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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  February 22, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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. no, i've tried emailing. i'm on television. i'm a very serious journalist. it just feels like you guys are not interested in talking. i don't need to talk to your supervisor, i don't-- [bleep]! >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: thank you so much, everybody! and welcome to "the daily show"! i'm trevor noah! thank you so much! take a seat! take a seat! take a seat, everyone! our guest tonight, one of the stars of "black panther" and my movie mom lupita nyong'o is here, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: but first, i don't know if you've noticed, but
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seems like, as donald trump becomes more and more unwoke, justin trudeau is compensating in the other direction. the only issue is the canadian prime minister keeps going too far. >> canada's prime minister is under fire for his outfits observe his week-long family trip to india. >> trudeau got called out by one of india's most popular politicians who tweeted is it just me or is this choreographed cuteness a bit much now. we indians don't dress like this every day, sir, not even in bollywood. ( laughter ) >> trevor: justin trudeau is the greatest. what is he doing? you look at the pictures, the indians look like they showed up for a diplomatic conference and he looked like he was auditioning for a show! ( applause )
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if this is what he does in india, i can't wait for the official visit to italy. it's me, trudeau! ( laughter ) some people in india thought it was really sweet trudeau was trying to embrace indian culture, but others were offended, but a tiny percentage of the population, like a few hundred million. what would be funny is if trudeau was trying to apologize but too deep with the culture. ( in accent ) as canadian prime minister, so i'm sorry a-boot what happened! ( laughter ) >> trevor: after the tragedy in a school in parkland, florida, lawmakers have been under pressure to respond to the children and parents affected by yet another mass shooting. so last night cnn rented an old wwe arena to host the town hall that brought together survivors with the elected officials. off the bat, it was clear the
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survivors and families weren't there to play nice. >> senator rubio, i just listened to your opening and thank you, i want to like you. here's a problem, and i'm a brutally honest person so i'm just going to say it up front, your comments this week and those of our president have been pathetically weak. ( cheering ) look at me and tell me guns were the factor in the hunting of our kids in this school this week and look at me and tell me you accept it and you will work with us to do something about guns. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: yeah. that was a really powerful moment. and now, thanks to that father, we all know what marco rubio's face looks like when he's crapping his pants. ( laughter ) that was basically how the town hall went all night. marco rubio got less love at this thing than a eunuch at an
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orgie. the teenagers led the way. >> can you tell me now you will not accept a single donation from the n.r.a.? >> in the name of 17 people, you cannot ask the n.r.a. to keep their money out of your campaign? >> in the name of 17 people i can pledge to you i will support any way that will prevent a killer like this from -- >> no, i'm talking about not accepting money from the n.r.a. in the future. >> i will always accept the help of anybody who greece with my agenda. >> your agenda is protecting us, right? >> trevor: wow! so awkward for marco rubio. he looked like a dad trying to explain to his son why he cheated on his mom. you know, cameron, sometimes a politician has needs and when the n.r.a. opens their wallet,
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it's so hard to resist! one day you will understand. ( laughter ) rubio tried his best to explain his positions but you can tell he was out of sync with what was going in the room. >> it's not the loopholes, it's the problem that once you start looking at how easy tots get around it you would literally have to ban every semi-automatic rifle that's sold. ( cheers and applause ) >> fair enough. fair enough. okay. okay. >> trevor: okay, i see i just made your point. okay. okay. that was such an epic fail. rubio said the solution like it was the problem. it reminded me of the reaction a lot of men had to the #metoo movement. people were, like, if we carry on like this we're going to live in a world where men can't even hit on their female staff, huh?
