tv The Daily Show Comedy Central December 13, 2017 1:40am-2:10am PST
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everybody! welcome! thank you, everybody! welcome to "the daily show"! thank you for tuning in! i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight, actor, director and all around amazing person bob odenkirk is here, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) but first, alabama went to the polls today, and last night g.o.p. candidate roy moore tried one last time to prove that he doesn't just love minors, he loves everybody. >> roy moore's wife kayla spoke at a rally tonight and said this about her husband. >> fake news would tell you we don't care for jews. i'll tell you all this because i've seen it all. i just want to set the record straight while they're here. ( cheers and applause ) one of our attorneys is a jew. ( applause ) >> trevor: ahhh! that is painful to watch.
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she just said the worst possible thing, and the worst thing is she thinks she nailed it. look at that smile! it's like seeing a gymnast who thinks he did a perfect triple flip landing but he doesn't realize his pants got stuck on the bar. that's what it looks like. i didn't end there. >> fake news would also have you think that my husband doesn't support the black community. >> yeah! >> yet me husband appointed the very first black marshal to the alabama supreme court. >> trevor: oh, man, that was so awkward! did you hear the one guy who cheered way too soon? listen again. >> fake news would also have you think that my husband doesn't support the black community. >> yeah! >> trevor: yeah! that's right! you don't support the black -- oh, oh! she says, fake news says my husband doesn't support the black community -- yeah! -- but he gave a black guy a
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job! oh, i thought we were doing the other thing -- oh, okay. but let's move on. as we speak republicans in congress are hammering out the final version of their tax plan, and this plan has something for everybody. if you're a corporation, you get a massive tax cut. if you're rich, you get to give your kids twice as much of your estate tax free. if you're poor you get is tied of green beans trump didn't want. flap flap the architect is steve mnuchin. >> this is going to be the biggest tax cut and the largest tax reform in the history of our country. this is a big cut for the middle income and it's going to create jobs and growth. the changeso the income tax system are meant to create middle income tax cuts and also make corporate and business tax competitive so we can bring back tons and tons of jobs and capital to this country. >> trevor: that's right. some people can use the money to
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buy a new car. other people can buy hinges to open their jaws. ( laughter ) so everything mnuchin said there sounds really cool. the economy growing, people having more money, seems like a nice idea. but the problem was bipartisan experts said the tax cuts he was describing were going to significantly add to america's debt. but mnuchin said, m-nuhuh. >> not only will it pay for itself, it will play down debt. the numbers will be transparent. it will be scored by the treasury department. we have over 100 people working on it. we have over 100 people in the tax group in nod ling area and they're working around the clock running scenarios for us. >> trevor: mnuchin is saying those other people may have their opinions but numbers are open to interpretation, just depends on who's looking at them.
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for instance, when you read this murm you've 55,378,008. but i, a mathematical scholar see boobless. right? and that's basically what steve mnuchin was doing. he was hoping his people could turn this tax plan's true cost into boobless, which it turns out was not going to be easy, because while mnuchin's team was working on boobless, congressman's nonpartisan joint committee on taxation found out the tax plan would actually add a trillion dollars to america's debt. yeah, and a trillion more dollars of debt has most americans downing like dmx at his tax evasion trial. hay, yo! how we gonna pay for this? how we gonna pay?! whoo! ( laughter ) can we acknowledge d.m.x. is so good, we never said this guy is
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barking in his songs. he was -- (barking) -- and we were, like, yeah, that's totally normal. you know how good you have to be at rap for people to acknowledge you're barking. hi could me you, yo! my dude and my people, me you -- and my hood and the "what the actual fact"! crying like a baby, all the people know, never see d.m.x., waaa -- and never be and never go -- (barking) ( laughter ) anyway, sorry. yesterday -- yesterday, after months of hundreds of mnuchin's people worked around the clock, lock jaw finally released his analysis -- sort of. >> after months of stalling, the treasury department releases a one-page, putting it in quotes, analysis on tax reform.
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>> they came out with one page. >> this analysis, i don't even think it's 500 words. >> trevor: unbelievable! this is the biggest tax plan in 30 years. you are the head of the treasury department and after hundreds of employees put in months of work, you give americans an analysis shorter than a twitter thread? really? it would almost be more respectful if that page just said go (bleep) yourselves. ( laughter ) and you would think that if you only had to do one page of work, that page would be rock solid, right, because it's just one page. as it turns out, mnuchin was not even m-close. >> what does one page finding from the treasury does other than cop fuse the debate i'm afraid is it claims the answer. it says we're going to assume 2.9% growth and then they back into how to get it there. >> no, this is way more optimistic than just about every other estimate that's out there. >> trevor: he just made up a number. going to grow at 2.9 percent where did you get that?
