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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  June 1, 2017 1:40am-2:11am PDT

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you bigger fags! - no one is killing anyone! [shotguns cocking] we've had enough. you faggots get the hell out of our town. - all right, everyone. all right! we are fags! yeah, we're fags. we're total fags. and you know what? we like it! - yeah, we like bein' fags. - so go ahead, america. whenever you pass by harley riders like us, roll down your window and yell, "faggots!" all you kids out there, when you see us, walk up to us and say, "hello, fags!" no, really. we want you to. at least we're cool enough to embrace who we are. right, guys? - that's right! - yeah, yeah! - you got it, yeah! - come on, fags, let's roll out! [imitating motorcycles]
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- and that, mr. editor, is why they are the true definition of fags. - let there be no perplexity, those individuals are the legitimate faggots! the definition shall be replaced! [cheers and applause] - we did it! - yeah, we did it, you guys! - oh, it's over! it's finally over! - today we've made history. comedy central from come do central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor
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noah. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome to the daily show. thank you so much for tuning in. i'm trevor noah. couldn't be more excited, tonight from the hit netflix show dear white people logan browning is joining us, everybody. she's going to be right here it will be a really fun conversation. but first, and let's get right into this. a whole new word. >> last night the president apparently starting to write something on twitter about the media, despite the constant negative press, perhaps he was going to write coverage, he wrote the word covfefe and it stayed up for an entire six hours before it was taken down this morning. >> trevor: you know what, i don't foa about america, but donald trump has definitely made twitter great again. say what you want, say what you want. and i'm just going to enjoy this moment. i don't care, coverage, no
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coverage, i don't care. people were searching covfefe on the internet like its with a kim kardashian news, people were on it. you know what made this twitter mystery, donald trump sent out covfefe and deleted it six hours later it wasn't even a compleat sentence y did he stop, did someone tackle him. was he letting the tweet marinade overnight, what, like, there were so many theories am i was thinking maybe, maybe trump was twieping-- typing on his phone, still jet lagged from his trip, he doazs off and the phone fell between the white house sofa cushions. so then he's reaching, that has happened to all of us, you fall asleep and are you reaching for it and you are trying to get and he was trying to retrieve did but got distracted because of all the other stuff he was finding, got to get it, got to get it, oh, remote control, all right, no more cnn. like-- $10 bill, score. what else, obama's real birth
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certificate! oh my god, oh my god! he was born in kenya. i knew it. he was born in kenya, wait what does it say on the back, psych donald you dumb ass, damn you, obama, damn you. now as much, look, as much as covfefe was a gaffe t must have been nice for the white house to have a trump blunder that for a change didn't threaten national security, all right. and more importantly, it provided a welcome distraction from the fallout that came from his recent foreign trip. >> multiple signs of deep divisions between the president and other leaders.o3 >> an extraordinary riff has appeared between transatlantic friends. >> germ man chancellor merkel bluntly saying the u.s. is no longer a reliable partner. >> the trip to nato was an absolute, positive disaster. >> a state department official who told the daily beast that when it comes to diplomacy president trump is a drunk tourist, loud and tacky, shoving his way around the dance floor. >> trevor: okay, that last one
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is disrespectful. let's be honest. first of all, donald trump doesn't drink, all right, he's this way with booze. secondly, he can't dance, we know that. that's true. he can't. look, no, when he does, it just looks like a monster who has been chained up. now the administration came back from a foreign trip and faced this criticism it would work hard to defend itself, maybe address the substance of some of the concerns, but this is the trump administration, they didn't get here by being normal yvment try to wrestle someone else's narrative when you can just create your own. >> sean spicer! >> i want to begin by recapping the incredible, historic trip that the president and first lady have just concluded because it truly was an extraordinary week for america and our people. we have never seen before at this point in a presidency such sweeping reassurance of american interests. this is an extraordinarily successful and historic nine day trip the president took,
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outstanding success, universe praise, quote in the short space of three days trump carried out a semirevolution. >> trevor: wow. wow. a semirevolution. like what does that mean? when you cut off half the king's head. i don't know what that means. did you see how incredible that was. not only is the administration ignoring all of the criticism of the trip, they are basically saying it was the greatest presidential trip of all time. and i don't care what you say, you have to admire that, right? to help understand this, think of the trump administration as a chef. before the trip they would make excuses for where they burned your food. sean spicer and his team come to the table, i'm so sorry for what happened to your health care all fread-- alfredo. you must remember, the chef is an outsider. he never cooked before, is he more of a businessman than a chef so i think in time will you come to understand. but that was of about the new plan this administration has is attack. it's all about attack now. now the chef just comes to your table and explains to you why