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oh, that is what we want? okay, fair enough. i misunderstood. i misunderstood, okay. ( applause ) now, usually, town halls are just an opportunity for politicians to spin the narrative and get their own talking points out, but these kids, these kids held rubio's feet to the fire so hard that they got him to do something that most conservatives hate, evolve. >> i traditionally have not supported looking at magazine clip size, and after this and some of the details i've learned about it, i'm reconsidering that position, and i'll tell you why. >> trevor: yeah, i'm not going to lie, i'm surprised these heckling teenagers got rubio to change his mind. maybe bullying isn't that bad after all. ( laughter ) and in fact maybe that's how you get the rest of america's lawmakers to do anything, move the floor of the congress to the middle of a coliseum and best believe they will try to get
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things done. every time they try to filibuster, release the lions! and mcconnell will be, like, i don't want to be eaten by a lion again, let's just figure this out. slow down, buddy, i'm all skin. ( laughter ) president trump didn't como the town hall in florida but had his own listening session in the mar-a-lago of the north, the white house. even once he came fully prepared, even bringing a note to tell him what emotions to feel. see there number five. i hear you. you know what? i feel bad for donald trump. you know we would have never seen that note if he just had bigger hands. we wouldn't have seen those words. seriously, seriously, the guy is a stable genius but he can't remember to say "i hear you?" it's a listening session! i feel like trump just brought the same notes he has been using every time he talks to melania.
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donald, are you having an affair? first off, let me just say, i hear you. ( laughter ) now, yesterday, people mocked trump for needing crib notes to sound like a human being but to be honest i prefer trump using notes. and when he doesn't use them like today he says shit like this. >> i think a concealed permit for having teachers and letting people know there are people in the gun, in my opinion, you won't have these shootings because these people are cowards. they're not going to walk into a school if 20, maybe 10 or 40% of the teachers have guns. what i recommend is the people who do carry we give them a little bit of a bonus. ( audience reacts ) >> trevor: man. america really is a special place. ( laughter ) for years, teachers have been asking for more pay and politicians have said they don't have enough money, but now the president is, like, if you're willing to cap some fools, we're
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going to make it rain, yeah. ( applause ) and i like how president trump calls it a bonus, too. can you imagine teachers after a shooting being, like, oh, my god, i can't believe i had to shoot someone! it's, like, yes, it's the hardest thing you will ever have to do and that's why you've earned this jam ba juice gift card excls there you go! get something nice! ( laughter ) there are so many practical issues with this plan i don't know where to begin, but honestly it's not worth going through them all. if you decide the teacher needs to be locked and loaded during english glass, you're not trying to solve the problem, you're admitting defeat. i get that people are worried about school shootings and i get some people think that if teachers have guns they can keep their students safe, but you do realize there are organizations that are training teachers to use guns and it might not be the perfect solution that you think. >> drop your gun! >> this is the point of view of an elementary school principle.
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firing at a mock gunman during a simulated school shooting. >> during this training i saw one person shoot what would have been a student in a scenario. when you see that does it make you second guess to have this choice to have guns in schools? >> no. it's an accident we might take one but we might have saved 30, 440 other kids. ( audience reacts ) >> trevor: good lord, america just went from no child left behind to sometimes little timmy gotta get got! ( laughter ) i'm just saying if i was sending my kids to school i wouldn't want the principle to have the same rules as omar. we'll be right back ( cheers and applause )
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♪ bring home the taste sensation. taco bell's nacho fries, now with delicious bonus content. the nacho fries $5 box set,
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now serving at a taco bell near you. [bong!]
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discove♪ tic tac gum! great taste! very refreshing! long lasting flavor! new tic tac gum a playful refreshing moment to share. chew and play! ( cheers and applause ) welcome back to "the daily show"! it's february. it's february which means it's black history month, and we're celebrating all month with roy wood, jr. honoring the unsung heroes of black history in another episode of "cp time." ( cheers and applause ) >> oh.
