tv The Daily Show Comedy Central May 9, 2018 1:35am-2:05am PDT
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and at kay, he designs for the star in your life. the inspiration for this ring goes back almost 100 years. at kay... the number-one jewelry store for... yes. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. welcome back to the only tv show that thinks there are too many shapes of pasta. five is plenty. next week, a cheerleader who's brave enough to take a knee.
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[ screaming ] >> drama! teen girls always make such a big deal out of everything. come to my show in vegas, and while you're there, feel free to chisel steve wynn's name off anything you see. don't forget to buy tickets to my tony nominated show in new york city. the baby name of the week is beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice. and finally, it's your nascar highlight of the week. [ humming ] >> aaah! anybody else think that cheater kevin harvick's car sounded funny? that joke is for my base. my apologies to the deaf community who will not be able to understand that video. good night. ♪
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>> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," everybody! thank you so much for tuning if! i'm trevor noah! so good to have you! tonight's guest -- tonight's guest, presidential historian jon meacham is joining us, everyone! ( cheers and applause ) but first, by now, you've probably seen the footage out of hawaii where a previously chilled-out volcano recently stepped up its game. luckily, no one has been hurt because the lava moves really slowly, but it's still
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destroying homes and property, and i'm not going to lie, the first thing i thought when i saw this was, wow, obama will go to any lengths to destroy his ebirth certificate. this is insane. ( laughter ) now hawaii is not only dealing with the volcano, it also has to deal with idiots. >> a scary situation happening in slow motion. lava is continuing to flow on hawaiias big island and authorities have a stark warning to tourists stay away from it. experts say there's no way to predict when the kilauea volcano will start erupting, toxic gases are a threat and the vicious molten lava is claiming homes and other structures. >> trevor: who has to be warned to stay away from lava? it's lav that's the warning! people are being evacuated from their homes and tourists are going to gawk at it? this will end up being the millennialial pompey. some future tour guide will be
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in front of a man of ash saying, this victim was taking a selfie in 2018. ( laughter ) i don't understand people don't respect the eruption because the lava moves so slowly. it's like the ben carson of natural disasters. watch-out-i'm-also-bad-for- housi watch-out-i'm-also-bad-for-housi ng. ( laughter ) in other news, parents have been complaining that their kids are rude to their google home speakers. so, today, google introduced a new mode where you have to say "please" before it will respond. yeah, and, personally, i think this is great. everyone should be polite to these things. not just because of manners, but just when the robot uprising comes, they might spare us. the robots will be like, exterminate -- oh, wait, that's trevor. he was always polite to us. exterminate, please. ( laughter ) all right, lest move on to
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someone who never said please in his life. president trump. after months of teasing his decision on the iran nuclear deal, today the president dropped the world's most expected bomb. >> breaking news, president trump is making good on his threat to pull out of the iran nuclear deal. >> i am announcing today that the united states will withdraw from the iran nuclear deal. in a few moments, i will sign a presidential memorandum to begin reinstating u.s. nuclear sanctions on the iranian regime. america will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail. >> trevor: that makes sense. he's already being blackmailed by putin and a porn star. a third one would be just too much. ( laughter ) to remind you what exactly the ierp deal is. in 2015, barack obama, leaders from germany, france, u.k., russia and china reached an historic agreement to lift sanctions on iran and in
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exchange iran would halt its nuclear program and change its chant from death to america to a slightly less harsh h hair herpo america. why would trump pull out? >> this was a horrible one-sided deal that should never be made. the deal allowed iran to continue enriching uranium and, over time, reach the brink of a nuclear breakout. it also fails to address the regime's development ofballistic missiles. the deal does nothing to constrain iran's destabilizing activities including its support for terrorism. >> trevor: okay. he raises some good points except for the fact that they're all bullshit. it is true that the deal didn't address every single problem with iran, but it did address the main problem, nuclear weapons.
