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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  December 5, 2017 1:40am-2:10am PST

1:40 am
oh dude, what a nightmare ! hello. i just had the weirdest dream. yeah, i dreamt that cartman dreamt that we were all trapped on a bus. and then he dreamt that we were talking about things that had happened, only they were all wrong and then he and his mother ate beetles. dude, that's a pretty !@#$% up dream. yeah, i must be having some real emotional problems. hey, me and cartman and kenny are going down to "happy burger", wanna come ? sure, i definitely don't want to sleep anymore. see you later. ribbitt ! i want to thank you for making me feel alive again, marcus. miss crabtree. what is it ? what's wrong ? you realize i can't stay. none of this is real. it's all been a little eight-year-old's dream. oh i know, i know marcus. but let me just pretend as long as i can. sure. ♪ you left home looking for something new ♪ ♪ but all you need is right here waiting for you ♪
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♪ runaway, from home ♪ ♪ love you just as you are from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. (applause). >> trevor: welcome, everybody, thank you so much. welcome, thank you for tuning inment welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight creator and star of show time's smilf, frankie shaw is joining us,
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everybody. (applause) but first, over the weekend the world celebrated a very important birthday. >> omg, texting is 25 years old, can you believe that? the very first text said merry christmas. a british engineer sent it on december 3rd, 1992. today about 97% of smartphone owners use texting. >> trevor: oh, the very first text message was merry christmas. and i assume the second one was send news. and that was such a nice first text. compare that to the first tweet ever sent which was probably something like where are my nazi's at, hashtag, hashtag. i can only imagine what the reply to the first text was. new means of communication, without dis. but let's move on to the big news that broke over the weekend. first on friday at 2 a.m. while you were on the dance floor, republicans were on the senate floor really burning down the house. and we're going to get into that later in the show. but before that, it turns out we
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may all be saying merry christmas again. because robert mueller bought america a gift. >> the russia investigation reaches the white house. specialer sptionz council robert mueller closes in on the president and his innercircle with a gillee plea from michael flin. >> flynn says he lied to the fbi about his contacts with russia and he is now cooperating with special counsel robert mueller's investigation. >> flynn now admits that four days into his job as white house national security advisor, he denied having two separate contacts back in december with russia's ambassador to the u.s. sergey kiss lee ak when in fact he did. >> trevor: he lied to the fbi on day four of his new job, day four, that's so early. you don't even know where the good pooping bathroom is yet, day four? you done even know your colleague's names, it's like karen, hold my calls, i need to lie to the fbi. >> actually it's shelley. >> trevor: sorry, sorry. but that's right, former trump advisor and current angry bird michael flynn has been caught by
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special counsel bob mueller. and by the way, it's pretty ironic that flynn of all people might be getting locked up because, well, you remember. >> if i did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, i would be in jail today. we do not need a reckless president who believes she is above the law. >> lock her up, that's right. yeah, that's right, lock her up. >> trevor: yeah, that's right, lock her up, lock her up. yeah, what's cool is that he already knew the lyrics to the song, so when he was being taken in by the fbi he was like lock me up, lock me up, lock me up. so with flynn, this is trump's fourth advisor to get charged with a crime which is not a good look, people. the imagine if four people who worked at the daily show could be going to jail, i mean, people would be like what the hell is going on at the daily show.
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and if you are president trump hearing this news, you should be worried. because if the trump team does anything wrong, flynn probably knows. he had full access to the campaign. and full access to the trump white house. his turning states evidence could be the firs domino that stops the whole administration tumbling. and it sure doesn't look he has a chance to go down alone. >> flynn's guilty plea was part of a deal to avoid more severe charges for himself and his son. signaling that he has valuable information about the president's innercircle and even mr. trump's family members that he is willing to share. >> that's right, flynn is spilling everything, it could be testimony that trump ordered him to collude with russia. it could be documents showing the collusion. it could be the friendship bracelets putin and trump made each other. we don't know. we don't know. yeah. oh, and in case you were wondering how loyal trump is to his people, after this news about flynn broke, trump's team made sure to refer to flynn as
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michael flynn, a former obama administration official. but it's not going to be easy for team trump to pretend that flynn was rogue rolling with russia. because over the weekend news broke that it was definitely a family affair. >> what we learned from this indictment it wasn't just mike flynn doing this on his own reaching out to sergey kition il ak, he was doing if he teks of curb n, reen priebus, steve bannon, tomorrow bossert among those on the president's transition team knew about flynn's outreach to russia. >> trevor: even sean spicer? it sounds like flynn was running around telling everyone he was talking to russia. hey, jayson i'm talking to russia, hey, steve, i am a talking to russia. hey, jared i'm talking to russia, neil, did i tell you i am talking to russia. >> you sure did i just sound shoes but it kind of sounds treasonous to me, man, you probably don't want to do that, man. >> trevor: so with flynn securely on mueller's leash things are not looking good for the president and trump being trump, he sent out a tweet that only made things worse.
