tv The Daily Show Comedy Central June 15, 2018 1:40am-2:10am PDT
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ld have wanted. we just try to live. [guns cocking] - everyone just stay where you are until we can sort this all out. - there's nothing to sort out. these kids need to be put in jail. - we're going to search everyone and get statements and then-- - sir! sir, it's over! they got 'em. - got who? - spielberg and lucas, they finally got 'em for what they did to indiana jones, sir. - ahh, ahhh! ohh, they got 'em. - they got 'em. it's over. - it's over. - that means they'll never be free to rape again. - it's over, it's over! - justice! [group sobbing] - they got 'em, - it's over! - i love you. - i love you, too! [all crying] - so wait, that's it? what about the chinese invasion? - i really don't care anymore, butters. you see, i've learned something today.
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as americans, our fear of seeing another country become powerful can turn us into monsters. watching how crazy you went, watching you just shoot people in the dick like that, it made me realize that i want america to be safe, but not at the cost of losing its dignity. i'd rather us be chinese than a nation of unethical dick-shooters. you think about it. - i can't believe they put 'em in jail. i thought that movie was pretty good. captioning by captionmax >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪
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>> trevor: welcome to "the daily show"! thank you so much for tuning in! thank you so much! this is so much fun! tonight's guest from marvel's "luke cage" on netflix, mike colter is here, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) so excited for that. but first, let's catch up on today's headlines. if you like having one person in history you know you can always admire, i suggest turning off your tv now. >> private journals kept by albert einstein during his trips toation in the 1920s revealed the brilliant theoretical physicist and humanitarian held standards viewed by many today as racist. he describes as chinese as industrious, obtuse and filthy people. he writes they don't sit on benches but squat like europeans when they relieve themselves in
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the leafy woods and it would be a pity in if the chinese supplant all other races, for the, like, of us the thought is unspeakably dreary. >> trevor: nice going, einstein. ( laughter ) really? additional up einstein's journals and he has racist stuff in there? i know a lieutenant of westerners in the 1920s hated the chinese, but if there's one person who should have predicted this would come back to bite him it's albert einstein! you're the one person who should have known this! "if you bend space and time you realize i ( bleep ) up!" ( laughter ) i think it's funny how he throws a comment in there, industrious, obtuse, filthy people. like those sexy, lazy moroccans, the moroccans would be, like, thank dr. screw you?
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i'm glad he said the things so now we have to cancel him. so r. kelly, i'm not listening to your music. paul whether deen, i'm not eating your food, and einstein i'm not citing your theory of relativity again because i totally understand it, i'm just not going to tell anyone. ( laughter ) i bet all scientists have something problematic hidden away. galileo, with his telescope, what are the filthy turks up to now? >> those stupid mexicans are stealing my mail. ( laughter ) >> trevor: shameful. shameful. well, let's move on from the smartest man the world has ever known to don, jr. ( laughter ) today is his dad's birthday and he celebrated in the most normal way possible. >> don, your dad's birthday is today. >> it is. >> what's your message for him? >> hopefully he's watching, i
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imagine he is. happy birthday, dad. i love you very much. we love you. look forward to seeing you soon. i don't get to see him that much anymore. ( laughter ) >> trevor: this is so sad... ( laughter ) you realize trump's son knows the only way his father will see him is if he goes on "fox & friends." ( laughter ) ( applause ) and you know what's funny, you be what's funny is the president will see don, jr. on tv saying happy birthday, dad, and because he saw it on fox there's only an amount of time before he tweets, happy birthday, dad! real news! although i'm not going to lie, i like this idea of trump's family going to "fox & friends" to communicate with the president. melania should come on and be, like, donald, please stop leaving the toilet seat up! back to you steve doocy! ( laughter ) the main story, the 2018 fifa
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world cup officially kicked off today in russia. i know for most americans the world cup isn't important, ranks somewhere between the mid season wnba game and nathan hot dog eating contest. for russians this is as big as it gets, a chance for the coast country to rebrand itself and if one country could use good publicity it's russia. >> the month' long competition is expected to bring more than a million people to russia and attract 3 billion viewers worldwide. >> a global event of this scale is the perfect stage for a host nation to promote itself to the world and boost itsle image. >> vladimir putin is desperate for the world to see positive images of its country. >> you get to know russia, a unique country, long history and rich culture. not bad, not bad at all.