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like, you can't get rid of the entire thing just because it didn't fix everything. it's like saying this detergent got the stains out of my shirt but it didn't save my crumbling marriage. yeah, it wasn't supposed to. that's th the claim his deal kes iran from enriching uranium, it's possible ten years from now iran could restart their nuclear program. now that trump killed the deal, they could restart tomorrow. it sounds insane. if i have a choice between the rock body slamming me ten years from now or the rock body slamming me tomorrow, i'm going to take ten years from now. the rock's a busy guy, he might forget by then. in ten years, maybe i could take him, if i started taking steroids now and working out, i might have a chance, better watch out, i'm coming for you! forget it. i'm pulling out.
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( laughter ) seems like trump cares about the facts as much as any other facts and the truth is he decided to scrap the iran deal before he even knew it worked. >> we talk about iran, that was one of the worst deals ever made, worst contracts ever signed ever in anything. as far as iran is concerned i would have never made that deal. >> you know there's a bad signal when you go across and see on television the iranian chief negotiate goes home and they're celebrating him in the streets, right? >> this is one to have the dumbest contracts i've ever seen of any kind. this was done by extremely stupid people. >> trevor: this contract is so dumb, you're supposed to say, how dumb is it? this contract is so dumb -- >> how dumb is it? >> trevor: -- it tried to find the corner of a round room! these are the jokes, people, theefers the jokes, so dumb. look, the reason we know that trump is wrong about leaving
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this deal is because he's the only leader who wants to get out. every other country who signed it wants to stay in. remember the last two weeks? they have been a rolling house party at the white house of leaders begging trump to stay in the deal. that's why macron put up with trump's dand druf thing, merkel put up with there were's there were thing. >> boris johnson visited washington yesterday and appeared to reach out to president on "fox & friends." >> we need to find a way to fix that and the president has been right the call attention to it. but you can't do that without throwing out the baby with the bath water. if they do get a nuclear weapon, you're going to get an arms race in the middle east. >> trevor: do you realize that's how deseparate america's allies are? print didn't just send trump to
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someone's tv show, they sent his british twin. "it's bad, folks, not good, not good at all" but in his head he hears "there are negative ramifications that from my perspective can't be overemphasized and we have to deal with this bigly (english accent). ( laughter ) >> trevor: they wanted trump to stay in the deal. >> this is a mistake. >> the deal constrains iran's nuclear program. how does pulling out of it make you safe? >> if they restart their enrichment because we have made the deal null and void, what will donald trump do some. >> we are setting in motion today a process that could well lead to conflict down the road. >> this moves the world closer to war in this region. >> they are the third largest oil producer and prices will go up, americans will feel this at the pump. >> trevor: that's right. this could lead to a horrible destabilizing war and, even
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worse, we'll pay slightly more for gas. ( laughter ) yeah. so that means, when you're trying to flee the nuclear apocalypse, you have to look at your gas tank the whole time. it's going to be, like, aaahhh! now that the war has started, we have to get out of here. drive, drive! slow down! gas is not cheap. we'll scream fast and drive slow. aaahhh! aaahhh! go around! aaahhh! and there's one more consequence to leaving this deal. it's a really big issue. it has to do with america's credibility. think about how it looks to the rest of the world for the united states to just blow off an international agreement years in the making. once you make a deal with someone it's really important to carry it through. otherwise you start developing the wrong reputation and it makes it impossible to make future deals. i'm not the only one saying this. a much wiser than once said the
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same thing. >> once you make a deal with someone, it's really important to carry it through. you start developing the wrong reputation. it makes it impossible to make future deals. >> trevor: the president should listen to that guy. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ brillando, brillando, brillando! ♪ ♪ juntos siempre vamos a estar ♪ brillando brillando brillando. ♪ ♪ brillando ♪ ♪ soñando. ♪ ♪ bailando, soñando, brillando ♪
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a staggering 72% of lower income communities.from and they're hit the hardest by big tobacco's tactics. big tobacco designed cigarettes to be more addictive by genetically engineering the tobacco itself. and it's ravaging struggling america. they should be ashamed of themselves. it has to stop. oh they don't care. they don't care about us. you know this is wrong. we need to stop big tobacco. know the truth. spread the truth. enlist at
