tv The Daily Show Comedy Central May 16, 2017 1:40am-2:11am PDT
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- do you pledge allegiance to the flag? - i pledge it! i pledge that [bleep] allegiance! - hallelujah! all: yay! - you want us to kick 'em out of here, lar? - no. no, leave them alone. it's a nice change to see people happy at the dmv. perhaps we here at the dmv can start changing as well. perhaps instead of treating people badly, we can offer them comfort and hope. why, the dmv can be a place where people come to get things off their chest, confess, yes, but also be told that they're worth something in this world. and then dmvs everywhere can become a place where people feel safe. and when they do something wrong, we can offer forgiveness. don't you see what this could lead to? don't you see what we could become? - the dmv was shut down today after rampant allegations of sex with young boys. the heads of the dmv were arrested, and the director stated, "hey, it came with the territory." with the dmv shut down, americans have been asked to confess all wrongdoings at their nearest post office.
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we've just received word that the u.s. postal service has been shut down due to rampant allegations of sex with young boys. it now appears that the only people who can be trusted with confessions and guidance is your local news station. wmz news will be back in... a young boy. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters if new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to the "the daily show"! thank you so much for tuning in! i'm trevor noah! our guest tonight is timothy snyder, the aw author of new bok on tyranny which is titled "on tyranny," which is the way every book should be titled.
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if "moby dick"'s title was on big ass whales, i would have read it. right to the news. remember last week when trump administration was in deep (bleep) after the firing of comey, then suspicions raced on relations with russia, and the day after that he hosted russia's two top diplomats in the oval office. then we're, like, oh, man, can't get worse, we're wrong. >> breaking news. president trump reportedly revealed highly classified administration to russia's foreign minister and ambassador in a white house meeting last week, this according to "the washington post" which cites current and former u.s. officials saying trump's disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intel yedges on ticks. >> trevor: i knew it! ( laughter ) no, i knew something was up when i saw president trump with the russians, and they were smiling. there's only two times a russian man smiles, the day he dies, and
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this. ( laughter ) once again, this sounds like a story we would invent. trump invites the russians into the oval offers, then in his meeting starts bragging -- i get great intel! i have people brief me on great intel every day. and then proceeds to give them the intel. ( laughter ) he probably doesn't even know what intel is short for. my intel vision is the best. it gets the highest ratings! best ratings of all. ( laughter ) what's really sad about this is that donald trump is trying to impress the russians with the fact that he's president. they know! the guy's there, like, yeah, do you guys know that i'm president? and they're like, yes, that is how we planned it, yes, of course. ( applause ) like, right now, right now, if i were putin back in moscow, i
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would be, like, this is trap, no? no, it can't be this easy. come on. ( laughter ) because you know they thought it would be harder, figuring out hide -- out how to hide bugs in the oval office. trump is like, hey! is that a microphone? i love those! one two, one two -- here are my secrets... ( laughter ) before you get the hopes up, the white house called "the washington post" report false and, in any case, even if it wasn't called that, the chance of donald trump getting into trouble for this is next to nothing because a president almost by definition can't leak classified information. once a president says it, it's declassified. that's the law. it's a crazy law but it's true. i'm sorry. right now it feels like trump is doing everything he criticized hillary for doing during the campaign, mishandling national security secrets, under threat of f.b.i. investigation.
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at the this rate, he's going to faint in public. "i also lost my shoe!" ( laughter ) at least now we know there are no aliens, yeah, because if there were, donald trump would have told us by now. like, he would have leaked it immediately "e.t. used my samsung to phone home! he did it, folks!" so the good news is trump listens during intel briefings, and the bad news is trump listens during intel briefings. ( laughter ) let's move on. from new information to information that should have been forgotten a long time ago. >> more than 150 years after the civil war critics are pushing to remove confederate monuments across the south. they say the statutes celebrate slavery and suppression. >> in new orleans, a statue of jefferson davis was removed, second of four confederate monuments to come down. >> the removal of these statutes
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sends an unequivocal message and to the people of the nation that new orleans celebrates diversity. >> trevor: yes, people. 150 years. ( applause ) 150 years after the civil war, the south decided it might be time to take down confederate memorials. and i've decided to stop wearing my m.c. hammer plants. it's harmer time. new orleans is also tearing down their confederate statutes which is how you know something is bad. if even new orleans can't celebrate it, you know it's bad. they celebrate everything. everything out there. the best concert i've ever been to my life was a new orleans funeral, the best thing ever ♪ ♪ oh, tell it on the mountain ♪ yeah!