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>> trevor: not bad at all. not bad. (russian accent). not going to lie, i like this new hose pit the side of putin. like if the trivago guy had a history of shooting down airplanes, a cool mix. ( laughter ) i understand wh why putin is so excited. i saw how hosting gave our country a chance to change our image. before, people thought of south africa, crime, aids and racism. now you think of this. ( horns blowing ) ( laughter ) >> trevor: you see, no more racism! yeah, before you judge us we may blow these but you elected one. just chill. ( cheers and applause ) and now, now, to most people,
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vladimir putin is already beyond redemption. he annexed crimea, meddled in the u.s. election and worst of all bit beyonce and framed sanal athen. but it doesn't mean russia won't give an image rehab the best shot. ( singing ) >> this is to give russia a friendlier face for the world cup. these bubbling ba busch cays have penned a world cup anthem and produced a pop video to go with it. the message to foreign football fans, you have nothing to fear from russia. i won't scare you, anna says, i'll hug you. i'll kiss you, i'll sing and dance for you. >> trevor: ah, okay. now i'm scared. ( laughter ) a little turned on, but mostly scared. yeah, because it feels like these super friendly russian grannies are trying a lit tool hard. like the nicer they are to me the more worried i am they're
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all a trap and she's going to push me into an oven at the end. the human nesting dolls may have seemed a little overenthusiastic but at least they know how to be basically friendly because apparently the rest of russia has to take classes. >> russians will even smile at you. ahead of the world cup, train conductors here have been taught to forget the frowns and give foreigners big shiny smiles to match the big shiny new stadiums. >> trevor: i don't know, man. i feel like the only thing worse than a non-smiling russian is a smiling russian. ( laughter ) this is -- this is smile? yes, i show teeth, yeah? and then when do i bite? (russian accent) no, no, no, no! no biting! why show teeth if no bite? ( laughter )
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so, look, on the face of it, russia is trying to project a friendly image but, unfortunately, there is a dark side of their country they can't cover up. for instance it's been reported gay men kissing in public will be reported to police. i'm assuming gay women kissing must report directly to vladimir putin. ( laughter ) a rise in russian fans singing racist chants, which wouldn't be problem if you just kept the vuvuzelas. ( laughter ) as for freedom of the press, it's safe to say you probably shouldn't say anything as journalists from the bbc recently found out. >> it is the increasingly paranoid controlling side that's clearly there behind the makeover for the world cup. >> the whole time we have been here, it seems there has been someone following us at least one car, sometimes three. >> minutes after we met local opposition activists, there was this. the pair at the door said they'd come from state television to interview us, but we hadn't told anyone we would be here.
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go do your thing sis. always. i'll see you tonight. citizens, this will be a tradition we celebrate every year. join the first purge. do not purge. do not purge. no cops, no law. i don't like it. i don't trust it. announcing the commencement of the first purge. all emergency services will be suspended. [ screams ] no one's coming to help us. [ laughter ] tashan we're coming. [ screams ] the first purge. rated r.
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and the nx hybridhe 2018 lexus nx with a class-leading 31 mpg combined estimate. lease the 2018 nx 300 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. oooh! man, could this day get any better? [singing] dr pepper cherriot! a cherry treat. mmm. thank you, tiny wagon. you're welcome. that's right, i talk. deal with it!. dr pepper cherry. cherry on!
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." under president trump, the immigration and customs enforcement force or i.c.e. has been going in hard on detaining and deporting immigrant, but they haven't always been working alone. roy wood, jr. reports from the front lines. >> two words that will scare you -- illegal immigrants. >> we have gang members, predators, rapists, killers. >> illegal immigrants are burglars, are thieves there to harm your security and steal your prosperity.