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." in the past year, we've seen so many powerful men finally being held accountable for abused women. and it shows to signs of stopping. i mean, who knows -- they might even get r. kelly this year. you realize he's been uncatchable for years. he's like the #metoo's bin laden. ( audience reacts ) mean while, just last night, another big name was exposed. >> new york's attorney general eric sneiderman abruptly
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resigning three hours after the "new yorker" published an article detailing abuse allegations from four different women. >> allegations of physical and verbal abuse -- slapping, strangling to the point two women say they had to go to the hospital. >> tanya telling the "new yorker" the former attorney general said he started calling pehis brown slave and demanding i repeat i was his property. >> trevor: i taut i heard it all. but this guy is the one guy they wouldn't let into "westworld." they were, like, we do crazy shit here but you're a freak man. the reason it's getting so much attention is eric sneiderman is not just the new york attorney general, he's a national figure, one to have the biggest opponents of trump's agenda, he sued trump over dak arks the muslim ban, he was making it raining lawsuits. this is huge because sneiderman
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presented himself as an advocate for women. >> in recent months we've begun a long overdue reckoning with our cruelture of violence and silence. we've never seen anything as despicable as what we've seen here, a pervasive pattern of sexual harassment, intimidation, discrimination and abuse at the weinstein company. if a woman does not have the right to control her own body she is not truly equal. are we ready to fight against male supremacy in all its forms? ♪ i bet you think this speech is about you ♪ >> trevor: so seems like he was trying to puts harvey weinstein in jail while he was abusing women himself. like robert mueller has been taking secret vacations with putin. "i wish with everyone knew the mueller i know. he's different, different person. he be best ." ( laughter ) this is a weird part of the story, but this was broken
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yesterday by jane mayer and ronan farrow. by cones queens ronan farrow is our guest last night. i'm getting ready to do the show and he says i'm just finishing up a piece, i'm going to send this out. i had no idea he was ending an attorney general's career over our wi-fi. ( laughter ) and since i pay for the wi-fi, i'd like to think i did my part. ( applause ) i really think i did. thank you. thank you very much. no, seriously, i wasn't involved, but ronan farrow's reporting on sexual harassment helped expose so many powerful men. it must be terrifying to be a dude and get a call from him. when he's on the phone you think, like, it's over now. i bet he can't even order pizza. this is ronan farrow -- aaahhh! -- hang up. for more i'm joined by dulce
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sloan. what do you think about these allegations of beating and choking? >> what do i think? i think this guy's christian gray only without the looks, without the money, without the consent. actually, this is nothing like 50 shades of gray. that dude's sexy as hell. >> trevor: what makes it upsetting is in public he was a champion for women and in private we find out he might be a monster. >> yeah, he sounds like a monster but in a way he's still a champion for women. >> in 2016 his office published a know your rights brochure for victims of domestic violence. in to 10 when a state senator for manhattan he introduced bill to make intentional strangulation a violent felony. >> see, he pushed for tougher laws that are going to make it easier for us to throw his ass in jail! thank you! ( cheers and applause ) i wish every abuser would build a wile e. coyote trap for themselves. like if r. kelly sang a song
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about kidnapping. it's a remix to ignition, time to put me in prison, oh! and do you know what made me madder? the detail. did you hear he was role playing with a sri lanka woman calling her his brown slave. >> trevor: a lot of people are offended by that detile. >> as they should be. if he wanted to role play with a slave, why didn't he cast a black woman? do you know how hard it is for us to get roles? i could play a slave, at least. >> trevor: you can't be serious. >> no, no, no -- i'm joking. but if i did do slavery role play i'd do it django style. he started out all con phi dent then we'll see who's whipping who. >> trevor: dulce sloan, everybody. we'll be right back.
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sprintern. for that big slow-motion camera. what are you up to? showing you the unrivaled iphone x. ooh nice. yeah it is nice. and you know what i can do with it? no what? i can unlock it with my face! they call it face id. here let me show you. see? do you have to make that face when you unlock it? what face? uh... (vo) get the unrivaled iphone x now for just $20 a month. that's 50% off from sprint. for people with hearing loss, switch to sprint to get the best price for unlimited. visit ( ♪ ) (sustained horn honk) advisor: (on phone) jane, this is jim from onstar, i've contacted help and they're on their way. woman: okay.
