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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  August 30, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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fine. i'll pick one up at the mall tomorrow. thank you. a lot of condolence e-mails to answer. (sighing) comedy central from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome to the daily show, thank you so much for tuning inment i'm trevor noah thank you so much. my guest tennis player and author james blake is joining us, everybody. (applause) oom's going ask him to be my doubles partner and he's going to politely decline. but let's begin with the big story this week.
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the devastating aftermath of tropical storm harvey. now as you know, a lot of people are still in need of relief. if you can, please take some of that money you were going to spend on a new fidget spinner or whatever, and give it to those affected by harvey, find a goodd or the all-hands volunteers and please donate anything will help, just donate. it is a time for americans to help our fellow americans. and as we just learned, it's also a time for nonamericans to help out too. >> the mexican government is reaching across the border and offering aid to texas. mexico's foreign minister called texas governor greg abbott and let him know that the country is prepared for a katrina-like assistance package. that offer includes troops, medical supplies, food and water. >> trevor: wow, i guess donald trump is right, some mexicans are good people, yeah, look at that. you know, i will say this, though. mexicans are a lot better than i am as a human beingment cuz like i would have helped but i would
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have been like superbichy about it i would have been like no, we're going to help you, texas, it's no problem. we're going to send all of our people, okay, when are they coming, oh, they're already there, yeah. they're already there. all of them. like i would not miss an opportunity to slip it in. every moment i would add ass-to every thing sell thing, oh, come on to the boat, thank god you are here to help me out. you got here in time. yeah, luckily there was no wall, can you paj if there was, man? (laughter) but let's move on. over the past few months and certainly more so since charlottesville, all of america has been struggling with the debate around confederate 1259 us. what were once barely noticed monuments in town squares have become a rallying point for white supremacists. it's changed. this is sort of like how instagram was meant to be a digital photo album but ended up becoming a trap.
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because of that, we've seen a lot of this. >> this week across america symbols and monuments of the confederacy were either taken down or vandalize will. new orleanss recently removed several confederate monuments. statues with confederate leaders in baltimore removed in the night. >> confederate soldier statue was vandalized wents the statue's head was stolen. >> earlier in durham, carolina demonstrators toppled the statue of a confederate soldier. >> i was with that crowd until they started kicking the hunk of metal. that was weird. i don't know what you are doing, it's met 58, like your feet, like your foot is like hello, i'm the foot of the dumbest person in the world. what are you-- like for me that is the moment where i questioned my circle of friends. be like we're going to take it down. yeah, and i'm going to kick it until it bleeds wait, what, what? now we're going to bleep whreep,-- [bleep] wait, who you are guise, who are you? i thought this was about fighting racism, no, this is a statue fetish group, oh, this is really weird, really weird. like right now it feels like
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every monument in america is a powder keg waiting to blow. and joining us from charlottesville for more is our very own senior race relations correspondent hasan minute handle,-- minhaj, everybody. >> thank you so much, trevor. i am here at one of america's many very controversial confederate statues. this one of colonel military mustache man the third. and i have been so torn up by watching america tear itself apart that i would like to propose a solution that everyone can get behind. i say take down all the statues. >> trevor: well, actually, hasan a lot of people have proposed taking down the confederate statues. >> no, not just confederate statues, no, all statues of everything, confederate, union, that bull on wall street with giant balls. i'm saying statues lead to moral decay. so get rid of every statue. >> trevor: well, i guess that would solve the statue issue in a way. >> no, just not statues t is any visual depiction of people or
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animals. the issue here, trevor, isn't the confederacy. the issue here is the worship of false idols. (laughter). >> trevor: wait, wait, wait, ban all statues and images-- isn't that islam? >> is it? oh, yeah. i guess it is. >> trevor: hasan, i told you once and i will tell you again, we are not doing sharia law. >> hey, whroa, hey, trev, no pressure, baby. i'm just saying, you got a statue issue, we got a solution. so islam has got all day. >> trevor: thanks anyway, hasan minhaj, everybody. we're not doing that. we're not doing that. (applause) all right. we've got to get some more realistic ideas so please give it up for my friend roy wood, jr., everybody.
