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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  July 24, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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from eat dat [bleep]'s lips to god's ears. good night. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show"! thank you so much for tuning in! i'm trevor noah. my guest tonight to chat about his new album "jungle rules," french montana is joining us! ( cheers and applause ) first, over the weekend we finally got to see michael phelps race a great white shark -- no we didn't. >> the much hyped shark event had fans hoping to see fence go
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head to head with an actual great white shark but were met with a computer generated version. >> the must-see build event of the summer turned out to be a letdown. >> the great white shark takes the gold beating out michael phelps by two seconds. >> trevor: nope, nope, nope, nope. ( laughter ) you can miss me with that. i'm sorry. the whole thing was a lie? a c.g.i. shark, really? first of all, you are taking away much-needed jobs from plenty of hard-working actual sharks. ( laughter ) let's start with that. they needed this gig. did you know that the average shark has less than $2,000 in savings? yeah. that's a fact. you can check it out. that's a fact. they're not doing well, people. also, this is not a race. i'm sorry. this is just michael phelps swimming. you can't add the opponent in later and say it's not a race.
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instead o of mayweather anding mr. gregor fighting, where's the misogyny? come on, people. i don't know why we're doing this. a shark swims faster than a human. the race has been run many times before. it gets reported as "swimmer missing." we know how it ends. ( laughter ) still wanted to see it, though. by the way, it actually makes sense that this is shark week because one of them just popped up in the white house. >> breaking news tonight, a new white house shakeup. >> president trump hired anthony scaramucci as white house communications director. >> the president himself is always going to be the president. i was in the oval office with him earlier today and we were talking about letting him be himself, letting him express his full identity. i think he has some of the best political instincts in the world and perhaps history. >> trevor: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! back up, wait, i'm sorry. did this new guy just basically say that trump is not yet being
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himself? that's what he said? not yet? who watches donald trump and thinks to themselves, man, if only he could come out of his shell. ah, ah -- ( laughter ) now, for some people, scaramucci may seem a wise choice for white house communications director because besides every italian movie ever, he has no communications experience. what is it trump felt qualified scaramucci for the job? >> i love the president. i love the president. i'm very, very loyal to the president. he's the most competitive person i've ever met. i've seen this guy throw a dead spiral through the tire. i love the guy. seen him at madison square garden with a top coat, standing in the key, sinking foul shots. he sinks three-hole puts. >> trevor: did you notice they were all solitaire and sad --
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practicing foul shots in his coat, three-foot putt, throwing a football through a tire by himself? he doesn't have friends? why didn't he use his kids? eric, i need you. i want to throw a football in the backyard. oh, wow, dad! i'd love to! go get me a tire! ( laughter ) ( applause ) it's, like, throwing a football at a tire isn't impressive. it's something they literally show impotent men doing in lavitra commercials. >> sometimes you need a little help staying in the game. ask your doctor about new levitra. ( applause ) >> trevor: you see, the football is a metaphor for his penis. ( laughter ) bouncing off the vagina.
