tv The Daily Show Comedy Central March 8, 2017 11:00pm-11:32pm PST
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- guys, let's-- let's see what else is on. - ♪ oh i'd rather be dead than alone ♪ [gong chimes] comedy central >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is the "daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. my guest tonight is author tressie mcmillan cottom. we are going to be talking about education in america. this is going to be a really exciting conversation. i've been a fan of herself for a long time. and, of course, happy international women's day, everybody. ( cheers and applause ) happy international women's day. we'll be talking more about that later. but first, if you're watching tv right now, well, your testified might also be watching you.
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>> a new document dump by wikileaks is making explosive allegations about c.i.a. hack tools used to spy on people. >> among the documents released, secret techniques that exploit security vulnerabilities in common electronic devices like phones and smart tvs to spy on their owners. >> the 8700 documents posted on wikileaks reveal a range of c.i.a. programs with code names like after midnight, and brutal kangaroo. ( laughter ) >> trevor: sorry, brutal kangaroo. is the c.i.a. getting its code names from urban dictionaries? because brutal kangaroo doesn't sound like an espionage operation. it sounds like one of those made-up sex positions you know. yeah, like some guy was like, "a brutal kangaroo is when you have sex with a woman hopping down the street carrying her in a baby bjorn. that's what that sounds like." the names of the c.i.a. operations revealed by wikileaks are great. these are all real names that the c.i.a. uses for the operations. you've got cotton candy.
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shoulder surfer. swamp monkey. ( laughter ) dr. boom. magical mutt, ricky bobby, and eggs mayhem. these are real code names. i love that there's a c.i.a. agent whose job it is to come up with the code names, like the other spies with like, "i'm going to jump out of a helicopter, land on an airplane, and assassinate the ugandan foreign minister using a pencil laced with v.x." and the one guy goes, and we're going to call it eggs mayhem. i'm a spy, too." ( laughter ) but, guys, there's no need to get paranoid. your tv is not spying on you. except for you, kevin. ( laughter ) yeah, i see ow the couch, buddy. you got some sriracha on your mustache. ( laughter ) by the way, sriracha moustache is also a new sex position. ( laughter ) i'll just leave you with that. but let's move on, ladies and gentlemen, to the one thing paul ryan spends more time on than
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his biaccepts, obamacare. since its very inception, paul ryan has had one goal: >> we really have a problem with the direction of these bills and we have offered principalled, alternative bills. we're going to do everything we can to try to repeal and replace this things. the case for repeal must be matched with a of greater intensity of replace. we're going to repeal obamacare and replace obamacare way better system. because we think we owe the country an alternative. but most urgent is to actually repeal and replace obamacare. we with have to step in and repeal and replace obamacare. ( laughter ). >> trevor: yes, from jason priestly ryan, all the way to "sure, i love donald trump ryan," obamacare's been his obsession. he was probably having nightmares about it waking up like, "ah! repeal and replace. repeal and replace obamacare." and then he turns to his wife and says, "oh, honey, i had the most horrible dream," and he turns and her head is also
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obamacare. da-da-dum! ( laughter ) so, after seven years of fighting to replace obamacare with a g.o.p. plan, ryan's moment has finally come. >> house, senate, white house, all republican. so now, without further ado, after so many years that i can only assume were spent crafting the the world's greatest health care plan in history! let's hear what the american public has won! ♪ ♪ >> breaking news, house republicans just unveiling their bill. >> 10 million americans could lose coverage under this new plan. >> the proposal destabilizes insurance markets, it will, you'll see that premiums will go up. ♪ ♪ ( laughter ) >> trevor: no, no, no, no! ( cheers and applause ) no, forget the balloons. forget the balloons. no, no. >> yeah! >> trevor: no, no, don't-- no. no! it's canceled. it's not mission accomplished. >> what? >> trevor: sorry, man. >> i can keep this? i want to hold it up after sex.