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roy, i am not, it feels like there is no right answer when it comes to the statues. do you have a solution to this confederate statue thing. >> oh yeah, man. the solution, trevor, how about we get rid of racism. (cheers and applause) that's it, just get rid of it. we just did it. >> trevor: that was very brave of you. but seriously, what is the solution, yeah, like a real solution. because here is the thing, right, people defending the statues say that this is about southern culture and heritage. >> come on, man. you already know what that is about. anybody, any time somebody says something it is culture, it is heritage thark is a euphemism, trevor. it's like saying you want to
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netflix and chill which we know that really means, that means they're going to come over to the house and tell you they are not ready for a relationship. like that-- . >> trevor: i think are you doing it wrong, man. >> all right, case in point, here is a guy, fighting to keep confederate symbols saying it's not about racism, but if you listen closely, he made it pretty clear that it is about racism. >> i don't believe it is a symbol of racism, i don't believe it is a symbol of slavery that smie personal view. how they feel is their business. it would be lewd russ for me to tell you how they feel. hey, i get on the street i say martin luther coon. i-- i shouldn't say that, martin luther king, i mean should i rip the signs down or insist they take martin luther king street down and the rest of that stuff? >> you see culture and heritage? no, i see racism, by the way, you know that mother [bleep] has never stepped foot on martin luther king anything. nothing. he don't even go to a martin luther king day sale.
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>> trevor: that, can you imagine this guy giving directions in a black neighborhood. >> okay, here is what you are going to do, go down martin luther coon, make that left on malcolm x the coon and keep going, you get to that gas station that has the coon, you went too far, going to be the fourth coon on your left, you'll see it. >> trevor: let me did you this. do you think that we should just, you know, tear down all confederate statues. because a lot of people say that like it or not, you shouldn't try to he raise history. >> erase history. these statues t wasn't even about remembering history. they were put up decades after the war. >> what we think of as thee these confederate statues are really much more a product of 1890s to world war one. >> southern states were enacting jim crow laws, there was a strong revival of the ku klux klan. >> they weren't celebrating kind of benign war heroes. they were very clearly meant to be things that would intimidate black people and further white
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sprem see-- supremacy. >> look, i know y'all want to keep your statues. but here is the thing. slavery is a trawm tha that black people to this day are still dealing with. and to have to look at those statues, like basically, this is what it is like it is like if a woman got out of an abusive relationship and then she had to keep pictures of her ex up on the house to remember the time, like no, i don't need pictures to remember pain. >> trevor: you know, actually, roy, now that you bring it up t is funny you say that. you think this, people say we want to remember the history of the civil war. i always think there is an easier way to remember what happened in the civil war. just walk around in the south. and if you see free black people, then you know what happened in the civil war. >> i'm with that, exactly. >> trevor: that's what happened. >> yeah. >> trevor: but here is my thing, the argue, another argument against taking down the statues t is what trump said. he said today it is general lee, tomorrow is t is christopher come columbus, for killing native people, then george washington or thomas jefferson because they owned slaves so
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shall. >> it's not the same man. first washington and jefferson are known for a lot of reasons. you only know robert e lee because he fought to keep slavery. basically, like washington and jefferson them dudes had albums, robert e lee was a one hit number, like the mambo number five guy. >> trevor: whoa, whoa, not that bad as mambo number five, come on. >> on the real, look, look, here is the thing, man, we don't even have to take the statues down, see what they did in charlottesville, they had the robert e lee statue, they hid it under a black tarp. that statue looked like when my mama made me my halloween costume out of a trash bag bag. she was like baby, you are spiderman. >> black trash bag. >> trevor: your mam just put a trash bag on you and called you spiderman. >> yeah, i thought it was denim, she was like no, you just black spiderman. >> trevor: i get it, the cover
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doesn't-- you can't solve racism by throwing a blanket over it. like it reminded me of that thing people do in america t was weird for me to see where people drink a 40 out of a paper bag. like we all know what you are doing ind there. >> the difference is with a paper bag, like, at least you are acknowledging that you are doing something wrong. >> trevor: okay, you know what, maybe we are think being it wrong. all of us. instead of hiding statues or tearing them down, maybe we should add something to them. you know, like a representation of black people's contributions to history. >> some of my history to your history. >> trevor: because it is on the white side of history, add the representation. >> so like we could take robert e lee, he owned a horse. then we could just add frederick douglas piggybacking on top of him. (laughter). >> trevor: or you know what, could you do, could you have like a confederate soldier, right, and then just add lebron
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james dunking on him, that's all you do. just to remind them who lost the war. that's all. >> but lebron, i have to have the balls on the head. you got to have the balls right there on the head because you want to capture the proper culture and heritage. >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everybody. we'll be r introducing the new moto z with moto mods. hello moto. ♪ ♪ (3-2-1 liftoff) ♪ ♪ (gasps) (oh!) (cheering) buy the new moto z with shattershield, and you'll get a free projector mod. hello moto.