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>> president trump attempting to downplay the guilty plea from his fired national security advisor michael flynn. before this potentially damning tweet posted on saturday from his account, asserting that he had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi. >> the tweet suggests the president knew flynn was being dishonest back in february when trump urged then fbi director james comey to drop the investigation against him. the critics say trump should be charged with obstruction of justice. >> trevor: when will millenials learn that the wrong tweet can cost them their job. trump's opened up a can of worms that he is going to add to all the worms that he has already been eating in his worm salad. and luckily, luckily for the president, he pays his lawyers a lot. >> the president's lawyer john dowd now claims that he is the one who wrote that potentially incriminating tweet. >> dowd telling nbc news he's responsible and that the president did not know flynn had lied to the fbi when he fired him.
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dowd also adding i'm out of the tweeting business. i did not mean to break news. >> trevor: yeah, i did not mean to break news, guys. i was just sending out a controversial tweet from the president's news machine. i will say though, that is a lawyer. right f he can't get you off, will frame himself for the crime. that's what i am paying for. that is like if johnny cochran had tried the glove on himself and be like if tits-- it fits perfectly because it's my murdering glove, yeah, it's me, it's me. and you can tell this whole situation with the fbi has trump streses eating extra big macks because he didn't just complain about this investigation, he attacked all of federal law enforcement. >> he also attacked the fbi tweeting after years of comey with the phoney and dishonest clinton investigation and more, running the pbi, its reputation is in tatters. worst in history. >> trevor: man. you know, i know this sounds
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crazy but i feel bad for donald trump. no, because-- do you understand, you understand what he is saying? he is saying that he feels like law enforcement doesn't treat him fairly. you know, that his people are victims of a biased system. you know. and then when he tweets about it, people tell him that that is not the proper way to complain. you know, they say that he's disrespecting the cops. but he's not just going to stand there and take this, people, oh [bleep]. we need to get this man to the nfl. i think he wants to take a knee. we'll be right back. (applause) it's a small finger...a worm! like, a dagger? a tiny sword?
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bread...breadstick? a matchstick! a lamppost! coin slot! no? uhhh... 10 seconds. a stick! a walking stick! eiffel tower, mount kilimanjaro! (ding) time! sorry, it's a tandem bicycle. what? what?! as long as sloths are slow, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ ♪ohhhhhh, ou! guess what i just got? uh! ♪i used to be spellbound hello again. ♪i used to be spellbound hi. ♪i used to be spellbound that's a big phone. ♪in your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. ♪you built the flame ♪that warms my heart, ♪but lying and cheating ♪has torn us apart ♪and i'm moving on.
1:51 am
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1:52 am
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1:53 am
why aren't you using this guy? it makes your wifi awesomely fast. no... still nope. now we're talking! it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. . >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. you know, normally you don't think of congress getting a lot done on friday night. or friday afternoon. or any time on friday. or really any other day of the week. but this past friday was different. because republicans finally had a chance to pass a sweeping tax bill that would make all those clenched smiles next to trump totally worth it. >> breaking overnight, the senate passes a massive tax krut. >> the most sweeping tax plan in three decades.
