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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  April 20, 2017 11:00pm-11:32pm PDT

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forget it. i'll see her when she comes back. hey, roldy. you do realize what's legal in amsterdam, don't you? oh, yeah. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show"! i'm trevor noah! thank you so much, everybody! and thank you for tuning in! my guest tonight is here to talk about her new documentary series on the porn industry, the amazing rashida jones is here, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) really excited for that. >> but let's start tonight with russia because, if you have been
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worried the tensions with russia are getting out of hand, here's one more reason that you should be. >> russia says, no, it's not building the "terminator." it is, however, teaching a robot to shoot guns in both hands. russia's deputy prime minister says we are not creating a "terminator," but artificial intelligence that will be of great practical significance in various fields. >> trevor: okay. first of all, the moment someone says "we're not building the "terminator,"" they're building the terminator. no one says we're not building the "terminator" if they're brewing kombucha. it's not happening. ( laughter ) i love how they built it to hold guns in both hands so it looks cool. like a robot can't hold guns, it just has guns. an action movie. the russians are, like, we're developing technology to make it do this -- ( laughter ) now, the russians point out that the "not terminator" robot can
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do plenty of other things besides shoot people. it can build a wall as you can see over here. watch out mexico. ( laughter ) it can do repairs, which is basically just other stuff they threw in to distract us -- from the gun thing! and in my opinion, this only makes it worse because don't build a robot that can till kyl you and order it to do bull (bleep) chores. that won't end well for human beings. there is a reason the roombas don't have flame throwers, is your room clean enough now? there is also the reason a robot does work, it gets in the car and drives home. i'm picturing the guy running behind the car holding the extension cord. this is so russia, they have a robert that can drive a car but it's still some (bleep) ass russian car. why not just build a robot that can turn into a car, we've had that technology for four movies, come on, russia. the russians are hilarious, they
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don't just force the robot to do chores, they make it go to the gym for some reason. it's doing pushups, lifting weights. this is how much it's like a human. it spends ten minutes lifting weights, the rest to have the time taking selfies in the locker room mirror. yeah, yeah, #work, #-- this is what worries me the most, though, what if the robots take over russia. if you think vladimir putin is scary, wait till you see the new guy in charge. it's not going to be good. but let's move on, people, because there is something way more important than russian terminator robots. today is 4/20. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: yes. oh, wow! ( cheering ) wow. oh, okay. huh. yeah, i wouldn't have cheered for hitler's birthday, but, um, i guess you guys do you. ( laughter ) it's a bit weird for me. i mean -- no, no, i'm kidding.
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obviously, it's the day that america celebrates weed! yeah! ( cheers and applause ) weed! a/k/a marijuana. a/k/a pot. sticky icky. herb. kind bud. gnarly marley. green mile. emily blunt. afghani toothpaste. tallahassee showdown. grin diesel. potline bling. sour nipple. toasty pretzel. jared kush-ner. anyway, today's basically national weed day. what i noticed, your news anchors smoke a ton of weed. >> you know what today, is 4/20, also known as the unofficial pot smokers holiday. >> the high holy day for those of you who enjoy marijuana.
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>> for all of you at home, waking and baking. >> 4/20. >> it's a high holiday if you're a smoker smoker >> today's ben & jerry's released its new product the chicago, telling fans to get one before it goes up in a puff of smoke. >> it's also national high five day. >> that was really good. >> yea! >> trevor: all right, those people have never smoked weed. they sound like undercover cops on their first day -- greetings fellow stoners, who's got the doobie? i'm looking to get high illegally, you know, the cool way! even the other cops are like, get the (bleep) out of here, narc! ( laughter ) it wasn't always acceptable for people on network tv to joke about smoking weed but it's easier. it's easier to smoke at record levels because americans realizes unnecessarily incarcerating people for marijuana does more harm than good and it's the only way to
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handle all the hot dog crusted pizzas. even though most are moving in that direction, unfortunately there is one very powerful little man who disagrees. >> attorney general jeff sessions directed federal prosecutors to reevaluate marijuana enforcement. >> in a departure from the obama administration, more aggress i've enforcement may be coming. >> i reject the idea we'll be a better place if we have more marijuana and you can just go down to the corner grocery store and get it. >> trevor: all right, all right, calm down, jeff sessions. think of the upside, man -- more people smoke marijuana, more people buy your cookies. hmm? hmm? think about it. ( cheers and applause ) thinkn't think about it it's not cookies, legalizing marijuana already created thousands of full-time jobs and raised hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue a lot of which has gone to public schools, so, you see, kids?