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mn-i don't know. just made it up? mn (bleep). for more, we turned to part time money lender and financial expert roy wood, jr., everybody! ( cheers and applause ) roy, not only do mnuchin's numbers not add up but polls say this republican tax bill is super unpopular. >> unpopular? no, bro. ebola is unpop lay. dater people your own age in alabama is unpopular. my choices of wardrobe in middle school were unpopular. this tax bill is trash! say it with me, trevor, trash. >> trevor: yeah, but, roy, it makes sense, the bill gives rich people huge cuts and hurts average americans. at this h point, it seems like the only solution for the republicans is to rework the tax plan. >> no, no, dude, they don't have to rework anything, they're just
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selling it wrong. the problem is they're out here pretending the bill isn't for the rich. stop fronting, ball out. don't change the bill, change the message. >> trevor: what? >> part of the fun of being rich is being able to rub it in the poor person's dusty-assed face. ( laughter ) the republicans' whole attitude about the tax plan should be, hey, look, america, check this, we just signed paperwork, we about to be stunting on you broke bitches, we riding clean, flossing, getting in my private yet, all you broke ass middle class haters about to be sitting on struggle and if any of your punk ass democrats have anything to say, i ride with my mother (bleep) s.e.c. amendment and i'm going to make sure all your kids go broke! ( cheers and applause )
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that's what the republicans should say. >> trevor: i mean, that's cool and i've theme, roy, but there is no which that would work. you can't get people on your side if you're bragging about getting rich in their face. >> clearly you've never heard of hip-hop. ( laughter ) when you think about it hip-hop and republicans have a lot in common. they even came up the same. old school republicans like link uprepublicans, they stood up for the same things as old school hip-hop. community, justice, power to the people, now it's just about getting paid! i mean, tax cuts for private jet owners and alcohol distributors? that's basically a 2 chainz video! ( laughter ) look at this. look at these rappers. now look at mnuchin and his wife. ( applause ) the only difference is that mnuchin's money sun cut, which is a little weird because it's hard to make it rain when you just going to throw a sheet of
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money. ( laughter ) republicans, america ain't mad at you for wanting to get rich. we're mad at you for pretending this is about the middle class. just tell the truth, stop bull (bleep) and sell your lavish lifestyle the same way rappers do. all you need is a dope ass beat. >> the tax cuts and jobs act as amended is passed. >> tax cuts on my private jet. >> passed. >> private school. >> prases. >> look at your broke ass. >> passed. >> corporation. >> bass. >> drilling for oil. >> passed. >> cut for health insurance. >> passed. >> double how much teachers can write you have. >> passed. >> not a single democrat that thought it was a good idea. >> passed. >> you complain about process when you're losing and that's what you heard on the floor tonight. >> it's passed. >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everybody! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause )
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wifiso if you can't live without it...t it. why aren't you using this guy? it makes your wifi awesomely fast. no... still nope. now we're talking! it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." not just in america but all over the world bullying is a huge problem, and this week we saw another painful example. >> standing up for keaton, the powerful video millions are sharing. >> there is growing support for young keaton jones. the boy talking about being bullied at his tennessee school in an emotional video that has
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quickly gone viral. >> what did they say to you? what did they do to you at lunch? >> they call me ugly. they say i have no friends. >> trevor: man, every time i see that video, it makes me sad. i look at that poor kid, you know, people have bullied him. we can all relate in some way because everyone has been bullied in their life. and if you haven't, it's because you're the bully, you asshole. ( laughter ) looking back, i'm going to lie. i'm a little conflicted about bullying because i think bullies helped shape me. if it current pore them punching me and stealing me money, i would have never found the outlet that's coldy, got on the "the daily show" and made the money to give to the bullies because they made me give it to them in perpetuity. i don't know why i signed the bully contract. ( laughter ) it is a little weird what parents will film their kids doing. the kid is crying. tell me what happened, sweetie. let me choose a better filter.
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okay, go on. this time dab at the end. go on. ( laughter ) but you have to sympathize, the video brought out the best in people all the way to hollywood. >> celebrities, politicians and athletes offering words in encouragement. some of the biggest names in pop news weighing in, katy perry -- >> you are a legend. >> chris evans and mark ruffalo who made captain america and the hulk send their support. stay strong keaton, you are my own personal hero. >> trevor: what would have been dope is if they showed up to school in ko costume and beat the (bleep) out of the bullies. ( applause ) you know why, no one would believe the bullies. they would be, like, i swear captain america beat me up! yeah, whatever, man. but it's still the internet, less than a day into the story this happened. >> the feel-good story of
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celebrity support for 11-year-old keaton jones has taken an unfortunate turn. >> keaton's mom is surrounded by controversy herself. >> the spotlight on to keaton cast a spotlight on kim's post where she held a confederate flag. >> she posted the flag and bullied people who complained about slavery. >> the only two photos on my entire planet that i am anywhere near a confed rat flag, it was ironic, it was funny. >> trevor: you know, white people, here's a word of advice, a black person posing happily with a confed rat flag would be ironic because then it's, like, ha ha, i'm not the person you would expect to see standing with this. but with a white person in tennessee it's more, like, ha ha, this checks out. ( laughter ) so this is how the story evolved. a kid gets bullied, everyone rallies, people start digging up dirt on his mom, and people are
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asking, should we support the kid? is it fair to judge a child by the sins of their parent? should people post anything that night embarrass them online? private space, public space? looking at the internet? and that's the weird thing, this conversation we're having spiraled out of control, it's, like, what were we talking about again? bullying. yeah, that's what we started talking about and feels like that was so long ago. that's the internet. can't seem to solve the problem without creating five more. honestly, if it wasn't for porn, i don't know if it would be worth it. ( laughter ) we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) the barton bellas... where are they now? i quit my job. you got fired? no, i quit. i'm trying to get into vet school. fingers crossed. moo! i hate my life. i would do anything to sing with you guys again. one last show together. hell yeah! what a beautiful group. everyone of them going nowhere. we're going to show them that we are not a joke.