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you can see the removal of the statutes as a funeral of the confederacy. but a few people are having a hard time parting with the things they love. as monuments are coming down, protests are popping up. >> supporters and opponents demonstrated yesterday at a statue of robert e. lee, one of three statutes scheduled for removal. >> trevor: now that's some racism my mom can get behind. if she saw it she would be, like, yes, send my son back to africa! yes! i miss him so much! send him home. mother's day isn't the same on facetime, send him home! if i was a priet supremacist, which i'm not, i would spend every weekend in a hammock. not only is donald trump the president, but also jeff sessions is running the justice department, and let me tell you
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this -- that racist will do much more for white supremacy than any statue can. chill. seriously. why supremacy in trump america, you should basically chill on the bleach with lots of sun block, obviously. the last thing you want to get is darker. that's the last thing you want. you will hate yourself more than you already do. but clearly white supremacy is a full-time job because this weekend, they were back at it again. >> to virginia now, more heated protests yesterday, white nationalists richard spencer and dozens of others rallied against the removal of a statue honored confederate general robert e. lee. nearby another protest continued into the night led by spencer, group held tiki torches and chanted racist phrases. >> trevor: i don't know if i'm exposing my age, but i remember when racists put effort into it. tiki torches, really? ( laughter ) you know, i could respect a guy who came in with a hand-made torch, the real deal!
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yeah, you hate me, but at least you put time into it. these assholes popped into the porch makeover section of peer one and probably lied about why 245eur7 there. what do you need? torches are. you guys racists? no, we're having a wil luau! ( laughter ) you don't even have to whatever -- to hear what they're saying to know they're bad. they're holding torches. when a group is holding torches, they're bad. single torch, you're hunting for treasure. group of torches, you're hunting for something else, very different. not only did these assholes not take the time to get the right supplier, they didn't even figure out their mission statement. >> the crowd chanted all white lies matter, rulings is our friend and you will not replace us, protesters said they are protecting their heritage. >> we are a people, we are not be replaced!
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>> we are not white sprem zests wrerks just white people who love our heritage, culture, european identity. >> trevor: these guys are all over the place. some chanting white lives matter, nazi slogans, pro russia and burning torches, they're like an evil potpourri, which, in my opinion, is all potpourri. you come i -- i come in your hoe and see that and you don't think i'm going to eat it you lying potpourri! for more perspective, we with turn to our white heritage correspondent michelle wolf, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) michelle, i'm confused by this thing. quliewrp thoughts on this week's protest? >> just a start, looking at white supremacist richard spencer squeeze into that blazer, now you know why the kkk stuck with robes.