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drugs are cool. ( laughter ) i understand why some people want to band weed. it is a mind altering substance some people abuse and iblghtd get you tied up with the wrong crowd. i mean, snoop smoked so much weed he's hanging out with a convicted criminal now. so you never know. ( laughter ) but i would argue, however dangerous weed is, alcohol is ten times worse, all right, and you can buy that at pretty much every single grocery store. ( applause ) 4/20 is only once a year. miller time is every day. and marijuana being legalized is not just about getting high and going to white castle. there are millions of reasons over half the american population are for legalization. >> new evidence marijuana could help treat symptoms of parkinson's disease. >> there is pretty solid evidence to be helpful in alleviating chronickic pain in adults, nausea in people with chemo and spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis.
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>> marijuana could get people off potentially deadly opiates. >> it's about freedom and the cannabis play. that's why we're here now. >> trevor: i understand the giant talking cannabis leaf might not be the most credible source but you get the point. ( laughter ) there is another reason it's weird trump's attorney general is against marijuana. it might sound crazy but hear me out for a second. i have a theory that president donald trump is always high. ( laughter ) now, did i come up with this theory while i was high? maybe. ( laughter ) but it still made since after i stopped being high. unlike my idea for reusable toilet paper. but hear me out. hear me out. because i think there's, like, strong evidence that the president is always high because just look at it, he forgets people's names, he mixes up iraq and syria, and what do high
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people always do? they forget where they put things. last week, donald trump didn't just lose his keys, he lost the navy. >> earlier this month the white house responded to north korean missile test by sending what president trump called an armada to the korean peninsula, but it turns out those ships were steaming in the opposite direction. >> trevor: and breaking news, we're now getting a new update that the armada is just doing donates out in the middle of the ocean. yeah, those ships were headed to australia. can you imagine how australians are (bleep)ing themselves. we're coming at you, north korea, fire! what i? they're coming at us? tell me this person is not high. ♪ and i gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ because there ain't no doubt -- ♪ ( applause ) >> trevor: huh?
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if donald trump hugged melania that passionately maybe she would live with him! ( audience reacts ) and remember the other day? remember the other day when trump was celebrating easter? that bunny wasn't really there, that's how high he was. we saw it, too! i tell you what sealed the deal for me, people, here's trump in an interview discussing maybe the biggest decision he's made in his presidency, but that is no match for the munchies. >> when you were with the president of china, you're launching these military strikes. >> yes. >> was that planned? how did that come about? >> i was sitting at the table, we had finished dinner, we're now having dessert, and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen. >> trevor: now, why are you talking about cake when you just launched missiles into syria? but then through our interpretive journalism in the data show we got ahold of the
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original footage before fox cleaned it up and all of a sudden it all made sense. >> when you were with the president of china you're launching these military strikes. was that planned? how did that come about? >> i was sitting at the table, we finished dinner, we're now having dessert, and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen -- mm, mm, mm. >> trevor: now i want some cake. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause )
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they said it was impossible to have great-tboom.g light beer. award-winning heineken light, brewed with cascade hops. they also said it was impossible to hypnotize you. you're getting sleepy... watch the beer! ♪ blue moon is brewed mwith valencia orange peel, for a taste that shines brighter.
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[girl] uh, not sure. english what'slit, maybe?? [brad] oo, that means books. there we go. with apartments-dot-com, it's so easy to set up your... [girl] oh! oh! maybe japanese culinary arts? [brad] oh, oh, okay. well...with apartments-dot-com... [girl interupting] no, wait, a vet? [brad] well, that's pet-friendly! okay, cat-world. ah, there we go. hello, sweet... [brad] bless you. [girl] or a pilot! [brad] this could take a while... change your apartment. change the world. out out! get get get! grrr! did you find everything okay, sir? whaaaaat?
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show"! now, since he's been in office, president trump has signed a bunch of new laws and executive orders from the muslim ban to reducing clean water regulations to the one mandating sean spicer conduct all press briefings from the white house dunk tank. but one to have the most interesting laws to me was this one. >> president trump has signed a new law that rolls back internet privacy rules. >> internet providers can now sell your browser history to marketers without your consent. >> a new law makes it easier for companies such as come cast, at&t and verizon to track your online. >> they're trying to predict how
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and what you will buy. >> you can tell an awful lot about me, who i am as a person, maybe my medical person, all kinds of things, my financial situation, that are very personal and private. >> trevor: yeah. donald trump wants to let people buy your secret browsing history, and i've got to say, well played, mr. president, because, now, normal people are forced to let it all hang out just like him. because think about it, donald trump is already just saying everything he's thinking, right? the man is basically browser history-ing in real life. he's walking around like, hot bikini girls! sexiest border wall! can you date your own daughter? i'm feeling lucky! ( laughter ) now, of course, if you would prefer corporations not know every single web site you visit, this is very worrying, because data mining goes deep. corporations can see what you buy online and make unfair judgments about you.