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>> days of frantic deal making and fiery debate ending overnight with a celebration by victorious republicans. >> the leadup to the vote, democrats complain they were given just hours to reed the 400 plus page final bill. packed with late editions. sometimes scribbled in the margin. >> i can read one word, it's called add this language. can you tell me what that word is? if you can, you got better eyes than me. >> yeah, can i read it because i do have better eyes than you. that clearly says access-- now what language it is, that i don't know. you know what's interesting is these senators basically finish the tax bill the same way i try to finish my exam after the teacher said pens down. sorry. pens down, all right, done, done. and that, and that. >> i said pens down. >> no, i'm done, i'm done, and that. >> come, give me your papers. >> here strks and that and that and that and that and that.
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yeah. that's what republican senators are basically doing. although instead of the difference between a b and a b mine us, this is the difference between does the oil business get an extra $50 billion or something. and the great news, the great news for these senators is now that they have passed the bill, they will finally have some down time to read it. what might they find. >> elimination of the obamacare mandate. slashing the corporate tax rate from 35 to 20%. doubling standard deductions by abolishing all individuals state and local income tax deductions. >> in ten years people making between 50,000 and 75,000 a year with would affectively pay $4 billion more in taxes. while people making a million dollars or more would pay $5.8 billion less. >> trevor: well, all i can say is people without decided to be rich instead of poor, good call because this is going to be great for you, a good choice, more people should make it. the truth is, when you do get into some of the details, it becomes pretty clear that the
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republicans weren't thinking of average americans 6789. >> there are also some new and surprising amendments like tax breaks for private jet owner and for alcohol producers. >> an amendment by texas senator ted cruz allows parents to pay for k through 12 private school tuition using tax-free college savings accounts. >> there is something in there for owners of wineries, owners of golf courses. >> trevor: there you have it. if you are flying your kids to their private school on your personal jet from your golf course winery, then your problems are finally over. and by the way, do alcohol producers really need a tax break now? huh? this whole bill is basically an ad for drinking. it just makes them, like you work hard, struggle make ends meet and now your taxes just went up. it's miller time. oh. the senate bill also targets the estate tax so now couples with up to $22 million could pass on more of their fortunes taxfree.
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which may seem ridiculous to the 99.8% of people who don't have that kind of money, but as its defendant explained, rich people just deserve it more. >> last week republican senator chuck grassley told the des moines register i think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have whether it's on booze, or women or movies. >> and having said that, senator grassley jumped back into the black and white movie froms when he came. >> i seen the poors out there, frittering away their money on hooches, dames and picture shows. i have seen them all, yeah. this guy really thinks the only reason some people don't get rich in america is because they're blowing their money on booze, women and movies. and by the way, by the way, notice how it's people spending money on women, right?
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that's so revealing of how he thinks. like people spending money on women. women can't have their own money. yeah. how would their brains even handle the math. although i do agree with him that we're spending too much money on movies. i will say that, like, like we did not need to see batman versus superman, people, batman can't beat superman, he doesn't have powers. he has the exact same powers as a guy doing batman cosplay, the exact same powers. now the tax cuts isn't law yet. the senate and the house 12eu8 have to reconcile their bills before sending it to trump for him to sign at his tiny little detionk. i call him desky. >> it means republicans will finally achieve their two big dreams, helping the nation's neediest millionares and of course getting all americans the-- that they deserve. we'll be right back. ♪ on my way to something more
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♪ you're that one i can't ignore ♪ ♪ i'm gonna miss you ♪ but real love is never a waste of time ♪
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♪ music ♪laying ♪ ♪
2:01 am
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delicious. ahhh. (music) rated mature. playstation.