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your burnt ass rock steak is the finest meal you've ever had. just walks up like before you say anything, let me tell you about the truest way to enjoy your food. the untainted by the oven, you're welcome. it is a new attack. and the question is, what gives sean spicer the confidence to go out there and say straight faced that donald trump is now the patron saint of diplomacy. well, it's because he knows that a large part of population, you may know them as republicans, who believe that donald trump is far more credible than most news outlets. so if trump says millions of illegals voted in the election, they believe it. if trump says obama wiretapped him, they believe that too. if trump says covfefe, look, they don't know what it means, but dam it, they believe it. trump's whole political career has taught us that he doesn't need anyone's reality but his own. and that's why his staff isn't just praising him as the world's
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greatest diplomat, now they are praising him as the world's greatest human. >> the white house spokeswoman released this statement, president trump has a magnetic person alt and exudes positive energy. he is both great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. he is brilliant with a great sense of humor and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible. >> trevor: wow. great sense of humor and an amazing ability to make people feel special that sounds less like donald trump and more like gandhi combined with ellen. who would be the greatest talk show host of all time. let's be honest. it's so infectious, you just want to do it as well. to understand what trump and his
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administration are doing, all we need to do is turn our gaze to authoritarian. you look at other leaders in the world who share his personality. for instance, north korean media they spend most of their time praising kim jungun who they say, this is true, never needs to go to the rest ram because his body is so well calibrated. and i don't know, there may be some truth to it because look at that body. no, i mean, tell me it doesn't look like he has been holding it in for 30 years. it's possible. this type of prp ganda is normal in a place like north korea but here in america it's weird because trump is trying to create his own little north korea while the rest of us are like yo, we've got the internet, with he know the truth. and you know how you know it's the truth, because there are moments, there are moments where people in the government who are not trained in the ar of breep bleep are asked to defend trump's policies. >> like this poor career state department official who yesterday had to answer for some of trump's incoherent policy statements. >> well, you were over there the
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secretary crittized the conduct of the iranian elections and iran's record of democracy. you did so to saudi official how would you characterize saudi arabia's democracy and does they ever believe it is a barrier against extremism. >> um-- . >> i think what we would say is that-- . >> trevor: every time i watch that video i think my computer froaz. it's almost like he's just waiting for the time to run out, how many seconds left, how many seconds, how many seconds. now look, the strategy of defying reality has spread beyond the white house. like last night, when covfefe gait broke one of trump's most loyal cable news advocates cnn pundit kaleigh mcenany managed
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to spin a positive from what was a plain out [bleep]. she tweeted covfefe, our president is human, hilarious, fun to watch, let's go nuts. an intentional dog will chase the tail tweet. so according to her, not only did trump not mess up, but he deliberately wrote covfefe to drive his enemies crazy, yeah. and clearly this is the supreme leader's new strategy. trump didn't screw up in up yoo. he succeeded historicalliment he didn't fall asleep while tweeting, he humiliated his enemies, covfefe isn't a typo, it is a fantastic new word. >> the national spelling bee all comes down to this. for the win. >> your word is covfefe. >> can you use it in a sentence. >> despite the constant negative press, covfefe. >> can you use it in a full sentence? >> no. >> can you define the word?
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>> just get off my bleep bleap and spell it. >> okay. covfefe. c-o-v-r-e-f-e, covfefe. >> wow, yeah, that is correct. congratulations. you win a job in the white house. what? no. i just wanted a scholarship. >> trevor: we'll be right covfefe. at chili's, we celebrate with a meal. even if all we're celebrating, is the meal. with our 3 course meal for $10, get a salad, your choice of entrée, and a mini-molten cake. tonight at chili's. gererefreshing beer plus of entrée, and a mini-molten cake. the crisp taste of apples. it's a love story the likes of romeo and juliet. but you know, without all of the tragic stuff. hey. hey? redd's apple ale. together we beer.
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♪someday you'll let me put my way ycomb up there♪air♪ ♪'til then you're beautiful and i just stare♪ ♪ 5 truth or dare is back.
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i decided to see if there was a way for design to play a... ...positive role in what was going on in the world. there's a jacket that's reflective for visibility... ...a sleeping bag jacket, jackets that turn into tents. i usually do my fashion sketches on the computer. i love drawing on the screen. there's no lag time at all. it feels just like my markers. with fashion, you can dress people and help people. it's really cool to see your work come to life.