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you can't judge it just from what people buy. if you saw my history online and saw i bought a banana, a cucumber and some lube, you might think that i was up to some weird, kinky sex (bleep) right? contrary. i was simply making a cucumber, banana and lube salad. or if i bought other things, he might think i'm killing my grandmother. no, my aunt. this is a bigger problem for internet use horse watch porn. in other words, internet users. if you can't browse the internet for pictures of actresses feet in privacy what can you do? don't sweat it. a man need leo deblin has the answers. >> are you worried about the i.s.p.s telling your porn browsing history without your consent? you can't trust these internet mother (bleep) but you can trust me. at leo deblin porn cafe you have the freedom to go wherever you
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want online. nobody has to know how freaky you are except for me because it's my internet. for just $13 an hour, you can cruise the internet in anonymity like these people. >> hey! get the (bleep) out of my face! >> if you want to be completely alone for $85 an hour you can get our executive sweet. are you enjoying the porn, sir? >> what? no, no. i'm here to google this rash. insurance companies see this browsing history, my deductible could go up. >> sure thing, buddy. >> no, i'm not looking at porn. >> he looking at porn. we're the only porn cafe with the only truly unhackable form of adult entertainment, vhs. don't let them digitally profile your ass, your privatey shouldn't be for sale. leo deblin's porn cafe. never snitched, never will. ♪ leo deblin's porn cafe
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>> by the fairgrounds next to little caesars. >> trevor: leo deblin, everybody. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ( cheers and appla
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woman: so this happened. zoe brought over some lime-a-rita's to ava's rooftop and that's when we knew it was going to be one of those nights. that's elyse busting out her dance move from summer of '08. looks like we're staying here tonight. lime-a-rita. make it a margarita moment. lime-a-rita. [ upbeat music playing ] [ grunt ] let's go baby. woo! yeah! boom! [ music playing ] rated pg-13. hey! you'll want to sit down for this...
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because you can get a large, two-topping pizza hut pizza for $7.99 delivered. which you can reorder using the hut seat. ok. that thing is ridiculous. simply reorder on your phone with just a few clicks. it's the easiest way to order. no one out pizzas the hut
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an actor, writer, director who's also an executive producer of the new netflix documentary series "hot girls wanted: turned on." >> the typical structure of a pornographic movie is that the man is the main character. it's about him. it's about his desire. that really didn't work out for me because, when i have sex with someone, it's about both of us. when you show sex, it should be based on values where you feel that the people in it, that they are connected, that the they are respecting each other -- >> trevor: please welcome rashida jones.
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( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me here. >> trevor: are you kidding me? this is amazing. i have been a fan of yours for such a long time. >> that's nice. >> trevor: this is really wonderful. i met your dad the other day. >> he's a legend. >> trevor: yes, he is, quincy jones is a legend. >> he literally is a legend. >> trevor: he's literally a legend. >> yeah. >> trevor: he's one to have the coolest men i've ever met. so i met him. he was sitting down at an event, i wasn't supposed to be there. i didn't make contact, i walked past and he grabbed my arm. he's, like, come here, young man. he's, like, let me tell you something, i really like your show. i thought he was just being nice. i was, like, oh, you're very kind. he's, like, i don't have time to be kind! i'm an old man! i don't need to flatter you with the (bleep)! i'm old! >> that sounds right. >> trevor: let's talk about
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this docu' series. it's fascinating. you made an original featuring film on porn and netflix said let's make it into a longer series. will this be like the fast and furious, eight of them? >> what's the latest? fate of the furious. >> so it's porn of the furious? >> trevor: that's a good title. porn to have the furious. >> i think i helped their franchise. >> trevor: i think it works. >> we made this film called hot girls one. i produced it. it's about 18-year-old girls who go to miami, answer craig list ads to venture into amateur porn, and it was one area of the business. there is so much more to talk about when it comes to sex and technology and porn. porn is the obvious meeting of the two, but there is other things like, you know, dating online and social media and how it affects us and our intimacy and our connection, our does connection and sexuality. >> trevor: i really enjoyed in the series of the episodes i saw