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>> trump has been cracking down on illegal innovators with a voluntary program called 287g, inviting local police to cooperation with immigration and customs enforcement, better known on the streets as i.c.e. to investigate i went to salem p.a. to met with 287g 0g fred acon rough. he has a lot of shit on his desk. >> it helps put people in jail or if i decide to report ships them out of here. >> the program gives police departments access to the i.c.e. database, basically putting i.c.e. on speed dial when they want to deport undocumented criminals. >> so it saves me sometimes hours of police time waiting for i.c.e. to get back to us. >> god forbid it's late at night, you have to text i.c.e. you have to be, like, hey, girl, what you doin' i.c.e. baby? >> that's not how we contact i.c.e. >> then you see the grey bubble and you think they're going to reply then it goes away.
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>> it's a great deportation force for undocumented criminals. >> we border sanctuary cities. >> cities that refuse to check anyone's immigration status to. find out why i went to nearby jersey city to talk to another guy with a lot of shit on his desk, james shea. why not just cooperate with 287g? >> our goal, when we assure people that we will not check their immigration status, is a safer city for everybody. officers need witnesses, officers need victims to cooperate. >> this guy shea is nuts. he's saying if his officers turn oveover the undocumented arrests to i.c.e., they'll lose the trust of the community which makes their jobs harder. but aren't these cities just does m -- disneyland for criminals? >> a criminal that's undocumented would prefer a sanctuary city because they commit a crime, get back on the street to commit the crime again. >> to see the swarm of undocumented criminals i
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embedded with officer vasquez, jersey city p.d. if i'm not mistaken, 90% of crime in this city is committed by immigrants, correct? >> i can't say it's correct at all. >> 73% of all immigrants commit crimes is the stat. >> now it's 73? >> i said that the first time. >> 98. >> no, 52% of all immigrants commit all the crimes. 1% is russians. ( laughter ) >> all right. >> so are we supposed to go out or something? >> let's go. >> so i get a gun, right? >> no gun. >> all right, i get a vest? >> no, but i'll give you one of my t-shirts i have downstairs. >> does it say police? >> no. >> then i don't want it. doing policework was a life-long dream. we started with the basics. racial profiling. we're looking for people who look undocumented. what do they look like? >> it's not really any type -- >> like that -- >> we don't know. >> what about -- >> we don't know that, right?
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>> so you have to pull them over. we've got to talk to them. >> for what? >> to find out if they should be in the country there. 's no reason to do that. >> they look -- since vasquez was unwilling to check any anyone's immigration status, it fell to me to do the real policework. sir are you a citizen. >> in am acitizen? >> can you see i.d. >> i have none on me. >> whiff a 42-7. >> what's that? >> call it in! vazquez was nice to citizens, not deporting people. >> not too many times i'm going to ask you your status. i'll ask you can i help you what's going on, and hopefully you can help us out. >> role play. i'm an immigrant. you approach me in spanish. ( spanish ) >> no com comprende.
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if police didn't feel like t need to crack down on illegals, were the undocumented committing the crimes? >> we see them more frequently as victims than criminals. >> status show crime rates for illegal immigrants is lower than the national average. >> we've had 741 people we've arrested we've turned over to i.c.e. since 2009. that's about 5% of the total arrests. >> that means 95% of the people committing crimes are here legally. we don't have an illegal immigrant crime problem. we have a citizen crime problem. ( laughter ) despite the data, more and more police departments are partnering with ice. how do peel in the immigrant community feel about this. i asked a couple of kids vazquez coaches on a high school basketball team and they feel they know the real reason for the programs. >> immigrants are targeted. >> you think 287g which allows police to detain immigrants is
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basically -- >> is a racist law. >> y'all are some deep-ass kids, man. >> yeah, man. >> these kids that a point, keep is ice out of pol-ice. police. still one thing the kids didn't know. tell you something about your coach. he doesn't know spanish. >> introduce yourself in spanish. ( speaking spanish ) >> i need to see some i.d., bro. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everybody. we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) ♪
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dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time's the charm... growing up i didn't have anyone who looked like me. that's why i started my blog to inspire people to be themselves. the surface laptop has already made me more productive. i'm creating mood boards. i'm editing content. or i'm running around new york with a huge bouquet of balloons. so having a light laptop is a game changer. plus the battery life on the surface lives forever. my blog is sometimes about fashion, sometimes about sprinkles. it's usually always about color. find what makes you different, because that sets you apart from everyone else.