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like, hey, dick, your suit's having its own civil war right now. and i don't think that union's going to hold. >> trevor: no, no, no, michelle, michelle. i'm not talking about the fashion. i'm talking about the whole celebration of it, you know. is honoring the confederacy racist or is it -- >> it's racist, yeah, it's racist. >> trevor: but i know it seems that way, but maybe this is about celebrating white heritage. >> sure, it's about celebrating the racist part of white heritage. because when i celebrate my white heritage, i go for the part that fought to end slavery and started yoga. >> trevor: yoga came from india. >> mmm, i'm pretty sure it was my friend rachel in brooklyn. ( laughter ) seriously, these confederate celebrations, they should be illegal. >> trevor: whoa, michelle, the foundation of america is free speech. >> i'm not talking about free speech. i'm taking about the real foundation of america --
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winning! in america, we don't celebrate losers. we send losers to the woods. i love hillary, but after she lost, she knew what was coming. it was time to make tea from acorns. >> trevor: wow, that seems harsh. >> sounds like something a loser would say. the confederates lost and america hates losers! you don't hear michael jordan saying, enough about all those "chicago" championships, let's talk about the washington wizards years or my crippling gambling addiction! >> trevor: yeah, but, michelle, it's hard for people to think a piece of their history is going to be wiped out. >> it won't be wiped out. confederate memorials belong where we put the rest of our lieuers, the museum, the telegraph lost to the telephone, museum. dinosaurs to the astroids, museum. and the random stick that lost to the dildo, museum! so you get your
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least 200,000 victims. >> a malware virus known as wanna cry attacking tens of thousands of computers in companies, universities and hospitals. hackers demanding money to unhack critical files. >> trevor: i feel like the joke was ton hackers. they thought they would make millions and didn't. most people use their computers at work. if you hacked me and i was at work, i would be like, yeah, i'm fine. i'm going home, mr. hacker. if you're a hacker, what are you going to do with that extra money? buy a new sign that says, knock, mom? what are you going to do with it? and look at that map. look how many cases there are around the world. except africa. see that? look at that map. yeah, like a reverse ebola map. yeah, the one virus we didn't get.
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africa should start doing to the world what the world did to us. oh, i'm sorry, we cannot allow american computers into our continent until your virus is contained. i'm so sorry. don't come here with your computers, huh? don't come here. don't come here. ( applause ) no one knows yet exactly who is responsible for this huge attack, but we do know how it works. >> the virus first infects a computer through a bad link in an email then quickly spreads through an organization's network locking computers, encrypting files and demanding $300 in bitcoin. >> trevor: this is where i have a problem. if you're a hacker, you should probably make it easier for people to pay you because most people have no idea what bitcoin even is. i hope the hackers have a tech support hotline so people can call in. hey, man! i don't know what bitcoin is. he's, you will pay me $300 in bitcoin. hello?
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yes, a bitcoin is a crypt currency. you go to what do you mean it's not loading. all right, did you turn off your router? yeah, and turn it back on. no, turn it -- no, no, go to bit -- no -- okay, listen, do you have venmo? you know what, just send me the check. send me a check. i just want to get off this call. i'm done. what do you mean you're not done? i'm done. i want to be done. what do you mean i must pay you $300 to be done with this call? ( laughter ) now, this attack was huge. it was a massive attack worldwide, but great britain was one of the worst hit places with even their national health service being forced to shut down. meanwhile, america came out relatively unscathed. but if you watch the news, you would have thought the complete opposite. >> we're getting reports that some hospitals have been hit by a cyberattack.
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computer and telephone systems are down and staff are having to use pen and paper. >> breaking news tonight, a massive cyberattack and hospitals held for ransom, emergency rooms closed. tonight the u.s. on alert -- >> trevor: we'll be right back. or as they say in america -- i don't know if we'll ever be back! ( cheers and applause ) hi guys. it's great to be here. in the desert. at the mall. on the mountain. at school. at the beach. in the big easy. yeah. yeah. today i want to show you guys the next-gen chevy equinox. what do you think? that's pretty. pretty sexy. it's all-wheel drive. look at that. it looks aggressive. but not overbearing. it's not too big. not too small. it looks like it can go off-roading. but at the same time, it looks like a car you can take to a nice event. you can dress it up
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or dress it down. seems like the perfect car for anybody. i would take it anywhere. i want one. i love it. she's a bad mama jama. chevy stepped their game up. what ari can explain...s 11pm. you should be out there disappointing your father. i need to clean this place up. bloopy, bad judgement and loopy. hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented snickers® crisper.
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blue moon is brewed mwith valencia orange peel, for a taste that shines brighter. ♪ ♪since i came to know you baibe ♪i've been telling you how sweet you're.♪ ♪i've been telling you how good you're.♪ ♪please tell me how i look. ♪you look so good, fantastic man.♪ ♪ any day now, mom. [singing] lil' sweet comin' out of deep end...totally dry. take this! mama, give your lungs a breather; those tired lips deserve something sweeter - a diet dr pepper. mmm, sweet. mama likes it sweet! diet dr pepper. [singing] it's the sweet one.