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welcome to c.p. time. the only show that's for the culture. now, normally, when you think about african-american innovation you think about the peanut, or booty twerking. but today we're discussing the history of african-american innovators forgotten by time because black innovators have been contributing to america's economy from the beginning and, no, i'm not just talking about slavery. but let's talk about slavery. jack daniels whiskey, for example. now you might think this fine tennessee hooch was invented by some goofy assed white dude and to be fair jack daniels does sound like the name of a dude that fights raccoons, but did you know it was a slave who taught jack how to make whiskey? that's right. whiskey in the $1,850s was taught by a slave named nerus green. the whiskey was named after jack
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daniel even know green wanted to call it, hey, man, drink this shit to get your mind off of slavery. after the civil war, neris green became america's first black master distiller. so let's honor mr. green and the fruits of his labor with a toast. ugh! damn, you got to make it burn! wasn't your life hard enough? ( laughter ) now, on to the story of jerry lawson, a self-taught engineer who invented the video game cartridge. before jerry lawson, the only video game you could play was pong. look at this boring ass video game. action packed. jerry lawson with his invention gave black people an escape from racism, much in the same way neris green did with his jack daniels. so let's toast to neris green!
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( laughter ) ooh! like a bitch. mmm! finally the last black innovator lonnie johnson, an aerospace engineer who in 1982 invented the supersoaker, an invention that brought joy to both children and wet t-shirt contest audiences alike. anyway, the only reason i wanted to mention lonnie was so i could honor neris green in the most efficient way possible. high-pressure alcohol dispensing. that's right. ( laughter ) oh, lordy, lordy right there. yes, lord. ( laughter ) whoo! lordy, lordy! mmm! so there you have it. so black innovators, we say thank you. now somebody bring me a soda because i got to get something to chase this with. oh, lord. ( applause )
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that's all the time we have for cp time today. remember, preserve the culture. >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everyone. we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) oh, manatees. aka "the sea cow"" oh! there's one.
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manatees in novelty ts? surprising. what's "come at me bro?" it's something you say to a friend. what's not surprising? how much money matt saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. i like beer- beer! it tastes mighty fine; specially on nights that are mellow. yes, we like beeeeeeer! i like yours can i have some? it's not cool to ask that. thanks, captain obvious. online dating isn't always rewarding. but is. instant savings now, free nights later. ♪
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that selfie game strong thing. that four-legged friends thing. oo la la! at&t gives you more for your thing. more entertainment, internet, and unlimited plans. more for your thing. yeah, that's our thing.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an oscar-award winning actor who stars in the hit movie "black panther." ( gunfire ) >> so primitive. >> they're idiots. the bullets won't penetrate!
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>> what are you doing? >> just drive. ( gunfire ) ( crashing sounds ) (screamig) >> trevor: please welcome lupita nyong'o! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back! >> thank you! >> trevor: please, please, take a seat. welcome back to "the daily show." >> thank you very much. >> trevor: so good to have you, and congratulations. i've read numbers that say that "black panther" is on track right now and nine days to cross $500 million! ( cheers and applause ) are you as over the moon as everyone else that's watched the
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movie? >> yeah, probably a little higher. >> trevor: right. ( laughter ) yeah, no, it's amazing, amazing what this film has been able to do. i mean, we could not have predicted this, you know. >> trevor: right. >> not only that the box office is quite handsome, but, you know, the effect it's having on the world. i mean, for the first time, i've seen people -- other people to go see the movie and things like that. it's become this community effort, and that is incredible. >> trevor: it really has connected with people on a level beyond just the superhero, because when you start with the basics, this movie is an amazing film. "black panther" is an amazing marvel film, it's a superhero film, but you dig into it and see the film is doing something for people, that is showcasing different faces and people. is that something you were cognizant of when you were making the movie? did you go, oh, this feels different and special when you were making it? >> oh, yeah, for sure, from the start when ryan walked me through the story, i thought,
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this is something i want to see, a dream come true, you know, that we get to have a superhero that's african and he's fly, he's bad-ass, he's intelligent, he has women all around him that are also bad-ass! i mean -- ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: you know what, and the women, that's the interesting part of the story for me is i won't spoil anything for anyone, but the women in this film aren't -- like, it's not women on the side, it's not women that are subservant. it's, no, these women are kicking ass in different roles. ( cheers and applause ) in wakanda. >> yeah >> trevor: and they're all individuals. you play i would say the love interest and inspiration in many ways to chala. when you were playing the character, what were you trying to give us when you were playing your character? >> i think ryan and to tell a different story about love, you
