us they want us to call it a thank you tour. >> they're calling it a victory tour. i mean i don't think we've ever seen that before. >> they're calling it a thank you tour. >> right, no one in the media or trump's camp seems to know exactly what this event is. so i went to cincinnati to find out. >> what is this? >> we know we have a bunch of people who are really excited about trump. >> they said we will get tired
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of winning. we're not tired. >> he wants to let the people know that things are still going on, that he was still campaigning about-- he's still going on. i mean. >> it is as if he doesn't know when the campaign ends. >> that's right. >> what is it again? >> victory tour. >> victory tour, take another lap, right. >> take another lap. >> how many of these rallies do you think will you see in the first hundred days. >> i'm going to go with 15. >> like the never ending tour. >> never ending tour. >> we don't have to do any more if we can just party all the time. >> all day long. >> all day long. 24/7. >> somebody is going to have to run the country. >> yeah, well. >> just think, the trump is our president, from apprentice to president. i love trump. >> it's incredible, right. made you want to blow your brains out so mind bog elling. >> this was a hell of a bash. while trump is on things like locking up hillary and draining the swamp, these people were partying like it was october 2016. they had their signs and their
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background dabs and they knew the lyrics to all the hits. ness we're ready, we're ready. >> build a wall. >> build a wall, drain the swamp. >> lock her up. >> we're going it lock her up, of course. >> that is what people are saying she is a good person, she shouldn't be prosecuted. >> they're liars. >> well, that person is donald trump. >> build that wall. >> at least we know donald trump is not going to stand for having hillary's elitist new york bankers anywhere near the government. >> none of that [bleep]. >>, september for bringing in some billionaire bankers. >> it's going to happen, it's going to happen. >> sure, sure. >> some of that [bleep]. >> goldman sachs guy, i mean, that is the swamp we want to drain. >> sure. >> but also make secretary of treasury. >> oh yes. >> the swamp will be drained. now he does have a couple pem like steve mnuchin. >> you have to fill the slots. >> there are parts of the swamp that will come in. parts of the swamp that are going to. >> it is not as catchy to say. >> it's not, yes. >> don't you want the most
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qualified person, even though it might be a so called, you know, swamp member, lobbyist or whatnot. >> not the best thing to do. >> somebody who is the most qualified for the job, has the most experience, even if some of their background is suspect, that is the person that should have that job. >> that's right, a common sense way of looking at things. >> that was i think hillary clinton's entire platform. >> the point is, instead of spending time learning how to run the country or following through on campaign promises, having a rally like this just feels so good. >> the bottomline is, we won. we won. we won big. >> i love you too. look at this place. oh, you're going to be happy, we're all going to be happy. >> and i was finally starting to see exactly what this was. it was a big self-congrat la tore pleasure fest in the round. >> this is kind of our triumph. >> so you guys want to kind of get together, in a big circular area and just kind of help each other release some of the
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tension and celebrate. >> yes. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> is it hard for you tbies to come together at the same time. >> a sense of community. >> a circle jerk. >> if you want to call it that, sure. >> a circle jerk. >> well, good talking to you. >> good talking to you too. >> get ready, america, your forearms are going to be huge. >> trevor: thank you, jordan. >> trevor: thank you, jordan. we'll be right back.
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>> i don't know if i'm in hell. i feel like this is the beginning of the ride. >> yeah, well, for you it is a ratings bonanza, for the rest of us, we're going to be suffering. >> i feel like it's the same thing. let's take a step back. when you last came on the show, i will never forget how you sounded the warningment were you one of the first people, not just on cnn but in general saying we need to take these people seriously. and when you were referring to these people, you were talking about angry white voters and more importantly, people who were neo nazis and white supremacists within that movement. it's a weird place to be in now but are you walking around going like, i told you so. >> you know, some people were raised well. and would never do that. and i'm not one of them. i tried to tell y'all. i tried to tell y'all. ain't nobody listened. >> trevor: here is a legit question i have though. like you-- no, no, here is the
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thing i have. were you sitting on panels. i watch your show all the time. i see you there, talking to people. people would say van, i don't know, i think you're wrong, let's look at the numbers. let's look at the polls thrk can't happen, this won't happen, white liberal voters in these states won't vote for this, why were you so certain that they could switch and vote for trump? >> you have a korp of people who were actually delighted by some of those inflammatory comnts. those people i would call bigots, okay. >> but you had another group of people who found those comments distasteful, but not disqualifying. because they had so much other economic pain and problems that were not being talked to. and those were the people that cost us the election. and what i was aware of in the country was that yes, you did have a bunch of fired up bigots but you also had a much, much, much larger number of people who felt that the elite had sol them down the river in both parties. and you know what, they weren't wrong. we did not give them an opportunity to come to our side the way we should have.