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un. de♪ trois. three apple varieties for a perfectly balanced flavor. ♪ cidre. from stella artois. real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks. finger lickin', finger lickin', finger lickin'... gooooood!!
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♪ oooooh ooh ooh oh ooooooooh daaaaaaaaa ♪ ♪ dum dum dum dum ♪ harmonious melody
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." if you have been watching the trump campaign, you know that one of ivanka's big issues is equal pay in the workplace. which makes today's news extremely disappointing. >> the white house announcing today tuesday it is halting ang obama-era policy that would have required private employers to report how much they paid different genders races,ette nisessity. >> ivanka trump pained as a champion for working women is standing behind the white house decision to jet ison an obama era initiative. >> trevor: really? she just treated equal pay the way rose treated jack, i'll never let go, pay-- okay, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, no, are
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you right, space for one. for more on, this we will try for our resident ivanka wolf expert, michelle wolf, everybody. michelle, ivanka has a big advocate for pay equality so this move today is really surprising. >> no, it's not. i'm so sick of everyone thinking ivanka is the voice of reason. she didn't she could join isis and everybody would be like thank god she's there, help isis get maternity leave. >> trevor: but michelle, she said she would fight for women's issues. >> yeah. and she lied. because she sucks. ivanka cares about women the way donald trump cares about women. he doesn't. everyone assumes she's reasonable because she's the one trump who doesn't look like she farts in the elevator. >> trevor: mitchell, this' not fair. that's not fair. >> not fair, but it's true. >> trevor: that's not fair.
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ivanka is trying. she just hasn't been as influential as she hoped. >> ivanka trump has thought very highly of her ability to convince her father, and she was in the able to deliver. >> she just wasn't able to convince him to stay in the paris climate agreement. >> they didn't plan on transgender in the military. >> she wanted the language the president used for his second statement on charlottesville on monday to be more forceful. >> there is this conversation around town, ivanka was disappointed. >> oh, she's disappointed. so we're supposed to believe she's disappointed because someone heard that she was? >> trevor: well, yeah. >> trevor, has no one ever lied to you before? i feel like when it comes to ivanka everyone forgets about lying. she tried so hard to keep us in the paris climate agreement. she said so. and she really wanted to come to my birthday party, but her cat just got his period.
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its' a woman now. ivanka's playing both sides. she wants the credit for influencing her dad but she doesn't want to get blamed for anything he does. and that's what trumps do. they want all of the credit and none of the blame. you just don't see it with ivanka because she's kind of pretty. if eric was doing this [bleep] we would all see right through it. you know what, maybe that's the solution here. the next time you see ivanka looking important in some white house photo op, just picture eric instead. >> trevor: eric should not be there, he does not know what he is doing. what the hell. >> exactly! eric and ivanka, they are the same batch of cookies. she didn't just get dropped on the floor. >> trevor: mitchell wolf, everyone, we'll be right back. (applause) ♪
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(cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a former professional tennis player and author whose new book is you will kad ways of grace, stories of activism, adversity and how sports can bring us together. please welcome james blake. (applause) welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> and just as the u.s. open is starting. i like this, good timing, cuz i need tickets. >> almost like you planned it. >> trevor: i did. i did plan f i need the tickets with. >> i don't play any more. i don't know if i can-- i don't have those kind of connections. >> trevor: you don't have a tennis hookup. >> i feel like would you have a
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better hookup than me, no. >> trevor: for tennis? >> i only have a couple things. >> trevor: i don't even know which way to hold the thing. >> you don't know what the thing is called. >> trevor: the thing, the ball thing. >> the racquet. there is your first lisson. >> trevor: yeah, it does have a name. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: tha very much for being here. and what a story you have put together. i guess the collection of stories. before we get into the book, let's talk about your story. >> okay. >> trevor: and really what inspired you on this journey. you were in the news two years ago when you were publicly a costed by cops from the nypd. they said they mistook you for a criminal. i think we have the video of what happened here. that's you being thrown down to the ground. >> it doesn't get easier, that is about the 100th, 200th time i have seen, that and it doesn't get any more fun when i watch it now. >> trevor: like we watch that video and everyone is like oh, that's clearly an obvious moment of somebody who has been wrestled to the ground, you know, ten minutes, what was
