tv The Daily Show Comedy Central October 26, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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i'm the president! >> i love all women. >> executive order, lack at me, i'm the president, doesn't anyone believe me? pay attention to me! pay attention to me! >> no, no, not the mueller-- and so to you i say good night and jesus bless the united states of america. #r (applause) >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. middl♪ ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show"! i'm trevor noah!
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thank you so much for tuning in! our guests tonight from the movie "thank you for your service," miles teller and jason hall, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) but first, what's the worst way to start your day? with a big bowl of racism. >> the international business times says kellogg's is accused of putting a racially insensitive cartoon on corn pops cereal boxes. marvel comics writer asked kellogg why the only brown corn pop on the whole box is the janitor? kellogg's said we did not intend to offend and the artwork is updated and will be in stores soon. >> trevor: okay. this is an interesting case. racism or not racism. just because the janitor corn pop is brown doesn't mean it's necessarily racism because there is nothing wrong with being a janitor. so case closed. all right. although -- it may be racism. because there's no such thing as
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a brown corn pop. ( laughter ) so they basically created one to give him the job of janitor on the box? ( laughter ) real will you? kellogg's was like, hmm, which corn pop could we make janitor? well, none of these corn pops seem suited to the job. you know what? let's forcibly transfer one to have the cocoa puffs to come do that. come on, cocoa! come do your (bleep)! ( cheers and applause ) to me, the brown janitor isn't even the only bad message for kids on the box. what about this dude drinking the milk he's currently sitting in. what is that? ass naked! want to talk about a bad message for the kids? come on, kellogg's. sorry, i like cereal. the big story of the day, if you're watching the news, this is probably all you heard. >> this morning there's a big development in the opiod crisis. >> a new fight in the crisis against opioid addiction.
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>> america's opioid epidemic. >> the opioid epidemic. >> the opiod crisis. >> the opiod crisis. >> our nation's opiod crisis. >> the opiod crisis. >> trevor: yes, the opioid drug crisis. when a lot of people hear about drugs, people think of weed or lsd or mushrooms, you know, fun drugs, the once that make the music better and dancing worse. but today the abuse of opioids like oxy and percocet is devastating america. they're even in the hook of rap songs. ♪ percocet, yeah ♪ molly percocet >> trevor: yeah,. ♪ percocet, molly percocet back in the day it was cocaine. now it's prescription drugs. pre-scription drugs! opioids also cause severe constitution, yeah, which is the one thing future didn't put in that song, constipate, my pooh
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is constipate. take a dump, i cannot take a dump. pooh hard, yeah, pooh hard. ( laughter ) left out of the song. but the reality is ope opioids e now responsible for over 34,000 deaths a year in america. in fact since the year 2000, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids has quadrupled, not counting the people who go on to o.d. on heroin after getting addicted on prescription pills. how did this get out of control? for decades, a lot of doctors were freely prescribing opioids to treat any level of pain. they would give out pills for everything, back aches, tooth aches, fomo, whatever. people were desperate and forme sewell industries were happy pi to sell them. >> this d.e.a. veteran saw
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distributors shipping thousands of suspicious orders. one example, a pharmacy in kermit, west virginia, a town of just 392 people ordered 9 million hydrocodone pills over two years. >> trevor: holy (bleep)! 9 million pills for 400 people? even if one of those people is charlie sheen, that still leaves 8 million pills unaccounted for! ( laughter ) now, you would think that this would be an easy problem to solve, right? you just get the d.e.a. in to shut down the pill distributor that's flooding the market with the drugs. the problem is last year those bitch ass (bleep) in congress unanimously passed a law -- yeah i said it, unanimously -- unanimously passed a law greatly cutting the d.e.a.'s power to go after these shady distributors.