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know. in these kind of genres, the love interest is being pursued and she's won at the end and the b plot and doesn't have an effect on the main story. ryan wanted to show us what it is to be in a different relationship and have agency in that relationship. it's not your average love story. >> trevor: and i think a lot of people who were history buffs who study african culture what they loved is "black panther" felt like it was a tip of the hat to african culture as it was intended where people were equal even though it was a patriarchal society, where people were going, like, no, no, women served a different role at someponent and had more in different cultures. when you play your character, you guys are bad-ass and there's a scene that touches on something i thought was a rumor but i found out was true and that is no one had straightened
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hair in the movie, no one had, you know, hair that was, like, they used a curling iron on their hair. >> yeah. >> trevor: why is that so important, is it important? >> it goes back to what is innately considered beautiful on the continent. you know, before the advent of the white man, black people on the continent were doing all sorts of things with their hair, right. >> trevor: right. >> so the idea of extensions and all that, that is not new, but the kind of shaming or rejecting of kinks and curls is new, and that did come with the white man. >> trevor: right. >> in this story wakanda, they don't know the first thing about the white world. >> trevor: right. >> so they emplace themselves. they have their own sense of what is beautiful and their own sense of augmentation and that's why you don't see any straight hair. >> trevor: tha i would be remiss if i let you go without speaking about the news that came out
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yesterday. apparently you agreed to produce and star in a film about a young south african boy and his mother -- >> yes! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: first of all, i wanted to say thank you. when we first spoke about the book as a concept, you were, like, i love this book and story and everything about it. >> well, you're not telling the truth, because the truth is i was on the set of "black panther," and i got the book, i pre-ordered it, got it, i read it and i sent you an email, and i said, trevor, please, would you do me the honor of letting me play your mother. ( applause ) >> trevor: and then, and then i was, like, i don't know if it will work out. ( laughter ) and then she sent he a pic of her muscles and i said, yeah, that's my mom, you can do it. i'm excited. thank you for everything you're doing. "black panther" is amazing. you are phenomenal. $500 million. it's going to be a billion
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dollars. see you in the sequel and everything. >> yeah, thank you. >> trevor: "black panther" in theaters now. lupita nyong'o, everyone! we'll be right back! i've had three people try to eat me today. ooh, lucky penny. anyway, sometimes i wish i were human. woahhhh. i'm human! do you want to eat me? would you like to eat me? nobody wants to eat me...
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red robin taco tavern double... with guacamole, tortilla strips and zesty salsa... one of three burgers only $6.99 each. anytime. with bottomless steak fries, of course. let's burger. ♪ red robin...yummm®. ♪ i like yours can i have some? it's not cool to ask that. thanks, captain obvious. online dating isn't always rewarding. but is. instant savings now, free nights later. then he tried tostitos scoopsl and salsanline. and started following them in real life. no! and kept following... everywhere. wow, okay. boundaries, michael... boundaries. hey, mike. 'sup? oh... tostitos. bring the party.
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muham[laughter & applause]atest! muhammad: i'm going to become champion of the universe! muhammad: me with my beautiful, colorful personality. muhammad: i'm good looking, clean living, cultured, muhammad: and i am modest. [laughter] muhammad: i am so modest, i can admit my own fault. muhammad: my only fault is muhammad: i don't realize how great i really am! [laughter] muhammad: because i am great, i am the greatest! ♪ >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. stay tuned, "the opposition" with jordan klepper is coming up next. now here it is... your moment of zen. >> as an example i'm watching general john kelly. he's a four-star marine.
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he's a tough cookie. if he was a teacher, i wouldn't mind him having a gun because i guarantee you he can use it better than anybody. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ( applause ) ( cheers and applause ) >> jordan: i'm hot! i'm hot, people! hot and fresh! it's already february 22. my guest tonight is comedian ali saddiq. big show! ( cheers and applause ) we have a lot to get to. big show! yesterday, donald trump hosted a listening session with school shooting survivors. and it was a huge success, because trump is the best at listening. he's so good at listening, that he can even talk while he's doing it. but as expected, the totally


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