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mmm.before mom gets home.d up, that'll work. dentastix cleans... so you can get closer.
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. summer is right around the corner. and that means blockbuster movies, huge stars, crazy special effects, and 20 dollars for a concern elf popcorn. but this week be's big release is wonder woman. a hero so strong that she broke an invisible ceiling. >> one film is breaking new ground. wonder woman is the first feature film about the comic book character and the first comic book blockbuster directed by a woman. >> the woman is the first big budget movie focused on a female comic book character in more than a decade. >> trevor: that's right. not only that, it is also the only summer blockbuster that mike pence isn't allowed to see
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without his wife. for more on the expectations surrounding this movie we turn to our own female super hero, michelle wolf, everybody. (applause). >> trevor: michelle, you must be excited for wonder woman. >> hey, don't you tell me how to feel! but yes, i'm actually very excited. i love superhero movies. >> trevor: i mean, it's not just that you love superhero movies. aren't you also excited because it is a female superhero movie. this say win for women, right? >> oh yeah, that is the part i'm not excited about. see wonder woman is coolk but everyone is putting way too much pressure on this movie. like everything for women hingees on its success or failure. you know when it feels like women are equal at the box office, when we get to make a bad superhero movie and then immediately make another bad one. men get chance after chance to make superhero movie. no one loves crappy batman verse superman saying i guess we're done making man movies.
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and that movie was so bad. it was the worst thing that ever happened to bruce wayne at a theatre. >> trevor: i don't think that's true. anyway, i hear what you are saying. but let's be honest. at least wonder woman is finally a step in the right direction. >> oh yeah, but it's probably only because hollywood ran out of ideas. i mean think about t before they made a wonder woman movie there had been eight batman movies, five spiderman movies, eight movies where he pretends vin diesel is smart the. and then they were like now should we make a woman movie. no, no, come on, we have other ideas. i mean how about a movie where there say storm made of sharks. and then we'll make four more of those. and then they were like okay, fine, we'll make one wonder woman. god, this feels like the netflix cue of axe body spray. >> trevor: that is a lot of guy movies. but i guess i hear what you are saying, i will be honest am when women making films is no longer
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a big deal or even a story, i guess that is when you will be excited. >> you know when i will be really excited, not just when we have female superheroes but when we have ugly female superheroes. like ugly. real, real grossies, you know, like men get, like a hulk or a thing or a nick las cage. his forehead it huge. like so ugly that you think, you think that's her superpower. like oh, do you kill criminals with your face. >> no, i stop time with my brain. >> trevor: i kind of feel bad for this hero now. >> don't, she gets laid all of the time. captain america, thor, her dildo is groot. and you know what it says. >> trevor: i am groot, yeah, i know, i know. i guess, until that movie gets made which will be x rated by the way, we do have wonder woman and the reviews have been good so far. but i guess what i am learning from you is even if it failed.
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>> it's too bad but it doesn't reflect at all on women's ability to make movies and tell their own story. >> trevor: cool, that makes sense. and if wonder woman say big hit. >> it proves once and for all that women are greater than men, that we deserve to make every movie from now on, we finally get to be president, giferls rule, boys grool, hashtag her story, and vibrating groot for everybody. >> trevor: thank you very much, i don't think that's at chili's, we celebrate with a meal. even if all we're celebrating, is the meal. with our 3 course meal for $10, get a salad, your choice of entrée, and a mini-molten cake. tonight at chili's. gettof apples per year.tsof entréetwenty-three pounds cake. and drinks 270 beers per year. beer plus the crisp taste of apples? looks like redd's saved everyone a step. redd's apple ale. together we beer.
2:01 am
[ male announcer ] cats will do anything for the irresistible taste of temptations treats. what are you doing? oh, here, check this out. ♪ [ meows ] temptations. cats can't resist.
2:02 am
man: let's go! man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered.
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and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules. can you stop using the bullhorn? spicy, crispy at kchicken sandwiches. e... not because it is easy... but because it is hard. we choose not only to launch kfc's new zinger sandwich and a $5 dollar fill up... but to take it to space. will it be easy? no. will it be hard? yes. we've already covered that. but when we succeed... we will lick our fingers good! space sandwich! yeah! try the zinger sandwich before it goes to space.