2:03 am
>> welcome back-- . >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, my guest is creator, writer, producer, director, show runner and star of the new showtime series smilf. >> hey, larry. >> i can't get over the feelings in my body and in my soul. >> mom, this is a really big day for me. >> this say big day for me too. >> you just [bleep]. >> you haven't seen the guy in over 30 years, you think will show up at the office, fall madly in love with you again? >> [bleep] you are delusional. you haven't played on a basketball team in a decade and you think will you walk into the
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basketball auditions and. >> it's a tryout t is not an audition. >> so when you are done you will be a big superstar, is that the case. >> who knows y not try. >> okay, you go try. >> trevor: please welcome frankie shaw. welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> trevor: congratulations on the success of your show smilf. >> thank you. >> trevor: the tight sell as suggests, it is a play on mifl, correct. >> it is, yes. >> trevor: what does the f stand for-- s stand for. >> single. >> trevor: single mom i would like to free? >> friendly with 2z friendly. it is a really fascinating story. it is beautiful t is a story loosely based on your life whack is it really about? >> well, it's sort of about many things. so it's a struggling single mom. and she's raising her kids, coparenting, she's figuring out how to navigate raising her kid
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while sometimes he's not with her. and then we also deal with issues that i'm interested in exploring like class and race and sexual violence, all the funny stuff. and so yeah, it is sort of like a mixture of a very topical kind of show and also sort of a lighter comedy show. >> trevor: you do have some crazy story lines that are loosely tied to reality. >> yeah. >> trevor: for instance, your character who is the single mom deals with, i would have to say the after-feak of secretary all assault. >> yeah. >> trevor: looking at some of the stories you have told from the past, do you take from your personal experiences when you write these. >> yeah, so we started shooting the pilot the day trump was elected. so it-- everyone was like crying at the monitor when we're trying to shoot our first day. so there was a lot of rallies ing people up. so when that whats, i feel like it gave me the courage to say all right, let's do whatever we
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want. let's really go for it and so what would happen, what does it feel like from our point of view when someone grabs your pussy. so that is sort of where that episode came from. but also in the pilot episode bridget says she was sexually a beulsed by her dad and that's something that we sort of see the result of that trauma, how that has affected her life and her. and we get into it with all of the characters, they all have some sort of trauma and part of that which is i don't know one woman who hasn't experienced some sort of sexual assault or violation. >> trevor: right. >> let's put it out there. let's talk about how that actually affects one's self. >> trevor: when are you looking at this character, what would you say her biggest challenge is, does she have one biggest challenge? >> i mean i think it's figuring out how to function and thrive through all of her circumstances that are sort of holding her
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down whether it's a financial thing or residual trauma or having you know, having a baby that she's trying to provide for. and i think like ultimately underneath it all it is a character who wants a better life for her kid. so you know, one of the things that i have said about the show is, it is a-- at the end of the day, there is-- through all the crazy stuff she gets into, that is her priority. >> right. >> but there are lots of other stuff that prevents her from totally making that happen. >> trevor: now i know that the show is loosely based on some of the experiences that you had in your life. when, when raising your child, were there experiences where you go like this is what i would have done differently, this is something i wish i could have done. have you lived through the character in the show? >> yeah, i mean bridget is a very exaggerated version, you know. but i feel like i have had my best, i descrl and it really was like a-- to the point you know,
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where i was not trusting other people with him. >> trevor: right. >> sort of that neur o sis. >> i don't know if that is neur o sis. >> st a good parent. just like other people are like hey, stranger. >> i mean like i was living in l.a., you know, broke and still trying to make it as an actor. another choice could have been going back to boston. >> right. >> my aunt when i first said i was pregnant i took a train to boston, i sat in their kitchen and was like frankie, we know you got the love, you have the security, you need like, you need a job. come back, live here, we'll help you. >> and then i got on a plane by myself as one does. so i mean, you know, it could have been, i could have done that. but i honestly, i mean it's working out, i guess. >> it definitely is working out. and it's interesting that you talk about boston because it feels like boston is one of the characters in the show. was it important for you to put it in, like to situate the show in boston, is there something boston has for the show that you couldn't get anywhere else.
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>> for sure. they're all assholes in boston, no, just kidding. >> >> trevor: what i love about this, is someone in boston watching are like damn right. >> there is an attitude like who do you think you are. i would come home from the holidays and they would be like where is our oscar, you know, pie gold statue, oska. >> trevor: have i to translate there is a moment where i go eo, wow, that's-- that say weird accent. >> yeah. >> trevor: how do you say oscar. >> osca. >>. >> you are so smart. >> trevor: like an oscar, like aska question. >> okay, okay. >> so but ultimately you don't see a lot of women stories in boston. you get the gangster, the departed and ben affleck stories. and there is a thing about the women in boston that it's like they're loyal as anything. they are loyal. and in a krieses is they come through and this show just
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needed to thrb to talk about all the different issues that i care about. >> trevor: it comes across as funny, heartwarming, sad, crazy at the same time, thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: sunday, 10 p.m. on show time, frankie shaw, everybody. we'll be right back.


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