tv The Daily Show Comedy Central June 5, 2018 1:40am-2:10am PDT
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i'm trevor noah 57bd it has been 620 hours since we have last seen melania trump. my guest tonight is a rapper and actor in the new movie oceans eight. awkwafina is here, everybody. but first up, if you were planning to invite fbi agents to a party, be warned, because they got some banging dance moves. >> an fbi agent is under investigation after his fun accidentally went off on a dance floor in denver. >> as he flipped his handgun flies out of its holster to the floor then accidentally going offer as he picks it up. watch again as he reaches, there is that muzzle flash, the bullet striking a man in the crowd. >> trevor: damn, i always thought that quite people were bad at dancing, but i dispt know they were actually dangerous. wow. there are so many things that strike me about this video. first of all what is this nightclub, right? no, look. it's lit up like a grocery store, there is a guy in shorts
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and flipflops am i think the floor is astroturf, like where is this, is there a cover charge or did you just flash your loony tunes tattoo to get in, how does it work. and also how is the fbi agent going to shoot someone and walk away like my bad, pie bad, party foul, all right, let's keep it moving. keep it moving. the best part for me has to be the flipflop guys who disappears as soon as the gun goes offer, look at him, bang out, i'll outk i'm out. yeah, i like that. that was the most black response you can ever get. because all the other people are like oh my god, a gun went off that tbie is like oh shit i'm out, i'm out. now luckily the guy without bot shot is okay and now i think he has a pretty dopetory. as long as he keeps it short. that score over there, that is from when an fbi agent shot me, accidenteddally while dancing. in other news scott pruitt head of the epa is coming under fire again. this one is a weird sphorree.
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he apparently asked one of the epa observations to help him buy a used mattress from the trump international hotel. yeah, that's what he did and before you knock him. i think you have to gift man some credit. buying something second hand is literally the only good thing he has ever done for the environment. so give him that. and this, this is one of my favorite stories from yesterday. former senator rick santorum said that president barack obama more than donald trump exacerbated racism in america. that is what he said. he said obama actually made racism worse which when you think about t he has a point. because think about it, in this country's 200 year history, no one had ever called a sitting president the "n" word. then obama shows up, and it's everywhere. yeah. thanks, obama, thanks. people are like i never said that word until he came it must be him. but let's move on 689 one of the president's top selling points during the campaign was that as a man of the people he was going
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to make sure that the elites would be treated exactly like everybody else. that is what trump said, especially when it came to the law. >> no one will be above the law, in a trump administration. >> we will have one set of rules for everyone. in hillary clirch ton's world. we have one set of rules for her, and another set of rules for everybody else. >> i will never lie to you. i will never put any other interests before you. and i will never, ever stop fighting for you. (applause). >> trevor: that was so romantic it sounded like he abt to start singing, i swear. by the moon and the stars, in the sky. but that's one of the things that trump supporters loved about imhad. unlike crooked hillary and black barack obama, trump did not think that anyone was above the law. including himself. that is what he said. in the past few months,
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mueller's investigation has started closing in on trump like a fort night storm. and because of that, trump and his team have started updating his presidency's terms and conditions. >> a memo from president trump's lawyer to special counsel robert mueller says flat out that a president cannot obstruct justice because he has authority over all federal investigations. >> what they argue in this is that the prident of the united states because i the chief law enforcement officer can terminate any federal investigation at any time for any reason you heard right, trump's lawyers arguing that as president trump has pot we are to kill all investigations into for any reason. essentially that the president is above the law.which makes se. i mean we all remember when the founders were like you know what america needs, a king, yeah, that is what they said, rate? i couldn't concentrate because of all their rapping t through me off. so anyway, according to donald trump's legal team the president by definition cannot obstruct