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advisor: don't worry i'm going to stay with you until help arrives. woman: thank you. that deer, it just... just came out of nowhere. you ever had a snickers® ahmend? i love ahmends. do you like ahmends? i like almonds... that's what i said, ahmends. (grunt) (thud) (crash, honk) driver: it's almond, with an "l". (crash, honk) growing up i didn't have anyone who looked like me. that's why i started my blog to inspire people to be themselves. the surface laptop has already made me more productive. i'm creating mood boards. i'm editing content. or i'm running around new york with a huge bouquet of balloons. so having a light laptop is a game changer. plus the battery life on the surface lives forever. my blog is sometimes about fashion, sometimes about sprinkles. it's usually always about color. find what makes you different, because that sets you apart from everyone else. ♪hat if water were as active as you?
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." tonight, my guest is a pulitzer prize winning historian whose book is called "the soul of america: the battle for our better angels." please welcome jon meacham! ( cheers and applause ) >> thank you. >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> thank you, sir. >> trevor: you have an interesting role as a writer and as a presidential historian. you just look at the history of presidents. the donald trump unprecedented? have you ever seen anything like this? are we overreacting? >> we're not overreacting. he's sort of peres dented.
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we have seen various elements of demagogues, of people who have wanted to blow up the conventions, who've done the wrong thing, who valued fear over hope which is what this president is about. but to treat him as if he is a unique creature is almost to give him superpowers that we shouldn't encow him with. >> trevor: that's an interesting point. do you think, though, that maybe it's not that we're giving him superpowers, he lives in an age where he has superpowers. some of dew points you talk about in the book and some leaders like mccarthy for instance who was a senator we see similar traits to trump but they didn't have twitter, they didn't have mediums that helped them connect with as many people. >> if you hadn't been used to a printing press or radio or television, hey, it's the information superhighway, the paper is coming. >> trevor: right. >> more than 140 characters. we had a president in andrew johnson during reconstruction who opposed the 14th and
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15th amendments, vetoed civil rights legislation. he wrote in a state paper that people of color were genetically incapable of self-government. >> trevor: right. >> so not exactly a great moment. he's not on rushmore. and even the guys on rushmore made mistakes. my argument is that with we have to find a way to protest, to resist, to heed our better angels because no era is perfect and, yet, we've pushed on to a more perfect union. >> trevor: do you sometimes think maybe it would be best served to not look at american history for trump to, maybe look at countries where they've had dictators that started out as a democratic leader then molded the country into something else? >> sure. there's unquestionably global elements here. unquestionably, he would, i think, welcome dictatorial powers. the thing about the american experiment, though, is the constitution was designed for just this kind of moment. >> trevor: right.
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>> that's why we should talk heart. it would have stunned the founders that it took till 2016 to get someone like this. women have not voted yet for 100 years, marriage equality is not yet three years old in. my region of the south people of color 50 years ago could not vote, yet we've created a country that, even for all of donald trump, what is our immigration issue? people want to come here. >> trevor: right, and that's a good sign because it shows america is still a place people want to come to, but at the same time donald trump is slowly turning it into the place people don't want to come to anymore. >> well, he's doing what he can. no doubt about that. ( laughter ) but, remember, trump thinks of us not as a country but as an audience, and i think one of the things we have to do is remind ourselves that, in fact, we were a country before we were taken hostage in november of 2016, and i don't think you've had
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st. augustine on the show recently. >> trevor: no. >> but i'll throw a quote at you, st. augustine wrote, best definition of a nation i've ever heard, is a multitude of rational beings united by the common objects of their love. ates wonderful phrase. a multitude of rational beings united by the common objects of their love. what do we love in common? traditionally fair play, equality of opportunity not of outcome, a chance as lincoln said to rise up by your own labor, and, when we listen to those voices, guess what? we get stronger. and this is not a partisan point. i voted for democrats, i've voted for republicans,ly continue to if republicans survive the next couple of years, but we have managed to grow stronger the more generously we've interpreted the notion that we're all created equal. >> trevor: right. >> that's an historical data point. my friend likes to poi
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