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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  July 16, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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- so what do you want? - i want the same thing you want. i want to take jim halpert down. i want in. captioning by captionmax >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: we're back! behr back! oh, i missed you so much! welcome to "the daily show"! i'm trevor noah! my guest tonight -- my guest tonight is the writer and director of the amazing new movie "sorry to bother you," boots riley is here, everyone!
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( cheers and applause ) man, i'm excited about this movie! but first, let's catch up on tad's headlines. ah, yesterday was the final match to have the 2018 fifa world cup and it was wonderful. >> the champagne is flowing in france, the french squad overpowering croatia to earn their second world cup championship. >> emiemanuel mcchron was jubilant to say the least. >> tens of thousands of soccer fans. >> trevor: yes! i'm so excited! africa won the world cup! africa won the world cup! africa won the world cup! ( cheers and applause ) look, i get it. they have to say it's the french team, but look at those eyes, huh? look at those guys. you don't get that tan by hanging out in the south of france, my friends. ( laughter ) basically, if you don't understand, france is african's backup team.
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once senegal and nigeria got knocked out that's who we root for. it's like once paul simon wins a grammy we're, like, we'll take that, too, thank you very much. it's seems like pisa magnet papa john has been eating too much crazy bred. >> tonight, papa john stepping down as chairman of the company he started three decades ago, stemming from racial slurs he made about n.f.l. players taking a knee, saying colonel sanders called blacks the n word and complaining the kfc founder never faced public backlash. ironically, the call's intent was to prevent future p.r. disasters. >> trevor: i always knew papa john would one day have to apologize in public. i just thought it would be for his pizza. ( laughter ) also, i love how his p.r. damage control strategy was to try to
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throw colonel sanders under the bus which is not going to work because we already know colonel sanders said the n. word. just look at him! that guy looks like he was in the room when they came up with that word! ( laughter ) but that just goes to show you how good the man's chicken was. black people were, like, i think he owns slaves but goddam if he didn't nail those eleven herbs and spices! ( laughter ) let's move on to today's top story! ( cheers and applause ) if your name is vladimir putin then today was a very good day because, today, the president of the united states took your side in a fight between you and the united states. >> breaking news! siding with president putin. president trump comes out of his meeting with the russian president and rebukes u.s. intelligence agencies. >> the president is standing with the russian president, while trashing his own country. >> the president of the united states will not say he believes his own government over president putin.
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>> i think that press conference was the single most embarrassing performance by an american president on the world stage that i've ever seen. >> trevor: damn -- the most embarrassing performance by an american president. do you know how hard it is to achieve that? george h.w. bush once threw up on the japanese prime minister, and trump is now on top. ( laughter ) and just so we're on the same page here, when they set up this meeting last month, no one knew what it was meant to be about, all right. they never knew what the meeting was for. they assumed it was going to be about the war in syria, missile defenses in europe. maybe it was just going to be trump going in to see putin for his annual performance review. no one knew what it was. the meeting had no agenda, all right? but on friday, robert mueller dropped a bombshell directly charging 12 russian military intelligence officers with hacking democrats during the presidential campaign in an effort to sway the election which was major news, like the news was so big that it
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september cardi b. into labor. she's, like, robert mueller, dropping indictments, the baby's coming out now, rrrrrrr! ( applause ) the formerly purposeless meeting had a meaning. it was time for trump to put his foot down. he did right on america's dick. >> putin denied having anything to do with interference in the election in 2016. every american intelligence agency believes russia did. who do you believe? >> dan coates and others came to me and said they think it's russia. president putin just said it's not russia. i will say this, i don't see any reason why it would be. >> trevor: really? you don't see any reason not to trust vladimir putin? >> the man was a top k.g.b. spy. he'll steal the shirt off your
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back, he stole it off his own back. on the list of people to never trust, putin is between web m.d. and the mom from "get out." i don't know why not to trust him? now i see why sherlock holmes fired trump as his assistant. you see, the boot contains an oxidant rich soil only found in the murder be -- in the river bd where the murder took place, yeah, but he said he didn't do it! how did you get this job? electoral college! ( laughter ) trump believes president putin rather than his security team. he blamed both countries for the breakdown in their relationship. >> do you hold russia at all accountable for anything in particular and, if so, what would you consider them -- that they are responsible for? >> yes, i do, i hold both countries responsible. i think that the united states has been foolish.