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that's why we're america's fastest-growing auto brand. get 0% financing for up to 72 months on 11 models. ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back. my guest tonight is a history professor at yale university and the author of "on tyranny: twenty lessons from the twentieth century." please welcome timothy snyder! ( cheers and applause ) ♪
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>> trevor: welcome to the show. >> so glad to be here. >> trevor: you have written a book about tyranny now. i don't understand why would you do this now? i can't think of one good reason. >> yeah, the reason is everything that we know about history, and the reason is the best american tradition, which is when you're in a moment of peril like this one, you look around for how other people have failed, and you learn from them. so that's what the framers of our constitution did, but now we have 200 more years of failed democracy and 200 years of smart people we can learn . from the book tries to get that across in about 20 minutes. >> trevor: i will say what i enjoy about the book is it's tiny, easy to get through and it's super interesting. you've got a lot of history in this field. excuse the pun, but you've studied the rise of fascism in
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the 1930s, written a dozen books or. so if you were to look at the trump administration, what similarities would you say you see between the rice of fascism in pre-world war ii germany and the u.s. right now. >> history is bracing on the one hand because it tells us how bad things can get. we're in the second globalization now. the first globalization had opponents, crises, contradictions, like the first world war, the second world war, the great depression, hitler, stalin. on the other hand, history is bracing because it tells us what we can learn and what we can do, that there are alternatives. so how with -- so how are we like the theircies? globalization challenged. that's similar. far right says globalization has a face, maybe jewish, maybe dark, that's also similar. mr. trump, in marks in his rallies and speech is a bit like a fascist.
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there are things we have to watch out for. but history empowers and helps us get out testify traps. we have to look at it first. >> trevor: if we're looking at history and the core differences, what are the differences? are the differences that hitler knew when he was leaking information? like, what would you say the core differences are in terms of what america is dealing with now versus any leader, not just hitler and the past? >> so there's a reason why i don't use mr. trump's name in the book is because it's not really about mr. trump. it's really about us. history is there for us. it expands what we can see. it expands what we can learn. >> trevor: right. >> so although it is really important that mr. trump invites russians to the oval office with digital equipment at their sides and spills national security secrets, that's important. >> trevor: that is important. >> yeah, so i'm agreeing with your opening. >> trevor: okay. >> but it may be even more important that the germans and the soviets and the other people of the 20th century who saw
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democracy collapse were just as smart as we are or maybe smarter, so it may be time for us to learn from them what we can do to defend democracy. that's the book. >> trevor: that's interesting because some of these chapters are really fascinating in what they say. chapter ten is "believe in truth," and you write "to abandon facts is to abandon freedom. if nothing is true, no one can criticize power because there is no basis upon which to do so. if nothing is true, all is spectacle, the biggest wallet pays for the most behinding lights ." that's powerful. why is post truth so powerful? >> back to the question about fascism. fascism says nothing is true, your daily life is not important, the facts you think you understand is not important, all that matters is the myth, the myth of one nation together, the mystical connection with the leader. when we think of post-truth, we think it's something new and canvasses and is relevant.
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it paves the way to regime change. if we don't have access to facts, we can't trust each other. without trust, no law, without law, no democracy. if you want to rip out the heart of demock circumstances you go after facts, and that's what modern authoritarians do. step one, lie to yourself all the time. step two, say it's your opponents and the journalists who lie. step three, everyone looks around and says what is truth, there is no truth, and resistance is impossible and game's over. >> trevor: wow. ( applause ) you know, my favorite thing about the book other than the steps in it and the stories you tell is that it's tiny, so you can keep it in your pocket, and then when the tyranny is chasing you, you can be, like, aaaaaa! what did he say again? aaaaaa! oh, you have one as well. "on tyranny: twenty lessons from
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