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if you're wondering why would congress pass a law helping to protect drug companies in the middle of a drug crisis? because of the thing they're addicted to -- money. >> we wanted to find out how much the pharmaceutical industry spends lobbying members of congress, drug makers and advocacy group spend $2.5 billion over the last decade. gun rights lobbying last year totaled $10.5 million, about 4% of what the pharmaceutical industries spent. >> trevor: that's right the pharmaceutical industry spent of money lobbying congress that they got to write the law that crippled the d.e.a., which is insane, $250 million and you can write your own law you don't think we want to write our own laws? the no speed limit for people with dimples law? you don't think i think that should be a thing? huh? huh? ( laughter ) so the opiod crisis is huge and
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the pharmaceutical industry isn't interested in helping. fortunately, my friends, as we saw in august, there's one man who gets it. >> the opiod crisis is an emergency and i'm saying officially it's an emergency, it's a national emergency. we're going to spend a lot of time and a lot of effort and a lot of money on the opioid crisis. >> trevor: we want to laugh but that was huge. declaring the opioid crisis an official, national emergency is a big step because when the president does that, the government can start using money from a multi-billion-dollar fund to fight the problem. donald trump getting it done. yeah. all he had to do was sign the paperwork, which he took care of this afternoon. >> effective today my administration is officially declaring the opioid crisis a national plept emergency under federal law. >> trevor: that's right, people. trump finally came through. give him a round of applause.
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stop hating. give him a round of applause. ( applause ) he did it. he declared the opioid crisis a national public health emergency, which i just realized is not a thing. goddam, he got us again. ( laughter ) no, because it's subtle but they're two different things. there is a national emergency and there's a public health emergency. it's a small word change was it makes a big difference. it's like saying 12-inch (bleep) versus 12-inches. ( laughter ) it means a national emergency means the government would have had access to $23 billion to fight the opioid epidemic. that's what trump promised. what trump signed was a public health emergency which gives the government access to a fund that currently has $57,000 in it. ( audience reacts ) that's a huge difference. if you have to go to rehab, do
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you want the c.e.o. of visorren or craig who works at visorren funding it? verizon? ( laughter ) this isn't even one of those days when i'm angry at trump. i'm disappointed. what he delivered was far from the promise. it's vaguely similar but not the same thing. it's like if trump stood at the border in a few years and was, like, ladies and gentlemen, i'm proud to announce my big, beautiful wall-greens! ( laughter ) no mexicans allowed, and guess who paid for it? mexico's neighbor, america! the words change everything. so once again president trump did not fail to disappoint. but you know what? there is really nothing to worry about because we've already seen donald trump can handle the drug crisis all by himself. >> raise your hands, kids, i promise donald j. trump -- that
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i will never take drugs -- i don't want to say no alcohol, but take it easy on the alcohol, right? and you know what else? no cigarettes, right? all right, kids. >> trevor: he's the best american trump president ever! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) it's what busch is known for. what are you known for? i'm cool under pressure. what is that? a fish hook? (chuckling) golly! [sfx: buschhhhh] i had purpose and i loved it. you never told me you were a hero. you are my hammer out there. don't let these young guys see you fold. ♪ i'm only human ♪ i make mistakes get down! ♪ i'm only human ♪ it's all it takes ♪ don't put the blame on me