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i think we've all been foolish. we should have had this dialogue a long time ago, a long time, frankly, before i got to office, and i think we're all to blame, but i do feel that we have both made some mistakes. >> trevor: now, in trump's defense, he has a good point. sure, on the one hand, russia messed with the u.s. by meddling in their elections, but on the other hand, america held elections. so they were asking for it. yeah. makes sense. ( laughter ) don't get me wrong, i wasn't expecting trump to cuss out putin to his face but you have to admit it's pretty wild for the president of the united states to defend russia against the united states. it's like seeing your team's cheerleader pumping up the other side. it's like, go, team! and also their team! both teams! but mostly their team. ( laughter ) i mean, come on, trump. be aggressive! b.-e. ablessive. ( laughter ) and once again, all of this brings up the old question of
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what exactly is going on between putin and trump, and we still don't know. like, we may never know, but in a way it almost doesn't matter because you have to ask this question, if trump was some sort of russian manchurian candidate, what would he have just done differently? all right? would there be a difference? in the past week he has been tearing apart n.a.t.o., declared the european union america's foe, and now taking russia's siden on hacking america's elections, and he's slamming america's intel agencies. but it turns out there is one law enforcement organization trump does trust, it's russia's. >> president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today and what he did is an incredible offer. he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the twelve people. i think that's an incredible offer. ( laughter ) >> trevor: are you kidding me in so putin offered to help
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investigate his own crime? ( laughter ) and president out of the deal says, what an incredible offer! like, how is this real life? either putin has something on trump, which is why he's doing whatever he wants, he trump is just an idiot who got played and, honestly, i don't know, what did we expect? this is what you get when you put a k.g.b. agents up against a kfc agent. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause )
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so what do you guys want? pistachio. chocolate chip. rocky road. i see what's going on here. everybody's got different taste. well, now verizon lets you mix and match your family unlimited plans so everybody gets the plan they want, without paying for things they don't. jet-setting moms can video-chat from europe. movie-obsessed teens can stream obscure cinema. it's like everyone gets their own flavor of unlimited. (chuckles) it's a metaphor. simile, not a metaphor. hm. well played. (vo) one family. different unlimited plans. starting at $40 per line. buy one of our best phones and get one free when you switch. all on the network you deserve. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show"! you know, we all know that, in america, many people dislike donald trump, but it turns out,
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in england, they also don't like him. ( laughter ) >> mr. trump and the first lady also visited windsor castle with his first meeting with queen elizabeth which had awkward moments. >> as the visit took place, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of londoner carrying signs with messages like ramp r trump not welcome and dump trump. >> the streets swelled with tens of thousands of people protesting including an inflatable trump baby blimp. >> trevor: it's impressive how protests follow him everywhere. protest wros everywhere trump is. he's like the dirty kid from charlie brown. he carries the resistance wherever he goes. i just imagine protesters even following him into the bathroom going, this is what democracy smells like! and if the british dislaked disd trump before, this made it
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worse. >> he breeched protocol by disclosing details of a conversation with queen elizabeth. he broke protocol by walking in front of the queen but she stepped forward to correct the error. >> he had tea with the queen. he kept her waiting twenty minutes. >> the punctual queen checked her watch prior to the president's arrival. >> trevor: good lord, is there any rule he didn't break? , like, president trump in hot water after pushing the queen into the royal swimming pool. ( laughter ) for more on trump's u.k. visit we're joined by an actual british person gina yashere, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) gina, in the u.s., trump's u.k. visit seemed to not go so well but,, as a british person, what do you think? >> it was an unmitigated disaster, trevor. ( laughter )
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this cockwomble came to our country and insulted us. he cut her off like he's trying to beat her to the early bird special. trump was straight rude. he insulted our prime minister on tape before he even met with her, then blamed the mayor of london for terrorism, obviously because he's muslim and it must have been one of his cousins. >> trevor: wow. you know, after this, i bet you wish trump had never come at all. >> are you kidding? on the contrary. i wish he'd pop by more often. >> trevor: but, gina, you just said everyone in britain hated it. >> exactly, everyone -- the united kingdom has never been to so united! ( cheers and applause ) brexit tore us apart but donald trump brought us back together. ( applause )
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i mean, before him, nobody cared about the royals. we were, like, they don't work, they do nothing! our tax pace for them to live on posh welfare! their downtown abby meets shameless! but trump walks in front of our queen? and i was, like, but this is the mother of our nation, damn it! ( laughter ) she's the jewel in our crown! put this man in stocks and slap his balls with a wet crumpet! >> trevor: slap -- slap his balls with a wet crumpet? ( laughter ) >> look, nobody wins here, trevor. his balls get crushed, and we waste a perfectly good crumpet. ( laughter ) but, look, the point, is trump's visit has been good for the u.k. he inspired us to get our literary juices flowing. look how creative our protest signs were. look, bellend! that's the head of a penis.
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i don'i don't know if if you kn. trump got british jamaicans to come to the fray. i have never seen bumbaclart written on a sign before. this is progress. ( laughter ) we even came up with our own new curse words. here's my personal favorite. wankmaggot. ( laughter ) it's beautiful! it rolls off the tongue jm i've heard of wanker and maggot but i never considered the power of the combination! ( applause ) they were so good, they inspired me to come up with my own trump insult, scone fiddler. ( bleep ) biscuit. and here's a good one, westminster flabby. ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: well, gina, if you guys enjoyed having trump so much, why don't you keep him, then? >> yeah, nice try, trevor. look, trump is like a baby nephew, you dropped him off, he shat himself, you can have him back now. >> trevor: gen gina yashere, everybody! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) yaaaayyy!!! aww. yaaaayyy!!! aww. yaaaayyy!!! aww. we hide hotel names, so you can find four star hotels at two star prices. h-o-t-w-i-r-e
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fwhat is yourl online banking password? [audience gasping] oh, dear... [clacking metal] it was 'windbreaker,''s... [muttering] cat names... [baby crying] [gasping] [dramatic music] [whistle blowing] [dramatic music subsiding] [triumphant music & cheering]
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be the best of our lives.ves... let's get the party started. ♪ there's a fire within my soul ♪ drum roll. my soulmate may actually be carbs. mine must be wine. yeah! ♪ mamma mia, now i really know ♪ my my, i should not have let you go ♪ you should go. and do everything i would do. nearly everything. ♪ mamma mia well obviously we're doing this. rated pg-13. whoa! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show"! my guest tonight is the writer and director of the critically acclaimed new film, "sorry to bother you." >> you have a white voice in there, you can use it.
