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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  December 15, 2016 11:00pm-11:32pm PST

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going home with tonight. it's disposable cameras-- a dated product that creates tons of waste, plus the hassle of having to go to rite aid. good night! [applause] omedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is the "daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: all of you! welcome to "daily show." thank you so much for tuning in. i'm trevor noah. we have got a great show for you tonight. our guest from the new movie "office christmas party," and a man who's attended a few "daily show" christmas parties of his own, rob corddry is joining us everybody. rob corddry in the house. now, i'm sure that you've noticed-- oh, i hope that you noticed-- that i'm all dressed
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up tonight, because tonight is our final show of 2016, and also, because i scheduled my annual "eyes wide shut" orgy afterwards, by the way, don't forget, if you're attending the pass world i is ikkhanizaokohal. and that's a capital "o" please, don't forget. here "the daily show" because we hate ourselves we have a tradition of looking back at the year. 2016 say year that will stay with us forever-- like herpes. this is the year that started with zika, and then went bad. ( laughter ) , you realize if haram bay had lived, he would have killed himself. but let's be honest, 2016 wasn't the worst year. it was only bad for in people. if we're honest about it, it was bad for some people, you know. like, if you were black, then this was a bad year for you. but for everyone-- okay, and if you are a muslim, it was a bad year for you as well but for-- and if you are a woman, i can admit it was pretty bad.
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and if you were from the transgender community-- refugees, immigrants, pret much every-- not everyone but everyone. other than that, everyone had a-- oh, and polar bears and animals in general, really bad year. so, yeah, good year all around. ( laughter ) and tonight with the help of the whole "daily show" team, we celebrate the end and the end of 2016. to kick things off, please welcome desi lydic, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor! trevor, you're right. 2016 was the stinky end of the baboon's ass. and if there's one thing it will be remembered for, it was the year of the breakup. and we can't talk about breakups without mentioning the big one-- when two world powers abandoned all diplomatic efforts and declared an end to their partnership. what the hell, brangelina. talk about a bombshell! although, to be fair, we suspected there was trouble when they adopted a lawyer from burbank. ( laughter ) moving on. this was probably the ugliest
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breakup of the year, when america decided to split from decency. ( laughter ) i thought those two were going to last. but then a smooth-talking, copper-plated gargoyle showed up, and america just lost it. >> hail trump! hail our people! hail victory! ( cheers and applause ). >> hey, trump, trump all the way. >> because black lives don't matter. there ain't no proof. >> donald trump is your president, every goddamn one of yous. if you don't like it, too bad. >> yeah, and that guy brought a tuna sandwich on the plane. like i said, no decency. but you can argue that the breakup that started it all was brexit which sounds a lot less leak a geopolitical catastrophe and more like a gluten-free toddler in brooklyn. "brexit, what did i say about
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foccackia. that's your sister. be nice to her." by the way, brexit is a pretty dignified name for such an embarrassing event. why don't i get that. why don't the newspapers call it dez-parcher, instead of "local woman kicked out of wine bar." also, i wasn't selling drugs, okay? i was trading fem their cash. trevor. >> trevor: you need help, desi. for more news we turn to hasan minhaj, everybody. hasan minhaj! ( cheers and applause ) hasan, man what-- what were your thoughts on the year we call 2016. >> 2016 was awesome, man! here are my three biggest 2016 headlines. coming in at number three. could you believe hillary clinton sold weapons to isis? how did she manage to send bombs to isis and bomb her own campaign here at home? boom. give it to me. up top, right? yup. >> trevor: hasan, that story wasn't really.