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so, anthony scaramucci is the new white house communications chief and since he's going to be around for at least a month, we might as well get to know him in our latest installment of profiles in tremendousness. >> i have the most dedicated people. i have the best people. ( applause ) >> trevor: meet anthony scaramucci, or as his friends call him "the mooch." he grew up in a blue collar family on long island, a three-foot putt away from donald trump's birth place. the mooch graduated from harvard, started a successful hedge fund and, like everyone else working in the trump administration, scaramucci also spent seven years working at goldman sachs, which makes he think maybe trump's plan to crack down on wall street is just to move wall street into the white house. ( laughter ) you guys can put your bags over there next to russia's. go on. ( applause ) ( cheering ) so scaramucci joined the white house on friday and he's already established what i hope will be
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his significant move, the mooch smooch. >> i don't want to waste his time and sit in the oval office unnecessarily. thank you. ( laughter ) >> trevor: damn! damn! that's smooth! that issmith! also seems like an overly familiar way to treat the press. it was wetter than his original goodbye which was making out with each of them individually. peter alexander, you taste like almonds, mmm! so we know that scaramucci has the style, but his job is not just to make nice with the press. his job is to communicate. the white house's message as clearly as possible. this weekend he got off to a running start. >> scaramucci muddled the message when he confirmed the president is exploring "the complete power to pardon anyone swept up in the russia
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investigation." >> i'm in the oval office of the president last week, we were talking about that. he brought that up. he said, but he doesn't have to be pardoned, nobody around him has to be pardoned. >> the comments directly contradict statements from the president's personal lawyer. >> pardons have not been discussed and pardons are not on the table. >> trevor: i love this white house so much. most presidents would try to get their team all on the same page but trump has his team try every page. okay, you tell them we didn't talk about pardons, you tell them we only talked about pardons, you tell them i died during the meeting, and i'm going to tweet i never met any of you guys. all right? go! ( applause ) and that wasn't even the weekend's biggest mooch high light. two days into his job, we found out that he couldn't keep a secret more than five seconds. >> somebody said to me yesterday -- i won't tell you who -- that if the russias actually hacked this situation and spilled out those e-mails,
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you would have never seen it, you would have never had any evidence of them. >> i don't know who this anonymous american is who said if the russians had done it we wouldn't be able to detect it -- >> how about -- how about it was the president? ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: wow. scaramucci revealed his unanimous source to try to win an argument with jay tapper? if i were trump i wouldn't want somebody going out there saying, oh, you want to know about the russians? i watched the pee tape. who's the smart guy now? he was peeing through a tire on the other side of the room, it was like three feet away! ( applause ) so that was a slipup. there are slipups. but that aside, scaramucci seems like a loyal soldier although he
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wasn't always one. during the early stages of the presidential race, he was very open about what he really thought of donald trump. >> i tell you who he's going to be president of and you can tell donald i said this, the queens county bully association. you've got to cut it out now and stop this crazy rhetoric, it's anti-american and very divisive. he's going to be agenator in chief when he runs the country. the insecurity and bullying isn't what you want. this is not the guy. the politicians don't want to go after trump because he has a big mouth and he's afraid he's going to light them up at the white house and all these other places. you're an inherited money dude from queens county. bring it, donald. >> trevor: bring it, donald! bring me a job offer, you coward! bring it to me and i will work for you so hard, you son of a bitch! bring it, donald! bring it! bring it!
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bring it! ( applause ) now, i will say this, in scaramucci's defense, he said those things before he thought trump would win, right? and not only has he since apologized to president trump for speaking out against him, he atoned by offering trump the ultimate sacrifice. >> president trump's new communications director deleting all his old tweets including ones that opposed some of the president's positions on things like gun control, border walls and climate change, announcing it all with a message, "full transparency," he writes, past views evolved and shouldn't be a distraction. >> trevor: i'm not sure how that works but that's not full trancparency. full transparency, i'm deleting all my tweets? that would be keep you can tweets. just before the "new york times," donald trump said, full transparency, i told you first!
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no, what if everybody defined it that way -- a money landier, full transparency, shredding all my records, you won't see a thing. you know it all, people. ( laughter ) now, some people may think it's odd for a man who believes in change, gun control and abortion rights to work for donald trump. but in a way, if you think about it, he's the perfect man for the job. who could represent donald trump better than a guy willing to abandon all his previous positions if it gets him into the white house? who better to do the job? ( applause ) and you know the truth is, once you stop focusing on their policies or beliefs, you start to see that trump and scaramucci have more in common than you think.
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( talking back and forth ) ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: we'll be right bac back. ♪
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our challenges dare us... defy us... and define us. coors light. whatever your mountain, climb on.