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>> here is a question i have. you are actually here because you have a special coming out on cnn where it is called the messy truth. >> yes. >> and you have gone out, you said i'm going to go out to talk to these people. what is interesting to me is the why. a lot of people are going you write them off, rebuild the democratic party and then we'll figure out a way forward from here. i see a lot of people making the argument saying why should i engage with people who made a decision that they knew to be racist or knew to be misogynistic or decided to turn a blind eye to that. why would you then go and engage with those same people and what do you hope to gain from that. >> well, look, first of all, i think we have to have a more nuanced view of people. i don't want to write anybody off. first of all, everybody that voted for trump was not voting for every crazy thing he said. a lot of people vote ford hillary clinton holding their nose too, okay. so people voted for trump,
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holding their nose. there are veterans who voted for trump. but if trump comes at american muslims, those veterans will march with us. there are business people who voted for trump. but if he goes and starts dragging dreamers off of college campuses and throwing them out the country, those business leaders will be outraged so i don't want to build his coalition for him. i don't want to take good people who made a choice that i don't like and just give them to trump. i want, listen, trump is much worse than anybody in this country is willing to accept. but a lot of his voters are much better. and i don't want to give them away. (applause). >> trevor: before i let you go, about what you see a future as because for many black americans it's tough because many black americans will say how many times do i have to be doing the right thing. so i've got to be the one voting for hillary and then i see white people be like i'll take a chance on trump. i've got to be the one who is
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now extending a hand, listening and talking to people who i feel like would not do the same for me. you're in that position. you're an african-american man. you have children that you talk about on the show where you go i don't know how to explain this to them. how do you then find that strength or why do you feel the need for yourself to be reaching out. because you could just say no, this country is racist, i don't care, i'm out. but how do you justify to yourself then. why engage? >> how can you look at a nelson mandela who went through much worse than i'm ever going to go through, dealing with much worse people. and he didn't give up. how can i look at an ella joe baker, fanny, martin luther king. they shot king in the face the year i was born because he was trying to fight for these ideals. have i one bad election and some bad tweets and quit? i can't do that. and i will tell you, you cannot, especially this younger generation. they can't quit either. i am a ninth generation american. a ninth generation american.
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i'm the first one in my family born with all my rights. my relatives didn't quit and i'm not going either and neither should these young people. we're just getting started. >> trevor: i could have you on here for ever. i love chatting to you, i appreciate everything you do. the messy truth airs on cnn tomorrow december 6th at 9 p.m. eastern time. you want to watch it, van jones, everybody. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive. that's 7,671 moon rises, we created blue moon. 48 eclipses and a refreshing taste that's always stayed the same. creatively inspired. artfully brewed. blue moon. you never believed in fairytales. knights in shining armor or happily ever after. but you believed when the right one came along, you'd be ready. time to shine. orbit. >> trevor: that's our show for
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tonight. stay tuned forrate midnight coming up next. how near here it is, your moment of zen. >> this guy right here is not your daddy's santa claus. >> no, is he just too cool for that check out what happened when santa gets a hip ster makeover. is he tattooed, has piecerrings and is sporting a man bun. captioned by media access group at wgbh nsored by comedy central [cheers and applause] >> chris: it's 29 minutes until midnight when the day resets and we announce a winner. rumors are swirling that apple is developing a self-driving car, which if true, would be a huge departure from their current focus on new (/ bleep/ ) chargers every six months. many online are overjoyed that the company may get into the auto business, since it's not like apple has ever made a product that breaks the second it hits pavement. the tech mogul's ambitions went public after they wrote a letter
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