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heineken has been they know about tradition.3. my favorite tradition? you shouldn't have... exchanging gifts. i actually brought these myself. ♪ there's more behind the star. at amazon, we've got millions of toys and games ♪ to choose from this holiday, for kids of all ages. with free shipping on over 100 million items. so visit amazon, and give a little love this holiday.
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♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. i gave you this so that if you ever get[ whistling ]can go... people who need help with matters that can't be explained... [ gasp ] come to me. are you there? whistle if you can hear me. [ whistling ] is there an entity in this house that is trying to hurt me? [ whistling ] are you that entity? [ whistling ] are you behind this wall? there's nothing. [ gasps ] insidious: the last key. rated pg-13. >> trevor: >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a writer and actor who stars in "better call saul" and can be seen in the critically acclaimed new movie "the post." >> call from another phone.
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>> 617-597-4580. 617-597-4580. >> hello. >> yeah, i'm looking for -- >> yeah. hey, ben. it's dan. >> dan. it's good to hear your voice. >> yeah, it's been a while. >> trevor: please welcome bob odenkirk. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> thank you so much. that was so nice. thanks. >> trevor: what a pleasure to have you. before we begin, congratulations, golden globe nomination "better call saul" ( cheers and applause )
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>> it's a crazy honor. the show has gotten a lot of great attention, you know, and i'm just surrounded by excellence on that show, so i take it for the whole cast and crew. >> trevor: as a big fan of "breaking bad" i'm glad you didn't judge or binx the whole thing, go with a spin, like, what's going on here? >> they didn't c.g.i. me a different body. yes, well, i never thought about how wrong it could go until the put the billboards up. >> trevor: is that a moment where you look and say, oh -- >> i didn't think about it. they put the giant billboard up after we shot the season, it's coming on in two weeks, and i thought, wow, they could hate us so much. >> trevor: but people didn't hate you. >> no, they give us every chance. the audience has been so wonderful. >> trevor: we see you go from comedy to "better call saul," "breaking bad" and now into a
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movie with meryl streep and tom hanks, "the post." >> this is the moment. >> trevor: is there a moment where you go, like, meryl streep and tom hanks? >> right here, right now. >> trevor: oh, this is it? ( laughter ) >> it's crazy. it's a crazy thing, and i'm very honored to be with this company, and it's just a real amazing film, because it has -- it's about something,eth about many things. >> trevor: right. >> and it's a fun stephen speilberg movie. it's crazy! it's about this real true moment in american history, in 1971, where the pentagon papers, this report on vietnam that had been hidden by the government was sort of secreted out and published by the "new york times." they were shut out by the white house, then they went off "the
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washington post." "the post" had to struggle with the government to post them and get the information out that the public paid for. >> trevor: i know stephen speilberg had said he had to make the movie in six months because he didn't want to wait years, this was a movie for the times. when you were researching for the role, surely there was a part of you that saw this as well as what people were afraid would end up happening in current-day america. >> it's about so many things that are happening now, and nixon was the president. by the way, in this movie, nixon was played by nixon. they use his actual phone calls for him, and you get to hear them. it's amazing because he tears into the press and he really want to put people in jail. he wants to put journalists in jail and shut down these newspapers. so it's a real fight, and it's happening again right now, so it's incredibly relevant, and it's about so many things, and it's a suspense movie and it's got, you know, humor in it and
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it's just a real fun project to be a part of. >> trevor: it's a powerful piece because it also speaks to what your character was doing and that was risking everything to hold the government accountable through the press. do you, like -- i mean, since you've done the movie, i'm sure it's changed your view or amplified it. do you see that as something the press is tasked with doing? is it really that important? >> absolutely. we're all asking ourselves a little bit what is the job of the press, what are the ideals and standards that we should be pursuing? and they're all in this movie, and i think thattates great time to look at journalism and take it seriously and ask what the highest ideals of journalism are. ben bagdikian is the one who said, in real life, the only way to assert the right to accomplish is to accomplish, which is to say, in order to own that right that is in the bill of rights, we need to share the information that we've sourced and backed up as best we can.
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