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justice. but ev if it ever turned out he did obstruct justice, they also say that the president can't be charged with a crime. >> mr. trump's attorney ruddy giuliani telling the huffington post st impossible to indict a sitting president, no matter the offense. claiming if he shot james comey, he would be impeached the feks day. impeach him and then you can do whatever you want to do to him. >> okay, so the president can't be criminally charged. he can only be impeached by congress. now i understand that as a legal argument. but i do think it's a little weird that out of all of the examples they could haveked they went with murdering james comey. it almost makes me feel like they've been thinking about this. yeah, i'm just saying james comey, if you get invited to a party and trump starts dancing, you should run, that is what you should do, runment but let's make sure we are on the same page here. trump's legal team says the president can't obstruct justice but even if he did obstruct
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justice can't be indicted. and even if show he is indicted they've got a plan for that too. >> mr. trump's lawyers at the time argue the president cannot be spped o to testify under oath. >> the idea is you can't interfere with him, either the point of view of indictment or questioning. you condition interfere with the president's time, his effort, his concentration. >> this isn't just theoretical. there playing tiddlywinks, is he involved in four or five unbelievablytoric negotiations right now. >> trevor: i'm sorry, wait, what? trump is too busy to testify? get the [bleep] out of here, man! no, no, no. you might be able to make that case for other presidents, but trump? ud has spent 600 days of his 500 days playing golf, are you serious? his desk is so empty it looks like no one has invented paper yet. he's fake driven two trucks, two. that man is busy? the man lies, tweets fox newses
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jessie watters, i can understand live tweeting handity, fine, but if you have time to live tweet jessie watters, you have time to testify, okay. trump has so much time he could help me move if i was moving. he could, yeah. he has so much time copick me up at the airport, an not like just swing by, he could park and meet me at arrival that is how much time he has. don't tell me doesn't have time. he has the time. (applause) but you have got to appreciate how far trump has come from the campaign. from no one is above the law to i don't have time to testify cuz i got that thing that i'm doing. and we haven't even reached the best part yet. because it turns out even if trump could be charged with obstruction and got indicted and found the time in his calender to testify, according to trump, he has got a cheat code. >> president trump rang in this morning on the debate tweeting as has been stated by numerous legal scholars, i have the absolute right to pardon myself. but why would i do that when i have done nothing wrong?
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>> yeah, why would i do that? why? trump's claiming the right to let himself off the hook for any crime at any time. yeah. something tells me that trump wants the same rules for everyone except himself. which even if it's right legally doesn't sound like a democracy to me, right. a president shouldn't be able to pardon theelves. it's like sneezing and then saying bless y to yourself. it's not right. you can do it but it's not right. yeah, you wait for someone else to say it or you die. that's how it works. and i know at this moment trump is going to say oh no, no, i'm not pardoning myself but you know that's not my plan, i'm just putting it out there. that is not how trump works. we know, i know as soon as someone brings up prison and trump realizes is he going to have to spend his days reading and working out he is going to be like pardon, i'm using my pardon, folksk i'm using it all. we'll be right back. (applause) [ music: "bygones" by oliver ]
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. >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. you know, in general i'm not a big fan of president trump. but the one area where i am rooting for him is with north korea. i want him to win that nobel peace prize. mostly just to see him bite into it because he thinks it's chocolate. so for me, this was good news. >> good morning. back on. president trump announcing that historic summit between the u.s. and north korea once cancelled will now take place as originally planned. >> this summit that was on and then off, is now back on again. >> the president announced this afternoon he will be in singapore on june 12th for an historic meeting with north korea's kim jung-un. the president called it a getting to know you meeting plus. >> trevor: what? a getting to know you meeting plus? plus what? plus onion rings?