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( laughter ) ( applause ). >> trevor: whatever. >> sweet! honey, put on the bjorn! >> trevor: by, really, paul ryan? millions of people losing health insurance? premiums going up? this is the crap you've been hyping for seven years? seven years! and this is what they bring. that's like waiting three hours fair pizza delivery, and then when you open the box, the delivery guy has got his (bleep) in the middle of it. i mean, yeah, don't get me wrong, you're still going to eat around it because it's pizza, but it's not ideal, is what i'm saying. and you know what? there's a lot to unpack in this bill because it's complicated. but there's a simple metric than anyone can understand-- who wins and who loses. >> winners right now are the young because they get this great subsidy and they're generally healthy. wealthy people who are seeing their taxes go down as it relaterelates to health care and health insurers, who are benefiting from this. here are the losers as we look
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at it. ( laughter ) if. >> trevor: first of all, out of context, that graphic is just mean. that is just mean. and second, i'm not a medical expert, but i feel like if one of the losers of your health care plans is sick people, you done (bleep) up. ( cheers and applause ) i'm just going to say. now, to be fair, to be fair, this plan would give subsidies to people in the middle class who didn't get them under obamacare, right. but it pays for that partly by forcing four million to six million poor people all of medicaid. and if you're saying, "well, there's only so much money to go around," then why does this plan also give a massive tax cut to rich people, who are now also going to be say, "there's so much money to go around!" look, we can't act surprised that a republican plan is going to screw over poor people. in fact, by now, you've obviously all seen representative shaveets on tv
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where he was like, "maybe poor people need to stop wasting their money on iphones." as if people were in hospitals going, "chemo or candy crush? hmmm." but okay, republicans, since rousseau good at managing your money, why don't you tell us how you're going to pay for all of this. >> there is no price tag. the c.b.o. has not marked this yet. we have no idea what it's going to cost. >> trevor: oh! they can't figure out the big numbers? if only you had spent your money on the iphone, you could have used the calculator app on it. ( cheers and applause ) see what happened there? now, obviously, democrats are against the plan, mostly because obamacare is the only thing that reminds them of the good times, you know. "hmm... still smells like him." ( laughter ) but the real surprise is that some republicans are even more against it because for them, this health care plan still has too much health care in it.
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>> conservative republicans don't like the proposal because it's too sloor to obamacare. >> conservative leaders are refusing to sign on, saying the new bill is desi lydic. >> the house bill has been put forward as obamacare literks. it won't work. >> this bill has real problems. >> this is not the repeal bill we have been waiting for all these years. >> trevor: oh, man, there's nothing worse than seeing a sad republican. it's like they found out santa was real, but he's mexican. ( laughter ) ( applause ) ( cheers and applause ) so, democrats, republicans, poor people-- everyone hates this thing. except over at donald trump's white house, where they're focused on the bill's most important feature. >> one of the things that's important, sarah, is for all of the people who have concerns about this, especially on the right, look at the size. this is the democrats. this is us. there is-- i mean, you can't get any cleerser in terms of this is
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government. this is not. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: i'm sorry, no. i'm sorry, no-- it feels like now spicer is just pardeeg himself now. lees like, "i know what you're going to do melissa mccarthy. no! no! if anyone is going to make fun of the of spice man it's going to be me! damn you, melissa mccarthy! i'm doing it myself." what does that even mean? this whole bill doesn't really make sense. it doesn't meet up to anybody's standard. and you know who should be the most upset about this is president trump. because remember during the campaign and the transition? he said everyone would be covered under his plan. premiums would go down, and care would be better. he must be so ashamed of this crappy replacement plan. >> i'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the house of representatives.
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everybody offers unlimited but it's expensive! now with t-mobile one, you get unlimited- with taxes and fees included. that'll save you hundreds. get two lines of unlimited data for $100. that's right. 2 lines. $100. all in. taxes and fees included nobody else gives you that! and now, get our best iphone offer yet. get the amazing iphone 7 on us with each new line when you switch. so go all-in with iphone 7 and unlimited data. only at t-mobile. dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced.
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our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say...if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol® >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." you might have heard it's international women's day and donald trump marked the occasion by not inappropriately grabbing a woman for 24 hours. ( laughter ) yes.
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he calls this "lent, except harder." actually, actually, no, i'm kidding. i'm kidding. i'm kidding. he did send out a nice tweet. and so did the first lady-- no, not melania, the first real lady. today we celebrate women and are reminded of our collective voice and the powerful impact we have on our societies and our economies. so once again, people are talk about what ivanka's influence in the white house means for women. for more on this i'm joined by michelle wolf, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) >> hello, trevor! >> trevor: so, michele, what do you make of ivanka? i mean, a lot of people are really hyping her up as feminism's great hope under trump. >> i mean, is she? ( laughter ) ivanka's been silent on so many women's issues. like health care, domestic abuse, reproductive rights. >> trevor: another but, yeah, to be fair, no one can speak out on everything. she did propose a maternity leave policy. >> all right, trevor, let me tell you something about proposals.