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>> totally. it was unreal. but not as unreal as nigh number two story when reporters dug up an old quote where donald trump said-- and i quote-- if i were to run, i'd run as a republican. they're the dumbest group of voters in the country." >> trevor: hasan, i'm going to cut you off right there. that news story was also false, man. i don't think your sources are credible? >> they are incredible, trevor. especially my number one story of 2016, pope francis himself endorsing donald trump. >> trevor: all of those news stories are completely fake. you're talking about fake news, man. >> oh, yeah, all this stuff is made up. these stories are faker than my air gordons. and sure, they melt when it rains, but no one cares. just like no one cares about whether the news is real or fake. look at facebook. just before the election the top-five fake news stories were more popular than the top-five real news stories. >> trevor: but, hasan, i don't understand, fake news is everywhere now, so how do we
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fight back? >> fight back? embrace it, trevor. come january, donald trump is going to be our president. the next four years are going to be so (bleep) up, we're going to be begging for fake news. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: that's a good point. >> the real news, the real news will actually be unbelievable. >> trevor: hasan minhaj, everybody. you make a good point. ( cheers and applause ) thank you so much. for the year in sports, let's turn to roy wood, jr., everybody! roy wood, jr. in the house! what's up, roy? >> trevor, this is the year that everything was political, and sports is no exception. let's start with colin kaepernick. this dude put his ass on the line for civil rights, and he was so good at it. like, most of us just to get notice to the cause have to take to the streets or block traffic or join a group text and join a
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chat. kaepernick just refused to stand. that's brilliant. that's a game changer. look, i'm protesting right now. ( laughter ). >> trevor: what are you protesting, roy? >> black (bleep). i'm fed up. ( laughter ) but it wasn't just kaepernick. even the super bowl halftime show got political. beyonce reminded you all she was black and some of you all couldn't handle it. hey, they were so shellshocked they had to call in some emergency whiteness to offset beyonce's blackness. to bring in the cold play, emergency, cold play. 7-18. this is not a drill. next time, bruno mars does the super bowl, i can guarantee you, mitt romney is going to pop out of the floor with a tambourine. >> trevor: you can't tell me every single sports story was political this year. >> oh, really. even my team, the cubs, nate silver said they would the same chance of winning as trump and
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then the cubs won and i couldn't enjoy myself because all i could single, "yeah, the cubs-- oh, donald trump is president." i get that politics and sports will never be totally separate. when michael phelps gets in the pool, i want to see him doing the black stroke. i don't know what what that is. tennis players, all they do is yell anyway pup may as well say something that makes it count. "stop and frisk! electoral college! bring back the mcribs." >> trevor: pork is not political. >> trevor, pork is a very divisive meat. >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everybody. 2016 was another banner year for the internet. unfortunately, that banner usually said, "you've been hacked, comradement. but you look back at some of the biggest social media trends of,d we turn to ronny chieng,
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everybody. >> thank you, thanks, trevor. 2016 was the year of the stupid internet challenge. let's start with the biggest one-- the mannequin challenge. yeah. the challenge of not moving while someone takes a video of you. congratulations, idiot. you just invented the photograph. ( laughter ) ♪ ♪ how did this lazy-ass flash mob start? "hey, guys, hey, guys, let's find a way for people of noital tonight get famous on the internet. trust me, you don't have to move for this one." that's what this year was, standing still for 10 seconds without crying is,000 an official challenge. the worst part? this mannequin crap wasn't even the dumbest challenge of the year. oh, no, that award goes to the
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backpack challenge. kids walking down hallways having backpacks thrown at their heads? that's not a challenge. that's high school, all right. yeah, it happened to me every day. i didn't trend once. ( laughter ) and finally, the viral internet phenomenon that is the water bottle challenge. >> aaaarrrgghhhh! >> that last video was from a high school talent show. ( laughter ) i know. look at the reaction. every dance troupe there must have been like what the (bleep). i've been training fair year. by the way, you know where that talent show did not take place? flint, michigan. exactly. yeah. because reet now, flent is, like, hey, how about flipping some of those bottles this way. because here every day is a
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water bottle challenge you flipping (bleep). ( cheers and applause ) no! in fact, in fact, from now on, there is only one person who is allowed to do any challenge xi don't know his name, but he's from brazil. ( laughter ) yeah. that's right. ( applause ) see, that's viral. that's viral. but rest of you, enough with this easy, attention-seek internet challenges, please! >> trevor: ronny, no, i'm sorry, i feel like you're hating, man. the water bottle challenge is real. it's not easy. here i've got a bottle of water here. you try to do it. it's not easy. >> are you challenging me right now? >> trevor: i'm challenging you to do the water bottle challenge. >> look how hard this is! oh, my god! am i going to be an intersuperstar if i nail this! >> trevor: do it. >> water bottle challenge.