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or plus a plan it shut down north korea's nuclear program what is the plus, because that is what this meeting was supposed to be about. do you remember that. maybe he neens plus an fda because that is usually how he gets to know someone, neighbor is that. i don't know how it works. but still, the summit is officially back on. but don't get too excited because if anything, i think we should treat this like the rosanne tweet, sure it is on now, but it's only on 3 a.m. and is getting cancelled again so don't get too excited but for now we can enjoy now north korea got back on the side. >> the former d-- now north korea top nuclear negotiator became the first north korean official to vits the white house in nearly 20 years within the point man delivered a letter from the north korean letter. >> a picture of president trump with the vice chairman of north korea there, big smiles on their faces. president trump holding the oversized envelope with the letter from kim jung-un. >> trevor: look at how excited
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he is about his giant envelope. like, like it looks like he's the one visiting the leader in the oval office. why is he so happy? you can see t doesn't even matter what is in the envelope. just trump is like a kid with gets an expensive race car for christmas and you look over and he is just playing with the cardboard box. weee. and we actually got the envelope rit here, the actual 23468, here it is. if you want to shall did shall this is it. it looks so big when he was holding it. it must be like an optical illusion. anyway, so what did that letter say that convinced trump to resume denuclearization talks with north korea. well, that is what reporters outside the white house wanted to know. >> this was a very good meeting. this was a meeting where a letter was given to me by kim jung-un and that letter was very nice letter, oh, would you like to see what was in that letter,
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would you like to shall-- how much, how much? how much? >> give us the flavor of what the letter said. >> it was a very interesting letter. >> but the president subsequently revealed he hadn't opened it. >> no i didn't-- i haven't seen the letter yet. i purposefully didn't open the letter. i haven't opened it. i may northbound for a big surprise, folks. (laughter). >> trevor: come on, dude. you know there are times when i understand why trump lies because it's about something important like this is the biggest tax cut in history or no collusion or my wife hasn't left me. i get that. but going from the letter is interesting and great to i haven't read it, in under 10 minutes, that is just wasting a lie. it's like getting to ask god one question and just waz up! but look, fine, either way the summit is back on. it is just a week away and everything seems to be back on track except, except for one
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kim-sized thing. >> there have been some published reports that north korea wants the u.s. to pay for a fancy hotel room for kim jung-un in singapore. >> a hotel in singapore where the presidential suite runs $6,000 a night within the spokesperson for the state department did respond to the "washington post" saying that the united states doesn't plan to pay this hotel bill and won't be asking another country to pick up the tan either. >> trevor: it makes sense, if one thing is going to break the deal it is trump having to say for someone else to stay nay presidential suite. that makes sense. trump will probably say no, i'm the president. and kim will say i don't see supreme leader suites anywhere, because none of them kefer back down they will end up sharing a room and trump will be like okay, fine, but we have to sleep bult to butt. also if you need to pee in the middle of the night, i don't mind. or, or-- wow, that took you awhile, that took you awhile. or there is another solution. trump could book his own presidential suite and then
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everyone else could just book kim jung-un his presidential suite. and i know you are asking the big question, who is going to pait, mexico. we'll be right back. plaws plus ♪ music playing ♪ je plonge à l'envers attiré par l'extase ♪ ♪ un tourbillon vert illumine les sirènes ♪ ♪ ♪ oh la fête fo', fo' ♪ ♪ ♪ oui l'endorphine s'est envolée ♪ ♪ ♪ d'une fête foraine devenue noire ♪ ♪
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[music plays throughout] [music fades out] it's dead again. i need a new phone. and you deserve that new phone on the best network. verizon. oh, we're going? sure-- ehh, not my thing. (vo) now get up to 50% off our best phones. like the samsung galaxy s9 and google pixel 2. onlyverizon. (applause). >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. my guest tonight say rapper and an aker who stars in oceans eight.