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it's like being pulled over by the police. >> oh, no, i just use my regular voice when that happens, i just say back the ( bleep ) up off the car and nobody gets hurt. >> i'm trying to give you game. you want to make money? talk with the white boys. >> people say i do anyway. why are you helping me out? >> i'm not talking about will smith white. i'm talking about the real deal like this young boy. >> this is langston from rega regalview. i didn't catch you at the wrong time, did i? >> trevor: please welcome boots riley! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> trevor: can i just say, i watched this movie, and there are few films that have left
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me -- like i remember, genuinely, the matrix was the last movie that had me leaving a cinema not knowing what i thought about the world. this film has been phenomenal. word of mouth is blowing it up everywhere. did you expect this when you directed and wrote it? >> of course, you know, i have big dreams, so i hoped for it, but i did not expect it. >> trevor: right. >> you know, i think what's happening is, one, it's a funny movie, and people aren't used to thinking and laughing at the same time. >> trevor: right, right. >> the way the movies are right now. and, so, yeah, i think people are seeing something new that should have been in cinema, already. >> trevor: it's a story that's fascinating, and you base it on a piece of your real life. for those who don't know, sorry to bother you, basically follows a story of a young man who gets a job as a telemarketer and he's trying to figure out how to make sales, and we saw in the clip there, you know, danny glover says to him, hey, man, you've
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got to practice your white voice. >> yeah. >> trevor: which is such a powerful moment because it talks to code switching and the idea of changing to make ends meet. >> the clip is edit so some of the summitalty is taking out. he says i don't know mean will smith white, i just mean white, that's proper. and the idea is there is no white voice, that all this stuff we're doing is a performance of some sort, and the mythical idea of the white voice is this one where there are no problems, where you've got your bills paid, you never get -- you never get fired, you just get laid off. >> trevor: right. >> that sort of a thing that is almost the opposite of the racist black -- the racist tropes of black folks which is that we're salve an and all our problems, our poverty comes from bad choices that we make. so the opposite of that is this mythical white voice that we sometimes have to put on in
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order to survive. >> trevor: i feel like you've never put on that voice as a person. like, you know, for those who don't know you, i mean, you are known in the oakland-san francisco community as a rapper, you wrote the story. it wasn't picked up for a long time. you believed in it, though, so you kept on pushing it, but you don't strike me tas kind of person who's ever said i'm going to blend into the world, i'm going to be what everyone wants me to be, and this movie is definitely not at as well. have you ever been in a place where you thought to yourself, let me just blend in and try to make the money the normal way? >> well -- no, but -- ( laughter ) i did do telemarketing and i had some version of the white voice, and it was in order to sell that, and what that is, over the phone, is a little different than the one that people have to do, like, in their corporate jobs, where people see that they are black but, hey, i'm talking
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in a way so that you know that i am not dangerous or something like that. but in the movie at the beginning and over the phone when i was doing telemarketing, it was i'm lying to you and i want you think that i'm white so that you will spend some money with me. >> trevor: right. >> and that's a testament to the racism that exists out there. >> trevor: a lot of the story is about mega corporations and these superbillionaires making so much mon request and their employees struggling just to make ends meet. >> exactly. it's funny because movies don't usually deal with that. they don't usually deal with the struggle that's happening. rebellion is edit out of the world we create with our movies. unless it's, like, 300 years from now in a world we can't relate to. but what's happening now is the product of us ignoring what's been going on for a long time. that's us living in the system. it comes from the economic system that we're under.
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and the film does deal with race, but it deals with race as it intersects with the economic system we're in. >> trevor: it's one of those films where, honestly, if i tried to describe it to smrks i would be doing it a disservice. all i say to anyone who will listen to me is go and watch this movie, you will not regret spending that cash. thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: "sorry to bother you" is in theaters now. i promise you'll love it. boots riley, everybody. we'll be right back ( cheers and applause ) ♪ still a chance here.
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it's willingham, edge of the box, willingham shoots... goooooooaaaaaaaallllllll! that...was...magic. willingham tucks it in and puts the championship to bed. sweet dreams, nighty night. as long as soccer players celebrate with a slide, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. pressure, what pressure? the players on the...
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show. stay tuned... "the opposition with jordan klepper" is coming up next. now here it is... your moment of zen. >> this is vladimir putin. cornerback g master trained in the dark arts. >> russians used their dark arts to interrupt demock sinchts this is a man trained in the dark arts.
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♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) [clears throat] hey, what's up? hey. any emails today?


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