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♪ together what if everyone could find everything that matters? tile. there are no shortcuts. making the best tequila in the world is all about putting in the time. the way we've been doing it for 145 years. tequila herradura. [ "[ all ]" by simon anbees!funkel ] [ all ] bees! the volkswagen atlas. with easy-access 3rd row. life's as big as you make it. 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." halloween is around the corner and for advice on how to not totally screw it up, we turn to this report from roy wood, jr. ♪ >> every halloween we see the same types of costumes. your sexy costumes. your pop culture outfit -- ooh, i'm a sewer clown! and you're a year too late pop culture costumes, whatever happened to ken bone? every year, somehow you -- god, these teeth suck! but every year, somehow there are people who put on costumes that are about, ah, 200 years
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too late. >> that halloween hiccup for julian huff dressed in black face as one of the characters of the characters from "orange is the new black." >> bop sled king. >> kanye west. >> tiger woods. >> trayvon martin ( screaming ) >> my thoughts exactly. some people put on black face because they want to offend people. ain't talking y'all, y'all doing excellent job. i'm talking people who put it on, get checked on it and say i didn't know. one, one, apology accepted. two, let me holler at you, dawg. race is never a costume unless we're talking about aliens, klingons, blue people from avatar or whatever hell ted cruz is. my point is black face is rooted in a painful past. that's why it's problematic. >> eric lott, professor of
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english studies, city of new york. >> trevor: terrible costume. >> rooted in the history and politics of slavery. it's to control and tone the black im. minstrel shows dominated pop culture and when they died out went to hollywood. there is black face in all kinds of american movies. >> now, i understand why black face may not seem like hate symbol at first. unlike a burning cross, black face started out as entertainment, took the edge off like if nazis had an improv troupe. ♪ >> heil. we are the right. we need a suggestion for a place where hitler should invade next. >> stop eating your people! get out of here! the thing about minstrel shows is they weren't just germt, they were how white people learned
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about black culture. that's like if your only understanding of billionaires came from watching 50 shades of grey. you think bill gates was into freaky (bleep). >> what's the wi-fi password? >> don't need it. you look busy. what's about and minstrel shows and black face is it made it look like slave i are was not bad and black people were having a good time. >> that's right, they would present slaves singing, dancing, having a grand old time, cutting up, telling jokes, rooted in white supremacist. >> exactly. minstrel shows got people thinking slavery was a booze cruz (singing) >> black face is like smoking on an airplane. used to be acceptable a long time ago but now we know it hurts people around us, that's why when it comes to black face your intentions don't matter. >> sean is portraying an historical figure assigned by his teacher.
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>> they thought it was inappropriate and would be disrespectful to black people. i say it's not. i like black people. >> look, this is not the kid's fault. it's the culture we've created where his parents thought that was okay. >> just because you can't wear black makeup doesn't mean you can't dress up as a black person. see? these stylish white people do it all the time. >> i'm feeling crazy in love with the jay-z and beyonce couple kos do you mean. whoo that's how you deep up with the kardashians. the corn rows and tattoos. taylor swift started singing with her. >> the secret to a good halloween costume is let the costume do all the work! that's right, steve bannon, baby, you can have a racist costume without having a racist costume. let's drink. not with you, though. oh, no. ( cheers and applause )
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we can now repair complex at saortic aneurysmsare, without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guests tonight are here to talk about the new film "thank you for your service" based on a true story about a group of soldiers struggling to adjust to life at home after returning from iraq. >> don't worry about me. first bed opens up, i'm gonna get out there. >> i can't leave you. >> you're getting on this bus. >> so i go and get better while you sit here, broken? i'll figure it out. don't worry about me. get your ass on this bus. >> we had some bad days, bro. maybe that's all they were.