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>> we're following the queen and we're following the queen. >> is that our only choice. >> where she at? all right. one is mine. there are no hard feelings. >> you know what i mean? come back any time. >> i thought so. >> please welcome awkwafina. (applause) (applause) >> what's up? >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> hey. >> trevor: and con grated laitionzs, first and fore most. i mean i saw you blow up from a few videos you had online am you had some great rap song you put online, it blew up and now are you in oceans eight, one of the
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most anticipated movies, has it sunk in. >> no, not at all, yeah. and i'm in constant disbelief. >> trevor: i feel like you deserve it though. are you really funny. are you great with your music. as an actor, you also have been killing it as well. this was one of those roles wh feel like were you perfect for it and i got to watch the movie. and what i was most impressed by was you were just your character. you are just kosh tenant. >> pie grandma says you're not even acting, you're just being yourself, like thanks, grand marks yeah. >> trevor: i think were you acting. >> thank you. >> trevor: unlike your grand mother, not that your grand mother is wrong, i'm just saying i think you were. what i found interesting was this, i heard you speak a bit about roles for asian characters or asian people in movies. and what was cool about constance's character, is yes, constance was asian but she is not doing asian things, no, this is a part of who i am. was that important to you. >> yeah, it was, of course. and i think like the cool thing about constance. i watched the movie and like, you know, i was her but i still
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have not seen anything like her, you know, it is very unique. and she is from that environment, from queens, from new york. we shot that part scene very close to where i grew up. >> trevor: tell us a little about constance but everyone in the oceans franchise will have a skill. she is like a three card monthy huses eller. >> yes, kind of a pick pocket that they need at that moment. she is from queens, a new yorker. and yeah, she's very elemental in the heights. >> trevor: right. you have a lot of people who have come out like with this movie and have gone like this is exciting. this is oceans eight and you obviously have the negative people, there san all if he neal-- female reboot t is just a kick ass movie. >> it is a fun movie, those people that say that, they need to watch the movie first and then go on red dit. it is like watch it first and then you know start your subreddit. >> trevor: it is oceans eight which is going to be a mega
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blockbuster. but you are also in another move ye that many people didn't see coming. it was widely anticipated. in some ways as well t was crazy rich asian. >> i thought you many for-- yes, crazy rich ash wanness furry i thought you mentd fury asian aver snoos fury asian what. >> fury asian beavers, the other movie. >> i wasn't going go into that. >> we dorcht have to. >> i heard of that because of ronnie chang. >> shout out ronnie clang. >> he is in the movie. >> yeah. >> and ronnie was like hey, man, i'm going to do this movie and i think it is really important for myself as an asian person. that is how he pitched it, right. and no like when you see how the movie has been received, what is really cl about it is so there are so many people representing every different pipe of asian person you can possibly imagine. that must have been a fun experience. >> it was, yeah t was so fun. i mean the cool thing about crazy rich asian is the aspect
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that it's like an asian moe, that convsation we never had with us. i think that was a beautiful thing because we are all that one asian on set, you know, then collectively we were together and that just didn't come soup that was really cool to experience that. >> that san interesting place to be in. like when you get to northbound roles like this, crazy rich asian do you think it changes how you see your role what role you would accept in hollywood. >> totally. i think it also is telling of like a larger shift in hollywood right now. and i think that people will say you know, if the asian american sin he ma should not be based upon crazy rich asian. it should just be a thing. i think the same thing with oceans. we should have the all-female cast not depend ent on how well the movies do. i think also the rolls have changed. when i first started auditioning i was getting roles, they asked for accents that weren't helpful, they were kind of funny
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thing. and characters that you know, their asian is kind ofefined them and i think that m seeing less and less of that. there have s a positive thing. >> that san exciting thing to see, especially if you are tbetting too the industry now. are you an actornd a wrapper. do you know if one is goingo overtake ter. >> i have a very small nich of superfans, i will never try to push my rap to a larger audience. this will be like where it is. kind of-- i don't know if the audience doesn't know the context but-- check it out on youtube. thank you, thank you. >> the one. >> trevor: one of sus like i'm familiar with the vage. >> yeah, but i think movies, i look at movies kind of lake a bletion. i don't have control over what movies i will do. whereas music i am constantly doing that have i more creative control in that. movies are a collaborative experience. i will do it as long as can i. >> trevor: from oceans eight and from crazy rich asians i think will you have a lot more
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