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they don't always work out. ( laughter ) do they, jeremy! one minute your boyfriend is down on one knee on the beach. the next he's down on your best friend becky. i'm over it! it's fine! ( laughter ) but here's the thing about ivanka's maternity leave policy-- her proposal only covers married women. you know who it leaves out? all the single ladies. >> trevor: all the single ladies? >> all the single ladies. ( laughter ). >> trevor: michele, that's really unfair because single moms have to deal with a lot of (bleep). >> and speak about (bleep), let's talk about ivanka's childcare policy. she proposes a tax deduction for the cost childcare, but that does nothing for poor people. they have nothing to deduct from. that's like offering me a free breast reduction. ( laughter ) that's a nice gesture, but you're really not taking my situation into account! ( laughter ) my boobs get any smaller, and they'd be concave. ( laughter ) like chest dimples. >> trevor: did you say "chest
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dimples?" >> yes. >> trevor: that's a great word "chest dimples." i like that. is that what happened to my cheek boobs to go with this? that's hilarious. okay, i'm confused, though. if ivanka's policies benefit so few women, then why is she seen as a feminist icon? >> because that's her brand. it always has been. i'm successful and powerful. how you can be like me? by buymy handbag. >> i started this company for women who inspire me. my collection is designed for the modern, professional woman. ♪ ♪ >> we have an awesome collection of dresses that are meant for working women like ourselves. i've found that a dress is like my secret weapon. >> oh, my gosh! silly me! this whole time i was learning math! ( laughter ) ( applause ) it turns out. ( cheers and applause )
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what was i thinking? i don't know. it turns out, all i really needed was to buy the right outfit. ( laughter ) this isn't feminism. it's women be shopping. and, look, i'm not faulting her for making a buck off women, but let's all stop pretending it's anything more than that. because whether it's her brand or her policies, it's designed with one type of woman in mind-- ivanka's feminism is the lululemon model. it's for rich white women, and you can see right through it. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: wow! okay, okay, look, ivanka may be out of touch, michele. but least she's in the white house. and she can be a voice of reason. you know, she could reign people in. >> i don't know, trevor. she has a history of letting (bleep) slide. >> sexual harassment is never acceptable. and we must stand against it. at the same time, learn to figure out when a hoot or a
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hoarl is, indeed, a form of harassment, and when it's merely a good-natured tease that you can give back in kind. >> audience: boo! >> yes! just tease them back! "oh, mr. parsons, i could bounce a quarter off your ass, too." ( laughter ) by the way, this is my daughter chloe. she has to come to work with me because i can't afford childcare. so let's review ivanka's formula for equality. have a husband. have children. dress right. don't be poor. and don't get mad when you're harassed at work. there's a huge problem with that! these shooez not trying to change the patriarchy. she's telling women how to silently slide into it, like a d.m. ( laughter ) which, to be honest, works for her. the only person she had to step over was eric. and by the looks of it, she stepped on him. ( laughter ) so, before you put too much hope in ivanka, remember, she is a
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an unlimited data plan is only as good as the network it's on. and verizon has been ranked number one for the 7th time in a row by rootmetrics. (man) hey, uh, what's rootmetrics? it's the nation's largest independent study and it ranked verizon #1 in call, text, data, speed and reliability. (woman) do they get a trophy? not that i know of. but you get unlimited done right. (man 2) why don't they get a trophy? (man 3) they should get something. (woman 2) how about a plaque? i have to drop this. my arm's getting really tired. unlimited on verizon. 4 lines, just $45 per line. what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. my laptop has the nastiest viryeah, that is scary.. you know an ipad pro doesn't get pc viruses, so relax there's nothing to be afraid of. ... except ghosts! ahhhhh!