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>> trevor: please welcome miles teller and the director jason hall. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: wow. lively bunch. >> always. that is alive. >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: thank you both for being here. huge fan of your work. miles a lot of people know you from the screen, jason american sniper was your breakout movie, you wrote the film. this is your second film about war but this is different. we see many movies about war and in some cases it's gloaferred. this is a story about what happens afterwards. why was it important for you to write this movie? >> i think we forget what the guys go through. we don't have a real idea what it's like to be in combat and what it's like to return, and these guys are changed by what they see over there. >> trevor: right, and the film title is well, "thank you for your service." it's one of those phrases that
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you don't know how to feel about, you know. people say it but it's like it's uncomfortable, "thank you for your service," then people look away, walk away. the title means so much. >> yeah. it doesn't start a conversation. "thank you for your service" doesn't lead to anything. it's the beginning and the end. >> trevor: right. >> so hopefully this film leads us past "thank you for your service" and into a conversation. >> and you're thanking them and it's not like you really know what they did. you know, i think it alleviates guilt, you know. you want to be able to say something. i have been around vets, you know, plenty when someone says it. they have no idea what to say. >> trevor: that's interesting. >> i've heard vets say you're worth it and that's really profound on their end but most of the time they have no idea how to respond. >> trevor: in this film you're playing the role of a real person, the story of adam adam schumann who came back from the war and dealing with ptsd. it humanizes imfor having these
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feelings. >> yes, i think that's what this movie is going to do. even me when i got the script and i was, like, you're going to be playing this soldier, he's got posttraumatic stress, i was, like, i'm going to have to have flashbacks, dig a hole with my pistol in my backyard, flinching whenever there is fireworks, and i don't think that's the case. it humanizes it, personalizes it. it's trauma. these men are out of the country 12 to 15 months and what they're dealing with on a minute-to-minute, day-to-day basis for that long i found to be incredibly tragic and when you see the movie incredibly hopeful. because you see adam come out the other side. when david started this book on him ten years ago, he's really come out the other side. it's a work in progress but he's absolutely not the same person that he was back then. >> trevor: when you met adam and you realized this was going to be the person you were going to be playing, such a profound
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story, a lot of pressure that comes with that. >> oh, yeah. >> trevor: are there moments where you go i'm not just playing adam, i'm playing in a which a representation of every service member out there fighting for this country? >> yeah, i mean, you're wearing that uniform on set. that's not something that i take lightly. there wasn't a -- this was ant vanity project. i was nervous i was going to mess it up. these movies are heavily criticized. they wanted this movie to suck and we've shown it to the guys and to get their seal of approval means everything. if we made a movie that made a bunch of money but we manipulated their story, that doesn't feel good. >> trevor: when they watched the movie, which i'm assuming some did, how did they feel and react and were there some who didn't want to watch the movie? >> yeah, most don't want to watch the movie. >> trevor: why? >> they say i lived that, i don't want to see the hollywood version of that. hopefully this isn't the hollywood version of that.
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that's the reaction we've gotten. they come and see it and say someone finally told our story. >> trevor: when someone comes to you and says jason hall, you've obviously been immersed in this world for a period of time, what do these people need from us? what can they do? >> it's about us welcoming them home. >> right. >> just to help destigmatize it. absolutely, these men and women, they sacrifice so much and come back with an incredible amount of baggage. it's a lot. people experience trauma, the amount that a lot of these men and women are dealing with, it's tough. as a country, we need to rally around and help them unload that a little bit. >> trevor: right. >> i do feel like we have that responsibility. >> trevor: it's a responsibility you've borne a little bit of in the movie. it's a fantastic story. it's beautiful and meeting adam makes it so much more real. thank you so much. i appreciate it. thank you so much for being here. thank you for your service. we'll be in theaters nationwide
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this feels like a luxury suv. your car's here. bummer. do we have to take that one back? boo. wah-wah. can i take this one home? current qualified chevrolet lessees can get this all-new 2018 equinox lt for around $199 a month. or trade up and get $3,500 total cash allowance. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. and you look amazing...lyt dates.comfortable.azing. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth... ...and strengthen fibers. so, don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. before we go, thank you to everyone in chicago who came out last weekend to see "the daily
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show" donald j. trump presidential twitter library. if you weren't able to get there in person we created an interactive virtual tour to walk through on your ipad or phone, enjoy all the president's most important documents. now here it is... your moment of zen. >> and to this day i've never had a drink, and i have no longing for it. i have no interest in it. to this day, i've never had a cigarette. don't worry, those are only two of my good things. i don't want to tell you about the bad things. there is plenty of bad things, too. >> jason: freethinkers! i want to start off tonight with a nice little nugget of liberty and family values. a new study shows that babies as young as 12 months can understand a wider range of adults' emotions than scientists previously thought. that means our widdy-biddy angels know what mama and dada we know what they're thinking-- awww, babies are so dangerous. ( laughter ) babies are out to get us. they're reading our minds and collecting data like fleshy, low-flying drones. ( laughter )
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