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. my guest tonight is an actor who stars in the netflix series dear white people. >> you know i'm biracial so technically. >> don't, you're not rashida jones, are you tracey ellis ross, we met in the common section of that medium article you wrote. don't fall in love with your oppressor, a black girl's guide to. >> what is crazy is you got guys wanting to treat your bath water. is he literally-- you pass him up for. >> i thought i knew who i was. >> i thought i knew who i wanted but when i'm with him, i don't
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know,-- . >> trevor: please welcome logan browning. (applause) welcome to the show. >> thank you. you've got a great crowd. >> trevor: these guys are amazing. >> nothing wrong with that. >> i have the best crowd. >> trevor: welcome to the show. thank you for being here. i am honestly one of the biggest fans of dear white people. i remember when the show was first announced, there were people online who try to make a boycott statement about it, like oh, you can't watch this dear white people it will be a racei show. but honestly it has been one of the most nuanced shows about race, just working on it has your perspective on race and the conversations around it changed? >> yes, like constant conversation, i feel like. i mean we talk about race in ermt dids of our ethnicities but
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we all are just the human race. but we can't ignore color and colorism and what america is built on, slavery. and it is just constantly starting conversations. i am constantly thinking about what people see me as. and how i view other people. so it's been refreshing to have this kind of resurgence of interest in who we are as a peoplement because i feel like americans are so, we separate ourselves from each other. we are not really unified and i think this show kind of does that for us. >> trevor: it's an interesting journey. for those who haven't seen t you really should. it's a story based on a fictitious university. and you are the character is sam white and you have a radio show entitled dear white people which obviously the white people are not enthused by. and it really is, like in the show they call it, it is a woke radio show where you just call out what is happening on campus. but it not cut and dry.
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a lot of the time there are mistakes that sam's character makes. >> a lot of them. >> trevor: in and around the world of race. one of those is, one of my favorites she calls out a character on the radio, she says are you bhiet, that why are you privileged. actually i'm a black guy calling in. >> sorry about that, brother. >> trevor: here carry on fighting the fight. do you think sometimes that journey is something that is merged in real life, judging people before we know the full extent of who they are? >> that's unfortunately how we are all raised. we are raised on our own biases, our parent's biases in the world, you know. stereotypes that they have created for us. so in that moment, someone like sam is wrong. and i think that's good to show, you know, not everyone is perfect. not everyone has the same views. i don't know. i'm still figuring it out, really. >> trevor: can i tell you, no, that is what i liked about the show is that it is messy. so you have your character sam, her best friend cocoa who deals with race from a different side. she goes i'm dark skinned, i
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face a different world. and she deals with your character in a different way because they're sisters but every now and again color is something that comes up in their lives. >> i think hen you have the black caucus scenes which are scenes in the fictional school, all of the black students together and they are self-governing, what you get to see is that within one community not everyone has the same opinions on anything. and i think that is a common misconception within groups of people. the thing about cocoa and sam that is special is these girls were connected early on in their relationship just on a human level. and when the ideas of colorism surfaced, sam realized she didn't understand cocoa. she didn't really know who she was. and i feel like the stories that we tell with cocoa's character is such an important one that that story that doesn't get to be told of this girl who felt unheard and unseen. and sam's story of not understanding that about her. that friendship is so special. and i think this show does a great job of showing relationships and friendships,
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especially friendships of women. >> there is the episode, i could be mistaken, i think it's episode four or five when reg yea one of the black students in the black caucus gets a costed by the police. and he's at a party. everyone ask at fault. and he has that showdown with the police where he feels like his life is in danger. when filming that, i mean i don't know if it was just great acting but it felt like the people filming the scene connected with that experience differently to everything else. was that a tough scene to make? >> oh, for sure. the scene that trevor is talking about is a barry jenkins scene, or directed that episode. and it felt real. it felt real because this is something that we all actually experience. and marquee who plays reg ye was so compelling in that character. there were jokes being told right before that happened. which is how life happens, you are just going ba your day, having a great time and all of a sudden bam a cop has your gun in
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your face because you are black and wants your i.d. it was intense, we were crying, even if our characters weren't crying, we were crying and comforting each other. that was the middle of the season and really an integral part of it. to really connect and share in that moment. >> it was honestly i recommend it to everyone, i go watch t it's fun, it's interesting. it's mesesy, it's honest. it is a really great show. thank you so much for being here. we can't wait for the next season. logan browning, everybody, we'll be right back. thank you very much.


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