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oh no, looks like somebody needs a new network. when i got this unlimited plan they told me they were all the same. they're not. verizon has the largest, most-reliable 4g lte network in america. it's basically made for places like this. honey, what if it was just us out here? right. so, i ordered you a car. thank you. you don't want to be out here at night 'cause of the, uh, coyotes. ok, thanks, bud. bye. be nice to have your car for some shelter. bye. when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. just $45 per line for four lines. any day now, mom. [singing] lil' sweet comin' out of deep end...totally dry. take this! mama, give your lungs a breather; those tired lips deserve something sweeter - a diet dr pepper. mmm, sweet. mama likes it sweet! diet dr pepper. [singing] it's the sweet one. doto be our next spokesperson?m he's so boring. hm. sounds like you're on the fence. why don't i just leave you my resume?
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yes, it's laminated. no thanks. you're hired! try the new caramel m&m's. ow. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." we were just talking about the newest addition to the white house dream team, anthony scaramucci. but as we know in life, you never gained something new without leaving something behind or, as we say in africa, hooch h in, spice out. ( laughter ) sure, spice's resignation as white house secretary cames a surprise but he explained how he broke the bad news to the president. >> i said, i think it's in the best interest of this administration and your presidency that i give these two individuals the opportunity to operate without me in the way so that they have a fresh start, that i'm not lurking over them. >> trevor: come on, spicer! come on. you act like you had swag walking out of that room, you
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act, like, i'm out, pres, i'm south. we all know sean spicer. what really happened was he said something else. and so it's time to bid farewell to the spice land. any parting tributes should cap sure the ease sheens of the beloved one. we thought something like this. >> good afternoon, this is the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.
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education. bashar al-assad. >> bashar al-assad, i know you mispronounced his name a few times. >> who didn't even think of using chemical weapons. jonathan, somebody's asking questions, it's not your press briefing. major, you want to come on up? and with that, i'll take some questions. steve holland. >> steve holland's not here. >> david jackson. >> david's not here. >> i'll let the tweets speak for themselves. that's the silliest thing i've ever heard. this is silly. stop shaking your head again. >> sean, come on, sean.
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sean... >> sean... ( applause ) >> trevor: good buy -- goodbye, spice. we'll -- we'll -- we'll miss -- we'll -- we'll -- we'll miss -- we'll be right back. here ya go. awesome, thank you. thank you. that's... not your car. your car's ready! wrong car... this is not your car? i would love to take it, but no. oh, i'm so sorry about that. you guys wanna check it out? it's someone else's car... this is beautiful. what is this? it's the all-new chevy equinox. this feels like a luxury suv. i love this little 360, how do they even do that? i made a bad decision on my last car purchase. well, your car's here. bummer... bummer. wah-wah. i'm ready for an upgrade. (laughter)
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i'm not the type to smushy garbages... you know what? i'm going for it. you are completely and utterly... awesome... i'm glad you showed up. in my life! i think i'm about to cry... you better not. every single time i... get down! you always have... my back! my back! it's really hard to describe. it's like... all these tiny little...
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things? yes. yes. things! are actually... friendship. ♪ man,puppymonkeybaby...l tonight. puppymonkeybaby... puppymonkeybaby... puppymonkeybaby... puppy... monkey... baby... ♪ puppymonkeybaby... ♪
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puppymonkeybaby... puppymonkeybaby... puppymonkeybaby... ♪ puppymonkeybaby... puppymonkeybaby... mountain dew kickstart. dew. juice. caffeine.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a grammy-nominated hp hop artist whose new album is called "jungle rules." please welcome frenc french mon! ( cheers and applause ) welcome to the show. >> how y'all doing tonight. >> trevor: we're doing real good. ( cheers and applause ) but not as good as you are
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doing. congratulations. your single "unforgettable" currently five on the billboard charts and going up. >> thank you. >> trevor: congratulations on that ( cheers and applause ) >> just got that news today. >> trevor: you have a story that's more interesting than most, not just because of what you do and how successful you've become but because of where you came from. you were born an raised in morocco, right? you moved to the u.s. when you were 13 years old. >> yes. >> trevor: and then got into hip-hop how? is it just a universal language? >> no, honestly, i tell everybody this, i feel like music is the only language that people speak in the whole world, you know. >> right. >> trevor: not even knowing english before i came here, just loving music, loving the rush i get when i hear it. it's totally different from making it, if i just knew english and knew, you know -- >> trevor: i hear what you're saying. what were you listening to when you were a kid before you could speak english?