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the new economy." please welcome tressie mcmillan cottom. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: what a pleasure to have you on the show. >> well, thank you. you keep saying that, and i'm starting to believe you. >> trevor: you should believe it. i've been a fan of yours for a long time. i've been a fan of yours when you take down trolls on twitter. i've been a fan of yours when i read your articles. the piece you wrote about obama and hope and change was really powerful after the election. but today we're going to talk about the book education, something i'm genuinely fascinated about, for-profit colleges. if you were to sum it up real quickly, what is a for-profit college and what is the problem? >> the for-profit college is one that can extract money from the college and distribute it to owners. it's profit. whereas not-for-profit colleges are constrained in what they can do with the money. theoretically, the money is supposed to stay in the colleg
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create a better learning environment for the student and work environment for the faculty and staff. for-profit colleges can do the opposite. they can take the money out of the school. well, that's a problem, we think that relationship to tuition, thinking of it as profit, changes how the school works. and i think that that's what happens. >> trevor: now, some people would argue and say why shouldn't somebody make money from the school? i mean, if they're providing a service, shouldn't they be compensated? >> compensation and profit are actually two different things. profit becomes a problem in the education model when the only way you can make profit is to hold down cost. well, if the only thing that you're offering as a service is education, there's only one thing you can do more cheaply to generate a profit, education. and so that's the reason why we see, for example, among many for-profit colleges, they will spend more money, for example, on marketing and recruitment, than they do on curriculum and instruction. that's what the profit motive does-- it shifts your interests to generating revenue and away
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from providing education. >> trevor: when you were going out there and for-profit colleges trying to target people, who are they trying to target? >> the first is when you hear, you know, those advertisements that say, "pick up the phone today dial 1-800 and change your life." the first person they're trying to target is someone for whom that message would work. we can think about who that message might work for. you need to change your life today if you are very dissatisfied with it. well, that is why for-profit students tend to be more likely to be poor, working poor, unemployed, under-employed, more likely to be women and african american and hispanic than students in nocht for profit higher education. if for-profit colleges were transforming people's lives, i'd have never written the book. it would be an entirely different situation. but empirically by now, we have about 15 years of data now to work with since the sort of rapid explosion of for-profit colleges have happened. and the data are pretty clear. they are not transforming people's lives. they are not transforming people's lives, at least not for the better, on average.
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for-profit students are more likely to drop out. they are-- even if they graduate, they are more likely to be unemployed, and when they're unemployed, they're unemployed for longer. we do not see this great positive response in the labor market. they're not paid more, frankly. and that's what we think higher education is supposed to do. >> trevor: when you look at it, when you talk about people who are specifically targeted, is it something that affects women, or does it have a greater effect on women sthan it does on men? >> everything that we have done to shape what women's experience of the world is, has made women more susceptible to the for-profit college marketing plan. >> trevor: wow. >> this is a, for all intents and purposes, really a gendered credentialing scheme for credentials to do gender jobs-- health care, education, so teaching, nurses assistants-- jobs that we associate with women. why does that work for women? we can think about on a day like
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today it's really nice to think about, for example. what it means to be a woman in our society today. for many of us, it means that we're not just taking care of ourselves but we're the primary caretakers for children. and increasingly, we're also the primary caretakers for our parents. we in many ways work three different shifts -- our paid work, our unpaid work, and our family work. and what we said to women was, "yes, well we also need you now to be equal economic partners in your household for you to stay afloat, for you to keep the position that you have, much less to move up, right, to invest in your own children." well, there aren't lot of options for women to do that which is probably why we see 65% to 70% of all we'll pooem enrolled in for-profit colleges are women. >> trevor: wow, that's a powerful story i could honestly talk to you for hours about but i have the book. i recommend everybody go out there and get it. it's a fascinating story. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> trevor: "lower ed" is available now. i suggest you go out and ged
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you never wondered? [ whoosh! zap! ] [ glass breaks ] aah! [ male announcer ] try both. pick a side. twix. [ male announcer ] try both. slow wifi at home... guess i'm studyingthat is rough.night. you know... ipad pro has lte like your phone, so you can get internet pretty much anywhere. anywhere! ♪ will the all new kfc georgia gold chicken with its great tasting honey mustard barbeque sauce make you rich and successful? [thud] i don't know. ♪ it's finger lickin' gold!
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the goalie has studied every one of your shots. she knows you're going for her left corner. she even teases you, calling the shot. but her legs are the ones trembling, not yours. ♪ time to shine. orbit. where plans start at onlycricket $30/month. and more 4g lte coverage than t-mobile or sprint. plus, when you switch now you can get a brand new smartphone for free. cricket wireless. something to smile about. >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. "@midnight" is next up. now, here it is, your moment of zen. >> this is what good, conservative health care reform looks like. this is monumental, exciting conservative reform. this is exciting. ♪ i'm so excited i'm so... ( crying ) scared ♪
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>> chris: it's 29 minutes until midnight, and you don't get to make me feel small about that anymore. hawaii, birthplace of the kenyan usurper, is the first state to challenge the new improved trump travel ban. right here trump's signature. "my signature looks like a fence!" no one is getting through that signature. lawyers for the state of hawaii took a break from drinking pink drinks through long straws on a perfect beach to ask a federal judge for a temporary block on the travel ban, claiming it would result in "the establishment of religion in the state of hawaii contrary to its state constitution," and would "inflict immediate damage to hawaii's economy, educational institutions, and tourism industry." then they climbed into t
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