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you likso do i.urs? hey blue. i brought you something. okay. we're getting out of here. you're welcome. run! holy! this is gonna be awesome. rated pg-13. incomparable performance cars cannot be rushed. they must be painstakingly crafted. out of titanium, aluminum, and high tensile steel. hand-built by masters,
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scrutinized by experts, and tested... ...relentlessly. the lexus high performance line. experience exhilaration crafted to the extreme. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an actor who stars in the netflix series marvel's "luke cage." >> if you ever say claire temple's name allowe aloud agail kill you. i'll go to jail with a smile open my face. no bullet can kill me. no jail can hold me. you hear me? nothing can stop me from getting to you. ( laughter ) >> trevor: please welcome mike colter! ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: welcome. >> thank you. >> trevor: i am so excited to see season 2 of "luke cage." i remember when "luke cage" first came out on netflix, it broke netflix. >> it did. we broke netflix, we broke the internet, we did it all. >> you missed out on the conversations, though, because you weren't online at the time. >> i wasn't on social media. i was sort of in the dark. it's a new day for me. i'm in social media. i get to see all the stuff you guys are sending, all the animal things. >> trevor: isn't wonderful to tap into the stream of hatred anytime? >> it's so yummy. >> trevor: that's what i love about it. every day i go, i feel good about myself. i wonder if anyone hates me. yeah, there it is! you also have a lot of fans. going online, social media, you've connected with people,
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found a space where you share your voice, which i find out in many ways was similar to "luke cage." if you look at "luke cage," the character and yourself, where do you find the most similarities. >> not in social media, because he does not do social media. he's a version of me that i would like to be. >> trevor: what way? >> his moral compass is stronger than mine. >> trevor: oh, wow. >> things he doesn't do, i would do. i will be honest with you. i totally would. i have no problem telling you if i had powers, i would do very, very bad things. ( laughter ) so just know that. >> trevor: luke cage is an interesting superhero for me because he lives and operates in harlem. i like that vibe. i don't do downtown. >> no, no. >> trevor: he's a cool spiderman, that's not my thing. >> that's not my thing. >> trevor: does it make luke cage special that he really of the world he's from? >> yeah, i don't think he goes
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above 110 or above 150. >> trevor: no. >> and i think financially it probably works for him because the subway gets expensive. he does haven't a job. that's why he doesn't go below 110. he can't afford the tolls. he's stuck. >> trevor: that's a different world. you have the superhero, luke cage who is bullet proof, but the character is not bullet proof on the inside. >> no. >> trevor: you've done a great job showing the person who is rock hard but a softy. do you enjoy the character? >> i think so. the thing about the characters is what we do and the movies don't do, we look at the character and try to explore the character in a longer form. >> trevor: right. >> let's be honest, we don't have the budget to do what they do on infinity war. we don't. >> trevor: right. >> we can't blow up buildings. >> trevor: you can't make half the people disappear. >> no. >> trevor: you have to ask them to move. half ow you go that way. we don't have the money for the glove. go that way.
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stand on that side! >> very expensive. ( laughter ) >> trevor: that's great, he's an organic character. season two will be a lot darker, where are we going with luke cage now. >> talking about social media and the path he's on, he's feeling out what it's like to be a superhero in this modern era with social media, the watching eye, everyone has a camera phone. so people coming up to you asking for things and expecting you to know things. that's the thing about the leadership and the parallels we're dealing with in society. everybody in leadership doesn't necessarily know what they're doing. luke cage is sort of doing that, learning on the fly and he's making mistakes. >> trevor: so he could be president. >> he could be president. >> trevor: i like that. thank you so much for being on the show. season 2 of marvel's "luke cage"! mike colter, everybody! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause )
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