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how you document the story of how porn has changed over the years which is a strange thing you consider. people go porn is porn. porn now has become more violent. it's become more quicker. when i was young, porn had a story line. now, i didn't enjoy the story but i watched it. >> tolerated it. >> trevor: i tolerated it. someone knocks on the door, delivering pizza. it's not a pizza. ( laughter ) but porn has changed, and that has changed how young people see sex now. >> yeah, so two things have changed. one is porn is so much more accessible. >> trevor: yeah. >> and there is so much more kinds of porn. so you have everybody's fantasies being realized in this place where anybody can get access to it, that includes a lot of young people. so, you know, 50% of kids in this country have had two or less days of sex ed. so for the most part, they're going to learn about sex from porn. >> trevor: that's a horrible place to learn about sex. >> it's not realistic. i mean, it's definitely not
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realistic. you know, it is created as adult entertainment and fantasy and it shouldn't be a useful tool to learn how to have sex. >> trevor: did it shock you to see how desensitized many young people have become to sex and the dangers that come with it as a whole? >> i think that's just kind of a natural by-product of technology and the internet across the board which is it takes away the humanity. you don't have to kind of see somebody face to face. you're shopping for, you know, things on your amazon card and putting in toilet paper, then you're on your tinder app looking at faces and swiping them to the left, right -- to the left? >> trevor: depends on what they look like. ( laughter ) >> whichever the bad way, whichever the no way is. you're just disregarding everything about a person -- >> trevor: left. >> left. not that either of us would know that. >> trevor: no, no, of course not. >> but you're just saying no to everything about that person and you don't have to deal with
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their humanity. so in a way it's designed to make us not accountable on every level and i think it's especially dangerous when you're talking about intimacy and connection and people. >> trevor: a don't you think we're doing that in real life? i think in real life people swipe left or right. >> if we went on a date and i said -- >> trevor: tell me more about the story. >> hey, we went on a date and i liked you and you never called me back. yeah, you can't do that. >> trevor: i can't do that. >> if you ghost me, which is where people just stop writing back, you have to turn your back and run away. >> trevor: yes. >> you probably wouldn't do that. >that. >> trevor: no. >> you would be, i'm so sorry, i didn't know i hurt you. >> trevor: i would bac back away while looking at you. >> okay. >> trevor: i feel that's more appropriate. if you said why didn't you call me back? i would do this thing, i would be, uh-huh, uh-huh, and it's more personal. >> you're looking at me. >> trevor: i see you as a person. >> i feel great about that. >> trevor: that's the most
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important thing. >> thank you. >> trevor: thanks for being on the show. "hot girls wanted: turned on." streaming on in effect this friday, rashida jones! friday, rashida jones! we'll be right back! man, i'm really craving a dr pepper. friday, rashida jones! we'll be right back! ♪ craverider! he always has a dr pepper. ♪ heads up. ♪ when you're craving dr pepper! ♪ craverider, hit me. sorry, man, that was my last one. but your song just said you always have dr pepper? i got you. ♪ craverider! he's spraying dr pepper ♪ ♪ cause he's out of dr pepper! ♪ see you guys. woo! the one you crave.
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[squ♪wking bird] ♪ [bees swarming] canelo be bold. ♪ hey hey canelo... ♪ bueno, be bold, put the... hey be bolder. ♪ no te pierdas canelo versus chavez junior en vivo por pay per view tecate light born bold. ♪ ♪i'ma wade, i'ma wave through the waters♪ ♪tell the tide, "don't move" ♪freedom! freedom! i can't move ♪freedom, cut me loose! ♪freedom! freedom! where are you?♪ ♪cause i need freedom too!
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♪freedom! freedom! freedom! freedom!♪ ♪what you want from me? ♪is it truth you seek? oh father can you hear meee...ooow?♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show for
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tonight! thank you so much for tuning in! here it is, your moment of zen. >> i tell you what, i've never had a glass of alcohol. >> never? >> i've had other problems. >> what are they? get specific. >> that i can't talk about. that tcomedy central ( cheers and applause ) . >> chris: its' 29 minutes until midnight, you know what, i feel great, skin is amazing, sleep like a baby, i don't even miss midnight any more. if we learned anything from the ken dal jenner issue it is that any issue can be exploited for corporate gain without zero repercussions t is only natural that a old rich dudes would flip the switch for climate change, it might as well be the koch brothers, this is an organization funned by the right


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