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>> shep hesnen and moroccan music. >> trevor: any american hip-hop? >> yeah, of course. >> trevor: my cousin was a huge tupac fan but he couldn't speak english. so my cousin would walk around in south africa, and he was a gangster in his mind. so we would be, like, pushing a wheelbarrow going to the river -- no joke -- pushing a wheelbarrow to the river and the whole way he would be, like,. ♪ i know my enemies... and i would be, like, your english got really good, norman! and he would speak south african. >> tupac had a gift speaking to africans. >> trevor: tupac had a gift of speaking to africans ( laughter ) i don't think anyone ever said
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that in the history of language. let's talk about what you have been doing with this album. we saw you performing at the b.t. awards and you had on stage with you a troop. >> a troop of little kids. >> trevor: from uganda. >> yes. >> trevor: i fail to understand, how do you end up on stage performing with ugandan kids in the united states? >> it goes back to african music. i just usually listen and keep up to date. when i saw this video of the kids, i fell in love wit. i never seen anybody dance like that. when i'm watching i'm, like, why are these kids dancing like this? then i found out, they don't have no tvs. so all their moves were original. they created their moves. they all live together, 20 of them, they all lost their parents. let me tell you something, i don't know why i did it but i did it.
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>> trevor: you went on to fall in love with uganda. >> best decision i ever made in my career. >> trevor: i know many people will go to africa and say, i loved it so much! and it's done. but you've stayed in touch with uganda with the people. you are involved in a project called mama hope. >> yes. >> trevor: what is mama hope about? >> knop profit organization. this helps people around the world. i make a better place for children and mothers ( cheers and applause ) i feel like every mother and child should have the right care, you know, and ever since i have been involved with them, it feels really great. when i got there, i saw a bunch of beautiful kids standing outside smiling in that clinic. when i came back, i thought, i've got to do something, you know. but honestly, me building that, a shot -- i can't take all the credit. i had help. >> trevor: yeah, because this
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is honestly one of my favorite stories because you said i'm going to help build up this medical facility, get more people to be treated. >> yeah. >> trevor: i think it went up from having the capacity to treating 50 to -- >> 250- or 300,000 mothers. >> trevor: and you said, i'm going to donate the money. and then i'm also going to drop 100-grand on this. is this new in hip-hop, instead of bottles, you're bragging -- ♪ i built a hospital in africa... ♪ you could make it a thing! ( applause ) >> it went from two rooms and it's almost 50 rooms now. >> trevor: wow. thank you so much for what you're doing. congratulations on the music. we wish you the best.
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mama hope, check it out. "jungle rules" rules. for more information about the unforgettable movement, go to unforgettable movement, go to mamahope.o
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you said $30. yeah, well it was $30 before my fees, like the pizza-ordering fee and the dog-sitting fee... and the rummage through your closet fee. who is she, verizon? are those my heels? yeah! yeah, we're the same shoes. with t-mobile taxes and fees are already included, so you get four lines of unlimited for just $40 bucks each. the price we say is the price you pay. i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. thank you so much for tuning in. join us tomorrow night at 11:00.
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now here it is... your moment of zen. >> what good entrepreneurs do is start the day and they go through the process. the navy seals will tell you if you want to eat an elephant, you've got to eat it one bite at [cheers and applause] >> chris: it's 29 minutes until midnight, and i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance. [cheers and applause] >> chris: alright. thank you. @midnight, the wildly popular late-night panel show hosted by j. crew aaron paul is about to throw up an away message and disappear from television. oh [beep] that's us. oh, guys. [booing] >> chris: you know you should of watched the show more. i don't know what to tell you. that's on you. you know what, [beep] you. how about that. [laughing] >> chris: what are they going t


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