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wow. >> trevor: see? >> give me one more chance. >> trevor: it's harder than it seems. >> give me one second. oh, yeah! that's right! did you film that? did you film that! yeah! yeah! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: we're all very happy for you, ronny chieng. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) hi, we're the hulford quads.
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(laughter) we're in 8th grade. technology is the only thing that really entertains us. i'm gonna use this picture on sketchbook, and i'm going to draw mustaches on you all. using the pen instead of fingers, it just feels more comfortable for me. be like, boop! it's gone. i like that only i can get into it and that it recognizes my fingerprint. our old tablet couldn't do that. it kind of makes you feel like you're your own person, which is a rare opportunity in my family. (laughter) you never believed in fairytales. knights in shining armor or happily ever after. but you believed when the right one came along, you'd be ready. time to shine. orbit. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. (vo) it's the holidays at verizon,
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show's" year end review. 2016 was about as divisive a year you could get. even fractions were like, "i don't know, this is what we do, but we need to relax. we need to chill." and this was one man who kept us in touch with trump's america. jordan klepper. >> so many people in the media are explaining 2016 was so horrible, but for real, red-blooded americans, 2016 was the best year in american history. so if you hear someone whine about 2016, their finger couldn't be further from the pulse. this is jordan klepper, fingers, 2016. ♪ ♪ conspiracy theories. fingered. evangelical voters, locker room talk, extreme vetting. fingered. fingered. fisted. >> what is this? >> the pussy!
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yeah! grab it while you can! except i can't talk like that in front of my daughter. >> you just did. >> obama is a muslim. he's a terrorist. nobody will ever tell me different. >> barack obama had a big parent of 9/11. >> do i have proof? no. do i have articles? no. >> your mind is made up without any information. >> my mind is made up. >> fill in the blank for me, two men getting married is blank. >> disgusting. >> i should answer it's legal in the united states. >> a female has more hormones. she could start a war in 10 seconds. >> haven't all wars been started by men? ( laughter ). >> yes. >> it's an american ideal that we treat women with respect. >> you gotta give me the back of that shirt one more time. it's too much fun. >> trump that bitch! >> you don't even see the irony of it, i love it. >> one man's sexual assault is another man's flirtation. >> you must be quite the chairmen with the ladies. >> i used to be. you know, until i got the ring
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from the one i wanted. i can't get it off. she's no dummy. >> i think she's a dummy if she thinks somebody else is going to (bleep) you. >> the trump is our president. from "the apprentice" to president. it's incredible. >> it made you want to blow your braens out it was so mind-boggling. turns out 2016... fingered me. ( laughter ) damn it. trevor? >> trevor: jordan klepper, everybody. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ( cheers and app this year at t-mobile, the holidays are on us! we'll be right back. ( cheers and app switch your family of four to t-mobile, get unlimited everything, and we'll give you $800.
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( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: welcome back. tonight's guest stars in the new movie "office christmas party." >> listen, essentially, this branch is failing. >> 6.5% is not failing. >> yes, it is. >> we're doing better than orlando. i mean, half those jack-offs had
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mono last year, right? >> well, i closed the orlando branch this morning. >> what? ( farts). >> i am sorry. i have a condition. i fart when i'm scared. >> wow. >> trevor: please welcome rob corddry. ( cheers and applause ) >> i do have a couple more lines in the film than that. ( laughter ) >> trevor: you have many more lines in the film. >> but nobody delivers a "wow" like i do. >> trevor: that was a good "wow." >> it wasn't a bad one. i had better ones. they did a lot of takes. >> trevor: thank you so much for being here. you know what's weird, it's welcome back. every guest hangs out in a glean room, and he's not there, he's running through the building. >> it's my family here. i know so many people here, and i love coming back here.
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i love coming back here. >> trevor: we love having you, man. >> i'm not going to leave. ( laughter ) >> trevor: no, no, i-- i think we enjoy the visit. >> i'm not going to leave. >> trevor: i think the visit is what makes-- >> you might enjoy a stay. >> trevor: i would love it, but i think what's cool is when you go and then come back. >> an extended stay. >> trevor: but, like, for short extended. >> indefinite, let's call it. >> trevor: but definitely leaving and coming back. >> definitely something. >> trevor: you are one of the few people who has had a good 2016. i hate you for that. >> have i? >> trevor: "ballers." second season came out. you were really funny in that show. >> thank you. >> trevor: you play a sports agent who just doesn't seem to get things right, but you are a very funny person. my favorite-- favorite scene of all was when you said the "n" word. >> yeah. so that scene, there was 250 mostly african american extras-- >> trevor: yes. >> --in the crowd. and they didn't know i was going to say the "n" word. >> trevor: oh, geez!