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really disturbing for me was how that came to be, why you had to get that video. what happened there? >> well, to get the video, first there was no report, they didn't file a report or anything so if not for that video i think this whole case would have been different because it would have been my word against five police officers and their story before they knew there was a video was that nothing happened. i wasn't even in cuffs. they didn't cuff me for less than a minute, nothing ever happened. so thank goodness for that video otherwise i have a feeling it would have been completely different. as credible as i am, they would have believed five police officers over me. but there was that security video and it took a couple days to get it. we had to go through legal channels to get it otherwise we were not going to get custody of that video. but how that happened, and then to think about t i wanted it to go away. i'm anate reality. i want to think that i'm tough even though i play tennis so i'm not really that tough. but i thought you know, i can handle this. i don't want-- i don't want to deal with this. i called my wife afterwards and
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she just, her first reaction is what if this happened to me, what if this happened to someone you love or care about. and it made me immediately say i have to do something. because i have a voice. and most people that this happens to don't have any voice at all. they have no recourse, no way of taking action. and i do. i'm able to go to the press and make this more widely known. and make people realize this still happens to anyone and everyone. it can happen to anyone that is standing outside in midtown manhattan at noon in golf clothes. not even, you know, and people like to sometimes blame a victim, he shouldn't have been in that place, she shouldn't have been there, she shouldn't have been wearing that. he shuntd-- i don't think they can find anything that i was doing wrong at that time except for maybe texting and not paying enough attention to what was going on around me. and that still ends up happening. >> trevor: you sued the nypd but you didn't sue them for money. >> uh-huh. >> trevor: you instead wanted some sort of change. what was that change and why was that important to you. >> yeah, well, i worked together
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with the state of new york to get this fellowship. so for six years, it's on the books now. their dime, line item budget for them to employ a fellow straight out of law school to fight cases like this. because over 50% last year went, didn't get seen to conclusion because either lack of interest, they-- dragged these things out t say tactic they use, people don't have the money to pay for a lawyer, they don't have time. so now there is a fellow on staff just for this purpose, to fight this, not looking, only on two-year terms but not looking to climb the corporate ladder n the civilian complaints review board you about they are there to just to fight these cases, i wanted that to be my impact instead of taking taxpayer money and putting it in my poacts. i don't think that will make any difference for them. it might have made me have a nicer suit when i come out here but that is about it. >> trevor: very nice suit. >> thank you, appreciate it so that made a big difference. and that to me was much more important than suing them for my own financial gain. >> trevor: all right. it is an amazing book with some of the most fascinating stories
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i've ever read, some i didn't know b some i did. thank you so much. >> thanks a lot, thanks for having me. >> trevor: ways of grace, available now, james blairks everybody. we'll be right back. ♪ why do we grow our own hops? to brew an ipa all our own. there are no shortcuts to goose ipa. we don't need to be the only beer you drink. we just want to be the best beer you drink. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. come on. s'cuse me. mind if i sit here? not if you want your phone to work. let me guess, you can't livestream your lobster roll. and my mobile pay isn't connecting and i just got an unlimited plan. right plan, wrong network. you see verizon is america's largest most reliable 4g lte network and now unlimited plans
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>> that's our show for tonight, join us tomorrow night at 11:00. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> tell me how you ended up on a jet ski headed out of your flooded home. >> monday morning we realized we had to evacuate, we had to get out of there and so i called
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chick fill a, that sounds kind of funny. but i ordered two grilled chicken burritos with extra egg and a boat. and can you believe that the manager, one of the managers of chick-fill-a, she sent her husband to pick us up. captioned by media access group at wgbh comedy centralg >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight, msnbc host joy reid is going to be joining us.


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