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>> and so i believe the reaction-- that reaction you see on the show is the first take of them hearing that. >> trevor: everyone goes-- >> they were like, no! cut! ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: you know what? your character is so awkward, and what's great is that you get to play opposite the rock, dwayne johnson. what is that like? ( laughter ) >> come on, man. i mean, come on, right. this is about corddry right here. this is our-- >> trevor: no, no, no. >> --our time together. >> trevor: i don't mean that in a bad-- i'm just saying. it is about you. i'm just saying, how does it feel to be opposite, like, the rock? like, you're acting with the rock? >> you could get him in here, and maybe some day you can ask him how it feels to be acting with me, you know. ( cheers and applause ) no, no! i'm not hooking that up. no, i'm not hooking that up. >> trevor: i thought you were offering to bring the rock to the show. >> no. >> trevor: really exciting.
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>> no! this is an intensive interview about my-- >> trevor: it's all about you. >> --my process. >> trevor: i'm sorry. i'm sorry. let's go back. let's talk about rob corddry. let's talk about the movie, "office christmas party." i got to watch it, which i really enjoyed because it is just insane. >> it's really funny. >> trevor: it is a story-- i mean, it's a really simple premise, but that's what makes it fun. >> yeah, exactly. don't go looking for a head-scratcher. it's-- yeah. ( laughter ) this is all about-- this is all about laughs. i mean, the fart, for instance. >> trevor: is that a real fart, by the way? >> yes. ( laughter ) kate mckinnon, i mean, is a comedy genius. >> trevor: yes, she is. >> her talent surpasses my even-- you know, being able to define it. >> and she can fart on cue. >> trevor: no way! no way! >> she can make her body fart when she wants to. >> trevor: no. can i tell you.
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i went to school with a kid who said he could do that, but what he didn't tell us he was doing was (bleep) in between. like, no one can have that other skill. i don't believe that. are you serious? >> no, that wouldn't fly shooe did it a different way every time, and she was cracking us up. so farting, we'd start laughing before the fart was coming. probably maybe by thent, by take 20, she had to fake it a little bit. >> trevor: we're all wondering what that means. fake it. i could feel, all of us were, like, what does that mean? >> you hollywood it. you go like this. and we fix it in post. >> trevor: what do you think is harder, faking a fart or faking a cry? >> hotter? like sexier? >> trevor: no, no. ( laughter ) >> that's a great question. that's a great question. what is sexier? ( laughter )
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yeah, i mean, well, it depends on what you're into, of course. but i'd say-- i'd say personally, farting, yeah, that-- >> trevor: i was saying "harder" but thanks for that. >> it's so weird the way you say that-- harder. ( laughter ) >> trevor: the movie is super funny. thank you so much for coming. >> thank you. >> trevor: "office christmas party" is in theaters now. rob corddry, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) hi, i'm paul
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's it for tonight's show. i just want to say-- i just want to say real quickly, thank you so much for being with us through 2016. we had an amazing time with you. thank you for coming out and joining us. thank you for tuning in every single day. we'll be back next year. here it is, your moment of zen. >> donald trump will not be the president of the united states. i don't even think he'll be the nominee. >> we better be ready for the fact he might be leading the republican ticket. ( laughter ). >> i know you don't believe that, but i want to go on. >> donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency.
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that's not going to happen. and i do have the strength. ( cheers and applause ) comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh >> chris: it is 29 minutes until midnight. we're going to butt this bull [bleep] year behind us. 2016 has truly been a strange and complex year, i think historians will agree on two things t only lasted 12 months and it totally sucked balls but st a multifaceted beast made of con traditions, for every rage post there a delightful meme or adorable animal video waiting to load which is why tonight we're celebrating the not so crappy of 2016 with a special segment called "@midnight's" look back at the stuff from 2016 that wasn't trump or the death of a celebrity. (cheers and app


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